IftSfeEKTS' PJ3TRWLEUM TORPEDO. WINSOR BROS. COLUMN. TirUSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. M. S. SIMMONS COLUMN. TORPEDOES. THE ROBERTS PETROLEUM j;0RPE33 H3. ' Office as tlite AED PANINfl f!U, WWer of Pine jiri ; Jociuf: Slro-ii , IN-,t fio Vtallr.T.l,) whs to the largo and ltsi!-j demand for the Robert' Torpedoes, aud the bile desbion of the $10, $10, $10 WRSOR BROS. SIMMONS Knnmoratlug a few or the articles to b found at 51 CVS A L. 53L .5TEEKBTJRG,S vtmTnissioneroT ratonis n eeiustn to ,vni. iteet. a pateut. aud the decision of Jurto it. O. drier svj tuininij the ftobens' pitcut they hay i,0:.VK&9 tlw prico of their Torpedoes ' "TWBN riT,;PKR C3HT. t that entry Operator can sfibKt lo'try . C'et.di befora abandoning a Well. I hc following Is the decision rpmlpro bv 7 ,fl- Orier ou the twoutv-scrond (32) day of September. 18)?.). hi the lTniteri Krntm Cimiilt f i.:iA.ii ' phla. The cao was nnsned three dnys by Charles m. iveneroi new lorn, . r. i.nrm and H. A. Put Ylrtnce of Plttuhnrch. for ilpf.m,lii,.t.i TUrdlnx of Philadelphia, aud Ueorire II. Christ)-, of PHiabaich. for DlalutilT. . b ."!, oi OPINION OF JUDOS GitlER. As I write with difficulty I can only mate the con chistous to which my mind has come after a carelti x unlnatton of this case. ' The complainant hut exhtblted a patent dated S!itU of April, 1SU5. . Till is prima facie evidence of a good title, and pnta on tlie respondents the bar don of proir that the pateut is void or worthless. I neert not repeat my remarks in the case of Good year vs. Pay (2 W.kll, C. a Kelt; but now adopt them as aflur. ins a rule ol decision which ap plies cieeriy to the pteeont cue. As the i-ilVlaseiuene of the patent ! admitted, the ?nly qiwst ou will be a to the validity of cola plaltwtvft: ivit.i'jt of A"ri! 85,185.s. Icwnsaftar spec-J.ition' had been rednced to praotico," ard aPer uerjattsd experiments, tlut the eouipt ;.tu-.. t snceec-Jca It over-.wnbis-lie prejudice andigturrinof thtpropla on the s.iNjtt, and perwift.l'iS t'je public !h.u hi? iuvcution waaaa-ftih r.ftr a , iw' eat Wished Ugr:t utility and value, ant'. " v.iwi ho cn'a-i and patiet? pjrscvj -r.nce, in apusc tutor? aud jt-iuV were eorop.etoly-s.ic-ewf-.-ul, t':st l.etl, Tho bad before nude exrl ruti.i:s oc the .'iir'e sitb.iest, and was uns;icc:-l'ul, luu-.ii-f c that .is had the best rltfht to diciuvent'on! and jfr;r atrcbasifg one or more Complainant's 'o .'.!!. br.i-.ddoa the 1st .f Motromber, 1ST. for n ritr.nt for gnhatantlally the an-no combina-,-ia Ci t.