The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 29, 1870, Image 2

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(PnccMROn to . A. Loiee,)
Merchant Tailors!
Spy ing and Summer Styhs.
Md CASS1MEUKH, whkh they make up to or.
uer on SHORT, NOTICE, superior hi
Perfect Mtlalaetletn Always
Dally Uenlvlug U llw Novelties la
IfsrAniiAKU, SMITH A Co.,
' ,' Cor. aprlag I'ranklln St.,
v Tlttnvilic, Pn.
vetro!eum Centre Daily Record.
ret. Centre, Friday. July 3
Aitaiva and departi'rc or
1 UA1NK UN O. C. A. H. R,
lOn nd after Monday. May 301b, 1870,
rains wiU ruo M follows: ;
ORTM NO. 6. NO. 8. KO, 1.
Leavo lrvtn. 11.45 a m. 6.00 r m
Leave Oil City 7.00 x m. 2.42 r sc. 7,47 r u
r.U'H 7,38 ' 3.Z3 8.XH "
" Titusv. 8.2 4.14 9,15 "
Arrive Corry, 9,2o 5,45 10,35
norm. " KO. I. so. 4. ko. C,
Leave Curry, 11,20 a m. 6.00 a m. 0,05 p x
" Titusv. 12.45 P M. 7.40 " 7.45
" P. Cen. 1.25 " 8.17 8.35 "
Arrive O. City 2.1)5 " 8.55 ' 8,10 '
Irvine. 4.50 " 11.35
UJ N. 6 anil 6 ran on Sunday.
Leave Oil rity. Hl A . e,3K.. 10,88 a . J,cr
V. Cet, 100 l.tri ' IS.lOrM. 4,10
Areiri) TiUinV, U.ul r . ,4S ' 1 1,55 ' 6,A)
lenveTitiuv, .1!Sa l45a. :100a. l !jr
" 1 IVji, H.17 11,51 12,25 P.M. B.SO '
Arrive O. ' lPis r M ii,04 ' T.30 "
HIOHviiiid I'otrotvum Centre frelif, IriiTes Oil
tty ll.fiO a. in , arrives at l'etrotrnin Centre 1,25 p.
a. l iue Pctrulemu leutiust m, arrives
jaltdll.ty 6,ao p. m.
J"o. 4 Dlroet frow Flillieaolpiiia without ehange.
go. 3 Direct to Philadelphia without change.
Direct frnrnUnitskiiriSi withnat ehauee.
- ftS) ll Dlroet tnStitlrtilM'.'f h u-ftltniit AhitiM.
.Maasj, any eu, Jkjl
Gold at I a. a., VJ
A4wPl fXyHX:6d Arm of tbe
"Kepubllo was organised at Centrevllle'
f--jford eeunty, oa the Utk. ,
j! Vm Sehoeppe, under aeotenoe for mur-
, der, baa addressed a letter to Gov. Geary
.asking tit release In order that be may vol
'.'Stutter In tbe Prnssian army.
'-" " Et. Titus' Catbollo Church, at Titusvllle,
is lo be transformed Into a cathedral, and
when completed will teat 1,200 persons.
lb model Is taken from St. Bonifaolus
'burch of Buffalo. A new organ bas been
ordered at eost of $4,000. Tba entire ex
lense of Ibe alteration will be $20,C00.
A new well ou tba Hoffman farm, West
Hickory, struck Wednesday, Is yielding 40
barrels per day; owned by Armstrong.
A dispatch from Fagnndas City saya. the
Sheriff Thomas well, a user strike, is yield
ing 300 barrels per day. .
A disastrous Brs occurred at Peoria, HI.,
on H'mlnrtdiiy, by which $500,000 worth ol
property was destroyed. Insured for $210
The remit of tte international yacht race
caused iutense rKOitcment in New Yoik.
I'be universal opinion is that the relative
peed of the yachts is as yet undecided.
Tbe frinnds ol the American yaoht (Daunt
lijs) lust heavily.
Tbe base ball clu contested for on the
4th of July, by the Columbia Club ot Story
farm, aod the Stereuion farm club of this
place, and won by the former, tlinugb some
intmiuJorslat)dirig only arrived yesierday,
although it was ordered by Father Dunn
Imtore tbe'itb. The club is a One pieoo o'
. work, a id has engraved upon a silver plate
eu tha ond tbe following inscription : 'Con
tested slid wop at Putrutvuin Oaire, July
' ma
Character Bite from the Mlboaeltoa
ol rnrie
A crunnts-Kn itrsnANP.
A ert lain buiband who ! noted at tbe
clubs for bis amiability and stupidity, en
tered tbe Ramoling clnb tba other evening,
very much disturbed.
''I am all upset,'- bo volunteered.
