Mr: 0 mm-,, i A H i; J-SiWMfc: E II II i f Ifi Ik I JLy jl jL A JL Jl VOL IV NO 202 THE PETK OLKUMCENTKE J)AIL5T RECORD i PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, 'Sundays excepted. ) W. n. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TKIHUS. rr year payable In advance, . $9 00 1 a mouth, 7f PHICEeLIST OF ADVEKTISINO. (Ten line of nonpareil make one square.) So. Insertions. 1 1- H. 8 so lcnl. ' OneJiy, $ Jf 1 no. tl SJ 4 " Two day 1 UU 1 Si mi 5 s rbm day, ' l mi mi no 50 'osr day. 2 00 9 fill il mi 7 0" 1'itcAii". SB 8 in 8S( 8 (HI Oacweek, , 2&U 3rl: 4 ei ISC Two weeks, 4 IWi 00, T ! 14 (Hi '1 are weeks, HUH tl 00 10 Oil Id (III One innth, 7 (Hi 10 no 12 ml 20 no two months, 10 Oil 12 50 IS (III 80 III Three ibwiUis, 19 i"i IS no 1m ) 40 mi Mi mouths, 91 ool 37 HO 80 110 60 ml Nine months, 27 OH 8d 4' 00 MO ml One year, 8(1 U0 48 00! 00 00 lllU 00 !wlal notices 20 cents pur line, each inaertlon. Ailvertiiomsnts payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J. If. SUTHEUIsAXD, M. I ' M. R. C. . Hu permanently located ut Petroleum Centre, for he practice of all profession In all It brunches. CjrOFKICB AT 8UUIONS DRUG STORE, Petrolenm. Centre, Pa. fcbUtf. I)r. L. II. CllltlSTlE, Baa remotsd to hla residence on Main Street, at the end of Egbert . Farm Bridge. Honrs at Ksidence from 8 P. M. until R A. M poruicreiiialuiier of the dy lie may be fcuud at Ml office over J. II. Christie's Diua Store uov 29 K..B. 8.W'I,i:V, ATT JHXE -ATLAWj Peti .leu in Cenlro, Venango Co., Pa tlnocii cdwlth F. D. Einnear, Esq. Franklin, VM10" In room f. rincrW occupied liv J. fl. El liott, Esq, 111 Bank Building novlilf. BONIIAM sY SMITH, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Offlce-Hig Street, Franklin, and Petroleum Con "Ma. Wayl-tf. ' V. Me ALPINE. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. Caa administered. Office open day and night. 'fy-Berrya new Building, corner of Wash lagtc and Second at., petroleum Cuitro, Pa. tnayld tf PANZERS, PETHOLCVn I'ENTRC. PA. H. BUsell, M. V. Martin , Cnrlstopner Meyer UiNRIiJi' ,,.,.lKCMe, ,nr ,mnellon of H,C.Vachter lias now consolidated ' his busi ness, by closiiig the store on Wild Cat Street, , and concentrated his stock at the tipper Store ! W W&lilrfgton Street, WHST CLA33 STOCK OlP Groceries &?rovisions i!it Allklndaof Foreign jfc Jjomestic Fruits Kdition the best Ic&Cold 00(14 Water in town. mtWApraiaK FETBiLEPM CENTRA. 3PA.. FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 14 1870 HOTELS.,,, Wanhlngttiri rlttrx. PHrnlenin Centre, Pa.f BRAOSTKKB r f HEKWOOD, PanrniRtosj Thia Home I- eentnlly located,-and thn general headqiiarteri nf oil men. Pvtroluinn f. Dtro, I'a., Majr 19, 18B tf. QENTUALIUOlSi:, I'liTltOLEUM CEXTltB. PA., :!.. -i .. ' " Hear Oil Creek k Allegheny Uiver Railway Depot mayW tf. o. J. Proprietor. ' i M CCI.INTOCK HOCSH. ! PKTUOLEUM CENTRE, PA. 1t populMjjfpl, situated: "' Corner of .flaln WnliinxtonNtii., Near the Deio' h!M horn ited an. furnis'ii'd thronKhonl, and tlieprojrletor.wiil sMie no ualns to make lla FIRST-CLAS3 nnuSK. oct tf. nnLfiP.RT & PltANCrs Proprlotmg. NTU?IATIONAIj IIOTC1., .1 MILLER KAKM, PA. '"j " JOHN E. HOWE, . . . Prnp'r Good accomnioilatlon