The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 26, 1870, Image 2

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    cFAK LAS D, ! ITK & Co.
f& JtrwKin to J. A. Loses, 1
Merchant Tailors !
&prltj and Summer JSttles.
ad CAS!MEKEy whkh t!iey make up to or.
on SHO.'T-JNOTll'E. superior In
KTYLs and WOKKMASfill.
Veriest Mails faction Always
Guaranteed. j
Dally KcMtvlng the Xoreliln hi
Cor. Spring it Franklin Sta.,
TitnviIIo. Pa.
eiroleum Centre Daily Record,
St. Ceutre, Thurndnjr. nay 26
J2TTu! time-'.aale or the O. C. iA.R
K. will be found noiler the markets.
(Sola IU.
PAHT1' tnvE.
Tbe Oil City Times tod Tlttiarltl Her
ald bvn recently been in bipjy unison,
b reco.ntuendijjr, that tb lion. C. W.
tuirilian be returned to Congress, od tbe
ginor.d o! Ins pre-eininent abilities as a
rfatcsman 'cnet in tbo Webstetlan mould,
RMl for tho further reason that it would be
ylo'atirg party urnze not to give him a ur nr
iDa'.ion for a second term. ' In view of tbe
fact that from 15G2 up to tbe present time
ji i man has. been twice elected to a sent Id
. Congress fioia this District, vm should tbtnk
that image was rattier aaitibt tl s i In favor
bt Mr. GilflMan's re-nominFition.' We ajree
with both the IlereM and T.mrs thai when
onus v,c gat nn tocert, capable and talent-
el man to revesoul us nnd our interests in
ir.e imtioral nouse tr Repit eotativc,
It would bo the part cfidom to retaiu
bim thetu fur several consrentive terms.
But Brut get your hor.f tl, capable and tal-
c!fd mart in tho place. The argument by
no means buld good la favor-of a man
whose only renim'nda!ioQ is tbe wealth
he rosy tnvo accidentally coma into p.s
session of. There is no d:sc,uising the fact
that Mr. Gi'tfUlan Is a small man politically
and otherwise Ho Is tho possessor of quite
11 amount of "0!thy lu.-re, " and with thti
bis friends expect to buy his nam (nation by the voters at tho coming prima
it election, but we bolleve new and have
all aluns lii'Ilnved that whoa tbe Repubil.
can of Vaar.go County come to pass judg
ment upon XJr. Gilrlllao, on Saturday next,
bt iiieir vr.llct will be: Weighed in the
lulani."" and touod wanting" in honesty,
capability ui;d talent. Tbe Herald lays
'iel stress upon tbe fact that If r. GilGllan
lit! made two speeches in Congress aad tbat
bo hs through these able speeches convey-
; 4 tu his eonstituenls mnob valuable infor
fiaifn i.S which they v,-cro before in Jgnor.
nc. Ary orti who has Uai around Wash.
J?Stun for any length t f time knows bow
easy a matt: r !t would be for a man of Mr.
Gillillan's wea.tb ;to procure a newspaper
vr tur to got up those ''abl" specobes, and
bow tbe Ilouse always good naturedly
arants 'tho )irivil.go to wen of bis mental
ciiiiri of Having their speeches printed
rttli 't than bo bored by listunin,' to them.
Th Ilopttbliosns of thi county have pre-
, seni'd tu tbeuj an opportunity to place ia
n mln.tlon a man or brains. Which shall
win Wieoility and money, or real worth
ml brains f . '1 be first Is rop reseated by
' Uimiiuo; the last by Gilbraltb. Choose
' ' '
Th" batb!ra of Titusville have petitioned
(wiriitupn council to para an ordinance
leq t'ring all bai ber shops to be closed on
buuday, and the requent has been grant
ed. Elsewhere will be found Interesting
Wo nws. .