-.vlcw aT.dma,'blnccont;'.!iicalncc!nbliu ant'a iiateut. On the 14th of tLe s.imo niou fa the nrHx-HUrcta An.r'dd themtelvua two a coaiinuy o-cciT-omtlou jailed "The Reed Tornido CnunanT " lorrts puipo of piratluii the complainant'i In veniti;n, ann 3t:3ponio2 tlw expenae or liti-ption and tras dfrnd tl.n of the fruits. They have per eye3u, evan Ht3r t.ie preliminary iLiuuclion ve-v properiy sran'ed by tlx, District jndae. I.bt i CMroe l entered forcoinplainant for a per pewa'. 'njnntnoa. and a Master appointed to take an acccunt areo ui to the pmyer of l he bill It O. SlUEH, Judge. KcT3.--n9 pawKise referred fo bv .Indsro Grier In his former dol.'on, 3 Wallace, p. 20!) adopted as. appllciixe to tils onse was as foil jvs: ' "It I: usailly tile sase, when any valuable discov. yry le vnsi'.le, or any new machine of creat uiliitv is lnrei'tcd, Uiht thea'.teutlon of the public has been tnraud to rlut Mibjei ptevionslr, aud that mai v pei-ions !;:iwe Iftsn ranking researches and cxpuri ments. IMlor'upiiers and meciianioinns ciav have in seme -aatjirre anticipated in iheir , cu"iat?0ns the ppsslM::t.y or (.r.jliaWlity of sueh d'acoverv or inve:rtiou; inany experlmants have been niiccatsftil W tiled, couin.s very near, yet railing eh.irt of the dircd iu;t. Th.'y have produced ootfiiui bene flcml. 'Ic mvemion wiioi, perfected may t'nlv be sid to be 'be "lioiuaiiny point or maiiv exner1 mcn s. u t only by the iuve'itor. out bv many otli ors. ij-jir.;! have pmilted indircrtlv by tlieiinnc-ee-sful sxourioisnts and lliiiuies of oiherj, but ii pivei; 0 em rw '.:!.t to claim a thnre of the hcuor or the pr."t of :b Mtceostmi tuveutor It is when tpocaifuinn'haa been reduc d to practice, wh?n cx pjriunint haKjrbnKed in discorerv and wher tl-t ' (I .covery has been perfected by patient anu contiii ned c:r eHuieiti, when some new compound art manufacture, nr maebine has besn tbu- prodaeed I wbicb is usefal o thopubilcthat (lie party niaiiiu" It boeo-ies s public benefactor ar.d entitled fo a pamt "And vol wlien scuius and pntknt pcreverou-e h.ive at I'custh succeeded, in sl:e of sneers sud Hcoft'i, ?onie yaltiiible invention or disco-eiv how seldom i3 ii lolloweil by reward I Envy robs him oi" the bonor, white speculators, swimliu.s, aud pi rates rob him of the pioiles. Every tmnnoce-sml xpeiinienter wuodidor did or did not come very near cv.kiux a discovery now claims It. Every ou who can Invent ac improvement or 7!irv its H,fn claims u right to pirate the original discover-;. We need not suunuon.4 Morse, or Clanciuiid. or''ood woitb to prove that this is the usual history of eve ry m-eat, discovery or invencio.i. '"i'lie present case aads enotlier chapter tr this lDn'.'andnnii'orinhUtoiy." i Wal)..co1 C. C fc f oris p. S&3. - CUUfiOJtf. Thepnblleis autbned si.imsi. emnlotlna an" ttt the regular!, authorized Agents of the Compir since the Koberts Patent cover the ueif the 'J orpedo and all explosive ninteiials for oil well', and the use of such materials by other parties is n