JfcFARLAND, SMITH & Co. Lowe Block, Titnsvlir,Pa., Merchant Tailors! Fall and H inter Styles! FOREIGN & AMERICAN Saltings, Coating, Venting, CLOTHS and CASSIMEKES, With ancqniiUed fell'tH) for mnktn(j them up til tbe uiuit approved maimer. Hats and Caps. Silk Hull 21 tide to Order. fcrlert Mattfrtlnii Always) Uaururtleed. Bmmssi'sn'ussis. i I etroleum Centre Daily Record. I'et. Centre, Wednesday, Oct. 19 AKItIV.1. AND be r aim tit e or XKAI.NS U. O. C. A A. K. R. On and after Monday, ilay 30tb. 1870, trains will run as follows : "ortii xo. 5. no. 3. no. 1. Leave Jrvin. 1 1,4s A M. 6,00 p M Leave Oil City 7.00 a m. 2,42 p it. 7,47 p 11 Pet.Ceu 7.38 " 3,23 " 8.28 " TilUiV. 8.2S 4.14 " 9.15 ArriTe Corry, 9.35 " 6,45 10,35 " SOUTH, so, 2. so. 4. so. C. Leave Corry, 11,20 a m. 6.00 a u. 6,05 p x " Titiisv. 12,45 I- St. 7,4(1 " 7,45 " " l Cen. 1,25 8.17 " 8.35 Arrive O. City 2,05 8,55 ' 9.10 " Irvine. 4,50 't 11.35 VB" No. 6 and 6 run on Sunday, FHEIOIIT TRAINS KOHT1I. Imre Oil CUj. 9.3r. a.m. kjoa.ii. 10,25a m. J,c5pm " P. Cell, 10.M ' 8"i 12,10 m. 4.10 ArrlT TituHv, u,01 r jf. 0,45 " 1,S6 " 6,20" FliUQUT TRAILS SOUTH. I-mreTittisv, eir,i. ln.ss a m. :i.oqa.m. 5S5rM ' 1'. Cell, H,r7 " 11,(11 ' litis P.M. K30 " Arrive I). City.tvn ' 1,05 p m h,u5 ' 7.30 " il City nud rotratemn Centre fret-lit, taives Oil C it 11,60 a. m , arrive at l'etioltum Contre 1,25 11. in. Laved Petroleum Ueutre at .1,00 p iu., arrives atoll C.:y 6,!M p. m. SIIVBR PALACK St.ltKPniO CARS. Wo. 4 Diroet from fliilmll'ihliiiili(iiit change. No. d Direct to l'lillidolpliia Hilliuiil change. No. 5 Direct fmm Mituhiinrh witliunt rhaife. No U-Lirect to PittiiU urgta without chibge. JaouCay, lliy 3U. 1870. Gold at 1 p. m., 113. To morrow evening Miss Fanny B. Price supported by full dramutio company, np rars at goners Hall. We have no doubt bub that this talented young actress will be weH received by our citizens. Quite a number of new uu.diugs are go ing up on Washington street. What has become of tbe Oil City Times? Wu have received but one or two copies lur the past two werks. Yesterday we bad a surprise party at tbo bands of Mr. L. Voucher, who presented us with uu elegant now bat, .which now graces our veneralilo tonliglit with a 'muchness' of elegance, we return our heartfelt tbunke to Mr. V. May big shadow never grow less. Several inebriatad Individuals made last night hideous by their unearthly yelling and booting, proving tbo old adage true that when "whisky is In good senso is out, We have recently added to our stock sev eral Utt! styles ol type, to which we invito the attention of our patrons. A man named, McGregor was ran over and killed on the Jamestown & Franklin R tilroad, at Reno, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Miles Brown has commenced the run. ping of stage between this place, McCray Farm, Plum',. Khaw Farm, and Oil City, ignoectlng with traina.oo tbo O. C. A A. Jl. R. Tbe stage will run. daily and will no doubt prove a great convenience to per sons tia,veling between tbe above poiuts. A latter is beld for postage In tbe Pitts burgh oQlue, addressed to Bernard Dougher ty, Potroltmiu Centre, Pa. Babylou (aatr Tldloute) has not fallen yet. A gams of baseball and. a dog light same off simultaneously, last week, and t,ke latter drsw lie Hgst crowd. From the West Hickey correspondence o' tbe Pittsburgh Commercial, we copy the following in regard to oil matterf: Outsiders would naturally suppose tliat this frowning aspect now assumed by tbe weather King would bavo a tendency to cool the ardor of oil operators, and conse quently business would be very slack at present. But such la not tbo case, tbe in terest does not j seem to abate ia the least. All Mom Infant Antrnflinrv fhi.ll walla rlnwn before cold weather sots in, and it i more I a rr ruaa Kl a m niiaxlnn nnmiilnrf nr 1 1 than I one In process of development. New terrl tory is constantly coming to light, and everything Is on the qui vive. A new well was struck last week, wbich is pumping two hundred barrels. It is situated on tbe Fagundas farm. Fagundas Is sporting city airs. A paper is about starting to be called tbe Fagundas City Press. Ita