"Wby, what has happened ?' f
Would you believe It? When I opened
tbe door of my wifes bed chamber a Utile
wbile ago, I tound her in the at ma of a par
Of course you killed them both," sug
gested one of the card player.
No, I didn't do that," was tbe reply,
"but tbey must bave seen by the manner
In which 1 slammed the door that I was by
no means satisfied."
A gentleman presented himself at the
doorola Cabinet Minister, and the guard
refused to let blm In.
It is all changed here, sir; your friend
has been removed.''
'Impossible,'' was the answer; '-my
friend Is always tbe man who is In or
der. nis mopki, husband and father.
The Paris Journal reports the following
conreriation between two young girts:
'If you only knew bow badly papa treats
mamma and met"
Indeed r'
'Yes, indeed. Yon can judge for your
self, when I was ready to be 'brought
out' in society, be might bave gone with
me might be not? Well, Instead of Ibat,
when mamma and I went to his room to
find him, we discovered be bad been ubient
from Ibe bouse a whole year."
M. V. B. Flsber advertises in to-day's
issue that he bas bought out the store of A.
S. Prather, and will continiw the business
at the stand on Main street He proposes
lo keep constantly on band a complete as
sortment of groceries and provisions, dried
fruits, Ac. Give him a call.
An explosion of gas occurred at tbe Phil
lips well, on the McCray farm, yesterdsy
forenoon. No one Injured.
Tbe New York Elevated Railway if a
failure and will he sold for old iron.
Twenty fatal cases of sunsiroku in New
York, on Wednesday,
This evening tbe Nellie O'Xeil Comedy
Alliance appear at Sobel's Opera House.
Tbey are represented as being an excellent
company by all who bave witnessed their
performance. Let there be a crowded
bouse. For programme see small bills.
From tbe uti tuber ol drunken men to be
seen on tbe streets daily, we should judge
the price of whisky was falling.
Diuing tbe thunder storm a day or two
since, considerable damage was done at
West Hickory, Tbe oil tank at the Bird
well was struck by lightning, but not con
taining much oil but little damge was.
"Mutlo bath charms," Ac. To bear good
music visit the Opera House Saloon and
listen to tbe singing of Gscbwanduer Tyro
lean Troupe. As tbey remain here but one
nigbt more after this evening, all should
avail themselves of the opportunity to bear
them sing. '
Tbe O. C. A A. R. R., are building a few
depot at Trunkeyville, about forty rods
from tbe alia of tbe old one.
Sous fcNAKK.s On Tuesday last, wbilo a
man in tbe employ of J. G. Searles at
Truokyville, was cutting sway the graw
and underbrush near tbe depot buildings,
he came across a female garter snake quiet
ly nestled In Ibe grass. On killing it, there
were fouud inside of tbe mother no leu
than sixty-seven young snakes, fire inches
and a half in length and about as thick as
an ordinary lead pencil. Tbe old snake
measured three feet and four Inches.
The hotels at Niagara Falls are not fill
ing up very fast.
Brook trout sell in Salt Lake City at ten
cents the pound.
Detroit follows Erie iu organising a
young ladles' boat club.
Five hundred more Chinamen have been
forwarded eat from 8ao Franolyoo.
A Freucb barbers sign board reads, "To.
morrow, tbe public will be shaved gratuit
ously." "We all owe something to our country,"
said tbe Rr ton who went abroad without
having paid bis income. Pnoah.
The Tituaville Herald speaking of Frank
Thome's coiiieinplatod leap of 190 feet at
Niagara r'allo, ej", "$10,000 Is to be le
wardml blm for the exploit, and In the
event of Ilia death tbe money is to bo pre
aeutrd to bis wile, a young lad; to whom
he was married a foi tuigbt a;n," in tba
a Citf, l Petroleum Cui'ie.
Latest and Most Important
War iews.
London, July 28 Noon.
The Bank ol England has just raised its.
rate cf Interest to 5 per cent.
Yesterday was observed quite generally
as a day of fasting and prayer at Bremen
and Hamburg. Business was nearly sus
, St. Petersburg, July Z8.
Tbe Russian force in Poland has been
Increased to 200,000 men, including tbe
Imyerial Regiment? of the guard.
Paris, July zs.
Tbe Empress bas sent a congratulatory
address to tbe sailors of the Baltic fleet.
Prime Minister Olliver Invokes the pray
ers of Ibe clergy for the safety of tbe Em
peror and tbe young Prince.
The Moniteur says that the movements
and concentration of troops point to imme
diate and decisive action. '
Berlin, Jnly 28.
Prursla, accepting tbe Paris declaration,
exempts from seizure the enemys mer
chantmen uot carrying contrabands of
London, July 23.
The Times continues ita comments on
tbe secret treaty proposed by France to
The Times fears that Denmark bas a good
understanding with Frauce, duo only to
hatred ol Pruesia.