V r the latest noelty in ciaarii, whrr
llify C il Ua toiibd, 4c , eiioilue our udver
V'i"g culiiSiiw.
as we oavo otiure stated at tbe time or
tbe striking of the bi well on the Dalzell
farm, oonsi'.lerable exolinmeot was manf
tested by onr borne operators and tho.e
Irvji abroad, and the demand for leases has
been active. Tfcis excitement hns been
Pootlnu:illy on tbe increase, and culiulnat
ed to-day in the b asing of two acres on tbe
McCray farm, in the immediate vicinity of
tbe Dalzell well, to Meisr. II. B. Pkluney,
Tbos. Arnold and Harry TVroiiK"1, Mr. Mo'
Cray receiving therefor a bonus of $1,000
per acre anu coe-nan ine ou. vaults ate
to be put down on these two leases at once
tbe effect of which will be to stimulate
operations in other quarters In that vicini
ty. We predict that before many months
there will bo a continuous line or derricks
from McCray hill to the Blood hill, and tbat
good wells wilt be got in every Instance.
Ocn Dead Heroes. Next Mondav Is
the day sot apart for the decoration of tbe
graves of those who fell In defense of our
country. And they are scattered from one
end of this broad land to the other. On
many a southern plain lie the l;onea of those
who fell In battle, aDd in many a quiet
grave yard sleep those who died from dis
ease, and in what more fitting manner can
we show our appreciation of tbeir great
services than by strewing the beautiful flow
ers of spring over tbe places whero they
Sleep. ine custom of decorating the
graves is a simple vet beautiful one. and
the day set apart will be generally observ
ed. ' Extensive preparations sre beinu made
in Titusville and other places, and no doubt
delegations from this place will Le present
and assist in tbe ceremonies:
"Come, bring the flowers bring fir young
uower, mat iook sh iresn and gay,
And twine tbe wreath and brigh, t festouns,
and twine tbe sweet bonnet
Let Natures sweetest, brightest smiles this
uuy oe on our Danci,
And all from cot toeourtly ball assist with
heluioK hand.
And we II approach with mespured tread
where lie our fallen brave.
And with these emblems of our love .we'll
strew tiie ir humble craves."
Tbe excitemeiit at West Hickory still
continues, and the demand lor teases, -pecla'ly
for building purposes, is lively.
Yesterday an ancient looking individual,
dressed in a costume of "ye olden lyme,"
appeared on tbe Tullle farm and made hixi-
self very consplcous by informing those in
want of leases tbat by giving bim the sum
of $25, be would show them where they
could put up their buildings, In this man
ner be succeeded in collecting about $700.
In tbe uieantimo soma of tbe parties bad
commenced building, when Mr. Neybart,
one of tbe owners of tbe land, made bis ap
pearand upon tbe scene and forbid further
operations in tbe building line. When tbe
parties found they bad been sold, great was
their rage, and immediate search was made
for tbe ministerial looking individual, but
tbe "bird bad flown." Decidedly a new
way to "raise the wind."
It in a lact that M. & Simmons, at bis
drug store, has a full and complete assort
ment of drugs, medicines, toilet articles,
perfumeries, fco., and it is a lact tbat be
ia selling tbem cheaper than they can be
bought elsewhere in Ibe oil region. He
also has tbe purest of wines and liquors for
medicinal purposes, and a choice and well
selected stock of patent medicines. And of
wall paper and window curtains, bis stock
is complete and comprises ail the latest de
signs and patterns. Wo need notmontion
other articles which be'bas on band, but
refer our.reaanrs to bis column "ad'' which
will be (ouod elsewhere. And If tbat don't
satisfy tbem, let them call in and examine
bis stock.
Tho woman movement takes a novel di
rection at Saginaw, Michigan. Last week
twenty. one disreputable women and six
teen men were arrested in bouses of prosti
tution by tbe police or tbat city. But tbe
men were allowed to go scot free and tbeir
names were suppressed Irom print, while
tbo women were sentenced to punishment
and their names were given by tbe Sagi
naw pren. Tweoty-one married ludles of
prominence In tbe city thereupon publish a
protest over their own signatures against
the "injustice done our sex,' 1n punishing
"tbem lor crimes committed, while their
"accomplices, equilly guilty if not more
"so, are allowed lo go imcoademned and
"unpunished." This is surely, a vigorous
assertion of woman's right lo all tbe mas
culine immunities. It opens a new Meld
for tbe sisterhood. , The worthy matrons ol
Saginaw plead for the criminal equality ol
tbe sexes. Now lot Mrs. Stanton draft us
a new oodti affirming the feminine, right to
unmolested depravity, That U the lo3lc of
lliia pMtlkl.
