The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 16, 1870, Image 2

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    i !
I !
tSnccOMora to J. A. bosce,1
Merchant Tailors!
Spring and ISitmmcr Styles.
and CAS8IM E HEM, which they mnt-e up to or.
tar on SHORT NOTICE, superior In
STYLE and WOIUillANslllP.
Perfect RatlMlaetten Always)
Sail Uecelvlng all th Novelties la
Cor. Spring Franklin sit.,
Titmvlllc, Pa.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
I Vet, Ventre, Ktorday. July 10
i K,I5 ON O. C. & A. K. It.
tOo end after Monday. May 30th, 1870,
mini will rub 9 fallows:
orth so. 6. . an. 3 ko. 1.
Leavo I. vim-. 11,45 a t. Con r m
Leave Oil Cily T W a m. 2.42 p m. 7 47 p m
Pet.Cen 7.38 3.23 8.2S
" Titusv. 8,2s 4.14 " 9.15 '
Arrive Coir, 9.35 " 6,45 ' 10,35 "
Bocrn. x". 2. so. 4. so. 8.
Leave Corry, 1 1,20 a m. 6,00 A M. fl.05 p i
" Tl'nsv. 12,48 p m. 7,40 7.45 '
P. Cen. 1.25 8.17, " 8.35 '
Arrive O. City 2.05 ' 8,55 -i" 9,10 '
" Irvine. 4 5i) 11.35 "
t2f" Ko. 5 ami ( ran ol Sunday.
Xmvc W nit;. n..rt a.. "..iOa.m. iimba.m. i.fUrn
' P. Ou, lu.f .U 12,10 PH. 4,10 "
AwlT'nt:tv,12,0lP.3I. ,45 " 1,55 " 6,fl) "
ImTcTltmv, n.iSA.M v,05 :i oo.. s.SBr
" P. Cen f.17 li,26 p.m. .ao "
Arrive O. tVj-,fl,3.' ' l,n p jt ii,ud '
'li OIlv aud Peiroln;n Centre fre'slit, lenve. Oil
City 11,40 n. m., strives r Putmlxum Centre 1.25 d.
J.1', if'! ! Petroleum Ceutia at 4,00 p m., arrives
At ull Ctjr t,'i p. ui.
siiver i ai.acs atKispma cAa.
4 liruet Iran i"hUaddnh!n without chmico.
ft... J biMvt to rhilniteiphia without chnit.
C!u" j '"' from PilltWiireh without rhauce.
Ho C-ulrwt to Pittsburgh without cHauxe.
iloiway. liy 3d, 1870.
Cold 116$,
At ao wW hour tlila morning, Mr. Hen
ry Ileberlin, engineer at one of the wells
1 1 leiiso 23, Central Petroleum Co. 'a farm,
was discovered lying nuar the gas tank of
the well In an inaerslhle condition, lie was
picked up and takeu into the engine bouse
mid puf stela:-, Culled, who succeeded In
tiriiinipg him to coueolousness, but be baa
been out of hl bead ever alnce, ond It la
lareii bo trill nut live, it ia etn;poaed be
wag ove.coie hy the gsa wbiLa esumluing
luu tank to find out what tbo well was
Nkw W'sll. a well was ntruck on Cal
lu'ooo e Unu, on a tiiree-acre lot owned by
Duvid Tanuey, Eq., or thin plao, day be
fore y.'attrrday, whioj is yielding fifteen bar
tttlapfrd.iy. It stat ind up at tbo rate of
tweuly-fiv barrda until tbo bead wan
cumjied oft. The well is about 700 f et
tep, and ia located ou comparatively new
Tneie was a urgo altendunce nt the
Oi-er Uouse lust evjnln, to listen to tbe
alnfeiag of G'ctiwuwluer Troupe of Tyro
Uou Alplnu Sinora. Tbeir Hinging U ol
the cioat rt'Qndd uulme, acd (iuring the per
foiuiHiice tbey '.vein loiidijr upplandeil.
