The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 27, 1870, Image 2

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IIcFAiCL W I, S.Tin II & Co.
liUHt'c Block, Titusville, Pn.,
Merchant Tailors I
Fall and Winter Styles!
nit. 'ut;?
Willi uarqoalU-l re lliiiin ror mnklnt tbom il-i
iu Iho must ji.rucd maiuief.
Hats and Caps.
Silk Hals Mndo to Order.
Pcrrce KntUrnctlon Always
' etroleum Centre Daily Record.
ct. Centre, Huirdny, Oct. 87
'J It A INS OX O. V. Jt A. K. It., .
On nni after Monday, May 30th, 1870,
trains will run as follows:
ortii so. 5. yn. 3. , o. 1.
Leave Irvine. 11,4ft A sc. .6.00 p m
leuve uil Ulty 7.00 a m. 2.42 e ji. 7,47 e u
i ui.ieu i.aa " i.Tii " 8.28'
" Tilusv. 8,21 4.I4 " 9,15
Arrive Curry, ,35 6,45 ' 10,35
BOl'TK. '"' XO. 2. vn. A. n R
Leave Corry,. 11,20 a m. 6 0a:m. 6,05 i-'m
" twist. 12.43 p H., 7.4(1 7,45
" P. Ccn. 1.25 ' 8.17," 8.35
ArriveO. City 2.05 8,55'" 0,10
Irvine. 4,50 " 11.35
tfKo. 5 and C run on .Sundny.
1-eavo 'HI rt, IU5 a m. ,30a.m. in.SBA.M. 9,r
.". I,;, frail 1U-S0 . " S.aj 12,10 4.1U
A ulve Titu-v, 111.01 p m. 8,48 " 1 .53 ,
JtfnvoTitiwv, .t.'i.M )f,85 a.m. .IOOa.ji, 6S5r
" I' Celt, K.17 11,01- lii'5 P.M. 11.30
Arrive .o, l'ity,, ;il,u fi a,o5. 7 so 9
... ".r ,v ''( roleum rreliiht,-leaves Oil
"y J'.M I"-, arrives, at IVinilwim Coiilro 1,25 n,
.,i!'?;l"','L:!r"lt',""Cu,",t400P . enlvis
iituil City 5,20 p. m. -,
i- . !t.VE, TAt.Aci t.i-:mii i-ass. "- "
?. ''fwt fmm IliUaihlnhin without -hatice.
No. J JMreet l I'hlhidtlphla without clinns:
N. r,-m-u,x fnwi llitrtttouli without rtmh.-c.
N -I)lrcct u.l'iUiiburgli without utiiiK.T
Almiday, to-iy 3!. iS7t. . ,. ;
SoM at 1 p.' 01., 112
1 .
Mr. Ed. Maokey, son ofMujor Maekey,
r Franklin, was seriously it not fatally In
jured a day er two bIucb by Jiag - thrown
irom lis wagon.,.., . - ..fc-
Some scoundrel placed, a ration the tratk
nl Ibe Oil Creek Railroad at or near Myi-tt'
Qu itch a vmli ago Inst Thursday night.--General
Manager Pitcairn, of rs a ruward
. -? . w. Hiuini..iuu-iuij wilt ieau 10
lb conviotio:! of Urn tjuiliy party.
1 ' 1 1 1 1' 1
During ttio-month or Sept C30 car loads
of oil wore, carried over the Bull'iloi' corry
I'Ulauurgh . R., at an avetiisa of 85
liitrrvlK lu the car, making 53,550 barrels in
hM' Tho income of the road is uow about
S?23,000 n month.
Well No. 3, Mt Morlah lease, McCray
farm, is completed, and it is expected will
eommenceMesting ibis' evening. A good
well is anllcfpaUd, as the third land rock
is very Hue,' resembling that iound 'in all
the large wells oa this farmA V ' .
OurcitlzenH should bear io ,1011 tljat
aiiM l-anny U. I'tloe. the great Iragedfenne
wipported by a lull Uramatlo eumpany, will
reappear at Sobel'a Hall for a, short engage.
men 1, 00. Friday' and' Satuixloy eveuipgsi
Nuv. 4lh and 5th. StskspeHtes groat trag.
ly of Maoboth will be produced, jMIbu P,
appearing In the leading churacter. This
ludy la a. decided lavorile, and- will draw
uotvded Iioiibi'h.
r 1
Xolhing baa beun beard hum tbu uiissinz
hnuis of tbo-lciBt atiMiusbip Cambria, 'and it
w prubablo they went' down ut tbo sume
lime the Hteumer did. '
. Wu are turning out Hupiiriur Htyles of job
wuik at prcii'nt, to which wu call ibe uueu.
lion of our pxtt'oiis,
Hilued nu:uly ul! ui;;lit; luiatd this fure
uiii.iu Mure a iLiam'.
