Jl( F UU WD, SMITH & Co. iSuccMMin to.J. A. Lorn, Merchant Tailors! EXTENSIVE AND ELEGANT ASSORT MENT or Spring ami Summer Styles. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CL0TH3 aud PANKIMKKEV, which thejr makeup to or. dr on PHOHTiNoriCE. superior Id Bri'U: and WOKKMANellll' Perfect KMlafnctlon A I n ay e Uuuruuteed.j Daily Iteceitlng nil the SoYcltiia.tn BENTS' FURNISHING GEODS, II ATS, CATS, &C. . JIIcFAUIiAiW, SMITH St Co., for. Spring & Franklin an., TituvilTe,-Pn. f ctrole'um Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, Friday. June 24 iRKIVtl, AND DEPARTURE OF nUAINS ON O. V. & A. R. R. On ami after Monday, May 30tb, 18T0, raws win run as luuowt; , KORTII. ' NO. 5. NO. 8. NO. 1. Leave Irvine. 11.45 a St. i.flO p si Leave Oil City 7.00 a h. 2.42 r m. 7,47 r m " IVI.Ueu 7.38 " 3.Z3 8. 28 " Titusv. 8.23 4,14 !).15 Arrive Carry, 8,33 6,44 " 10,33 " SOUTH. KO, 2. HO. i'. NO.fi. Leave Corry, 11,20 a m. fi.00 a h. 6,05 p M " Tltnsv. 12.4ft I- H. 7.40 7,4 " " P. On. 1.23 8.17 " 8.33 Arrived. City 2,05 8,33 9,10 " " Irvine. 4.50 11.35 t2f No. 5 and 6 run on Sunday.. FKEiant TRAINS NOHTII. Leave OUCH.II.M a.m. B.TOa.h. ,35a.x. !,f!Sp i'. i (ti, iu.mi s,i is,iorM. 4,10 Arrive Tltuv, U!,ol r x. ,45 " l.SS " M FIIE1C5HT TRAIX8 S0UTIt. LiwreTitUfr, (USa.m la,35 a.m. 11 00a.m. SISra I Cen. ,I7 11,51 " P.M. .0 Arrive U. (. ity.'.I.M ' 1,04 r M i,0i " 7.30 HI Citv and Petroleum Centre freight, leaves Oil 1tr 1 1, Ml a. m , arrive at I'utnilmini Centre 1,25 n. in. L-nvu. petroleum CeuUe at 4,00 p m., arrive at uii uiir p. m. . v' PILVeil PAUfl PT.ff KPIRA rtHII. Tin 4 lllrcut- from PhiliidHlphin without change. ,1 inreci m rnuauaipnm uitnotii cntnge. No. A IHruct from I'llUhiirih without ehan;;o.. no u-vtret-t hi I'ittsuurgn without change. Monday, Utf 9t, 1870. old lll-'o- Several of our citizens have started a movement for a Fourth of July celebration in this place. It is proposed to have an oration. Declaration of Independence read, - music, foot racing, borne racing, jumping match, pulling molob lor learns, fire works and a grand bullfor tbe benefit of tbe lire department in tbe eveuing. As there is to 1m no eelebratiou at Tilusville, or any of the surrounding towns, we hope our citizons will encourago tbe movement. By all inoiins let us hove au old fashioned 4lh of July ccleiirution, Uow to keep coul putrouizuGriffesBros. End a Fountain. A uew well located on tbe Coldwater Oil Cu'a lease, Ceil I ml Petroleum Co.'s farm, is t'ulug tubed to-day preparatory lo lestiof. Tie shmr is rxadlenl. f The flbt n Crawfurd county, between G-o. K. Amleison, and G. B. Delamater, lor Stuie Senate from the Erie District, is wuxii'g exceedingly warm, outside Icflu nice having been brought lo bear in tbe canvaas. Tbe Oil Ci.ty paper is dealing lieavj blows against Mr. Anderson in every issue, a bleb provokes the Tilusville Herald Ui u-ing susli bard names as "small fry newspaper," "ignorant slubbering newspa per," Ac, whereat the Oil Cily paper be comes v ruthy and retaliates in tbe same !brn. Next Monday, however, will end the corneal, and if we mistake not tbe Oil City paper will have poor satisfaction lor . tiouble in publisniug Mr. Anderson. Mi'wr inula fc Co,, uia liiluoiururs of the celebrated luuis Sucker luds, tiro about to leinuve liom i'toueer to Oil City, having cuuairuuied a luru aud commodious work rtiup at the laiter pluc, lor the manufac ture ot Ilia celohrati-d roil. Tr.e removal i in 'de nces try by iheunWnMy Iuciojs VV7wirwc.'