Amon the aiiilb'nce we uotiotd quite a
iiiuiur of our G'.3ri:i,m citizmis and others
with thrlr wives. The enturlainment paB;
ed oif very pteuauntly and gave univernul
Bj,llalueti'jn. Vn-iy appear ttiin uveuini? In
uti riHiio new jTrauinio. Jtr. ,'fbeobolt
iiai i. !d up the place iu elegant shape,
unci !j no word or acuioo on tbe most ro
flumi be offdadul. A liberal pilroaayu
anoiild be extended to oini for bis endea
vura to plenfte the p iMio.
T'nuio whl 1h relitjiouj aei vioes to morrow
'. lug atO,' o'cluolt, ou tbo atreot in
front .jf tb, A .iierisau lionso, under Ibe
u pio.' if tbe Vouiij M.u-B Clirlatlun Ajo.
TAKia, July IS.
A dfrpatcb dated noon says: War baa
been declared by the Corps Legistaff.
Brussels, July 15.
Tbe intervention of the great Towers bas
been ineffectual. Nnpoleon will announce
to-day its rupture of relations between
France and Prussia and a declaration of
war official.
Berlin, July 153 p. m.
Hostilities have al ready begun.
Munich, July 133 p. m.
Tho Bavarian Government announces it
will remain neutral, but tbe King and bis
people would not separate themselves Irom
Pais, July 15.
Holland will remain neutral in the slrug
gle. The beligerents have engaged to re
spect the neutrality of Belgium, yet troops
are rapidly concentrating at Antwerp and
ether slragctio points.
Paris, July 15.
It ia reported the Emperor bas received
a dispatch from Queen Victoria this morn
ioz making a last appeal lor peace, and a
similar dispatch was also scat to tbe King o
Prussia. ,
It Is said a proclama'.lon has been signod
by NapoleoB nod prepured lor distribu
tion throughout the German States as soon
as tbe French troops cross tbo frontier. It
asserts to tbe German people that France
wars against Prussia, not Germany, and
with no idea .of conquest, .in enoimons
number of conies have alrendy.been print
ed. Pauls, July 153 p. m.
Tbe excitement ia very great, but no op.
position to tbe war is manifested by any
london, juiy to tvening
It is reported tbe Prussian. Government
itself demunded of Flu nee tbe recall of
Beneditl, and that European powers yes
terday united lu a protest against the
implacability of Prussia, but without ef
fect. New Well. A new well was struck on
tbe Story firm flits, on the bunk of the
Creek opposite Tarr farm, yesterday, which
is said to be yielding ten barrels peTilay.
It ia owned by I. J. Painter it Co.
Tbe weather is fearful tint tn-day.
Oil News. I5iu Wells. Tbe Lacka
wanna well No. 4, on Shaffer Kun. sttuck
several days auo, Is pumpius 70 barrels a
Tbe Harsoo well No. 14, struck lust week
was torpedoed on Tuesduy last, and is pro
ducing 150 barrels daily. This well is a
few hundred feet from tho Lackawanua
Tho Reno Company's big well is doing 50
barrels a day, ami has been pumping that
amount sloudily for ttfe'lnst three weeks.
Next week we will give our readers an
extended report of operations, ty tbe Reno
and Shaffer Run districts.
TheOd Run P.itroleum Company is put
ting down a well on Reed Run. a stream
emptyinij Into Two Mile Run on the Bealty
farm, Sugarcreek tp. The well is down 318
feet deep; la in the llrtsPsand rock, and
bis a fine show of heavy oil. Venango
Tub Nhw PitEsnvTERY or Erie. At
the first meeting of this. Presbytery since its
reorganization, held on Saturday last, the
loliowing officers were elected: Moderator,
Rev. -J. R. Findlay, of Mercer; Stated
Clerk, Rev. S. M. J. Eaton: Temporary
Clerk, Rev. Joseph Vaace; and Treasurer,
R"V. C Kimlml. The Presbytery adjourned
to meet at Waieilbrd, Tuesday. July 2Sth.
