The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 02, 1870, Image 2

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(SiccoMon to 1. A. Lows:,)
Merchant Tailors!
READY-MADE CLOTHING,' furnishing soqss,
Cor. Sprlca an! Franfclm Streets,
Aa xanslv a.oitmcnt of SPKINO -AND RUM
and VM UNCii, both Foreign & Domestic.
All Work Guaranteed.
Eeady-Made Clothing
t etrolourvi Centre Daily Record
le. centre, itlonila)-. May 3
VfT" The t me-table of the O. C. 1 A. E
j, jful bo found under tbe ronketi.
The Pot2"' ci.irreppoolent of (be Wyom
ing (OutoiT) News-Letter writes under
date of AftV coDs'.derulilu anxiety
txista amU and others having
large atDniutoYlCttpital invc8te1 ln nehln
r;-inu oilfliurei.. wberfl wil1
gel the Bupr-y or oU fter ,h0 P"Mllt
Ceiso pn-iiiclftg, ti? wh,ch 1,1 D0)fr
d l-.anl, jndgiag from IheP11 decreW in
be prodoliun, uurlied mfc P1"11"1? "tl
' log lb psal month than evert More. Quite
a number or tbe wella bave leri9t ata09t "
Ib -lr oil supply, ,d pump blc, waU?r ln
tlead, to II tbo (imply bo not JP,aced b.T
tbe wells about to be vput down 'ho nt,w
territory known as -the BlockbuP Mc
Doujull wh huou in,ii,,i .,. .Tt'xon to
Icel alarmed for tho i1u.l.0 i. .V0(1'J0'
- - - - uibitaaQ iu I II o
lion. Jn rcf, curing tbe lust year,
htaWii - .1 i- .
" giauuai uecune ia tse o
produced, although mora prominently
d of late.
Elsewherx will lua' innnJ ..Ivor
. - - un new m
t!.mat'of J. U. CurisiU'vJPiiii c'
fjio bas Bot settled in bis f, J
' til '"hlDgtoD nd 1st erJ1 -V. "
ly to his stock of gsandtTd
0 .Hrtiai.w'-''t,ries, &o., and
. o shII cboupcr than e?er. Tbis
(fPj ble drug store bas been cstab.
ga) s place Tor manf ?ars, in fact
t one started on Oil Creek bc
m lyej ,e ' Mr. Christie himself is a
r inysieian, anej consequently well
.titling up prescriptlo-i. So ex-
(y ptitalloo bas be in tbls re.ipoct
Ns i come from a distance ot ten
J to bis store-to gi prefurlplions
VJ onseqnencn oi which be .doing
.uts!nets ia thai line. Call and ex-
1 ealy wu)l, on the Marston & Shrceve
iCherrjtreo'Riin, was torpedoed four
Pao, h ml . ibo production larKly In
rl. It w yielding nbout i'S barrels per
nr..H.. it... .i- ..
jg ii'-uin. luri'mi was pin in me
lad never produced over JO barrels
M It In locHte4 but a short dutunco
JJlCiiie City. -t
ajiffts Brus. bavejuiit received u largpaa-
ent of Uoiish ami finlun plants, liru!i
Q eio. Lovers uf )oaiitilHl flowers will
JJ'II to cull in and rxumine tiieni.
bi( well lit lirady' liend is Co'vtng
parrels per ilay. 1'iom a gentleman
Qif frnni lint place we leura that the
Ceiui.'nt Id OKUslantly ou Ihu increime,
CfeiieaR'H are beiu rapiiily taken iii. l'ioa.
ere (ood for the Intildiug up of uuolu
il town at that puiut.
y, , .
idler 19 uutuin. like it tixed, sieu ly aim,
a honi'mble. purpose. It Uinilies
J;ure ad Insuu'S tuccesa.
Louis oUtk lu rico.iiu a pretty
rl In the street from a lii ilnj, luckily
' frB'dh"s ankle. The y.mng lady cul'ed
affl-tt ig-', IomU lief biuvu preneiver lioui..,
jf'.llia. te l'iek in hi. c)ii"kiiuJ
(Jl v';t!l pa' b.t'jiiyi a dyrcen-
'Tin not the mnrinurtiiir voice of Spring .
