DA a vx$il "o in TFto tpv WW WWW IB Ml Mil Ml IM MWBWTMBCTMWB1 ll I III 1 1 1 IWWaalMMaMaiJIMenaaSISaawaPa VuL'lV NO 100 TUE 1'ETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JIECORD CJPUBLlSnED EVERY EVENING, r (Sundays excepted, j . FEW. II. LOKGW 1 LL, Proprietor. T Hit .TIM. Per year payable Inadvnucc, ffl 00 irat month, ... - Its I'ltK E-MST OF ADVERTISING. ,(Ten line of nonpareil make nne aqnitre.) No. In-n'rtton. 1 q. 8 ft,. line :v, Two da vs. Ttirw dnyr. Four tlfiyss Two wt-W 'J hrert wi'-'kfl, One ni'Uith. Two month!, Thrt-r month, Hlx m on Mi, Nim month, 1 (Mi 1 5 T 3 (i) 5 r," 1 M 2 i;. II x an a . 2 mi a in i (;( . 3 ro . 8 no M 8 I M 4 Mil e nn, 7 tv (U (ifi S 00 10 oo in cm (H 7 (Ml 10 00 12 CI ) .H is r,o is on an oo tr. oo' h (i 40 mi 1(1 (Mi 12 00: 81 ('! T, It) 30 INI o (hi ho mi Km no 1" (H! SO IKI tt 00 8ii ik; as oo1- tio oo Special notices '20 rents per line, each Insertion. AilvertiHeuiouta payable quarterly in ndvaaco. BUSINESS CARDS. J. II. ,SLTIlbMCLA.I, M. it. m. n c. H. Em permanently located ut Petroleum Centre, fur .t h. practice of hi profession In nil Its branches. WOmCB AT (SIMMONS DliUil BTi RK, Petrolodm. Ci'ntrc, Pa. . . fcMttf. ' .lir. Ii. II. CMItlSTIE, fliia rnmorcd lo hit jHdcuno on MainJ Street, at the end of Egbert Parm Bridge. ITonr nt ni(!')iiro from H l M. nntil'A. M Purine nMimindiT nftho Uav he may Lo IVtind t kin ollh;t (Ai r J. Jl. t lit i.iIl-'h llru' Store tiov'it) n, u.nii.t:ir,t ATTOIS. EY-AT-IiA W, , " V Petroleum Cuitro, Yenano Co., Pa Ansoclatcd with K. 1). Kinuonr, K(l Fraiiklln, OKFUJ '' In room f.TinciIr occunlod by J. O. El lhxi. KM . iu Hrick I'anlc Hulldlm; iiot!6 tf AI.IIGUV . havi;k, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT LAW, OFFICE -In Hoi-tter Tlon Building, on Wuihuigloii una .Main oirecis, . PETIIOLEL'M CENTHE, PESN'A. , Jay 10, l(M-tr. - 'liONiiA.n it s.?ii 11,1 ATTORNEYS COUNSELOUS-AT LAW, Office nitli Street, FranUlVu, und Petroleum Cen ire, Pa. MavlD-tf. V. NcAI.PiNK, A-J. It. I'OltXUIC. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTISTS. Uui administered. OfnceApe nnd night. CFFIC! Berry' new Biilldlntr, corner of Wash ington and Socond sts., Petroleum Centre, Pa. maylfttf. GEO. II.' nilSELIi Si CO., B -A. IT EES PKTKOI.I'l'.M Cr.NTHF, FA. O. II. Ui.scll, 11. U. Jh'.rtln Cbrlstopber Meyer. , We olTer enr service, br lt ' i r.HNF.HAl- HANKINi?, EXCHANGE nnd C0I 1.KCTION M'HINrji Any bninesii Piilnisle'd toourcaro will Oct'' prompt attention rite. Drilling Jars. mWti would restiectrully nnnotmco to our custo mer aud tho public generally that we keuvcou. siautly on uiuid Cast Steel Driljfcig Jars Which for Strong h and llnrabiUty excol any Steel Lined Jar heretotore iu ui-a. Tli A!v:uitajfc we Claim over Lined .Tan are that, helnzALL STEEL, they roalroie'er than Jars coiuiosed partly of Iron: that pm cutliitf a Ktuol surface to the rock, they lire protecd ti-oiu wn.tr on tLu outaide, aud will, keop tnetr ruupe luugec. We Variant Them to Drill l iiti in Hundred Feet. Wc ulao keep ou hand Cuit Iron lYorking Buirelti. Fisher, lis & Co. PIl'l'UOl.Etn 1X'NTK. yi'ji,xifc-x FETROIEUM CENTRS. "HOTELS. ocjicvrjjn. itt.