i ! :''V .1 II I tit , i Mi J' .!,' !.' - .,1 Iv j h J 1 ;. ' FUFAlt LAS M, tfWm & l. (gimmots to 3. A. Loix,1 Merchant Tailors? BXWLtfSIVE AND KLKGAXT ASSOF.? MENT OF Spring and Summer Style. rOREICJJ AND DOMESTIC CLOTHS aad CA80IMKRKH, whfch thf make up to or. or co 8HUKT NOVirii:. mtiwrler hi SITUS and vVOKSSlANaJir Perfeet Mftttetactlen Ali ar incrnnteed. Daily MeselvlDg U the Norciu- a In EATS, CAPS, AC. jMcFAHliANIf, SMITH Ac Co.. Cor. Spring 4c Fiankllri jti., TltakVlli, Pa. Petroleum Centra D:i!y Record. !!. Centre, X-nnraaay. Jut.?! US AJtUIVAI. JtT DEI-AHTl'KE Off' TBAim oir o. v tt a. u. k, tGn and after jLitider, May Sif'.b, 1870. reins will rua u follows: HORTK ' no. 6. no. T. ico. 1. Leave rv in. 11,4.'. a' '. 6, on p ii Leave Oil City 7.0P a it. 2,42 t H. 7,47 r u PeLCeo 7.33 " Titusv. 8.2:t 4.U " S.28 0,15 " 10,35 " Arrive Corry, 8,35 ' BOCTH. NO. t. NO. 4. Leave Corry, 11,20 a m. C.08 a h Titnsv. 12,41 p . 7. 40 ' " P. On. !.2il 8.17 " AtriveO. City 2,i " r,n " Irvioo. 4,50 ' ll.'5 " an. R. y H 7. -to " S.36 " y,io tS"So. t audC run on Sunday. FBBIbUT TKAI.N. SOUTH, leave (Ml City, !,35i m. ,3l. i. V,r'in Vfirx ' P. fen, 10fc )..) m. -t.io Arrive Titusr, 12,0! r 31 .4"j " as 4,-jj " FREiuiiT tr.;.:s souvii. Lmrt. Tltusv, ciBa.i m.: m x :i w 1 1 .'.air " P. Cta, 8,17 ilfiS ' la. !;, r k - ,j Afriva o. Cii7,n,aa pt .. II Clrnd Ptroi.n"j C nff fici-.ht, kiTt Oil .C.ijr 11.60 a. io.. an-Ivina, l-uimi.-u'.. c'onue i '." p. . I V;raPin Centre at4,ua m.. urmuj M Oil Citr ,-' J ir.vrs r.ur'. r.iiri-i:.-H cah' fo 4 INraet fro: i .'ir.J y, ; ibo.it charge. Nj. 8 HMCt rit 1 'hil-- !. ph.a vitl.:u ch iniry. No. 4 Direct ft i Tltts-i uh - .HIm cliiiigj. No 'I Attract tu p(t bu-L,U wilhout .nn;'. Xwiuijr, )tr J8TM. Gold at lr- a., FlOEOM Match. Tburo was quitaa larg crowd to ttonlaoei at ho ijUw tlMoting Mktek, oa the SteTeauoa fr;m, jevtjtdnj ttf leroena, and cons-dsrable luU.ce.-l was cian irmUd in the rrauit. Tho ccr.iiltiona 21 yarda rlie; 80 ysnla bouniary ; ground trap; ibot ilmitei tn V ex.; gun beld be neath the elbow till th biru ii oa the wiair. Jndgeol aootiog. G. o. lluwur.l; j'uriire of lovdlDfr, Ed. BroTrr.; Tmiipor, G"o. How ard. The fallowing n ere the entries ami core; KXTatt-R. scone. Gee. Matraoc, 110 1 10 10 0-5 Steward, 0 1110 10 1 1-6 Geo. Wright, o o l l 1 n i o 0-4 W. B. Davie, 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 13 H. Wbitttaey, 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 05 1. C. Heory, 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- S Mllta Joy, Eq., of Mcrciv County, an. eueeee hlmaeli aea oaodidatefur Congrpp. for Ibli dlatrict, lodperOott of th.i notion ef the Diitrlot Convention, which bo claltrs ! est up for Mr. GiiBlian. If Mr. Joy fcr tote la bit ditcnuination as announced in the Greenville Ar-nof iaat week, ho will reate a tetloue break in the XtpubUcaD pert, which however, Is gotiing to be quite the iyle In certain sections of Shis SUIe. WellM). 18, Coldwaiur Oil CoT'e teato, General PetrolfULi Co.'s farm, la being tub ed lo-day preparatory to teaiiug. Another good well ie looltrd for. - AaiMK the liit f nauifa ot oil npfrutora pttbllebed, wiifttiiroe not to commvuee tbe drtiUaff of aay welli until, after Ooiolier lit, )8T1, la that of Jonatboo "ataon. V re informed by tbe SiipHrlntemleut of 11 r. Wauwn'e property in Ibis vioinity that be Waleoo) never sutLo'i?! bis name to ap pear la that eonofOti jo, and ajuw nothi'ig l It untU be mw it i,. ).riut. Oil Citk reinaiBi bh. IlKivA'iE cp tub Powdrr. There la a trr cd iuL soinn tbe roundt of a young lady apd