The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 05, 1870, Image 2

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    JfcFAllLAM), SMITH & to.
liosee Block, TitiuvilIe,P(i.,
Merchant Tailors!
Fall and Winter Stylcst
' Vesting,
Wtth unequalled facilities for making I horn itp; ,
, In the moat approved wanner.
Hats and Caps.
811k Hats Hade to Order,
Pcrfoet Natisractlon Always
Petroleum Centre Daily Record
feu Centre, Wednesday Oct. 5.
un u. v. e A. K. K,
On and after Monday,, May SOtb, 1870.
4..lnji -.III r. 1 1 ' 77
mhiuo win iuu aa ivmuwb;
ORTII NO. 6. '' SO. 8. NO. 1
Leave Irvine. - 11,45 a m. 6,00 r H
Aieave uu uuy 7,uu A U. 2,42 p m. 7,47 p Si
rei.ven TiSB " a,n 8,28 "
" THubv. 8,23 4.14 " 9,15
Arrive Corry, ,35 . 6,45. " 10,35 .
booth. , "ko, 3. ko. i. I ko. 6.
Leave Cony,' 11,20 A m. 6,00 a m. 6,t.' r m
Titnsv, 12,46. y m. 7 40 ' 7 'I '
" "P. Cen. 1,25 " 8 7 " 8 3. '
Arrive, O. Cily 4,05 8 55 9,iu '
" . Irvine. 4,60 1' 35 "
t2?"No. 5 aod fi fa o ;iin'-v,
' FKKIGflT T'' " '' N.'E i- .
Leave OilCitr-R 7 ..'..'::" . J(i,rA ?,f.5Pji
10 v '' " "
Arrivo Thus, w.01 t- n. o,5 " . 6,20 "
LcaveTi.iiBV, 0 lrx V.M.. b F.ra
JJr.i, mf " j;. 1.VS5 r-.. ".o
Amv0. Cily !) 4 ' Ji-i"M i!.04 7.30"
ilt ill v and Vuttfirvm CatUre r.eii. Hww O'l
tjijr 1 40 . in , i"i,vvi n, t'e.ioivr-.! i ,rel.2."i n.
"1,J'',''.I';'"'','""""I"(1I1, w., auitjs
al Oil C IJ 6, 3 p. m.
. " vcr J-!.!'! i. t:4riio cat.
No. Jl,v:.. i ' a " 1 ai -i .out rhii4a
Jjo. i (V ; 'mil, i iir.,.
rjo. D '- ii ,ii. -u v, i'.iimr;.ui"e.
Wo fc .,). : jiHvutiriioet change.
A.- y, t v'i.'.iSiO. .
Gold at 1 p. m., 113,
The atriklojr of ao many big wells within
tbe paat few weeks baa given to 'bulla"
ana "bears" in tbe oil market a good op
portunity of influencing tbe price of oil on
tbe strength of a large daily production.
While we have given the aotual production
or tbe new strike, it is psrbaps justice to
also mention the failing off In welts on the
McCray farm. Phillips & Bovles well No.
1, wblcb slatted up at over 30 barrels per
uay tsqaw yleldiosbut 126. bavins- fallen
off nearly 100 barrsls within, tbe last tweo-
iy-iour neurs. Their well Ho. 2, which
started up at 259 barrels ner dov. is' now
yielding only 25 barrel. Several otber
wells have decreased largely.
Gas Explosion axd Firs. . An alarm
Vf Ore about half-past twelve Isat night,
was occasioned by the gas from the Kepler,
Watson & Co.'s well, MoCray farm, catch
ing ore from tbo tool dresser's force and ex
ploding. Tbe tools were about 85 feat in
tbe third sand rock when the na vein waft
slruck, Ue gss coming to tbe surface with
great force. The derrick oaus-ht rire and
was chopped down to prevent tbe flames
spreadiug. Aa tbe vtell was within six feet
of being completed, tbe Ore will occasion a
delay of two or three days before operations
can do resumed.
Bio Win at Eisjjo, From reliable
Source ws lesrn tbst a t5p-barrel flowing
won wi struck st Bono, lost evening.
