The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 06, 1870, Image 2

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Hi !
!; '3'
mTMUAM), smith & co
(Successors to J. A. Losec,)
Merchant Tailors!
Ccr. Spring anl Mlin Streets,
.in txtrasha assortment of SPKINQ AND SUM
luiu VJiSTIXGS, both Foreign A Dsmestic. "
AH Work Guaranteed.
Ready-Made Clothing
. etroleum Contra Daily Record
Vet. Centre, Friday. Slay 8
Gold 114?4'.
The timetable or tbe O. C. A. R
R will be fonnd under;tte markets.
Narrow Escape. Yesterday afternoon
Mr. J. p. Mrtin, clerk lor tbe Central .
trolanm Co , uei with a narrow escape Irnni
death, lie waa at, tbe upper uud of t ie
farm engaged In measuring tonka, wbea a
bot from a revolver struck bia bat about
o eighth of an inch from bis bead going
clear through, just grazing bis bead. Tbe
diet was fired by one of a party of ladies
who were engaged In practicing sboolin
with a revolver, and was purely an acci
dental ene. As it was bolh parties were
badly frightened. Another warning against
tbe carelvis oae of Ureal ma.
By dispatch from our townsman. Mr. I.
E. Blake, superintendent of the big well at
Hickory, we learn that It la pumping twelve
12) barrels per tour actual gauge. It is
dwned by Fisher Bros.. Irwin, Harrington,
Vera & Blake and Bird, and is known as
the Venture Well. This Is undoubtedly the
banner well of tbe ell regions. Tbe. well Is
largely owned by Petroleum Centre oil oper-
a rho ' Je?11 of "rs w" eoailog to N. r.,from
JtVry Vyfiutljlpt and Just opposite bim in tbe car
, . - :-Ui'e child, Ibe latter a beau
One IlUndrea a.T)trt with wonderful bright eyes
'" X. """ iaee me very picture,
io miYilalnre, or her mother. She attracted
much attention, and woo maoj smiles and
tender glances, as she moved about the seat
An elderly gentleman, walking tbroa(b tbe
ear, looked Into tbe witching thing's ej.
and was fascinated at once. Stopping, be
mvingiy patted ber check, and asked:
Won't yon give me a kisa, pretty one? I
like little girls." She looked at him very
archly for au instant, and tberi propounded
tBeraiheremharras8loj question: "Weuln't
you rather kiss mamma?"
Tbe fallowing licenses to sell liquor have
been granted for Ibis place:
: John Tbeobolt. saloon.
Fwseney & Co , wholesale.
fnral llouee, bold.
McClintock House, do.
, It. A. Bovee, do.
The Frauktlu Exchange at Franklin Is to
le rebuilt. It will be a briuk building
ir. stirles big'i, and fronting on Liberty
ud Doe streets., the same distauce as the
turner building.
The newiy elected Constable and Collec
ts, Oo. M. Lawrence was sworn iuto
tffloe at,Frauklin, yesterday, and gave tbe
tnual bond required fur the faltbmi perlor
inatice ot his duties.
The new well struck at West Hickory,
is In.tated oo the Tuttle farm, about three
miles uocth ur Tidioute. The striking opens
up a larye amount of new territory.
A s icciul nieetiii j of tb Younij Men'
Ciuiai. aft L'n'on will bn held at tbe Prei
byterUn Church, this (Friday) evening.
Nearly so emtie block ol residences In
l.eivea.Terih. Here Urced wed
bckiUy. l.i, $j'l,OUO.
D Ja. L. Thayer's Ntw Oners.
Our townsman, lr. Jar. L. Thayer, pilches
lent In Uinrd, to morrow, for the urpiSH
of givini; thu initial perlormaiices w ith his
New Circus." The past has been a busy
week wiih him and bis assistants; but, at
last, the work la fully accomplished, and
the result is a circus of the good o'd fashion
el Thayer kind; complete iu every depart
ment, and as elegant as vehicular skill,
uiagnilicent appointments, beaufllul trapp
ings and fine st e can possbly make it.
The advertisement Speaks truthfully of tbe
nuriis af tbe tul.nted ooips of riders, gym
nus s, clowus, vocaiisla, dancers, eio., etc.,
selected to certainly delibt all and please
every taste, and thus secure, through good
repute, tbe best of advance advertisement
Many i f these artists are strangers to a
Girard audience; but we have every confi
dence to believe that one and all will win
and we'll deserve a cordial reception.
