The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 29, 1870, Image 2

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    M( F AiUA D, SMITH & Co
lioseo Block, TitiuvllIe,Pa.,
Merchant Tailors!
Fall and Winter Styles!
FOKElti.Y S All Eft I CAN
WIUi nqnallul ftv IHtloe fir making them p
U lue iiuot approved maimer. . .
Hatsa and Caps.
ftiik Harts Mnde to Order.
Perfect MatUlaetlen Alwaj-s
Petroleum Centre Daily Record
feu Ceuire, Tuesday Not. 20.
THAIXS UN O. (!. 4 A. K. It,
Oo and after Monday, Nov. 28HJ, 1S70,
rams win run as 10110 wb:
Kohth so. 6. Xrt. 3. xo. 1
Leave frvirm. 19 lil i u ft in -v
Leave Oil City. 7.00 A M. 2,55 p M. 7.50 P u
. . TV. .. . . ..
" Tltusv. 8,.-i0 4.25 9.12 "
Arrivs Corry, 10,00 " 5,57 10,3d '
ROrTFI. V(L 2 vn A v- A
leave Corry, 11,05 a m. G.10 am. 6.15 p m
11 I'll...... 1.1 . . , - m tip m ...
" P. Ceo. 1.27 " 8.19 8.42 "
Arrive O. Cily 2.10 " 9.02 9,20 '
" Irvioe. 4,50 11.40
J3f" No. 9 and S no on Sunday. '
-v. Hi. ia. ftn ii. Jin. jo. mo. v,
is OC. H.ISa.h. 10,5Sa4Y 6,30 a 8,10 I'M
Titus, 11,14 A.K. i(,40 1,43 " 9,a 0,10"
Ar. C'orI,l5 I'm.
No. 10. No. a No. 16. No. 14. No. 20.
l Or. l,Mr
iiTi,6.ooA.K win... :o.S5a.k. ii.u. 4.:rM
ArOCJO.KI ' lo.a2 " y nr. .. i no .i
Cil City and Petroleum Centre freijzhr, leaves Oil
m. Lmvm Petroleum Centre at 4,40 D m.. arrives
at (Ml it ri.oo r. im
No, 10 Is a tliroiH'h aecouuuodaMon, conuecta at
, mmy lur uat.iiiia rortn.
J' Ulrcet from Philndllila without, change.
isin-vi n i-annueipwa wiinntii ctmnge.
Wo. 6 Direct from Piltshiireb without change.
Ho 6-Pirect to Pltis-burgh without change.
Mouday, Nov. Si 1S70.-
Gold at 1 p. m., IU
Bio Stkieb on th Coi.ciibia Park.
Well No. 87, Columbia farip, was finished
yesterday and tubed and cased. Testing
eommeDced about dark last evening and
It la now ylddloa fully 8U oarrels uer dnv
The well is located about the centra of tho
farm J la 6G5 feet deep, aDd has 3 feet of
niri aana rocic. inn la tbe biggest strike
that bas occurred on tbe farm for a long
time. Tbe well la tbe property of tbe Col
nmbia Oil Co. of Pittaburgb.
This morning while Mr. Jacob PcQer. in
tbe employ of th- Columbia Oil Co., was
engaged in uiakjng gas connections trom tbe
sew well to I he big boiler, on that farm, an
explosion of gas occur rod, by which be waS
badly burned about tbe lico and arms, hut
fortunately inhaled no flame Inwardly. Tbe
point wbure he was at work I about thirty
feet Irom tbo boiler, and it is supposed -the
gas settled to the ground owing to the dense
atmosphere, and firs was communicated
from tbe furnace. . .
A friend bas handed us the following npi
Hph, which was recently copied by bim
from a torn!) atone In a New England grave
"We cant always have just, wb at we pleases
Little Johnnie s gone to Jesus."
Underneath tbo above Aome wicked wag
had written as follows:
"YoncnnU most always sometimes toll
Perhaps Llulo Johnnie's gone to h 1."
Mr. H. 11. Warner lias a;aia gone Into
tbe flour and teed lusiners, next door to
the old stand.. He will keep constantly on
hand a large supply, of Hour, ierd, ptaia
fcay, apples, potatoes, Ac, which he pro
poses to pell as cheap as they can bo boucht
I ;?evben llej'l hi advertisement in
uuHcr fe.'kumi; til (I give bjm a caij.