-.VMJVJVf"l tjriiele. A Remarkable Invciitloii Petroleum aa Fuel Prat-Ural Operators of the Proccm, From the Oswego Time. Yesterday we were present at the foundry of Messrs. Harrow, SSvory&Co., ot tbe Comer of Reed and Front street to witness tbe practical operation ot Messrs. Whipple and DIckiuson's new process for converting petroleum to tbe production of motive pow er. A largo number of persons interested In a discovery so pregcent wltb importance ss affecting tbe whole question of fuel In the futuro, were presont, and were perfect ly satisfied with the value aud feasibility or tbe same. The new process does not bring tne pelro pnim in contact with tbe fire at all. By a most Ingenious and exceedingly simple ma chine, it is first e vaporated iolo bydto-car- bongasor vapor, and the gas is coo ducted to the fire-box by ordinary pipes, and there burned a you would burn ordinary gas no der a kettle in a gas stove. . Tbe process of evaporation and Its pro duct is tbe secret of tbis discovery, Tbe objeclion which wn nrged In 1SG7 by tbe Secretary of tho Navy, that in all tests ol the value ol Petroleum as a fuel, it had been discovered that carbonization resulted lo such an extent as to stop up tbe tubes used In a short lime, cannot be raised against the present mode of burning petroleum, as tbe fire doi-s not coma in contact with tbe crude petroleum, but merely with its vapor, as stated. la regard to its pprfect safety, also, there can be ne question, for tbe suine reason. At the foundry which we visited, yesterday, and In which this process is in operation, there has been a saving of nearly one-half in coal, with ao increased efficiency Tbe same boiler is In use as before, and wbile by tbe use of coal a pressure of not higher than forty pounds lo a square inch could be obtained, with a great decline in this pressure when there was heavy work belog done in the foundry, with tbe use of petroleum by this process a censtant pres sure of sixty pounds is attained, never vary log no matter bow great the cull upon the motive power. Tbesa engines aggregating sixty horse power, ate driven by the steam generated in tbis way. Tbis will show tbe great demand for a large and invariable supply of steam, as alro the ef ficiency ol tbe newly utilized fuel. Or tbe solid value or the invention we have no doubt, and believe that the new process is destined to revolutionize the en tire question of fuel, at least as a generator of steam. Yesterday afternoon as the up river train on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad was rounding tbe curve near Scrnbgruss Station, the engineer discovered a man laying wi;b his bead directly across one of the rails. He whistled "down brakes" and the train was stopped, but not until the cowcatcher had struc k the man and thrown him from tbe track into tbe bushes on one side, lie was picked up by the railroad employees, taken aboard the train aod brought to Franklin, where bis wounds were dressed. Ills bead was bad I7 bruised. Had tbe en gineer not discovered the man at tbe mo ment be did, there would undoubtedly have ucen a coroners inquest, me man was so intoxicated that bo did not realize tbe nar row escape be bad rondo. : Dkath bt S.nakb Bitk. Ou Friday last Mr. Charles Ileberling, of Crauberry town ship, was bitten by a snake of the copper bead species while drinking from a spring 00 the Cochran farm. While lying down to drink ho felt a sharp stinging sensation in bis band and discovered that he bad been bitten by a snake. A copperhead was seen crawling away from tbe spot and it was killed. Tbe usual relied? in such cases whisky was given to Mr. ileberling as soon as it could be procured, bnt without eiftot, Tbe unfortunate' man died in a few hours. He leaves a wife and seven child' run. Speotator. Do not forget the luclure for tbe benefit of tbe Catholic School haute and reading room, at Sobers ball, Sunday evening Tbe subject is an interesting one, and as tbe object