That slirs my heart und makes me alng;
'Tie out tl'V blue skie. bubbling o'er
Will) sunshine 'polled along earth's Coot;
Nur yel the fl.isb of bursting ro?e,
Nor bloom of any flower that grows.
It is that long, long years zo.
When all tlie world was blushing so
il is then my cheek blushed loo,
My heart bunt fast fur love and you ;
There was a music in tho uir
I fail to And now any wbcro.
And so, when Spring conva wandering by
I lose the thread of mitery;
Trusting the promise of her dry,
I tune my voice to siog her praise.
And eheat myself with tbe sweet pain
That in tbe Spring Love blooms again.
Frtrolcnm Items from oil Sources
West IIu'kory Oh. Items. Tbe Beatty,
Farm owned by Beatty, Ncybart, end
others, Thompson A o. well, prorliicinji 0
bbls. No. 1, 10 bbls, Beatty No. 2, 7 bhU.
Beatty No. 3, 25 bbls. Olmsted, 6 bbls.
Fisher No. 1, 10 bbls. Goodrich, 12 bbls.
Total 76 bbls. No. of wells drilling 2.
Tbe Miles Farm owned by tbe Warren &
Venango Oil Co., of Pittsburgh. Tho wells
are among tho oldest in this district and
bave fallen off considerably within the fast
sixty days. The frequent utu ot torpedoes
has berelofore kept up tho production but
of late they do not seem to belp the produc
tion materially. Coe, Smiitz, & Co , 2
wells producing 27 bbls. Collins Bro. 2
wells producing 10 bbls. Irvlngton Oil Co.,
2 wells producing 2 bbls. Widoawako well
produoing 4 bbls. Hoffman well producing
3 bbls. Blonher well 15.
Tbe Koyal E. Scolt Farm. This farm is
owned by Scott Grandin & Fisher, Dewey
i Laney well producing 10 bbls. Fhher &
Ralston well, a new strike, producing 40
bbls and Increasing. Tbe others are nearly
down and will soon be tested. -
Tho R. C. Scott Tarm. Thornberg well
producing 6 bbls, Harmony well, (new) 45
bbls, Cap), Goodrich bas a new rig up and
nearly ready lo drill.
The II. W. Scott, Grandin & Neyhart
farm. Ne. 1 In the 3d sand.
: Tbe Tuttle Tarm No. 1 down 100 reel.
The Henderson farm Mr. Clnpp is
ready to drill, Dr. Shamburg is down 275
(eet on the McGraw farm.
Tbe London tract Mr. Ilnller is down
about 310 Icet.rivasatitrille Gaslight.
A few months ngo Mes-rs. Ilosiiins &
Weed, hardware merchants at Rotiioville,
together with Mr. J. W. Jenkins, of iris
olty, purchased of the Iluidekoper Petro
leum Company of New York, ti.tly acres,
Jaying along and north of tbo I'itts'.jurga
and Cherry Run Petroleum Company land?,
near coamtiurgn. I be price paid was
24,000. But little development has been
made. Tbe Jenkins well No. 1, working
Interest owned by Jenkins & Smith, wus
torpedoed last Wednesday, and for twenty
four hours to lust evening produced by
actual measurement 92 barrels, Several
other wells are commenced ou the farm by
experienced operators. The farm bids fair
to be one of tbe best in the region. Tbe
fortunate cwnerscnuld take $100,000 at any
tiuio were they inclined to sell.
The McBrido farm is coming Into favor
ble notoriety, from the fact that it has never
given a dry hole. Several guod wells have
been lately struck on it. Tho Lyman Smith
farm has uow some good producing wells.
On Wednesday, tho drilling tools in one
being putdowo struck a and the gas
and oil belched out throwing a stream to
the top ot the derrick. Herald, 2S.