Is located on tbe Bino OU and Land Com
pany's property, back of C; V. r.jpo.
bouse, on top ol tbo bill, Tbe well wss
nearly completed, when a beavv vain
gas was struck snd she oommenced to flow
t tbe above rate, go strong is tbe volume
oi gas that the workmen have been uoublo
to put In tbe well but eight joints of tubing
inrougn which the oil Is flowing. This w
be apt to. create another oil ' excitement
Pouch. James O'Brlan andjamon Mur
ray, roiillns In Konnoho.T linn, ot into a
wiir'of word, wliich finally eudi'd In tjlows
and Murray making tiueata to redura O'
Brlan to tbo consistency of mince meat,
against the peace and safety of the Com
mouwcaltU. For these offences Mtirny was
held in the mm of $00, by .Tu?tica Rey
nolds, to kcop tbe peace and appear at
Franklin to answer.
Frank Deats for assaulting and battering
Frank Mullen, was mulcted io the sum of
$2.00 and costs, by Justice Reynolds. Tbe
parties resido at Fioneer.
"O. W. B.," the Youogsvtlle correspon
dent of tbe Erie Dispatch says:
On Wednesday lsst I visited Stand Off
City, on tbe lar-famed ' Sbaw farm. This
new "city'' was named only..4bo day before
my visit. In now consists of one hotel, and
auotber in course of construction, two hard-
ward storos, two dry goods stores, two
blacksmith shops, groceries, dwelling
houses, io.' In fact everything that goes
to make up a smart oil town is coming in
daily. It is situated on tbe old turnpike
between Oil City and Tlumer, about tsree
miles fiom4tbo former n smed place, with
Rouetvillo stout one mile and a half to tbe
.west. The natural location of this torcuis
much bettor than most of Its predecessors,
being on a high, dry elevation. Tbe oil
wells in this vicinity bid fair to outrival
any in the oil region (except the Tidioute
district,) fer permanency. . .
Marrieii. In Dauvers, Mass;. Oil. 1st.
by Rot. -O. J. Sawyer, Mr. Geohoe F.
LiAWREN'ok, ot retruloutn Cenlre, Pa., to
Miss Josei'HINB II. IUrtTiiOLOJiKw, of Hard
wicw, maun.
At last our friend Lawrence has read
himself out of tho '-bachelor crew," 'and
taken companion for lile. We wish bim
ail tbe joy imaginable. May bis lutuie
couiso. be bright and happy, and never
a cloud of eonow arise to dim the horizon
of a wedded life so happily began.
; "I saw two clouds at morning,
.. . jTloged with tbe rising son;
And in tho dawn they floated on
( -And mingled into one.". , .
Tbe "D. N. Society" In this place seems
to be on tbe increase, and tbe lodge about
to be started will be a forge one. Tbey are
to be seen on tbe corners of the streets,
"holding up buildings" or "keeping posts
from falling. over," Ac - Ths "Do Nothings'
it Is said will bold a grand maas meoting in
a few days, at which time nothing will be
Who Can'i Lkoallt Tractick. By a
recent act ot tbe State Legislatuie, porsocs
who have not graduated with tbo degree of
M. D., or have failed to take out a county
license, are prohibited from practising med
icine. Although a heavy pvnalty la attach
ed to tbo violation of tbe above law, eomo
of the more venturesome break it with im.
punity. Tboso persons bad better take, care
as their liability to prosecution and coavlc
tien may bring them into difficulties from
which It will oot be easy to extricate them
Wells No. Sand 4, Phillips & Boyles
lease, MoCray farm, are In the third sand
rook, and will soon be completed.
A report has been in circulation for sev
eral days that the McCray farm hue been
sold for $1,000,000. Tbe report bss no
loundatlon In fact
Tbe weather wise cannot explain the
strange freaks of tbe weather at present
Rain, sblno, clouds; shine, rain,, olouds a
little more rain. '
There Is one Fat Man lees in CIncin
natti. He drank two gallons of sweet el
der, pocketed the wager, rose, cbuokled,
tried to make remark, and foil over on
the door. That night he perished miser
ably, having earned the apple-ation of gni
cider. .-. - '
Zoe is playing' in Scranton to good
houses. Bo is Sherry.
It Is reported that a forty barrel well bas
ueen struck at Walnut Bend, on the Alle
gheny River. Should this prove true it
will osuse a revival of (he oil business io
that vlololty.
Tbe Fifteeutb amendment civea Penn
sylvania 8,474 voters. The State contains
a negro population ol 57,819.