gentleman at a fashionable party in tbia rlty a tew evening aince. Tbe young man was handsome and bappy, tbe young :Ci arraved In all tbe exquisite taate of I '.vender, rose, As, with gold powdered cair noarlnir nvor hvr anrsn like necK. !nu- ing the heut of the room too much for thorn, tbuy f ught tbn cool sbaOo of an arbor, whtru tbey might listen to the fountain's tall. Tbe aiiiMC rose and fell, time flew on sllvi i- pinions, and after an absence of about three hours, our young friends enterad tbe brilliantly illuminated parlors. Tbe lady lu.t"d on in tbe dance, but tbe young man was alifhtly t ken abaok by bis nest neigh bor irtliu wing biru that round his neck was tbe unni.slakable print or two arms, ail In cba'k and diamond dust, on one shoulder a lares pile of;rllow powder, and on his up per lip and cheek diamond dust and yellow powder, mixed np generally. Tbe young bid 's bair wnJ observed to be.severai shadts palor. Manl Carry a dusting broom In your pocket. Nasbvitlo Banner. It is said tbat a young roan has made an eiigagacient to drop himself from the new Niagara Suspension Bridge to tbe river be nontii, on the 13th of August next, for tbe iv.m 'f ten thousand dollars. A Frenchman recently bad. an accident in tbat vicinity which is interesting in this connection. He was traveling with a tame bear, tbe lat er being on exhibition as a means of sup pert to biin'olf and master. Tbe French man took a uap one day oa the bank of tbe river, close to tbe Suspension Bridge, hav ing first tied tbe beir to a stump. When tbe ii aiter arvoke be found that tbe stump, buing rotten, yielded to tbe efforts of tbe benr, who wished to go down tbe river and succeeded. Tbe remains of tbe bear floated ashore some distance down tbe strea or, and tbe sorrowful Frenchman has bad his skin "tiffed. Will th heirs of tbe youth of the 13tb of August, if tbe ten thousand dollars id paid, do as trnoli for his cuticle? Tbe Urown & McCrum well on tbe Sued eker tract, West Hickory, is a dry bole. Two new wells were struck at West Hick ory a day or two since, both of which are rt j or tod as doing over one hundred barrels each. Kel'able figures will be given tc- mcirrow of their production. A ttew well was oompleted upon tbe R. I,. Sbntv farm a day or two sincn, which, though not ns productive us others upon Ill's arm promises to be a valuable well. Tbls farm cannot be excelled as an oil producing farm dry boles are unknown and good ones plentiful. Tilusvllle Her ald. A later dlfpatch from Philadelphia in re. gard to the great Are says: No firemen were killed as previously reported but some eight or tro seriously lujured. Two thousand even hundred and forty hogsheads of sugar were destroyed. Tbe loss is estimated at $900,000. The Mcudville bores " Fiaok," la to be sold at publio sale. An explosion on tbe bill near tbe Wood (arte, this forenoon, was occasioned by tbe Wowing up of a cumber of empty nitro glycerine cans. ,Tuo Cambria won tbo yacbt race. She pulsed Sandy Hook at 3:30 p. m., yesterday, miking tbo pannage In twenty-three days' Tbo Oautless was signalled at 4 o'clock off tbe Highlands. Latb n. By a New York difpatcb dated noon to-day we leara that tbe Cambria en tered Sandy Hockjjust one hour ahead of tl a Dauntless. Tbo following company! and individual, operating in this vicinity bave decided rot to commence tbe drilling of any wells until after the first of October next: Tbe Central Petroleum Co , Colnmbia Oil Co., Walt Thompson, Vera & Blake, liwia & Bird, Branson & Harrington, H. I. Beers, T. Frotbingbam, S. A. Woods, Edward Fox find