TAT . V .1 !' ; ?' i : i' - 1 , ) : Ti -i'1 IS H ?! i .I' ll!!! '''I I ! , ,,l I I' KIcFARLIiVD, Ml ITII & Co (Buacnson te(J. A. Loses,) Merchant Tailors EXTENSIVE AND ELEGANT ASSORT MENT OF Spring and Summer Styles. UKEIGW AND DOMESTIC CLOTIIS and CAttHIMEKKH, whlcb they makenp t or. . der on SHOKT-JNOTTCK. superior In STYLS lad WOKUMA&lliP. ' Htwtl Satisfaction Always - feaaraalee. Eatly lwrilne til Un Novelties. In BEVTE' rUBNISHINBBrOBS, ' HATS, CAPS, AC. McFARZiAIVD, SMITH Ac Co., ' Cor. Uprise franklin St., TltnuTllfo, Pa. Petroleum Centre Daily Record Comre. Wrrttiexlay, Aosraaf 34 ABBIVlli A,D BKPAHTIJBE OF TRAINS ON O. C. A. U, R, On nnd after Monday, May 30tb, 1870, iifliu. viii ma us iuiiows; OltTU ' 1,0. 5. HO. 8. NO. I Leavo Irvio. 11,4ft a x. 5,011 p u . Leve OiJ City 7.WI A m. 2,42 p M. 7,47 p. u rei.ueu 7. as . " 3.23 H.28 " Tltusv. 8.2.H 4,14 " 9.15 ' Arrive Corry, ,Hi 6,45 10,35 80CTH. xo. 2. ko. A. vn. . Lavo Corry, 11,20 a M, 6.00 a h. fi,U5 p m " Tltnsv. 13.40 p u. 7,40 7,45 " P.Cra. 1.25 8.17 11 8.85 Arrived. City 2,05 8.55 ' 8,10 " Irvine. 4,50 1L35 . t3T No. 6 and 6 ran on Sunday. FltEIGIIT TRAINS NOKT1I. LMve-OllC:tr,fl,aA.il. :1,30a.m. 10.311 a. J,CB ' P. Ceo, 10.60 s,sri - 13.10 1' N. 4,lu Arrlvo Titusv, 12,ul p.m. 9,46 ' l.SS b;MP FHE1I1I1T TRAIXS SOUTH. LesveTllnsv, 6.1B a.x li',8B a h. :i OOa.b. SISra " V.KK-n, 8,17 " 11,6.1 " iia v.m. tt.ao Arrire (). city,9,! 1,U6 p x ,06 T.30 " Ml Clrv nnd Petroleum Centre IVolfclir, leave Oil Ity 11, Ml a. in , nriivts at I'etinlmim Centre 1,25 p. JJJ-jjjJMAJjToleiiiaa .ira aiK 4,00 1 u., arrives i!.vit palati siFirrmo car.0. 2. 4 r.lruul from i'liil-idflphia wiiliuut change. No. J Ii'-tct lo I'hilut'-lpliia without chaiigo. Sw l"fect from I'lttxhimh vithout r)uuio. No -birocl to I'UisIjuikU wllliooi cliauite. Muni-ajr, Mny au, J870. Gold at I p. m., 118. COSUIlBHStUXAI, CoXTENTION. A dia- patcb Iroin Stoucooro, duted at noon to-day mjs: Tbe Coofuit have bad 200 ballola without niakliiK a nuinination. . At the Republican County Committee Hii!olint5,,bld at Franklin, Robi. Wofflt, ,Ecj , witbdn w hia name an a candidate for Jury Couimiasloner. Samuel llcKlroy, ol . Salmii,. v. ub notdinatml iu his Blend. At priftwnt Ibero it a gaiyr ul aneak tbiovea opurntlng iu tbts vicinity. Lat liight tbestoro of Scbonblom & Wlug, ad, joining i!ii oOicu, Wan brokvu into Irom the lauk way, but nothing of value wan carried uwy. Utbi'f houava have bven entered re- . -nlly and articles of value carried off, con teqiiaolly It g wull enough for tbe citizens and hublui-M men to bu on the look out for tuete petty runcala, and If caught give tbem a warm rowptloo. It would be a wise pre caution to load up all the- extra revolvera and gmib about the bouau aud let tbo tbiovea have tbo conituia wheuever tbey "put in A l'.,!'B kil""a wl cure Last niglit lvier Noluu aud Geo. Jlaker, ha.linK from that paraditn on earth, ac i;oriiii( to li,H immaculale coireapondeai ot tbo Oil Cay Time, Rouaevillu, came up to tbia place to have tome run witb tbe boye.' Before leaving ptradite for l'otroleum Cen tre Ihty luduiged in divvra and Bundrj I'oojtgiiia of benzine," uud tbetr spirits rosl io prourtlun at tbe spirits weut down -Fpou ttulviiig lo lowu tbey imbibod vast fjuantities of lire water, and like tbe Indian imagiii. d tu.'y weighed a ton aplcco, and cougluJrt to tear down the town and com uiei ced business ot the tipper end of the Uieet, only to be Interrupted by oureflicient Dljht watchmen anil taken lo ilia lock-up, ufter considurablo resistance, where they IWW UiiKiii8b awuitiiig an examination. It 'Pii'eaia lin y i, JWn in tliu babit ot visit . ml