JESS i i i i JIcFAIt LAD, SMITH & Co. l9 Block,,Piv., Merchant Tailors f Fall and Winter Styles! ItmEIUV & AMERICAN Coaling., Tcsthlgs, CtOTHS and UASSIMERES, VfKklrmlM tvBIOea for maklnc Own ay toa mart approTca BMouaa. Hate and Caps. Ilk Baft adt to Order. Perfect KatLfaetlon Always Guaranteed. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. ret. Centre. 8 at a r day Nor. 3G ARHIV.tX AND AEPARTtRG OF TRAINS ON O. O. & A. It. ft. On and after Jlooday, Nor. 23tb, 1870. IraiRi will run ai follows: WORTH JIO. 3. KO. XO. 1. leave Irvine. 12,01 p m. 5.10 p u keve Oil City T,00 a U. 2.65 p m. 7.50 p x Pet.Cen7.40 3,39 " 8,30" ' 41 Titiiiv. 8.30 4,25 9,12 Arrive Corry, 10,00 6,57 ' 10,33 OVTII. KO. 2. vo. 4. vn. (S. Leave Corry, 11,05 a i.-6,I0 a M. 6,15 p m Ttttisv. iz,40 p m. 7.S5 7.52 " " P. Ceo. 1.27 8.19 ' 8.42 " Arrive O. City 2,10 9,02 9,20 " " Irvine. 4,50 " 11.40 ' iJJNo. 0'and 6 no on Sunday. PBEIQHT TRAINS KOItTU. ?o. 1. , No. 18. No. It. No. W No. S M OU, V.1S A.OT. Jl, 14A.B. 10,A.iI. K.30.1JI J,10 rM a,i.viv,iu r k. 4,40 TltUB, 11,14 A..a,40 " 1,45 " , 6,10" Ar. C'ori,16 m. freight trains sonm No. 10. No. 8. No. 18. NJ. 14. "o. 20. mii.o.oua.k .3iu . :0 35a.h. 11,14 ah. 4.:mi'ii ArOClO,! 10,31 1,85 " 2,C5 ' T OO Oil Cttjr md Petrolram Centre freight, leaves Oil T 'V P- " . arrives t 1'etrolenm Centre ,fl p. "vw Petrolenm Centre lit 4,40 p m arrives 7 V,W . III. 1. it. 8. 4. & anil A MnrMi No, 18 if a Uirouirh accommodation, conuocts at v ior nasi ana Iortn. CaVKB PALACI SlKEriSO CAM. Wrcet from Phlladnloliia itbont change. Mo. 8 Direct to Philadelphia without clianire. go. 6 Direct from without change. . " w viiou ui nuiu mm Hununi CMDiHI. New Music Storr. --Messrs. Booth A Sargent will open on or about the first of December a music store, tn the New Opera nonce block, Sprlivr Street, Titusville, Pa, Besides keeping constantly on hand every description of musical instruments, musio books, the latest sheet music, strings', tun ing forks, and in fact everything pertaining to the music trade, they aro ngents for the salo of the world renowned Steiuway, Bradbury, Knaba and other piano?, alto cabinet orgaus, melodeons, Ac. .Mr. Booth has had a large and varied ex perience In the business, having been connected with tho well known musical house of J. C Hull, ot Meadville, for a period of several years. Sir. Sargent is an old res ident of this plaee, and has but recently removed to Titusville. Those having deal with him will find him not only an upright honorable business man, but a gentleman in every sense ot tho word. Wo lake pleas ure In recommending the new firm to cur musical friends and citizens generally. They will find it to their advantage to give them a call when vistliug Titusville, or communicate with them when in want of the musical lino. Remember the place, No. 5, Opera House block. BfRSLARY AT Pkt. Cextkk. The Re cord of Tuesday evening says that the news reotn ol Nicholson tiros.. !u tbat town, was entered by burglais on Monday night, and several gold pens and $10 In money was taken. The entrance was effected by pry ing open a wiudow in the rear of tbu pos t omce. un Tuesday nigut Jerome Akin a building was broken open nt tbat place and a complete set of town necessary to conduct afarohaok euccessfullv, was taken out: The latter theft was rather a peculiar one, but we presume the town will not suffer from tbn loss, as there ate plouty left yet Titusvillu Courier. If tho supply of tools Is net sufficient, tbey can easily be procured from the deal eri who run the half dozen, and may be more, faro banks thai exist in Titusville. Strange that the Courier mm has not found that out. Monday, Nov. Si, 1870. Gold at 1 p. m., Mine host Washington Aldeo, tho popu Jao landlord of the Plumer House, at I'lum r, is one ot those good natured jolly lellows tbnt is seldom met with, and withal appre ' elates a jake even If it is charged to the Great American Tea Company. Day before yesterday be caught a Tartar" but "laid him out" afterwards. During the foienoon of tbat day a seedy looking Individual from Butler county "put in an appearance" at the bar of the hotel and called for a glate of wina whio!