The New Yoik Times has enuuiied in
new crusade egalost tbe Erie road and Fisk
Jr. It thinks Erie shareholders will be
pleased to boar of the buoauets be aivos
the Erie oGioes to the French females of bis
opera poulTe. t . -
' Herr liuns, of Cincinnati. Oiled himself
with beer tbo otbor, ftisbt.aand tried
argue the European war , with an express
train. One arm and leg aro gone sure, and
tuoy think be will die.
To-day is Yom Kljipur," or the Jewist
Day of atoueoient. . It will bo observed,
ei usual, by our Jwi&btqllosv citUeue.
Latest ontl Most ImnGrtant
War Kcws.
Nauto.1, Oct. 4.
It is known that a great General died
recently at Kueims and it is supposed from
the fact that persons who took cure of bim
were threatened with ficath if tboy dis
closed the seetet, to have been Geneia!
Ferricrs, Oct. 3.
Nothing interesting has trautpirod around
raris. T
A sortie from Metz Thursday was repuls
ed by Gen. Kummer with heavy loss to
the Freooli.
Lyons, Oct. 4.
. From all parts of Franca aocounts show
that sharpshooters aro now sertoualy nn.ioy
Ing tbe enemy. - ' "
. . , London, Oct. 4.
A special at Boulogne tend .Void from
Tours that all South of Fiauce are under
Great numbers of troops have arrived
at Tours wltbin tho past week from Bor
deaux. . " '
Tbe towns on tbe Solr Anglers, Snmcur,
Nantes, ars crowded with soldiers and d ril
ing goes' on Incessantly : in towns on the
Rhine from Seoes to Arrignou aud have
assumed the oFpect of camps.'
Boiirgess is in tbe same condition. -
There is no thought of peace to bo Any
where entertained.''. . - i -i" 1
It is understood the garrison of Faris now
consists ot 350,000 National Guards; 50,000
regulars of the lino. 00,000 Gardes . Mo
bile. .
That these regiments and battalions are
drilled Incessantly snd it is confidently be
lieved In tbe city that the army of Paris
Slooe will at no distant day. be more than
able to assume tbe offensive with suc
cess. . , ' , : '
There bas been no street rioting or fight
ing whatever. . ',
i Tbe whole German force now occupying
the line betore Paris consists of seven army
corps numbering 230,000, besides csyafryj
which will probably bring tbe total up to
830,000 or 840,000. ; v
' .11 J,'.:"
Jinks and an old acquaintance wero on
tbe beach tbe other day, and beard the
screaming and giggling of some young ladies
who were preparing to bath in tbe surf.
Jink'sfriend asked what occasioned so much
oolso'ic. the bath heme. "Ob." replied
Jink's, "it's only tbo belles peeling."
Tbo King of Biirman seems to bavo a
good deal prejudice eguinst the use of ti
tles, and merely Blgns himself "Ilis Great
Glorious and Most Excellent Majesty, the
King of tbe Rising Sun, Lord of the Celes
tial Elephant, and MastarpT many While)
Elephants, tbe Great Cbiel ol Righteous
ness." At a lecture given in Frankfort, Ind , not
ongjine, (be tickets read: 'Blessd ate
tbe pntela heart, for tbey shall see God.
Admit one."
A Texas girl read tbe newspap er para
graphs about tbe delicate young girl who
cut so many aires of grass Io a day." She
tried it, but tbe mowing machine ran away
and she was mowed down with tbe otber
flowers. ,
" . n . : i u j "
Mr. Herbsten and Mr. Wilt, of Chicago
went to a little ball the other night, and a
dispute arose as to whether the German was
a round or square dance. , What tbe result
of the controversy would bave been Is un
known, as Mr. Wilt plunged eight inches of
dagger Into Mr.' Herbs ten before that gen
tleman bad time to fully explain bis views.
A Syracuse man went to work in a dis
tillery, but wasn't a person of great strength
of character, and drank so much bigbwioes
on tbe first ds y that the . tomb opened for
bim on tbe second.