A "Wmii" Costi mb. An amusing story
is told by tbe Key. J. G. Wood In bis re
cently published "Natural History of Man,"
illustrative of. the power exorted by f.tsulon
even on snvau minds. It appears that an
English vessel reached an African port, a
large part of her caro consisting ofiron
wire, nearly the whole of which was oiig' t
by tbo natives and straightway disappeared
tbe crew being left to corj' cture what had
become ol it. But soon the solution of the
mystery was found , for the Ku.tir Mle ap
peared in a new and striking costume.
Soma ofthetii had visited towns inhabited
by Europeans, and there tad seen sntno
wire '"cages" hanging outside drapers shops,
and which tbey were told were the fashion
able attire of European ladies. This fact so
find theui to emulation that as soon as tbe
boat laden with wire appeared, they trnded
for the new crmmodity, went away and
mado "cages" such as they had seen, and
with them adotned their charms, not having
the slightest idea that anything but wire
was necessary to put them in lull European
We find the following notice in tbe Mead.
villi Kepublican of a late datu:
If this notice 'lionM reach one Mr. West
whose first name 1 do not know, but who is
supposed to reside somewhere in Crawford
county, and who was robbed of a sum of
money, at Pit Hole, in March, lSoC, bo will
Had Information to tbe recovery of tbe mon
ey, with fiv per cent, interest, by calling on
or addressing
U. V. McllASTEn.
Adamsviile, la.
Concerning the jircpeetivo connection of
Titusvilld with Tidiouto by railroad, the
Warren Mail states that the Now York Cen
tral Kailrond is negotiating for the purchase
of control of the Dunkirk and Warren Rail
road,, with a fair prospect of succeex. In
this event it will become no important
thoroughfare, giving tho Central sects) to
the oil regions directly and tdding largely
to its already heavy carrying trade. Ship
pers of oil would if course be benefited by
this competition for freight, and the public
generally who consume oil and coal wonli
be very likely to share in its advantages.
In connection with this is n movement
among capitalists for the cocstrustioa of a
railroad from Tidiouto to Titucville by way
of South West, resulting probably In the
construction of a connecting line between
Warren aud Tidioute on tho other Bide cf
the river, for. which tbere is already a good
We aro informed by a gentleman jut up
from Franklin, tha' the worthy citizens of
that city wero shocked this morning to find
at a poiot near the Street Commiiis;oner'i
residence, where the mi d In the road is sup
posed to be unfathonial je, a board rvpre
sentinga tombstone sticking up in the mud
on which wsb written the following inscrip
tion: "Sacred to the memory of Street
Commissioner , who miserably per
ished by drownUij?, while attempting to
cross, at a l ite hour last night." Whether
tbe remains were found or not our Inform
ant did not learn.
Much merriment was occasioned this fore
noon by tbo appearance of a boat where tbe
mud was tbe deepest, in which wai the fig
ure of a man. On the boat was painted
the lolloping: "Free ferry for taxable cit
izens." At the Court n&t In susuion at Franklin,
the following persons charged with selling
liquor without licenso, keeping bawdy
bouse, &C, received sentence:
Mcllie Robinson, $200 fine aad ten diys
Maggie Munger, 5150 flue and ten days
Mrs. Sargent, $155 fine and ten dave lei
prisonment. ' .
Julia Itico, $110 fine and ten days Iinpris
The Boston Herald tells the followinc
good one: "A little fellow was begging
for 'co!d vittola' at a housa at the South
End, exciting the intorcst of tbe vounar la
dies ia the family by his piteous storvof
waut ana destitution, end among other
questions put by these warm-bcarled and
svmiiathctio tnnnirera. nru nrt-M- na in i.:..
j , v,,i M iu uto
p.rents. "My father Is sick abed, and has
eeen lor many weeks,;' said the boy. "How
is your mother?" "I never bad a mo ber."
bo blubbered out. "Ah, how was that?''
be wai asked. "Wby my father came a
mean trick over one of mv aunts." was the
reply, acaompanied by a fresh flow of
Oil City is Infested wi th. pickpockets ant
thieves likewise fleas and ditto pigs. It
olfo has a Timrs which cant account for
things being to infernsl'y out of joint theror
aud by the looks of the paper it seems os
though the marngors hud become discourag
ed and lost all newspffper life. The Times
fsonoofthe dullest papers now printed In
the Oil He g'o?i Wake lip! JurucElcwn
J.iUot an;! Host Important
War flews.
