- JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORK. o 2 w gg 60,2 S 3s 5 o at Is s a so 3. cSSg 5. 1 r. 3 is: cr3 TKE Oil- PiAIlKliXS. OKfICK OK 3 Phtiioi.ki'M Ckntkk bir.r Pnrmnti Nov iiilu-r 111. Ia70, TIiiti' woi cnnsidera'uiu iequity In tloj Petroleum inatkot to-day, cont-eiiuctit on tbu peace ncwn, and prices advanced five cenir. Tho talt-H wi'io l.'iDO barrels of gravity tit $:.oflanil 10!0 Mils rosHrdleen at J;t,I0, wliiuli r.ces were freely oHmed this ultei-neon. taj Garment WARRANTED ai Soli at HONEST PfflS ! oetinr i.ammkhs & ai.dk. JOHN J. CARTER ,t CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. TITCSVIL1.E. THE LARGEST Clothing Establishment ! We have opened for the inspection of the public 'IRE LARGES1 ASS01UMEN1 OF FINE Cloths, Cassimers, Testings, Mens, Youths' and Children's Clothing, CENTS' rUPijSTISHIJSTG G'OODS! ME.'S aim BOYS' HDEUWEAIt, Lap Rugs, TraveHiiff Bags, Itobes de Cliambrcs and HATS AJSTD CAPS, Iter Won oflbred to tho people of the oil tvglon, and 'AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. JOHN .1. C4KTER & CO., West Spring St, OPPOSITE CORINTHIAN HALL, ocl24-ly. TITlTSVlXIiR, PA. New York, Nov. If, Criido, 12y. Ue!iued Nov. Hitrket quiet but s'rontr. f uiladolpiiiu, Nov. 10, Crude 10!a'. bbU. ' l L. S. to W., 22. S. V,'. 22-JJ Market Firm. fittsburg, Nuv. 10. Spot hjj Reunci 9 Market Firm. l.IVKKI'OOI.. NuV. Refined 13. ,lu 12 p. m Spirits 19. AN'rurKltr, Nov. Id 3). Crude No market. CiOI.a l.N IVGU YOUI. New VoitK, Nov. 10. Gold- H0?'. Iivln ui-vle METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH t-ervices every Sabbath at 11 A. una , P. M. Siitilmth Fchool at 12.'i P.M. eats ir"e. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Rev. r. W. Scofiki.ii, I'astur. FRF.snvTERiAN church. Proacliinc at 11 o'clock A.M.. and 7 clock P. M. D. PATTON. P.iRtor. It I B I j I'T 4 X A O T I C 3 - The rn tmtniT'-liip heretofore ex-still? Iie'ween John Vr.tlltt Jair.es l.'a, ni.der the firm l.anie of Slofliit A Hnv-s ptodnee:s o oil. is tlra day dis solved by miim'il connt John .VotVtt letirin,: fr-'m the tirm. .la'-ie-i Hays payiiu "11 the lUhiltie of the lute co paMutnhip. JXMF.S UAS n. Firt". .V'cii't 1. ism o. ti Petroleum CDUre liK5sy?u. 715, i. a. f o. r. Rpjjnlar meatinj; nights Fridny, at o'clock. Signed. J. VOREHEAD, N. G. J. K. Elliott, A. firc'y. .The Greatest Improvement yet developed iu BASE BURNING STOVES, Is how exhibitcdflia tho MENTAL HOT BLAST i njong the most imnortant imnrovements is the Svnlion l "oriiMig the gas, and heating the base. The latter is a dili V Heretofore unsurmonntable and all aconainted with base U1UK BtOVKS MnriAl 1 1 il .. ..L' i. VI'.. 1' """'"i "in iu iiuivuuwn'vre una "jiui CAtu v u , w JUU ,lne ,.t r Parlor htoves. arft rnw.. i. ... mm. ;ininiiiir miiwuv. I "V-v u I ek 1 -n. . ib U & 11 UtlljUCilvlt t, W aav If not Stitleluctory return tbeui. U sepll-tl. i'ctroJeuui Kxi-h-inire Haul FUESn ALL THE OYSTERS! LUXURIES I Roceivel ' OF THE DAILY! 1X3 SEASON! Washington Strot't, Petroleum Centre, P.. r.exf dcw.r to Binm's lry G'oods Store, Ttny lloardri neeonunod'ited, Men') aorved nt all honrc. oite, Olid every douiption tJame uruittiied j:nett, ' Xnpatmwill he pnred to ifcomraoJate thosi who favor us with thuir natrorac" . ALFUFniiVKiis. Pttrolcmn Centre, Angest, 'ID if. WAR DE ihi High Prices! at the Old Stnnd of j". S. l'ralher, MAIN STREET, bj the now Unit, m. V. 3. F 3 S U E R, Who Intends keeping lip a heavy atock of 6S0CERIES& PROVISIONS FLOUR, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, nd in firt every kind vt goods mualty kept ill a well a; pointed GltOCEIiV STORE. 1 have tenm on the ruad and will doiver Goods FilKK OF lilAKtlH. ttf All I ask U n fdr trtii! and aa cxaminatiop of toy eioili. Give uie il call. M. V. n. Fisnuir. Pjtrolenm Centre, Pa., July i9 tf. EC. C. Jar vi ss. Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON II AND. L.00KINO GLASSES In crea varletv. Looking (llase I'latea replaced in old Frames. Picture Fram mado to order Carpets, Oil. Cloths, Wul Paper, Vt miow SI lit des A FINK STOCK. rM13UTAKI., COFFINS of !1 sizes on hand and trimmed to order ou short notice. SASH BLINDS AND DOORS No. J WAHHIN'i VOX I IVil.um Ceil tie, cpt It',::' tlK ' Sasli, Gla??, l.'mir", Pnliy ,V. Large . ltot.lt ''t'lv tli op lit i!:e F'.i!t.lliii .'!: Facts ara Facts AND IT 1.-3 A FACT THAT ristie s NEW 1 1 i At the Corner of Vashlng. tn & 1st Streets, Has tbo larger t and best eelcctcd stock of 0v C I eraicals, Perfumer ies, TOILET A.ftTIGLES, &C NOW EISI'LAYED ON OIL CREEK. JUST RECFIVED IN LARGE QUANTI TIES FRESH . FROM THE MANUFACTURES. WinesifcLiquor6 Of the purest brands and free from a1ulterat!on. Pepfumories, T!ir Ir't aook of epimfn T.ubin's pnrf;im J IS CilUSxl tuuJi tu L 11 STEENBTJRG'S WashiKfttoii-St., Petroleum Centre, Pa. S5 Frlendn ami patron.-), one nn 1 all. Your attcotlou to uiy ' hlz" I would c ill; Tlm'5 arc dull an money light, But In these, times I'm looking for 11; tit ; To thcao who arc 1ild!r(! rlsrs without number, T would inform tlm is ti.e place to buy Lumber; Xy motto I? this: -'Quick Sales and Small Profit,-' For business is healthy and I think much of it; In q"allty my I.un:br a second toBoue, And as for Shingles, 1 keop Ko. 1 ; Some may not 1 k at It In the light I So, And fur tt.ofe I havo a quality No. S j And to thoio who are particular as some may b., ' I tiill have anothir qaallly oalled No I have cooil srs-iscned I.nmber. Crensed up nice, Which I v, ill sill at a low cash price; Such as niriinr?, Celling and Sldliie, 'oolh Rorgh and tressed, Lath, Bat una utid Surfaced Lumber, all ef toe best; I also have His Lureber of all klni'a, At prices to comparo with oil and hard limes; All kinds of Timber ket t constantly on hand, And a box of Cigars of a very good brand; My facilities for il Inir are surely without number f always keep ocd tennis to deliver good Lumber; '."o if you war.t Lumber, Pcush, Dressed, Soft or Hard, i You will li::d.liut what you wrnt at L M S's Lum" . ter Tu:d. febH-tf Prass!2!!s i Front of Paris-" TO J, mis. 1)30 AYnas, Co PC 2S Wots u ei;f ion ''ec'"".ll ilid Latest Telegrams Inform the masses l" FULLER HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Men'si, Koys ami Vontks. Also, nn erdVss vavhty of WOVKN'S, CI1ILDI!KN-S & J!Iijii:i5' GO0I1!, ' Of th" bejt. that cannot fa l to plvaea. Cur sto"K is m w aim rttliih, and SU per tent, lower twin n.l othr deahrs. Our custom department is presided over by a f il ehi!-s meer.aiiie, vho i tiunri-aBsed fir Lis litis. Tiy him once ai.d ji u are our eublemers, Xolico, vliero our Store i'l, on ."ilrtin Slrt'ti, onposiTtt tli M riliitn-K Ilouc, rctrolcum Centre, Ia. ' SoptMtf. COAL YARD At PETKOIsKlM CENTRE. -POTrEiT & Co., .Dealers lit Anthracite, E!itiii::inous and KlHssburg Coal. All s'es of the celebrated TITTSTON (A Tll ItACiTMl COaL. the bet In market coneti'.nvly on hand and for snlo by tho ton or cur load. OlFICE AND Y'ARD NEXT EAST OF STEKNELT.G i CO S LUMBER YARD. ' IMVrticular to Tr''i';ii-iii' V POTTEIt &CO., COREY, PA., Whflesnlo deelers and shtppers of all kinds at Aniiiracit i Coal. Iea)ers supplied lr, any quanti ty at short notice 10 (VW tons nt eal in stock O. I.. If VIS Aireut. retroloum Ceutro, Pa., P. 0. Box 813. octlC-tf. F1SIIFJI & KUKKIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS ei I Dealers la all kinds of WElilj'i'OOIsSets FIXTILKES Keeetiary lr r pntthi'4 down nnd nptnUing m ss'ollii. in coniii-'iioii with our MAClillMjllOt vc biive a lure und cuitvtuiuit i;lacksmith snor f ut ttcWWo for MANrFAtTI'LTHIXij uroiM ri'i.i-a iy any r-Jmp in iiu: uil J('X"M'.S ml TtKrn...