The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 24, 1870, Image 2

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    JUl Alt LA p, SMITH & Co.
ISaiMMOn to J. A. Iomv,)
Merchant Tailors!
jstlisive And elegant ASSORT
k.-JV''' .rf
Spring and Summer JStyhs.
ltd CASSIMERttyirMcb they make tip to or.-"
k' on SUOKTNUTICE. superior ia '
' perfect NaUsftyf tlem Always,
: ;;
tall Keceivfyg filLtlw Novel ttas i
, -r . ' ; 1 'S'
Cor. trprlag it t'rauk.lin SU.,
v. Titnsviltc, Pa. .
I etrbleum Centre Daily ; Record.
aet. centre, Tuesday. May 24
HT The tim-4lbt or tbe O. C. it A. .
K. will be round under tbe markets.
. Gold 114J$. ( " 4;;
Tbere will be ( fire meeting at SoLel's
Opera Eoc8e,thlil'ev?n'mg at S c'clsck
sharp. 2 A (sacral stttmdaaoe is requested
i business of itnportsnco will come beiore
tbe mxftltrg ..:.'' ' .1
Twa refractory 'Individuals. Irom Sham
burg, after getting boozy on tbe benzine
uld thereabouts, iaid a flying visit to Pe
troleum Centre. . Tbe mixture of tbe .two
qualities of chain lightnitig.cause.l these in
dividuals to loseAhoir identity apparently,
and they imagined themselves second ;edl
tinna of Henaa and Morrissey,' and conclud
ed to run tbiugs accordingly, but instead
ras directly Into tbe arms of officer Kinney,
wbo -was hard-hearted enough to put teem
in the. lock-up for safe, keeping. . Tbls
morning their Identity became fully estab
lished after paying Justice Reynolds a visit
antf contributing a sum of money towards
paying tbe current expenses of the- town
ship. And they took their departure for
Sbamburg.and probably will nut pay tbls
place another visit for some time.,
It . .
Tbe storm of yesterday afternoon made
almost a complete wreck, of derricks on tbe
Piersori, Hess, Niagara Wood and ' other
farms In that vicinity taking them down
ns It (hey bad been so much chuff.. Tbe
damage Is quite heavy, as many of the der
ricks were ;onneoied wltb pumping wells,
and will have to bo,rebui(t of entirely new
material, being literally , broken into frag
ments. . We bave not learned that any oue
wasinjnred by tbe falling debris, but engi
neers wet with narrow escapes. . Oa tbe
flats no injury to prupeny to speak ot was
N.JB. We are informed that, the total
number of derricks blown down- on the
shove farms was twenty-eight.' In' oddi-"
tonjto the above there were several blown
d.wa ou tha Dalzell farm,
V reference to our advertising eolumns
It wlt.W ein that a rare cbunoe is offered,
Hi Juttes' wishing' to go into' business,
MessnJ. K. I me I & Co., of Story farm
t ing irslrons of selling out their grocery
More, : be location is one of the best In
lue oil rjjon. ' -
Among, tbe suits brought before the
I'lfenantviio justice recently is that of Mis
K. J. Buckly vs. W. M. Towers, charged
with surety ( the jieaoo, ,,md W. JI. Fow
rs vsi Mni. F. j.liuckley, charged with
filing minor -vitbout license on the Mu
UriUH (arm. .loth parties were held
unswert the nt court il quarter ses
ions. i
Guano Foot yott a PeitsB ok $50
UerwitisK Messuh R, Tavlob ami Geo.
Arnold. There wll be a grand loot raee,
oil Saturday, May 2 J87U, between the
hours of I and 2 P. l.,(or a purse or $311 to
lM competed fur by tt..JTTylor and Ceo.
4;old. . Race to coif ili on the Jiglii-rt
farm r"c cuurse." Tllo mtilic' are Invited,
(real tn rt is ueilicijiBtou '
. '
We understand' that a man tjuotrdGreen
has been eudlii(t agents thrcligli tbercoitu
try trying to collect a claimed, royalty or
fiom five to ten dollars on dtuKi wells, al
leging that tlierlchi to ush the same id
civered by a. patent obtained by liini in
1S6S. Tbu game has been tried to quite an
extent In this vicinity, nnd a iminlier via
tinii;:ed. We have received a circular from
a perfectly responsible firm saying that tJits
attempt n't collectiug a. rnyijtlty. Is an itb
miMgated swindle. Jbndrit well princi
ple is an old device, and is not covered hjr
any patent. The parties aiterutiting this
tilaok innlling operation bave been put to
tbo test in court several times and have
never dared to lot the matter come to trial
We advise our renders to pay no attention
to any one claiming a bonus ou drive wells
for tbere is liuio danger of their submitting
tbeir claims to a legal tribunal. Cony
Tbo individual in question succeeded
la victimizing quite a number ia. this
vicinity, by ? threatening (p jrosecuto
them if they did not '-como down witU the
stamps." It has the appearance of a black
mailing operati on throughout. , . :
; A CAtjSO.