London, Nov. 2S.
At the capitulation ol l.n l'ere 70 cm noli
of nil s..rid tell into tho hands id the Prus
sians. In reconnoitoring near Orleans, yesterday
tho Teutli I'nis.Maii Corps encountered the
Twentieth Fieuch C'urps, tieu. De Puleuims
An engagement occurred In which the
Fieucli I were driven from : strung po.iiliuu
at fj.iden and Mezies with serious 1 m.
The Fivjc i claim to havo won a great
victory ut Moreuil, twelve miles south of
Amiens, yesteidny.
The battle lasted till darkness interfer
ed. Tba German First Army Corps is alleged
U have been beaten and driveu back to
their entrenchments before Arnioin".
Tbe French amy of tbe north wti great
er in number, uud better armed.
Tbe losses aato given in tlioiieandJ. Tbe
Prussiau buss.irs rode down and cut to
pieces a regiment of marine Infantry,
Tbo Gcriuuu 1-jsses areB. vtie.
Tours, Nov. IS.
Th9 battle yesterday beiMetii Viller,i
and Silcux, near Amu-ts, Department of
Somtue, lasted nil day.
Tbe Frcnoh nttfntained their position ttl!
4:.'i'J j's:.'rJy p. in., .wbeu tbe town ut
Villeres was abandoned before the superior
forces aud artillery of the Prussians
They were subsequently beaten at Bolres
a few ttiiios west of Villeree. lut at Liny
maintained til e;r position till nigl.ifa:l.
Ten thousand Pruia:ts were engaged at
the Utter plbco.
. , ' Tours. Nov. 13.
A dispatch nnnouccos a Severn and gen
eral engaguiuenl in progress. Frach vic
tories aloni; tho Loire are claimed, and It
is reported that the Germans Lave been
routed, and are retiring
Later 11 a. m. News from francs
to-day Is meagre and unimportant. Figaro
implores the Freuch Uc-vemutcnt con
clude a peace, the fic.'euce of t'aris birig
Somscapegeaces in Pubuipip, or. rinnday
evening hung a dead rat ov.r the limb'of a
tree in such s. manner that they cuuld raise
or lower it at will. V.'lien peopla came
along (ro:n church tba ncwti loiil t.t
their f.ic-s. (sue chap let two fair stien
dan's, and bounded a.vay with a shriek,
leaving or.e fair young lady to fniot, and
the other yellin;; murder. ji
Th editor n the anrutmtiu'i i;ot one vote
iu S'trntoeja for judje. lie says: "Vi'hen
it is considered '.b it we not unk ma-ie no
personal effort on nnr own behnlf. b;t
tively refused to put a sini'-e dollar int the
contest, leavinii the matter, just V.ks "i..r-.ce
Greeley, to the free uutromm-lled choice of
tbe votor the strength ol our nine will be
apparent to all unbiased minds. Womluht
easily bve doulib-d tho vote' iu our favor
had we been willing to resort to those ap
pliances known to the professed folitician.
But we scorned to do so. Our and
uneuhornJ4 'constituency' b.23 our tbnnlis
for doing hit duty.''
We are not in the bnbit of alvartisin? a
person's business for nothing, but this being
for a purely benevolent ol j ct we insert free
of charge tbe fellow ing card from Mr. "Juph
Wanfed, fovf ral fust c'.vs yung men. wiih
miiEtash, to hang around the vestibules r.f
the different churches lu Amerii.y and slare
at the females cs tbey-jiess out. No young
men accepb-d who can't etaru the br-isj but
tous opb from a military coat &t tvreuty
paces. ' .
John II. Atkins and bis wile, Elizabeth,
wore divorced Indians fashion, at New Al
bany, the other day, and on getting their
documents began to talk pleasantly over
old limes, and were re-married before) the
adjournment of the court which bad unyok
ed them.