is in aid of a worthy cause, we hope to see a crowded bouse. Mr. Joxepb H. Barnard or Wisconsin, will preach in the Presbyterian Church at this place next Sunday, morning, and evening. Sunday School as usual at Vt o'olock From Postmaster Miller, or tbis place we learn that tbe injuries sustained by our co- lemporary, F. II. Braggins, or tbe Green ville Argus, who was recently thrown irotn bis carriage, are not so serious as at first represented. It was reported that his skull was fructured and that be could not live, but a close examination by tbo physician proved it otherwise. Wearuglad I o learn Ibat such is the fact and hope that he will soou be able to attend to bis edituriistdutles agaiu Tbe Pieabylerian cbtiieuul Cooperstoirn, will be dedicated on Sunday June, "6tb, Uev. S. J. M. Eatou of Franklin, v. ill preach I the ded;tvi-y tetania. T1IIKD MSO KOl'K A rascally bachelor calls tbe friendship of two women "always a plot against a third. A shrewd Trojan, the other day, got a valid marriage ceremony and the clergy man's new bat, all for two dollars. Edward Everett's son is to harp on rev olutionary themes at Bostons ourm 01 J nlyre. The names of tbo authoresses Lucy Iiar- com and Virginia vangon are idb reai nomesof the writers, and not aliterative fsncies like Jenny June, Minnie Measles, ef al. ' Hokepokewingaehepnng rottnbokee. okacallokum ChlngarewinKitrypingwinu wnng, a distinguished cltiren of the F jee Islands, is now lo California, and will visit tbe Easlero cities as soou ns thf) Fa cine Railroad Company can furnish trans portation for bis name. A Chicago thief stole a pocket book from a lady the other day which contained only a subfcription list for ibe poor. The pocket book was Tetnrned with a note as suring the lady be was "like herself a friend or the poor." An astute New Orleans Judge has jusj shown what an ass bo can make of himself . by luting bis judicial hdrn nt Caroline Riching's Opera Troupe. Ho thinks a wo man should not manago a troupe of any kind. t Place, not your trust In strangeis. A farmer named Cox attended a circus al Springfield on Satuiday, became Intimate with atrlool "nieoyomn men" attached to tbe show, drank freely, got drunk and Into the calaboose. On coming to bis senses ho found that be had bpen "('lone" to he tune of a $300 check and $120 in green backs. A Nevada editor says that Olive Locan is "tbe most right up and snappy ebulitiotv of womanly git up and git that we ever bad tbe pleasure of meeting." Newton Seiberland has recovered $2,000 in tbe Supreme Court at Baltimore, from John Leeson, for kissing his wife hand against her will. This fearful verdict will no doubt prompt all tbe women to have tbelr bands kissed against their will. Hap py Seibetland! His wife is a treasure a genuine golden egg darling! Cincinnati Is described during the Par-n- gerftst'asa "gfgnntic beer garden, with a few houses Interspersed here and there.'1 1 A New Jersey paper is printing a mov ing tale, entitled "Kasper, or tbe Cross eyed Carpenter of Kalamazoo." The employees of one firm in Montreel were patil by toe tirm mr tne time uey were absent repelling Ihe Fenians. , "The White Element in Our Midst" was the subject of a colored gentleman's dis course at Indianapolis tbe other day. ."When a great man dies, " saysQnilp, "the first thiug done Is to resolve to build a monument to bis memory, and the second is not 10 build it." , A. B. Woodcock, late postmaster at P led men t. West Virginia, was arrested at Baltimore, on Friday, by a special agent of the PostofTico Department, for em hezzllng money of tbe United States. lie was com mitted to await tbe action of the grand ju ry, and is not in love with Uuclo Sam's style ol woodcock hunting. A correspondent