t take this occasion to return my heart
felt thanks to Messrs Geo. .Munger, John
Waddell, Geo. ami John Tnylor, Mr. Law
rence, Red!y tbe Blacksmith, and all of
my iiii)ds and neighbors, for their untiring
exertions to save my property from the
devouring element, on Friday night last.
V. Geo. IIowahi).
Petroleum Centre, May 24, 1870. 1
" ' s
Tbe M'Cliutock House bag recently chan
ged hand?, Sir. C, Griswold having sold out
bis interest to Messrs ITulbert & Francis,
who will hereafter "run the hotel," These
gentleman have thoroughly re" tied it by
painting, papering and cloaniog it up in
general, and propose to keep a hotel that
will cot only prove a pieasaut borne for
travellers and boarders, but be .a credit to
tbe place. Ia which wo hope they may be
successful. " -,1
Three suspicion individuals were watch
ed by "tho police, last bight, irom tho fact
that onu of thorn was overheard to make
the remark, '-that they rnust have money if
they bad to go through some person for it,"
whlcb they evidently intended to do should
a favorable opportunity present ilsell. As
they bave not left .town; jet, the police bave
tl.e;n under surveillance, and will ar
rest them oa tbe least pretense.
We ore informed that thirly-two derricks
were blowu down oa the Blood Farm, dur
ing the storm of yesterday. ; i -
Grlfl'ts Bros, are enlarging and otherwise
fitting up their drug store. When complet
ed il will make a handsome place of busi
ness. Attention i called to the announcement
of Ileory Dubbs, who is. a candidate for
County Commissioner subject to the usages
of tho Republican party. (
Tug Jamkstowx & .FKAxkviy B. E
Tbe track of tho . Jamestown and Fraukliu
railroad is now laid to Oil City, on the west
tide of the Creek. Curs are now standing
at the terminus of this road, 'at that place.
Elsewhere will be louud tbe latest Fenian
news. . ' "
Do not forget the fire meeting at Sobel's
Hall, this'eveoing. Lusinvig of importance
will come before the meeting.
The editor of tbe Jamestown Journal Is
inclined to doubt the. truth of .the statement
made by us that tbe big well on the Dalzell
farm- was pumping 300 barrels per day, As
be probably never saw an oil well, and un
derstands nothing about' the oil business, be
is excuuumo. -
New Well. A new well was struck on
the Ctatial Petroleum Co s farm, this fore
noon. Owned by II. Whittlesey, und pio-
ducing five or six barrel h per day.
The large two story building being put
up by Scbonolom 4 Wing, .at White Oak
Station, was caught by a whirlwind during
tbe atorm yesterday, raised from itsfeuoda-
tior, carried teverpl feel and. turned over
and completely demolished. Strange as it
may appear of six men wbo were working
in the becond story ut the time none were
injured in tho least. :
Tbo coal-scuttle stylo of bonnet has gone
wboily out of fashion amoug tbu young
Quakeresses of Philadelphia, while' the
yoiifeg Quakers have, shaken tbe broadbrim
hat and taken to the move-pipe. Shud
berllied coats are also getting out of vogue
among the elders, 'who manifest it decided
inclination for the claw-hammor.
It lu not'generally known,' but. the last
lilies that Frank Forrester ever wrote were
tho following: tIot ia for the dead and
peace and happiness Immortal ! 'For'thoso
who remain behind, the weariuossut memo
ry, the loneliness of rograt, , l ho yearning
'or the untimely lost, which will not ps
away; until life iUuif (ball bave pasted
through the darkness of tho giave Intj the
light of luimoriulii)."