The following hymn is said to be popti lar
among certuia circles of colored society in
Wn's nearer to do Lord
Dan ds wfcito folks and dey knows
See d glory gate unbarred;
. Walk tip, darkeys, past de guard;
Bet a dollar be don't close it.
Walk upr darkeys, froo do gate;
Hark! 'do colored anaeU hnllnr,
Go away, wbito folk you's too late;
We's de winnin' color; wait
Till tbe truuipbet sounds to lollor.
Hallelujah! t'anks an' prasn;
Long caough we've borao our crosses
Now we's de superior race;
Vi e's gwino to bebben aforo do bosses!
Tho inrpi-st nscnrlr.ior.t rf Pii--i. ..! !
nooktns Stoves may bo found at Nichtdeiin I
& BUc'Amoc'j,, I
S. M. IcUmfJl fc Co., H7
l"rk four, New Yoik, and ;. P. rmvell ,t (J...
AJverii!ng Aueiit., oru the e.4o i eiit8 for t':e
li oleum Ceiitn; Dam.t l'.Kii an In i-Uy. A'!
veitisH In cily:e ixjiicnni U k-nvo tluir
I vera willri lllier ol lee tove homes
av. . Jit.'.siiJit'.'' a an.
Dealer in Ladies' Km nisliiii'i Goods. U:t
heus. Liters, Flers, Millinery Jeweiry,
Fancy Goods, Ao . .to., Washington Mreel,
I'etio'leuin O-'iilre, i'. unv26-lf.
Diaries f.,r 1S"1 lor aU at
nev2A-tf Niciiii.s()K 13 nun.
A Fpleudid assortment of Dui ies for 1871
Nicholson I'-u--
Cnll nnd look ut Kicholoou Bros. Diaries
Mr. Mather, of TitnsvilK the Pioneer
photi gi apt-er of the oil teutons, has cslab
liftud binpcri in this pine', wheie a cem
pelent ot-erator i" in charge, and prepared
le execute all kibus of work. Cuaites
Keeps c.instautlv on b-nd views of t!i
Oil Keions. I nige aud siu-ll views nial
tnrdrc:' iuy point desired l "ri mi
tier. novl3-lw.
Miflets Couh ilouvj, "( In town. Fur
rale at
(,HIKfH linos.
Miller's unrivalled Worm Confections,
warranu il at GaiPrx Ho.
Miller's Cainpbii Ice, the best In the
market, at (isiffm Bnoii.
Havine added to my lnre i-tork. I am
now ready to supi lt coch Whisky. J imni
e-t llii'n and all other iu-porttd toeds at
Nt-w 1 rX prices.
GilTeey has a Ur; lot of senlch ale and
London porter especially or family use, Lj
the oott.w or case
nn.?s Wiirmnltvl a:nl iirie,s tnlh-er than
f-ver otleved in Pt'troleuat Centre, nt
Gakpxfy s.
Nrw Srnc f-Tciif, - Mef.ts. Hoott,-i
Sargent id vr r. on or About the lirst of
lec mtier v noi.? st re, in the .New t'pera
tuvise 1 1 cif, i-prin tre?t. ,it!i7ille, t'j.
lies d-s heepin.T ' co.iHtantiT oti har.d every
de-rription of tr.'.i oral insirtunrnl J, tmisic
h.-M-k. the latest sheet music, dlrings. tun.
ing loiis, nnl in fuet everytiiinit perfninlpg
to 11, e rw:s'e trad-.", tfiey Hi-. Hire,, is for the
sale (.f the world renuv.ned l-teinwav.
