The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 11, 1870, Image 2

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    itoFAKLAAI), SMITH & to
(sJmcanon to J. A. Loww,
Merchant Tailors
Spring and Summer Stifles.
and CAteMMFRHS, which they ninke up to or.
dor on SHOUT JNOTICE. Minerior tu
STYLE aud WOtlKMdNfUlP. .
Perfect Mat laracllon Always
" Daily Kmlring all the Novelties in
Cor. ftptlaf Ac Franklin 8U4','
Titnville, Pn.
tretrcleinn Certtre Daily Record
I'ou Centre, Timraday. AiiRaat 11
TBAINS ON O. C. tc A. H. H.
On anil after Monday, May 30th, "1870,
lriln. will . r. . i ' '
"SOUTH KO. 5. K0.3. KO. 1
Leave Irvine. H,4n A M. 5.00 p M
i Bi.ven .08 a.Z3 " 8 28 '
" Tllusv. 8.2.1 ' 4.14 0 15 i
Arrive Corry, 11,35 " 6,46 " 10,35
foe. ko. 2. so. 4. so. 6,
lave lorry, 11,20 a . 6 00 a m. 6,05 r m
iiuipt.ij.4jpm. 7.4(1 ' 7,45 "
" P. Ceo. 1.25 " 8.17 " 8.35
Arrive O. City 2.05 " 8,65 0,10
" Irvine. 4,60 11.85 "
t& No. 6 and 6 run on Sunday.
. lve Oil City, MSA... b,a.. in,3i.. j,ofirM
. , Pren.lusn " 8,&) - 18.ioric.
Arrlie Titusv, 12,01 p . 9,4s 1,54 sa) '
ImveTitasv, ,15a.m j.i,3s a.m. :i.O0a.m. 5 SSr
V-Vm. IT " 11,51 ' 12,2 p.m. .80 "
Arrtva O. City,,35 l.n rx H,o " 7ao
5 o R!reot fro,n Phtladolphia without chance.
o. 8 IJIrect to Fhllndnlphia without chance?
No. -luvrt from I1ttbnrli without change.
M o U- Ulrt to Pittsburgh without chnKe.
Monday. Moy 80. 1810. .
Gold at 1 p. m., 117.
Oca Hail Arrangements At present
the mail system to and Iroin this place is a
very inconvenient one, especially to our
liutness men, as tbe way the arrangements
M it frequently lakes a letter as
long to go from bero t New Tork as it
would from New Vork to Hong Kong. The
pott office bero ranks second class and pays,
wefolieve, a salary of $2,600 per annum,
equal to Oil City and mora than Franklin,
and yet wo are as poor off for mail laoilities
" as Plumer or Pithole, places that only pay
salaries of $300 and $800 yearly. What
our business men most complain of is the
late departure of tbe Eastern mail, wbicb
does not leave here till 3:23 p. m., at wbicb
. .. Uine tbe first mall from the west also ar
fives, causing a delay of nearly eight hours
V ( . liolb ways.' There should be a remedy for
this evil, and tbo only one that we can sui;--;
geit, is a tbrongb mail on tbe 7 a. in. train,
which will reach tbe Buffalo distributing
' office at 1 p. ni. tbe same day, and Kew
York the next morning at 7 a. ra.
We have a well-regulated pest cfiics In
Other respects, and could postmaster Miller
succeed la inducting tbe department officials
to appoint a mail agent on the morning
train north, bo would get our New York
foall away at least eight boms earlior, and
tuoelve tbe thanks of tbe entire community.
;NW VTkli Well No. 2. PoUUds A
Boy Its lease, J. 8. McCray larm, was com
pleted day before yesterday, and pumping
commenced yesterday afternoon. She. Is
pow yielding about forty barrels per day.
This well had only 25. feet of third sund
(ock, about Bfteeo feet less than tbe rock
fmt ad la the big wells oa tbe lame farm.
sand-rock Is Cull as good as In tbe oth
er wells. We understand tbe owners pro
peso to try tbe experiment of- exploding a
torpedo in i', this afternoon, In h'pes of in
creasing the production.
