5: Jfmii.-fWin ... jr. . Hi - , : w .4 3 Vi.S DAI VuLlV-rNO 237 tUE I'-iTIi OLR'UMCEXVRB I) AIJLi RE CO IU) PUBLISHED EVEIJ Xv'eKJSO, 'Sundays eceptfd. ) W. II. LCJJGVi'LLL, rior.ictor. Ti:L-..tijj. rer sear payable In advance, ffl Oft I er mouth, ... V l-BU'E-LSS S OF ADVKRTISINU. (Ten line of nonpareil make ono square.) So. Insertions. 1 i 7.' f 1 ini tl So f I 4' 1 (m l si, a no s r, !') ill) r'wdaya, tiic days, one week, Two wee'ts, Ihrse weeks, Onflm-ntli, two month, Ttiree months, iroatlis, l r,u 2 im t ry t 1 on a 511 3 no a sr. s m :i mi 2 Ou II Ml 4 6.1 4 inii C W 7 SO 7 ("I K l S .V .' 14 it' ' (I" 5 ) in r no 4'l HI W HI t; nil1' K H i! 10 (Ml 7 mi 10 00 VI il in in1 n ui ir ui li mi: in oo n m 21 ll I' 47 00 30 00 IB ii S'l Ml IS no Nine months, Cue jour, Jill ll'.l lib IKl 4 (nl CO UO )Hfl m Jj.Klnl Rtlcrl 20 CfntB pir Hue, ewh Ins'-rllon. Adn-rtiaeDWDU puymlil qnnrtrny In ftilvaiav BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. L. 71. C2tUl!TIt;, Iliu reinpviiil to hid rt!!donco on v fiain Street, at the end of Egbert Jc.E: Si'il Honm ui rt-f idotiM from 8 I'. M. until 8 A. M lliriinr rtniKimliT of tho ,n' lie nntj bo loiiml i !iia oili nvfcr J. 11. C'ji wilu'a li -jg tinre. mm a. r. ii. su'riiii.jA'.'w, si. wd M. P. C. S. H permanently ltfcatevl at PelruliMini Ccrtre, for. k pracllco of liii profession In all II lir;v..dios. ; tsromcB at biMy.oMb cucrt sjor.ai, retrolctra. Ocntro. Pa. fu'iUtf. ATT JKIi EY AT-L.'iW) tPet Icum Cwiitro. Venanpw Co., Tft xi rdwtth F. 2. Kiuaear, Esq, FrunUthi, i UFFTr Inroom f"rtnrlv ocrnpl' d liy -T. El 'UOMIA.U Sc Slflfll, 1TT0ESEYS4 COUNSELORS-AT LAW, OHltfl nijh Street, Franklin r.d Pntroloitm t'sn tre,Pa. Jlu.vl9-ti. V. NttLPl.1i:. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. Gt idraloutert'd. Offlco open diiy -nil niylit. , mc?-Bcrry' now B .Mdlnp, corner of ITaaU- i"ua no woond u.. rjirokuai Coutru, ma;19 tl OEO. H, HlSSXlTil. Jk CO.. A. Kr 21C IB P. S , PKTnOMJUK CENUtli, PA. u. n. Blwell, M. C. Martin 1 Chrlatmthttr Mpvpr iiV'o.?"';' "r Konicei Tor the'riin action of a ' lt.Ti.iLJAN'KIN EXt-ilA.NtiB ULd Col. . I v THIN hi Mivruu ' any busJne, ait mated to our euro will rn-i-'ve PMnpt ailention . J 17 Has now consolidated his busi ness, by closiug the store on Wild Cat Street, and concentrated hi9 stock at tho upper Store ! On Washington Street, WlWrawill botoonda ' FLIST CLASS STOCK OF Groc3iiei3 Provisions All lilnja wzn & -f,kirstic Fruits J altllfapn the be?fe Ice Cold uua Water in town. F?.:.TaOLtf&; CENTRE. ,u.it:i Lit .tii.'tM:, 'V.:hlrii:tnn ini!i. 'Vrileum Centre, Pa j r.ivAD- n.UH !" MI EJIVVO'lt), PRei-ninous TliU II.mw,- U .-ntriMy l i itcd, and the general l'..?1"i. ...uer. of Ll'Ti. U.ilt.iU. Caul re. Pa., May Iff, 138S tf. FKTi:0I.KL"il CESTRE, PA., ;,'iw Oil Crock 4 A'ili';l.arij' llivor Railway Dnp.iJ pilvID-i f. f!. .f. moss. VriTTii'ti.r. " JtH.tMi SCtk HOt SjJ. PL'THOI.Etnt OENTItE, PA. i 'il poiitilat Hotel, nitul'ijj 1 :orucr or .Haiti & Wn1ilir;f nn-sis., -r'h" D ' hn h,-i rllti,-! nnil f'Tni!',-'? !liMiiiLb'.