St. Ai.kanh, Mar 25.
About half pist II this morning tbe
Fenisns, wno had been for several hours
previous busy imparking and otherwise
getting ready lor active service, at Hub
bard's Corners, half a mile beyond Frank
lin, took up the line of march and when
they arrived near the bouse of Alvin Rich
ard', about twenty rods this side tbe border,
they balled and General O'Neil made the
following speech.
"Soldiers This is tbe advance guard of
the Irish American Army for tbe liberation
of Ireland from the yoke of tbe oppressor
for your own country. You now cuter that
of tbe enemy. .The' eyes ol your country
men are upon yen. Forward march!"
The advance company wns from Bur
lington, and commanded by Capt. William
Cranon or that city. At the concluslou of
O'N'eil'i address he lilted bis bat and re
"Ueneral, I am proud that Vormont has
the hooor to lead the advance. Ireland
may depend upon us to do our duty."
l be advance was then resumed by the
flank in the open rosd, and as Captain Cra
non s company passed Richard's house and
were descending a bill toward the line, they
were surprised by a sharp volley from sotnu
Canadian trnops, whose position hud beco
concealed. Tbe fire was returned by fie
Fenians, and quite a sharp fire was kept u;
for some time. The Canadians were posted
behind rocks and trees, and had of course
tho advantage of the boys in green.
It IS reported nno reman was killed and
Uapt. Cranon wounded in the thigh. Tbe
skirmish was witnessed by quite a number
of citizens. United States Marshal Foster
and Deputy Marshal Failey took command
tng positions partway up tho bill, and
were under fire all tbe time. About one
o'clock, when O'Neil hud gone to the right
of his command. Gen. Foster bad bis close
carriage brought near tbe position and ho
mediately arrested General O'Neil by virtue
ol tbe Presidents Proclamation. Tito Gen.
said ho refused to be arrested, and had
totco there to protect himself. The Mar
shal seeing a lot of Fenians close at hand.
threw open the carriage door, and with the
aid of Faillf, thrust the Fenian leader into
tho back seat, tho officials leaped into tbeir
seats and the horses left in hot haste. The
Genenl arrived at the Weldon House, In
this villiiije. nt 4 o clock. O'Neil wjs soou
alier arrigned before V. S. Commissioner
Jacob M. Smaller, for violation of tbe neu
traiity laws, lie waived examination, and
u default of twenty thousand dollars ball.
wn taken to Burlington this evening to be
1 no arrest or lien. O'Neil has fallen liko
a wet blanket on tbe Fenian and reports
fiom the f i on t this eveniugsay they are
oauiy demoralized. The Fenians fought
well, but it is evident they were not rein-
iorcea as ttey expected. There cannot be
at the outside over . 500 men, whereas am.
munition ror tour times tbat number bad
been ptovlded. It is reported, many are
on tbeir way back to St. Albans to take
transportation for borne. The bait past
six train Irom tbe south this evening landed
here about 120 more men. who Immediately
took their departnio. Unless the Fenians
are at once heavily . reinforced the ronve.
ment, as far as tb is section is concerned,
will prove a very great fizzle.
Later intelligence places the number ol
killed at 2 and wounded 2. One of the
killed is Lieutenant Murray, of Boiten, and
the other a Burlington boy, name not anjrr.
Company G, Fifth United States Il.-avy
Artillery, Capt. Richard Arnold command,
ing, stationed at Plattsburg, arrived hew
ana pitched tbolr tent on tbe north side of
the Park. More United States troops are
expected to-morrow and it is rumored Geu.
