JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. Haste! Haste! Maste! TO THE Jamestown Clothing Store, Where yoa will find the largest btoek of READY-MADE CLOTHING and Custom Clothing ' on Oil Creek, and at prices to defy competition. Bats, Caps, Under Clothing AT THE LOWEST KATES. GLOVES, CUFFS, and all kinds of Goods in our lino JLt the Lowest Cash Hates. on tf. JOHN J. CARTER & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. TITUSYILLE. 01 Sole Ageut3 for the Sale of . SMITH'S PATENT Perforated Buckskin Undergarments FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TITUSYILLE. ?A. THE GUT! AT PRESERVER of HEALTH A S a pre the from sudden eal f ucuity, lon, or too JIL .J. CARTER OPPOSITE CORINTHIAN II ALL, ootZ-l y. PbTROi.Ki M Ckxtiik. Pa., Washington St., Dear Ucchctler House. ft M. OreonthaM s Jnit returned from Now Toik W'ltrm lsrrnnanonnivnl of Kail and Winter Clolti lug and geula'i'Undfthli.g Goods, Hats and Caps, TRUNK?, VALISES, AX1 TKAVELIA'O HAGS, 11cf tlii Htfuts'jlos, which will ho sold at lit a v1!? low price, to which I rcs(eetriilly invite the rni-iunn ol 1'niuUum C'eutre to call and rumliw ' ; lork. ac-iT-tr m. i;ee;;thal. m 43 V-M-'IS I?lbWS Gents' Shirt I. A .If TIE KM At AI.OF..1. CARTER k C . 5 Smith's Patent Perforated BUCKSKIN I'OR , 3DADIES AND CrEHTEEMEri - erver ef health; a promoter of comfort to ;ck and Well; a prevental Irn nnd euro ot many die ciiied ty Colds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Sore Throat. Lung disease, it is iiusnrpp.'d by any ever offered to the public. It is durable, and, there fore, a cheap garnwnt; Ifc is liuht. and yet keeps Hie body warm, without the aid ol a heavy uvercout; it is a Garment ol honest mrit, and will be appreciated by every one who properly appreciates the importance of k -eping th body in n even dnitri'H of warmth and ctnl s. Kinoniniended hy the entire MedU anu guaranteed to give parted oatilac- ureuey will bo relundcd. TRICE?: $i. Ladies' Shirt $5 Drawer! C. ' Drawers Vests i " Vests Ladies Viclorlno $2. & CO., Wot Spring at, TITIT-VII4I,E, PA. ISHAM & C0, t!cfjtrc-st., 8I C'iiy. 03 o k ft in NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES, OF Watte aiift Jewelry, P ( American, Ene hi'. ad SwIm niakv.) Sterimij Silver Vars, F-ilver Plated ware, f n!l frjiitrs. iini'in-" d, slirn In MI VliH, epecia I) ilupltal toi jircjfiits sen. in coi.n chains, Jkv M,hY, I'ISTitl.s, HKVOl.VPIifl. I'lSllFNCI TAfKin, SK.VI. ItlMIS c, e. Piirlirnlsr a1iintion given o rcjiair tug lino wnlchi'S and jtwolry bj a coinpt-ifnt werkmn. 'l'h - firm tiave also a store nt TI Ti:sII,t,K, Spring slreot. HEAIEMI5EH THK lTACT. fVntre Mtr-et. nrx: l"nr v-l of the CD s- 4 1 .to A. Telegraph Oilice, Ud C'ilj-, fa ! 1 IDXJlL 0 1ST IDS Lost 15y a urn nil boy residing on (hp Egbert farm, a purse containing four !?3 bills. Tho purse was lort at somo point In the town. The finder w'll b rewsrded by jwavinij the tume a tit is 'jfice- Co C;t -mi, nst. a useless. Oki'Ick ok 5 PGtROI.KUM CKNTRK VM.T RKrnnD November 2fi. 1S70. The market was stionft nnd netivo to-day. The ollering price wis 3,25 ft-r regardless anil $,1.3.n.'i,4ft fur gravity. Theeuleswerc 251)0 bids in throe bits lit $3.25. New i'otk, Nov.' 23. Crude, 12. Refined 22. Nov. Market Dull. Fliiladolpnia, Nov. 20. Crude lV-jL bbls. P L. S. to V 22. S. W. 23 Market Weak. Pittsburg, Nov. 2C. Spot a Rellned 20 Market-Quiet. l.ivKiiroot,. Nov. 2512 p. m. UeGned 17;4'. Spirit? 9. Axrwurtr; Nov. 2J 3p. m. Crude No market. HUM) 1.N NC YUltK. Nsiv 1'ouk, Nov. 26. Gold- lllj-a. i will i iywwmawummiiCTwy )vl:io Service. METHOniHT EPISCOPAL CHURCH !ervici s every Snbbutu at 11 A. M. na 4, P. M. Sabbath School at 12a' P. i. eTils l'rne. A cordial invitation extend ed to nil. Rr.v. r. V. Scof:i:m, Pastor. PRFSBYTERI.VN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 Vclocx P. W. D. rATTON. Pastor. 