The Greensburjj, Pa., Herald says:
''Tbo (traiu Melds in this vich-lty look very
flattering, anil. If we aie to jmlgo from ai
pe.traccus, the prospects for u bar
ve.'twi S never better. With a reusonahle nip
ply ofru'n and no intervening blights to i!i.-.
appoint our expectations, our earnest hopes
Will be reuiized. The Iruit buds nro Bwml
iqg rapidly in this vicinity, aud all the
trees we have (ecu yet ur full ofbudn.
Peach trees are partly la biouiu, aud sever
al dys more of such weather will bring
them out in fulf b'oau."
An African genilema.i saw over a pro.
eery stora Inscribed, "Sui;ir-Cnred bams.'
lie entered I hi) place und asked the price,
lie solicited anil obtaiued permission to
smell a tihauk. Having donb Ibis he a Il
licitly turned to leave.
Don't you waul any of that ht.m?" said
the urocer.
'Wall, no, boss,'' was the reply. "Der
slpa reads, suuar-cureil ham;' dal ur1 ham's
sick yet; uiy adviuu to you is to ohange.the
AH properly i:d ul during the
arlor taxes, and altvrwurd rolievtd, is to
b takeu pi.P9i.-t!5iou of liy the gDVeriimnm
olHceli. . Millions uf iinlldri iiv iuvuivvd.
: The ruiii'nad ui'.n tim Mis.o.irl
' rtver at O.ualia :s l.j be built at UUCC.
The Un d Stales steamer Michigan has
been oided to Detroli and lherenb; ut to
watch amlpreveiit tie transportation of
troops or y material from Canada intu or
across L'ufd States Terilloiy.
Th V,ii nennrtment is in receipt of ft
letter adessed to Krar Admiral S. C.
Roan, presenting tho Uiiiled Stales
Nary In Cua, sinned by over two hundred
citlss-ns al oOieials ol llong Kong, Chin a,
expressing Ibo Unlti d States their deep
prief a d (neern nt the depluralile accident
which be! thuOneidi, and recordina their
sympathywlth the bereaved lamilies who
were mn to mourn. It speals in the
highest titns or the respect and esteem en
ter taint-dor Commander Williams and all
bis officer, to whom they bad become strong
ly attach.
Tbe risident of tho St. Paul and Ltike
Superior juilroad siys there is no doubt uf
the compltion of tlie road lo Dululh by the
fourth ofly. There are ubotit twenty-live
hundred ken at work. The iron is now
laid somekix or eight miles beyon I IC-ltle
River, or a Utile over one huudrtd n.iles
from St. Ihul. Tralus will commence tun
ning regu'uly to Kettle River Station, nine,
ly-tive miles from St. Paul, in a few d.tys.
A large porion of grading on the remain
log lorty niies is coupleted.
A Chicagosaloon keeper Friday morning
lit the gas in be roar part oi lis esiabl.sti
ment, threw Ihe match upon the floor, and
commenced rolling a barrel of whisky, when
the bung dropped out and tbe whisky Igni
ted, ami a destructive tunflagrntion ensued.
Six buildings were destroyed or bad.y dam
aged, lucluuing a boarding house. Thirty
two hoarders were turned out in their niht
clothing, many of them losing all their per
sonal properly.
A mi-ss meeting of working men in S.m
Francisco Tuesday nibr, decided to oppose
at the approaching election the prop- sition
to subsidizn tbe Southern Pacifl.? R.ii Iro.ul,
unless tbe Company will pledge i'-sulf net to
employ Chintse labor.
At Macbins, N. Y., o Thtir.iby,
Charles Smith, r.gcd sixty, ki'ld bis wllo
with an as durinir u quarrel. They b.ul
lived unh ippily together lor some time.
Tbe murderer Is in custody.
Wm. M. Conery, who cli.ims to have ills,
covered obstructions on tho Hartlonl tml
Erie Railroad on Thursday, and s:ied it
train Irom destruc'.Ion, hn been at rested on
suspicion of placing tliem tbere h!mel:'.