- was furnished. Stranger (tilled a large sized glast, swallowed it at one gulp, deposited live cents oa tho coun ter, and took-a seat by the tire remarking tbat it wasa cold day. T be five cent joke for arty cents worth ot wine was good, but Mr. A. determined to "see him on tbat and po one better," and In a short timo invited Butlor to take a "nip," in the meantime substituting whiskey for wine, filling a good sized tumbler, iwhich stranger got outside of lu one swallow, smacked bis lips, remarked en the tzcellent quality ol the wine and again sat down by tho fire. After a short time Mr. A. proposed, as tho weather was cold and droary, to imbibe, this time filling a large soda water glass with whiskey which Itwsjrangor swallowed witheut uotioing the 01 Mto and sat down by the lire. In a short time the wbitkoy began to work, stranger remarked tbat the wine niado him feel sick, and be gratly slid from his chair, was- tak en in charge by the host lor, deposited on a pile of straw In the barn, and '-laid like a w irrtor taking bis rest," with tlio fumes of whiskey-wine and a pile of straw all round him. Il ir presumed that the Butler coun ty man will nut tlrink any taor wiue for soma time. And that's the w r "taught tartw'' Mil ' la'd Uai out." ' House not to be Memovod. Plcmsb, Pa., Nov. 23, 1S70 Editors Daily Record: Who knows so much more about our bus. inets tban'ourselves? The Chase House will not be removed to OH City, cor will it be taken down at all, or removed anywhere e lie; uor will it he closed on the 1st of Junnury. Since the Cbase IIouso was at I'lea(int- viile, it has paid us well as on iuvesttneot bi tter far, than at Pithole City, and bet ter far than property in fur more pretca. tious places ut the time. rntTKER Bros. 1 Hts Torrnoon wbiie some laeurers were engaged in laying a pipe line on the side bill of the McCtay fatm, tbey had occasion to dig up a large stump that was in the way Tbey bad dug it up and were rolling it to one side, when it started down bill and brought up against the side of tho tank at the Mt. Mortah well, breaking a bole In it by which about thirty barrels of oil ran out and was losi By to the time table at the head of the paper it will be seen that on and af ter Monday next the time of running trains oo the O. C. & A. R R. will be changed. We Sure received from the publisher,' Samuel R. Wells, the "Illustrated Anunal of Phrenology and Phisiognomy," for 1871. It ia full of interesting matter' relating to these subjects, and is worth more than double its price, 25cts. AiMrepi tl.epnb- lieber, S. ti. Wi'118, iSii'J ISi'ouUvy.iy, iN. Owing to the large increase in bis busi ness Mr. James Rutherford bas been com pelled to build an addition to his hardware store, on Washington streot, and proposes to put in an ad litlonal elock of hardware and houo furnishing good. Givobim a call and examine bis priors and slock. A young man, named John Mai.sbal, son of a farmer living near Parker's Lamiing, tras-robbed of $1C5 in' money at a hotel in Franklin on Tuesday night list. Pussongers on the Oil Creek Railroad assisted Mm to reach Ridewoy where bis brother re sides. A son of Mr. Wm. llollitt, uf Corry, bilo at play Monday morning ' threw n stick which came In Contact with the eye of bis little brother, destroying tho slht in stantly. Ice firm enough to statu Corry on Monday m-jrnin. upon formed in A bilious correspondent of a western New Vork paper pronounces Tldioute tho cham pion town of the union "for disgusting Jiltli inaM of streets, walks, by-ways und vacant lots." A writer in the Boston .Daily New3 says of Wendell Phillips: "He seems as though God bad quarried a crystallite Mock from the jspor, waila of New Jerusalem." In other wo;,.