CLOTHING STOBE ! LAMMERS & ALDEIM, Ilavo the largest and most extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES FOREIGN ANT) DOMESTIC CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ever brought to Petroleum Centre, which they make up to order on Short Notice, superior in stylo and workmanship, and perfect satisfaction always guaranteed. AptWtf. MISCELLANEOUS. Facts are Facts AND IT 13 A FAOT Til AT Christie's NEW At the Corner of Washing, ton k 1st Streets, Has the largest and best tolccted stock of Pure .Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, TOILET ARTICLES, &.C., Knw tiispt. a virn n rvrr. mvvx - PATENT MEDICIXffc JUST RECFIVEDm LARGE QUANTI TIES F RES II FROM TUB MANUFAC TORIES. "WmesXiiquors Of tkt purest brand, and free from adulteration. Perfumeries, Th large! utock of eemrtne I.nbln'a perfumeries Tat afared to tb citizens ef Petroleum Centre J. II. CHIIISTIE. QBAMD CO.ICEUX EVERT NIGHT, AFTER JULY 15JF TIIB OSCHWANDNER TYROLKHB TROUPE. John Theabald's Opera lions Puloon. J3tttf ITil.'lIAXNA & CO, CENTRAL MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WASHllVCITOX ST.. PE- TIlUIiKU U CtJ VTllE, Pa. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done prompt and .riaml lbCIV KailHiacuov. F. J. I1ANNA Co. NO Flailllro TOOL.8LEAT AFTER T1IIS DATE. ' Jtuponslbls parties wishing to hlra firhlils; tools 11 be accomodirtod at rcaionable rates. -?.b Ci K. B. FsKKFf LARIMERS & ALUH. UtltlLS ItltOS PUnE onuQ 6t Aicle3 0 ( NICIES lnt si. Cliffs, e tt'f- litlttors t2T" Particolar attention paid to p-epanhg Prescnptibua. H. O. Jar vis. Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON LOOKINO GI.AS8E8 tn Rrca rarleitv. I.ookins (ilaas riataa repiacaa in old f rame. Picture Frame made to inrdcv Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wal fe. m ' . k" - - .1 I'upir, Hiiinvaiiiiucs A KINK STOCK. UNDEUTAKIXG, COFFINS of fc'.l sizes on band and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH BLINDS AND DOORS NO. 10t: WASHINVrOIS-ST. Fetrolanm Ceniru, Kept 186U tf8. (ST To Milliners and Country Storekeepers FALL TRADE WHOLESALE DEPARTS! EXT, UP STAM8. TAISIHABI'K cnods recetvad dally from auction r and prlvarMia r muck of i vainer, r low Kuiln.. Kilk.. VplvptM. Hihlinn... IjlntH. Trim. niliigo, Fringe. Tiinkva Notioim, Fancy (looiln, tc etc., laluiire. and cheap. Wo cut length at t prlcea. Buy and aell fo'cinh. i:dvard llttlley & Non, 309, 311, & 311 Grand, and 66, 68 & 70 Alien Streets, Cora Cora.lflfih block east frcm the Ecwa ry UEVYOJfK cm. nu. on. piaiiui:tv Okfii'K f! Pr.inoLi uM Ckntkk I'iitj Rifrfmn. V IKTItOLEt.'M CKSTIlR Jlllj 1 3 X Tim maikut is without material cbiingp, hut cntlnius dun tit 5 23 tj 4 25. The Sides were 0 cirs nt 5 25.'i iUAUK.Kr.t in Report ol all llio Sales of retro leu in In New York Ycatcrday. VVcateru Ctiton I.ino PInrliet Keport. Sm-sinl l)iniritche!t Ui the IJ,ill Keoid Crude In built ni'llin? more finely at 14J 14jJ. Sales 1100 tibia ut above prices. Shipping order held firm lS'alS? without sates. Kellneil i(in!0 inquiry, inn lilit inntket tin 'I cIopi'iI at 2r;;.iui;';. eules 5;i0 at 23; 12i)l) at 27?.