The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 04, 1870, Image 2

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    ( 1 LVI),S?1!TII & to.
loce Block, Tlliirille,la.,
Merchant Tailors !
Fall and Winter Styles!
With notqiwUed fttrilltlus for making Ihom up
iu Ilia inset approved maimer,
Hats and' Caps.
ilk Holb Wade to Orderi.
Perfect MatUfaotlen Always
Petroleum Centre Daify Record.
fet.. Centre, Friday Not. 4 .
On and after Monday, May S0(h, 1870,
trains will ruo at follow:
oetu kq. 5. vo. 3 xo. 1.
Leave Irvine. 11, 45 a .. 5,00 r M
Leave Oil City 7.0(1 a.m. 2.42 p m. 7,47 p w
. Pet.Cen 7.S8 3,23 8.28 "
Tilutv. 8.23 " 4.1 ' 9,15
Arriva-Qbrry, 9.35 " 8,45 " 10,35 "
norm. ko. 2. ko. 4. no: 0.
Leave Corry, l'i',-20 a w. 6.00 am. 6,05 p m
" Tilusv. 12,45 p m. 7,40 7,45 '
" P. Cen. 1.25 " 8.17, " "
' Arrive O. City 2,05 8.55 0,10 "
" Irvine. 4,50 " 11.35 ".. .
f3T No. 5 and C nd on Sunday.
l4e 'Ml City, 0.3S A . 8.30a.m. Iii.SSa m 3Sth
' P. On, 10.40 8,2) 12.10 r 4.1U
Arrive Tituev, i&oi r . 0,45 " 1,55 " 6,3U "
leavtTilnsv, .iba VJU a a. :i Wa x. 5S.1rM
' PCeo, 8.17 " ll,5'i ' li.ii v.u. I..S0 "
Arrive O. City,9,35 ' J,i.4 p i',05 ' 7.30 "
Oil Olty and Petroleum (elitrc freliht, hares Oil
My 11,60 a. m . arriveaal Petroleum Centre 1,25 u.
v17TePe,rolnaCutreat4,00i Wtivw
t 011 City 6,20 p. m.
5 4 Direct from Pltltartiihia without change,
f I'lmct to Philadelphia niilmui cleingo.
1'iract from Pitulinrali without rliaiise.
C -Direct -fiPUInburgh w ilbtmt (.Unite,
fttotday, liny 30, 1870.
Gold atNp. m., nrw-
By a telegram faro Park
irs Landiuz
wo learn that a disastrouM're
oka' out in
"bleb two-
. tbat town this , morning, r
tbirdi of the businoa pr..ju
. 'je place
was laid In ashcsl
Later Tbe following is a list of Louses
cestroyetl: Morrison's licipr store; Leave
eoworih s saloon; Snedeker's boot and shoe
store;Spat'aclotblugstore; Weaver it Son's
. rjfstauraut; Eckert House; P. Fv Lock's
barbershop; Herbsfe office; Goldrick, Par
won 'Galley's office; Johnson's saloon;
Fell'i tc Fuller bouse; Stabl'a dry eoodi
tore; Speocer'a reataurau t; lr ill's billiard
aloou; Book' billiard saloon; Johnston's
saloon, and a Dumber ol other acoull offices
sana buildings.
"The file originated about liilf-past Tot;
o'clock this morning in an old "liee so
easy," from an unknown cause.
lly a dispatch from Foster btation, we
learn tbat the new well on tbe Aogsll,
Prentice & Whitney tract, is yielding about
150 barrels per day. This will' give a new
Impetus lo oil matters iu that vicinity.
The well is known as tbe Ruck Well.