- Wendett Is a eelcatUI briCaV. Latest and Most Isuportnnt War News. London, Nov. 25. The Times Intimate Ihut Huwia will be firui without closing the door to nego tiations, an Attitude England will imi tate. The Times bIso ys 'there nro JJOO.OW) Germans ta tho valley of tho Loire. Prussian dragoons on Wednesday enter ed 3 1. Q ientiuo for the purpose of stop ping a railroad train, but tiioir attempt wjb defeated by the French. By btllcon a complete file, of Paris papers to tho ZSth has been received. . Lo Temps gives details concerning the quantity of provisions in tl.e city. In two diys moro tho beef aud million wjl bo ex hausted. There is very little salt moat. Dried fish suQicictit lor two days. There is fivo mouths supply of choco late. Rioo lesj abundant. Oil is becoming scarce. Suar, coSVe end wine will lust long enough. Tho material for broad ou hand will ctr.-y the cupply into January. Horse flesh will last tv,,o uioulbs long er. The eituation on tho wholo is pronounced good. Tho cho Du Nord this evening believes that, a pitched battle is going on to-day near Amiens. Tho .JoJIo Beige has a letter dited Nevuvllle 24tb, repotting an W'sogeir.eut Wednesday near M.-izeres, in which the Gsruians were defeated and suT. red heavy loss. ' An American steamship for Havre was convoyed by Frescti frigates. Her caro consists o!;!S,000.000 cartridges, 10,000 breech-loadinit muskets, a large number ol carbines ayid pUtoU. and 52 cannon. These munitions ere intended for the equipment ot the Army of the Loire, whosit movements it is said, have been delayed by their arriv al. v Tourc, l-ov.'2.r. Heavy cannonading has baen henrd ut Orleans all day to-day and jesierday in the direction cf Artlienuy, vrbera an im portant engagement bai dj'ibi'ess occur red. A retort sivi tbo eoiraitement fuvorablo So th I':eno. s. M. PrtltiilM As Co., T lik Pow, Now York, m a Ooo. P. Howell Co. Ailverltilng Age!it, am tlio note stjMits for the Td, trott-iim i'enlrn Pn.r KETonD In mat eiiy. vrrtiwrs In tl at tlty arc teqwrted to leave their fa vrs wttli f Itber of tne nliovc homes Diaries tr 1871 for sale at Nicholson Bros. A splendid assortment of Diaries for 1871 Nrclioi.sotf Bites.- at Cnll and look at Nicholson Bros. Diaries for 1ST I. Ur. Mut'ier. of Titusville, the Pioneer lii,tr.iiini!,ei ot tho oil reuions, hasrstab- lisht d 11 liinncti in this place, where a com- iiMicnt orerutor is 111 Chaitfe, ana preparea te execute uil kinds Of work. Charges rnniisbie. Keeps constantly on hand tlewitof the (lil Kezioii". I, urge and small views made lomdirof any 1 uint desired at short no lic,, noviy-iw. Millers (Joiigh Honey, best in tuwn. Vl PHle at Omptks Bros. Miller's unrivalled warranted ut Worm Con teetlonfj Miller's Cjtiipho' market, at Ice, the best In the Urii-vr Bros. uuvl9-lm. Having added lo my large stork. I am now ready tn supply icoteb Whisky, Jam! c Hum and nil other Imported geoiis New York prices. tin-12 if- Owrx Gapfnrt. A Jlmimsu Matc:i A iniupiiig match, between two .women and a mua was con tested in siott Haven. At tho appointed hour Miss Anna .ioio and M .-s Catiiarii.e Dubois came upon t h'i : round and were loudly cheered. They were dies ed in kilts and tights, ond woro flipp-rs with bei li. There hair wascio:ely tied, and they wore tight fitting sou:l taps. D.ivo Mathews, who wja to CJi.jpeto with the:n, was simi larly attired. The ma:cli was for Si 50 a side, beBt two jumps out of three. At the signal, the trio took tneir positions. Hirs Moore .led off witu a ruu of Iroin (oity to til'ly feet. Miss Dubois followed, nn l then Mathews came flying to ttioscretcb and made the last jump. The distance each jumped having been carefully measured, the cond and third jumps were made. The score was as follows: In. Ft, FIRT JCKP. Miss Moore 10 ? Mis Dubois 10 9 Mr Mathews 10 9 SECOND JLSI? M 11s Moore 10 10! Mis? Dubois Mr Mnt own TIIIIlII JUMP Miss Moore Mis Dutiois Mr Matcews Ft. In 10 9 11 0i 11 Jl 10 9 Miss Moore was declared the winner. Forty-seven billiard rooms, bowline al leys, drinking jaioons, and the like conln- nuto to make Corry a moral c.ty, t'r which privileiie the city councils decide that eaifr institution of the cuuractur must put $19 into the public crtb. A few missionaries would undoubtedly find a rich Hold of labor ia that, moral (!v city. Tho Forest It 'public in has the tallowing complimentary notice of a well known citi zen of this place: N. B. Smilny, Esq., of Petroleum Centre, formerly connected with tho Venango Citizen, favored lis with a call