, jrllfK I'KNMII ADV.tM'K-
I'.lVttmJ.o May SfS. Great activity has
existed among the Fenian brotherhood In
this city for tbe last Torty-elght hours." The
leaders are very reticent A movement Is
on loot of some kind, but whether an inva
sion of the neighboring (fontier or to aid
Ueil Is n queslon. Largo bodies ef drilled
yetcraus lutt to-night. , Their destination is
unknown. -
Moxtvelieu, Vt." May 23. Many re
ports ere in circulation to day regarding the
Fenians, which, if true, show they mean to
do something. Besides rumors of considers'
ble.' numbers being .below awaiting tana
portation there is inlnrmatioa that two com
panies of Fenians shipped from Burlington
this afternoon fur the frontier, nnd that
another Inrge body Is eo Touto for tha tame
point by boat from Pittsburgh. t
Bi KKAi o, May 23. I p.m. The) city Is
full of Fenians who arc quartered quietly
among tbeir friends. , '
Sailt St. Marie, May 23 Colonel
Odley, American Commandant, has notified
Colonel Ualtnn that a number of suspicious
characters bave passed the canal. Guard
has be'oujdoudled. Volunteers are warned
to bo Id readhiff.'. ' ' '
Balliuiore and tbo Oil Trade.
There was nn informal meeting of our
oil dealers at' the rooms of tho Petroleum
Association; . this morning for the purpose
of having , a consultation with John W.
Garrett, Esq., President of t lie lialiimrre
nnd Ohio Railroad, with releronce to the
shipment of oil to Baltimore via the Pitts
burgh rind Gonnellsville Railroad. There
wus quite a hu'u attendance of oil dealers.
Mr. Garrett was unable to be present, but
ho was represented by Mr. G. R. Blar.churd.
the General Freight agent of the Baltimore
and Ohio road.- Tbe meeting was informal
and conversational in Its character, and a
cbaiiie of opinions was had. Mr. Blnnch
ard stated that the CciineliYvilip railroad
would be completed within eitht month,
and referred to the advantage that the com
pletion of the road would g'vo to that city.
Baltimore would then he thirty miles nearer
by railroad and tide water to the oil region
than New York or Philadelphia, and would
consequently be the natural point for ex
port. He said that every ponsible facililv
would be eiven tn the trade, when th road
was finished, for the shipment of oil via
B tlriniore. Mr, If. also save some interest
ing information in record to Ihe wharfaire
facilities and tonuoge of Brllimore, uhich
was highly satisfactory t.i tho trade.
The interview was a very pleasant one
throughout, and from the manner in which
the dealers expressed themselves, the indications-are
that Baltimore, is the 'entiling
city" for theexpo't liado la oil. Pittsburgh
Chronicle, Friday. '
Johanna Gotlieb Christ Kuipfenhausen
slein baa become a citizen cf Pittsburgh,
Pat The man who Is canvassing for the
directory says there Is not another person
by that name in jthejfffty.
'. A Soiiltoga German sent rtie following
diBpatch to.Nw" Yoik by telegraph, '-Vy
you no son t them, gats I veicbls lor'm!'
Huwusup tbero waiting tor bis household'
goods tcsvrrive, which will explain the puz-
' A mineral spring has been discovered near
Philadelphia which is supposed to possess
wgudeiiirl medicinal propeties, lor its water
taste like damaged corn beef brico druuk
out of an old India rubber shoe.
Mr. John Hart, who is creating such a
great furoro iu Kelly & Leon's Minstrels by
hia perfect delineation of negro character,
was once a millionaire. ' When the oil fever
broke out iu Pennsyvania. Mr. Halt own
ed a hundred acres of wild land near Tidi
oute, Pa., worth about sixteen cents an
acre.. IIu was then running a canal boat
on the Delaware and Hudson canal. In the
Fall of Ibfil, several immense oil-wells
were Struck on Mr. -.Hart's land. Stock
companies wore formed in which he was a
Prominent shareholder, and at one time be
was offered live bundled thousand dollars
for Ms interest. This was refused. He
left tho canal, built a most niagnillcent pri
vate residence', wore ' diamonds f .almost
fabulous value, and seemed made of money.
At one time be was a prominent candidate
for Congress, but failed to secure a nomina
tion thrutigli tho inutluessof a trusted Irienc
Fortune'a wheel suddenly turned backward.
Mr. Hart was inveigled into more oil specu
lations, und. within three years was without
a penny, ( lie then turned hia attention to
nero miiistielsy, und is said to be superior
to either Dan ISrytnt, T. D. Rico or Dan
Emmett iu his delineations of negro char
acter. II speaks four different luilguages,
and tins traveled in Europe nnd Australia,
lie was once wrecked in the Straits of Ma
gellan, and spent two months in destitution
on the islund of Terra del Fuego. lie is
now playing nn engagement at Kelly & Le
ou'i Minstrels, ut $00 a week.