Of the Doctor himself it is unnecessary,
in this section, or in (act any where else in
America, lo speak at length. He is known
as a gentleman in bis profession, who t ever
did either or two things oiler a discourtesy
or give a poor show. That he has nut
amassed a fortune Is generally due to thote
liberal qualities or both bead and heart,
wbicb so neirly touch tbe masses and alwats
entitled one to consideration more especi
ally In time of need. tfirard Cosmopolite.
Dr. Thayer's new circus will exhibit at
Petroleum Centre, Friday and Stturday,
May ISth and 14th; At Rouseville. May
16th, and at Oil City, May 17ih and 18th.
Tbe Dr's old time reputation is a sufficient
guarantee of the excellence of his show, and
will entitle bim (o crowded houses in this
General Sheridan and eeveral members of
his staff left Cnlcago Wednesday for Salt
Lake City and other points in tbe far west,
intending lo make a thorough invebtiga.
tlon of Indian afialrs in Wyoming, Montana
and other territories. Tbe party will be
abient about two months. The military
authorities will conduct tbe threatened
Brule Sioux war with tbe utmost vigor, and
have nearly completed prep arations for the
expected trouble. The number of available
troops' In the Department of Dakota is about
four thousand. This force is considered
ample to cope with tbe ten thousand Brules
but will be augmented II necessary. It bos
not been decked w ho thai I t ike immediate
common. 1 of these forces. General Stanley
is at present in command of the mlddlo dis
trict, tto scene of tbe troubles.
- DcsuU In tbo Clouds. -Indianapolis,
Ind., May 4. Yesterday
eveciog tbe following note was dropped
from a balloon high In tbe air, moving in a
southeasterly direction, near Monlpeller,
Blacklord county, this State. It was fasten
ed to a loose piece ol wood and iron weigh
ing about one and a bslfponnrfa:
'Sailed from Toronto, April 28, for Now
York; met with adverse wind?, and by
a sudden movement of the balloon, Mr.
Dagrange was thrown out, I suppose as r.eur
as I c -ii Id determine over tbe southern part
of Michigan. Not knowing how to manage
tbe ship, it has been tossed to and fro in all
directions since be fell out. I am nlor.e,
and no earthly power can save me. I drop
these lines hoping some human will find
them and communicate to my pnreolftlhe
tidings of my melaocboly fate. To Leaven,
to heaven, I commit my soul. Please send
them this note. Ralph Lawrence Upper
Signed "Bertha Lawrence."
Graku Wrcstliku ExmniTtox. On
Saturday evening, May 7tb, there is to be a
grand wrestling exhibition at Solid's Opera
House, by tbe renowned champion wrest
lers ef America, J. H. McLaughlin and
Homer Lane, on which occasion there will
be displayed some of tbe finest wrestling
witnessed In this country. A present
or $50,00 will be awarded to any person
coming forward Irom the audience and
throwing eitbci of tbe gentlemen above
named, tbe best tw0 tD three. This enter
tainment Is highly spoken of by the Titus
ville Herald and other newepspers as being
first-class in every respect. We bespeak for
them a srowded house.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors
or the Lake Shore and Miehigan Siinu,Prn
Railroad Company, in Cleveland Wednew
day evening, the following dicers were
elected: Horace F. Clark, President; An
gus' us Schell, Vice President; James II.
Banker, Treasurer; George B. Eli, Secre
tary and Assistant Treasurer; C. P. Loland
S. S. L'Hominedieu was Weduesdxy elec
ted President of tbe Cincinnati, Hamilton
and Dayton Railroad; D. McLaren. Vice
President and General Superintendent; F.
H Short , Secretary Bnd Treasurer.
Governor Eng'.Uli was Inaugurated at
Hartford Weduesduy. In bis message ln
recommends a convention fur ihe revision of
the conBtitu Hon ot the State, in order to
facilitate tbe operation of the Fifteenth
Amendment, though he expresses tho belief
that lis ratification was accomplished by
chicanery and forc. The financial condi
tion of the Slat Is encouraging. Dnr'ng
Oo" fuu1,!l dl'bt "e'CeJ ?:J1V
Aptrtyot about three hundred Indians
came iu near Atlantic City, Wyoming.
Wednesday morning, and drove off a herd of
stock. M ij'ir Guidon's company of cavalry
followed then) and brought back all tbe
A billiard tournament commenced in San
Francisco Wednesday for the championship.
The champion cuo Is of solid silver
two leet in Ivngtb, ai d inlaid with gold.
The penernl Conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church South is In session at
Memphis. One hundred and sixty seven ol
tbe two hundred and lorty-six delegatus
are in attendance.
A shooting affray occurred In New Or
leans, Tuesday night, between John Barret
local reporter ou the Picayune, and ex
special police officer Smith. Tbo runner
was slightly, aud Iho latter dangerously
wounded. A stray bullet struck auolhei
ex-policeman named Diepert, dangerously
wouudiog hiui.