asks: "Did yon ever observe bow obtuse a car full of passengers becomes when a homely woman enters? lu coniriare, let a pretty face, bright eyes, and soft complexion appear at the door, and, voilal every scat is al her service." A company of Pennsylvania capitalists have purchased territory in Allegheny county, Virginia, and established a colony, made up of em (grants Irom this State. Twelve thousand acres have lately been purchased that are rich in coal and iron, and well wooded. The iron is found crop- niug out above the water level, and tbe Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad will run near to it'. A furnace is still in operation from which tbo famous Tredgar Works, at Rich mond, have drawn their best ora. There are evidences 6f oil In the neighborhood. Tbe Pennsylvania will, before long, itrike Charleston, tbe heart of the country, and open it to tbe north ; while until that timo the Baltimore & Ohio enables access from another quarter, and steamboat communi cation enables Cincinnati to be reached with ease. Tbe Chesapeake & Oblo road penetrates tbe country, and will materially assist tbo movement. In addition to lb company from Pennsylvania, a New Eng land company, and another from New Yolk are on tbe ground, to increase the activity C. H. William's new will appear to-morrow. coal advertisement A refinery Is bwiug built on the banks c the Schuylkill, which will be the lurg'St 1 tli world. Tbe cjpiul uf the Si 01 is $1,000, I W0. David Lcnnon was arrested a day or two sinco on oatu of Willis Stnrli, for sutcty of tbo peace, he having threatened to reduce Stark to the consistency of mince meat. David was held in the sum of $2U0 to keop the peace, by that lover ol pence Justice Reynolds, and the probability is that Willis will not become Stack and cold for some time to come. Clifton, tbe publisher of Dickens' workt, miblished a statement yesterday, that only one-half of Dickens' story mystery uf "Ed win Drood" had been wrltteu. Tbe story will be published as far' as written, and no one will bo permitted to finish It. Ijociil i4itlfta. The I. urgent Solu Foiiutalu lu peuu aylvaiiiti. Mr. Albert R. Griflith has just put up in his Drug Store at Oil City, tbo lurgest and most tupurlily flntsbe.l Soda Fduntelnwver introduced in this country. Ii is a beauti ful sight to look at this handsome pieceof workmanship, lis entire weight Is liOOO pounds; bectagon in shape; live feet in dl atnuter, and a bunt the same in height, and cost two . thoustnd dollars. Mr. John Mathews of New York is tbe manufacturer, Mr.' GrlftUb beinj the agent for nils' manu factory, for lliis section. Wo aclvlso every body going to Oil City, to call and seothis Mammoth Fountain. , It . For Sale Cheap. One anod second hand Tuber & Morse eugiue, ID corse Rochester HoiiBe. power. Enquire nt j24-3t. tbe Buy tbe "Red Hot" Saddle, manufactured in Tilusville expresrly tor tbe oil country udaptvd to all kinds ot weather, at J. H. Krous. ... al2-tl Soda Wuler and Ice Cream ut J. W. Beat SPECIAL MlliCU. The hrcrest and finest stock ii ot laiuiiv groceries, ever brought to Petroleum Centre, is now Leincr received anc! offered at heavily reduced prices. iThese jToods are bought in New York at the piesent low prices for cash, and we proposele to our friends and patrons have tho benefit of low prices. Parties wishing to buy choice groceries at "very low figures will do well to call on ns before purchasing elsewhere. . S( IIOmOM & WI AO. Fine arsorlment of Paper and Cloth Win dow Shades and Fixtures, just ree'd at m8if. GniFFKH Bros. Vicbey, Klsengon and Soda Water the Arlio Soda Fountain of , Giuvkks Bnos. Coi.n Is a word which Codingtoa & Corn well propose to render obsolete. For modus operandi