Meade will make bis appearance toon.
A Young lady at Burlington, Iowa, went
to church and forgot her waterfall, leaving
it in tbe window, and when she returned
she found a little bluo bird sitting In it on
two eggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Clark, ofSkaneateles,
N. Y., celebruted their golden wedding on
tbe evening of the 9th lost., at tbe bouse
of their son, who, with his wile, at tbe
same time celebrated bis silver wedding.
Both families were present entire, the fam
ily circle nut having) been broken by death
in fifty years.
A little fellow, named Waltor Douglas,
cuiigbt Monday, In the Mohawk, with an
ordinary book and line, a pike weighing
fifteen auda half pounds, and nearly as
long as tbe boy. By cautious manage
ment ha got the fish into shallow water,
and wading out slabbed bim with bis pocket
Tbo Erie Railway is constructing drawing
room ooaohes with adjustable wheels lor
either broad or narrow gauga, so that pas
sengers can tide rrorn New Yoik to San
Frsncisvo without change ol cars.
Lard Oil by batrelor gallon at
inay23 tf II. FiiKfMA.v'a.
Gal Pipe wholesale
and retail at
11. Fkkeman'h.
Nails wholesale and
retail nt
11. FnEKUAS'S.
Tbo largest stock of Gas Pine , in town at
II. Kkkkman's.
PKTRoi.rt.-M Ckstkk, May 17 1870.
All bills lor Torpedoes over thirty days
old on the first day ol J it e, will be l"lt with
t-aaiuel Reynolds for collection. Walk up
to the Captain's office and settle.' By order
of t tie Roberts Torpedo Co.
1117 t J 1. Levi Mason Agt.
Drug Store.
Gold Fish at M. S. Simmon's
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
Tiik PrtiAMttis of splendid coal over fit
Codington ACoruwell's yard are perfectly marcblOlf.
Flno assortment
of wall paper at Grilles
All kinds foreign fruits at Foltter, Fenner
So da Water and Ice Cream at J. W.Beat-
Just received n lurce and
stock of shelf hardware nt J.
well asorted
Rutliei lord's. '
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat-
Sash, Gloss, Door. I'miy Ac. Large
stock very cheap at Ibe Furniture Store.
All kinds foreign fruits
A Co. a
at Felter, FeBner
Fine assortment of Paper and Cloth Win
dow hades and Fixtures, just ree'd nt
m8tf. - Griffk Bros.
Gold Fish, Gold Fish at
Drug Store.
M. S. Simmon's
Soda Water
atM. S.
ni4 if.
All kluds forek-ii fruitrfnt Felter. Fenner
& Co. 'a
Another fine lot of Plants nrl
Rnss re
in. If.
ceived to-day at M. S. .lmmnn's.
The largest and. finest stol
oi tiiHiwv tiruriTies. ever
!1 1 f
brought to Petroleum Centre, is
now being' received and offered
at heavily reduced prices
These goods are bought in New
York at the piesent low prices
for cash, and we propose o let
our friends and patrons have
the benefit, of low nrlces.
Parties wishing to .buy choico
( .
groceries at very low ficmres
will do well to call on us before
purchasing elsewhere.
Soda Wator aud Ice Cream at J. W. Beat-
Something New !
Reporting or Cracking Cigar.
'sll sttlief'lOAH STOHK next to Grilles Hros,
r is b oru, WakliiiifFtoa Street. I'atrolmuu Centre,
a., ana try ou j. Ivovnr bufure lairnduenl In I his
t .-
Drug & Fancy
G-oods House,
The Largest and Best Selected
stock of Goods in Western
Pennsylvania, and
Hold at
fee., for Medicinal Purposes.
tiiid Dye Mull's
and. Brushes.
The finest assortment ever before offered oo
Oil Creek.
Unsu-pasred for beauty and originality of
Oi signs, cheapness and uurabiiuy.
Canary Birds.
House Plants, &c.
(Tobacrij ami (Cigars,
At SlMHO'.
msjjs ai.
rjr five rnt e"R