A colored candidate,, for Governor of
Texas went to a colored ball tbe otber
nlgbt In order to make himself popular witb
tbe masses, but be became, mixed up in a
riot and went borne ' with bis bead tied
A young man la Columbus was thrum
ming a guitar and doing some very indif
ferent slngiog under the window of bis lsdy
love, when ber stern parent sot a large yel
low dog on bim, and ho made up his mind
that the old gontlemanrdon't like muajc.
i i . . I
The "Learued Blacksmith',' is now ongat
ed during(bis leisure hours in'' translating
"from sixteen different languages' ' notices
of Diekens death. ... u
' -,- '
A beautiful gold (ish, was caught in a
mill dum ataLock Haveu last week.
Smith (who bad forgetfully left bis pock
et book on the piaDO last night) "Have
you found anything -this morning,' Angeli
na!" Angelina "O I yes, dear, thanks
and I've ordored a new piano stool, somo
loco curtains, aad -ejjc&.a, love of a boc-.
act'." PucUi&(!l!o.
j. i , at CiMFrFS rtnoa.
. J ....1 llw.'n in full
and e imloo or cooking Stoves, The lic
ntir, which wA warrant for esonomy, lor
linking, tor clonliness and lor general
work. Wo wmwnt tbriu to compete with
any stnT" in tB"oiintry.
xl b Dt iiruiv
IT- 1 - 1 .,.. n.i.l mranl U'.flll.
lugtou St.. Petroleum Centre, I'a. Ladies
t 1 . . 1 ... n , Oil
ttlU 1UVIIUU wni. wry
Vn i. Stti.v.
and see thorn at
Laiomers A Aldenti
WAIili PAPi.1t
at Gmffes Bros.
Tlot Blaat, Fire (ncen. Iron Gate and
Wheat .rJtieaf CookinjBtovee, at Jlteholsoo
Aiiiackmon's. ' -' angSl-tf.
Now Is the lu st tlmoto lay In a winter
supply of hard coal. Codington A i'urn
weil are the men to buytrom. June 23U. (
Somo very nobtiv Clob Hats for young
men, at'Lnmmen A Aldu's. '"
t ' . 1 ' ' '
Call at l.Bmtuorsii, Aden's and get OH
of tbe New 1'sll tvie Hai just received.
. The eelebrnteel Boston teat Broilers at
Nicholson k lili'.cliimm'i. ' Beat In tbe mar-
I;et, Tiy them.
I .
Jii.t received n larL'B an! well assorted
stook of shelf hardware at . Rutherford's.
. . ' i. , . tr.- ' "
liny the "Red Tlot" Saddle, manufactured
in Titusvilte nxpresnly for tte oil eonntry
adapted to all kiuds ol wc)her, at J.&
Krous. aj-u
ThejjacH tb bei'yrtur Boots sn'd Shoes Is
at Brtrce & Fullers, Main Street, ,
Alt styles Msht harness. cheSrsr'tb'aa tb
cheapest, made from Moffat's oakstock, and
warranted, at J. R. Kron's. ;
- . at Grippks Bros.
. klaekberry Brandy.
A Tery superior articlo of Blanfehorrv
Brandy, -for summer complaints.' cholera
! - Grippes Bros..
Oysters by the quart at Voucher'8.
A. 3. Smiih bas iust returned frosi the
East with a largo slock of Shoes and tbe
latest styles of Opera Toe Ltjdies(shof.fl
Tlot Blast, Fire Quiien. Iron Gat and
Wheat Mienf Cuinkln . Slnrno at Nlohnluin
Sa?b. Glass. Door". Putty Ac. Laree
siocs very cucap at tua t uruiture Ktora.
nuovtr v
i Wo havo tbe loracst nscortment of Parlor
ami o.tung tfoum Moves iu town, anu
Return of the Favorites For
One Night More by General
Desire !
Female Minstrels!
WU1 aptar aa above for One nlgb( More (urovtons
Monday Eveg, Oct. J Otli, 'TO,
Which U1 he positively tbtir laat appearance la
this section of the country this wesson pu -wblcb
occufciou tueywiu pruwiu
Aa Entirely Different Pro
From (hat perfoipwd oa their inu vtett, ess-"
Sew Fcali on the Tinprze,
DoLUK WAKKKN, in Now Sour A Danes,
-. 11ATTTE ltlMiKKM KXCKfilOlt JIU, '
NKW 8()S(18u(l DoCBIU DANCHM '
. NED FOX will "umV a few remarks!"
BILLY ULAltt, and the antir Tronpe in new
Admission, SOajid Tft Cents.
