Petroleum Centre Daily Record' VeU C litre, PIo.ulay. April 35. iKKlTAL SAND, OECAUTCKE Or XHAIAHO"' V. & A. II. U. Form. F0. I, Vnssenzer LenveCorry 11.20 m. : TOuaville. 12 i9 p. in. i 1'etrulenm Cen 1.4U p. in.; Oil City, 2 22 p. in. j Ir Yineimi, f 1 p. m. No. 4 Pass-n,or tave Corry 6.10 a. m; Titiuvllle, 7,35 a. m.( Petroleum Centre lUm; Oil City, 8.69 a in; arrive at lr viotton 11.40 a in. No. 8 Passenger Leave Corry 6. 05 p m ; Titnsville, 7.50 p m; Petroleum Centre,, ,Mp si j arrive at On City 9,20 p m. NORTH. Ho. 1, Passenger Kiwive Irvlneton 7.15 am; Oil-City, 10.10 m; Petroleum Cen tre, 11.05 n; Titusvilie, 11,50 a tn; arrive at Co ry 1,40 p m. No. 3, Pawncer Leave Irvinefcm, 12. 5 p rr; Oil City 2.67 p m; Petroleum Cen tre, 3,36 p ui; Titusville, 4,20 p in; arrive at Curry 6.4u p tu. No. 6. Passeneer Leave OA City 7,(10 n m; Kr-.'ltiiiu Contra. 7.43 a in; Titusville, am; arrive at Corry 1U,1U a tn. 1 tlvluo Kovvtcea. PRKSB1TEKIAN CHURCH. ' rifaolilng At U clock A. M., and 7 )'ci 'k P. M. kiETnODlfcT EPISCOPAL CHURCR Seivicej crj Sibbatb at 11 'A. M. aim i F. M. SaMwtli School at 12J P. M. eatsfjtv... A cor.lialj, invitation exteud d ta Ret. C. M. Heard, Pastor. '13. PETER AND PAUL'S (Cfttholie) CHURCH. Jtuss at li'li a. til. 7ij?er onl Beuedicliea of tha Blessed ' 'umuivnt at 1 p. a. Catechism at'p. m. , iAMES DUNN, Pastor. Gold 113J. Nmr Wkia. A new we!l was struck on ".lday last, on t!ie Independent tract, near haro'jarg, which is yielding twenty-five arrets per day. It ia owned by Messrs. ipruo i; Longwell of Titusvilie, aad L. I. Colidai o this place. The big well at Brady's Bead, by a dhv iatch received tbia forenoon, we learn la owliifc 160 barrel per day. Tate totice of the advertisement of Dr. ' aa. ii ,Tbayer's New Circus. Read the oveltles to be presented. The new Ciicus 'ill perform at Petroleum Centre, Friday nil Eatnrday, Hay IStb and 14th. Nw Well The Ward & Waits well, 'ulrell form, was down and tubed on at rday and testing commenced, It started p at tbe rate of 150 barrels per day and umped until yesterday noon, when tbe gas Jddenly stopped and tbe well had to be mt down. It is supposed that the tubing split thereby allowing tbe gas to escape. i so a as the tubing can be changed the ell will be started up agalu. A hundred arrel well Is continently expected. By reference to the netice published else bereft will be seen that Mr. James 8. cCray will not give out any leases on bis rm. There waa a largo attendance at tbe va ua placea of worship yesterday. The one-legged soldier with hid hund or o arrived in town this noon. Let all re liberally in aid of the maimed veteran It will be seen by reference to the edver- ement that Messrs. Pcbonbloui fc Wing opoae to tell groceries cheaper than tin ea pest. The warden or the New Jeney Slate Ison has all lady visiters take down their :k hair In his wile's bedrnom, iu order prevent them from smuggling tobacco In 'r?!''Bnon' 10 "l0 P,l""1,' ThoVitur of the Ciarlc Co., Wisoonsin, puniii says he is willing to give the r one whVentlilm a valentine "u prac- r one whVentliltn le lIluslrntY'n ol loo Two little. iSor'Ycai "oliinir up a form." I Carolina boys Wi0 Wlint to see how a crater luwlced never win oy that pleas'irn.(,'re,y buried a bottle Kwiler ii ml bufr(M ;e over it. t only lnUea Uiabi ulepUant beelW uty minutes togV away with a dead A good many ofUkem will outweigh rx. reen peus, strawberries, oranges, radish new puiulo, s, cabbage and cuuiiniticrs pi.iriiu into San Prancifco, nil rained I'alil'.ji-iii.