D. O. Wickbam. ''Tub Racb." The fun loving people of Warren are to witness a "tub race" on toe Allegheny river at thai plaeeontbe 23th lost. Tbe Baptist Society of Oil' City are to build a new house of worship. The piitsent production of oil at Burning Springs, West Virginia, ia about 300 barrels per day. Titusville is to have a military company, Tbooa'e ol Charles Ekstatt, who was Wiled at West Hickory a few days since bas not been decided as yet. Another exami nation will be made, and It ia said tbat tbe toetimony of important witnesses will put tbe case In a different light. Eleven rafts lie straoded upou tbe sand bars of the Allegheny river, awaiting a rise that shall float tbem to PitUbur&h and below. Herald. Latest and Most Important War News. London, July 27. On Monday, the 25lh, tbe correspondent telegraphed from Metz;thatBazaine leaves this morning with 35,000 men. Landrain ault goes also. Tbe Emporor Is expected to arrive next Thursday and a battle, It was anticipated, 'wcold shortly afterward take Place. Tbe army from Atrica was rapidly arriving. The Zouaves that left Constantine on the 16th have also come. From StrBSboiffff on tbe the 2Zd there are advices of a steady concentration of troop toward Thlonvllle. Nothing remains at Strasbourg apparently and the main attack is to be made along the valley or Moaetie and tbe great battle will be in tbe Rheioish provinces, but tbe Prussians seem to be falling back behind tbe Rhine. Paris, July 20. Tbe Journal Official publishes a decree naming the Empress Regent during the ab. sence of tbe Emperor from the Capitol. The Departments of Moselre, llontzhon and Basrbtn have been declared in a state of siege. The Journal Official publishes another de cree calling out for active duty ninety thousand men of the Contingent of 39. Tbe New Tork World asserts what, If true, must be considered a remarkable fact, It says tbat "despite the extraordinarily hot weather, an unusual number ofjobbing merchants are In town buying goods," and that "at no former season has the business of tbe wholesale houses commenced or been of so extensive a character at so early a period in tbe regular season." Tbe sudden rise in gold and tbe certainty of a decided advance in German goods, is referred to as tbe reason for tbe anomalous state of things. A Cheyenne, W. T., dispatch of yester day says: Infortaattoo from South Pass says tbe soldiers who were sent by tbe Government after tbe Big Horn expedition overtook tbem, but were unable to bring tbem back. Tbe soldiers returned to South Pass and tbe Big Homers proceeded to tbe Big Horn country. Some four weeks ago, as an omnibus dasb ed up to one of thej Long Branch hotels, a lady's bat blew under the wheels and was crnsbed. Her display of good nature over the accident so struck an English lord tbat be sought an introduction, and they were shortly engaged to be married. It Is now stated that not a 'bus drives up to a Long Branch hotel but that the ground is so cor ered with bats tbat tbe driver can't get down until a small boy shovels tbem into a band cart. Another terrible explosion occurred in a colliery at Lansamdul. in Wales, Tuesday. Nlueteen persons were killed and.many,lc- jured. A Pennsylvania minister was recently given a donation party, at which the gilts were tlx rolling pins, a pen wiper, and two quarts of dried apples, vintage of 1864. His flock all bave good sppetiteR, and tbey discouraged bis next winter's stock of pro visions severely. Six hundred new men went to work io Charleston Navy Yard Friday. Connecticut manufactories are stopping on account of