1 utvcH.ii u-.ilj b.' CLijiijca.lLi gale.
Tbo St. Mary's (Jszattu tbu tolls bow
they do, things iluwu iu that neck of
woods: " v
There was a sound of revelry by night
last Tuoeday and Klausman's liner aluoa
had gathered in its Ooble load of Boukers.
l'rel.als graced tbe lentive board aud
weut rotttid in taukards foauiitin o'er wi
froth as white as driven snow, l'leasure
was supreme; and all went merry as a mar
riagn bull, liutsoine malignant spirit en
terod in and shattered all their revelry. A
storm ol words aroso, tand bung like funerai
palls around tbo grand saloon. Chairs flow
and tumblors daocod around with petted
recklessneM. Tbe door flew open; and a
youth , to Fortune and to Fama unknown,
was bustled out at an onglo of abaut forty
five degreoes landing in a foft mud puddle.
And th'eu the circling glass once more. weut
round aud l'leasure reigned titpreme. (
Tetholki-m A3 Makink Fcur.. Four
years ago this season, an experiment was
tried, on the boilers of a United Slates gun
boat, which at once tested the practibility
of petroleum and demonstrated its com-
plete siicsebs as a luel for geueratlng steam.
It is now laid that certain capitalists of
New York, wew so l'ayorably impressed
witb the utility, aud more th-n all. econo
tpy of petroleum as a fuel for tho bpilers of
both marine and statieaary engines, that
tbey bought the patent rights ot the suc
cessful apparatus fo- uearly all our Atlautic
States. These parties succeeded iu obtain
ing tbe privilege of applying their appar
atus to bne'jf tbfl Cunardi steamers, witb
tho result of saving 'several thousand dol
lars for fud during the .round trip. It is
therefore highly probable that petroleum
will soon be generally introduced as mariue
luel, and in that fejeal the rdeniubds for
consumption will 6s wry largely Increas
ed. ' '
.Young Ilcu' CU.rlK.tlau Aaaoclatlon.
. Tbe Third .Annual Convention of tho
Young MenycfCbi'Mtian Associations of tbe
State of Pennsylvania, will conveae at
Scran ton, Luzerne county, on Tuesday,
Nov. Stb, 1870, closing Its session on Tburs
day evening Delegates are ezpeoted from
all the Associations in tba Stale, among
whom will be many of our most prominent
ministers and earnest Christian workers. A
most cordial invitation Is extended to min
isters and Christian laymen in town and
country districts where there are no Asso
ciations, to come to tbe Convention. ' A
most hearty Christian welcome is nsnured
to all who come, and arrangements will be
made for tbelr entertainment, as well as
for reduced fare on railroads
All who design attending! are requos ted
to address Thomas K.,.Cree, Chairman
Slate Executive Committee, Pittsburgh,
that tbey may 'avail , themselves of the
; . . r 1 '
One ol Ibe'pfeasaotest public reports that
we know of in thlsHy of Titusville, is Ed.
Sanderson's readfog Moort qtxt door .to tba
American Hotel. . 'Tbe room isutted up in
elegant style, and afl the loading newspa
pers of the day are kept en file for UrTwh
em 01 thnse aesirmg 'io ymi a pleasant
hour. Those or ourcitizns visiting Tilus
vijle, aftcT trdnsaSIng tbair bmlnest, wlll
Qad U agreeable to. pay Ed. a eall.
' Tbe'9emoraJi;ing influeoce of temperance
Is seen in Jibe, following declaration of a
Kaoe City girl who said, iu 'a raaidoo
speech: "Cidet la a necessity of life, and
I must have it. If it is decided that we are
not to drink cider, I shall eat apples, and
get some young man to squeeze me for I
must have the juice of tbe apple.
A number of now private residences have-
recently been put up 00 tbe hill, back of the
Lake Shore block. .n
Exports kou tub Wbbk. tlie week
fending October 15th, 1870, tbe following
exports have been made lrom New York:
Crude newels 5,900; refined barrels, 1(1,428
relit) otl oases, 15.411; benzino barrels. 4,024
From Philadelphia, same week, crude bar
rels 300; . refined barwls,, 3.1,4 U; refined
cases, l,W)d;benaine barrel, 2.200.