London, July 23.
A French cruiser is off the Isle of Wight
and is said to be boarding all merchantmen
Paris, July 28.
An American legion is now forming here
to bave a French commander nominated by
the Government.
London, July 28.
Prnsila complains of England furnishing
arms and coal to France.
The Journal also contains correspondence
from St. Peterabnrg, in which it is eaid
Russia does not sympathise with Prussia.
A writer in tbe Chicago Advance saya:
"Not long since I beard sung in the church
tbe anthem 'Rock or Ages,' in which there
is a solo to tbe words, 'Should my tears,'
etc, which was sung as follow:
"Sboo-boa-hood my-hi te-heart
For-eh-ber fW-ho,
Shoo-boo-huod niy.blze-beal
No languor koo-hov
Tbis-hia lor ber el-bltn could.
Mo bot h ha-to-bone,
Tbou-itow muh-bust sa-baver
And Ibou-bow ab-ba-a!ouer
In my band no-price I bring,
Simply to thy eraw-bosI- hi-dics."
Mr. Henry Stephens, casbie? of tbe Na
tional Bank at Randolph, .Mnas., a married
mau, and Mrs. Motilton, a married woman
a particular friend of bis disappeared a
few days ago,, and their bereaved families
are apprehensive that Ibey have been cap
tured by Greek or Spanish brigands.
Mistress Annie Welch is the name of a
Long Branch belle who dresses eight times
j day, aod drives along the beach behind
four Jiff-Tent tcazs every time tbe cartb
makes s rnvwU Ion.
A Missouri editor declares'- that bo will
never quit editing wlie God gives bim
strength "to swing a pencil or stick a mon I
cockleburr nnder tbe crooper of loyalty and
sbam piety."
Tbe first ripe Peaches of tbe seaeu bars
been teceived at Setmnoloio'a, n.ext door to
tbe Rxcoitu, Tbey are nice sod, no
AtrMOHT a Row. On FrHrtty last V
Trunkeyville, there came very near being a
row toekcircumstanoes being these; Mr.
C. S. RIclffsrdaon, who owns a tr.ict 'of laud
adjoining tbe new depot, ajmelime. since
built a bridge serosa n small stream known
as Jones Run, snd on. Friday last tbe Rill
road Company srn,t a poaae of men to tear
it up, claiming that tbe bridge wns on tbe
Railroad Company's land, and Riohardfon
and bia trienjia attempted to prevent tbe
destruction of tbe btidge whereupon a gen
eral row was immjaent. Tbe Sheriff was ap
pealed to for tbe protection of tb e bridge
by Ricbardaoa, but tbe Sheriff waa power
lefS to do anything unless there was some
overt act committed as the Company
olttlmed tbe ground over which the bridge
was built. It will, no doubt end In a law
suit. Forest Republican.
(.The Boston Post says India has a la
dies' newspaper edited by a woman. Is
there do part ot tbe world that can pro
duce a woman's newspaper edited by a
A race is on toot or will be tbia week,
between a maiden and a matron of In
diana, lo determine whether tbeBlrjjjte
or married women are fastest in that
There la uhout two million foet of lumber
in Tionesta Croek ready to be run tojrir
ket aa soon aa the river rises surjlofcfilty to
admit. It it owned by T. H. Cobb.nd.
Wheeler, Dti'.enbury A Cy.'-Forctt Prct!.
Local oI
I. lock. berry Itrandy.
A vew superior ortiele of lllackberry
Brandy,, for summer
morbus, Ac, at
complaints, cholera
GmrrKS Bros.
Now is the best time to lay in a winter
supply of hard coal. Codington & ourn-
well are me men to ouy irum. iiiio
Baitta's Patent Slate Llaae Hcfrle
Lined with Slate, having Air Chambers
without Filling of any kind perleotly dry
and sweet they are believed to be unequal
led by any oi her now louse, and are or
Moderate Cost.
Slate possesses an acknowledged superi
ority over Zinc Tor lining purposes, being
free from smell, tsate and corrosion, snd
can be easily cleaned, preserving every ar
ticle in a sweet and pure state.
yFor sale at FREEMAN'S HARD
WARE STORE. 31-31.
Fine assortment of wall paper al Grlffus
All styles light harness, cheaper than Mis
cheapest, made from Moffat's oak alock, and
warranted, at J R. Kron's.
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
ly's. Nails wholesale and
retail at
11. Frcrhik's
Buy the "Red Hot" Saddle, manufactured
in Tituaville expressly for the oil counlry
adapted to all kinds of weather, at JL R.
Kron's. al2-tf
Rissengeu and Vichey Water on draught
at GniFFKs Buos.