C.iy und doing aw they pleased ou th street wiihoiit four f arrest, coiiBoquent- j .uiiuiieieu iuey Do.iM il t Fid bima h.r , which Kiev. er Hiistl:eq. ' WAIfS FOK THE JLA011.S. Tbo lady who bordered on distraction is going to try real thread lace. IjTbe way to get a good wire Get good girl anij go to tbe parson. Tbe prettier tbe root and ankle, the easier U gels up stairs. A female ' tooth carpenter Is tbe last de velopment of "the movement in Kansas. Mlis Symes, it wealthy lady or Montreal, now In Rome, has giveu the Pope $8,000. Chinese ladies go calling witb square pieses ot red paper lor cards. . A Trenton lady of high family lately died or delirium tremens. Female undertaken are becoming quite numerous in Philadelphia, An eccentric chuck Chucking an old maid under tbe chin. ' A woman with a band organ is one of tbe newest arrivals at Newport. A New Albany, lad., lady Is building a $45,000 hotel. The President of Misuia Cullege bas di rected tbe young lady students to refrain from whistling In tbe balls. Though men boast of holding tbe .reins, tbe women generally tell them which way they must drive. , A dress for the concert roo m Organdie muslin witb fluted floiiuctn. Red Clouds wife is as straight as an ar row. Iter name is Tbe womau Without tbe Bow, or. as we say'in English, the wo man without tbe Grecian bend. In the Connecticut legislature, tbe other day, tbe Rev. Olympia Brown received one vote for major geueral of tbo state militia. Miss Rose Ellis Is the best shot in Scott coonty, Indiana. She Is described as 17, and as "pretty as a pink." If a man's wife bu a complaint to make, ber; husband should give her a herring. If that won't do, give ber a pair of them. A one legged woman, wbo claims to be tbe daughter of very distinguished con federate general, and to bave lost ber leg wbile acting an a rebel spy, is soliciting pecuniary contributions in Indiana. A bmte of a bachelor, on being informed that "marriages are made lo heaven," said he wished that a prohibitive duty had prevented their; export from the. place of their manufacture. Tbe sole object of a certain ladles' society o Louisville, Ky.,is to provide; employ ment for women in indigent circumstanoes. A housekeeper in East Poultney, Vt.,' states that one can live comfortably on oao dollar a wnk; and that, when sbe lives at the rate or two dollars a week, "it is good eoougb for tbe table of a prince " It would be interpsting to bave tbe dstails of that ityle of housekeeping. Oil is Missouri A very fl itlerlng prop ped for petroleum is found about lour miles west of Qii a 7, in Hickory county, Misjouii Tba discovery of the richness ot Die pros pect was made by a Mr. Henry ot Wheat land, late of the oil region of West Vir ginia. Tbe neighbors have been In the babit of greasing their wagous with oil found there somo time past. Mesnrs Henry aud Cooke bave leased tbe lands for twenty years, and bare sent lor machinery to open wells. Mr. Henry has had large experience n tbo oil region iu West Virginia, and is very sanguine of success. lie also discov ered another good prospect near Uumaus- ville a short time ago Coal oil bas been struck in many parts of Vernon County iu boring for water. Messrs Fuller, Jones, Pinegar, Nash and four other farmers In the same neighborhood, ail living South west or Nevada, bave bored wells from which oil in small quantities was obtained at first. But their objest being to obtain water, tbo wells were partly refilled in or der fo shut out the oil. Nrw Well. McCray & Donagby well No. 1, Jas. S. McCray farm, mention of which we made yesterday as being nearly ready to test, commenced pumping