Expouts. Tbo exports from New York
to Europe lrom January 1st to October 8 lb,
1870, was 65,223,977 gallons or oil. Soma
t.nn lAa. .IC Ant TIQ HallAn. V.vJ
norts Irom Fbiladelnbia to Euroue frotr.
Januaiy lat to Oolober 9tV, 1870, 41,694,-
531 gal?ou:k tisa time last year, 24,479,
279 gallons.
Mr. William U )yd, of tbe mouth of tbe
Clarion wlio was so fearfully burned a few
weeks ego, Is dead. It'ivas thought at one
time that ho wonld ' recover, but bis
Injuries were fif such a .-nature -as to
procliidu all , hope. .Ho Mill'eied much bo
toiu bu died. Another victim to tba misuse
of petroleum'. '' ' '
A race comes i ll' Saturday next at tbe
grounds of the Driving Park, ut Corry, bo
tween ueeioclt and liagle : lor a puree oj
Srltit). Tbib prousises e:.i; cf tho luvt ex
citing lucei tl tic
Latest and ?Iost .lmiort.iiit
Wat icws. )
' London, Oct."20.
Di.xpntches from Tours afinounco that a
young girl of thatcily is creating tbe moet-J
Intense excitement by bcr Imitation exam
plo of Joan of Arc. ' i ..
Hundreds of enthusiastic persons here
joined berstandaid. 1 .' , - '
Her appeals lor ' reoruits are said to be
similarly pattiotlo and eloquent.
Berlin, Oct. 25, via London, Oct 2G.
German negotiations with liazaint for the
capitulation of his army continue, notwith
standing tbe disapproval of. tbe French
London, Oet 26.
Tbe Tall Mall Gszette announces that a
moetlnir hfltwnnn Thiers and Rlsmarck has
been arranged, tbe Government at Toursf
having accepted me principles 01 tne armis
tice. ...
Trocbtt made another attempt to forco
an outlet near deldsey on Monday, but was
repulsed. 'f . ' '
Tlie .Germans on their westwatd march
gutted tbe city If Uesnncon, in the Depart
ment of Donb?; they took along with tbem
thirty-seven carriages tilled wiUt wouuded
Fieaci soidleia.
' - , . LoqdonOcU dC.
Tbo Trihsians again uiiuounce liio will
be opeued onjl'aiis h 23 lb iusk
One thousand stoves are ordered lor the
bnts of ine Prussians' besiegiug Muti
(ion. Csuibiie'.e claims a victory for tbo
French at Cbatillon le Due. .
Belgium is again sending troops to tho
The French., r egard -Eiiglends last effort
at uieiliatlon witb ttrtuie distrust.
it is reported oq (be fcoatinrnt that Queen
Victoria bis written to the King of l'rus-
ik urging him to moderate -his dem&nds.
Tbe popular colored ink for writing love
letter now it vieiet, . beoause it fades so
Tbe Figaro sjs that if 'whatever is; is
right," it follows logically that whatever
isu't it right also, wtyoh makes tbiugs nice
all round. t: :
My Belle her waterfall let drop,
,- As we walked in tbe evening air,
Aud a . policeman said, as he picked it
- pr V f
'Oh.'wbatafall'wat'theTe!' '' ' ,
A widower of New Haven, who happen.
ed to marry a second time without consult
ing tbe wishes of a grown daughter, on at
tempting to introduce-bit bride into tbe
family mansion a few nlgbts since, was sot
unon with sticks and slones and comoolled
io fly for his llfW'&t 3 1'.) . ,J 4 , "
Tbe counterretters have been bailfed bv
tbe and blue fiber of tbe now
postal currency. Tbe attempt Vas made
by litbogopBJc intalioaa of tba Qaar lu pale
red aad blo.rpasMtr Uoh' B thrdrigh
separate jmprettLp'ptjbiit fbe color did not
show through, and.sAbe'(loredl ;flber roni
all through tbe paper the detection was
Wi. . 1- '. .': .iv Vr .
A forergo,vitort9 bl apptry says that
notwithstanding whiskey is a favorite drink
in .America, .where oue man calls tor
'Bourooll," six meft'eMf foV'tbeeatf e.H
lie concludes that "tbe same" is a favorite
drink; "' "';'' ?
.. tla said.Buo Bullof is. coming to New
York to live. In view Of'tble, wo can say
with the peat. ' .
