at. oai wtikstz; 1 in 'H it ' y 0 1 f !. ill Ml LVS D, SMITH & Co. iSuccMon to J. A. Lo"C?,l Ifechant Tailors! rXTE-'foiVE AXO KLKttANT ASSORT J1ENT OF Spiny and Summer Styles. FOK.-IGV AND DOMESTIC CLOTnS .-nd C VSSiilKIMCS, v. 1.1,1, tliey make up to or. ICvr on SliOKT-JKOTICE. superior to c H'lYUi and WliUKMANsllll'. . PcrlJCt MiittNlactloii Always) , 1 faunrautecd. T"a!y ltecelvlng all the Movdtii In ' ; E2PS nJHNISKmSJGJDBSl, r HATS,' CAPS, &C. , i' McFARLAXIt, SMITH & Co., Oor. Spring dc Frnukllu sts., TUiuville, Pn. i etro!n Centra Daily Record 1 1 i'ciilro, Tnontlay. Anjf nst 16 ASmV.tL AN DEPAKTl'RG OF TKAI.VS ON O. V. A. O. K, On and after Monday, May 30tb, 1870, "J"" tin iiiu as iuiiuws: 95 ;Tit so. 5. no. 3. vo. 1 Leave iivliio. . 11,4ft A M. 5.00 P M Leave Oil City 7.00 a M. 2.42 p ji. 7.47 P M rei.ueo 7.3M " 3.23 " 8.2S Titusv. S.2.J 4,14 r,l5 Arrive Corry, 6,45 ' 10,35 " south. 2. so. 4. so. 6. Leave Corry, 11,20 x m. 6.00 a m. 6,05 p m " Titnsv. 12,43 p M. 7.40 " 7.45 , " I'. On. 1,25 ' 8.17 41 8.35 Arrive O. City 2. )5 ' 8,55 " 9,10 " Irvine. 4,50 " 11,35 tST Xo. 5 and 6 nil oa Sunday. . FKEKJrtT TRAILS NORTH. IrATC Oiiltt;, n.lA.X. .3(U.M. 10,115 A K. S.r5PM ' I. C. li, 10 60 8.i( . 3.iupm. 4,11) An1vuTitov, i. yip.ji. o,i 1,5 i,M FilSlOUT TKAIXS SOUTH, leave Z'.tuev, a.i.iA.M Wfl a a. a.k. o?5m " f .en, H.tT . J1..M " USA r.ji. Arrive u. tHv,'.l,35 J.'jo pm a,ii5 ' 7.39" Ml City and I'etrntc-.'m C'ratro rreitlif, linw Oil tity ll.fon. pi., iiiThvsat I'vtmleiim Cantrd 1.25 n. i?Vih'K,r.r'',r',1',,m ItattaatOOp a., arriviia at Oil City 6,20 p. m. SlITrill PALACI "IT.nPIXO CARS. 7' S!,iiv f'""' I'tiUidJj,hia witlion e?T:!ra 0,K J I'irw't t' I'hl'nJcliihin without chiinyn. ""cl fr:"" JIlflKirrii Mit ioutdnmL-e. J1.r,'rt ''"'urgh without chaaKe Jli.iiday, May 311, 1870. Gi-lrt at 1 p. m., Il(i;R'. The report of the Petroleum Prn.luccrt AsiMcl.ilioa lor the month of July appeared J11 thi Titnsvillo Herald this morning. From it we lent 1 that the nhmbcr of barrtsls of w on haDd at the wells at the, duio at tbo mcmn was iiii,Hw; JSumber ofjarrrsis of doilven u from the 'welis fflfwp? mouth, 4n.77; Agjrn,li) 5i8,0C0; dnct nuni hi r f b.n rel of oil on ImuU Mho close of Ji.Bt aeu 92,2ii3; Balanca VoTing the K)duoi4 lor tho: month, 42Jij8'.7; Aver 13! p-i lijr for, the- month'31 ilafS, J.f,i vO.b, Jumuer,iff ftl8 producing 'lun.ix tbu iii.;mh, iTeiiftull.v I'rod ic'.ion j, vr v.eltUIiirin ih'(r't!.;' Ntittilj. r of vella b9g drillii, 21-; Xum- ivr;ot, wells CiiVme:iC'd din Inc. 411001!;, 140; .nuioer of welia couptetedWuring mouth, !, number nf v.'ulls abandoned, Ko. of .I'laitiionoJ wel. refumd, 18. , A".c!:Uug to tho report. HierfcfMipe over j u".u.i: of jure ws tfj'Rv M4tj. v, ttA'rj.iit; Arc miN T. Tie, t -. to-day, W)ea o,ior m Ifovfi farm bi:,.., stiii-.i a uian nin. i'Tfo 6aahn, a icsi leiiti.; t;!ory Farm, ;M5 m walking 1 the trick, kujck;ng bv:n 'off luto,the Jitch, auVI corioucly bruising end .cutting :s . la cn-1 He was oO&irved be J'.w occiput by botli the entiinM and Cuu-'uju r Crn.ilL.and the whlstleVas re-r-tedly blown.yTt be pia 00 .twi...:e.r The brukes were applbJff' at'N ouiit inn l:'U 11 vna l.n mI...a