Tho 'ong dry spell has done cr-at iuj ry
in California, und tho crops i:i portions of
the Sutewill fail.
Ejeetitig a negro from ft street cir cot a
Baltimore com; any Ua dollars. He sued
Tor $2.50.
Tho Supreme Council of thn Tliiity
third degree of Masons. Albert Pike, Su
preme Grand Commander, will assemble at
M.isonio Temple, Baltimore, to-day.
Vctioiijo County C'ouit Ilceoril.
Edward Maybet indicted, assault a''.J
battery with intent to commit rape, on oath
of Elizabeth P. Muse. Defendant plead not
guilty; tried and veidict guilty as indicted.
Walter Sealon Indictment, ii.-sanil and
battery, with intent to commit tuoc. Lie
feiidaut plead guilty of iisanit and Littery,
and was sentenced to pay it line of .-omul
costs and undergo imprison went in cjimly
jail fur period of two months. .
Patrick Carron Indictment, fa'.s-.? pre
tences, on oath of P. M. Canon. Did', n-
dant plead not guilty, 'lrud, verdict not
guilty but that be pay tho costs of prodc-
E. P. Swency Thrpo indictments for
selling liquor on Sunday, for selling with
out licence aud for keepiug gumblin l.ou
Defendant pleaded not guilty and weal
to ttial on all tlie cise. Vermel guilty.
and sentenced to pay costs and ticej amount.
ing to 3bl) and undergo imprisoiiriiorit in
county ji'.l for the perion of leu days.
Thomas Boreland fndictuiint, obstruct.
Ing und resisting an vlilcer iu tho e.i ecuiion
of legal process, oil oath ol V,'. n. KltlR
Defendant pleutU guilty and is sentenced lo
pay a line of $!. und costs of the prosecu
tion. A charge ot surety ol the peace
HgalnsUame defendant iu which he was tc-a-tenced
to pay the costs.
M. B. Taylor and E. A. Drake Indict,
im-nt, s unn ns last eate nou. pros? entered
on payment of coats. .ti
Albert Brown Charge, forcible) miry
and detainer not truo bill uud prosecutor
pay tbe costs.
John Moreover Iadictnient, bawdy
liou.-e. Defendant pleads guilty and sen
tenced to pay a liuu of $200 and Custs ami
undergo Imprisonment in County Jail lor a
period ol sixty clays. A second indictment
lor selling liquor without liconse, ugaiust
sumo (luleodmit uol. proa, eatoied ou
pajiuent ef cohtd.
A Missouri pap -r cells an affray In which
nut-juinhliT bluz'il n.vay at itnollier screia I
li-tn's, uud killed uu tfuvc,;3t u;;'j, ''a c: .-c-ii-j
j of 3m; .nni." ,
Sod Witter and IceCieam ul J. W. Beat-
tj"-. . .
Sodo."Wuli;r u nil Ice Ciesui ul J. W. Beat-
y'- "
v To Ail Wlioine It niny oneern.
Ab a report has yeen iiiiliistriou-ly circu-
Inte-il thai I employed iilielei banded means
to obtain pisessn n of Ibe luiildiiw I How
occupy, I take this opportunity of appi
my trienda Mid iicnuiiiiilancs Hiiet no
means wer employ d lhal nny boiiuratili
inan need he ashamed uf. The price sniled
uio and I bought ttin luilliling. Thai was
nil. Verv trulv Youts
April 23 4t. " Jems J. Felteb, Water and IceCieam at J. V. Bent
tys. ap27-li.
Tomatoes 15 cts per Call at Feller. Fenner
& C'o.'s a2a-tf
Cantos IIittkh TI1190 celebrated bil
teie uie letoiiiineiuli d ly physicians OS far
superior in ui.y in use, Tb-y aie pleasant
to I he tacte und coMtaln medical ingredients,
placliiji them nt tne head of all bitters man
ufactured. Try 11 bottle, they are lor sale
at the Drug Store ol Grieli's (,'iiis. u'J.'l if.
