D A I L'Y HIE PETROLEUM CENT RE DAILY R EC OKI) fiBUSHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excpptcd. j f, H. tON'GWELL, Proprietor. TER.TIS. .rrarrajible In advance, 18 00 lfg!lE.MT Of ADVERTISING. iTa lines " nonpareil make tin square.) I s.i. If su. ; 11 Bi V la) I .VI 3 Kl tj W 4 M 7 M 10 Ml 11 ui 15 (lit IS (H 30 mi 41 00 (10 (XI H mi I so, a m; 8 U) 8 IN), S (10 10 oo! II M. 15 exit 21 a) 81) Oil, 4n un 4 r.' wi 7 llO 8 (10 i m 14 Kl lu mi so on 80 110 40 00 00 00 H) III loo oo 1 I Mil II 00 llWeil, 9 S5 pent J IK. 4 Mi IKll It mis, 7 Ml 10 Ml 13 (H 91 III 87 IK' XII IK I tn'lMJllS :ltmoliUM fatal tclk-M 20 cente per llu. each Insertion. Adrtriawmate payable quarterly In ndvar.ee BUSINESS CARDS. .H..SITHEU1,A1, ai. m. I M. !R C. 8. fieiuaratly located at Polrolonm Centra, for pnake of bla proration In all in branches. WICK AT SIMMONS IUiXC! STRB, fatm. Centre. Pa. fcbUtf. ,. r. L. II. CHRISTIE, Mored to his residoaee on m Street.: at the end of Egbert Farm Bridge. Him fj rnAAnfn r.n an u ..4 n a 'URtriaiiidcrririhR dav he mar he fi nn l at iiumovmJ.U. (bmilu'i Urns Store, uovjo N. B. Si.Ull.EV, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, : , iPatralrara C.ntrc, Vanango Co., : witli F. B. Klnnear. Ejq . Franklin, Pjpi-laronm f..rmerlr ocopl' d hy .1. O. El- -'"n i nruK naiiK Buuiiinir novia-ir ALBGBT H. UAVKII, TT0B.NEY t COUNSELOR-AT LAW, UflCI .In tha Rochnstar Honaa BnUdlng, on oanuiKton lud Miin atreola, rnnoLKtTM ri;MTiip pew-! j,ua.-tf. . NHAn ij.ni rM, W0BSEYS4COUNSELOR3-AT LAW, Street, Frankllo, and Perrolanm Can- r' ItALPlNG, aV. J. R. PORTCK. KSIDENT SURGEON DENTISTS. '"talnlM.red. jOfflce epeli day and nluht. A17ST?7'1"'w Bnlldlnn, cornor of Waah ' ""Wii ls., I'otrolonin U-mre. Pa, Iff. Hlttt3Er t at- e52w'em" "mam pa. ' ,.-,. . U. C. Martin T, M -uruiopncr Meyer. IB..!?? tlr r... . VjNN'.CEXtHAXGK and COL Wko-lne.,.;, .... '"W ilim.iu. " " our rare m i drilling Jars. kii,i0L.rf!T,!ctrnlly announce to our fnsln. Nxmliid Uourl'y llt ktavcou- a bi . fL,t Steel Drilling .fars i?Ili7Jnd nurablllty excel any Steel- Tha 8 Advantaitc we Claim l1i!fl!'?,,rartlmt. tii.n it i. htviti ii,.. ""einl.,.? Mr '"W"'d rH I v ( Iron; "J"1! InlTT aurfa.a to ibo nick, thay are -Sluig''r 00 018 OU,"'du' wii'i kw,J ariilllt TliAtn a Btrill lftnen fiUiidrtd iWt w ! keep on band ff"tlIro Worktne RnrMla. Rshcr, Aorrls & Co. ,"'a,l)5S'l4K7n CENTRE. rTBLEUM CENTRE. UOThLS. Washington street. Petrolcnm Centro. Pa. rmADSTKEKr SII l'ltAVOOl), PnnmiBTOR Tills House I centrally located, and tlie general hcarhiiMiturs uf oil m"n. Pctrnlniim Centra. I':l.. M:ir 19, 1S.3H tf. JtMTIiAt, I1UU.SU, T rEfltOLErM CENTI1E, PA., Near Oil CratU 1 Alleghany litver Hailwar Depot. mnyl-tr. O. J. CROSS, Proprietor. JcCt.lINTOCIi HUi'SC, PETItOLECM CESTttE,' PA. Tilpopulm Hotel, altnntud Corner or .11 a I it & WnliingtoiiSt., Near tlii DoTn, hna been ' rrfitted nnd furnialird tlmiui.