l.t . l- 'fl.vWnfihl ( 1l c 2?I -d tel striking him. J y t-'mfa Ouit a broken vhiky liotl ljiiuu hi one u his coat pockots, it is ftC J-.o n 6"i9d be I ore atrlk-in. h,.., bottle was fair to ir n.u; ha was intoxicated at the time. t uh.c . cuo kj'A .attached to the railroad f , t Tli maa vi carried into a bouso l na'i- 3ct;a.i)ofr Run, where be n. at now JtojlUiitooretl as a private tor the Uefcuw of Parts. Jobnny Steele is now considered one of tlie steadiest and hardest working men on the creek. IIo enn do a job ol teaming fur 'ess money in lea time, and do it better, than any man in the business, and says ho wishes the papers wouldn't "kill" him so often, nor Blato that he bus "$20,000 laying loose in a New York bn!j." John also states that the stories of his marvelous ex peditions hare been greatly exaggerated; that he never had much money at ' one time, thanks to rascally agents ttud impor tuning friends, lie is now happy and cor respondingly virtuous. Herald. Yesterday morning tbo Titusville Ilevald "put in an appearance" in an enlarged and greatly improved lornu Tho full and com plete Associated Press reports are now pub lished daily in its columns, together vrith the latest oil news, market reports, choice miscellany, poetry, Ac, making it a first class daily paper In every rerpect. The Herald is on able exponent of the great oil producing Interest of Pennsylvania, and wo are pleated to learn is Lieut in j with the success which it is justly entitled, to. Ole.munoe-s. Tho Oil' Itednery of this place is situated so far from "town" t'jat It is apt to bo overlooked by tboso who may bo interestod in an examination of our in dustrial enterprises. - It is nevertheless one ol tho institutions of Jamestown. It man ufactures 500 bbls of reSnoil oil per werk, having lately increased its c pncity. Sh lp meats are made principally to points east in this and other states. Its average an nual sales amount to o'vcr S2:c,000. Jamestown Journal. Atonooftbo battles of the rebellion, a young geatleman of Greenville, South Carolina, was shot in tho eye, and the bul let, lodging in the bead, could not bo ex tracted by tho most akitful surgeons, and causod contijual annoyance. Recently, however, tha sufferer was reized with n violent fit of coining, during which the bullet, weighing hilf an ounce, dropped into his mouth. In sis years tbo bu!!et had slowly worked its way through tbo palule, and was released by the convulsive effort of coughing. Hardware, At the harJwure and bonce famishing store of James Uutherford, oppo site the Petroleum House, AVasblngtou-si., can be found a Gae assortment of shell hardware, tinware, stoves, &., all of which be is selling at romarkntdy l,,w rates. Thoso dealing with Mr. It. will Bad him itir aud benorabio. Call la and e::am-ii:e his sic Mi. A girl la Janesville, Wis., vyantej to a t- tend the circus the other day, but bfr fal low hadn't tho whsrewith fio pnrthnse tickets. IIo was anxious though, that be sijould.o-, and after much linatcieiing suc cJed in raising fifty conts. With this bo pjjrcuafed one ticket, and b!ooc'. outside the door while the ol jnct of his alloctinns weni in and witneHd thoexhiuitioo. Ho