ssmaMmtaiiM a.TV .T.' ii K'j"! .TOK.PEDO. j PBTKLlKTffrTnKfKJO C3. , OIUco at the i Red Planing Mill, a , Oopor of Pino and Second street, Mimr tho HallrotuI,) I . mrcviiLE, pa. Jwftwtn th Htw ni tncrmsfne demand for tftn I KnIsfxrTftfTod:i-i. asti the late decision of the , UotMrtoiovsor otl'i'ww tn refux'mr to Win. Kcxid a IW, lUlU rOC.?1l"U Ol dlM-T If. V. SI1S- tnitc SBr '!?!-' patent tbtiy.liaso LUW-EUED toe priflMf sti?lr 9urpcdocs JTWEHTr-PEBCEKT. so that every Oprmti cm aOon ttrtrj Tbr&edn before aoaiJdootusa WuU. The foilowlnr Its thn dccMon ir.rcrri by Jmfan JJrliw oi the hsniryyvmd (SC) day of Bri'tniihi-r '',"s t.o, t-iVenlt limn at ffi, .' pliii. Tlicc'i was rrened three dav hy Char'. X. KUt of Now York, B. f. I.,,cn. and S. A Kir v nncs Of niMhnreh, for dofmdanw, and 4or'-of j?ittstairgh, for pta'ntUlT s v-uriaiy, u , , OPINION OF .TUMi GRIETJ. .elusion to whif h my mini bw xm iiftara KrS? examination of this cam paretti- agoodttilc oudpnjiontbe respondents the bnr- ion of pro-r mat tbe pnWt Is Void 1 V . . J"' C. C Ken; sans but now adopt Uu-m , rffordiruc rah. oTAiclsiw which plies 1 leerl j hi the prwent cms. n A die infringement of the patent h lmi i and bw c nd pnllnnt pctiorurano? In eMmJ, t.t-x H-l, .ho hadbcrore mido cxp"n nod arporebMli,(! , more wmplainant", 1" r" pedcoe. h ur.DUl on the M of Nor.aiibw iflK , Bi' .Mcn. On the luihof the K)me month tho nwpo1. torojd m..v into a com,2y TljSI a u. en he entvred forcooiplniuiuit for a nor. petail tujnortion. and a Maoter appointed to EEe La aoouuii awoidtog to tite pr.yPof the bill U,ke 1 '. Judge. Td firmer docit'uli, 3 W-tilaeo. n 20l TwS WMtothto.iowas UoxS''. dp,.cd -J1' '""f"'-" tho case, when any valnable dljcov. y to pde, or any tie' maohlne i.f CTeat nilTltTl. hnfen U that i..o.tuntl, ,.f the pnblio hi, , 4eS toinHjwthai.abJeot preriooslyani ,h "t nwnta. 1ino.jpb. and mechanicians may nave agmoBHnnTesrticlijatl in their nunlatlnna invoBUoj? many cxpmmi.u havo been an jce.fnl. bhi w.t 'ngvm-j riar. yotfrllln,, KbJ:t , ?Hr,d ro .. jr ,oy hav. prndnced nothing ben . If al Ihe Invention nen ptrrecttd may tmly be e-!d-obo U.fl cnlml..atiiig p,imt or maiW expert. in. a , not only hylho inentor. bnt by many oth ota. II:. muj Mv pn.fltol Indirectly f)r the ttnno OsmT':. ivpennivnta and fallnrn of otlien, but It give then no rtulit to t,a:m a hwe of the henor of uie p.Tm of tiie siiccuS;i hitentor It U whon ppcnlatlon hiui bm ro(,,ced to praclioe, wlien cx petlmnit laii nsal'od In ilUcorerv. and when that Hw,vo..