-i Wahlnrton Klrcct, P- trolnnni rnntr'!. Pa. H!At)STIlF.RT A Si:E!WOOl),.l'Rrmr.TORi This Housp M riiitr:illy located, mid tho gticral hf'i'hjunrior uf oil mi-n. Pitrolcnrii nostra. I'a., Jt iy 1, IMS tf. PETltULECM CEKTHZ, PA.i Near Oil Creek A Allegheny Kiv.it Itai'.way Ecpot. rmnyU-ir. O. J. CKOSS. Proprietor. TyjcCLISITOCK IIOC5E. PETllOLKUll CEI.TKHJ PA. IVs populi! Hotel, altuatcil Corner oC .llalu A; Vns:l::nton.St., Xinrthc Pn-in1. ha hem reftttM nnil fnnilt'ed lliroiiL'iioni, aud the proj;riitor will sjjuro no j uius to maku it a FIRST-CLASS not'S". -Oct8 tf. IICU'.EKT & FRANCIS !rnpr!otnr. piEimcAN norma., . rrTKoi.fcoM cnxTK3,;iM. J. n. BAKNKS, . - - I'roprlftor. Tbto Hon t In a ptowont Imwltty, ami bat short walk IV..m too llrput Thv rtMi ire Urt'n and comforts' lo, and the tablo ban; fit'd with lim dolicaclcs of tho st-miou. 1,,20-tf. ! K. HARNKS.. NTUilNATIONAI. HOIXL, JIILLEIt FA1IM, PA. JOHN E. HOWE, - . Prop'r. fiond nccommodatlons fur transient cust ranr. Day Hoard and Hoard wllh loom." tin ro:.on.it l terms. Tin' proprietor ill spare no pains lo inako hi. House attractive to pie.'ts. Juiiei tf. I'lJSASANTVll.LE, J'A Thl. rtmisn havlne' rcci ntlv been en'areed and re- flinii"hrd. I am now prepared to ttccotniaodate two linnilred L'lieats coniit' anniy. Stncs leave tills heuse iliree times a oay tor i ! tusville There Is alo a line of sra-7i's to nthnie. JllH-tf THUS. iMClVl.NNLV, ITipr. Olli CITY, PA. Bavins recently taken pes3,.sIcin ot the ohovc Itonie, we would'most resiii-etiHly infirui tlio tt.iv elin1.' pnlc th-.two propose to "keena Unud," and to cinvinee tltvin of the fact, we invite all who v. Hi the comforts ot a hatiic, to cal .upoo. us. It will be found TEio Hotel of tlec Oil Kcgious. (tar Saniplo ltooni la supplied with the choicest Wines, Li.itnrs and Clears, and our tahlo w ill be found laden with the very best the temket nnnrd. There Is connected w ith the lluiso four itret class P.illlard Tables A'sn. Barb- r Shop and Hath Itoouis. tiive us ,i c-'il, kinl convince yourselves ot the lruthlulue'89 of out' msutlon. SX ATI'S il JilLKS rroy'rs. o,iU if itowvs iiorti., AT AliLLl'-U 1-AliM, I'A, ffust opened. Now nnd complete thrnttzhont Extra aeeoiuniodaiioiitt for trutittient and perma nent guttata. J. O'NEII., niay23-tf. Proprietor. HaiU Oil Creek U blitl ICiiiiuing;, Ami so are the pne.ls cf .HMKM SIITI.TS at the old stand of M. X fruit i nnininv awa with ens tomers, who love to save their iii.'iieyby ninkin good liarKains. If yonMon't believe It just oeme and eu tl.e nish as well .s the nice stock of of all kinds !wajs on hand Alio hoinc-maJ BREAD, HES. CAKES, ic. 1 Fstie-tnl attention w!lt bo elven to mv ICE CltEAM PAKI.OU, whithwill b"p'ned the thvt davuf Mav next, wlieic I nau ne iitijt .y towji ou these who niv favtr mo witu tin Ir patrtaiage. 4N. IS- Abtioltitviy no fttles en tuuuay. ttl5-uru. 