-liont. and the proprieto will para no pallia to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. OCI8 tf. O. C.IilSWOI.n, Proprietor. .TlEllll'AN HUTEI PKTTini.tCM CEX7RE.-PA. J. R. I1AKNKS, - . . Proprietor.' Tliln House ii" !n n pleasant Inrality. and lint a short wall, from the Depot Th rooms aift larje and eoniforra' P nnd Ino tablo supplied witli tlic delicaeies of ttio seaauu. jiiiSO-tf- J. H. BARXF.S.. MILLEK FA KM, PA. JOHN B. ROV7B, . - Prop'p. Oootl nPconrnodrttiDnf f.ir trnnetort rtitomr. Pny H'vml and lto.ird with room.- on fnnnnat'l1 tprm. The nivinrifMnr rflt spare no palm tn nike kit ilomn utlrictivi! to uaeMt. jtuictf tf. JJNION HOTEL, PLEASANTVILM5, PA Thi Hotw liavIi.L rrcontlr been rnliirirtM nnd re rnmhfil. I nrti t.otr nfcittrJ to aocominodute two hiuidri'd mit'!t min'ortaIy. StK- ii-nvft thin h"iit. ilirop ttmo dny ftrTi ttMvlilf Thero U ai- . I'nf of Sfmw to I'itho.e. JuMf TliiS. McKlNNKV, Pn.pT. PET R LEV SI HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. FTiwInir mocTitly tnknn poH-aeBion ot tlo nhovc ii'Mtfo, wew-duia mot rospi-f 1 1 1' 1 1 y lnlorm tne trnv 'linn inline that we propose to "k'wpn Hu'el," nnd to rmivHict' i'.wm of tliu fjfl, wu invito .ill who wi-li thp oouiforut oi a tiouie, tu cal uion as. It will be fntind Tlie Hotel of the OIS ISoIohn. Onr Sample Kooni U mpplled with tli? rho'rot Winc!, IaiqtioMand Cliiura, nnd our cable will he found Udon with the very bet the market affords. There it connected with the HoiifO four .irnt class Billiard Tnhle AUnt P,;trh r Mmp and Hath Itoom fiive n -t oil, ntid convince yourselves ol the truttiluinet) nf our ttixe-tlon. tTA'tfTS & .TIII-Er- Prop'ra. octtr ATTEtMTiOLM ALL OH Creek I tUill linnniiiz, Aiidnaretlia pomls ( f JAMES SITLTS at Ilia o'd sinnd of M. N Siult : nimi'iiir aa with c in tomers. w Uo love tn eaa their tunneyby tiiut:.ii!; fio' d bareaina. If ou".lnn't believct it just come and ii'e ihu mall as wvH ft the tico mock ol f nil Ulnds alwajs on hand Alo home-mad. BREAD, PIE. CAKES. Ac. Esnedni ntientinn will bo pivin to mv ICE CRKAM PAiti.Oit. tvhl.-h will b rp ncd the Hr.i Uuv of May nexi, w llt'n I shrill t'.np 'ow.ut un Hi se who nis favor mo w.l i thcli iKci-t'ttnge. 4tTN. IS. AlHoluloly uo aalei i n bunony. uliim. HI O. Jarvis, Jlealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. I.00K1NO GLASSES lu proa variety. Loo!Un lilass l'latea rinilaced in old Fnimes. Picture l''ritnie made lu order lai pits, OH Cloths, Ual Paper, WinilowSliaties, A FINE STOCK. I E H T A K 1NG , COFFINS ol';i Bizeson hand nnd trimmed to order on slmrt notico. SASH BLINDS AND DOORS No. I0 WASIIIVTaN-ST. Peroleum Caulro sept lW.tl ti'8. SO FJilllMj 'lOOl.St JilixVr AFTER THIS DATE. I'inponatble parties wish'ns to hire flh!ng tooli will be accomodated at reasonable rale frtMna V. B ?ARKF " If Kr i'!.'L11H'1 Xti:E54. .T! II M II a 1 a 1 m ufl i . PA . SATUfi' AY EVENING, MAY 14 1870 T. M'.Doiiald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Eh' pot, apposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA rpilK kest fork of DRIVING AXD SAPDLB J. UOUHI-.S on the Creek, aro to bo found at M'Douald's liivcry. SAURIASIS CSTTEBS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. FED .V COAUUED on llca.