-. Iim lcii perlVeied by patieut and contin ued experiments, when nunos now eouipotnd, art, mann'nc-tniti. or inauhluo ha linen ihn. orodnced whh m U r.tofnl to thn pu Wi:,that tiic party inaklus It lioeomes npubMrtitWictor aud i-ntitledio a onient . -An-! yrt when uia and pitlcnt nemevoronce jmnip. h4is;lR aiu'ocudud, In aplie of fineera and reolf . iTi;i Tiilnib!i. Invention or diuco-ery, how aelcSuro la li followed by reward I Envy robs him of the honor, whho jpecnWtara, ewludlors. mid pi . rata n.b him o! tho prollu. Kvcry iiii.,nccesiil eKjienm' nter wh-idid or dd ordi'i not come v-ry tuiar ra il.lng c iiacovary now clalina It, Kvcrv 0113 who nn litv.i.i n Improvc neut or vary Ita form, uii-ru e rlir'i! to iilj-lo the on!nnl rtinnuvory. Wo ni-oil -..o! enoimnns .;nw, or'ird, br Wood , WL iii. to provo that tills is Ihe tuual bioU.ryuf eve ry c.N at discovery or Invention. - "Tha present aue adds another chapter to this lonft fj rt ii iifmu history." 2 Wallace, 0. U it 0fT9 p. kUhl. CAUTSOW. The pn'illc I MrtlotinJ acalnrt employlnit ny h t the roultu-Iy in::horlied Agents of the Uomtm ' ) alire U Mdberta IV.tont cover the ueof the 'forped.? ud ail ei)kisiv material! for oil wells, , and, the 11 of sa-'i. nmii rials bv other parties Is a tlbuet InMngomeiit-jf li.o(r rldite. AnypnHesin. US-rh'Sonyf ihe KOKKHTS PATKNTri will be with aeiyiriing to law, and as acting willfully mi'l kaowir.iy lu dsllaicc of law and thu decisions Of the ttonrui. . . . The Oonipmy Iiao re-orBsnlsed their bnslnoas view to accommodate Oil Mun In every part f the Oil Rion. Tbey have employed the most wfltiient Aeems and aasUtni ta that can be procurnl Jhr tho business. ach Torpe-lo l latiled with 4ataf patents, topetlier wlih the price of tho Tor pedo, and "limed I7 an officer of the Company, so cverv fiperr tor wisbtni! a Torpedo- may know Its rjrSi h sad vliethor It cine from our oilic. ' Cpofitor wi 1 confer a fnvor by reporting to this t OKI' nr n"? licence at Agentn. , Vie loT,lv,-isi named persons hare hern appoint i AReni" end Assistant Aaenti for tho Oil Itethjaii of iVeausj'Ta!iia and West Virgiuli, OF. ACEWT3. TnrsvnxT!, fmijHcn nrs ano vicini. 9Y SiMtPMGS nfJrtf. Offlce. Hamilton's fiL"tr fitoro uidrcu V.tuavi.lo, Pa. Asaisttuit, John Van tic river. t:t' rsviLiiK, onTiani hon an vicrNi- JrlT n. II. THOMAS. Offico and address, Jlun el' m J3oe, Utu.wilie, Pa. . . MUA.MHURO AND VICIN'TT SROHOE IK In. UCke, 8l:i.T.bam; residonce, TiiasviUe, Pa. As-lstaci, A A. West. E!TBK?lttbK, ITVSANTVILLE, BEAN FARM AH I) PlTmOT--aKJKar3 W. VAN LiWT-. Oi.i and k I '.iuks, Ohnsn Iloiuo, Pltiaa . ' --ile.' Asaittaa,, H. t'.' Iluhtlnpton.' i.'H0PT' ANt WJiST HK KOUY CHAS. t'LAUH. ( tDce and addeis. Gxpi ess Office, Tidl ou.e. To. Afli6Uiiit, K. C. EoariLiIny. p;"THOLTtUM CBMUE AND TIcrsiTT LS.'l MASON. Office aiidadilress, Pctroleuui Ceu V tre, Ta. A'sii-tant, CharUr? Bl'ekford. ' TAHR t ND BLOOD FAKM8 and District lying 'm M1 Crek and tlierry Kan. from f-tory Farm to ; .WcCHntocU-.llle JAiE4 r!AONlliHH. Address Tut VArui Pa, Asuistants. Luther 11. Bauiidcrs, CVJlos K Cochran and Wlll'am Hoyt. 1 -ClitWIOKVIU B, Oil, CITV AND KttNO A. ti. -I-.'SHT. Addies, Gil Oily or Hcno, Pa. r" A li.HN. AlX)NOTnKAT,LHOnBhYRIV. ' KK-.I'i WIU1BM. Ontae and address, Prankllri, Pa SOKITliO ASS, i'liS'l'EII FAHM AS PA rfK K K'ti I.l.'TN'-i i'It:IIM!' W. UKIil'IBLU. OihVe a: 1 aildr-' m. I :rubnniM, I'a. AtUtanl, It. W. Por-tei-fltd, cdJri -s luiiliiuton, Pa. ' VKTVlw HM'.