'EC. O. J arvis, Denier in CABINET- FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING GLASS liH In prca vcHety. LooLlna ' Glast Plate, replaced in old Frames. Picture Frames made to order Cai'itets, ni tiotits, w.u Paper, WindowSliadcs, A FIXE STOCK. LJVJ)EltTAItl.G, COFFINS of u!l sizes on band uutl trimmed to order on short notice. SASH BLINDS AND DOORS ISO. 10IJ 1 AMI1.A0..'ST, i . - JHsKeua CBtIuej ises-t, PA., THUH5DAY EVENING. MAY 26 1070 T. M'DonalcL LIVERY, FEED & SALEF1811 T "iEES S STABLES ! At its 13rtmtt ojijjosite ;tlu Oeutral 1 Souse, I'ETROLErjil CENTRE PA rrtllB het Stock of ER1V1NO AND SA11DLE X LIOlEb on the Cre'ek, arc to bo luunu uc JI'Blosiald's Jfiivery. '!FJJA3E3 & BUTTEB3 ID U LET AT ALL TIMES. FED Jt MOAUKJEO on KearotiftWo Terms. T'aintag f all kintls ut ti!j:!i'(J to FroKJjitly. :V!sr'Clvc mc'a call. T IPDONA1. . Petroleum Centre Nov. II. 1313. BOOTS SHOES rue sr.Kse.llier thnnVf t ! for Mo very lllirrat pat 1 l-craL'e heri't-if re extetnled to him, most tv .etlti ly anuouuecs thai ha na ou handalaigi ct EIK5T . CL.1SS Wlim , coraprislrs nJ dtsciliitiuns of LIGHT FANCY BOOTS Aud s?itoc of every style. toi The Custom Departaent liKCElVES SPECIAL ATTENTION at the'.innd, 'of cnr.tpctenf workmen' gatlclactio gtiaranioed In style and endimtuce. ISrancli tore at Ilonaevillo. G. MAGEANa Tfcxt donr to Wolfa .lew lry Store, Washlnato Street, Pnttoluiim Centre, Pa. tVMtitf PETROLEUM IRONWORKS ISryan, J)illiitgti:un & Co., m a cbinlsts! Iron and Brass Founders FORGERS, llautifactureia of ENGINE', BOILERS, DRILLING TOOLK, MLLri'M a.u .?u SAW MILLS. ri'MI'INO RICS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND Will-: EL I lit INS, I'LUWfW AND ALL KINDS Oh' HASTINGS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN ALLISOX'S TntlSG AXE) CASSXU, F'lR OIL WELLS, &C. Titnsvllle, Kov 2;th,lBit). tf. XO riHl-G TOOIiifi IiILT AFTER THIS DATE. HesponslMo parties vUb!n to hire fi-liiug tcolr wil! bu accouodatsd at ruuoiiaul tales. fcbt-Oa 'N C- WEEr TITUSiVILLE ADVERTISEMENT TITUSYILLE. DIES GOODS HQS3IT G13TC3 & O'fl 3 Mmm mi i WW 0 mm j L3f",To MUliiiBt'sttna Country Storekeeper FALLTRADE wzeoLmrE depastjiest, VP STAIR 3. ?E5IKr-TjK poo:l nTfivd ilui'v frnm fiction prs S.uiin. S:ik(t. Wlvut-1. l-i)hoii!. Jjh ., Trin - mil , Ki'r'.'fa, iinkr-o Not!ntit Fiincy Oood. it t-i".. iliiiv'. hu ohMp. We cut lcugtlm at i.-:ict'S. luy and cell t'jr c:ih, Ei!varJ Mi:!!?)' & Son, J09, 311, cO 31 L1 Grand, Mini GG, G8 & TO Allen Street, Come 3tor.lt'ili Mock tcsficm the Hoveryt NKffYnKK t nrss & o.iYiwsioih', Vouldkinviio their old pttrouiiatd tho public gen; ti'.iiiy Ta Tifitsrlltu and YJrinltyJ, To call nnd examine their splendid stock of TTurnitiire ! OF A L KINDS Parlor Sulla, CLati her Sets, Ilook Cases, bids Ito'Ms, ! LOitlll'i'S, bat nets, ilatlVks, Spring lit ds,! Slant esses, CARTETS, OIL, CLOTHS, MIRRORS, And ev ry description cf Furniture, plain uni or uaiutuini. n all Its briu.'hua. A la-ire slock of C(UFXS AX MlifALUCITASrS N. w ou band. flprl.'i tf. lN'ltN. mid AClVVOItK ISc'tl ciil Adviser and emri lane llltfe, 4lit paite-i, I'd K pati'i?.. t-.'tno, elo h f 1, 1. poo t,en to . rmarv I laeasca, let.l lity, wis-:'ii-f of the lihxid jind tlietr co seq-umcs. latttt veKuarihesiii Phxi-Ploy, ICuropcan hospital prac-Ih-ej ,l'lueks, t'lir leel,'s and incuielnts; the atit'-oi 's uurfiuatei tie tntent; t iLiioranee Mos-d: fa llens tiinia-i;.!il; nltlici d rt'tiftii Vitally iintn-rtaiit lo both si-xes, n itriled or i-in 11:0. in Tual'li ' f d eai-o. liy tne i'reneti, i-.ne'iis and A.nei ica Pur an of Medleli 0 nnd SaiKery No. VI l-.