last nigbt and isd now yielding 50 barrels por day and increasing. It will be remem bered that this was tbe first well that was put down'on tbe bluff territory of this farm and when nearly completed the tools were lost in tbo well, and were not taken oat un til within a few days past. Tbe well has a strong volume of gas, and acts at starting similar to tbo otbor big wells on tne farm. Titu8vii.lb Uaom.Tuo races in Titus, vilie yesterday, for borsos that have nova r beaten 2:40 was won by Black Mao. Time, 2:44?;, 2:45, 2:4C. Tbo three, minute race was won by tbe sorroi geldiog. Time, 2:48 2:14, 2:41. The hair mile running race was won by Belie Mabone. Time, fit, 63, 63. The superinteudaat of t heSnecial Sei vlca Division of the Posto fllco Department has gooe to Omaha to complete the postal railway service 00 the Pacific Railroad from Ouiah to San FriUcisuo. . Latest and Most Iiiiiiortaiit War Xcws. Lor.don, August 23 9 p. m General headquarters of tho French ar my, Sunday night, were a fow miles west ol Rbeims. Edmund Texier writes thence to the Siecle that tbe deepest depression pte- vails ond the Emperor receives nobody, Tho object of Prince Napoleon's visit to Florence was to protest against tbo neu trallty of Ilally. Tbe extraordinary forces called out by tbe Swiss government are returning to their homes to protect the neutrality of tho couu try. Dotal! or the battle ol tbo 13(h at Gravalletto are still wanting even at Ber lin. German dispatches to-day are meagre, but from them we gather that the military situation is as follows: Tbe Twelfth Prus sian Corps is now between Metz on Thiou vi'.lo and servos to keep up communication between Prince Frederick Charles and Stein metz. The fortress of Metz is euclosed ou all sides and communications between Chalons and Paris are cut off. The head quarters of the Crown Priuco ar e at Basle Due. McMahoo and Failey are still retreating to' cover Poris. London, August 23 The following dispatch has just been re ceived from Alexandria: Tbe Prussian frigate Ilorta, Carrying 23 guns, bas been captured by the Frvucti. No particulars given. Herbert Bismarck, one of tbe sons of tbe Prussian Prime Minister, was wounded in tbe foot, and bis brother William bad bis horse killed under bim. Tbe Standard's correspondent is confident Paris will be defended ereu if bombardment takes place. The Post is authorized to deny tho letter published yesterday, said to bave been writ ten by Queen Victoria to tbe Einpreu. Tbe prize promised by the Prussian gov ernment to the captor of tbe first t rencb gun bas been awarded to a sergeant of tbe Prussian Fifth, and Goelilz Rittes. A letter from Baden, published here to. day, says the French peasants as so fanati cal as to perish in wells. An Alsace correspondent of tbe Dally News says: la the battle of the 18th tbe French were flung back ou St. Q lentin and Gravellotte villages, in the neighborhood of Metz, wbore the hostilities of tbe past ten days have occurred. The war news in tbe Loudon morning papers is meagre. The bombardment of To'-il bas been com menced. Tiie Emperor's headquarters are now at Rtieims. McMahou's headquarters are at Conti celles. , Paris, August 23. Journals to-day s ly that a dispatch bas beeu received here, from Baziiue iu which the Marsha! declares bis intention of re maining near Metz, without giving fuller explanations. The dispatch admits that Bazaine's communications were at 'one time broken, but asserts tbey ate 'now se cure. From all appearauces tbe fust bit ol British America that "inevitable destiny" is likely to annex to the United States, is the region or tbe Red River or tin North, though