The beautiful drama t ulillcd the "Pnarl
of Savoy,'' will be product! ut the Opera
House, this evening, MM Fanny 11., Price
appearing in bor great ohuracter of "Marie
the Pearl of Savoy," supported by the nu
t re company iu the ciste. Our ainiiBemeul
loving citizens should turn out and give
. this talented tyoun.j- wtiate a routing to
ccptioo. tj-For every idler iu tbe uomiuuuily souic
liody is at wjr'. 11 U a spuu, a
burden, bindraocq. to somebody or some
lAiuily lu particular, aod the cvuuiuuity at
Krie received a suakiUi- up TimbUjy by
t',:q socuud raithuake o( tie Mason. N'J
Llttfl Grnnd Jurors lor Uio 4.Ui
Moiidajr ol Nuvcinbcr( lS'.O.
Allegbeoy Tp., David Lamb.
Cbeirytrue Tp., W. F. Archer, Juo. Arch
Cranberry Tp., Wm. sir?ja.
Fioncbornek Tp., Wui Keyuolda.
Irwin Tp,, John Laiehaw.
Jacksuu Tp., V. A. Moore, tamucl
Oil City, R. 13. Fultou.
Oskluud, Wm. Atteis, Daniel Penning-
Emlent'on, U. V. Porterfleld.
Piuegrove Tp., DutMel llilliur 1.
l'lu'm Tp., Vau Bureii Welsh,
l'iuyijr, i-ivd. P. Kahle.
Pleasanivils, E. S. .Nellle'on, Peter Al-
President Tp., Jacob Willings.
llynd, Wesioy Chambcvs.
liicilaud Tp , W'm. Hunter.
Siudcre.k Tp , John A. Adams.
Sorubjrass.Tp.. John btover.
I'tica, J. A. Kiddie, James Dick
A special to the Pilisuuryh L'ommetciul,
Brady's Bend, Pa., Nov. 2, 1870 .
A now well was struck to-da, on to
I arm of, Jacob Mildren, Armstrong Uun,
and is flowing through the casing one
thousand barrels per day folly. It is said
tbat she has fifwed four hundred barrels.! a
tbe last six hours- This well adjoins tbe
famous Armstrong well, and near tn Jamm
weil, wbicb bas ueeu flowing one huudrml
barrels per day for the last month. Sflf er-
al new wells are being drilled and will be
completed shortly. Tbe territory surround
ing these wells is being leased rapid-
Later dispatches receive! Here stste thit
tbe llouf tbe well is variously eslinated
froin49Jto 1.2)0,birrels daily. As uear
as can be learned tbe well is flowing from
300 to 400 barrels per day,"wltbout the tu
bi.ig inv This proiluc Hot), will probubiy
last untilalbe powerful volume of gas wbicb
exists iu tbe oil. territory at tbst place, ex
hausts itself.
Later. A telegram frj-n Brady's Bnd 1,
received at noon to-day, eays tha new wel;
is flowing at the rate ol'4U0 barrels per day.
This shows a largo falling off from liistre.
tiorls of tbe nroilucti"0.
. ' .
Among the very be-t of our exchanges is
tbe East Brady Independent, publrebttt, by
Col. Sam. Youos, at East Brady. If con
tains every week a lull and Compete ac
cotict of the oil and other newsfbng the
Allegheny River, besides a vast amount of
mi-cellaneoux, political, telegraphic aod
other news. Tbe Col. bas recently enlarged
and otherwise LtauMded bis paper, making
it typographically and editorially one of the
best papeis in Western Pennsylvania. Those
of cur readers desiring a lirst-cla-s, spicy
readuble journal inevtiy respect, should
subscribe for tbe Indepenlent. Its not
only Independent in name but Independent
to action. Success to tbe Col. and bis pa-
A. man named PatricK Mcl'billips bat
beep arrested at Shamburgh, ond after en
examination, committed to jail at Franklin
to await the result of tbe injuries to George
U Lehman, one of the men shot in tbe late
affray at that place. Lehman, is badly
wounded, the hall passing through bis left
lung and coming out between the shoulders.
The name of the other wounded man is
Thos. Farrell, wIic.jvub shot In the should ir
by a man uamed Edward Kirk. Kirk made
bis escape and bo far has eludoC - tbe offi
cers iu pursuit of bim.