Hon. John Morrissey will soon resign his
position as tncmbej of Congress on account
of ill health.
In the Court of Oyer and Terminer, New
York, Tuesday, Judge Barnard charged the
grand jury to indict all organized boilies ol
vagabond, luufcts and thieves islVsting
New York, kuuwn as prize fighters.
Captain Gif',ageut ol the Mississippi
Valley Immigration Society of Planters,
has just return etl from HongMCong, Ctmia,
where he t ngaged two hundred and lifty
Chiueso laborers fir.Soutbero plantations.
They are now en route via tbo Cape of
Good Hope, and are expected to arrive at
New Orleans this month.
Tbe cable expedition arrived at Santiago
de Cuba on the 29tb tilt.
Deputy Collector Kerns, of Philadelphia,
Wednesday, pending: argument as lo Ihe
power of the Internal Revenue department
to collect taxes, etc., Ut 1S70, served Un
usual distraining notice upou ''the serum
railroads leading lioui thut sily.
Tbe ttockholders of tbo StiFquehanna
Railroad Compauy have refused to ratify
be lease of tbe road lo tbo Delaware and
Hudson Canal Company.
McElroy & Cooper's dry goods store in
Philadelphia, was robbed Wednesday tjl
$8, COO worth of silks.
The cotton mill cf Brewster, MKoeA
Co., at Chester, Pa., was burned Tuesday,
Loss, $G0,00O) partly insured. It is sup
posed to bavd I sea lucendiu y
The Lime Rock Btu.k at Rjckland, Me.,
was robbed Tuesday night tflJUtl and
spi clul deposits amounting lo $l!),5')0, on
which payment has buea stopped to the
amount of $15,000.
Tbo Government will this summer build
a fort on Pembina river, neur Petubina. It
is thought that one of tbe ol j. cts ol the es
tablishment of the fort there is to have an
ye upon Canadian movements, and, if
necersary, to uid preserving a strict Amen
can neutrality. There are already iu the
Department of Dakota three regiments of
Infantry and a butluliou of cavalry wiiutigb
more will be stationed ot different points lo
prevent complications on the part of the
tmted Status with affairs across tbe Hue.
A Havana uispatch says: The court at
Tortaia released the sleaiuer Teiegrufo.
Tbe owner sues tbe British government for
.'10,000 d images. Tbe revolutionists bold
ail of Venezuela except Coro, Maricuibo,
Lagunyra, Port Cabello aud Caracas, and
surround the latter in superior forces. A
general revolution is expected in Sau Do
mingo, unless the United States ratify tbe
cession of Sa tnana.
Anthony Sclioiner, who was convicted cf
me muruerot Joseph A. Christian on the
18tb of August last, In Mount Sterling, III.,
and was seotouned to lil'teen years In the
Penitentiary; commuted suicide Monday,
leaving a confession that be alone was en
gaged Iu the murder, and that Joseph
Dane, convicted on toe Bame charge, had
nothing to de with it.
A few days since a police detective tele
fc'f'Vhed to Ogdensburg that two oar loads or
snsplcUua looking men were on their way
thither, aj that no duubt they were Fenl.
ans. After a terrible scare, it turned out
that that they w.te Methodist ministers, ou
their way to attend a conference.
A Detroit negio prisoner, 0Q bis way to
tbo penitentiary for lurc,0yi wt8 k(.0
what bethought of bis trial. He said:
"When dat lawyer 'fended me vude bis
speech, I thought sbuah I was going V! take
my ole bat and wulk right out of dat ji
room; but when do odor lawyer got up an,
commenced talking, I knew I wus de big
gest rusoal on top lie cml," .
Complaint has been made In a St. Louis
O'Hirt that Joe Coliurn, tho pugilist, rnbbei
G. W. Hilton arid 13i I Macbeth of $720
Cobum is iu Mobile, ami it Is r x. ccted a
ie,u :ton w u be o it alle.- him.
lioral A'ntlrca.
The celebrated brand of flotirStone mills,
at Feller, l'enner it Co. ui3 11.
Soda Water uud Ice Cream t J. W. Boat
ty's. The celeliraled brand or ll.uir, Stone mills,
at Feller, Fenner & Co,
Soda Wutcr uud Ico Cream At J. W. Beat-t'-
; ,
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
ty's. ( ap27-il.
Canton Bittkus These celebrated liit
tere uie recoiiiuivuded l y physicians us far
sup'rlor lo any iu use, They uie pleasant
to Ihe taste and coKlaln medical ingiedients,
placing I hem at ttie head of nil bitters man
ulnetiiied. Try a but lie, they are for sale
at ihe Drug Stu'e ol Griell's ('lis. a23-tf.