(. Ibe Utter forced with con'li lioria making price equal lo 27J and Jj(J! hlils let Hall Aug. al I'hltn. delivery stonily, fairs tint)!) brils refined S. W. sefl-ra option July 27J; 200 bbla j;. (. July 27; aud 3000 this bial halt Aug. at 27J New York. July 13. Crude. 14?4'H;. Refined 28. Juno . July . Aug. . Market unchanged In evry respect. Philadelphia, July 13. Cnrte"l3Ja?!. bbl . P. L. S. to W., 26 S. W. 27. Market -Weak. Pittsburg, July IS. ?pot lUg' Refined 2.'!14'. lliirket Dull. Livifiii'oot.. July 131 p. ro. Refined 1!). Spirits lid. Antwekp, July. 15. 3p. m. Crude No market. UuLDMNKU tUIIK, New York, July 13. 0. H. WILLIAMS, DEALER IN OF ALL KINDS. Office and Yaitl at end of Boyd Farm Bridge. FREE PASSAGE TO TEAMS OVER THE BSIDGE. C. II. WII.MA.7ks. ISHAM & CO, Ccntrc-$t.,OilCiV. OS 0 0 r r-i H ft I 1 CD NEV AND UEUT1FUL STYLES OF Watcte ani Jewelry, (American, Erg ith and Swlns make.) SteriiBg Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of all pr-ule. unique ilenlpne In Slb VEK. especia ly ailnpted for yresaulK BOt.II) COLD CUAISS, JKWKLKY, PIHTHL". liKvoi.vurns, I'ISIIING TACKLE, 8KAL KIXiW c, c. Tartlculnr nttenMon i;iven o repair hiff Hun watcltes and Jcwolry b a competent wnrkmaii. 'Vr firm have alau a ptoro at TI TUSVILLE, Sprins lrcBt.. H EM EM B Kit TUB PLACE, Centre fctreet. next il'xir wlwi of the P. & A. Telegraph oatcc, Oil City, Pa p 0 i IDXjPIL O 2ST3DS Drilling Jars. n wmitil refncetfnllv Announce tn nnr rniito- mera aud the puMIc e'nernDy that we kceT con suiutly on hand Cast Steel Drilling Jars Whleh for Strength and P.irablUty excel an Stco Lined Jur heretofore in uso. Tlio Advantage! wo Claim Tr Lined Jura are that, bolna ALL HTKRL, they airiin;er thm Ja eoii.iKnud lmrilv of Iron; hut nriMeiiiiiiL' a btvel aiirrei to the rock, thev are protected troin wear on the outside, aud will keep lietr abapa longer. We Warrant Them to S)rill Fifteen Hundred Feet. We a'ao keop on hand Cast Iron Working Barrels. Fisher, A'orrls & Co, PFTUOLEV1! CENTRE SfiTlJ'NUW-'f' THE OLD mi TIllS OLD ESTABLISHED DRY GOODS HOUSE Is now open for the And offers extra inducements to tre and vicinity. This immense the decline in gold, and will low prices. Our FOEEIGN fc SUCH Alpaccas, White Goods, Linen Goivis, Scotch and liomcstic dino Kani Chintzs, Gi'ei..ti.2ies, Delaines, Checks, Xotion.&c; CARPETS, GIL CMflS, &d HOSIERY, CLOAKS & SHAWLS. LADIES AND GENTS' FURNISHINGIGOODS; A LARGE STOCK OF BLACK AND FANCY SILKSY We invite the especial attention of the ladies to onr Which is stocked with all the a7-tf. John J. Carter Co., MERCHANT TJ OPPOSITE COPJjSTTHIA HAL TITUSVILLE, Fino Eng:lish: A Splendid. Assortment of CLOTHS & CASSIME The largest in the Oil Region. eided over by one of the best iashion able Cutters in the State. HATS AND CAPS Men's Furnishing Goods, AND SILK HATS MADE TO dKJriKK' "STAjSTin 4 the Ladies of Petroleum Cen stock has been bought since be sold at correspondingly stock consists of DOMEBTId A3 Popfms latest styles. 8. '"OilKU - - UP-ff and Sfcire:fr M JLS1, The custom department is pre-'