-i suit. Oregon stilt supplies oi'y wi'h apples, and the warkoiB pre . a k;leiidid display. ai'em ftii'. niuuoMui clnsps ure now a hy the pretty jriris. They are ntlier velly yet, but wo hope to see mure of ,"tol the brides on the MisMfqiwi j Clyde riverx, Cwl.i, wie oarried a ay be ftvauMt. . ! i weather l a niitu djy. Tub L(ixo an Shout op It. This is very bad new. We have not yet i!o:ie admiring the neat and hnndy ' costumes" In wbich Indks po tiuniit the strei'is when the horriblo decree has gone forth that 'lorg dioss-js" me to lio tho vniiiie. V. there ever a mure shucking outrage perpe trated io the name of fashion? Tbe s!:ort dri'tees have everything- in H e world in their favor tho long uresa noll.ii!;;. It is simply Ihi ught ueuesuiy to make a change it) Order that the milliners' pockets limy l' filled. Of cauise it IsusfUsa to pi oust. Women will follow tbe diulutcs oi the des pots who prescribe how long or bow ehurt a dress shall bo. lint is it impofsiblu for any rational person not to mourn in secret over tho impending change. Those she rt drecses were the glory of American girls and women for at leait two years alter English women wen' goina about tho streets drugging a lung train through the mire, or tacking up superHuuua yards of silk under their urim. Tho Kngiisli woman w..s bui.ctiy and awkward, while tho Auieii can girl could be recognized everywhere by her neatness and ptettincss. In trnvelirg. the short dress was perfection. Dow n comes the ruthless milliner, uud sews the hideous, dirty dus sweeper on a;;uin. And yul we hear all this "prenctunt'iit" about women's freedom and woman's rights. Why not get up a revolution aiininst this barbarous l.V- clamation ol the milliners?" Among the uiitiiiuatis lately diecovored at Rome, Is u portable iron kitcl cn wh'ch sl.uls and opens; when closed, there is one place for coals and a saucepan; when npeu the kitchen is in the form of a star, radi ating from this centre influence, and that at the end of euc.b ray is a liltlo lurnuce, with places fur cooking utensils. Melbourne is to have a mint. The ma chinery, said to be the most perfect made, which cost $75,0(10, readied the colony s.,m' months ago. Hitherto nil Australian money i ha- been coined in Sidney. All silver or copper coiuagu is struck in Australia. Anstialiao sovereigns pass current iu Eng land just the same as Euuli.-h. Tbe following Conundrum was cooked twenty minutes to ninke it suflicienlly hard: What is tbe difference between a doukey and tbo only empire in South America? The one brays Well; the other Brazil. Mary bus a Grecian bend, Whlcb crooks her like a bow; An I where the steps oi Mi.iy tend The lump is sure to go. It follows ber behind all day, And when she goes to school, It makes tbo children laugh and play To see her such a tool. The teacher sees her pass along, His blushing face he veils; Then Mary sets how very wrong s. 11 18 10, U NOTICE. I b It la to bear false tales. hereby give notice to all par ties who have been writing aud ctbeiwiee muk!ng inquiries in regard to leases on ruy farm, that ooue whatever wiil be let. James S. IIcCbav. Peiroleum Centre, Pa., April 25, 1370. It ladoubllul it' the McFarlund trlul will be further proceeded with at present, as Recorder Ilackett's symptoms are s iiil to be apopietio, and of an alarming