would ciako a fuoiiol husband. SJ TJfV quickest feat ou rocorl la bridgo building occurred recently at Eietimond, Icdianu, wherd 225 workmen rt pl&eed the burnt railroad bridgo over the "White river with a'lew structure CSS feet long, and re quiring 320,000 feet of lumber, so tbat trains were runtiin over it insido of two days- Vfo tnjiiist received a largo assortment of. uuw stock for job work, such as cards, enjelores, Jvtter paper, elilnnit.c: toss, bill heils, &c;Srpd aro bettor prepared than eyr for getting out supmior styles of job work. SMdWyonr orders. Baufrd 'IVyflr complaiua.tnnt tha flnsst iWiery on thosTacilic railroad is defaced by J Itjw ailvortiaerninls of qimcks. A now well was struck on the Wilklns trtiet, West Hickory,' yesterday, which is jfWd to bojsWx 100 barrels per day. The well is odted by Cleveland panics. new well ws struck Saturday on tbe fflsyieKer irnct, nest Hickory, wblcD isdo- it Nuyhart. , The Uomun Catholic Bishop of Quuboo is 0 ot the blondes playing at Saa .Fran cesco was throwif from a ttfVriage lately and fractured one of her most aUractive lealures Ms "lirabs.' , In aa 1 old English priu"the , by tbo single loner c at the wholo editi the be- ginrJbg ot ord iu tho third line, was pfnld ss lows: ben??e last trumpbet soundoth "We shall' not all die; ut we shall a'l be ujnged . Iu the twinkle fit an eye. , A J-ouug ;man, enc'ciyftring to walk on the top of a rail fence in Now Jersoy. has jiijj broke his collar bono. A man Iq New York is glad tbat bis si!- ' ver weddiug is over, as be had to rutin u tiwoks Wftwo huadrcl wid six Ico pitch. eui' Latest .mil Most Important War Anvs. Fit KA I'll VICTOKItWS ! Special to Daily TiHt-ORD. Mew York, Aug. 1G 1 p. in. The city Is full of rumors of a Frcuch victory at Metz. The news is said to como by way of Ber lin, and causes much excitement here. Gold has advanced to 17 in consequence. Paris, August 15. Last evening at 8 o'clock, by order of the Governmeut, all telcgrapbio communica tions throughout the French Kmplre were suspended This morning at 9J.i'cloi:k these restrictions were again removed. The fo'.lowlag Important dispalc'.i to the Kmpres Sugoure has jii3t been uada pub lic: . Lon;evilIe, August 14 10 p. m. Tha arn:y commenced to cross to the left bank of tho Jiosjila this morning. Our .nd ranee gunrd had no knowledge of tba presence of any forca of the enemy, and when hall of our army bad crossed over the Pnissinns suddoiily attacked in great force and alter a tii, lit of four hours they wero .repulsed with gvont loss to them. Napoleon. Berlin, Aujust 15. The Queen of Trussia to day received the fullowing dispatch, dated in tho vicinity of Metz, Sunday evening: 'A victorious combi.t occurred near Melt; to-day, th' troops of tho first and seventh corps participating. I hasten to tbo scene of conflict. ".VlU-tAM." London, August 15. Revolutionary movements of a formid able character have recently occurred iu Ital'.y as well as in Spain. Proclamations establishing Republics In both countries are hourly expected. Paris, August 1C. Thirty thousand troopi of McMahon's corps, were cut off from the French army and believed to have fallen iuto the hands