-rC. I). AN1EI., end T. F. (OfX'K. Addrev , Pdikersuiirit. W-I Virginia. , T . llofeorM Fetroloiim Torpedo Co. ttaftJ-tUv. Baily Record NEWSPAPER, AND b PRiftrnsSG Office; -MAIJf 8TOHET, PETItOIElJI CENTRE. H.IXJ.XQ WELt, rroprlctor om New York, Fhf1ade!pbtn, .nnd Plrtuburj;, vM, ogetber with Editorials and Local m itters, make It tatM BrSnf 1hlnc8Paa Published in Advrttelng Octlinm, The RROOKD hne no itrpcrlor, as It circulates wherorer an OU Operator or Dealer can be foundj 11 i-l h fil ' We have a largo and welt selected, tmcct o Jobbing Illatortal, oim.rae Uie ven latojt styles. Wo are Uiereforo, enabled to execute J01 f .Vork of every variety in a oatkfactory manner when desired, Jobs will be neatly printed in Comas fcJJiippiiiB Uills.J Tostcr II:in.l.fiUIi. riojrarumfiBj" EUlmi! Fare. JLiUhcIs. -i- AND BuiSncM wl VlhUlng Cavfis LETTEH- HEADS, DILI.-HEADS, BILLS OP iADINQ, Kto , Etc ALSO BALL VKlirnKQ, . in or Fancy Btylcs, neatly and promptly oxocu. tod, oiubrocluj HIICTILAKS PROaiSAMMBS CARDS, TICKSTS, JJto. act, every variety a stylo of work Jn letter prifeg printing. Merchants, Lawyors, Justices of the Peace, Land Agont', Cll Dealers and Agents, Inrrarance Agents Kxtiroosmen sad other p .rt!e- In want, nre Inform liLANKSuusl ness or legal icquirtd lu this com munlty. JobWni; P'.itTonngc MspwWallv solicili d, W li. LOSO WELL WIN.' Oil LKOS. COLUMN. STOBS. t ESTASUSUEO ISE3. Winsdr I Bros. HS.Al'S STREET, J1EALERS.1N Olu WELL TlfBING AN!) GASiks ! ALSO,! ' t WORKISGf BAKEELS 4 VALVES, BTEFFIXG E0XE3, CLAMPS, TONGS, i 1NN1S SUCKER RODS, EIVETED JOINT SUCKES ECD BOILER TUMPS, CISTERN & WELL TCJirs, Jffvcry Desiiptlon of snppJ its tot OIL iWSLL' ffl'SS MB jKEFINEIlIES.J B2iS GOODS, STEAM & OAS FITTINGS BELTING, PACKING AND nOSD ' . K1RB Y'S CO JIPKESSED EUNGd, HASD "W A. TEi E, House Trimmings, Carpenters' Tools, Drilllntr and Plitin Laid Rope, OaUnm, Nail?, Axes, Table omU'uekel Cutirry, A fall assortment fof cvwjthlnj; In Jt'uo Hardware Lii.c. AND Momiiij? G-lory nOME COMPANION, IRON GATE, ana . WnEAT SHEAF ools Stoves. Lain pi, Iiuntcrns & Cblmiicys; Ko. 1 Winter striiJucil Lard Gil, SO. 1 UEFIXEI ClUi. aiA32P!0. CLOTZIES .'! JTannfactiirersJof TIIJ, ' EHSST IEQII COPPEZ 15AH3. SM0K11.- STACKS, RcpaL'Inc orcil k'nd dona vfth nor.lnopR and dl pa Lei. Xl-;Ltcc:al uttcutioa givsa to Bteana ccd Gas .Kttlajs if- Pnrchaslnfi with oftsh onij, our fncliltlos for fur nir-Uijig tverytliiiiff in ttr lini are nupcrior to iny nthur eaLuhliahuieiit lu tho Oil tieglou. Wo 1 avo a first clad. TIN AND REPAIR SHOP Thar.king onr friends for their liberal patronage in the phi-i, we iihull uji our boat eU'orts ito merit ta ovtitluuaiioti. iiiutli Its. R033S03ST'S' iKFE