A well put down on the
prove to Is a dry hole.
V liuyd f.irm
i ,
Buffalo Itaies Second Way.
Over twenty thousand persons were pres
ent at tbo races yesterday. The weather
was licaiitilul, and the assombluge tbo most
orderly and respectable ever seen oa the
park. The trots wero highly exciting oad
satisfactory. David A. Gigo.of Chicago,
assisted aft starting judge. Tim rust nice
wus for a purse of$2O,l00 fur horses tliat
liavo never beaten 2:30, $S,000 to first
borer; $4,500 tosecoud: 83,000 to third;
$2,500, to fourth, and 2,000 to filth. Eight
horses were trotted, but tbo first beat was
declared of, on account of an accident to
William Brown, the driver of Hurry Ilarley
which caused considerable excitement.
Before reaching the quprtcr post, en the
first. beat, Brown, who bad been sick, was
unable to tnuuago bid horse and collido-l
with Lndy Augusta, breaking olTawbcel
and throwing Browu heavily on bis head,
completely prostrating bis nervous system.
Medical aid was immediately culled, and
he soon recovered. Ilarry Hurley trotted
completely round the track before he was
caught. Dan Mucu wus then placed in
charge ol Ilarley.
Harry Ilarley 4 1
Prince 1 2
Anthony Way no i ., 0
Kansas Maid 5
Lady Augusta 2
Derby 8
Bay Henry 8
General Lovo 7
6 dr
8 dr
Tlmo:2:2aj; 2:32; 2:27'; 2.27.
Tberu were three races to-day. One for
horses that have never beaten 2:24; one for
horses that have never beaten 3:40, and
dasb of five miles In harness for all horses.
We append the programme for tbe 2:2-1
Purse No. 5, $4,000 For horses that
have never beaten 2:24. First horse, ?2
000; second borse, f 1,000; third horse,
$600; fourth borse, $400.
fSudd Doble names b g notspnr.
Dan Maco names bro s Tattler.
John Lovett names b g Henry.
W H Woodruff names ca g License.
Wm Brown names cb s Byron.
Tbos P Roche names gr g W K Thomas.
Graves & Looraig name br g Rockey.
Mr. Vrm. 11. DeWitt. formerly of the firm
oi r. 11. bnugertd; Vo.. was again prostra
ted yesteulay by a paralvtio stroke. 11 is
riienris entertain little hopes of his recove
ry Pleasantville Gaslight, lOtb.
We are informed that Mr. D. was render
ed speechless by the last attack. His many
friends in this place will be pained to learn
ot his illness, and the hope is universally
expressed that he may recover.
By reference to the advertisement pub
lished elsewhere, it will be s.en that tbe
re committee win receive sealed proposals
at tbls office until Thursday, August IStb,
for four 250-barrel wooden tinks, to be de
livered on Washington street. Also, pro
posals for grading aud setting the same two
teet oeiow the surface of the street, c.
good movement.
Gentle showers ar fulling.
A good deal of sickness
prevail at pros-
Tbe Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburgh Rail
road are putting down a new aide track at
Corry to accommodate the increasing trans
fer traflio ol tbe road.
" A new well was struck on the Royal fcott
farm, West Hickory, a day or two since,
which is said to be yielding 200 barrels per
James I. Williams, book-keeper for tbe
Elevating Association in Erie, fell off the
dock on Saturday last and was drowned.
To-day the Republican conferees, for the
20th District meet at Meadvilla to put in
nomination a candidate for the 42d Con
gress. On Saturday last Mr. Robert Bonner drove
bis Dexter to a road wagon a half mile in
tbe unequaled time of 1:06 J.
We have just received a largo assortment
of new stock lor job work, such as cards,
envelopes, letter paper, shipping tags, bill
beads, Jtc, and are hotter prepared than
ever for gotting out superior styles of job
work. Send in your orders.