V. S. Collector P. U. Gray, bas gireo
notiooof tbe discontinuance of tbe Deputy
Collectors' offices at Mercer, Ttttisviile and
Oil City. This leaves only two Deputy
Collectors in the Distcict oue at Mqudville
and one at Clarion.
Shakspeare't describes
"One Pinch, a hungry barefao'd villian,
A mere anatomy."
But be didn't board at tbo Petroleum Ex
change Hotel, for if be bad, be wouldo'
have been hungry after disposing of one ol
tbe square meals gotten up there, or even
an oyster stow or fry. If you want some
thing good to eat, and plentytof it, drop in
aod see "Alf." or "Ed.," at the Petroleum
Uev. M. Crt zier, formerly of the cl!y of
IodiaBapulis,Iud., will preach in the pub
lic school bouse, ot Petroleum Contre, on
Sabbath next, at 11 a. in., and 2 p. m.
Subjeci tbo openiog of tbo seals, (BVi 6,1"
8) the Final Judgement, Acts 17-31, All
aru luvited. aj
A man named Michael Gharty was ran
over by a freight traiu on tho A. V. U. R.,
n'urSuu'ly Station, on fcuudny morning
last, and in&iautiy killed. Coroner Larue,
ol'lbia city, was summoned, au ic ;u'J;t
bt bi, and a.veidict in uccutdaccs v ilh (Lo
fi'.W, ticdeitd Cilizeu.
Latest and Most liiintu'tairt
War News..
London, .Nov. 3.
It Is repotted that Thiers bus proposed
at Versailles an Brmintice, on the basis pur
festod by the British Ministry, and tlmt
thopropositiun will be, if it has not already
bef n, accepted by Pruia.
Tbieis expresses pr . satisfaction at the
course pursued .v England.
The World cable special dated London,
Nov. 31, says: '
An armistice bas been concluded.
Tours, Nov. 3.
Tbe Government bas no news ltom tbe
mission or Tillers., ana mere are uo oi
flcial advices from the army of tbe
From Marseilles very unfavorable reports
are received in regard to the conduct ot the
Some excesses have been commlt-eJ, and
it is said the Administrator was shot at on
l lio occasion of bis assumption of municipal
Luon shall be defended to the death.
No persoo shall leave the place in nntici
pation ol u struggle, except women, child
ren and old men. ' ,
All others who escape, or seek to escape,
shall be considered .infamous, and dealt
with us traitors.
The journals of Tours declare tbat the
more facts in regard ,to the surrender of
Metz become known, the rnoro is shown
Bazaiue's Course was treasonable.
Much stress is laid upon tbe manner iu
which tbe officers and men wero deceived
in regard to the couJitioa of the finan
ces. Tbe fact that forty million of francs, and
enormous quantities of munitions were de
livered to tbe enemy, is also dwelt upon as
evidence of treason.
To night tbe young and talented artiste,
Mifs Eanny It Price, with a full New York
dramatic company, opens a. Sobei' Opera
House, in tbe great sensational drama of
tho.vPearl of Savoy." Miss P. is too well
known to need any recommend from us,
and we bare no doubt but that tbe bouse
will bo crowded.
The LnnUville Courier-Journal gravely
obituaries addcea&ed couteuporary as fol
low r-.'
The Texas paper called the Jimplccule
is dead. It was only a few months ago
tbat it denounced us a liar and a scoundrel
and a horse thief, oecause we incidentally
leiened to its funeral as an event likely lo
occur ft uio time within the present cen
tury. We saw death in its face the day il
was boro.
A clergyman. reading 'a chapter from
the bible fr.r.his congregation, found him
self at the bottom of tae page with the
words, "Aod fie Lord gave Noah a
wife," then, turning over two pages in
stead of one, be continued, "and he
pitched ber witbin and without with
pitch.", .