of the Prussians, have arrived at Strasbourg in safety. LonCon, August 15. Tho Prusilans have arrived at Vigneul a few miles lronletz, aud are SAurining up the M'jaelle. The French blew up two bridges tvt Vioenl to check tbo rapid ad vaucd of the Germans. tiLEAMVuS, Last week Eustyort, Jiair.o, bad a snow storm. Eight cents is tbo regular fee of a Chinese doctor. Kiogiton, K. Y., baa imported Irish swul ioy. s, at J 2 each. New Orleans thinks it doubtful if its pop' uluticn in 200,000. Tbe averngo ae of the British Cabinet members is City yeais. California's richest gold mluo yielded a profit last ysar of 31J,0i)0. 2000 articles are exhibited at the Indlan apolis Woolen Exposition. It is claimed in tbe West that automatic grain bindiug is a success. ' The largest farm in Iow.v Is la Grundy county, and contains fcSOCD acres. The Southern papers rromise a cotton crop of net lens than 4,00i,f00 bales. They ro forming "old ma: 'Is' societies" In several counties out in Ohio. Two blue fish were caught off Long- Island united like tbe Siamese twins. A.Vermonter burled his wife, and. twenty-five hours afior married again. Madame Suslofe Is a Russian doctor in t. Petersburg fcbo has a large practice A Western man bas challenged Weston lo a walking matjh of 500 to 1000 miles. At Charleston, S C, they fine polioe- mcu $7 for using their clubs without a li 0 use. t The Governor of Massachusetts has par doned Cfty convicts since tbe let of Janu ary. Considerable capital Is now employed at Indianapolis; in the mauufature of carrla gos. ' Indians near Corinne' amuse themselves by playing draw poker squaws being the stakes. Pupils of Pougbkeopslo schools are jubl lant because there will be no more corporal puoistimont. Each member of the Mllwaukoo Butter- fingers Baso Ball Club has a boy to ptck up tbe ball for blm. Omaha disposes of desperadoos finally and effectually. A vacuum Is made in thojgtound apJ filled. - Within tbo last few years tbo progross of rollglous enlightenment tiroujjbout the East hus boeu very great, " hiioatio.. STS. PKTEU & PAUL'S SCHOOL will ho open on Tuesday. Aug. Ifilh, in the Now Hall. Miss Mavh Kkxxkuv, Teacher. Nkw Fruit Staxu. (Jilbert Slockwell has opened a fruit stand In tbo Rochester House, and wilt Keep on imnu nil kiihii ui Fruits iu their senson. Give him a call.' aunl3-f)U IVOTICK. As tho ttndorsigned intends being absent for some weeks, he has nutlionzeu Mr. hll. Kookerand Mr. K. A. Kelley to attend to bis late li'isiner.i dnritu: his absence and col lect all outFtiuiding accounts, at his cilice in Petroleum Centre. jj3().tl. J. V.. fHAKP. Clachberry Mraiitly. A very superior nrticlo of Mark berry Brandy,' for summer complaints, cholera morbus, Arc, ot Gnrpr.a Bro.i. Kissengi-u uud Vichey Water on draught at Gr.irpKsBr.04. liisscnen and Viohey Vt'nter nt Gripfks Bkos. 'Viohey, Kissenguii end Soilu Water a tbo Artie Soda ?outituin cf jls-tf. Gri.vks Bros. Sjdr. AVatvrnud Ice Croeinr.t i. f. Beat 'a FinAjl-flft'iment of l'nper au Cloth Win dow Aiadra uud Fixtures, ruo d at ,(. GjtniKjt U:ics. Just received a lari;o and well ns.