-ist '2-th Miitet, New York. Eatab i-hi-il hv 1111. I.A11M0ST nl'.a iiss (lilies in IM'.. -l:lili.u ais.i hv .1. L. IlisiiH, rtl-'i Hiondwav, New York, 'those who consiili Dm Aniiior or his work escape the ii iorii'ii , r antieut 01 ounrk mi'tlicin a, cliar iitnn' i.nd inexperienced tliicitins. e-near with otiier ia;:i ri iu r coiiiine- dlrii l'-a, I.AiiMoSTanil lei- wrrl;. ' Murtrrati j-.ra's t tn,Litfpatai, t;iri Zi itung, Atlas, iltdiml AVi-ieui. una -I'm. F. ISAXXA & CO, AGlE&BOiLERSHOE. WASIIT.VfJTlJ ST.. PE. 'i' CM V iJ X T IS K , Yu.. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds cf Maehiito Work done promptly and Will'iauluU 10 LUfc bUllMUCUO'-. F. J. 11ANNA a (to. Cuii.up.kns L'AHi.uiKR .A fiae aecort uuut ut tUs Furoiiurc Stoio 25 CDS. WEEKLY m o o J J w is o V, Q n tJ M o H a o r1 Si W O o r) . o r-i o r 1 0 Q 3 5. tea Q pliANKLN, PA., INbUKANCB AQENT l.-.ll. IIIIililAlO, Agcjit. 950.I10.00 CAIITAfi. Henresented and ointfbllv Invested b tl fntlnw. In? l-eli:ible compatilHs: The Mu'nnl Lire Insurance Co. of N. Y- ik. eanital TT.Ono.nno inc r-.ui;i i.'u- insurance vo. 01 riuriri.ira, Conn, rtvdlal. 5,150. ttlH Tlie llonie Insurance Co of New Tort caudal. Sr,W,Vu3 The liiaitranrrCb. ol North America, Pa., capital. 9.4S.fta The llnree ot New Ilaven, Conett'.cnt, n-ifi'.-ii. i.rtw'.'.t.'i Aib'-ny city Tnnirnncc Co., of Alba- ttv. New York, ranltal. - KC0 two The The A n m-ienn Life Insurnnco Co. of 1 tiliadeljil.la, capital, ?.ir.0M Tliis Arencv Is amon the olrli'st'ri'encles In t -te of l'enuylvaiiia. wet of Phltatte'pbia. - j'uiu uuiMiu n:e nisi lonriren yci'rs nry $300,000 IN LOSSES Good Dwcllinc Houses. Churches. School 'lion.-) andolhtr t'Cilditja Insured Perpetually. Oil lnnrcd In Store nf d In Trusslt. Policies; ij. sited on short notice In any of tlm abovn Fhe in stinuiee Ciiuipubiitj. Ollicu in Froiiklin Exchi'tie, I taaliu, Pu. noT5t.ru OIL CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. Oil I HAS. HUUSON A. LO, Cutner of Fenccit and Centre Sts, eitst tidd of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa, Havinc ttilde.1 a powerfttl Steam Engine and thra' la-p. L 'Til Ei. to our already exttnsive Manniae tuiinj Ert.-iblisliinent, nr. i,ow pieparod to do all tho ueveasary work, in fitting up, and repairing ENGINES. S: BOILERS, : IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY C0ITER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL VJ'ELL TOOLS AND FITTING?. Tn fiet do all Machinery .lob Work ertt'-'tsted wllih neatness and dispatch, aiilruou NEV JEWELRY STORE l rM AT Olli CITY. , ISHAM & Co. Uavn opened a jewelrv store on Centre street,'- next f door wial of the P At A. TclcmapU CBc : oil f itv. I'a. i OUCity, Pa. Keep constantly on, hand a large assortment 01 'nf Diansojsds & Fine Watc hes fMp? ' - (American, Eng Ish and Swiss ainko.) Solid Silver und Plated Ware. SOIJI COLD CHAINS, JEWJI.KY, 1'lbTOI.s. KEVOLVRHK, K1S1HNO TAfTLF, MEAL Jti.NOX Particular attention iven lorepalrlnd tu;ewnt nnd jfwolry h a cuuiiwunt . woniiuan. ut jnwoirv 'I I11. 111111 I 't l.u lli-iii It!iv .i!fi ia tti.n. nt. 'I'l Pl t'lffP 1 pr'u .treet tW For flua Job tft-'k go to IjilCClU rl J r r l 5 k-he. . 5S 5-fSPxT-.