for lrin"lit cuatomera. Pay Board and Board with rooms on rramoimrile term. The proprietor will apare 110 tain to make liia Ilomu attractive to piesta. JuncS tfc JJNIOM lIOTCI pi.eaSantvii.le, paj , Thla Ftone havln reccntlv been enlareM nnd'r.' rum JuIikI, 1 nra i,w prepared to accommodate tw o hundred cui'li coinlnnnlily. StK.. mve thia limme three tlmen a dnv flir Tl tiuvilio Thore it alo a line of SrnM to Pithele. JuS-tf. THOS. McKlNNKV, l'roi.',. PETROLEUM IIOIIHE, Oil. CITY, PA. Rnvlna recently taken prwewlon .nt't'he ahove ..- , i-ri i'i.,iv iiiuirm tno tinr- ellns public that we pnipiM ti"km-pa Hole)," and to couTinrethemof the fan, we Invite all who wi-h the cumfurU ot a home, to cal upon vs. it will be fonnd .11. ' Tho Hotel of I lie Oli; Ilefilons. Our Sample Room ta snpplled wlt'a tho choicest Wine. l.luuor and CI '. and nn, uhi. :i k. found laden wH the.very beat, the niafkat afftrd. i,ic 1-..uuuvivu iiuiiuii tour Uratclasa iiiii.irn i nniea aio. llarh. r Shop and Bath Kimlkid lllva na Aall n. ....1 ' .., i v.nMiice yourHC'lvci ol the UnthluJncaB (.four ainertlon. ' ". WATTS & MILES Prop'ra. OCM-tt KOVNS HOTEL, AT MILLER ?i.RM;, PA, Jnt op, nod. New aril complete throv.ulioiit' oral guati,a aUOD tr,,u"1,!n, Pma- .. V - y ?roSrWoro 1 : j .' t . HAIliWAV. FRANKLIN DIVISION, CVmnratlng trains at Jamcst.iwn and Oil Citv. On Srol'luwa : U ' AuSut 8tn f". '' w ill run i.KAVg oir, rrrv. MIXED TKAIN leaves Oil C ity 2 10 p m : R, no oP.,"L7.w"WlleR,m' " '; Fmrklln "r: 6j, de. S.dSpm i Snmrnit, 8.88 p m, Waterloo 8.60 n n, ; Itaymilton, 4,19 n m : Sandy Uke. 4,42 n ui j Stoneboro, 4.KI pm; Coal Branch, ar. 4.5s, dft a,10 p in : Clark's Mills, 6.81 p m ; HadlcnN, 8.45 m ; 8a1n. 11,10 p m; A 4 HIT Croasiry, 6,18 p m : . amentmvn 6,4S n in. 1 ' v ' M Al II. leaves Oil City, 0,00 a m j Reno, 9,10 n m Two M fe Run, 17 ami Franklin, 0.23 W in j Hum-' mil, 6 1 i a m ; Waterloo, 9 45 am; RavmHtori, 10,00 a in ; handvLske, 10,16 a in ! Klinsnoro, In. 1 4 a ni : J oal Branc h, 10,44 a m ; Clark Mill., U,.1S a m llndley's, in.41 m; Salem, 10,,'Sa in; G W Cri!1?'.,,i5v?,o fS : Jamestown, ll.lo. . KRANKI IX7AC()MWODATION Imves Oil City, 4,00 p m : Bono, 4.K p m ; Two HUc Knn. 4. 22 p m ; ai rives at Franklin, 4,3o p ni. ARRIVB OIL'CITT." a ',?5P..'rRA,m ,'1 "T0 j"towf.. fl,5o a m: . , WW ffosMinir, 7.16 a m; Bali m, 7,.5 tt m. nrt. KK'ri Clark'. Mlll,o.VcW)rarh ar. 8,80, de. H.oo am; Sloneborn. (.08 a m ; Handy Lak. ar 0.60. de. lo.oo a m; Kavmllf u, lo,o5 U?: .wlon. lo,98 a m; HuiiimiLlo4o am: Fnkli,ur ll,2o, de.lVk'.am? Tw Mi?eln 11,42 a m : lteno. 11.S8 a 11. nm.. ,.t ...f ,.- , .' pm . . v-fiS'ilu m a 11, leavna Jaraesiown. l,oo p ni ; A G W Crimen.. 1 1J n ... . 1 a. ,U . 80 p m i Clark's ilflls, 1,48 p m ; Coal ltraneli. US ViLn LTtm-Af m.L'iyJ0' -.i' 'i . .JO( m nuniniit, .44 p m ; Franklin, 8,06 p m ; Two Mile Run, 8.12 FRANKI.1 N ACO' M M HVATION leave Frank- in, v,., iu; iwo ue mm, 8o9ani: Heno, b,18 a in ; arrives at (Ml Citv H.8., ,. . ' Mull ..nul nwl . ..'.til ... . .. t..u 1 1; ' ," "'"h 1,1 aiarii.ns cicen IJII I.Tir '' B'wM, Clurks mid i.T.i r rr . .1 . . . ;icave passengers,, and on signal to take uaxsi-iiireis. i,1'"-i iiiinw win aiiip si an alstlons. 