Doers open at 7 o'clock. Commence at IX o'clock
- - preciaely. -'
a.Tlckets can be aecurod iu advance at tb liail
without eirtni eluuu. .
JPT Thin Troupe will repeat their lelt to OH
(Ky" IS and WcUnewlay, Oct. 11 Homo-
Prussians in Front of Paris
Iiatent Xelegrams
Inform Uie masses I '
.1 4 . . - " ' ' ' ' '
". Men's, Moys and Youths. . ,
'"-. Also, an cndleas variety of '
Of the hoar, that cannot fall to please, . Oar atock la
u, v. im rini.B, uUu. por cout. lower thuu. ull
olhr cionlcr.-i. .. , ' ..
Out oiitom dupartmoit Is presided over by a flrst
wtinn inc-unTHi,, yrj,,, j4 untUri1h8LU lor UlS ntS.
n nun out! ami von, arc out custoinyis.
Xottcc.-Mrvhcrour Store is,
on .Vtiin siireetf; ut)tttito tin;
McCUnto!li HottC, Petroleum
Centre,- lav
i . ' i fi.ptvttr.
KnaweratlDg a low of tbe article to u
tuund ut
. ,
t t
i ll",
H asfetnson-St., lptTOicnia
teittrc, i'a." -
i X r ! I ' ' i ' i 'i I I I
, J ' ' ' '" ' ' 'I J V I 1 t ; i
Frietidii and patrons on and all.
rtmir attention to my "biz" I would call;
Tlmi a are dull an money tight,
But In these Otnea I'm looking for light; ' '
To tboo who are bulldlag rips without lumber, '
I wuuld trform Uil I tb place Io buy Lumber: -
Mr motto I thin? -Klntek Bates knd Small ProSl."
far buslaen la bealtbjr and I think much of Its
In quality my Lumbar Is second to none,
And as for Shingle, I keep No. 1 ; -
Same may not look at It in the light I do,
Aud fttr itiOH 1 havo a quality N. S ;
And to thoM who are particular as tome may b
I still bave anotav quliljr aUtd Ko
I bave pood aeaeonfd Lumber, Dressed up nice,
Which I will iell at a low cash price;
Such as' Florrlni;, ClHng and Siding, ;fcoth Rongs -
and Drcpsed,
Lath, Battens and Surfkced Lumber, all of lu
I also hav Rig Lambar W all kinds,
At price Mcorapara with oil and bard time; ,
All kinds of Timber kept enosUnUy on bud.
And a box ofClgarajj Tepood brands
My bcllltlos for telling are surely without number
I always keep good teams to deliver good Lumber i
... i . - - .
So If yon Want Lumber, Bough, pressed, Boh or
Hard, ' 1
Too will tnd)nSwbat jroo want at L M kVs Lam
bor Taid.
T. Ponald.
it the Depot, opposite the
. Central House,
Iilll beet mock of DRmHQ AKD SAPDLK
UOHHE8 on tb Creek, are t be found at
McDonald's Livery.
. ...I on beamnable'. Terms. , -. ; .
T amini . of all kindi At
V : tended to Promptly
nrGlvmseacall. T MaX)NA).l
. (Pctroloum Ceutre, Nov. 1868.
TfYittfr) -JritT'itirtiUil !
8T0RE1 ,
rphe nnderainnod having flllwl "P JWISS TO
Petroleum Centre,
la now prepared to furnish! hi enatomer with
eryUUnx la tb bout furnishing Una.
Stoves and Tin, ware,
., , Fancy Articles, .
Stamped, Preste.
. and Japanned Ware
Also a Large Stock ol
Ilrasa As iron Fitting
ar a riLi .1 unu a UIV.kH.
nai aj ib luuiiauo vt
All Job Work promptly attend
ded to with neatness and dis
patch. Particular attention paid
to Gas. and Stearrr Firtm, have
incr a Gw Fittinsr Maahme not
exedlvKl in . the Oil. Hytt i
cutting (Tfis Pipot. ' ' "
vwrMYIi-v rtu I ntnrviii"'
Ma. EMTOB.-Pleaso announce tbe nsm
of Juuies Sago, of Plumer. as sn Indepen--dont
candidate for tbo ottiee of Boad own
missionoj, subject to tbe deolsion or w
bocost voters of Cprp planter township.