-Mrted stock ol shelf hardwure at J. ikUtborford's. tf. Soda Wuter aud lc Cream ut J. W. Tout ty's. Soda Watrr and ice Cream at J. V. Beat Sash, Glasn, Doors I'utty Ac. Larga stack very cheap ut the Furniture Stnre. mia-tr Sparklm,! Soda Water at K. S S'.tr. mon's. luMf. Vichey, Kiyt.'r.jten and Soda Wut.T tho Artie Suda Fountain of Gimkfk- Baaft. at Soda Whtor aud Ico Cream aw. W. rent- Now is t!ij beat lime to lay iu a winter sup; ly of bard coal. Codiu'gton t Corn well are the men to buy froto. June 2 J it. Ail s'.)ies liij'.n haru.'St. jbiajer than tie ctea;i'S' lr.aJo frjtn Moifat's oak stoik, aad warranted, at J R. Kron's. Soda Vt'atcr aud Ice Cream at J. Yi Beat ty'j. Vo would cill tbe attention of our burl ness me'i to tho superior styles of job pr'nt iujf, botij plain and fancy, at preI-ct fceiue turned out fioin this cfiice. V'b are prep.v ed to execntc job priming of every descrip tion l:i the latest and must fashtoiiable stylj of the art, and at reasonable rates. tf. UUAICUIAU i;OCsil3 far feAtiJ A nirtiram iiimtp, contninlnL siitch mums pn1 furniture, ill le hiiIG ill privr.te Kaliiciietm. '1'ht. liuum tii d'.iws a jtihk) Im-irc.-i now, liuvir-B: 1.1 IK-niUtTW IWlii . Weil ..l!i;l!fl.. .11 llfm-O, ttl!T. :nrn , nil micu wi'i wuiioold nt h liarKtUu. i qaiiD on ttu preiuijea iu tue La'ie hero Uloek. It. I'. I.OV A 1X3. retrolcum Centre, f a., Aur.l 13-1 w AUGUST MEETING ' OF THE ' QZLQETY- PAEK ASSOCIATION WCilnvtidlty aud Tliurnday', Augnst lrtliand 1H1!i, 1870. ft PREMIUMS $3,200! riKsmr. No. 1. Pnrae S3K) li,.r.j Ihut Iiia h..,v uiia-u iiii.i:r iriiui fllo to tile Umt, (HO inn iKuuiiu anu io luu unru norse. No.H I'nno t'.ioo. For home that have never trottm letter than 2!34. f sou to the tint, f 250 to 11.1. UU.'i.I.if fl.ll ....I.. I. . SECOND DAY. No. 3. rune 500. For All llHIMOa tU a.f It an wuf. tr",tai '""' :) to tbe flrr, I5U to the aecuud, aud $ to the tlilrd No. 4 Pn ttlT.VXl. Pnr lm I..-. .......... trotted betiarthan 1 :'i. $900 to the llrst, Wy t.i the atcuud mid lito to too third. Alt tliofihovo rae am mllo beau, heat three m flvo, lu Uarneas, and will lra eunuiicted under tho tu lit the Naiioual 'frotilug AM.iuhition. A horMMliBtimcInt! tho Held bliall ouly be cmlticd to the llrit prumiuin .iT1.','.r".'.ri,a wdnloao ntOil City aiidabe at Hie 'lift House, Iiullalo, N. V., Augiut WUi, at O p. P It tivh 5' BA."IUHI foe. and T:cas 1 u. XILHNAU, I'ruaidvut. NEW ADVEUTISEMKNTS. PUOl'OSALS. SentM pn inwala will be rwi lr. ,1 nt t, , 1 T'nlM lav. AMlt 1N.ll, l,.r ,n "1 II K I. t A N lH ilellrrnil ., W n.hi, ,. "'0I,A, till 1. 0. 1...IOW ll,e surf.,.,. ,,f 'u , lr,'l '" V,,V"? ever Willi 11 lrii dHir The nmiiJaL ,: 0.1 ,i ,i,ir, j(1 ,., ,' ijn'sr, r,;,n 8ign o.p. sritPNItlOM JA11KS UL'Tii.KWiHn. ' IVIrolium r.lre,ra., August ll-tw.'""""t,!e- MIR NALE VllVAll One gut of 3 inch Tools, com pU'te and nearly new. One set of 2 inch Tools complete, with vomjuuin nxiurea lor tliillin,, uno Uiiilo mui niul Pi C5" uiniv Lino, also, two largo ran,,, Kr.n. Ta . Aumwt U.-tw. BUSI Va' Mm, Horse iijl HORSE SHOEING ! Wncnii 9IiOr, V.tii Shop, Wiiyoii Stoop, McCnndliNh Ai Sleuarf. Mcl'SilUllitll A' 9tCWHH. Alct'undliiih 6c 8levnri, Opposite Petrolcujii iSousc, Xi as33itzto3i-r. T II E II K S T 32nr.sE Kuouxn Smp ! ! O If OIL CREEK. Perfect Satiafaction Cilrcn In nil i' linen S The -nr'r: n-aimf irttirwt In otir Shop rnnm he nn"".