0Ban.M2iW,'!,,'G" 8"pM Universal. onl cii... nr- crs, Nlcbolsoo & BlacktBoD'i-" H. L SMUSE, - ' Dealers In "PTne Watches, Diamond and Gold Jewelry, Merlins Sliver Ware, Fire . Arm, A:c. ALL K MIS OF E0L1D .TRWELRY MADE TO ORDER. 5- Replrln, Fnimvin!!e ., ill itceive 1m meiiiate attention by expert workmen. XO. IO SPltlXO STREET, TITCYILLE, PA. de? It OIL CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. RoteDs Oil Onset Pine Warts CHAX. ROBSON & CO., Corner of Sonwa nrnl Centre) Stw, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. ITavlnr added a powerful Steam Enslne and throi r 1 T t IT J , 1 I. . i ..n MMinTan .iik. ijiiiir..'', in mil .iiewi fAiriii-i.v i.,..i,u.uv turini! KtaliliKhinit, an now prepared to do all the necessary work. In attiug up, and repairing ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS, In fact do nil Machinery Job Work entrusted with ne.i'.ne-M and dispatch, aujTilmo BOOTS & SHOES f1n sntisc'lher thankful for the very liberal pat? i ronaao heti-t'if ire extended to him. moiit re. ectfn ly annonncce that he has on hand a lares FIRST CLASS GU0D , r comprising all deicrlpUoiis of Boots&Shoes LIGHT FANCY BOOTS And Shoes of every style, foi Men and Boys. The Custom Department BKCBIVJsS.SPECIA ATTENTION at the hands of competent workmen guaranteed iu style aud endurance Batliloctio Branch Store at Houiovllle. O. MAGIiANE Kextdone IPs I ) Hi s'rett, i'truluuiu Centre, Pa. "ashin(ron feblfitf OLnnil. HKATII'SJ manvvear's experi ence in emii'K the debilitated and oiseased dmelnsrd tho start'inir fact that tlire-fon-th of those siilfellne with Dutptptta, A'cnmui Jtrbility, Krhautted Vitality. Otntnmptifln. Oincertwg Afire tiimt, liiitatt of the .i'er, AfVp,y, Paralytic and Viieattt of tht. Kidntyt and liladdrr, were coifed hy and could oll'y tie cured after ctir1lii;them of imi'nal HVaA-nesf. ,'Ilis immitnse frsutice lias iiinue iiih rreuiuienc ns nar peiiiciltm a possll.'e Manv of his patients had paid from 100 to 0,ol(1 for medicine and tnutiiu ut Ix'I'urn seeliur blni. No be t'T proof that paiient' cannot he cured without a searchii 11 examinaiinn of all symptoms and compli cations, and s 'lenrilc treatment hy an experienced phvslclnn. Those at a distance can hecuredat their homes wli bout an InUirviow. Advice free at 7111 Rniadwav. New York. There are so many nnsuc eewfiil phrslclans. Lr. II hat 11 will merely sav be is the author of two elaborate works on Medicine aud Surgery and ono on Chemicals. TiliECsIIEXV VALLEY It. II Aew line to BnflMo. tlirinh the Oil Regions. Jl'NE 8, 1870. (I'tlKII SOITTH. n 1 en.. I- i.u .... w., . j. rrniiKiiu. r iirKIT R. ar. I ITtS'C Mail. 0,.iiam oWnin 12,.in p m 8,(10 p 111 v-lFTP' lmP'n Wpm -lAlpru 8nfim lght hx, 8,20 p 111 10,05 p m , 1,00 a m 7,00 a m OlMXil NOUTII Plltshnrg. Packer's, Franklin, nr O. city Pay Fxl, 7.50 sin M.411 am 1,60 pm 9 60 pm iVy.,Vr?'"lm m Wlnm 7.H.1 pm Muht bs,(l,uo pm a.oOom R.Miuni 11,3(1 in hILV Kit PALACE HI.EEPING CARS on Nhrht "Press (rains both ways between I lltsburgh and p.,. m v J,f LWKEXCE, Gen bupt. 1 ho St. Kins, As t Siipt Go to Bruce Fullers, Main Street for your fine Boots t 3ljoes. soptI3-tf TITCSVILLE ADVERTISEMENT FLETCHER' S ITTOSYILLE