columns will be devoted to oil matters exclusively. Trunkeyvillo la flourishing like a greon hny tree. Mfssrs. Foreman Jk Vmlernriil have just Unisbed a 13,000 barrel iron tank Nestle Jfcj lVtersoa are erecting a largo building in tbo real of tbe depot, designed for a hardware and sort office. Tbe Ven ture Hotel Is being fitted up in good style to meet tbe revuliemeuts of tbeir rapidly increasing custom, and everytbiug.is assum ing an air of busines. TO COAL..CONSlMl:K!. It has come to tbe knowledge of the un dersigned that certain parties at Petroleum Centre are offering Ormsby and Briar bill coal for sale to tbeir customers. We ho' leave to state that by purchasing cars for our own use at a very great expense, we have been able to bring a small supply o Ormsby coal to this market, olber tban this no coal of this grade has been received on Oil Creek for .months, and for many weeks no Briar hill coal his been received by sny party whatever in this vicinity. Tbe coal offered as such is a comparitively useless article shipped from tbe Crawford mines. All parties, other tban tbn undersigned wbo pretend to sell either of the above mention ed superior grades at present, are hereby pronounced deliberate swindlers. CoilINllTON & CORNWELL. Stkrndtru's Lvmbkr Yard. Among tbe recent improvements in town worthy of mention is tbe new Lumber Yard of L. M. Scernburg, on Second street near tbo O. C. & A. K. R. track. Every kind of lumber for building and other purposes cau be found at his yard. Tbe yard is entirely en closed with a bigb board fence, and I lie road running past has been graded and otb erwisu Improved making It convenient of access for teams. On tbo inside ebcils have been built to protect tbo lumber (torn the weather. Tbrough tho centre of tbe yard a wide roadway has been planked which is very convenient iu loading and un loading lumber aod in tbe Kit bund corner a neat and '.handsome busines of flee has been erected which is occupied by Mr. Sternbiirg and his clerks. Those hav ing deal with bitu will lind bis prices rea sonable, tnd tbe lumber first oUss iu every respect. Our citizens should pay biui a call when In need of lumber. Tbe silver wedding of J. A; M. Horton, occurred at their bourn in Sugar Grove, Warren County, on Tuesday evouing tbe4lh Inst. Most persoes ascribe their adversity to heaven, but tbeir prosperity to their own prudonco. Conductor Sam lliidretb, of tbe Now Yoik Central Railroad, celebrated bis sil ver wodding, at BufIUlo, on Monday eveu tag. Mr. E. Cowan, ofthoWttrron Mail, was mai'ied on Wednesday last, to Miss Julia Frauces Camp, of Forrestville, N. Y. Four hundred men are now employed In repairing tbo track of tbe Middle Division of tbo Philadelphia & Erie Railroad. Tbe division extends from Kane to Reoovo and is about hundred miles in length. A ceusns taken in a rural district of Missouri reports two pairs of twins born in tbe last three years to a happy couple nam ed Woodbine. Thus is at last found Mr. FUk's favorite place "where the Woodbine twineth." An Irish lady at Troy, teacher in one of the public scboolp, tortured a class of young girls by suddenly inquiring if tbey could toll tho name of tho first woman. One of the llttlo ouee, morn, forward tbau tbe rest advanced to tbe front of tho clues, and re plied: 'Weil, we don't know ma'am, what her Dame was; but any way, she wasn't Irish I" A gentleman of Norwich, Conn., fouud in his yard a King George's penny, dated 1752. lie sold it for one dollar and a quarter, tbe judicious investment of which amount rendered him cligiblo for tbo in ebriate, aajluin. Latest ami Most Important! Wat flews. Tours, Oct. 13. Tbo Prussians and French ore still con centrating large forces near Orleans, pre paratory to a great buttle. The Prussians occupy tbo city ilseir, ns well as tbe camp at Dellair, near Meury. Advices trom Lille are that largo Prus sians forces are on the Northern department aud vigorously measures for dtfence nro to be taken at once. London, Oct. 18. A World special dated London, Oct. IS says: On Sunday afresh attack was made on the German positious to the south of Paris wbich were not cairied the proceeding