..Of all sad words of '.nniiue or pen,'
Ibe saddest are these: we might hive
Cuckcu DGiiL'ATiox.--Tbe ,(. E. Cburtb
at. fagundas City will bs dedicated op
Sunday November Gib.. Dr. LoontisPres-
laeot 01 toe Allegheny luonege, win emeu
e'.ej assisted hy other ministerial, breth
ren. -All are cordially invited to attend. 1
' 1 , - f-T ' '
. A "disorfanizer" is tba latest appelatlon
of tbe kind of whiskey warranted to lay a
man out 00 the first round.
. Tbe iron for tbo Union & titusville Bail-
road is being' received, and the ties have
been Matteree along a. good' portion of
the line.1,. Tra'cR laying vll( beglo.imtuedi
ately: The weather is propitious and will
be Improved.
t Qo the Jfagiiitdas'. fatM Bfteen wells aro
pioducing 1500, barrels daily., " ,.;
Pltbolo polled 4iiMest the recent'elea
tiom It to not many?.yars aihea it boosted
a population of'150p0.
. ,1 1 aud nitckatln Glti'Joa in largo
quautitW at 1 -, , v-' " ''
0Ct27lt. ' LAMllKItS, Aums.
Very largo esibrltneni of tinder' cfolhing
at LAMMiiits & Ai.ukn's.
Neck Ties. ' Sloofi Buttons in endless
Vtlliclj.. Ut;.J . .
tf. M. PtilttUKill Ar ., it?
l"Brkll(y, Now Yuik, ami tliol'. K.iviill A Co.,
AtlvorlWiliiK Axeiiu, nio- the solmitciib for the I'o
trurHim fviitrit Daily Itxrnau 1 tint ciiy. Ad
Artl'crs In thnt city are rrijneiil to leavo their
favors with either of too above hmrs
.The largest assortment f Parlor and
Conking Stoves may be foun at Nicholson
A Blackmnu'a.
Ladle Oynier Niuou
Up stairs over Voucher's Reurant, Wash
ington St., Petroleum Centre Pa. . Ladies
are invited to call.. ft-pt 2.
Just received a large and well assorted
stock of shelf hardware at J.3titherfords
WALIi PA 1 Ell 1:
a at GRtrKBtos. .
Call and see tbn extension ifl Diclalor
witb reservoir, afNicbolson X Jlackmon'e,
agents for the same. -'.
We would call the attention 1 our bunt
ness men to the superior styles job print
ing, both plain and fancy, at tusetit beinit
lutned out from this office. ' Ware prepar
ed to execute job printing of evty descrin
tion in tbe latest and most 'asblnablo style
of tbe art, and at reasonable rati. - tf.
WALL P4PEH - ' ' O
at Griffs Enoa
ni t .-
Ju-t received lreh tiiUOyttenhnd1 Shell
Clams at L Voucher's. Bp 17.
Tho place togel y'Hirilo'nun.'Shofa-is
at liruee x nillerf', Main prreei.
All styles lijiLt aruess., oUeMpetthnn the
cheapest, made from Moffat's o..k suck, and
warranted, at J. lu rron 1, ,. , j
A. S Smith has just feilisnsd rem the
East with a largo stock of Slioet nil the
I At est styles of Opera Toe i. wtios borl.-i
' cfT-tf.
Sash. Glass, Do'orn. Putty .Vc. Large
stock very cheap at tbe rurnlture som.
Oyster and CUui Stews, .those oil fa!
toned oues, at oucher s., , - , -
at GmrrKS Biofl.
Buy tbe "Ked Hot" .Saddle. manulaOirert
in Titusville expressly for tbe oil cointrj
adapteuv to all "kluus ot-weather, ntl. li.
n-rons. . ... .. .-ai-ii
Go to Bruce & Fullers, Main Street for
your fine Boots A Shoes. , . septl3tf
WAllli PAPEIt'
I at Giiifriis Bfto;,
STOVES) are in sucli great -demand tiul
Nicholson k, Blackmon cannot supply he
home trade. .'..'. ''", , ',,': . efiL .
Now Is tbe best time to . lay in . a rlnbr
supply of bard coal. Codington A On-
well are tbe men to buy from. Juno JSlJ.
.. . . 1 . ; 1 ; 11 t .
i lockberry Hraiiay. 1
A Terjr Superior ' article of Blacltbfm
Brandy: for mimmnr ' comptatbts, cbolen
morbus', Ac, at ' ' '.. .r.. .... .
- utrrFreit Bros.'