A Kentucky journal notices that "a
negre, named William Finley, has Mcl'ar
Imd Jack Burns, uuotbor nrgio, for vio'at-
jinj thd tauetity tf b:s Iioiik'.''
Illicit I Si r.
Lord Oil by bnirel of gallon at
ma)23ir II. Frkkvan'h.
Gas Pipe wholrsalo and retail 'nt
11. Friikiian's.
Nails wholesale uud relail nt
11. Frhkman's.
The largest Block of lias Pipe lu town at
11. Fkukman'x.
We would call the attention ot our busi
ness men to the superior styles of job print
lug, both plain and funcy, ut present being
tinned out rrom this ofllce. We are prepar
ed to execute job printing of every descrin
tion in tho latest and most fashionable style
of tbo art, aud at reasonable rates. tf.
Soda Water aud Ice Cream at J. W. Real
ty's. Buy the '-Red Hot" Paddle, manufactured
in Ti'lusville expressly lor the oil country
ndapted to all kinds of weather, at J. K.
Kruu's. 12-tt
luf l-iiigciuciit JVoticc.
Tbo subscriber Res learned that a eerlnia
firm in Tilusville, known as 'Bryan. Dil
lingham &. Co.," have 'commenced the man
ufacture or Sucker Rods with Socket Joints'
This is a lUrecl lulr'ngeuieiit on his Rights,
as his claim ia "connecting two sections of
rod by means of wedges, wrdginackets,
nd double coupling bolt." He docs not
spiciiy nny particular shaped vi'ue, nor of
what mateiial il shall ne u'nOe. All roils
made as above described outside of h's man
ulactory, nre diiect infringement. This,
heri'loie is to
and all i.thers, against buyiug or rsing any
rods so in l' ile, except those of bis tnanufuc
lure, nt by so doing they will Inv them
selves liable, uud will be dealt with accord
ing to law.
WM. J. 1N.NIS..
Pioneer. April 9th, 1870.
Cold is u wurd wt'icti Codington A Corn
well propose render oliselete. For vioihm
optrandi call and see them. m.iichltitt.
Gold Fish, Gold Fish at M. S. Simmon's
Drug Siore.
Spirkling ioda Water at .M. S. Sim
mon's, mi tf.
All kinds foreign fruits at Feller, Fenoer
& Co.'s
Another line lot of Plants ard Roses re
ceived to-day at M. S. Simmon's, it 4 If.
Just received a large nnd well assorted
stock of shelf hardwure al J. Kutherlord's.
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat-
Sash, Glass, Door". Putty Ac. Large
stock very cheap at the Furniture Store.
All kinds foreign fruits at Fulter, Fenner
& Co.'s
Fine assortment of Paper and Cloth Win
dow Shades and Fixtures, just ree'd it
mtitf. Grippes Bros.
The lai't and finest stock
of I'aHiiJy dirocerievS, ever
brought to Petroleum Ceutre, is
now being received and offered
at heavily reduced prices.
These goods are bought in New
A '
York at the piesont low prices
for cash, audwe propose o let
our li-ieijU-Ls and patrons have
the- benefit of low prices.
Parties wishing1 to buy choice
groceries at very low figures
will do well to call on us before
purchasing elsewhere.
KnittX.3BiH & WHG.
Soda Water aud Ice CrcuU ut J. W. Beat-
I ty',
oda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Boat
'' 27-i
Canton Bittkiis This.. eeleWsind bit.
lere are recommended l y physician, as rr
t erior to any In use. They ate pleasant
to Ihe taste and contain medical'im:iVdi,. ,,,
plHCinrtbii a', tbe bend or all l.itirr, m,, ,
iilactnied. Try a bollle. they nre fr M
at tho Drug Stoe of Grieflls Bros. o23.f.
All klndsToreign Iruits nt FelTiT, Fenner i
sx LOs 9
t roi.i.naj Ckxtrn, May 17 ho.
All bills lor Torpedoes over; thirty ,'v.
old on the ttrst day ol Jit- wiM lwMt-Wrih
Samuel Reynolds fci collection. Walk nr
to- the (;tiiit oftic aod settle. By order- -.
of the Roberts Torpedo Co.
N17UI. LEviptAsnx Agt 1 ;
PRIMARY M8rTISOsiHvrnl.AT stAT j8, lS7(. '
. counts!;
Wc nr tt qai'oted lo annonnre tha ra-ncofw
1 tia'l.raiii, nn a Ciudldata tn- birm erof IV.nrr.."
irimi Hi-Sinh-(lialrU-t, suUJut loibe usuasof ilia
Krput'itcan patty.
uibly .
