The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 14, 1870, Image 2

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    Snocusom to J. A- bus:,!
Merchant Tailors !
xxtKrsivs Aivr emjgant assokt
Spring and Summer Styles.
and CA?!.I.MBRE, whirL they makeup to or.
4r ra SIloTr-.NOTlCK. superior in
Perfect n-..
rrtln AiTrays)
Daily llccelvlng all the NoTelties In
Cor. Sprlag 4c Franklin Sts.,
Titiuvilie, Pa.
! etroioum Oentre Daily Record.
l'ri.;Ceu.iT, Mutuldav. May 14
IHvluo Service.
rrve;sBVTERiAN cnuncn.
IV-achine; at 11 o'clock A. il., and 7
o'clock P. 11.
Lit Ices every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
Ji" 1. il. Sabbath School at 12 i P. M.
eats frc. A cordiat.fovitutlon extend
cd to alt.
Rev. C. M. Heard, Pastor.
8TC. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catholic)
Kin at 10) a. to.
Vesper and Beucdiction of the Blessed
Eacratnvut at 1 p. tn.
Catechism at'p. m.
" JAMES DUNN, Pasfor.
Gold J i4;'4'.
53TTke time-table of tbe O. C. A A.
II. will be found under tbe markets.
From Ibe report of tbe Petroleum Prodnc.
r' Association for the month of April,
1870, we learn tbe following facts: Nutr
ler o! tmrro's of oil on band at tbe wells at
thec'oeeol the month, 98,203; Number of
barn-la delivered from wells during the
mnulb, 390,003;' Aggregate, 488,296; De
duct siimlier of barrels of oil on band at the
close of last month, 119,290; Balance show
ing the production for tbe month, 263,828;
Areroire rerdiy for tbo month containing
30 diy
12,2Pt; Number of wells producing
duiir.g month, 2,231; Average daily pro
duction per well during the month, 6.5;
Nnml'T of wells being drilled, 419; Num
ber (if tiw wells commenced during tbe
month, 171; Number of wells completed
during the ruouib, 138; Number of
abandoned wells r?i'.iru(-d during tbe month;
13. The report of the producer's places
the production about 700 barrels less per
day than tiie Herald's roport fur tbe same
fiou! b.
Tbe cr.-ui.ionies at the Dedication of tbe
Good Templars. Hall, laitereulng were of a
vary intrieatinj nature. After tbe. ball was
i.d'cBid remarks were made by sevetal of
the members. Mr. M. E Kess rcccun ed tbe
difficulties under wbicb tbe original mem
bers bad labured in their efforts to build a
bull, and tfuve tbe ladles credit for aiding
materially in Vie good wotk. Other re
marks i if an interesting character were
insole. Tbe choir cxbouted some very floe
places of music during tho exercises. We
gl.d to learn that the Lodge at this
I luce is fn a fl uirishiug condition, and hope
tbi-y will succeed in doing a great deal of
good in tho noble came la which they are
engaged. ,
R.v. ,Woj. Hill, from East Liberty. near
Pittsburgh will occupy the pulpit in the
i'resbjteriap CUurb to-morrow, moroing
and evening, ' - -
Crifft-s Bros, bare their new Arelio Boda
Fountain up. and will be prepared to deal
ittic cold and highly flavored soda water,
IhU evening. Give them a oall and try a
ti, i.eoine ol Wyoming dou'l know
... ...n their lamalo Judge a Jtistcss
9t tbe Peae a, Justice of the Peaceis.
The Fast Brady Independent says:
A visit to this locality on Thursday morn
Ing last, gave us n Hill bolter Idea ol the
improvement! going forward. Derrlckiare
going tip on a number of leases, houses,
stores and boarding houses aro being built.
Business is lively, nnd tbere is good pros
pect tor an active, "oil campaign" on Arm
strong's Kuu this (ii miner,
The well is doing about as usual, but It
is very evident that her full capacity is not
known; nor will II be until the rope and
tools are taken out. The derrick and en
gine house for that purpose are nearly com
pleted, and early next week the attempt
will be made.
Those competent to form an opinion in
regard to Ibis well, do not hesitate In saying
that, when tubed, the yield will not be less
than 600 barrels per day.
Oil Sexkkhs on the To.vawakda Swamp
Come to Grief. Our persistent oil seeking
friends in the Tonawaoda swamp have come
to grief before tbey came to oil. They re
commenced operations oo or about the 1st
f April last and bad punctured the bow
els of the earth'' to the depth ol about 800
feet, when their drill got fast. They sent
to Tiluiville.i Pa., f,jr gropel irons, and
with these succeeded in raising the drill 200
feet wbeu the craueW became in some wav
entangled, and tbere remain to the present
lime, defying every effort to extricate them.