diract ImVinement of their rights. Av.y parties in. Mngias any of tl.o KOBEItTS PATENTa will be dealt with accorcii:n.' to law, and as acting vllli'ully aid knowingly in defiance of law and the decisions it tlto Co arts The Coinp.iny hava re orynnlzcd their bu:t(!ss with a view to accoui modal e Oil Men In every part of the Oil licjion. They have employed the uiot elUclent Awuls and Sssl-hirts thai, cun bo iifjcitv-il tor the business. Each Toriwlo is labelled w'ih date af patents, tojetber with the price of the Tor-p- do, and signed by en officer of the Company, so every Operator wishing a Torpedo may know Its price unci whether it. came from our ofllcj. Opemtors will confer a favor by reporting to U-ls Office auy neiilhtence of Aatnts. The following named persons have been appoint ed Agents and Assistant Auents for the Oil it'ja'oiia of i'eunsyivauia and West Virginia. ZtlST Oy AGENTS. TITTSVIU.T?, CHURCH P.UN .-.XT) VICINT TY BTBPaiSS OuP. )ili;e, Ha.nilton's Cigar- rtoru, luiiAi-cso lLtusvuts, tra AShisuiut Jouu Van cciive.-. T1TOSVILLR, OHTJHOK RUN AND TICI-I-TY ii. a THOMAS. Offlce and address, Hun tion House. 'Uuisvi'le, Pn. HUAMHUBO AND VICINITY GEORGE Hi- TIM. umce, Knamuitrg; residenco, Tltasvillo, Pa. Assist ."it. A A. West. ENTSUPIIISE I'T.!,ASANT VILLI!, BEAT; FAItM ANII P1T1IOL.S W. GEO. . VAN V bitvi. umce snti auuici, unase House, Fleas On villo. Assistant, H. C IVuutinatou. TIDIOUT ANU VVK8T IllCKOltY CHAS. CLAUiv. Oillce nnd address, Exp ess Ofllco Tidl onte. Pa. As.-.isUnt, B. O Boardsley. PETKOLEU.U CB.NTHhi AKO VICINITY-I-EVI ilAfciON. Oflice and address, Petroleum Cen ire. Pa. Assistant. Charles Blackford. TAItlt AND HLOOD FAItMaaud District lying on Oil Creek and Cherry Kun, from Story rnrru to McOlintocltville JAiE8HADNl)UKH. Ad'lress 'I arr Farm, Pa. Assistants. Luther B. Kauuders. Charles K. Cochran and William llovt. MoCLINTOCKVlLLE, OIL CITY AND Rl NO A. H. WHT. Address, OH City or Keno, Pa Assistam. n. mean V aNkUN. ALONG THR ALLTOIIFNY PIV EH 7, WlLBRK- Orrlrvt and address, Frankllti.Pa BORPBO-ASH. PuSTEIt FAHM PA.iRll t'H LAN1HN A HICUAU1) W. RKDPIELD. Offlce niidn ldtiss Hcrubsrsns, I'a Assutant, K. W. Pop iftlle'd, address binleuton, I'o. W6T VliUlINlA O. D. ANOET and T. F. COOK Address. Parkersbum, VirKlliiu. atub.i'ts ftttrolpuiu 'Xorynio to. inay3-dly. - CV2T1I Ptfl'E ' Ti'.TJT'i-'i yCSfi Ik.' -"J U W'it-'l &y,D 1'. Large Ove r.. Hi a r g 3 O 'v en.. Call and we'll Show Call and we'll Sell it " Wit TSW DOILAKs ' A.t Ernes'. Great Hcduotion t m m M3& AY .XVJLJOJIO THE "PEESLESS " ' 13 STILL WHliort a Rivni In the Stove OTn.r&tr;. ' ryWe have reduced the price of this favori slove tan per cent., btlngUK 't within the nw;U of all. We have also on hand twent diffcicut tm-ie-ties of COOtiAtC