Coi.n is n word whicti Codiugtnu & Corn
well priipntp render ol selele. For modus
operandi call and seo the'm. mtircblutf.
All styles liuht harness, cheaper than the
cheapesc, tmi'le irom v oiiat s oal; stocK, aim
wurranted, ut J It. Kron .
The largest lot of Birds, Canaries line!
other species, ever brought In tho oil regions
bas just bceu received at M.' S. Simmon's.
Tomatoes 15 cts per cau a! Feller, Kenner
vt Co.'s n2l-tf.
Soda Vi'aternnd ico Cieaniiit J. W. Real
ty's. Fine assortuent
of wall paper ut Gr'.ffes
Sash. Glnfs. Door-1. I'ntiy .t-c. Largo
stock very cheap l Ibe Furniture Store.
S' da Watt r Liid Ice Creuiu at J. W. Beat
ty's Iiifi-iiisriunnl Motive.
Tho subscriber has learned that a certain
lirai iu T'Hisville, known as "Bryan. Dil
linuhani Co., have commenced the man
uta'ure uf Sucker Rods with tyieket Joints1
This Is a Direct did increment on liis liiehts.
a Irs claim is conneelitii! twn nctions i.f
rial li y means of wedges, wedginj sockets.
and ilniitilu coupling bo I. lie dies not
specify any pnriiiu'ur shaped wede, nur eif
wb it inateiial it shall be iiidi!.'. All rods
made as above b scribed niilside e f his man
ul'aetory, are Ciiect lufiine tneiity. This,
heiet'oe- is to
iti'l ad i.theis, onitist buying or using tiny
rods so ui'ide, exeept Ihoi-e ot bis niaiiufac
lilie. u- by so lining H107 will ley ihem
selves liable, uud will bu dealt w ith accord
ing to law.
Pioxkkh. April Olh, 1870.
k Co.'s.
.1 cts per can at Fuller. Feuner
Tho largest and finest stock
of Famiiy
brought to Petroleum Cci:ti e, is
now being received and offered
at heavily rciiiiccil pices.
These goods
are bought in New
York at the piesent low prices
for cash, and we propose to let
our friends and patrons have
tho benefit of IttW prices,
to buy choice
groceries at very-
will do well to call on us before
purchasing elsewhere.
The I-mperor f M;;vni,.n
Is mining!
Oil. J AH. I.. Tif t l:lt.
J.H A?lll'.ltl., I'roprloior.
nvti 1
r'cStitV rt'lult-r lli. ii- Ki'I'a. w'lr,.'nU
r Vi'l V ( llMHtrLnittUt mniuUl. ar,.l . . . .
ferr..rim.ra who are oidel.r.iiert ... hel, ot iti- l
ricsl" 1 I"""""'"'' 'u Uieir iiiuiviaual ,pc?i.l"
Dr. Jas. L. Thayer,
Whew repntsi..n as Hown and IlumnrH !, mirn.
p.M:.,-liall.-u. nii, luvLluu-u.le-a s pOmn,
"Merrr Eeirlsnd's Fnvnrit. I'lnwn." w-:m iatinr
cwsnil ilelnii at L.n:'s N-w vrk clreiM il. iiii,d
;lillir. t:d ii.toi.tsheil 10, (1 1 1, e rii-ll tlie Allirr
lean franiri.l y, w.o ha.e aeknon hj.' i
ority ami nppHuied tlm "the luunltst km iu
ins iicrnn Mtiawnmn. I ne'innticj n f,..
trian Diructor. nod IUj brt U na in' Ue
com. try.
La Belle Loyale'
T'ie Besttttf il T.ily" Ktnitrbin, dirrc Com tl
I'lique N(oleon. I'OrlS, alii thti Iiiipyrlnl Hitlil-tbriit:-,.,
SI. Moim-sh-rK. A pnnll oftllH ee'ehni J
I- en s. whntf s wo; ,d nuiMmil n. the Euro
pc.iu Kq Da O r of Die ao.