Mrs. Collins, the owner of the lands, and
the furnisher of the means for the oil search
tone far, is, we are informed, a little dis
couraged, but will not decide to abandon
the enterprise until consultation .with her
partner, Eigbmy, who is now absent. So
says the N. Y. Bitavlan.
TlIK Vl I.TlKE Well. - We were informed
by a reliable party wuo visited Ibe Vulture
wen, on West Hickorv. veslerdav. that it
Is pumping 175 barrels ner dv. Unwards
in uuu peopie vtsiteu luu well yesterday .
Oil Uty Times.
The Times is in error in regard' to the
name of the well. It is known as the
'Venture well," and Is doing over 300
barrels per day. From one o'clock lust
nlgbt until 6 o'clock tbfs morning she meas
ured by actual guage at the rate ol 316
barrels in 21 lours.
A singular phenomena in connection with
the late fire oo the Egbert farm, is that an
hour before and nearly an hour after the oil
tank bad been struck by lightning, there
bad been but little rain and no thunder or
lightning. Tbe bolt wbieb struck tbo tank
was seen by many and appeared to com
pletely encircle it with flame, being accom
panied with a quick but not loud report of
thunder. A son or the Emerald Isle, wbo
bad charge of tbe tank and bad lelt it but a
moment before, and wbo was stunned by tbe
shock, after coming to, remarked: "Be
jabbers I didn't know vot tbo divil stbruck
mo til I saw tbe sblabs a flyin' evry way."
Ttere was a large crowd in attendance
at Dr. Thayer's new Circus, 1 st eveniog.
Tbe performance is first-class in every re
spect. Tbe Dr.. has certainly succeeded in '
getting logelber tbe unest combination of
talent that has ever exhibited under can
vass In tbe oil region. As this even
ing is positively the last performance of Ibe
great company in Ibis place, we bespeak lor
them a crowded bouse. On Monday after
noon and evening tbe new Circus will per
form at Rouseville.
We inadvertently omillod to mention, iu
our issue of yesterday, that J. H. Christie
baa bis Soda Fountain in lull blast. A
glass of Soda Irom bis fountain these warm
days is truly relreshlng.
We hear it rumored that anotbar large
"ell bas been stttick on tbe Scotf. Inrm.
West Hickory, which is said to be yielding
100 bairels per day. West Hickory is look
ing up.
Tbe Ueuo Company offer a reward of five
hundred dollars lor tbo detection, arrest
and conviotioD of Ibe scoundrel wbo set
Are to tbe company's fences on Wednesday
night, 4th inst.
An alarm of Ore tbls forenoon was occa
sloncd by tbe burning ol small building in
tbe rear of tbe New York Meat Market,
which was used as a smoke bouse. Damage
Tbe wood la several counties iu north
ern New York have been on lire forsoveral
days past. The conflagration extend over
a hundred miles of territory, and tbe loss il
already estimated at $5,000,000.
Some fashionable ladies in Hartford hav
ing applied to a surgeon, to repair their feet
distorted by wearing the hlgbheoled shoes'
of tbe period, the Dolroll Tribune advises
them to g to some wood-furner aod have
their heads repaired.
- -.
A new reading, utted lor lu timos. or an
old proverb W bom lbeKod wish lo de
stroy, tbey first mike another man "teuipo
rarilly insane.''
Out of it bare como all pure moralities,
Forth from it have snriinii nil sweet chari
ties. It has been the mollvo power of re
generation and reformation lo millions of
men. It has comforted the bumble, consol
ed tbe mourning, abstained tho suffering,
and given trust and triumph to the dying.
Tbe wise old man has (alien asleep with II
folded to his breast. Tbe simple coltagor
has used it for his dying pillow, and
even the innocent chil l has breathed his
last happy smile with his flngcis between its
promised-freighted leaves.
Mii.iti.a Service.-). It may be of interest
to many of our readers (o learn that, previ
ous to adjournment, the Legislative passed
an set relating lo the militia organization
of tbe Slate and militia tax. Tbe bill pro
vides as follows: .
"Each and every person not now, or who
shall not hereafter - becomo a meinour ol
some mllitlury organization, shall pay to tho
collector of tixes in the city, eeunty,
borough or township In wbicb lie shiill re
side, tbe sum ol lifty cents annually, the
payment of which sum slm'l exmipt him
Irom liability to perform railitai y service
except under orders to prevent ur rej el in
vasion, or to suppress iiisiirrectinn, lunnilt
or riot: tbe proceeds lo le devoted to fir
laininu volunteer military iirniiiiizaliuii
and lu any county i:i which II .ere tlmil lr
volunteer military uraiuiiz itions the tin ny
received into the lii'.n!' Imul, ns n'on suiii,
shall be paid by the county treasurer of
said county at t tin close or each year lo the
scbeo! ho ird of the never il school oistricls
in said county in proportion to tho number
of taxable inniitiitantx in said district, to be
used lor school purposra."