Br.ull'urT," Kn-tbs nnd other pi.mcs. also
eabinet rjari'', mebuleor.?, Ac. Mr. Tootti
la bad a lirao ami vaiied ex
pericnee In the business, bi:vitv; htt-n
eonnec'e-l wi:h th? well ko.-'ii rr.i'.sicil
bouse of J. C Uu.l, n! Mi'a'vilie. fr a period
ol sevora! vea";'. Mr. r'-.irent i-; !:it i id ri s.
oP -Tt r.f this place, nnd bus but recnni'iy
removed t.i 'i'ltu-vi lo. Those havil; ile;i
i:h him will Am; him not only an upright
'lonnrat'lis nisin-'jis mafi. bi.t 1 ceul lem-in
1:1 every Hens of ir.e word. il o t'ik" rdnfis
ore ia r- eoniiiiendnu tM. n-w Oiti to oer
miis'enl fr iei.ila no-.l citiz- ns ciu rily
They will find il t'nei- n.dve.n t i.-n to nive
them a call tthoii vi!-i:!iiw 'i'itim ill.', or
comniuriic.ite with them when i.i want of
aiivlhing in l!w inu-ic.l line. U:nember
the place, No. 5, Open ilmne block,
UnnTl! ,t SAKIiEST.
Just received Iresh n.4 Oysters and shell
Cliiuis at L VouoVr's. sepl".
liny the "lied Hot" Saddle, manufactured
In T'tnsviil" expressly for the oil country
adapted to all kinds of weather, nt J. B,
Kruu's. a!2-tl
Now In th" time tn lay in a winter
supply or nam coai. t ndinjirm ,t (urn
well are the men to buy from. Jnn2.stt.
O.vs'-r and Clam Stews, those old fash
ioned one, at Voucher's.
A. 3. Smilh bus just remrned from the
East wiih 11 lar;;e Block of Shoes and the
latest styles cf Opera Voi L klies shoes.
J.udtea Cywivr Mulonn '.tJPi)
Up stairs aver Vouche.'s Rr jtaurant, Wasb
inytoii St.. IVtrolemu Centre, Pa. Ladies
are invited to call. Hept 2S.
Derrick St07s at
Nioiioi.son t Bl.AfKSIOS'a.
BIRDS. The best Sineinn ai d cheapest
Canary Birds in tbe oil regiuos aie to be
had at
uov7-tf. J. V. BEA.TTT'3.
fj, ' fJv- -fl
At Very Lo
Xtxt !:nr to tiie Old Sliusd;
K J us cn 1 il largo slock of
Ftosr, Cats-
HAY A.Ii Fci-,Si,
fii'l l is. , ,
C ovii Mtttl, Ct(. kiili. sii
llete.rc to UStiai I ! 1 ! msw ni. n. 1lst.11 ,
ti,e 6 ie h- li, lu larte quautitU,, bod0. a t J.
eivjuiuot qualo of
T!.nliiTtryrnmcrons Mends fir ih-'rTsvliK.
. Ml rtpt-irt It. the pKM, I bo. tliey win cowinu,
thoir lavora iu tny
On WaliinRton ft, l'stroleum Centre, l'.
Oil Vllll!iin-JJ.,
Thus iiroviiln-. for old r gc.
Acents, Frti'dln,ra.
M. TV IANF, S-'ptcUl Asnt. no2S-ly.
Masquerade Ball !
Sobsl's Opera, Hoitso !
Thnrodny Er'tfi Irc. lt.
IW J.Iaska and Dresses will
ho on exhibition at, tho Hall on
tbe day of the Hull.
Hew Firm, '
Mew oods.
M I'iSS K K 1ST I' A "I S.
The snlwrlher- have porcba?l ll-.eir,l:rc-il'ter
est of A. M. Mhulti In ti:e
Grocery and flaKrry
hostile, will b.'reifter cary on the bnlness
ai lie o!d s,:-1, aiii hope by fair eHaitii-; siet riel
ait Bltou to Wio wailts "ft Im pnhllc lo merit a fair
share of ;ji.rcony3. Wi- have on aud artf
coostantly KCtJ. inn a flift cims stock of
of sit kinds Foreign sad Domestic Fruits together
with our
Which Is contantl tnrt'lUN out fresh Preid, Flss,
and flau fakea tor wisldinits and partiM
ha ;ed in or.'.er. O-.r moito Is aiuall.pruliuaiid big Ct il ad sco t.j.
Krs.SER STttAItl).
joy. 10-tf W(. sh.'netun St., I'ettuleom iVntra.
Visit IuulL-ci-: riiotograpb
Rooms, v
Main Street, PetrolenmCeatre, and secure
tbe shadow "era the substance fades.
west Hates.
I'otto'cHin Ccnlre, Vy,, 0:1. 31-lt,