A preacher in New York, infuriated at
tbo reports of his sormons, called the re
porters present l,a mean set of dirty news
paper liar8,''trom the pulpit, which they
offsot by calling bis "the church of the In
furiated Prophet." '
The Big Horn expedition hai iiot been
reliably beard from Bince June 25, and feur(
are rife that it enterod Rod Cloud's resor.
vatlon, whore it was destroyed.
A bottle of Rhine wine, corked and sea 1-
ed, and the glass globo of a lamp, still per
loct, havn boon rocovered from tho wre ck
of the Unitod States transport TTousntonic,
sunk in ('haih'stnn hvlmr bv a r-Or-l tone-
lo 1 -it in;r war.
latest am! Most Important
War flews.
Uerliu. August 1011 a. m.
Official dispatches Iroin the army head
(mailers state tbnt the results of the battle
at Saarbruck Saturday were more impor
tant than were at first supposed. . Fros-
sard's corps was dispersed, tbo ontiro camp
and many magazines wero captured, pris
oners bv thousauds were tuken and the
number Is hourly Increasing, The French
loss must have been Immense. Tlioir forces
disappeared from all points in our front and
nono wero to bo seen by our patrols, who
were within gua shot of Mel.
Paris, August 10.
An official dlwateh from Metz, at 8:30
this morning, Bays: Tbis morning the Km
peror has gone to visit cantonments of the
amy. Tho urdor and enthusiasm ot the
soldiers hourly increases. Tho signal for
buttle is eagorly awaited. Gen. Gamier is
placed on tho general staff and his presence
has uu excellent effect.
London, August 10, 12 in.
Gen. Dumoct will take command of a
division of the French army-
Of the 77th regiment ot tho line engaged
at Saarlruck, only eighty men and four
ollicers reported after tho iigbt.
Pari.', August 10.
The Journal Official says: No important
action has taken place at tbe front since
Saturday. Marshal Bazuine has made some
reconnoitres with cavalry which bave elict
ted information of the position of the enemy
In one of these a squadron of buzzars en
countered a detachment of Prussian Ublars
and drove tbcm back, killing one officer and
wounding another.
London, August 10.
The result oi SaturJay'a ligh'.ing is gen
erally attributed to tbe Emperor's inilitary
iuctipacity. The Prussian odvances
obstructed by villages filled wita French
wounJed. Tbe French losses exceed all es
timates. Tbe Prussians look multitudes
of prisoners. ,
Nature's UaHouiotcra.
Twenty-five miles south of Rochester, at
West Bloorcfielil, Ontario county New York
there Is a wonderlnl gas well or fountain, it
U believed, of being proCtably used for
illuminating aud heating purposes. Tbe
volume is very great, and the quality of the
gas has been ascertained, by cureful expert,
tnent, to bo uncommonly good, tho ordinary
impurities of coul gas net appearing in it to
any damaging extent.
For the last five years this gis well has
been made the study of scientific men, with
a view of employing its supply fur light and
fuel, and at this moment tbe citizens of Ro
chester are discussing tbe practicability of
Ugtmng that city from this exhaustlesi
natural reservoir. Professor Lattimor, ol
theRjcbester L'niviriity, acting in tho in
terest of a company of capitalists of Elmira,
bas made a thorough examination of tbe
gas, and last week testod its illumiuating
power by tho aid of the most delicate photo
metrical apparatus, in the tiresencH nf
arge number of stockholders and of prom
inent men of Elmira aVid Rochester. The
result was in tbe highest deereo satisfac
tory, and it seems, probable that tho project
Of lighting Rochester from tbis well will be
carried into effect.
The village of Fredonia, in New York
State, has been lighted from natural sour
ces for, many years, and at Erie, Pa., the
gas from the gs wells is used to drive flour
mills, and to pump up tbe water which sup
plies that city, thus making tbe water woiks
company alBo a gas company.