Il is reported that ttio 1'aribi.iu demi
monde are u'jont to inaugurate a change in
their costumes. Ttey will adopt a most
rigid style of dress high necks, no lacn
or diamonds, and no other ornaments than
flower 8. They siy they roust dieting. iili
themselves in some way Irom te.preiable
women, and this revolution is their only n
sort. Another case of insanity attended wilb
bloodshed occurred recently in California.
A woman saw another woman in compiny
wilb ber husband, and she knifed" thu
latter to deatb. Tbe hushand and wife bad
not lived together for some time. It was
another McFarlaod-Rlclardson cuse, with
tbo parts interchanged, the husband hav
ing left tbe wife, and tbe wife killing the
husband. Turn about is fair play, in Vrs.
Turner's opinion. that beini; the killing
Cnlifornian lady's name. An intelligent,
sympathising, and chivalrous j iry will, un
questionably, acquit Lor with all the
A Chinese Indy of rank in tn Fr.vr.c'sco
walks attended by threu maids of honor
bearing lighted sticks of punk, highly per
fumed. "Her face is paiuted wilb a reck
less disregard of expense, and ber buir is
saturated wilb oil. KuniiiDir thro.iirli tie
knot at Ibe bacK of her bead Is t.u ivory
dumbbell. On her bead arecefullv wav
ing in the wind is a flower, which, from
the fvrtil'zirg euvcls oil iseuppord lo bnve,
is judged to be indigenous. Her short.
highly colored silk dre.u is beautifully em
broidered, and her feet are encased la the
customary canoe shaped sandals."
Some vt-ry burglarious lightning raided
on Middle Had lam, Conn., recently. It
entered tlje key-bole of Currier & Until'
store, brolfe a bottle of wine In honor of
fairy scat, set fire lo o I undle of newspa
pers, dashed inl.i a desk through the key
hole and burned muro papers, nnd lluully
down cellar ntd touched a bluze to somo
carrlnce teats. It avoided a dozen persons
and o ly a fuwtiods c!l' were ono hundred
kegs of powder.
There iz tibthiu in a m.m tlit a woman
admires more than his rejd iynusi nnd n'.iii.
ty to smash onolhnr fellow, and it is jiat o,i
with a hen. Wbati a rooster giu licked, the
hens all march ir wlln the oinor tooi-ter If
he ain't half so bi an l baiidsoce. Josh
A dutiful young girl of seventeen, in
Boone county, Mo., gently attracted her
mother's attention by hitting ber under lb0
ear with a paving stone and fracturing her
Aunt Susan says: "Suppose all the men
were In one country, and nil the women in
another, with a big river between them
Good gracious! what lots ot poor women
would be drowned 1"
Tbey tell a ridiculous story of a mlBhap to
a fat man at the burning ol bis bouse at
Sprlngfie'd, Mass. The egress of Fatty thro'
tbe door was cut off by ibe flames.and a win.
dJW of narrower dimensions than tbe man
was tbo only WBy of escape. Ho put bis
bead out, and into the embrace of a friend
while another friend IuhUIo used a - broom
bundle to keep him squirming, by which
means be workad bis body tbiough.
Dulzell well No. 2, Dalzell farm, is being
tubello-day preparatory lo testing.
fiocul JVotlrca.
The cclelirnted brand of flourStone mills,
at Feller, Fvnner Co. m;i If.
Soda Water nod Ice Cream nt J. W. Best
ty's. The celebrated brnnd of flour, Stono mills,
at Felter, Femur & Co,
Soda Water nnd Ice Cream at J. W. Beat-
Soda Water and IceCioam nt J. W. Bent
ty's. up27-il.
Canton Birrnns These celebrated hit
teru ere recomnmnded l y physicians us fur
superior lo any in use. They ate plenntint
to the taste and couiiiiii medienl Inredien'.s,
placing them at the head of all bitters man
ufactured. Try a bottle, they nre for s ilo
at tho Drug .Sto'C of Grieffis Bros. a2:i lf.
Tbe Celebrated brand of flour, !
at Feller, Fenni-r fc Co.
ftone mills,
Coi.d Is u word which Codinttton & Corn
well propose render obsolete. For Motits
operandi call and see them. mnrcblOlf.
The celebrated brand ol flour, Stone mills
at Felter, Fcnner A Co.
Frrk!:ng Soda Water at M. S.
moo s. n:l if.
Annthi-r imo lot of i'laiils aid
Koses re coived lo-diy al'M. e. t-hnnion s.
Just received n large nnd
etocl: ol shelf butdwnre e.t J.
well n.porled
Kulher ford's,
tf. .