-iitt tliu jimiirkrcr will cjinro uo p iiijo l-'IKST-CIiAS. ;!i'bU.5E. oc$ tf. Hi:i.itKi:T & VUANCIS rrnpriotori". -.T MILLER sA ."itf, Va, rnt oic!iO'!. New tui! "mipVte Ihroniiionlf Kxira n'xi:tnraoiatloii8 Tor truiuicnt i.id 'X'nnu, vcitt guuit., '. U'.Mlll., r-iay2o-lf. I'rtijj'rietor. plt': ;- . mv,s pa., 1 3. it. AI.PC.ID, r.jcWcT. :;iifi cj Flavins r,von!!y tf,':jn jh)--r.,;lo;i r io fthove I I. - ':nid'i.-. rvi.pi'Cihily inrnrrii ;ht, t:-v- . f' in: '.nlilt" that wo vrtvuwo to "!verA l i'iol.'1 t:rl to coj.i." o .'i.la (if ,ho lac', w. i:tite i!l ho .' tin' cviif rt. a r. b ...ie, toca pou tt. 1. v:U 1; futir..: Our Sjunn'o Ho.jP! 1 smtT.lird uithiVo rV.olro. ''iiK'n, l.iui,r r.M'l C.i;!"-. fid o-ir ;:'!o vYi lie l loutmiuaca with ttit vi lytiv-t tno in..r..et .. . There K e .na.-ted with f.w l!oti! four tint c'.. Pl'Op K' ocietr 0. S WULIAMSS of ..ll Office and Ya:-d r.t end of Ioyd Farm Bridge, FREE. rASSAfiE TO TEAMS OVER THE BRIDGE. C. II. Wt'LI.IA.TtS.n WAK DECLARED On Ifligli Prices! at tbo CM Stand of j-. 9. l'rothpr, MAIN fclKKhl, by the new Brm, r.9. V. F 3 S H E J5, Who Intends keeping up a llcavy stock of GROCERIES& PROVISIONS FLOUR, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and in fart every kind of gDodo usv .iV.j- l.,:p, 'Ja well appointed GieOCEIiY STOKE. 1 hnvo a t'enrit nii tho road and will dalivo Good- PltliE VF I'UAKUli. W All T ask is a fair trial and an examination or my Klock. uive uiu a call. K. V. it. FISUEji. . JtrunnCeiXnv.P, Jnly2v-t PA.. SATURDAY EVENOS iffCVEI&SSH 26 1870 Drilling Jars Wc would nppr full v anncnn"e id otur c -io-morff mid tlif p'lbllc gent-u'iilly that "ve kcjp cou RlaiiUi on liund Cast Btce! Dn)h .hirs ) Wl'lch Tor Strn2tli and D'ird'illlty excel airy Ste;l Likc-d Jar boretufoie iu uti. Tlio Afivmitrtges wo Vln.i:n Over l.lnpt .Tin are Hint, lieini; Al.l, STEKI., thoy arr -i .on :"r tli :n Jr.r- o,.. t'M-d ir;lv of irui; ili::' tlv-i:lirin a Htrt aiirt'iici t'l Hie pick. th :tic ;-,r .toi'ul troi'i .-iv;r on tac oiu.dc, uu2 vill Itii';; LLir ehu:iO loicr. ",Vo also ".ecD on hnr.d Not. ia, lBCatt. L'-3 W k.(. D.'ilcri. JJian;o.d r.nd Gokl Jevc"p, Sto.vllcij; SH t er "Ware, f ire -iOTSC'P SCi.in .7 PATE LP..' :!ADE 10 oi'.li:k. in .iiii'.'v alien. f.-x:ie.i. worUmca. 3. . r2A' o:., 7 -Tj 0 t r j 1 s2i tl & i& it & r.- mm im on urns B-JM LEASES, l.r'09iU.Hce BoxJ12HI:i , ri'ah;i:i, Pa. V.Persnnd"i!rln!! to op-rat j In tho I-UEttl. CA'IMXG (HI, DiSTIih T will do well In eisnmnie o'lr list M'jern) intero-ts -..iil ho ;ir for for -MA-C'lirNEHl , Tocia, CAUIXC una 'i:B1NO. tur All Poia.ar.alCL Jciu jromptlf answered. ja..i1 Huj.veyiiifj, etc. l'rmk'ij, Ocl. IV, IbTC ';u KP.V STflSE LlflEl .-'- IT: Ml r.-5-V, f f.ii.c .Y ... .-v ., I ' 1 Ilctween Miller Fn.r.n,l ;an Situinnurgu. We havn nnt on a new lino of ataaea batvaen tlio aliove pointM. and will run warm and comfttitahlo ooacliea from every passenjrer triin. All my eld etiMOmeia aie reqniMt a 10 t:ikc noiiee nuu not lor got their old driver 'C11E'I'. oct.11 2m. Prspriotjra: KspfT' Ulv Adapts to trie OIL SIMS. Kiiu:b l bv noiio hi combined merlUof econuuiv. durability, uinipliclty ait J jxtrl'cctiou. STATIONARY KGirTES, Pombinlii!; all the parts in tho most rompact. aim nl(and couvei.i3ni l'lrni, Uaviii CutfOrltor, l'ilni; niid trlouior. conn?t led reaaly fin- use. lieJo'lpilvo tii ilium of our a'orlBble and t'lttt-ioiii'.ry S'.uu'.ii'K .er.t on ai'piictition. ... iiill, -l '.SS'.iS 4. . 