A California editor has been Interviewing
cinnamon boar, no describes tbo con
duct of the interviewed as touching in tbe
xtremu, so imic.i so that he was constrain
ed to leave with him several locks of bis
hair, bis overcoat, and a portion of his right
hand, as keepsakes, in memory ot tbe occa
l is said " that very weak tea, with a
squeeze of lemon in it, will quoncb tho
thirst more effectually tliap all the "juleps"
"souis" ever concocted. 'To working
men, who ara apt to get tbirsty, and some
times forget lo count their drinks, this bint
may be lound useful.
A rather fust youth was relating tbe ex
perience of bis voyage aoroos tbo ocean to a
sympathizing friend. Said he: I tell yjii
what, old fellow, there's one good thing
about it, though, You can get as tight as
yon please every day, and everybody thinks
you're only eea sick."
An Indiuuapolis German bad occasion to
bury a large wifo, and 'squabbled with tbe
sexton about tbe fee. "Dat ith not a big
grave," said tha disconsolate husband.
Not a big grave?" indignantly respouded
the sexton, "Why, d m it, that's a cellar."
A little Iowa boy momorized 1,40 Bible
verses, but died with, brain feJr bsfora ha
Important to Lkttkk WitiTKita to Gxit
mant. Those of our readers having frionds
in Germany will bo in teres toil lo know that
tbe direct liiui of steamers heretofore pluy
ing between New York and Bremen and
Hamburg, respectfully, having suspended
trips to thoso parts In cans-'H'tenee "I the
French and Prussian war, the reduced rales
ofnosta?e chargeable under tbe existing
postal convention with North Germany, on
letters and other enrresnondence f?r the
North German Union and countries beyond
forward by tho direct route, are for the pres
ent inoperative. All correspondence for
North Germany will consequently, until
direct steamship service is resumed, be fur-
warded by closed mail via England, subject
to the rate of international postage estab
lished for tho route, viz: For letters, 10
cents per each hall ounce or finder pre
pay tueut optional, or pay men t compulsory
for bonks, packets 8 cents each four ounces
or fraction.
Lady Thorno made her mile in 2:2U4' at
Rochester -lust week, which is the fastest
time ever made on the Rochester track.
fjocnl .VoticeN.
Immediately, at the Amerlein Hotel, a
GIRL. Apply at once. " a8-3t.
As tbe undersigned intends being absent
for some weeks, he has nuthorized Mr. S.fll.
Kooker and .Mr. E. A. Kelley to attend to
bis late business durine bis absence and col
lect nil outstanding accounts, at his office ia
Petroleum Centre.
j30.if. J. M. Sharp.
fcluckberry Brandy.
A very superior article of Blackberry
Brandy, for summer
complaints, cholera
Grikkes Bros.
morbus, ifcc, at
Kiisengiu und Viehey Water on draught
' Griffks Bro.m.
We would call the attention ot our bnsi
ness nieu to the superior styles of job print
ing, both plain and fancy, at present being
turned out from Ibis office. We ore prepar
er! to execute job printing or every descrip
tion in the latest and most fashionable style
of the art, and at reasonable rates. tf.
Kissengen and Vichey Water at
GRIP1--K Bnes.
V icliey, Kisxeneen and Soda Water a
tao Artie soua fountain of
jl.S-tf. Gnrm:s Bros.
Soda Water and Ice Creumut J. Vf. Rat
i inn assortment of Paner aud L'loth Win.
aow r-mxies and fixtures, uist n-cd at .
m8tf. Gmi-rBs Bnos,
just received n lariie nnd well assnrterl
stoclt ol shelf batdwure at J. Rutherford's.
'1 be iargi-bt stock of Gas Pipe in town at
II. Frkhma.i'.s.
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat
Soda Wan r and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
ty o.
bash, Olas9, Door". Putty Ac. Large
awuK very caenp at tne furniture store.
Soda Water
at M. S
ni l tf.