on Saturdiy cveninj. lie is practising law at tiia r.n. tre, and has ud'qited as his motto: "Let ustico bn dono though the Heavens fall." A Milwaukee lunatic rusbud into a ohurch on a recent Sunday, airily uttired In one boot and neck tie, and familiarly seized the pastor by the throat. Some of the floek re- kenU;d the rudeness and rescued the rever. end man. f The Superior Court has Uecldud, Inft case before it, at Cincinnati, tbat a wife may sue, precisely as a bfwband doee, for dam ages Iroin any parly attempting te deprive Oer of tho comfort and enjoyment of ber husband's society. Tally one for tbe wo man's rights cause. In Now York, tho other night a wotrfsir was found dead In bed, wbilo ber husband was strotchod on a sofa lo tbelsame fooin, dead drunk. C, itrney bits a Urge lot of rcotch ! and f.i'iido'i porter epeciall or femilj.use, by the bottle or case Goods warranted and prics lower than ever offered la Petroleum Cool-e, at Gaffnbt'0. WAl L. P.trEtl at Gmrrr.i Broh. Universal, Monitor and Sherman Wring ers, at Nicholson t Biackmon s. lare for 1871 at GmrpEi Bsos. Vre defv Co-nptitlon in Buck skin Gloves! We knuw what we say when wo assert that we can and ds sftlt the best of Buck skin Gloves cheaper ihan any other phico in town. LAMMERS tt ALDEN, ORIENTAL nOT BLAST t PARLOR STOVES; are In such ureal demand that Nicbolso.i A Biackmon cuunol supply the home trade. ocSil. 7K'ra. Just resolved fresh tub Oysters and shell Clams at u uuchers. sepu. Buv the "Red Hot" Saddle, manufactured in Titusville expressly for the oil country adapted1 to all kind ut wet'tier, at J. tk Krona. af2-tf Now Is the best timo to Itv In a winter supply of hnrd coal. Codinuton A lrn well are the men to buy from. June2dtt. WALL. PAP U at Gntpr; Bros. Oysters by tbe quart at voucner . All styles light harness, ciicaper than the cheapest, made rrom nlutrat s oak stock, and warranted, at J. R. Kon's. Call and see the extenslou top Dictator with reservoir, at Nicbolsen k Blackmon's, agents for the same. WALL. PAPKH at Gatrrits Bros. Tbe largest assortment of Parlor and Cooking Stoves may be found at Nicholson & Blackmon's. Lad Ire Ovacer Saloon Cp stairs over Voucher's Restaurant. Wash- logton St.. Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ladies are invited to call. ten; 28. Oyster and Clam Stews, those old fash ioned oties, at Voucher's. A. 3. Smith bas just returned from the East witb a large stock of 3!oes and the latest styles of Opera Toe Lud les shoes. ecio-lf. Just received a large and well assorted stock of shelf hardware at J. Rutherford's. tf. ii. ' CODINGTON FURNISH ALL At Very Lo C-AXL, AT3D SEE OLp S Po'.rolonm Centre, Pa., Oa. Sl-tf. "RAND Masquerade JHXDat Sobel's Opera Ho Thursday Ef, Dec u W Masks .mwlDresga,, boon exhibitioiiattEeim tbe day of the Pall Mew Firm. New Goods Oroorry andOikert ..J.'i1. J,rn,',? "t th J . ii, .i.ii .v mo wain,. ut i, Mini,.,." ' ooia-Uttiix rretnlns a flncaniSJlJ ' GROCEUIL-SAPKOTISlo IBAKEEY Which t. constantly tar: logout ttr Eri 'aired to iinlt-r. Our nin.w Is iiuali lintel triuia. t.u ana see ns. rov. Wsshtantflii !l, I'ttrolnmtki MASK & AltnsTiM Snceessori to II. H. Warnir, WHOLESALE A.VD RETAIl Flour & Peey jvLercnants. 'PUS haiiiif! touz'ittbe olditri X 11 II. Wan ar, inland i-minnce Ihe la. nod will m co alwuvt always on h n il t'n kt-i j mnrnei nil..ri!.. w a alll to a W lll.'LKSAUi, kc i .u iiiiuc ia lua iuiiuv,inr jircuuct-: FJL.OFK, JIAYnndGll of all kim'i. We ai.o hsTC a ve: Urjt ru 15?" APPLE.8. W Invite a sl aro of ruM's nitr ?. K coii!ldni wee-Mi s: miistaciioa iu 'Jiininj in 'OOUS. Ktiolcam Ccnt'c, Pa., Nut. I). IcTU.-if. IL. Leggett, Manufacturer and DmIcHd Seed Bags, Vn1 vo CimStiS; ..... j ' t.JI a-dFll ofHlI kiuiikeiitc)nstaDtlTonbMU.c FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE bl.NULr., on hand at reasonable ratoS. P. C. Hcliiz': Pat. Seed-BMC i nr state FANCY AND nORSR tRbAKKTB a U T iiiTAu'i'iri'. -i - - There Is no superior VALVK CUP MaiKtban lhaono maile In mr sh . , will be sold at. $1 per btimired or " Siatn-St., below tbe JWCll" 'ctrolcum OnvmiruiJVl CORNWB GRADES OF west Hates -A. -A. J TABID. i