Ad Anietiean Trrwr:tai wt-n ts-s-nciirfit witht!
sremct .11 Co. in all r,uriers f t"i" Idoli. P
niiinirio iai- ir, i II ,-vni 'n. ai.,1
bet lUe II .ck Hunlln ltl l, Ih no ki.ow.i m,rd
Wllh lb T otvtt of PrrFumtn Ptm. a..-...
wl.le1, Im fon.d th- eei fi r lee Cm in"-. Iii.i;
l)a-h. wh-.i. n,-rfrmv,(-j 'e tudevd lnrv.'llin'
and eniire'y dir.-uul fivm nay U na preili.u-ij stm
111 toaa rj .
Tho Crmt Fnnetfrlnn Sernle Arllst rd nrin-l'iM
K',d r, wlio. In ftiiup foe, cha l-uirei. tl-e worltl'to
pmd'ti i a man to compile vi'h him for ihti 111,11 u
t asuo and lb title of i'liami Ion Ltia-r i( trta
An Ae(Mni,.llfh-i1 Xmertenn tlnrsrwf man. wh,)
lwant? of form and fuels tv, Ital uf AiKKliJ.'.Ji
iiogm: ai:Ti;irrcEAr,
Tho Comle il Aer''its. ad artistic Mpevni.U1
pliyniid dVtflopiaeui,!,
Tin or'r'nat nf nil t"o D ine rs, nod Voe r's-
nmlnent all'todes li n M-er hern reneluel I'J I "
nintiy linioitors. will anneart'i the rmz in , aril ptr
f. rmnnro lu sweralnf Id ureal up ciallks.
U'h- tiMll bnnKa n. Afnhilltr. SI.ll
who-e teirillo lle.dii" in mil sir r aitcutujiiish-il
ivita uaae and utiaos Kit ty.
Tbo Comic .Unit's,
Will be Inlrodiv ed by ll.e Doctor In penon t
each p.rfonuai:co
Mtiilor JOllX.W nOOKL'H,
Tl n Ivav ,,h, nnmnnnil . vllOSO rroiarksW" "P1."'
and nttlvl y In HymniMle-. I only ciiuallnl uy
i,-raeu and dailBiity Iti iulilitlefwn
Dr. .las. t.. Thaver takes otl'iitnr prltleto WK
nh.o in nminuiKW 11 usieiiii iit with 11" less a lar
son llian tlie ce eliratenl New York tou-lquc, ,
hnse liiMimberatdosiiccw-ful p, rfjirroai
tbelea.llnirlbetn'S of sonio nud Asicrlca, u
ma-lo bia tiamo a hnasulinld woitI-
A Stud of Buautlful King Horse.,
Select-d Mwirdlcs. of etp.- f -r l1';"'""
Thise hoises all your,:, '.living he""
dM-li.T tbe.-t inter l J-"; . J, ,,"Lioo.
is to have tvo- tl..i.g new IW
A Largo CorvTof Anxiliar-ie
Who will tali.) part lu mo ll'jf0'1"';
niuufltui.H lo in. iv bin, but will l0"1"1 w
uluiil 01 u blg'i urdur.
nemamtwr that till Hrni. U lh l'- l J .ir,y
nu t lhal .r James f.. 'I h" it, ,V.,V(,f ,n.. rtor
uiei. nr, mi uani. a p'rloni a e " n
o'liemu. and the pwtc sitUa.ll 0fi-
Tl u , ro..,lou ift Hike. I11;'1 ' 'Ul' ""iiifrej.
blbltwin at ll A. V.. led h. tha i j ' ork.
Hand Ch .rrtt,nadu by IfeiUlilW Hi" . "
aud . 01.1 nintiij rnnATED
rion-ttawtday sod iato.l 'c '
Bum 1i roiuliifJ
Atlm b.mou, 60 C'.
Children nwlsr 10,
Will cxMhf "t
.... tfnil-
.bfy, -Hay 13th and Hlhi 1Ji;' '; ' 'and
d.,v, MaylOthi Oil " "t,l y
Wedaesi.y, M n n, lo""