An exc!iuni;e thus speaks, of a certain
class of young men: They who suppose
that they are approaching Byronio excel
lence by turning down their shirt - colluts,
running after women and taking soda in
the morning to euro a night's debauch are
.cultivating a delusion. These characteris
tics were not popular, even wllb Byron,
and if he bad been more of a man bis ex
ample la this respect would not have come
down to us to mislead young men who take
more pride in tbe bair on the outside
than of tbe.braius' on tbe inside of their
A bank check lor $500, which bas bad a
curious history, was seat to tbe Treasury
Department at Was'aiujton, a short timo
since. It was taken from tbe body of a
murdered j Tex an cattle drover, several
years agi, by Indians, who in consequence
of the variety of colors in tbe rich enrav
iugs attached some rpeciul importance to it
and cut tbe paper iuto several pieces, di
viding them among the tribe, A peace
commissioner finally persuaded the gentle
savages to give up the pieces, and he past
ed them together, and forwarded the check
now complete to Washington
Some Indiana youths returning from a
ball compelled every one they uut to
danoe for their amusement, till tbey met
a kindred spirit who pulled a revolver and
made them dance for his amusem'jnt an
hour or more. Then they went home. -
While one of tbo river boats was taking
ou to mo live stock, among the lot was one
largo gray mold that rnfusea to walk tho
staging. Tbejmate sun; out to a roust
about to "twist bis tail aod lio'd come."
A coroner's jury buvu decided that be came
ti his death by 'o beyiug orders." La
Crosso Leader.
All s'ylcs light harness, cheaper than lite
cLeapesl, tuudo from Mofi'.it'c oak Block, ur.d
wanauUdj ttt J. R. Kra.
fjornl NoM:k.
s. m. rettfnziu ;., :if
1'atk How, Now Yotk, nml tSro. P. HowoH ft On..
Advertising Aneiit", lire the solo splits fur tlio IVi,
noHiini I'er.tre Paii.y Uiximu In city. Ad
voitisrrs iu ti nt ltv lire letpiceti (1 to K-nvu their
favors Willi lilu r of tne nhme lioiur.
Verv liirgu assortment nl untlor 't Mthing
at Lasimkiih A- Ai.tmS'a.
Tlie largect nsoriment of Parlor and
Cooking Sn.ves may bo lutitid ut Nicholson
& Blackinoii'n.
. l.ndioc 0H'er Saloon
l"p stairs over Voucher's Rentaitrunt, Wash
iugton St., Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ladies
are iuviled to call. sept 28.
Just received a lurgo and well assorted
stock of shelf hardware ut J. Rutherford's.
IV VI I.'tlt
at Gkikpkm Bros.
I'niverfal, Monitor ntul Sherman Wring
ers, at Nicholson & Bluekiunu's.
ui G iiFKK.i Bno's
Call slid see the extension top Dictator
with reservoir, ui'Xicholsou .t lilackmon's,
agents lor the siini".
WALL l'.Ft:U
at Cttiri'KS BnoR,
CaMmerncud Buckskin large
quantities at
oct27lf. LaumkR A Ai.ucn.
Now Is the best time to lay in a winter
supply of hard coal. Codiugtnu A Corn
well are the men lo buy from. June28tt.
STOVKS) are in such great demnml that
Nicholson it lilacKMcn. c-iunot supply the
borne trade, ocfttl.
Jnt received iresh tub Oysters and shell
Clams at U ouctiers. sepli.
' Buy the "Red Hot" Saddle, manufactured
in TitiisviMe expressly for the oil country
adapted lo all kinds' of weather, at J. 1C
Kron's. al'i'tl .
Co to Bruce .t Fullers, Main Street for
your fine Boots x Shoes. septl3-tf
W ALL. l-rJ-Pttll
at Grifpex Bfos.
The place to get ynur Boots and Shoes is
at Bruce & Fullers,' Main Street.
Neck Ties, Sleeve Bullous in endless
variety at
Lammkx.i ,V Ai.hen'h,
Sobel's Opera House !
itctiirn of llio Fvorlta for
Friday & Saturday,
A'ovcanbar lilt twid lLh.
Miss Fanny B; Price !