This body is ihe largest Presbytery in the
Synod of Erie, embracing the larger part
of six counties and comprising some forty
The third sand was struck in llin Hoof,
Wells and lVrlilna well, Win. McCray farm,
this morning. A very fine sand was dis
covered, and there is uow over three bnn
dieoffeetof oil in the hole. This well is
located a short distanco to the right of Wrn.
McCray 'a residence, upon territory that has
never been developed, and is some rUstnnce
from any other well. It opens up a large
amount of new territory. From present ai
pearances the welt will be a big ono.
.. A Nevada paper contains tho following
peculluily sad personal item: "Or friend
Perkins went out yesterday to practice
throwing a boomerang, sent him by bis
brother in Australia. Tho physicians think
hi nose ran be patched and slraigbteacd ttp
but Buy ' is eyes arc entirely gone."
Tbo water at Lancaster is abort.
Wales lost $20,000 on the Derby.
Dog killing nourishes in New York.
Florida cultivates pino apples successful-
Tbey had frost In Wisconsin on tho 22J
tilt. '
St. Louis is very anxious for publio
Paper clothing is tho latest English nov
elty. Silver ore bas been discovered near Lex
ington, Va.
Sunday ptizo fights are an Indianapolis
There ia a horse in Boston that is 19!
hands high.
Gladstone is said to have bet on tbo wrong
horse at Epsom.
A "d.unlog school" .is to be opened in
Montgomery, Ala.
' At Moscow a well Is being sunk to the
depth of 3,000 leet.
Cincinnati calls sleeplc-cllmbers "bur
rowers iu the air."
There are five American convicts in Ger
man penitentiaries.
Mary Ward, of Dubuque, has sued her
brother for slander.
A Dayton, Ohio, female school teacher
receives $2,700 a yoar.
In the Connecticut Valley now the 6tople
crop is said to be tobacco.
Fiity one Mormons have recanted and are
J going back to England.
Mifsissippi replication lias done away
with Us debt and its credit.
Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte is writing
her life for early publication.
A ludy physician superintends tbe saui.
tary affairs of Vassar College.
Tbif Australian gold and dinmond pro
duction has recently increased.
Charleston, S. C., has an Incomo annually
of $023,000, and spends $741,350.
A fashionable marriage in Bombay, Ia lia
took five days to be completed.
The red wood which grows in California
is the most durable for railway ties.
Fabei's speaking machine, ia German; ,
not only talkn, but laughs and sings
y miracle is reported to have taken placo
lately ut Elenes, in tho Tyrol. A boy pos
sessed by n demon w is brought into church
and the requisite'' adjurations were com
menced. The-evil epirit immediately cried
out, '-l will not go!" and Atruggled lor two
hoiirs. At lam a command to leave his
prey in tbe name ol the BlesselV;rgin was
snccesjfuland (ftcr!d out in despair, 'l
afb oVeroime; I wUl.go. " lie then request
ed to be allowed to enter with twine or
geese, but these offers being refused with
the harsh Injunction to repair toJtSwest
depths of hell, he lec'wie Irr talc,', aflJ'HTe
haved in an oMraus'WmiorW a rjaji
ter of an hour, ' tearing and lending tbe
hapless child, and extricating himself from
its body with tbe'trreatist roxlsliw,,...
2 , V i
These warm evenings are just Iho-. season
to enjoy ice cream, which ct "reuiinUi lb
that Louy Voucher, uj Ifisisaloon next to
jmiooo'B drug store, bos vast quantitUs ol
the article oa hand, highly flavored audit
anything cooler than tbe Arctic Regions.
All of which is true to tbe best of our
kuowledge and belief.