-onablo Tunis. T'-ualns f all hinds at tendedjo Pioinntly. rjGive mo a call. T M'DONAL Petrotenm Cenire.Nor. II. isrg BOOTS & SHOES rpna" inlisc!lhur thankful for tha very liberal pat I ronii!e he et'if iro rxie'.Oi d tohiin, most ie v ttiiu lj aimuuuoej Uiiu la l.ui ou kwdala:; FIRST CLASS GMID compr'.ins aJ dctcriptloua of BOOtS&SllOQS LIGHT tt FANCY BOOTS Anl Slices oJ every tstylc, Men aul Koys. The Custom Department EECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION at llichani'a 'of competent workmen- Eatlalftctie guaianieid lu alyle and eudurancit. Braucta Store at Roaievllle. C. MAGKAM Kcxt dorr lo Wolfs Jewlry Store, Was blntrtnn tjireet, I etioleuuileutie. Pa. frbliitf stcisr '-I',lie nnderslnnel bavin;' 11 i'm np s rtv store oa 1 WASIIINIJTOX & M.CilNU J'etrclciim Centre, la no prep-ired to ftiniish bis customers with ct erythin in lbs Uoiisw r.iriiNli'ii lino. Stovea auS Tiu ware, l-'atiry Arliclen, tlt!; l, I'rratiral mid .Iaiiiiiiii'd Var, AUnn Sjsi t! I'K'kol RrM .V Iron rittinc- GUM, PIST- .N ANII HEMP PACKING. I.AC1 LEATHER, ere, Till! ClIAMI'ICS AN1 NDVF.l.TY CM 1711 E WRIvnElm, WAIT;.! ('Oid.EnSorall SIZES. All Job Work promptly fitten tletl to v.'ith neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to (ias and Stern. Fitting have insr a Gas t lttincr Machine not excelled in the Oil Kenton for cutting (ias Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. JnlvS ism If. I k J. HA A A Ci?., MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WAStllMOTOV ST.. TttOliEUMC T K E Pit. BORERS AST ENl.INE.55 REPAIRED AT SHORT NCTiCE. All tinds of Machine Wr.;k don. .rom vram.J ic tjlve saiirlactli f HAXNA romplly and 4 C v-?3Si i- ii ii i in .J m y jr n m i j HTL'oVILLE AUV fit i'lSKMENT TITUSVILLE B1S50D! TT m A n H V iv i'fS Xi him W& 5' Mroiieriss SHAWLS ri 03 X 7iCT vaTinve ? Ti ra . i MHSELS & BMels. J3T,To Jiiliineisj and Country Storekeepers fallTrade WHOLESALE rp STAlilS. PESIHAW.E jnods received daily from nnftlon timl priv.'itf!.a)e Orr stock of'1-V.illiers. Flow ers Sutins. hilka, Velvets, liilibons. Laios. Trio . nill gs, trlnyes. Yankee Notions, Fniicv Ooods. llc etc.. Is lai je. emi cheap. We cut length at pi Ices, l'my and sell fo' cish. 309, 311, 311 Grand, and 66, 68 c6 70 Allen Street, Cornk O'.ora.Jflfth block cnsl.fii.m the Bowery, NEW YfiHK CITY UtSs:A; IAVII)!SO., Wouldjnvitc .their old patrons and the puU Ic gcuj 111 Titimville and Vicinity To call and examine their splendid stor k of JJ'urniture! OF A L KINKS Parlor