character. Ouo more day will compldta t.,e evidence for the defeuce. Tho prosecution will open with an elaborate argument oa l ie part of Judge Davis for the admission of Mrs. Rich ardson's evidence. The fifty-first anniversary of tl?c estab lishment of Oild Fellowship in Xew Jersey will I e celebrated at Tr.'iiloa on Tuesdc.y. The troops hove been recalled from the Canallatl lion tier, no trouble appearing to exist there. Cambellford, Ontario, Is inundated. Ti damage io propeny win oe very great.. An immensj concourse attended f!j? fu neialoftha murdered Marsh Children In Baltimore Thursday afternoon. Tho nioih- er, who is conllued in the city j ill, Is a rai ing maniac. A (Joveriiiiient.fn"ial in Philadelphia !s sai,l to be u defaulter to the amount of $C OOD. Tho Montreal police profess to have dii- covered a plot to s-izu Prince Arthur ami carry bim olf to an obscure place on th t niied Slates frontier, to be held as a pos tage lor the ;uod treatment of I'Vniin pris oners that may fall Into the hands of the authorities. Uammorv. , The remains of Anson Eurllngame were laid In state Friday in Fanueil Hall, Huston guarded by a detachment of oadets A lnrge nnniber of poopie visited the bull. Tho casket was not opened. As the warm weather approaches tho oi! business begins te tool; up. Spring I'ii!iiuii8 iti" miking tne'u spprnr attce. Xo'i'iy bii'b, cjuI;, neck ties, khwji rri:.i:$ Tbo track ol the Southern Pacific Rail road was completed to Springfield, Mo., Friday. The lermal opening will take place on the third of May with u giaud celebra tion. The Atlantic baso ba'l club, of Rronklyn, defeated the Union, of Mnrrisiauu, onTlilirs day, by a score of Irt' to tell. Tim steamship Soulli America, from Kin Janeiro, M uch 2(ii!i, blinds t loCial con lii illation of tlie death olL.iptz. Siiiehas and Colonel Lopez, sou of lim dead dictator were killed ut liesquim DMgo.lo. The moth er and sister of L ipez, Mis. Lynch, and four children, and several uGlcer and prions wero captured. Some parties were routed and dispersed. Mrs. Lynch and tho ,childtvn will be ient to Europe. Commissioner O.-uoin has decided that the l'i s;m ister Geueral can prevent the mails beiiii; in-e'i; a iiietliuiu lor the c ie il lation if swindling circulars. The PurltAiis of Xew Knlind prop"SJ to raise 5,0011,00 duriaa tno present year f ir the puip'.so of ex ten din,; Piiiitan iileas and docilities. The United States steamer Michigan, at Erie, is bviu;; suddenly put iu re I ness fur active service. It is surmised Ihst this movement Irissomo C"iiiHcti.n with Fenian operations upon the Lakes. The Michigan left Erie Fridny. Captain Wheeler, Consul at Kingston. Jumn'ea, died on tho S'.li in -t. Ho wns a lieutenant ou thi Knarsugn when she tunk the Alahuiroi. The U ui ted Stsles Hoiel. nt Vi'ursiw, X. V., was biinm.1 Fiiday. Lost C'!0,(;t0 Ex-Gi'veraor A. JCint', of Missouri died at r?t. Louis Friday. The Lillians aie aain on the war pat'i in Soiitbein Aiizoni. Five umiJcis are re j Oiti-d uitl iii a few.duya. The fain ions silver mines, claimed to be tho richest ia the wml.l, turn out to bo in Ariz ma, insteud of New Mexico. Futir men were arrested in Montreal Thursday night cu the urrival of the Amer ican train, tn suspicion of being Fenians. Vau Zant & Springer's block, .Loekport, N. Y., wus burned Friday, Loss '30 000.. The sulcril er bus learned Hint a cr'iio firm in Tilim-ille, known a- '-lirviu. Dil lingham