Tbe (lro at No. 130.$, C. P. Co's farm,
yesterday, originated from tbo engineer
forgetting to shut off the gas from the well
while the workmen were engaged iu draw
log tho sucker-rods. If he gus made its es
cape in the fire-box of tbo engine, causing
an explosion, and burning up Iho derrick
The loss is about $400. A new derrick is
being put up and tbe well will bo pumping
again a day or two,
Tbe life of ibu faithful policeman Is not
the pteasanleat imaginable. Many an uct
of great heroism is performed by such. In
Baltimore, on Monday, au ollioer ariested
one of threo brothers for insulting a young
girl, wiiurenpon ho wa-i beaten by tbe oth
ers in a terrible manner with billies, but
clung to bis prisoner and took hi in to tbe
watch house, where be stated his charge,
and shortly afterward died of bis injuries
A Texas editor has bad preneuled to bim
by his admiring lady readers, an embroid
ered Bhirt, which presents a piclrial his
tory of the State, including the Mexican
war. The editor wears the sh irt outside of
bis coat, and wherever he goes lie Is fol
lowed by crowds of admiring boys studying
from Ihe back of it the lino arts and booking
lueinseives in Texas politics.
A. J. Keeuan, of Pithole, Jacob Shirk.
of Oil City mid J. D. Hancock, of Franklin,
are tlieDemucratio Congressional cuufereei
lor this county. .
Lard Oil by tmrel or gallon at
H II. Fbeesux's,
A man named John Griffin, was drowned
in Oil Creek, near Hydelown, yesterday.
11 s residence was in Oil Creek township.
IjiM'Ul . oilmen-
Now la tho bent tlm to lay in a winter
supply of bard coal. Codlugtoo ft Coru
well uro tbe men to buy from. June 2Mtl.
Ilantu'e l'nteut Slnto Lined. Kctrlj
uior. Lined with Slate, having Air Chambers
witr.out Killing of any kiud perfectly dry
Mid sweet they nre believed to bp nueuliul-
led by any other now in use, and are of
.Moderate Oost.
Slate possesses au acknowledged superi
ority over Zinc for liuing purposes, being
free (rem smell, taste anil corrosion, nu
can be easily cleaned, preservlug every ar
ticle in a eweet and pure state.
t-fTFor sl at FREEMAN'S HARD
WARE BTIH'K. 31-3t.
The largest aud finest stock
of Family (groceries, ever
brought to Petroleum Ccutrc, is
now Ijcincr received and ottered
at heavily itiSjicimS prici's.
These croods are boucrht in New
York at the piesent low prices
for cash, and Ave proposele to
our friends and patrons have
the benefit of low Jirifi'S.
Parties wishing to buy choice
groceries at ery low figures
will do well to call on us before
purchasing elsewhere.
;,SCIlixBM)l& WIAG.
Fine assortment ol wall paper at Griffes
Kissongeu aud Vlehey Waterotr draught
at Griffes Bros.
Soda Water and Ice Cream ut J. V. Beat-
Vichey, ICis-enaen and Soda Water at
the Artie Soda 1' ouiituin of
jl8-tf. Grifkf.s Bros.
Vichey, Kbuenscen and Sod Water at
the Artio Soda Fountain of
Griffes Bros.
Fine assortment of Paper and Uloih Win
dow Shades aud Fixtures, just reed at
mbtf. Griffks Bros.
Just received a large and well assorted
stock of shelf hardware at J. Rutherford's.
Fruits and vegetable! iu great abundance
wholesale and retail at i
A. M. Suilt's.
Wo would cull the attention of our busl
ness iSeu to tbo superior styles of jo!) print
ing, both plain and fancy, at present Ijeinv
tinned mil from this nfiice. We are prepar
ed Id execute job printing of every doFci in
tion In the latest and most fashionable style
of tbe art, and at reasonable rates, tf.
Soda Wuter and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
The largeat stock,of Gas Pipe in town at
II. Kreemax's.
All styles lilit harness, oiieaper than the
cbeapesr, made from .Moffat's oak mock, and
warranted, at J R. Kron's.