-l rur duniuility or llnljh, at it ti niadi friuu tint ELS'? nrCKOKV TIMBER in the nwiket. pirrliaied eno.-;nl!v fur a in !tnr Trk'!:jr, ajij wa wi'l warrai.t 'mil wnrk tv tw uratl:L ia wvury repi'i-t Give iia a call. K.CAV3LIS71 STKWAIIt. Pelrolnm Cenfc-e; Pa Aux- V tf T AViM 3IK)W1 & MU'HHJAX' lj biOLTHM:t-'V HAIL WAV. FRANKL1X DIVISION, ConnertHa tniiiu nl Jmeit,:wn aiij I'll CltT. On w.d n.lnr Un:dn Aueimt Kth, l(:o, miiiia nlllruu m folluwe i i.savk on. rtTY. MISriD TUAIN Inn iM tlly 10p m: R nr. .:x p r.i: Tti Vtle Run. i3 p ni; tmuk ie. nr. Vi. ilv. 8,1.6 p in ; Hunimlt. in l WuliTl. n 3 to p m: U.iur.linin, 4.11 i m : Sim ly tjt". 4.U ni; Moll Imro. 46'Slii: "nill Hnin'-S. nr. 4 .. (if. h M mi ClnrkV .Mli li. i, M p m : RmllP',a,Mi ri ; M'.'ifi. (i.lo p in ; A c C W Crt'4iii(, t,. p ni; at e-tov.-a p in SI ATI. i.iiv.w (ill (iy. n.onn m: H. s.tiura: Tiro Mile Hun, H.tT a nt; Fmai'-liii, 0.V3 a in; Sua nil, I.1 a m; ,.t(. io, !) 4i am: Knylillitmi.ll,! am; Sandy -tk?. 1u.1aa in; W.n un 1" I'" w; Itramh. Ili.'14ain;. t'laru ViiW, lu.S9 m; Hfull. y. m.4t a in: fcilcm. In.: n n in : UI Cr'i.Wiur, la.'S a ti; nt .lutii'i-tnivn, ll.ln. FKANKl.r AI'lOMMI'DAT ON HI Chy, 4.IH) ni: Rmi", 4.11 1 m; Two Mile Itini, V & p in ; iliilT. j nt ji'miiliu, 4.3ii p in. ARKITP. AT Oil. CITV. JIIXK!) TKAIN wl tcuvo .iBiiiM.iirn. " : A i W CiiHSInu', ".Ua in; C:il' ni. 7.t tt mr 11 I. f. 7,.VJam; Clirk'a MIIK S,i8 iiiicwlllnnifli sr. R.-Tn. d". ti,i:o a in; Bliini'lKiro. d.oS a in; tA? 9. So, de. a ni : Katmilti a, lo.v3 a ni: V:iterl.Mi, lo.l"! a m;- Hiimniit. lo.4o ani: Kranklin, nr. ll.. if. IMiam; 'IMiIp Kn- II. 4 am; Ittnu, 1 1..V a m ; arrive ut til City, Hlu p ui. ' MAlLlmvM Jamestown. 1 nn pm; A u Cnawlnn, 1,1 1 p m : alrm, !'' P 111 ! HadleJX Wpm: Clark'e IWIIln. 1,48 p ni : t'ral Ilmnili. l. Rm; Hinaeh ro, p ni ; SaiMv T.ike, .'i"U aymilton. v.95 p m ; W'm.Tliin, i H p in ; i'"""'"; 9.44 p n ; Fmnkllii, 8,n5 p ni ; 'i '" Mile Knn. B pm; H.'lio, 3.H u n; nir!vent fill t'ltv, J.'!"" FKA5KI.IN ACCOMMODATION leave f lln, Sim a m ; Two Mile Knn. M ov a tu ; Kenn, a m ; arrlron at XI tltv H.tto in. , Mall tifl anil we.'t will ston at all ttatlMK "! Two Mile Hun, Hnttmit. '.ml Biaiidi, Clark's S'alem, and r.t thiTn mailon to leav pe.-S!rr ami on sfirnnl to lake iaiiners. Mixed traltm will "top at fl l tt'nn. CilAHLKN F. llA'n'U.C"1 ""P1 OEO. II. Mo.NTVHlt, Knpt. WAR DECLARED )n High Prices! at tbe Old Stand of J. 3. i'rather, MAlX STREET, by tbe new liio, IU. V. B. FISHER, Who Intends keeping up a huavy stoclt cf GnOCERIES& PROVISIONS FLOUR, FRUIT, VEGETABLES and In fact every kind of goods usually kept Is well appuiuted GROCERY STOKE 1 have a team nn tho road aud will io1'" FI.KK OF i:uARau.' , Goo jr. c All 1 a.t't ! a fair trial and an us""1 ilattW ir in.- mocK. lilve me a call. M. V. B. FISDsB "Petrok'im Centre. !'.. Jnly 0. tf- - l'AKM3 NOTICE NO FISHING TOOLS LENT AFTER TlilS DATE. IliM Responsible parties wla'ling to Mie accommodated at reasonable rates. ItOlHNBON & MCCbKAKT- Fine, ttssortment ot wull paper t Bros.. , 1 r