Vlchey. Kissengen and Soda Water
tbe Artie Soda Fountain of
Grikkks Bros.
1 Are fumcH. All parties indebted lo
Hie late In in ot feller, Fenner it Co., are
requested to call nt the old siund and settle
n.e same with Mr. V. A. Fenner, Mr. J. J.
Fetter who has had tho settling of the same
having removed to Titusville. All
knowing themselves Indebted are notified to
can and settle immediately.
a4-4u Fei.ter, Fexxkr it Co.
Soda Water and Ico Cream at J. W. Beat
y's. Now is the best time to lay iu a winter
supply of bard coul. Codington & Coru
weil are the nieu to buy from. June2Slt.
Bantu'a Vatcut Muto lancd Ucfrlg
Lined with State, havlnat Air Chambers
without Filling of uny kind perfectly dry
and sweet tbey ore believed lo be unemiul-
lea by any other now iu use, und are of
.Moderate (Jost.
Slate possesses an acknowledged superi
ority over Zino for liuing purposes, being
free from smell, taste and corroeiou, and
can be easily cleaned, preserving over ar
ticle in a Bweet and pure statu.
WARE STORE. 31-3t.
Fine assortment of wall paper at Grilles
All styles light harness, cheaper than the
cheapest, made from Moffat's oak slock, aud
warranted, at J R. Krou's.
Soda Water and Ico Cream at J. W. Beat
ly's. Buy tho "Rod Hot" Saddle, manufactured
in Titusvillo expressly for the oil i-nimif.
udllpted to all kin, Is of ul I l;
'Kliil nrnmwnt will In
KM, TANKS iMmifll Wn.hli,,.!,,,, . . 1 '
A IK. - foi .1 It A 1 1 1 N ) ,mi,1 URTTI N " II"1'
4llV below the mirlac, r trert . T Z ', T
ojoi Willi a tl,, dm.r Till! piop,,..!, IlliiHt be jml
! mid .lilniw.Hl ti. the Idcnim lime ,JP
d.;M. U on llie .nil ide -I'i,,,.!, fur Tanks far u
BRwd ). F- sniONW.OM
JMrolermirrTitre.V, AiiRust li-il'"""""
rait st,v, vmvr
On- s. t i.!,.M, iiM-h Tot'.ls, corn
j - HinlinHhy iu-w. One set
of 2.i' iiii-li Tunis cttinpliitf, witli
lllltll ltlllPMfi
nwiveu in ill,, m,.,
wuijm-iii ll.Llllt.- j or (11'llllipp
Une Liable and
Line, als two
fcu'ge Sand
Tn be sold at private snh on the Hamn Farm
Enquire nt olhie of 'wra.
Baum Farm, Pa , Amrmt lV,-lw. BACM t a
Horse StoiDf, Hone SteiflYi
Wti((in Shop,
WltKUll Clion,
WilKOil bup,
.McCnnUIUH Ac HlnwA'rt'v
Mt'-4inlliali Ac Stewart,
McC'liiidliah Ac Ctuwiirt,
(M'IM)sito Petroleum Housi',
Horke SShoeixg Shop ! !
Perfect Sntikfantlon Civtn in
Ull l UH'l x
Th work mannf ietnrd tn nnr frhnr. tnAt
nrpiwed fur durahiliij ot flnlh, a It Is mul
from tliu
In tb matif t, pnrebiued nperlally for e In New
York Clfv. and wi- will witmint mu u-urk in 1m
first -clnD In uvcry respcet Ol re m a call.
vrXBUPit srKWAiti.
Petroleum fcnlre, Pa Aur. II If .
Cnnnectlna Inlns at Jnmestriwn nnd nil Cltr. Osi
Hiid aflcr Mimdiiy, August sth, lt-70, tioim v ill run
aa follows i
l.r.Avs on. titv.