day. The Bavarians, wbo still held Bagacux, CbevellyandL'Hiy were taken by surprise earl in the morning by the Gardo Mobilo of tbo Cole D'Or. Tie Bavarians fought stubbornly, and tbe action lasted till 1 o'clock in the after noon, but were completely routed. Tbe French nro actively throwing up earthworks und constructing rifle pita in advance of Forts Ivey and Charenton, Spirited encounters occurred Sundoy on the line ol tbe Kouen road. A Prmsian column moving up to tbe right bank of tbe Seine, approacbed Le Petit Audcly. The train was occupied by tbe 91lh Regt., which, on the approach of the enemy croesed the river, blew up tho bridge, and fell back lo Gailler. Tho Prussians moved tip the river to Conrcelles. whero they passed tho Seino. They were fitiif usly attacked by the irarc Tireurs, and flint Ily dispelled lo retieat ia disorder to Aiuleverue. Had II h Eyb on Him A bright little fellow was traveling iu a crowded stao coach, and bad been taken on the lap et a fellow passenger. Tho conveisatioo turn ed on pickpockets and tbeir great skill. "Ab. my fino follow," said tho gentleman who bad (he little one on bis knee "bciv easy I could pick your pocket." as it lay open heir his hand. "No you couldn't neither," answered the boy, with a sharp twinKle in his eyes, "c.iuss I've been look ing out or you all the way." Exchange.'" The ways of retribution are mysterious Cut certain and reliable, and at Coxry the other night a "vuliso luster,'' while pitbh ing a ''Saratoga" into a car, had all his front teeth knocked out, by the Hunk fall ing back on him. A iittlo more, and tbe wind would l:nve been knocked out of tis trunk, but bo livf s lo warn others. A lnily says engagements arn very unsat isfactory sort of afi'.iirs, for if you nro not very polilo and nttentivo the gentleman thinks you do not care for hi m, und j on aiu afraid to be polito for fear the engage ment might sometimes ho broken off, when jou would be sorry to think you had wast ed so much siveutuets on some o'.htr we mun' t biifil ard. The Louisvile Courier-Journal publish- e stb following as Grant's dispatch to Mar i'1..'k: "I am delighted that you have thrashed the scoundrel Jim Fisk. XIo hus lied ubuut mo and my daur btotber-in-law No. 18. He insulted mo at Long Branch. Go for him aguin. Give him unsbirted thunder. My udmiuiBtration will stand by you. No longer let us have peaco. A New Orleans teleuram of yesterday says: The steamboat Natchez left here at U.ll o'clock this morning, running to beat the Leo's timo to Natchez. Sao reached Baton Rouge in seven hour and forty-eight minutes, boing thirty seven minute? ahead of tbe Lee's time; passed beyond Sara In ten bourn. A Paducab (Ky.) paper make3 the libnl lously punctuated, statement tbat party of Immigrants have arrived "with thirty loose horses and women, children and dogs without number." Cider being so plenty this fall and muriatic acid so cheap, it is hoped the price of champagne will not rise as high as was leartd. At a Connecticut hotel, lutely, a visitor who called (or a glass of water was request ed to tako cider instead, as that only Cost 75 cents a barrel, while water cost $1,50. The supreme Court ol Iowa has decided with one dissenting voice, that tbe act al lowing cities, counties, and so on to vote aid to railroad enterprises is constitutional. The census gives Charleston, South Caro lina, a total popululion 0(48,43 There re 10,987 white males, 11,801 white fe males, 10,898 black males and H.8G5 black rcmales. Total whilo population, 22,708 total black population, 25,603. Tbe weuther bus a gloomy aud furbiddioa sppcuranca. ORIKNTAL HOT BLAST (.PARLOR STOVES; nrn in such great dematid that Nicholson .fc Blnckmoa cannot supply tbi) home trade. ocCtf. WA&Ii PAPKM at Grikfk-i Bros. Now i the best time to lay in a winter supply of bard coal. Codington 4 Corn well nro the men to buy from. June 2d tt. Buy the "Red Hot" Saddle, raanufactmed in Tittuvillo expressly for the oil country .idnpted to all kinds of weather, at J. It Kroo's. a!2-tt O viler" Just received fresh tub Oysters and shell Clams at L. Voucher's. sepl7. The place to gel ynur Boots and Shoes Is at Bruce & Fullers, Main Street. All styles light harness, cheaper than the cheapest, made from Moffat's oak stock, and warranted, nt J. R. Kron's. AVAIiL. PAPEII at Griffks Bros. I Int-kberrr llrandr. A very superior article of Blackherty Brandy, for summer complaints, cholera morbus, c, at Grifkks Bros. A. 3. Smith bus just returned from tlfo East with a largo stock of Shoes and the latest styles of Opera Toe Ladies shoes. oclS-tf. Sash. Glass, Doors, Putty Ac. Large stock very cheap at the Furniture Store. nilO-tl' Ovster und Clam Stews, ioncd one, at Voucher's. those old fash NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $10, $10, $10 nrvs BIYS A A CooH&ingStov CooliingStove WITH-FOUR wini i on: B011ES BOILER HOLES ilflL 1-1 o AND AND Large Oven. Large O von. Call and we'll Show it Call and we'll Sell it imi DOLLARS At Ames'. TITlsSVIXIiE, PA. Great Reduction ! IX STOVES USD TLWJRE, AT AMES'. . THE "PEERLESS " IS STILL Without a Itival In the tUovo Market. f-jrWehave ralnctd.llie price of tb s tivorlle stove ten per cent., brli.gi.JK it witlilu tlio reach of all. We have also on hand twentj five diuirctt v ic tieg or COOKING SI OVES, To which we Invite the attention of purchasers. Our price will tie found lower than over. Every novo warranted. Call and see ns. octlS tf At AMES'S. NOTICE. To all who intend patting chimneys In their buildings that 1 am prepared to famish all with STONE PIPE which Is In every way safe, at ono half the cost of a brick chimney. octn?w. J. W. BEATTT. BVFVA Ml, CO It II Y AND SJMVKGIt KAIL.UOAO. NORTH WAKO TRAIN'S. Corry. Hrncton. Express, 0,35, am. 11,65, am. Mail, 11,Dj, am. ),IB,piu, Way Freight, ,(), am. Accoiudatiou, 6,35, p m. 8,uU, a m. SOUTUWAItD TRAIN'S. Ttun'alo. Brocton. Mil, e,u.r,, am. 8,3.5, am, Kxprceg, 11.50, It 00, p m. Av'ormnodtn 4,W, p m. 7,15, ' Wav freight., -I.oo, a in. 7,30, a m. itouilay, Mey Bo, 15T0. Buffalo. 1,6J, p m B, W " 2,00 10,80 Corry. 10.55, a m. 5,00, p iu. 10.15, ' ll'i'ii, a re. SOBEL'S OPERA HOOSE! Miss Fanny B. Price ! THE TAUCXnu V.t.N'.i THACIU ARTlSTt llilMd l.y f, NEW YORK COMPANY ! FOR 3 Nights Only Till USD 11, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, Oct. 20th, 21st & 22il Admission, 50 and TS Cents, OTtlTlw. 8. K. STRATTOS. wTkI7" STU VTTOX & KI1, Oil Producers AND BROKERS IN OIL LANDS AXI LEASES, Office In Plumcr'n Block, l Post Office Hon HOO.I Franklin, Pa.. IVr'one ilixlilne to oprrate In the WRM CA I lNti (ill. DIS' M(,T will do well tn piunim, o;ir list l.itKrtt! lnttT-t will he Kivm for or Ma ClilNlilty, Tl)Cl.rt, I ASING ud TI IIINO. 3" All t'ommnnirations promptly : sncrcd. r.nnrt Hurveylng, &. Franklin. tcl. 17. U7u. 3ni T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! At the Depot, opposite the Central ISousc, I'KTSOL K V M CENTRE PA" IiUlt bftsinek r PItlVINO ANT SAUDIS liuKShs ua the Creek, arc to be fouud at A M'Uokiaid's JLircry. !,UEIA&ES & C7TTEH5 TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. FEU A: DOAUOEI on Heaeonable Terms. 1 of all Kinds nt trnded to Prompt!). nO'ive ma ea eH. Petroleum Centre, Niv. T. M'DONALD 1SH3. ihm fnvniiiiuug ' S'hiHK' Tin. nnrtrri'.iinivl tiavlnv Hi'o l on nrw hiMoa 1 WAtiUINftTUV Jc SWH.'ID ST, Petroleum Centre, fs no prspire,! tn nirnl.ti' Ms niMoraen with e orjthniij in th home lurnirhing lino. Store und Tin wnrf, Jjnnlnriia, Funcy Articles, St am pad, rrew nnd .In pain ned Ware. Also u larre Otock of Rrn Ac Iron Fittine UUM, IMS'pnNANl. 1IBMI' PACKtNO. UCB lAATIIHU, etc. THK CHAM'l('li,,A!,1 NdVKl.TV CLOTIIK8 WKINflKIW, WAI l'.It t;UUI.BItoinil r.r.. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Steam- Fitting, have ing a Gas Fitting" Machine not excelled in the Oil Kegion for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMtS KU I htrrunu. Jal'8 18SS. tl EC. C. Jarvis. Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS OS HAND. LOOKING GLASSES in irrea virietj. Lw"13 Glass 1'lates repiaae inol Fiin Picture Frame masfe to order Carpets, Oil ClotUs, Wd Paiier.WndowSIWfie A FINE STOCK. UNDERTAKING, COFFINS of k!l sizes on hand and UlmW to order onsut notice SASII BLINDS AND DOORS No. 100 WASHHCTO L'elrolsam C'BO're, Sept lSU-Pi.