K HI E YKKSs Ctl.VKLES KOIJSO.V ?v Co., Cornor of Seneca A s'fntro Mt kitio iHl Crook, Oil :i', ' Dealers In Morrla, Tasker 4 Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING WOSKIN'O riA';iT;T.S AM) VAl.VliA bl'(JKl.'iyil l!lXK-, CLAill :s imm:-. . , . MJCKKK HOWS Kachlnory for Oil "i7ella & Refineries pr.iviNd rivB, tvLl) W'A l'KUPUMJ a; t'lL PuAtiV, Every diw-'rfy'.icn of SUPPLIES FOU OTI, WELLS AUD KiC MNi:;ni:y, Alno, FTUVE?, TINWARE. IlttAI'S 0;OD, 8 TEA 21 AKP OAS FTTTtXGS, HtiLIiA J, I'ACKiyO, ttr.J bOSti IIAIIDWAKK, JIOLrtfi TKlMISt.;!, Carpenters' Tools, Uopn, ':,!tiim, Kails,, CrtT.-o MIIb. Table i l'ockot Ctt ifrvy ; a Fall Ai3ortinit of Etrything In tho iiAiii) i va rh: LIJS &. muc Pnnhlnn Oooi!, Lamps, Chln-neva, No. 1 WintiTS'ratrofl Lird OB, Iiu.:ili'ttr.(dO'l, Stair l!iV, 'i'.ih.eandDCk-tHf.t Cbaxipton Clothes Wrinxr rs Mannf.irtnrcrs of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. rlcp.Mrmsr of all k!id done wlUi fKtlti'ces ant lisputch. Kpecial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. W?havc onclravorpd to merit thn part, tmcf t the public, a id lull use every exertion to iusnl tt continuanc". Our farilitios forfemlhlnt eervthin:' In on. line, l-avltn iH-m creatly in . Teased, in tho arovtlo of our New H-nhi'n-j. arc now , SUPKHIOK T. ANY OTIlKTlKSTABLI'rllMlirJ'i anJl-gui. IN THE OIL KblOIUN. piiiladcljiltki V Krio 21. U. tJIMMEtt TIME TABLS- On after Monday, Vny SOth, the train, on 'ho Plii'.iuIelplLa & E:o ltai.roai Will run as foilovi3: WSTWASTI. Mr.ll Train leaves Philadelphia, Itl.rO p m 44 lea iM Cory, f. tut p tn it i ariv r.t T;,-.e, 7. 10 ji m Erie Ex:ir. Ira.-ea P--.:ir.d-.-lphla, 10..".u a m hjivcii Coi vy, 5.60 am ' ni-rivc-i':c Krie, 7.20 a m Wr.rren Acr-Miir.!'),: if.m leaves Warrfi, ti tH) a tn ' ,iavf..-. Carry, 0.10 n m " " oivi-.iat "Jrlr, ll.aj a ui KAI-TWARD. MM1 vrr'.u leaver T!i!;-, ' ' li nvi s Corr'-f " " nrrives nt Pnlladelph'.a. Er'e Kxvr. l.-:iv. h K rr I. ... i,.-u-i-3 t'uitv, " " arrives at l'l'i!a.l.-! h!i. V.'nrrt-n Accutumcl vilon Uavi Trii a tn In 4il a m tf.i!0 a in t).il p in 1 ,f p hi f..:l i p tu 4.0.1 p m i -ry, ri.rrt ;, in " " arrives At Warren, TAlpm P-nrif, Mall and Accommodation, Pat ai.d Wil i. i-.i.nnect It Cuiry, Tid all vt hom:d tli'Inc Hiid l:til aii-.l Ac'-(uniiiin!iiinin K-t at. lrvi,iclon with Oil Creek rnd A!livl..-i.v l!iver r.i.ihv.iy. VM. A. U.M.L'.VIN, I u'l rS ipt. AIjIsEaSIESY VAIiJEY JeW line ta B 'tTilo. thrritv h the Oil Keulons. . JUNE 0, 167. Oil City. FrniiVil.r.. I'arfctT's. nr. P'ttsV onn. v,vuam ii..r.i b u linn j, m ti.'Dpiu iltv Kn. V.iHI n m ..! u in .1 n m A Jl ti in Nlt'ht Ex, U,lM p m Ie,05 p r.i I,Uu u m 7,ll a ui oo:so Nolf.-If. 11t!bi:rj. latl::rV. Frr-nhlln. ar o. rify iiy rsp. i,.'"i a m iia'iam t.f.iiini ripm WayPn'r3.3(la in larra r.:to p m 7,iMpm Night K::.!i,eU p ai 3,t.jaoi 5,.'i0ain (1,3,1 am SILVKIt PALACE SI.EMPINQ CAHSon Niifht F.xprees iruiac hu'.ii v.iijS b-avveen i ittshurjh and v.uuy. .1. ,T. I.AW-.'.ESCE, Gen, Bupt. Tuos M. IviS'i, Ab't Brj-TAr,o, co::;tv and x&iiTH'.vir.B tr.'.i.'.:). Dntr.iio. Ma.!, V,.y Freloht, joj M 11, ;x(irefl.. six. v. rcisci, S?., lias rr-Yi.-.vcd l.i hli NEW BTCP.S,, sdiol-ln" Sc.ioi.blftsi ,v Wind's '.l-o-.ay Store, V7A81!INi. Ti iN-oT., ai.i Is no- r.ri p.invi Lo I'urnUi his .siiLds aiii ths pu'oiic gjue.-aliy wilh E'rssSi asul Salt Meats of a); klr.J?. Thr.r.:(l.ijr my frwnds forrirt fhvors I hope to merit a cuuvluuanco of U,e some. Utve ai'i a cll. CRO ",V SlNfJ.SB, Pctrolsum Centre, May 1870. -If. ESS iOLUi I'JN NOTICE. Petrolotim Centre, July 11, 1870. The Co-partnership heretofore nxistlne botweon John J, Feltur, V. A. Fenner & Robert Orr, uutlor tho firm namn of Folter, Fenrjer & Co., is tbla flay (Unsolved ' by uiittual consent. All debts due the firm will be payablo lo J. J. Felter or V. A. Fenner, who will settle tbe business of tho firm. John J. Fklter. V. A.F.K.NKKR. jyll-3w . Uobeut Okb. C."..Ty. Urwton. f..'..l, 4 it. ;i,-5,am. jl,iAi, a m. 8.:, p m. T.. , Mil. , fi,i;, p u. a tiL g0t:iiI7r.S TRAIN'S. HiTulo. ' l'.nijion. a in. .:("), a in, 51.60, '' pis. . ,;'. r n:. ,',, " i no, a in. 7,30, a ut. nj -0, lt,.0. 1jKIGHAlluWAY. i-iiis yn.Ks rNrtttu 8ia witiioux- ONE MAM.UiEMBNT. ClIANUKofCOACIlK The Broad Oauge, Double Traoii : lionte BETWEEN THE ATLANTIC CITIES in tub VEST ASI POUTH-WEHT T1IW XAILWAY EXTBNDH (! Cincinnati to New York 800 Milog. ClevcLind to Kew York 625 Hilas, Dunkirk to Eevr Yrk 490 MUos Enffalo ta Kew York 443 Kilos, Eoofaeeiex U EieT Toik S6sf Kilos, ism tv t mlou sugbtest BO.VTH..sfi New toA tintirnesw Oprtsss ass nan ftDns flLsijsr nl, Biiytuti. I ib.. rarlon, UIPs, sLuaOd .Vnit'iinJ, Aiirnu. Ovokiiid. U smas. i4vZ "Tir-nUTt tu Wow Yrk WUlael eta-ace. OKLT OJTB 9VAJKSB ?V BOSTON. ill leave UiaavlU. a Uw fcUcvjc bouse, v:ri HiAKtU.iM l.tM WtenT tMsstia. LliTf Headxllla, MB ft, U43 , MP a, Ml . A inavst." uiilhry, lit 1iW 1,40 KKAft&JU DKAaflUatasj Worth. Lsiva Oil -ty nvt a. , t.lO , bj B W r ft, s,kl -Fnu.kilB.iliut 'fade M 'IS Atuivat - ... Urn JyUIft 2 JB 1. tft lO ft S, ft jyj C!50 TTE5?, exiwud. fcrt.:.eliJit,Cl;i:ai..s.l i.uJ Uw Went and South, to-iiefs aV ULiiii'ila auudsis ex ceph'd, for Sharon, Nrwcas'lo an.1 Tit. burjli: ut, 1nvltt.buTt ft'r Y"oi.ECTUivrn .-.d ; i:.-jr; tt (lleve. laad wltii Mke fkorn itilwy. fci,- v,Mt NeriU.Wns'jal ltavantia, l5:js enaiod. for Al llanreand PHeAtrr; at Ak - . t, ,s oxcepi.d, lor Orvp'eaiid lliliun.1) js, r.t r.- s ..itii Pius, bu.-vh, Oiuciunatl aa S;. "ouIsK I! .i fhrirti.n ap .llaardatOlnilrwStlalt'it ia ilio Mlxis. -ippi Hallway, Cut be Ljijt t4 I'-nbouUi M.J SoMth-Wmt Sleenlnif Ooartira f t.) a'.tacLed to this Bala at n.irnellavolo, ruanlngtLrocjnu) uitvssand withsal ciiaao 8.66 A. HI. XP!?R'1S !WII. dally, simdaTS rxi'ep:ed, for 'levc:i4sy.iaa ,7i and Xorlli! Win;. Connoci.. tt .w-kavju ,'or t-haruu, Nc-J lij. aud lltii-inir,. sii.i. J r.'l.'