MfXKD TRAIN linv.n (ill City 3 10 p m :,
.3u p in: Two Mile Knu, S,4 I m; t-ntukiln, at.
i K., l. ,iia p ni ; H, mniil. H.r.H p in ; W.iprli,
3 SO p m : Kayniiltnn, 4,U n m : Sin lv IM.r. 4,42 n
m ; htt.ii.-b.iro. 4 AO p m ; Coal itranrti, nr. -I rH, tic.
.,1" in ; Clark' Mill., fl.-'il o in : '.. 6.11 n
ni; Salem. ,10p m ; A O W Cruising, 6,:s .,
. ainn-tnwn M. p m
MAIL ImvesDil City. ,nna m; it.fio. 8.10 m;
Two Mile Knu, (1.17 a m ; Fmnkliu, Q.'l in ; f-.-ni-nill,9
rim; Mmeibm, li 4 am; IMmi.t.m,li.,(i0.
a m: Kunriy Like. In. 16 a ni; SiuiiriH.rn. in. t a m;
Owl llraii. Ii. lu.Mains t'lrk' Mill", 10-";l a ni ;
MxlleyV. 111.41 in; Hilcm. lu.f H a in ; AOW
CrosMnx, livS a ni ; nr. nt .InmMnnii, 11. In.
Cliy, 4,00 p m: Itenn, 4.1-1 i m i Twn Mliu Itno, 4r
44 p m; airltci nt Kiniiklin, 4,:io p tit.
MTXF.I) TRAIN l:1 U-.ive Jme.lown. c,V t m:
AW 'ro-uii;. 7,lfc a ni: Salim. 7.IS a n.: Ill-ley's-
7,64a m; Clurk s Mills, N,ua in ; l',nvre
r. a,.1o, d... a m; 8li, S.t.H a in : i-audy f..V il a nt ; Uninii t -a, lo,o.1 a
m: Waterloo, 1n,S.1 a nt; Hiinniii. h.-4i nm?
Franklin, nr. II Sn. tie. II :in in ; Two Mile Kn.
11.44 a m : Kt-im, 1 1,M a tn i anifu ut tnl Lily, U,l
p ni.
MAlLletiv.-n Jlimeslnwn. l oo pm A A fl W
Croiuliii;, 1,14 p m ; Salem, 1, p m: llll.-y'. '--Silptu:
:iark'a Mills. 1,10 i. m; iwt llimrli. I-'M
p m ; MnneN.rn, 4.o4 p in ; Smidv Ivike. H...p in,
Knvnilbm. v,5!l p at; Waterlnn, 2..17 p m : Minnnli.
9M pmj Franklin, S,o6 p in : Two Mile S 11
pm; neno, n.isp n; rrivesnl nil env, n,jo i".i
VUANKbIN ACC .M.M(tI)AT10NI.-iv.' Krr.nk
lin, S.OO m : Tw.i Vile Run. M o a ia : Hum, M'
a m: nrrlte at Oit f'lty H,:in m-
Mail east an4 west will stop at nil sutli-ss rt'W
Two Milo Rna,- Summit. Coal Blanch, Clark's nna
Hniem, nnd a these sialioun -to !caa j.sst.oiiun','
sad on signal in take itasM-nji'ti.
AlixeC trnii.s will Hiiitt at au stnMnni.
fllA KT.KH F. HATCH, Geo Sup t.
OR. H. Sle-NTYitK. Supt
On Ili-h Prices!
at tbe Old Stand of J". S. I'rntber, NAl.v
STREET, by the new firm,
Who Intends keeping tip heavy slock of
and In fact avery kind of goods usually kept In
wuu appoiuiaa
1 have a tonm on tho road and will deliver
flim OF C1UHUK.
All I ask Is a fair trial and an ramhi""1
of uiy block. Give Die a call.
I'otrolenm Centre, Pa-, July 4 ti.
take: notice.
Roaponalhla parlies wUtMogto biro tools il"
aixommoUated at raasonable rates.
IvH-ara -
If you want melons cheap, go to
iiig5-2t A. N. Sbull-