call and see thorn. murcblOtf- Tiib Pyramidh of splendid coal over a odlngtonifc Coruwell ' yard aro perfeotly wonderful. marcblOtf. JiiBt received large and stock of shelf hardware at J. well assorted Rutherford's, tf. ' Klssengen and Vicbey Water at G Kirn's Bnos. Soda W&ter and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat- ty's. . All kinds foreign fruits at Falter, Keener & Co. t Tha largest ttock of Gas Pipe in town at II. Fphhman's. FIRES WORKS For 4 Hi of July 180, just received at J, w BEATY'S, consisting In part ol Fire'Crack eis of tUe best brand, Kuckets, Pnaian Candles. Torpedoes, two kinds. Vm-. Kxbibi lion Pieces. Bunting Flaps, Bsllooni! I Chinese Lanterns, and a great variety 0f oilier worn mmi iiuiiiriuun in mention Also choice Conlecllonery. Ice Cream tb beat iu tbe market, just such as will unit tbo taste on Independence day. All IhrM things are to be bad, and a great many more at .1. w. iieiliy a tecoua lloor from nT. Opera Mouse. J. W. fBATTT. Petrolenm Centre, June 22, 1870 2w. Sparkling Sod Water at M. S. ml If. Sim- mou s. Soda Water and Ico Cream at J. W. Bnt. Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. V. Beat ty't- ep27Mf. Gold Fish, Gold Fish at Drug Store. M. S. Simmon's We would call the attention of our dull ness men to Ihe superior styles of job print ing, both plain and fancy, at present twiilg turned out from this oftico. We are prepar ed to execute job printing of every deacrin tion in tbe latest and moat fashionable ii;ls of the art, and at reasonable rates. It ' Sash, Glass, Doors, Putty Ac Lnr;e stock very cheap at tbe Furniture Slot. niu-if Vicbey, Klssengen and Soda Water it tbe Artio SodaFouutain of jla-tf. Griffe fan. Lard Oil by barrel or gallon at tnay23-lf 11. Finttaix' Nails wholesale and retail at II. Frkkxa' Kisfengen and Vicbey Water on draii'til al UltiFFKs Duos. All kinds foreign fruits at Feller. Fester 4 Co.'t Gat Pipe wholesale and retail tt II. Kskkmix'i. Klssengen and Vicbey Water nn rlmugbl at . Griffks I)ho. Bauta'a Paleut ttlate. Lined atwr. Kctrlf Lined with Slate, hsvlnir Air ChsmtiTi witoout FiUiagof any kind perleclly dry and sweel they are believed to be nnequit- led by any other now id use, ana art 01 Moderate Cost. Slate posMsseiran acknowledged nrrl" ority over Zinc far lining parpnaea, lu-m free front smell, Ueie and crrcwlon. mil can tie easily elsaned, preserving evrry tr uce in a sweet and pure stale. TFf le at FREEMAN'S FIAKD- WAUE STORE. 31-31- Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. ft. Beit- Soda Water aud lee Cieanut J. W. Best' ty't Alt kinds foreign fruits at Felter, Vetm A UO.'t All attlea lloht harneM. eheaner than II" I cheapest, made from Moffat's ask tttck, M warranted, at J It. xrons. Fine assortment of wall paper al Griffe! Bros. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSE FOR SALE. llonae and J.ea. IOH. lot A, opplt .. .. 1 . aj. D-f auii r liar Ire. Th iioiiw U frHiiio, S florin. W-ZTmM -..I.I kan .ailt'it lirntWTl otvi-r I PUIU l..l"tl nittlll 47 hi et-uiai pa-itu Me bulldlnii. . 1- Fur Sale theiip. SIT FIFTEEN rJa TWENTY BABBE'I tAnks. . TWO m BARREL TANK TWO 250 " " Enquire olRnpt. oa Baum Faro. . jte-iw. ... fish 1:11 & Millie GENERAL MACHINISTS .' and Dealers mi agkhid'0' WEbL TOOLS FlXTUBt t Naeaaiiary Irr putting down ".u'Sra'sV'l W.,11.. fn innMtlnu with our MAtU'" I we kava a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SIIOF. On, raellltlea tor MANnfACTUBtNO tisl called by any Shop In mo 011 w . maj tf riB. . . SV All! V. A. II A rail A & M. WW Jai MACHINE & BOiLEBSBOS WAS IIIOTOltf P. TUltlaKUJaCliVTiaE) BOH.ERS AND ENGINES AT SUORT NOTICE- ,,roiP"' All Wls-ls of Marhlno Work wrranlod lo uive aaliilactvm. Si' S.ii 1 an