J AMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE ! LAMMERS & ALDEN, Have the largest and most extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES rOREICrF AND DOMESTIC! CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ever brought to Petroleum Centre, which tljey make up to order on Short Notice, superior in style and workmanship, and lerfect satisfaction always guaranteed. liAMMIlHS & AIDE'S. A.ii!ir. MISCELLANEOUS. Facts are Facts AND IT IS A FACT THAT Christie's NEW At the Corner of Washing, ton & 1st Streets, Hm tba largest and beat selected stock of Fure Drugs, Clemieals, Perfumeries, TOILET ARTICLES, &C NOW DISPLAYED ON OIL CREEK. (iCH'fi:s urns Aisles Ty9 PATEXT MEDICI XES JUST RECEIVED IN LARGE QUANTI TIES FRESH FROM THE MANUFAC-TURIES. OS, THE Oil, MAltKLTS, Omen OF ' Pktiioi.kpm ' Ckntiik Daii.v Pui'finn V J'KTRlll.KI.M CKNTUK June Z7 Tho market Is a triflo firmer with slight advuncB In the offering price. Six cars worn eoM hern !o-0iy at $1,10. ruTicoi.KiijM niAKK;-iN..itv thi, Kcportfiof nil Hie Salon or f'eiro'leiini In New York 1'cHlerdny. Western I niou 1.1110 Market If eport. tMiecial Dtsimtchcn to tlic Dully Kcoijl Crude, bulk dull at i, lor crock dollrery 10,(100 lilila ure noted fold on p. t., suppos ed $.'190; refined very much depiessed, lower prices rulinfr. mainly In sympathy Willi gold at 26yw.2fi;; mien 500 bbl for July at 2(i' and S0O Aug. nl 27. Philadelphia delivery traiM light and prices mora or less nominal S. W. ZCJQ- THE OLD STAND ! m DRY New York, Juno 27 Crude. l-J'CUf Ri'Qncd 2(i,1iri20;4'. June . July Aug. --. Miirkel Pull. Philadelphia, June 27. Crude. bbls is'.'. P. L. S. to Y, S. W. cr. Mui aft -Firm. S-t li;'.,'1; Retinetl 2. Market Dull. Pillguiir, J line 27. l.ivKKi'out.. June 27 1 p. m. Refined li'j. Spirits Kid. Vxtwkui', Juue. 27. 3p. m. Crude 52,' .j tiULD IS fVlJW tOHK. New Yokk, June 27. "Wmes&Liquors Of the purest brands anil free from adulteration. Perfumeries. Tliclirxc luck of tromillm I.titilir porfinueilfK ver oSTu-ul to Ilia citizen of Petroleum (-itm J. II. I'HHISl'IE. Ac. C. E WILLIAMS, DEALER IS OF ALL KINDS. Office and Yard at end of Boyd Farm Bridge. FREE PASSAGE TO TEAMS OVER THE BRIDGE. c. ii. wiLuins. K THIS OLD ESTABLISHED GOODS HE Is uow open for the SPRING TRAEHS, And offers extra inducements to the Ladies of Petroleum ten tre and vicinity. This immense stock has l.een bought since the declinum gold, and will be sold at correspondingly low prices. Our slock consists of FORKIQISr & DOMESTIC ii "gzp r tt SITU A3 Alpaccas, PiHns, . White Gfloils, LtarcittKMls, Scotch and Domestic fting-Iisi'i Chintzs, ' Grenadines, Delaines, Checks Aotiosis, &c. HOSIERY, CLOAKS & SHAWLS. . LADIES AND GENTS' FURMISHWG'.GOOOS. A LARGE STOCK OF BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. J We invite the especial attention of the ladies to our Which is stocked with all the latest styles. a7-tl. H.'S05JKJ. tW Particular attention paid to preparing Prescriptions. S3IH3D0HD NI PETROLEUM IRON WORKS iiryau, Iillinj;lmui A; Co., M a cMnists! . Iron and Drass Founders 'forgers, MnnurnctiiriTS of ENGINES, IIOILKUS, DRILLING TOOLS, MULLAY AND SAS1I SAW MILLS, PUMPING RIGS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND WHEEL IRONS, PLOWS. AND ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS. WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS NI ALLESOX'N TI ItlAU AAI) c:al, FOR OIL WELLS, Tituivil.o, Nov 20tb,I8t!l). U. a -p c3 r iH H ft ISHAM & CO, Cciitrc-i.,OII Ciiy. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF Watches and Jewelry, (Amerlrmi, Knj Uli and Swlsi mnkc.) Sterling Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of nil crude, nnlntie ilf.linia In SI I.. VRIt, ospoclttily adapted for present SOLID (H)I.D CHAINS, on iu.it i , 1'lS'l'l II.H, KKVOI.VUIIS, ' FINI11.NU I'ACKLB, ' KKAI. KlXdS re, ftc. rrticiilnr attention given o rinair Init linn watrhos nnd Jewelry ty a cumpi-iont workman. TIik tlnn tmvn nleii a utoro at TI TUBVII.LE, Bprinn atrwt. HEMKMUKK TUB HLACR. Conlro ptrwa. next il.Hir wwi of the P. it A. Telegraph OSleu, Oil City, Pa a? P CD CD 4 diam orrrs ESTIUY. On Thnr.ilay evening, Juno 2l, n ltUCK MAHK. with Arniv MildJIe. lmiki. I. ...... r,.., hiU'liiiic nmt on tho Hti.nl r'urm. nnd diMipp nred. The Mun' wn nlK.nt 14 hand liljh, b yunr old, very little while under the Kftdflle. Aiiv.ina r.iini.... Hid Mro to 8nuiwley I.iiery bta'blr. civim it"- i..imniifii itii.iiii iu ,ier uiKuvary will ie sullenly rewarded ly Ihuiunsciitwr. u M, B..I1ESS. JAVIf. John J. Carter &Co, MERCHANT Til? 01 OPPOSITE CpRHTTniASr HALL, TITTJSVILIiE, : JPjf., Fine 23ii-lisli JETrencii and Scotcili ASjjlenJiJ Assortment of CLOTHS & C ASSIMERES, For Sale Clieaji. SIX FIFTEEN . TWENTY BARREL TANKS. . TWO 126 BARREL TANKS. TWO 250 Kuquire ofStipt. on Bimm Farm. jIG-lw. The largest in the Oil Region. The custom department" is pre siaea over ly one ot the best and Most lnisiuoii nbh Cutters iu the State. mats awn in PwraisEains s "ta iilaJ wan y Bl'FFAM), !Jtli' A7U I'll IS is i: 1 1 EC CROSS-C-L'T. Tuiina nr. .it Ci'i r.' Ti'-iins leuvH Curry. Lxprew., f :-l: a. in. Mini. 1 i. in. AND i:.vi.iv. .. ), l-.l j '! ui. I .Vc.u.ii'tlii :i:S , . 1 . i "