S'l'OYESi To'which we 'nvite the sttention orpnichnsers. Our prices w'il be foar.d lower than eer. i.very s'.ove virrantcd. Call and sm as. . retlS-tu AtJAME&'s SAarDEHSOjSF'S WHOLESALE Has been removed to No. 20 Spt!ng St, .i. 5TJLL -SOSTa;3iiT Ci' T iiucrs and oigars wV. bt, Uept and a contintiance of patronage aoujht or. a eouiioi ittDio nua m vinous Hac bc&n fitted up ir vesT: of thoKtcre, where my nnmeroni fi lends and ac quaintances ate cordially Invited to spend thsir KcTsieinbcr in ihc AKknrsc: a House i:itilIi:is is vr.ero yon will Sia3 ei. gAniasjso. Titusville, Ptt., Oct. le, 18T0.' tl PETROLEUM WORKS IrcE and '3s m ImMws F02GERS, J .cufactnrora of ENGINFS, BOILERS, DRILLING TCOlfJ. MULLaY AND SASU SAW MILLS, PUMPING RIGS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND WHEEL IRONS, VLOWS. AND ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS NI FOR OIL WELLS, iO. Titusville, Nov k2Dlh,l&6&. if, The La-ge3t and Best Selected jstock of Goods in We2te.ru Pennsylvania,, aud sold at t"7 w o,rii7T?T:n:! 0? c:c.t for iledieind Parposrs.J mm, mwM- &u , ,-tT.iT a::o first class. IT att.Ja. ust-! :l t iiiii i '-. U i.ws'v 1 J.Ssi'eL;w and Erusli93s D1POHTED . -TOILET n rr1m1 PX tl VTwi (3 K, " iB apa Jry t tt I. L. i t uaW t TheEnest ansortmfitit tv?r bofore oiered od Oil Creei. .WALLPAPERS'- AMD WINDS" SHADES ! Unsurposnfifl for beauty antl originality oi' dcsigne, oueupnets aud durubiuty. Canary Birds. IHuusc PSantSs &e. THE CHOICEST BRANDS. ALL FINDS PATENT E3E5IC2HES. PRESCRIPTIONS ARE PUNCTUALLY COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS. car ice cool soda water fresh FROM THE FOUNTAIN, At SlUMOKiSJ. XW 0 re aw a call Friends mid p-.trou. rnn and all. Your .'.s.'al.V.in to n 1 lix" I rou'.d callj '..'inirs arc lull a.i v.ic re" !',;'.', j Eat lu Jisjc Hmej I'm locil.'j'Jr ''''"-,! To l'ac:a v 10 iire r'ps ,i!b:ut number, I scald ii:f;r-: this I' the to buy Lumber; My jc; o Is ti.is: ''i.ilcU Pales rd f r.;al: Troat," S-r b;:s!aerj h hu.i'Jiy nru I Ud .k ir.-.jb of It; ia ti"-.:ty my i'-vtnVr Is aicar i to none, And as rat 8b.-.ns I ' '-:.) "io 1 ; r'cnit rr.a? .-.ct lo. k at '.t in t'..e !iv . I do, i -! ";i il.o.se have a i:. :.Uy N.-. 2; .i .o ;'uvr4 who t.x p. .rl' ..'.. 3 tooo may be, I still :.av-' tr.o:itr v:a.!!; c -H'-1 - I i:.. c sc: xme Ltn ibcv. TArorsnl ? ntrt, '.,'Lic'.. I .'. !U 3v!l r.t 6 io.7 c:.!l. ;rU, fiuh as Floi'.Irj, r;".hjj aai o'.-i.. both Itonqb and I.,'-Et d, I-..:. 5.J. r., i.u r..tc- Latu'-cr, ail of the be-jt j I ;.lai have -:!:; Innb.T of J! '-lr'., . At priias io c-i.-ip.--i '.vita & a.ii ttjrl t'-9; A.i kiudi Ji "?trb:r kc; i. ca..,'...r -ty jh h-trtd, Ar.J a Uo.t of C'jirs of a vr.y jtod .-.