scarcity of wafer. Henry Wedgo, stopping at a hotel In Pittsburgh, bad whisky in bis stomach and snakes all over bis anatomy, and accord ingly jumped from a window and hroke bis leg. He will keep sober until it grews to gether again. An old lady, sixty years of age, named Miller, was burned to death at Greenville, near Dayton, on Tuesday evening. She was In tbe act of klndllug a fire, and at tempted to pour coal oil on tbe blaze, when tbe flames commaaicated wlta tbe can, wblcb exploded with tbe above result Tbe preliminary work on tbe Union and Titusville Railroad has commenoed. A new an 4 dangerous fifty cent counter feit of tbe new Issue, with tbe Lincoln vignette, Is In circulation. Tbe Fox well, C. P. Co.'s farm, will soon be completed. It Is doubtful whether any western city o' the secood class will show a larger increase ot population since 1860 than Kansas City. Ten years ago it contained 4,418 Inhabi tants. The census for 1870, just oompleted exhibits a population of 17,745, being an increase of 400 per cent., most of wblcb bas been since tbe suppression of tbe robel. lion. Of sixty midshipmen originally on tbe Sabine, twenty were transferred to tbe Eu ropean squadron. Tbe trade In oil wtll fixtures is lively at prjseut. Gsrhwandner Tyrolean Singers remain at thef, Opera House Saloon but three nights longer. Do Dot lose tbe opportunity oi hearing tbem. A man at Snringfleld, Illinois, bet two ladles a new dress each tbat tbey couldn't refrain from talking for two hours. One of them held out for an hour and ten min utes, and tbe other won the dress. Tbey made it up when the time bad expired. In consequence ot tbe repeated strikes of the Crisnios. several of the leading shoe manufacturers of Lynn have closed tbelr manufactories and will net yield to tbe prices asked by the workmen, but close up until tbey can get shoes made a cheap as io other cities. A nice little boy In Pittsburgh went to tbe circus tbe other day, and amused blm self throwing stones at the elephant while be was drinking. When he got through tbe boy tried to propitiate him by offering him a piece of gingerbread, Before accepting tbe cake tbe elephant emptied about sixty rour gallons ot water, beer measure, over the boy, and then slung him In tbe third tier to dry off. This boy is very indifferent about ciicusses now. He says he believes be doesn't care as much as be used to. eiU Notice. s. Inckberrjr Brandy. A very superior article of Blackberry Brandy, for summer complaints, cholera morbus, Ac, at Gmrrr.s Bros. Now is tbe best time to lay In a winter supply of bard coal. Codington ft Corn well are tbe men to buy from. June 28U. Banta'a Patent stale Lineal Hefrlg tor. Lined with Slate, bavins Air Chambers without Filling of any kind perfectly dry and sweet tbey are believed to be unequal led by any other now in use, aod are of Moderate Cost. 4 Slate posses, an acknowledged superi ority over Zinc for lining purposes, being free from smell, taste and corrosion, aod can tie eaailv cleaned. rjri'Bervlne every ar ticle in a sweet and pure state. HTFor sale at FREEMAN'S HARD WARE STORE. 