11 !'., jJuton, itiHiiuoi. )., N. V. OcH.'7-Siu. We would cull the attention of our bimH ness men to ihu 6ii.oilor styles of job irlnt tnc, noth plain and fancy, at present liciiifr t.irced out from this ofltce. Wo are propnr ed to execute iob printing of ovei y deacriti ti;iu iu ino latest and moot tasblouable Rtvle 0 S If ii ki I II TITUSVILLE S 5CQS3 LiM G00B3 M. H 2 WMta GooSs o - IV. listens nrrv.if.'t f? 0 u ISHAM & CO., Centre-!!., Oil oily. 2? o -p Pi H ft NEW ANl BEAUTIFUL STVLES.OF Wo and Jewelry, (American, Eng Ish and Swiss make.) Sterling Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of all (trades, unique designs in S1U VKIl, uspeciady ailupicd lor pres jine S-Ol.T!) (iOLD C'UAI.NS. , JJiWI'f.ltY, 1'iS'Pi I,s, itKVdl.VPHS. FISHING TAC KLE, HiiAI. HIXOS ,re.. &e. P CD 1 Particular :tit:nUon Kiven to repair Iiir lino wniehaa and jewelry by a coiiipelent woi'kmilu. 'I'll. j linn ha.oaUo a store nt TI TUUVIUI.R, Spline meet. KEMBVBKIt TIIK PLAfF. f'eiltre street, next daor wil pf the P i A. 'l'eli ,Tapli Office, Oil City, Pa DIAMONDS TAKE NOTICE. NO nSHING TOOLS LENT AFTER THIS DATE. ftosporislblo parties wia'iing to hiro tools" will be iccommodnted at ncasoiublo rates." ' KCBLVtiJN 4 JicCLKAKY. J j Jits.' CIS, Wlir.jvLY 'n "TV, MtinuHtcturer ccd Denier In HARNESS Seed Bags, "V alve Clips, &d ExpiTieiieed workmen are employed, and Ilar-n-s of ail kinds kept constantly ou hand and made tc oidcv. FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE,' on hand at reasonable rates. P. V. lleiisT.V. Pat; Seed-nag'' For Sale . . FANCY AND HORSE 'BLANKETS t LAltSlJ HUANTU'IrTa Tliorc Is no superior . . VALVE cur 't Made, than tlii oue made In my shop, ami tlier wlllLu sold ul. $12 per hnndred or 6()hciiis n .ict. nain.t., below rllio JTIcCliiilorlfi III UNO. l'etruleiiui Centre, i-n. Ni..., 17, ff. ' JVl'JDoiiald;- LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! it the Depot, ;)i!osite the Central iJoac, I'ETKOL ECM CENTRE PA 'IVIB twtStocl; of PKIVINO AKD HAnDLt! . HOtWES on the Creek, aro to be found at 31 'Donald's J i very. 'LtEIAKS & CUTT2R3 TD LET AT ALL TIMES!. FE1 Ai BOAUDEI5' on Reasonable Ternia. ' amlns of !l Ktmh t tended to Promptly. Give me ea sail. , , T. .M'DONAU) ' Petroleum Centre, Nov. ns. KlS A; li.l VI JS5e Would invite thef. old pntrona and the puiil ic ptt. Ol fill In Tltiisville and Vieiuity, To call and examine their splendid mock of b urniture 2 OP Al I. KINDS rarlor Suits, Chamber Seta, Book I 'asei riiie Biho-iIm, ' LouriL't's, Whfitnols, Hut Pack", iSfaai lieda, Jlartresf.'i, CAltVET., OIL CLOTH.-?, MIKPOTt , f r:dvijry dt saription of Fun.lturj, plttin chC or amcutut. j I'XDERTAKI IS (i : yall lla branijies. A larye aloel; of COIHNS AX TltTAtHC OAfJii 2." ! of tlio art. aau at reatonable rales, tf,