it must be confessed that the people oflbe Dominion of Cunads are making rap id strides towards representation in the Senate aud llousn of Representatives at Washington. Kiel's fiasco Is said to bave terminated in an attempt at a . closer politi cal union betweet tbe Red Pivvt country aud the Dominion, but unlorlunately topo graphy interferes witb that. By land and water, by railroad, steamboat, forest trail and bark canoe, it is lurtber from Ottawa to Fort Garry, through British possessions than it is from Washington, via the United States, to Fort Garry. Not In actual dis tance, maybe, but in time and iu facilities for travel. To get around this difficulty some entbuslastio Britons bave proposed to build a railroad from Ottawa to the Red River aud on througb British territory; lo tbe Pacillc. Imagine a railroad through tbe rough, wintry and almost teoantless country north of Lake Superior. It would certainly be tbe most wonderful acoieve ment ol English engineering, for it would be the most expensive work yot attempted and would not need a station ofteuer than every five hundred or one thousand miles. Tbe fact is, there is only one avenue of communication between tbe people of Riel's late dominion aud tbe civilized world, and that is via tbe United States aod tne Red River valley. As wo said above, topography Interferes witb Can adian fchemos and Is tbe strongest ally of American annexation. Tbe police should accommodate the young men who Jgo about our streets at nlgfct, iDSlug "Put oie j Uiy little Let." iO::ll Sroilt!. aotici:. As the Koclrrsleopd intends bolni absent fnr sumo weeks, he ha authorized Mr. Konker and Mr. E. A. Kellcy 10 attend to his lute liiiHioess during bis absence mid col leu all outstanding accounts, at his oOicu in Petroleum Ceniro. jy30.il. 3. M. Shaiip. Soda Wuter and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat ty's. Soda Water aud Ice Cream at J. V. Boat- 1 Inrkberrr Hraudf A very superior article or Blackberry Brandy, for summer morbus, Ac, at - complaints, cholera Gnirt'KS Bros. Now is tbe best time to lay In a winter supply of bard eoal. Codington A Corn- well are tbe men to buy from. June ZSll. Kisaeugeu and Yicsey Water on draught at UH1FFKM liKOH. Kissengen and Vicbey Water at Crifkks Bnos. Victwy. Klsaensen and Soda Water tbe Artie Soda Fountain of jl8-tf. GRAFFS' BROS). Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. Xf. Beat Fine assortment or Paper and Cloth Wlo dow shades and futures, just rec U ot niHiJ. Griffi Bros. J list received a large and well assorted stock of sholf hardware at J. Rutherford's. tf. Buy the "Red Hot" Saddle, manufactured in Titnsvtlle expressly, for tbs oil country niiaptea to all B.iuas ot weather, at 4. iw tvroa s. aiz-tl Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat ty's. nil Sash, Glass, Doors, Putty Ac Lara stock very cheap at tbe puroiture r-tore. miu-tr Sparkling Soda Water atM. S ra4 tf. Sim taon s. Vlchey, Kissenven and Soda Water at the Artie Soda Fountain of Ga-irrss Bros. All styles lliibt harness, cbeapsr than tbs cheapest, made from Moffat's oak stock, and warranted, at J n. Kron s. Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat- ys. Vi'e would call the attention ol onr bus! ness men to the superior styles 0 job print ing, both plain and fancy, at present helns tinned out from this office. We ore prepar ed to execute-job printing of every descrip tion in the latest and most f ishioriable style hi mo art, unu at reasonable rates. tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Petroleum 1 xcliane Hotel CHANGED It AXIlS. FRESH ALL THE OYSTERS I LUXURIES! Received DAILT OP THE SE A SO N I Washington Street, Petroleum Centre, V., next door to Bknm's Dry Goods Htore, i'nv twaraera sfttininmuMM, Aim; served sf all boors. Oysters, and tverv oWriptlon tiaius No nnliia will lie spared to aecommodala thsse who favor us wi:h their patrtma. Petroleum Centre, Annuel, jig, "TO It. Itl'SS At DAVIlfSo., Would Invito tbeirold patrons and tbo public ecn rally Iii TitnsVilie mid Vicinity To call and examine their splendid stock of JFurniture ! VY At h KINDS Parlor Siilts, Chamber Hets, Book Case., Hide Boards, Louruea, Wntinels, Hnt Harks, (iprisj Beds, Mattresses, CARPETS, OIL CLOT08, MIRRORS And evi ry description of Furniture, pluiu and or namcnitl. UIVOEUTAKlWCr t a U Ha br inch is. A large stock of COFFINS AND BIBrAEXIt) CASKS Now on hand. aprlH tf. a swwkftncitS IK $n High Prices! at tbe Old Stand or 4. S. lrJher, MAIN STREET, by tbe new firm, SI. V. B. F I S H E R, Who Intends keeping up t heavy stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS FLOUR, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and In faet every kind or goods osually kept In a well appoluted GROCERY STORE. 1 hive a team on the road and will deliver Uootls FKtlE OK CIU1WE. tV All I aa' Is t fair trial and an examination of my stock. Givo mc a call. , M. V. B. FI3IIEU. rcurolcum Ccntrr, l't , Jnly tf. HaC.Wachter lias now consolidated liis nm noss, by closing the storo on Wild Cat Street, ( and concentrated Lis stock at tho Upper Store ! (iu tYusSilugfon Street, ViM.ru will lie round a FIRST CLASS STOCK OF Groceries &Provisions All kinds of Foreign & ifoiiirstic Fruits In addition 'the best Ice Cold Soda Water in town. H- C WACHTF.lt lVtr.ilontn Centre, AprlVla, INTO if. xkw ;itoii;iJY Aii I'KOYIMOV STOKE! 0THK!Iir UlLTs I THE ULDIi VKF, MIORE I1L.U4K. Th nibsnlbera havo opened t new GROCERY AND PROVISION STORK,. IN TR1I HA1? 3 SIIOKI5 HLOCK, Where thi j Intend seeping Fuaallf Groceries, aud Provl aloiia In their season. The oherlhrr extend an Invi tation to their friends and t how In until ulnar thiiiB I" their lluu to give them a vol! tad cxainiiie their stock. W. TOfGEE At'o. ISHAM & CO, Centre-!?., 4llily. s- NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OK Wafe antl Jewelry, (American; Unj Uhand Swiss make.) Sterling Sliver Ware, Eilver Plated Ware, Of all smile, nrii iie designs In VKit. osH'clU'ly adapted fni present bOf.rncoi.ncrlAINS, " j'jsToi.v, KKVoiA'KHS, KISIIIVOTACKLB, xuat, kinos to, c. Pottlrulnr Mtdn'lori xlven so repair Inn line wnlelio. anj Jt-w.ry liy ft cini)M'ti'nt win k nan, M'hi- u-n liavn nNn a,' .triro at TI TTSV U.I.E. Sprin-4 wl- KF.MKVtllKK TUB l'L.VK. Centre struct, next iPhif wist of tlic P A A. Telegrayh VSice, tPI Ciiy, Pa c A 0 r-t P 9 ft JDXA-lsL O INT IDS H. O. eJarvifc. Ocalor In CABINET FURNITURE! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS OV 11AU. IXKjKTNfl fltASPES In trrea' variety. Looklr.U' Class I'lttes rej.lacod In old frames. Picture Frames made to order Carpetn, Oil Cloths, Wal Pa irer, w n amn aues A PINE STOCK. IMDERTAKWO, COFFINS of !l slws on hand and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH BLINDS AND DOOKS No. 100 WASHrfi s TOK-S '!lrlenm Cen'ro, Hept 1H0I tf8. T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! 1 tht Repot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA li: K. best Slock of PRIVINO AKD HAPDbB UOKbliS 00 the Creek, are to bo found at Al'Dotiald's Livery. !i.RBIAG5 & EuTTna 'I'U ha LET AT ALL TIMES. FEW Jk BOAttI)EI on Kea.Jonablo Terms. 1 atnins of all kinds at tended to l'roiiijitly. ty Give me ca call. T. M'DOSAIP petroleuov Contrs, Nov- 11, 1B06- "-e- OVXJL