Supported by a full comiwny-of Nevr 3tyrk
Pr:c- of almi-slnn HI and 75 ceiita. ileata imy
lie sec ,i red till end of et lit by applying, at., liiiltea
uiua. iiii .iuru
Not ice is hereby given that Wm II. KOSTHK
has this day witl.d T.wn hy mutnal cotiunl ifrui
-hefinaof WM..I. INNI3 A Co.
i od3S2r 11. F. INN IS.
Petroleum ('cu re, Pa., Oct. 31-'..r.
. . . OTiiMK '
'Jllin tltirfc.r',nneil liwhin ntt,i ,.
i W ASHIlVlfMW Si StXlTl't-
. J-'etroleuur i ntre ' ,
l.tmw iirtl t.. fti,n'li'l,!i. tt.omtra.u.
eryuiin In tho Ittn.wo iiiii.i-lt.:,;j llaaT lu 0T--
tT-ii and Tlii w j. i f,
JiUUtei'nr.r '
I'nmif Aii;,.'rv
" (,' e..H
Also h l.arixi. i , i ...
flrilM A- Irian .;. ...
lJCATIIKK.Me..TIIK I'll' ,. ,J "
JiOVKl.TVOl.ONIPS W ,1. d,
All Job Work i)i)iiiilv'uu..
iled to with nt-atness tind di
mien. I'nriicular attention paid
to CJas and Steam Fitting, lime
ir -a (ins I'lflnitr A1....1,:, .
' ii i 1 1 " w'UUMi
exi'flltiil in tl'M Oil t.
cutting (iiW PlflH.
Jv'.'X um, it
To all whs Intend putting chlmi'icyi in h,,
buildings that 1 am prepared to fnruitih all
STONK PIPE whMi Is In sreryway ,t
half the coat of a brick cl.l mney.
wtn-?w. .1. W; HH TTY.
Drilling Jars
Wo would rstwtfiilli. Kttiomira ti nnt
m'TSnn.l iheinhlle peaor.illy that wo Lcrs con
stantly on baud
last Steel Drilling .fars I
Whieh for Stroncth ati4 riiirabllity eicel inj Stl
Lined Jar horetel'jre tn umi-
Tho A(tvanlagcn we Claim
ivw Jam are that, helot: AM. STEEL, ih-y '
are stronger thin Jars eo.. ni .1' ranlv of Iron:
lliaMr'ebtlnc a SI nufnce to the rock, they sr -
Kmrerietl Inmi wear on Ibu outside, and will keep -eir
sh9i lon;;.
' Vfc also keep on hsn
Cnat Iron Vorkin JlRrrcl?.
Fisher, $ orris & Co.
fr.TUOi.n:.n clntcc.
Nf. It. ISOMf .
T. M'.Donald.
it the Depot, opposite the
Central Hou c,
1ltH.tfiin-i of nHITITtO AXI tAPl)I.t
iiOWSKS on lbs Crook, are to be found at
M'Jlonnld'a . Jilvcry.
Qn-llcaonlile Term
I amiiifi of nil kimls At
tended to Promptly.
tJT Civ. msea nail. y M.D0J(ALI.
J'etrnleTim CcntM, Nov.
lfKaolntio Nrt'e.
mm., m L ii..,..t.tH...., iri Co.. rrtlS-
I tie urni KUimil . iiwitiiiii".'". - . -i
tn .f welt ,.Kam, Is thli day ill-sol' K " ""'
censeui. li..o I, Knapp nurlim 1 lie ,",'iu?r'
will lie ivmtinitea ny Bincmi.
niotnliof n nnelioir linn, who will 'rtde MJZ
of the, .lit trrm, rwolveall " I",?" ,.m, V
and All all eonliacW. JAM W HPTCUISSO.N.
Oyster and Clam Stev.r, those old fMa
lotied oues, at Voucaer'a . .
A. 3. sliiTb has just returned from Jhe '
East with a large stock of Shoes and m
latest siyles of Opera Toe Lad ies slios r.
west Hates.