One 24 Woodbnry cnAlno, on Uu homo iiir,
douhlo stay bolted, In perfect jWorkin); order, with
team (inayo, t'ocks, c. I
.... ,. r . ,r -- -1- :ir, -
f Oll SJAL.E.
II hone Fortabl Wood Mann - engine ' In'
. . i IfUi -.t J
uct erdcr. ' " J 1
1 .- -V.'
- i,- Hehesler IIohho.
Steam, Engiues
Fpetnllv. aiatSeil tnUw OI1Y WMrVIjaSi.
Munmi nj imnann Hiiiixinrii ineriM or telinoniy. I
durability, slinplloti J and pr(sutlu,i " "x ft
(-'ombininir all the parts la the inoit eampaot.. slm
pin Slid ctitureeleiil ferine liuvlnir fovc-rlforii
s?umi aud Heater. connwAtt ready for nni
Deserlp'lve cireulaws or unr forlabto aud
MiUaunry fcustliiea mit on apiilf. ation.
'- WOOti, TAIWH . IMttUNIi,
" " linloil, niudlxou Co.. N. V.
. " . i. .-if j..,. otv-'Jn. .. .
Oil Producers
,V '. . ' r - AND ;V; . ' '.'.'
iOffico In Plnmcrs Blotli,
lost Office liox 1300,1 '. ! ,1.1 ao.
. . . -n ' ....
T.T,W,?nni dnslrlne to iueato In the LDnitl-
OATlNt) Oil. UlHThlCT will do well to emiaiinc
out lint LIlicmL Intcre! wilt lie eiveu Air for M.v
i" All Coinniuolcstiout promptly ouBWercd. 1 -
"' liiiiul Siirveyiiia;, Arc.
. Fruukliu, l)ct. 17, lifio. 811: ' 1
I'niversal, Monitor and Sherman Ti'ring
cis. at Nif (lclsoc & BlatkKecV
$10, $10,
VITII t Ollft
Large Oven.
Large Otvon.
Call ami we'll Show it
- Call ami we'll Sull it
y' A.t Ames'
Great Reduction!
- .'. -IX-
stoves m imk
-v " AT ' ""' '"'
WUhnnt n nirnl
In liio ftovv Mnrki'l.
1 fJ"VehTn ndiind the prtiv i f th f.iurii
stova ten per cent., htiiiuU.i it williUi t!iu usiuii of
Wo have also on Hand twou'j ft d:itit v fe
ting 'lit c ' i
To wlilrh invite the ntlrntlMi of r)nn-tiiit.
Ont prlfcet III Ih romiU luwrr than ir.
k 'cry more arraul'nl 1
O.1II anil sii us.
. IH'tlS-lf
'Ihe ntler" Invlnv HnfJ'np n-s ire
' ' PptroJfnnv (Vntre;
t:- eoit prriiru4 Io furiiisir hio nuloiucr wltact
ryiliing in ikeboiwe luml.-hing lino, "
Stovoanntl Tin ware, '
l.niitr-riia, ' "
J'uiiry Arllrir.
Mump., Prefcai1
' ' ; nnd .lapuniii rt Ware,
A lao u l.iirgii Stock of
Brnwi A; 1 1-0 it Fill. ns ,..
WATEK fOiH.KI of all M7.F.S.
All .T.-.I. Wort liroiuDtlv attflh
del to' with neatness and dis
patch. Pariiciilar attention paid
ti Uas mid Steam r ittintz, im"
ing a Gaa Fitting Mnclime not
excelled in the Oil Kegion for
etittifitr (ias Vpt". '
, JetiS Its, rt
. - i'i . 1 1 ' ''
To all wholntoiid palllne; cWwmrj hi lb
, ... ... .... .11 -rilb-
hulllnR that ! aai prepares to rurerw
UtOSE PIPB'whi-h'lf In 'wy f ' "
half tlie ct of a brick hl macy. .
oeti:?w. J.W.DEATTt
Drilling Jars
Wc would r-stiertrulle. annoiinre W onr "'
nu rs and the tmhlic generally thai I
oiaiiil ou hand
i vt : nrilUnir Jn !
Wbh tfi direnpth audataatHllily t
Llucu Jar ueretoiore in u-
Tlio Advniitng we Vlw
Ovor Llnml .la" aro thai, Me Wm ' '""'i
are stroller rt-Ti Jar. ni. li"' "1 '
thai lire, eiirlnv a si. el -or .... .11 nj " ,
pio.:cied irom ....ip on the OUI..1U1-1 ,
hcii -hi'l-e lout f
'.hit keep '"' I"""' )
I;'.. t"