-a' J; !.Ty.r-clii'.!i;s Tjr t''.;in su.ely -..illwut pumber talwai I.ecp goo.' tcsK-. to d. Ii-.v- g:cd Luatlnr; vo.i y.u u r.:t Lumber, 7!j -.h, ,'O.cjcd, "'cfi cr lir.ru, To:i w!:i 3t:C J l-'t w"jt ;:y.i want kt L i b'i l.um -Obi't-tj' 't"! t v"t2 j 7.1 j l ir .- l 'ufrrmtbc n'.as.ia J . - !i W 4r- Cm j J HAVE A :,ARG2 STOCK OF sSTce'si, Hoys ani! Ya-itJm. J Aipo. nn 'cnd!ess variety of ,1 VC SUN'S. CI'IL')U.CN'S & MtrtSl.S OPOP9, Gi lite bci.-t, lii.vt cannot fad to pe-o. Cnr stock Is n'.-w rnu s-i,,n, anu per tent, lowr than all I other d:;i!e-a. I Our ensum Jtiart.r.n.t I? pr aided ovar nr flrst class raeriie.nlo, whr is tiuoii.pjss d fur bis tils Irj bin: once r.nl ycu s?e cnr ccktomers. XoIfip, wlscve orsr Mr. re l;il it! it ill Nli-p.ei, ,Tli'l(! tint IMAtlJn'jr.A, 3 i'ctr'jU'iini t'encre, i'a. . Peptl4.tr. COAL YARD t I'JJTSiOffsErSI CKXTRE. PGTTElt & CO., QOealersin AittSiraci, EJliir.iiliuiiiis anil A',1 sizes or the eelcb :ibd PITTSTCN t AN TilHACiTKI COAL, the be t in luarktt rouetnutly no nana anu ior sale uy toe tou or cur loau. OFFICE AND YARD NEXT EAST OF STERNBURG & CO S LUMBER YARD. POTTEll JkCO., CORRY, PA Wholesale dealers ntid shlnners of all kfnds Anthracite Coiil. Deuleis sn)ijlcd in any qiiuntl 1 ry at short noti3e lo.ni.u tous o cmii in stuck U. I.. OIVIS Acut. Petrc'.eum Oontrc, Pa., P. 0. Jlox i4S. octlO-tf. 0EHE3A1 iAGF.!KiSTS nut Scalers In ail kinds of WEliLTOOtiS As 'FIXTURES Necessary i' r putting down and nf!(.r:tiu nil Vells. in connection with our AIACL INK biM' wo have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities for SI ANUKAC1UHING art no! cx celled by any Bhop in the Oil licgli t s Shop Main-8t,opposite Mct.'tiotor.lr "uiwe uiajar ; FISHES 4iNiU.iS STORE. ' ,::2T3ybiH3 .359. "V7ins3r Bros.' L'CVJ.'JLI. TKE, pAiEra ui ziu v; ellj ti) CASING 1 also,; v WORKflTG 1? VnR bLS t VALVES, sti-fh:;g 30X33, cl;. ..i'S, tongs, ;wni.-; suckeh rod.-?, p.r."K?no jo':nt slxkem rod ITCILER PUjjl'S. ::TF,i.; WELL PUMrS, Tlvery I.cSv. ipt.ou o suppHesfor t.Aw lT .jsWi LJ STAf.1 & 3A3 r iTTINGS .1 elu'tng, p;.c.::ng aud no3?' liDBUNGd, HARD W A. Tl 3, none Tf immings, Cnrpcn'.ore' Tools, Drillin; and Plain Laid Rope, CukiiiD, Nails, Axes, T& bio auJ Pocket CitUerr, A full as ..:iuicnt cf evct-thlnu In the llardwarff Luc. Ihmse VursSshlns GimmIs, AND Morning G-lor nisi' IE! e:m:ics. no.ME COMPANION. IRON GATE, andj WHEAT SHEA? Ctaok Stoves, ruuij, lantern & Cliimneyj JVo. 1 Winter itrniiiPd Lard Ollf , SO. 1 RE FIXED OIL. ( .IAJircOA CLOTHES WMXCER JIanufacl'urcrs of TIN. SEET HON COPPIB WARE. SMOKE STACKS, Steam ami Gas rittin? rarrbns!,-? v-'tb tash only, ottr facing ,,i..r i?i-evvryfhBi m out we H , r est,! KliutWtf in Ui 0.1 l.3i II ist niiss. T.N AND REPAIR SttCP ThanalnR ottr friends J'''f, 'JJin?,', 'to' In U.e past, we shall use O'X D"31 jfffill 1 ill wQtlnnanc.