Tho celebrated brand of Hour, Stone mills,
at Feller, Feiiner & Co.
Coi.d is a ward which Codington 4 Corn
well propose render obselete. Fur modus
operandi call aud see litem. murcblOil.
All styles light Imrms'. cheaper than lbe
cheapest, made from Moffat's oak slock, and
warranted, nt J R. Kron's.
The largest lot of Bird, Canaries and
other species, ever brought to the oil regions
has just beuu received at M. S. Simmon"!.
Soda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
ty's. Flno nssorttueut of null paper at Grilles
Sash. Glass, Doors Putty Ac. Large
stock veiy cheap at the l-'iini'iiure Store.
Fuda Water and Ice Cream at J. W. Beat
ty's. Infringement Notice.
The subscriber bus learned that a certain
firm In Titiisville, known a 'Bryan. Oil
linrfham A Co.," have ci'iiimenced lbe man
ufacture ol Sucker Rods with Socket Joints'
This is a Diiect lulringeineiit on bis Rights,
as his claim is "connecting two sections of
rod by men r.s of wedges, wedging sockets,
and double coupling bo't." He does not
specity any parlicu'wr shaped Wedge; nor of
what mnterial It shall be made. All rods
made si above ill scribed oulsidu of his man
nl'iicinry, are diiect inlriiigimentit. This,
b ereloie is lo
and all ethers, Bit lin-t buying or using any
roils so made, except those cl his nninulac
lure, n by so doing tbev will lay them
selves liable, aud will be dealt with accord
ing to law.
Pioneer. April 9th. 1870.
&PIXIAL xoxici:.
The largest and finest stock
of Family Groceries ever
brought to Petroleum Centre, is
now heincj received and offered
at heavily reduced prices.
These goods are bought in New
York at the piesent low juices
for cash, and we propose to let
our friends and patrons have
tho t benefit of low JtriCCS.
Parties wishing to buy choice
groceries at ery low
will do well to call on us before
purchasing elsewl
Sparkling Soda Water at M. S. Slm-
u(iti a. mill.
liny the "lied Hot" Saddle, iniitiufnclured
In Tithiiville expressly lor the oil country,
adapled iu all kinds of weather, at J. R.
Kron's. B2-tf
Fine assortment of Paper and Cloth Win
dow r-hades ail fixtures, iust ree'd at
mSlf' umir-risa Duos.
We are authorized to inmmnn ... I
l he Lfglsliiture, subject to ulu J,L ",'lre'iwi
llr.n party. "" UM f tUc K,t 3
1" AT
Felter, Fexxfr &Co,
50,UU KUVt'AKI).
G strati d from Iho ntneljincr Firm, P tko'
HAYMAKbH. Win v..(Eh ab.. t l.l a?
w treou ihem xcpt a m I stsroa hof"
oe ksd uwivy mans sni mil. iihmM,fprH
"'y ""'" uiiw n siae; ii-iim ti.irtd
r j, ' TJ "J B 'nu mr.imi,
leatuag m their r overy or return ihem to I ii
scrtuai will be paid th. above Kcwanj.
Pllhela City, Pa , Way Utta, 1ST!).- e
Rina liOot.
On last Tacsday at tho w ash link at tht Jt c
loi-k Hmia A I,D KINO wit.
ir;ttBl.LT If II mmA II...... A n
The Under will be libera ly rewarded ly lnn
m iiiv VUIIIUCK uou-e. nidSL
Facts are Fact
Divot; mm
At the Corner of M'asbin
ton & 1st Streets,
Has the largest and best (elected stock
Pure Brags
Chemicals, Perfumeries,
Of lbs purest braadi and .a from aiultontfi
nmlariteststoekof fonnlne LnUu's
ver oUured la th. cillxensof Petroleum l eiiw
J. H. (!'"
OU f rsek la atill Runninl
Anil an are the Mods of JAMES BlltUTS stJ
"iu maim oi n. . dihi. . ii..... - .
taud of M. N 8mlt . rmiiuw nltVm
toiiiers, who tsvsto savs tmir ' '"CJ,, j,.., c;.
"CHid hiiivalna. If vonSton't neHevs ; t'J1"
and u uie ituli s wil s the nl
of all kinds always on hand. Also home .!
v. ...... .i win he slven .v'LtM
piTk'am pab.1.011. which will bs "Pi"
dsvorMsy nem, hr V"" lT,.r uaiw-M'
on wio m. favor uie w.t'i IJ l 1LJSiy.
mra- Aoaoiu.7 " - ,i J w-