5 O Petroleum Centre Jjfldgc, Xo 715, I. O. f O. F. Regular meeting Die ti Is Fridoy, at 7 o'clock. Signed. A 11. J. AT WELL, a. U. A. Glens', A. Sec'y. Petroleum Exchange llatH CHANGED i!A.M)ji. FRESH h.-i ALL THE OYSTERS ! hi'A LUXURIES Received gT? . OF THE DAILY! -itCin SEASON Petroleum CVntn I'a., next door to -JV.umi Dry Cood'i Stnrp TJfiv r.nanlprf oorommndMcd. M served nt hour?. Ovsivra. und every tc ijtlou (iume uriiiit'd suc-tj. f Nnp:t:imiU l o prrd tn nrcitminnJatetlioiC wno uvor us witn tucir ystni'!v.-. . Al.Fs'.r.DMYEKS. Petroleum Centre, Aupist, 22t 'H) Xi. r-fu;t! 'I'ltn nTidpraineil tivirL1 litto1 no 11 flrtw sorc on I tVAsm.,'r(ii?f A; Nt;t'(xo sts., IVtrolenm Centre, Is nm nrcp-'reil tn funiili" Vis cntoniers with cv- ervthing in tha linnae luililiiug lino. Stoi-saiit'.l Tin ware, Jiiuttorn!), Fancy Ai tSoIes. jtij-'U, sro!ert r.iul .;3?j;aiugel Ware. Alo a. Iiartr stork of I!rns .V Iron Fl'ltSas HUM. l'lST-'N AND HEMP 1'ArKINO. TACS lXATHKIt, oic.; THE rilAMI'lDN ANU NOVELTY (M.OTtlES WKINOKttS, WATEH rimi.Ettl ornll S17.ES. All Job Work promptly atten (led to with neatness and dis patch. I'ariicular attention paid to Gas and Steam Fitting, have ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Kegion for cutting Gas Pipe. James rutherford. Jiv3 ism, it H. C. Jarvis, Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALTAY8 ON HAND. LOOKINO OL.!"i!:S In urc.V variety. Looking lllsi I'Jstcs rcpiact-d in old Frames. Picture Frames Kiado JrtortJor Carpi-ts, ?J1 Cliiths, Wal Pajser, VhiIow Miades A FINE STOCK. ODERTAKI'C, COFFINS of u!l sizes on han-.l ar.d trimmed to order on short notice. SASH BLINDS AND DOORS No. !!' VVASS1IN'. TtCS-S Petrotcmn 0.-niri, tiopt iStl.i tfs. WAliti i'Al'iUI nt Gr.rrFES Rf.ns. The place to get yur llouts Hiid.Mioes is at l'f.'.ce t. J iU-t:', Vain tnet. Soffman Elected? M 11111 i JRUGS, pure aod of the finest quality. MEDICINES All the genuine Patent and other Medicines IjERt'UMERY Tho richest nnd mot 1. fragrant Nermun, Frctich and 'Ameri can Peilumuriis. rpOILKT ARTICLE? such hs Brushes. JL Combs. Lotkiiu Glasses, Powders, Noil and Tooth Brushes, &. m yALL PAPER We invito inspection fi' mi r vimv larc assortment d Wail Papers and Window s-pude. AM I' CIIIMNIE3 of pure Hint glass. riNE:3 AND LIQUORS Pure nnd tin ' ' adulterated, fur medicinal purpose fnGH Thrro is no n'.oek in town timt cqiia!? the brands of Cigars aad To baccos sold by us. PRESCRII'TIONSThp l'recr:ption De- puriment is conducted by an experi- enced Druggist and particular retention is given to I tie carelul conipounuinrj ci rre scriptions. JSF"A11 the above nrticles and many more too numerous to mention you will find at if) VnsiiiiiSlon street. retrol.uiii Contre, I'a , Nov. 11 tf. Pacts are Facts AND IT IS A FACT TIIAT Christie's 3TE"Wj At tift Cornrr of Yl's&liiBS. ti!5 & 1st JStU I'iS, rina tbo largest and best selected slock of Chemicals, rerfuvneries, TOILET ARTICLES, &C, NOW DISPLAYED ON OIL CHEEK. PATEXT 3IS2C2S. JUST RECFIVEDIN LARGE QUANTI TIES Vllil FROM' THE MANUFAC TURES. Wmes & Ijiquors Of I'ao pnrcst brnnds on.l frod from a.li'.Ucj-a'.'on. The largest s'.irltnf w.r.iee ' nMi.'s i-'..r i-grrl fo liio ::tit'.. .-f '"' I - v 1 OWLN GAFKNEY'S COLUMN'. Ins Old s:starl!seo .ornouse K0. 23 YASHlKSTOaf STREET, OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R.- -Or fssl - - V -or- Lj J LIQUOBS ! THE HEAVIEST r.YrU OT t'JSRED FOP. - SALE ON OIL Cl.EK. Prices Siower THAN EVER Of FEEED ' Goocl Sold at New York Prices, and WARRANT-" SI PURS ! ON AIL GOODS. iy for Casb, AND i' AVB MONEY. ITeaneesey'r?iCidy, Martelle Urandy, Uhir.c Wino, lrnr.im Wine, Brocton Wine, Spailliujr Catawta Wine, IlainmordsporS Wine, All by the case. ALWAYS ON HAND A LAEfiS STO OF Sr V I i "V M 11 1 1 O BE riAD AT ALLTlXJEA Do rot. Aiii ft crll, tnid if you wari' U l,-.rr i 1 . ibre ordering elsewhere. v owes g'af?".""; ;:' . e"v"iwin c: rt'-J'S , Auy.t s: