M. S. SIMMON'S COLUMN." . SIMMONS' Brug & Fancy Goods Honse Washington-St. ' TIii Largest and Best Selected . stock of Goods hi Western Pennsylvania, and sold at IS. Y. P3RBOSS TKB PUREST -OF- WINES, LIQUORS &c, For Medicinal Purposes. DREG!!. Cilii W, PURE AND FIRST CLASS. Paints, Varnishes, an;! Dye Stuft PAINTERS' MATERIALS and Brushes. IMPORTED PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES S Tbe Boost Msortmnnt over before offered on . Oil Creek. WALL PAPERS AND WW SHADES ! Uasiirpspned for beauty and originality ot designs, cheapness and durability. Canary Birds, House Plants, &c. THE CUOICE3T BRANDS. ALL KINDS PATENT MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTIONS ARE PUNCTUALLY COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOL'IW. W ICE COOL SODA WATER FRESH FROM TUEOUNTAiN, At sraazos'. ;kjffi:k r.mw. PATENT r, JZT Particular attention paid to preparing 1 rescript ions. M1SCKI.LAN F.OUS. Pacts are Facto AND IT IS A FACT THAT e's ;nnsti NEW At thff tmrapr of Washing Urn & 1st Jrceis, Has the laraest r.r.J best eolcclod stoc's of "-, Ci-emieals, Perfamevies, TOILET "ARTICLES, NOW DISPLAYED ON OIL CREEK. PATENT mUHCiXES JUST RECEIVED IN LARGE QUANTI TIES FRESH FROM THE MANUFACTURES. Wines Liquors Of the pnreRt Imititls mid free from adulteration. Perftimries, T.eVir'el iin,'kiir cenuini' I nlitii'A purrmiu'i'im ,.l ;0 lii- eiiiXi'iiF ef t'etri'lcuin Ccmii. . . m. cufiisiitr:. rid, on. n.i u i;ts. Okhcb i.f J PKTttof.Krn CSi!K I'.'f.r Hri'ixit I'ttTltol.KCM OrXTWK AlU. l'i. N The mm , t lii a been tiiifcUloil :n I I. m l to ejnote, tin! cotillietiiu war rn'i iimliiii oiifiKtioim uncrtulli. We. lu'ur of f'3, 10 IwiliK offend without selleis. l'iKUJfcl 1M .tlAUIlllr..iV i l l ' jkoicai'iji UejiorlHofull Hie Sale or I'ctrolciiin la New lord Vexloriai. WcRtrru I iilou ,ino .ftarknt itepori. peoial I.MeiKithes to lie I).ifW Iteovil Crude, in bulk shown mure lilo uml enn- siilmulilo inquiry from refiners to meet itTS-,iiiR orders, no business ca specul tlioti, I'MJO blila taken ill loot r.rkinnlly lit 12. Crmlo pUiiijiiliK order remains neglected and difllcu't to give lair price, quoted at ICalCJ. Reltncd, demand nearly nil at short delivery I'nictiontil olvanco obtained, closing very strong tit 2 V.I. Aug tales 500 bbls 3 V o:i spot At i'l'.;: COO.'I bbU la:'t half month nl t 2V-; MOO lbi dp early In day ut 21; 500 Mils, parcel to fill vessels nl 2j. I'liila. market Lls t-hown mors r.ctkily with fair inquiry Mil disposition on part of exporter.! t'j meat enhanced prioon, siiil some resistance to enauo Wire transaction. Sales 3300 bbis S V A113 ny2V.. Cloe ing at 21i4'u21' asked un-i 24 bid. Kew or!i, Aii, 1C. Cri':!n. II Refined 2 M.i Lust half Aug. 2.".'. Market fa'r and advanced for refined, riiihde.'pbin, Auc It. Cnido V-i tbl . !'. L. S. I.. U, 23 S. W. 24. M;ut;et Firm. 1'itbliiirg. Aug. IC. Fpot SJi' neMned 20 Market quiet but firm. I.:vK:tiu(.i. An0'. IC. I p. rn nefined 8,'J. Spirits 11. A.NTW'Kill', AUg. lii i!p. w. Crude Xo market. Ni:v.- I"okk, Aug. IC. Gold- 117. I It.'it Sej lee rRESEYT'ERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 cloc k P. .M. ' . METHODIST EPISCOPAL CnURCH Services uvery Sabbath at II A. M. ano i P. :i. Sabimth School nt 12.' J P. M. eats IVee. A cord:il,.iavitaiioa exteud sd to all. Ri;v. C. M. IlKArin, Pastor i'T. PETERS AND PAUL'S '(Cathcli") ClIL'ROH. Maps at I0J4 a. m. Vtvper and Heuiuiciien of the Blessed. Sacrament at 4 p. m. CutecLism at 2 p. m. JAM K? I VN. Paslor C. H. WILLIAMS, UK A LEU IN OF ALL KINDS. Office and Yard at end of Boyd Farm Bridge. PAR? ACE TO TEAMS OVER THE BRIDGE. V. II. WtM.IAIS. 1W" To Milliners and Comitry Storekeepers FALL TRADE WHOLES La: DUUSTSEKT, VP htm its. H DK?TI'.ATH.T' roidM roft-Ivd dnlv frrm nnrtlon uml urivi;;ifrni Our tot k of 'iVfttltH, Klow- ere, Sulhirt, Silks, Yt-h t ts Hiuboiii). 1 Aw. Trirr- II t !!)! I1 1'MljLrt.'rt, IrtUhlV ilOlU'i(, ruiirv rtioun, -to I'tc, 1 ur: '' clH'im. Wu cut lwijjtlis ut , prices. Uuy and eel) iVediili. K:lward Kii'lcy & Sob, i00, Sll, tj 31 LV Gran?, ami Go, CS d: 70 Sired, i'9!'or i'.uo Jj'j Wo:'; hj to. t'm I KOOIt Biookllere! 't ht'vc milfl i'lt. W'f !l:IVtj iol- ft li!-t, U c liiivi no 1 i f" fi-I, huvi hoUI m f 'dt. V V it'r Mdll o fntf We have f.'Ad f0 lift, nr rprinc finrl Siimmfr CiolluntT, Mr iritl-.' H SlUUTl.iT ( luthinjr, lur fpi'iti:: nwi Sii-nin.-rr'uiiiii-Jr, (M:r Spihtu' und NmiimT'Wt!:iiiK, Our Sp'iiitf iind SnuitiHT 'l-ilihi'.'. Our "jirih;; -u-d Suiumer Cmtliln, Our KpriiL'j Hiid Siiiiiiitcrt'lotiiinif, Om- fcpni'y mid Suuiuuu- Clothing, p nrt" now rnrni u:, Wi are now. ri!ri'it-iii)ct u n mi1 now n-ci'Irinjc, V ;(' now rreWmj, W'f nrc nfiw ri cflvlii-, Vl; It 1 11 ll"W P-C Vill'. Wc uiv now K-coiviii! TJin Second InstnlnifTit, The Si'CiHul Iiitaluiunt-, Tht! Second lti"tilim'nr, Vw Scroiid ii-talnifiit, The Sri'oiid Iifliiliui'ii, I'hc Sicih ItmtJilnt'iit, Thu bcoiiJ liit.'i'tiii-utf I'ciuitM'uI Fr'-sli (Jj.idi INrl'UlituI K"tll (i.Jt.dn, H artli'til l-V' rh (jmtds IWnmir'il JrriTh iimnU. lk;iiU;f;ii iit'tii l.ot'J, jxA ytvcil onr Ono Down, Aud Mrtik U our (JinkI iJnn, And .Miirkcd our (ioodn l onn And AUrkod rur r.oodn Unwn And Inrkfd our UmU Iown And Y.arM'd uur Otrnds l)ovn AlU Mitrkuduur Goods Down Will Sr-11 Chonn, M Sr-Ti i;henp, Vt;i s.-U i hcnu, Will Srd C'm-.'h,, Will SI- Cmmi. V.'iil SmI! Olim'.t Will c! i'lioiip, To nuitip rnom f-r Full Svn-k. To miikc rmim for F'.tl; hto'.k. To mako mom for K:dl "Tork. To iimkttronin 't V:) Stork. To niukft rc'om for Vnl! Stock. To m tkerxuii forKfUl Stork. To Kniko room l'jr fall Siwk. TVpftrJthnnkfiil fi.r tlio Inrjie trade v liriv.: h:iii'l. Our wdi'8 have been Inry-?) but wtJ n'.iW t avo a nplcndld ptork rf the very 1nt nr.d uowist tyI(M of Gei.ts FunaMihiEr Goodand C!oth- Inir. W'f rbim to have he Lnrgi-st Stoefc of t'lnth Inu in tlic Oil liosrf m and do not except TUu-vlll or rny otliiT oil tmvn, and our prlceriurti SO FKH CENT. LO'.VJCU tli.io T:tiwvillertcd. LAMMHS A ALPRN, T.AMMKKS & AUFN, L.WM KKS Aj aLUKV. I.A.MMEIiS Ai AU)KX, r.AAMKliS A AI HBV, LA AIMERS Us ALUtJT, fle!iin?toi) Si root "iii"i;pi:ton Strpct, Wtifhinion Stnvi, Viifi'itnrinn sti-rt-r, W :ih!r.frn stnvt. V,":i-!'iii-Miin Street, Wtu-hiit'ju Struct, rtrolpHTn Crnlrot Pa rvtwMim imrn. Pa. iVtrolftm I'tMtrf, I'a. Peiroietttu A!itrt Pa. t't'tr'Ufr.m ivutm, J'a. Pt'ttnitiitm ' Viitre, Pn. ftr.g-5 Petrokum Coitro, Pa, Enumetatlug fmv o' the articles to be fuur.il at L. II STERNBTJEG'S tVasIjiutkttR-St., Petroleum t'entre, Pa. Friends nnl pntront. one and all. Your attention to my '-III." I would cal"; Time f arc ilul! an money light, Hut lu these times I'm lurking lor llpht; 1 tlioec w ho are building rip wlthont nnmher, I wuitld tul'urm tlilt It the placo to buy Lumber ; J'.v motto I? thlo: 'Quick Suleo and Sninll Prollt," t'or liunlaeji! Is healthy and I think n'Och of It; In q'lr.lltj- my I.nmber la cecnnd to none, Ana as fur bliliujles, 1 kip No. 1 ; Sonio may Rot l.i at it In tbe Iisht I do, And for tose I have a quality No. 3; And to those who arc particular as some my 1, I ttlll have another ijnallly callitl No I have pood seasoned Lnmbcr, Dre(d up nlco, Which I will sell at a low cash price; Such as Flooring, Collins and Siding, 'both Rouch and llressmt, Lath, Bui lens and Surfaced Lumber, nil of the best; I alfo have KU Lnmborof all kinds, At prices to comiurt) with oil and hard limes; All kinds of Timber kept constantly on hand, And a Ilex or C'lgnrs of a very good brand; My f.u llliii's for soiling aio surely without uuuiher I ulwnyj Stoop sood teuiiei to deliver yood Lniubei ; So 1! yon wi...t Luuibvi', JSuiih, '.Dressed, Soft or II. ml, Vou will n.ul.iiiit wh.il. ym w..u al L M S's Luiii-1 be" Y.i:ii. fcbla K I SLCWachtor Has new consolidattxl his nsv n!Sft, by closing the store on Wild Cat Street, and concentrated his stock at the Upper Store ! Wti Washington Street, hfV will be toond FIRST CLASS STOCK" 0? Grooerios &Provisions All kinds uf Foreign L tanuestlc i'rtilts In addition the bent Ton lnhl Soda Water in town. retroli'hm Ccn'rCi April la, l70 if. SJiW ItCEKY AXD .FIUIYISIO. STOIIE! OS TIf K SIR nilA, IN THE oL,DJiAKi: Miioiif: IlLiOCK. fThs snbscrlbsrs hate opened a (lew . GROCERY AMD PROVISION STORE, IN THE LAKBSnOKS BLOCK, Where they Intend keeping raniily Grocerie an) Provl" SilMSI tn their season. Ths sithserlhefa .cttinid an lnvl tatton to their fileuds anil those In want ot auv thini; hi Uwlr line to give Ihcni a clt and enilii their stock. IV. T IBcGEK ic'Jo. JjtiSm. ISHAM & CO, Ccntre-$t.,OII(Iir V. o -p s ' T3 P 3. NjSW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF falcte asl Jewelry, (American, Eua Ishand Swiss mke.) Steriing Silver Ware, Silver Tlated Ware, Of till grades, uiihiue designs In sU VKH. oapiviaily adipttd forpreadti.s SOLID ;t1.0 CHAINS. JKWKLhV. I'ISTOIJ, UHVOl.V'U. FISHING TACKLB, KP-1L KINOS .c., fts. Partlrnlar nttentlon triven U repair ing film wntehns and Jtw;lrJ by a einnjieteiit workmnn. Tlie firm have also A t're atTI TUBVILLK. Sprlff; ircot. RKMKMBKK ITIB I'tK!'?.. Petilre strei t, next it mr wit of the V. A. Telegraph 0."iee,Oil City. I'a CD JDXJIvL 0 1ST IDS PI. O. rJarvi, Dealer la CABINET FURNITURE! A LARGE ASoCRTMF.NT ALWAYS OK ' HAND, LOOK1NO CLASKSH In prea vitrirfT. LookiAB tilasc l'Utes r( p'..ud In old Frames. P.ctnre Framt's mndo to order Carpets, JIM Cloths,' Wal Paper, YV mioMS.nule AFING6TOC1C COFFINS of ,!! sizes on bund and trimmed? to order on short nolieev SASn BLINDS AND Nfc WASIIIJCTON. I'etrnleitm Cetvr.), f ept lffl'i TMnK of This - Baots & Shoes I 60 per cent Below Cost ! OflUF EMM FOR ALL- just THINK ! SO tER CENT; BELOW COST ! The subscriber has: sold hia1 bnildinj;, to give possession ort the 25th of August, and intends closing out his stock by that date, and to do so has muvkod his Goods 50 per cent, below the' original cost J. rtrsEn. NO. 12 WASHING STKEET, ritKhum Ci-mre, I'a., JyWI u. pTfi.veiaeli '.iv.rrjr