Hassry Gte & ; LlHENiGOQDS 1 1 0 LACES Bui cf 1 iraiaeiB' SH1WLS Domestic Ms . v FLAMELS 4 ROBSON'S 1 ' at Oil Cbfek Iipe, Works CHARLES ltOBSOX, Atco., Cor1?3iI.f ?5"r". etre 8t., E sl " sis inIt trm , Dealers In Morris, Tasker ACoi OIL WELL TUBING' AND CASING1 ALSO, WOBKINO BARRKL8 AND VALVaS. bTOFFINO BOXES, """x,' . CLAMPS. TtlNfls bUCKER RODS, 1c Machinery for Oil Wells & Befinen at BORING TOOLS, driving npa COLD WATHUrUUJ o; V1U I'blUS, . Every description of . . , SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND R li . FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, ' BRA8S GOODS, STUM AND O AH FITTINGS. BEITWQ, tACKlNO, and I, HARDWARE, HOUSE TRIMMIXt-U, Carpenters' Tools, '"' ttope, I'nKnm, Nails, Axes, Coffee Mills.'. Table Pocket CuMj; I Full Assortment of Everything In the II AMD WARE LIKE. lirase Tnrilshlng floods, ' ' uunps. cnironevs, No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, I BLsIr KiiriJ T ' TubleandDoci lt.t. tliauipion Clothes Wrin Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper' Were. Kepslnnr of all kinds done with neatness an, dispatch. Especial attention glveu to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patttuair t the public, aud shall use every exertion to Instil , It continuance. Our facilities for fnrnlshint; e,ervtnini in cm line, having been greatly increased, In the erc.ljor 01 inir new iiuiiuinL'. are now bUPEKIOH"U ANY OTIIBfl.ElTABUS'HlV, I'N 1 auiriiam. O THE OIL KGiON- - TAKE NOTICE. NO.tFISniNG TOOLS LENT AFTER THIS DATE. . ', , Responsible parties wishing to hire tools wlllke aecommcdited at reasonable rates. UOBliiSON Jt Mc.CtjTrAWr.' 25 CT& WEakLY s o 0 I r-H 0 o A -f- 3i- o h to w j SJ w o I w o 1 o o I o isV.fl ISHAM & CO. Centre-St., (Ml Clly. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF ffaies and Jewelrv. CD JQ - P CD ct. I -p. '0 H (A merican, Eng lsh and 8wisa make.) oierung sitver Ware, Silver Plated Wase, Of all grnJc,t noftjnej,,!,,,, Jn &lh f.K. especially adapted for Jrceeuts SOLID GOLD CHAINS, TIsTtJLii itEVOL1tR8, FiWIIJiG TACK1K, PMimlaraitentlea given 10 rerjair Ing tine watches anf jewelry by a competent workman. ' ' Th 41 1... TITsi.II 1 1? 1 n J"". "W0 1U8.VILLK, Spring street , , REMEMBER THB PLACE, ' ir! '!!? next door west of the f .1". A Tdluiisd!. kKl - - m v; I a. . o- w vikt (H PETROLEUM IRON WORKS Bryan, Dillingham 4c Co., Machinists! Iron antf Brass Founders FORGERS, Manufacturers of ENGINE?, BOILERS, DRIfct'lNQ. MUIjIiAT ' AND SABU SAW MILLS,' PUMPING RIGSi WALKING -BEAM AND . BAND WHEEL I ROWS, PLOWS. . AND ALT. KIN'flS OF CASTINGS, WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS NI ALLISON'S TIBIXGAW FOR OIL WELLS, AO.1 Titnsvllle, Not 33?1i,1669. tf. FACL TRADE . WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT UPSTAIRS. PKSIKARLE goods received dallv from sn-tlon aud pnvHtesalo OnrstorsrorVsathem, Flow- . srs, Ratlin. Silks, Velvets. Hlhhons. Jjjcas, Triin. niings, Friiiees. Yankee Notions, Fancy flood,, to etc., is laicu, and cheap. We cut lengtbs at prlrca, puypnd sell tur cash. E(Jwirii. iJidley-siJa,"'' '; 809,' 311," SU Orand, and' . CO, S & 70 AUtii &v'tt Coimr Store, CftU Mock eat t-sm tho Bus. NK.V YOhti tllY