Pu'ts, Ckan-b t Sets. liooK i ,ise, bide lioipls, Lounges, W'ba'nots, iiai ifark", Spring; Beda,' Aluttrosses, CARPETS, OIL CLOTnS, MIRRORS. And ovi ry diisciiptiou cf Furniture, p:nia and or nnuieuiul. r.'lEHTAKIXO : n all Its br.n -hM. A laree aioek of CHU'tSS AND HI IC 1'A L L.IC CASES Now on hand. aprl3-tf. DCTnni niM in I lm I aULL.U.el litUal 11 Ull ISryan, Slli:ighain A: Co., M a cMsiis&s! Iron and Urass Founders FORGERS, Manufacturers of ENGINE, RULERS, TRILLING TOi'LS, MULL Y AND SASH SAW MILLS, PUMPING RIGS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND WHEEL IRONS, PLOWS. AND ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, WHOLESALE ic RETAIL DEALERS IN ALUS15.VS TniIX A AD CASL, FOR OIL WELLS, 40. Titutiile, Nor tti li,la). it 25 CIS. vyEUa.Y I O o r P i o o ( M O rj K O oi Jt o Q ipiRANKLN, PA., IN.fVKN'IP. Af; .ST. I.ilF. IlIMaUlaO, i i. 830.00.03 CAPiliv. Represpnted at(lr-ir'-f.?''v!i.vr;sU'l oy ; loir reliable ro.npiinn s: TLe Mri'iinl Life Lisurart Co ol Y -rk. ciipiial 'T'l The .Ein Lift.- lnm.-.nc... Cc .fTTr'fc 'J Conn., rapital. . h The li'otiio Inmra:!-- Co of Sew Yorri rapiuil. -."SJ The InauMnr eCo. of North A i: .e, Pi., cu. itai. -.'Os-... j3 The Home uf New fjaven. Cone 'icnt, wiiitai. . :.;;.': Tho Albany City liifiiranev Co., .T ll..v ry, Ni-v York r ai-luil, ; ' v The A ii. ei lean I.ifelnsiirar ;o Co. of Philadelphia, capiiol, S.f r 00J This Apency is amou tho olr- s"ar nf'pr 'n Stsie of Peiiii-ylvania. .e-t .il ."! iri'lo ie. paid Julius tliu last fourteen jr-irs rivr-r $300,000 IN LOSSES flood liwelMra Houses, Cimicocs, "'iioVIIoi'tes and otbtr bu'ldinga Insured Pe- pf-.tvoii . Oil lu'iircd in Store and ii Tm,..-lt. r..ilcl. sued on short notice in any of the ol'' . fire sniu?e Coiiipamcii. Onlc:iu J" nnki. i E"elriio, Fninliu, Pa. 'vOOn OIL CITV ADVI UTIS 'r.IS. CUA. ROESON Jk Corner of Seneca and Centre Sf n'ft) of Oil Creek, Oil r .y, Hnvinp added a powerful Btcare Fni'ns ... Tea lnrne L 'i'H Ks, to onr already exte: .: M n. luiini: Elablishment, nr. n.vv pr;:n .. ; . t' -r'i the ueccasury work, lu hit leg uj , an'1 upalriut: ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING 'SIAHIZir UT COPPER WORMS AND STILL ' OIL WELL TOOLS AND k: "TINGS, Pi fact do all Machinery .lob Work em oel wluli ueuuicssaud dispnich. .iiiir'in it NEW JEWELRY STOfit I AT Oil. CITV. ISHAM -fe Co. Have opened a Jewelrv store on Centre nex. door went of the P A. ''' ;l.'sru,..i Ci(, UUUty, li. Keep constantly ou band a huso i . -ortment .t Diamonds & Fine Wr i (American, Eng Wind Sw' '-'' ') Solid i?i!vcr and Plated V'.-rr. SOLID COLTI CHAINS, JaSWl'.LbY, llbTliL". KKVOLVFl'S. KlSfllNri "..s"KbW, HiiAL ' , ParHrnlornttotiMoiprlventoiar-'' ' ' nosv-!!ic-nrtj.we.ry l i" Pt,'w, ,Si,A"l.E IV !" t- lu'ii! uituuit'.J "i" ----- nCTHK DAILY KBL'iitw IB m a ! iijmuti in lb Oi. ICs!oo . 13 i m V c c-'-i 1CA m 9 7 'IS. if '-.'.tf. 1