We would call the iitteiiliuii of enr busi
ness men to the superior styles ol ' j-iti print
inp, both plain and fancy, nt pies-, nt liein
tinned out from Ibis i tlice. We are prepar
ed lo execute job prililin; of eery tlt'-erin-tiou
in the luivst and must tushionablo style
of the ait, and at reasonable rat. s. It.
All styles liuht harness, cheaper than the
cheapest, made from Moffat's ouk slock, and
warranted, at J 11. K ron's.
The largest bit of Ii r.i. Canm i-s nnd
oilier species, ever iTmiglii to the oil regions
bus just been received at II. S. .inui on s.
iYater and Ico Cieutuat J. W. Beat
Firto ui-s Ji'
ot wall pupt-r ul Gii.Tes
S9b, Glass, Four", Puny in: Lurge
stock very cheap at the Furniture Stoic.
Sod a Walt rand Ice Crv am nt J. W. Beat
Tl e celul.riited brand ofilour, Stone mills
at Felter, Fenner & Co.
TlIK I'viiamiiis of splendid cm I rrernt
('"diiiRtoi ttCuruwell's yard art) perfectly
wonderful. mtiublOtf.
Fodi Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Eeal
ly's. The larf'cst and finest stock
of Family Groceries ever
brougLt to Pttrolfcuin Centre, is
now being received and offered
at heavily reduced prices
These sroods
are boncrbt in New
York at the piesent low prices
for cash, and we propose o let
our friends and patrons have
the benefit of low nriCCS.
Parties wishing to buy choice
j '
groceries at very Jow flgures
will do well to call on us before
purchasing elsewhere.
New Bermuda Onions.
New Bermuda Potatoes.
New Bermuda Tomatoes.
At Fei.itxk, Fbnnr A; Co'
jiuy inn "Heil Hot" Raddi --II
In T,..vllle e,pY,,sly ) TA'A
ndnp ed to alt kinds' of
Kron'- VuiUi
I iue. nfanrtment 0r l',i)IMr 77fT ,
",,a J"-"tf!i 1 Wl
Infrhiict'tUKiit x.-'t7Z:
Tho Hili.criberb,.,, Uarnrd ih.,'' .
firm in Tiiusville, kn0WII J w .:,
l."t:l.,.n, Co., have comment U;'
ul.ict;iro of Sucker l;() W;ll l'm"-
Th s ii. a Direct itilrl.montTn hi. R . '
as hi. claim J. onntiectlng two D f'';
..u .ijr ilieuii.ui weilgeH, Wrdirin. . i
and douhle coi.pliuK bolt " "0CH
specify any particular shapm wed.. , .'")
what mate, ial It lmII h, "
mam. as onove il, scribed ouuida of l.l.M
bereloie is to"""' '""'t'U.
and all others, apainst buying or n7nff.
rods sr. made, eScep, .fc.f h
line, an uy . llolng ,. ,,. ,
selves liable, and wilTbe d'eau'tt
JojjEEt. Aprilffth, 187o"' J' INN1S-
IVe a risnmifnd tn tti.twm.M t..
J '.a.H-alin a. a t midldn. for m.m eraftv'
IromthrSOih district, subject tut . ,,., "rt,T"
W arn anthorl7il to aBiiunn-etlienimnaflt.
J. I. .McJunkili u i. exi:iliiiitM r..r .....i
...f...u,., .m.v-h i" Biases ol n,
' l'...
Wear snthodxHt loimnnimo the ajmi-nf n I
Ilixi.n, nt furnp nnicr t wnrli p. n- f-.riiiiJnt.-fD
roin,iv mljtri to the n.cs of u
Ki'Piiblicnti puny til tlm pntntr- nmtin
Strayed or Stolen.
IK' IH the pre inlia of Oi mth.rlbT, Wi'1 C.I
Uollt.wt. on Nnntl cvoiiir. Ma( hth, 1ST.. 1
I ho Inj nt .re hud n shoe eir rf.-lit hlna ft; b
white liafri; ln vi nno.eniiij ;a:; tr. iin lni .
Olkl. '1'he torn iiicti: was til!:. Idii- 'mi 'let aii4 inn
l.'Kcult curtl.-d h.-r tall a tittle men- .;n
l.ioo. 'lie! tun w.i. in n-ixl w.ikir( coidiM
Any pets in giving iufi mnilon ihnt will Wait,
their recivitry, wi 1 ltu Liber..' Kewnnlwl
, H cANKiun.
retrelrum Cent , Jtay 11th. 1ST0. is.
Will sell tracts of land for ktirlue pnrpow. la
aetr vlciaity to the new lowing well on Anirxif
Knit. 'I'Uey wl 11 alio sell lots tin the latJt oflte
Allrhoir liver, bow the new well, etweslntror
bullilluj; r'.iet.
tr. n sr.Aofc, sivt.
Itrodj'i T.n d Jaj 10, Ib70. ru)10 iw
tPai'ticalar attention pa"1
to prepanng Preemptions.