Sparkling Soda Water at M. S. Sim
mon's. iu4tf.
Soda Waler aud loo Cream at J. W. Beut.
Nails wholesale aud retail at
H. Freeman's
Rodu Water and loe Cream at J. W. Beat
ty'o. np27-tt
Buy the "Hud Hot" Suddlo. manufactured
in Tilusville expressly for the oil country
adapted to all kinda of weather, at J; U.
Krone. ul-U
Tin 1va Creum S.-ilnon Uu
tSluii', Next to 9i Minion's
lrtif storu,
lKorme-ly known as Taylor's) Will bo runncm-d
uu Monday, July tun, far Mr. VwicreT, whu ,a
vciircd the service of a niost pl:illi'ui
a. well M a Lady attendant. The Cream made
will be equal to the Fame l'hilailel;itiU I'reaui
Ale) be liupiw by etrlet tteitlun t.ithli ih uort
uient lo receive hie eliare ol puli: n'iltnua"r
1 J- Votii'llKlt.
Petroleum Centre, July 11, S70.
The Cn-parinenhl heretofore rxislini;
Iwlween John J. Feller. V. A. Feiini r.t
Robert Orr. under the firm name of Kelt, r,
FpnneritCo., is Ibis, dey dissolved bv
mutual consent. All debts due the linn
will ho payable lo J. J. FelterorV. A.
Fenner, who Will settle the business of thw
JntiN J. I'hi.tkr,
V. A.Fknnkii.
RoilERT Oitll.
ne.ponsible parllet wli'iingtoj hire tno'e wllll.e
accenimeilated at reasorab'e rate
Trotting Match !
Wednesday July 20.
MR. HUNT, llornellsvltlp, nams b. g
Ashland Pet.
MR. TIESNAN, Oil City, names b. m.
Mary Taylor.
Tho Ane.iwtlon Bives a purse of ? 210, fl;2i.
&M, aud $25 lor the fid lowing
liorses :
James G. While, Oil City b. b. Captain
S. L. Bane, Pittsburgh d. g. Fnilvr
' Brow u.
A. Lewis, Buffalo h. m. Josephine.
Th'i above race s for horses that h-ivn
never beaten 2:10. The entries close ou
the Jjth ol July.
The races will be conducted
under the rules of the National
Association except that in tho
match owners drive.
Ahorse distancing the field
will only be entitled to the first
Letters to be addressed to A
D. Barbour, Oil City.
V. II. TIKKNAV, President.
A. D. BAnnova, beciunry unU Treasurer.
I)rilUng Jars.
IVe wnutil rcpoctriilly nnnoiinen to our nrtii
mers nail iho pul)ilc geourally Hint we licovcoa
ala:.i;y uu l.uud
Cast Steel DriiHii' Jars
Wbirh fir Strnnjrth and Diirabillly oicul au-s Stao
L.n.U Jar hc-rutofore In u.-o.
TSbo Ailvuntngcsi tvo C-laim
vnr Lined .Tar rn t'mt, halnrALTJ STBtlt., thr
(isti-on'jfi-tlnn Jiih cuir.p'Mud partly nf Iron;
hat. present inn a Htuel stirfaee in Ihe rock, thoynro
SinU.muul tiom wear ou the outside, and will keep
heir sliupe longer.
Wo. Warrant Them to 3rM
Fit'teeai ilunilml Feet.
Wo also keep on hand
Vntt Iron HVorkinK Barrels.
FishiT, IX'onis & Co.
pi: rnoi,r:u.u centbk.
Nov lyili. man ir.
Kissengeu aud Vichey Water at
Griffes Bros.
Soda Water and Iue Cream at J.' W. Boat
Kcli I'.ina. iv.m.. i,..i x-r T. arize-
8tvcli wry cliiftp at tU Furdilure Ptorc
rrt&x SYi -SiSi