We would call the attention of our bust
ness men to tho superior styles of job print.
inc, both plain and fancy,. present nrliiff
turned out from this omen: we are prepar
ed to execute iol va-lnlinir of every descrip
tion in the )ateUnd we fashionable style
or tbe err, and il reasonable rates. If.
Kissengen and Vichey Water at
GaiiTES Bnon,
Soda Water and Ice Cream al J. W. Beat
Tlcney. Kiswniren and Soda Water at
the Artie Soda Fountain of
jl8-tf. . Gbiffm Brton.
Vlrhey. Kisiengen and Soda Water St
tbe Artib Soda Fountain of
Griffs Biros.
Sod Ware? and lee Cream at J. W.
Fine fcsscrtment of Paper and Cloth Win.
dow Hindi a aod Fixtures, just ree'd at
m8tf. Gbipfks Bnos.
Just received a large and
atock of sheir hardware at J.
well assorted
Tbe largest stock of Gas Plp in town at
n. l'uri-: man's.
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat
Soda Wslrr snd Ice Cream at J. W. Boat
Sash. Glass, Doors, Putty Ac. Large
stock very cheap st lbs Furniture Store.
On llis;li Prices!
at tbe Old Stand of i. 8. I'rather. MAIN
STRKET, by the now firm,
Wbo Intends keeping up a heavy stock of
and In fact every kind of gooda usually kept In a
well ai'poiuld
1 tnTA twiuj pn the. road and will do!ivc Goods
All I sak Is a fair trial and an fsanjlnatlon
of uy alock. Olve ue a call.
M. V. n. nsiUR.
Potroleni Centra, Pa.,, Inly its tf.
Rsaponslhls parties wii'dng to hire tcola will he
accommoduted at reasonable rates.
- JS.-a.
Petrob'uJrrjXnlr", July 11, 1870.
Tbe Co-parlneiship heretofore exlstine;
between John J. Feller, V. A. Fenner A
Robert Orr. iittder the firm name of Felter,
Fenner A Co.. is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due tho firm
will lie payable to J. J. Feller or V. A.
Fenner, who will settle tbe business of the
JOlfX J. Fui.TKtl.
jjll-Sw. Rcbebt Oitrt.
UNflY AlirMF,
Tba ahsve osmsd Ulrnted Conirsm. fmm
Turk, will glvs two ol their plaatuuf perloraium.
Friday & Saturday
JULY tS9(ta At SOf h, INTO.
When the following talenkd Ccm&Lj wlil
Tho must finished eatress on tbe stage.
Tha fatcinating danseusa aud souhrrtte
Tho greatest Irish Comedian of the day
The most versatile Comedian on the After--
lean stage.
MR. WM. RARSOeTU. Leader of Band;.
MR. L GUMPEiT, ttlreotor of Orcbwtra.
This l one of tli hsl Oompsnles wo hum ewr
sa. Ttis perfornisiicfl'Hi of uMi redh'T c;inmctrr
tlmrthe mot imxlMM and far i.othuig iuWtit;
ice: crb m
The Ire Cream iSnloon up
Stairs, Next to 9iniinons
(Formerly known as Ta1-rV) Will M rf"rf
Miniriiy. July llik. hy Vr. V.hiiIu.-, uIhi dim
ecureU tbanlcescfamrst t-killful
as mil as fadV attendant. Thi I w n'io
wiltleeaual to tha Kamm I hlladel-lil't'.rar-Ann
he -ilHiprs by sirlet attnt n ImhU ilqu.,
BMiit lo teeelve Ma sliara o puun int-mi.''
us vonnsR.
P X C-N E C.
There will be a
Pic-Nic, Danca And
lis iiEXNEiior k urn,
OX 91(KI)AY, Al'tt. I t.
A gootl PLATFORM! forjlanc.
ing has been erectt'tl anil sate
and easy Swings put np.
Two Good Bunds.
The Stoiy Farm andTarr Fan -Bands,
will le in atfendauf
A good String land willing
nish music for the dancfrs. .1
fY&lhnicnts will lie serveti,, ami
ovove nnins t;i1ceii to haTCTiU'Sti:
enjoy themselves. Five Splen
did (!old Watches, and two
Splendid Calitkn'a Diamond
will be raffled on on tluS"r
The Jewelry can be seen w
Stow ofGoidsmith, Washing!1
Strec, Fetrolenn Centre, Fa;
Think of This
Boots & Shoes!
W) pep cent Below Cost !
aus,T THINE 50 PIU iw
BKLOW cuai ;
The whBorihev has.soW
building, to giv poBsessji
the 25th of August, und int;
closing out his &toek by
date, and to do so hafi "'-v
his Hoods 50 per ceut. bvW 1
original cost.
t. ni SEI'
Ml. 12 Vt rti-ii' -v -