W trr anthorlxrd t in.iino tli name 'f nr '
J V. McJiinkln as a catalidale fr lv-lici-. la
IU'B2rty ,Ur' ""llt ,0 01 lt '
We ar Bntl.oiU. it to annunne the n im of It B
llixoa, of tj,ri.p 'inter tuwia-n. ns a cniidljuefor
t..iiui I'oinniiwiMifr, mijwt to the i;., v,
H. vablicau parly ai Ihe pruuaijr mwiiiig. " . T
W sro aiuhr rli-d to sniiouiirn the nnma of T
It.,-. or ltj-nd Karm. m a i-and;,lnt ft,r Uua.
Ij I Vmmi .,'.,ii r, subject lo the iiMae of th 'ic
pnMltau paity. ,
We are nut) o'rln-ii to annonnee t,n nam ,,f'
H.n ry UiM, of I'mnklln, as aeanrtid.o- fr t onn
t CcimiHMMaier. ulorrt, to ih deeitlnn of lue
M ) all;iau paiiy at (lit primary nteUn;.
SliayMrr stolen, from the mhsn-ih, r,' on ts
, ............. . . . iiiiir.A ?u J.
MiowtibT ixnit ofl'neey. 'ATeaidof t,
a ill.irs is crlvred.'ur Uiu .icuru or the suoiatoai
; A K27AI1 LS0CE3.Y. '
ColwaBbia Kntn, TenanKO Co.
(For.ucrljr Story Farm,) tow doing a good builow
AUo, ... .-,
Antily to.I. F. Co . on the farm, nriui.
diiiw the ul.ine oil! ii tl'eliimW Faiail hn it-
v:unoivri" una win ba givts sr si-iiiiik.
ma!!-'IL . , .' . . 4 ". iMkL VO..
I )UtW.'M.S IMM KI.i
Jint o.'ieneil. Nhw and eotnplete Ulrovlinnt.
Kxiran -CAinmiidatious tor tnaualani avd trmu
ncut guCHin.
. tyNsti..
niaySS-lf. .' . .j . PropiUior.
For 4ilc or Trade.
1oltTAr!I.B VnoINF,. nfsrty new, (comyVif
in excellent order, at Iwlf erot.
J-.l.LShl , A' rtu noer,
tnavJia','.-' ,'. , I , Kris, l'a.
, ., .-.OIL CITir ;:
- - IMemher Nallimnl Aseueia'.lonI
Will bal;elrt
Tuesday -4 We&esday
Jusje litla and lt2i.
PREMIUMS $2,275!
. . . - K
Ku"l.-rrsv' 110 for' tivr owned m Venas-
fonnd (ViiHToliIdnnMes .iyf dil.vs l.revlot.-J t .
tlwcliHlnKOl tne eiiiiiis. inai n.ivo " r
tvat,tr ilwu . ., t m nit, fl'Atolue,
coiidaud,;5tiitliot.Jr't'hore ......
No .ii. I'mi-.-.o r : .0. f-.i' ih: JtW to th !
.o? ... tl... I n.i.-l t.L ... lint I Itll ll.
4 OO llliw:miii.,iii"i v w ' w
' ' BT-:ro:-;.) da'.
t,llio.ttf.l,';r..l!r,-iwsccOi.d; t IW -to tue Up
nnd Jl Ololliul iirlh. '
No. 4 Mr!' IrlO'lor norse; ilia. ; - . 1
i j .1,1 ,?, Ha, :.r.-i. S.oOto ilio attain
and 30 to tb.; iliiid. ,
AIIti.calH.vo r'nee' air ii'J lieaSs teal ihre. in
live, in liiu-iii'ss. nil'.'-'' V , ,, , '.ui.iiloa.
rnl.'s nl'.ie,-,aliuval AA-e-.aiM Sr iirwm.ll
onhetiuoiels of tln''H' 1 1'"'".-.'! . id to
liiiiwdifflaoniiil: aianwau " - ' "
"ttXti eloso'tit ... CW. on H.tu.0.,'
'"a".! letl" ! t adar.,d U. A. D. Warbir, Ott
l ily, ftiiiuy;aii'-i. .p ,j vrftlKrt Biiidi-"'.
A. D lUimoia. ; -
' . i Li-
All ile. HM i.arn.s,,oi oav.
Cheapesi, made f: ctil ?.od . . -AH SWfi, M
wunuuud.:iit J U. lvrou'i.