.'hiad null Uk Sliore ksl.way Air Ihe n' l.uttk Werit. a.o p. nr. w:p? kt'rps, dai'v, t'lrt-emnd, Un-inaatl i. vest Ridtf..u"th Connects nt LcHMnsbvr, HikiJuis i.iiil. ror Yoiin..'.tiiu; at 1'letelar.i. v V.h ijiks bow fall wn, tor t"e Went ua . r-r.-j vst and al cintln mitt wlih the Ohio . i..i-lpui Kailway fur at. Umis aini the boath ui tSyth-VVeat.. A Slei'j.lm; O'v h is atrL-hrd 'o this train at Ne York, tuLuii-s ibroauk to Cincluuaii. tl.l'l A. T1. AfOOMJUODATION, Sonrfsy .uc.-i.l. d. f .r UavitUbor aud Way illations, con necting for Yoe i ipKuwa. i ; ; t 0.CO H. Kb FKBUJHT A AlXX'iUiWA Tlu, dally. l.)V At rat' WAT JrRBKKT, SutiViys i GOISft EAST., A. Zl. I.IOHTNINO EXPRBSS. diHly. con in-cine at O.rry, HiiikUvs oTfepted. for Warwa, Pt. Vayvllls, Hrocton and Titwville, nrd ilnily fir Sr1j at Klnnra with North.' n Central Uiilmiy i f..r Willianisporl. HirrWbtira. PkHadalphhianil IW- imoro and at New Vorl; for Bustua and .New Eta: and ail is A sio plt:s Coack Is nttaehed to this tram atJtlB Climnll roixBlss ihrcmgh to Now York . 8.30 P. m. frNfTIVNATI EXPRBSS.iilly Sni.uaysexcer.ted, c .r.nerrintr at llinsrliamiitoa for Albany And tno celobr.ited snmmer report, Shiirun Horinas. and st New York for Boston, and all ow KiL' title A cli-ojlna Covh Is stbvhod to this ttaia at Uiadvilleru-niuj lcnfli to New York. ,52 J. ITT. 1J3W YORK DAY FXPRKS9, dal y. !ui.dAyi e:xiftrd. Conncrtaat (treat Ji'.'nd with, Latkn-miina Jk Western Hallway for HevatJoc, i.nd ad lln Yorlt with Wlduiuht -projj ui.ia of New e'eosey itailroad fr 1 uilsuib frhi , A Hlsp!n Poach ta attached to this train t ('!.volm.d, run. .lit; tt roii;'j to Hon elisvlile, cxti nnitlni; will-, l u.iiiK now end Improved l'' ini; Hi :n C'oactiej ttuchet', ruuaitsl throusB New Youi 2.-.S.P. C5. lACOOMJtCDATION, cacepiej : ... 13,10 A, a. ACsJOJUIODATlON, Suneajs cvcjylcii. . 5,1,-, A. U. ?AY FUEICUT, Hiinisyf1 Boston and Now Fncland PsHsemters, ycltb thrir P.ii'L'RL'e, nr4 trantieritJ i'liEsl OF CUAMOk in Ton test'venrjntcd aid most Inmrlons '"lwPi''fl soachca S-IN Til K WOltLDst accompany sn night lris oo Hallway. Cir The ilrle Hallway Company lnw VC5 new F.irty from meir Jersey City Depot U tt"''"'' ofdKt, New York, thus enablinu ,P",,;'"ffl. re.iih the iipcr portion ol the city without " peine nud aunoyance of a street car or an omnia transfer. The scenery a'.or the enrlrs ",'7US? Pai'wny is o: the n.ot plclure:ue anil rtmrad-r of b'i . - , !,. , v.iiiit ioariiey over this 1 ino, will "'Virf. .lwi,i5i-.;wn.'MaKiaHono of continoal admirs tior. and ' iJassago Checked ThrouijU And fnro always as low as by any other Kontc, ASK FOB TICKETS VIA EU1B BaHAVAY WThlrii can be obtained t H the Prindil Ticl" CBlceH In the West and bouth-west- .""'tt.n.UPass'rAg't- L. I. IfU KHn. .VaTlMff" OsnltJtiTt. Bii envt. s i or