31-3t. Fine assortment of wall paper at Griffes Bros. All styles light harness, cheaper than the cheapest, made from Moffat's oak slock, and warranted, at J Ii. Kron'a, Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat ty'. Nails wholesale and retail at II. I'nutmJi Buy the "Red not" Saddle, manufactured In Titusville expressly for tbe oil country adapted to all kinds of weather, at J. iL Krons. al2-tt Kissengen and Vichey Water on draught at Gairrna Bros. We would call tbe attentinu of nur busl ness men to the superior styles of job print ing, both plain and fancy, at piesent being turned out from this office. We are prepar ed to execute lob printing of everv descrln tion In the latest and most tushlonablo style of tbe art, and at reasonable rates. tt. Kissengen and Vlcbey Water at GuirvRf Bros; Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat J' Vichey. Kissengen ond Soda Water at tbe Artio EudaHountaln or jlS tf. Gnirrt Bnm. Vlcbey. Klssenuen and Soda Wafer at tbe Artio Soda Fountain or Grumes Bfeos, Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat y' Fine assortment of Paper and Cloth Win dow bhades and f IX lures, just rec d at mStr. GRtrran Bkoh, Just received a large and well assorted stock of sbelf hardware at J. Rutherford's. tf. Tbe largest stock of Gas Pipe in town at u. r reeuax tl. Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat Soda Water ond Ice Cream at J. W. Beat Sasb, Glass, Doors, Putty Ao. Large stock very cheap at toe f uronnm More. mlO-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAKE NOTICE:. NO FISHING TOOLS LENT AFTER THIS DATE. Responsible parttos wishing to hire tools will be accommodated at reasonable rales. HOIHNSON McCI.E.YHY. jy83m. -W Fi fits Job Wotk go to tba KBOC 9 Or I K B. IVELMEO'Mlll, COMEDY ALLIANCE, BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA. The ahavo named Inl-nteJ ('nnipmiv, tmtn p Tork will give two ol their pleasing pttlunauarn SOBEL'S OPERA HOUSE, Friday & Saturday JULY 99th At SOtli, IH90. When tbe ibllowing talented I'oaipauT win appear: MISS NELLIE O'NEIL, Tbe most finished actress on tbe stage. MISS JOSEl'HISE ANDREWS. Tbe fascinating dnnseuse and loubrette ry, artiste, MR. VALENTINE LOVER. Tbe greatest Irish Comedian of the day OLIVER WHEN, The most versatile Coined iau on the Amor lean staue. MR. ROBERT DOM! AN E, MR. C. FLEMING, MR. GEORGE SAXDL. MR. WM. BARBOUR, Leader of Hand. MR. L. GUMPERT, Director or Orcluitrs. This 1 one of the het t'l'mpinleii wo hnne i-r. seen. Ttie pfrformanco is of -u h ri'flne clinrnctT tliat the moat mo'ltwt need fear nothing in tlMiin? Uicm. K.aaton Ik-publican. Ja if. ICE! CREAM SALOON! Tba Ico Crr-iim Hulooii up Stairs, ftaxt to Simmon's Irng store, (Formerly known as Tajrler's) Will he r"tier.-4 on Monday, July 11th, by Mr. Vnt.rJirr, liu lui ucared the eerviciii of a on st skillful ICECREAM WORKER. MWfllaca IjuSv attendant. Tho I'rmm tnaifs will he equal t" the ('sums I'hlladrhihlaCrrain. Ami he :ih, hv strict attention to till depart ment to raeeivu Ills siiarv oV nuoll" nslren iL's U J. VorcllKK. J J 11 !w. p x c-ir e c. Thero will be a Pic-Nio, Dance And JEWELRY RAFFLE, IN IlE.f .EHOFF Itl, OX HOXDAY. AlU 1st. A gootl PLATFORM! forlilanc inv has been erected ami safe and easy Swings put up. Two Good Bands. The Story Farm andTnrr Farm Bands, will 1 in attendance. A good String Band will fur nish music for the dancei. Kt freshmcirts will he pcrv ed, j ami every pains taken to havegnesta enjoy themselve Five Splen did Gold Watches, and two Splendid California Diamonds will be rallied off on the grounds. The Jewelry can be seen in the Store of Goldsmith, Washington Stree, Petroleim Centre, l'a LEWIS GltAEBEI. Think of This Boots & Shoes I .00 per cent Below Cost ! CMP ENOUGH FOR ALL- JUST THINK ! 50 PER CENT, BELOW COST! The subscriber has sold h building, to give pxissession on the 25th of August, and intends closing out his stock by that date, and to do so has marked his Goods 50 per cent, below tbo original cost. J. BISEB. NO. 12 WASHING STREETr fctiolram Outre, Ts ,jyS-'.i.,