i Co.," lime rumuienced llinnian ulaotuio of Sucker Rods with Socket Joints' This is n Direct full ii geinent en bis lights. s his claim is cinueetiic lo Srctiuns nf rod by irears of wedges, wedgiiii: sockets, nnd doulilo coupling Im't." lio doea nut specify any particular shupcd vii j;", nor of what iratfiiul it shall be mail". All rods made ubove i' scr:'.j-d ruiicitjt! of bis man iifactcry, are di.ect iniringi metits. This, heieloiii i to CAUTION' OIL OPEK.ATOKS. and a:l ethers, Raiu-t buying f.r usii tr any roils Re, fnadi. (iVP,'il I,,.. r.t hia nittfii.t'..!.. nre, as by so doing thov will lay tliein if -Ives liable-, and win be dealt with' accord ing tu law. WM. J. IN N 13. Pxon'ekr, April 9th, 1870. Tomatoes 15 cts per can i.t Felier. Fenner A; Co.'s. aL'3 tf. Snt-niFrs Silk is Cr.o.u;n. Nicholson t B!a kmnn havint hongbl bim out at mi pluce and Kane City. tr. Th i New Gas f uu;p lor sale at Nicholson Jfc Dlackmor's. tf. Wo would call tho Kiteniiou ol our busi ness men to the superior styles nf j il, print ing, both plain and fancy, at present lieiivj tinned nut from Ibis i fiico. W are prepar ed to execute jub priming of every In edi tion In the laiest and most lanhionalile stvle of the art, and at reasonable mt"3. l(. To All VliOiUe it may Concern. As a report l.r.s been inilustrtoii ly eirco ltie I tbal'kj mploreJ unilerii inl 'd ni'H'.K to htaiii pusK'snioii of Hi- liiiiidm I n.nv occupy. I tuke tins opt.ortiuiitv ofupprisins my triemls .nil uetpiiiutautj'S I '.at, no means were employed llmi any ln.nuralile man n"eil lie nshuim d of. The price suited me and I bought the l.uiliiing. That was uil. Very trnlv Votira April 23 4'. John- .1. Felteb. Tomatoes jj cts'pcr can at Feller. Fennel .r; Co.'s u23-lf. Canton litrTiir.;-. 1 heso celebrated hit tore me recommended fy phj.-ictaiis us f,r superior to uiiy iu line, They uio jdensml to (lie ittste anj coniulti nieditMi iniit etli.-n e. pluclcg them a, too Lend i f nil bilteis mati ujaclund. Try a but lie, liiey aro fur Rile at the Ding htoe ol Griells Cros. u2.'l lf. Tho largest nnd best naeurl incut of Table diilcry, ever luuught into the country at Niccbolson it Blacumon's. i. Cold is a wen! which C'oiiiugioii & dun well propose render i.bselete. Fur tiu.iiu.s ojiemndi cjII end tee tie in. nmrcbluil. All styles liitbt hnroesj, et.euper than the cheapen, iniide fioiu .Mollal's oak Block, and warranted, lit J R. K Ton's. The largest lui of Birds, Canaries nr.d i t her species, ever l loiiglit tn I l e oil legu ns has just been rtcuvcd ul M S. f-imii im' . 62'J-U' .1 , l lll A'OlW'I'K. c are iscw baying a heavy stocU cf (ireei'ilcs strictly fijrtASil, ami 1 unil WILL srJl as lw as any !i;;i;sc in unm. Rt J J A iiii.f.ii t- rrhc4 lSo'5t l.n.t. On S nur.lav nlteir.ooii, A lil 23. neilf skin wu!'"t cutitai.-d'u between and i:i'' I. ust hetiveen Siinaion's Dnij Store urd Pioneer. The finder will iie liberally re warded by leaving it at thisi rice. u25-2t Tmnatccs 15 cts nor can a! Feller, I'enni r .t Co.'s t'21-lf. Ile se Slim i's. whole-. ,; n:.d retail, at ","icii ji:i ;;i a Hi ac'iCiuuu's. 2.'l-if. C irrla : e i'.'ilis. wl oletalrt and retail, o Nicauia'Mi A i!..c'.it:io!i 23-tf. Fine nssjriiweiil oi wail paper at GrifTeS Drcs. Sash. Glass. 1 nn.r-. I'ufv vc. Larqe Stock veiv chean at the Fni.'.iiiire Store. nilO-tf Toma'.ues 15 cts p. r can at Felter. Fenner et Co.'s. n2J-tf. Buy the Red Hot" Sailtlfe manufactured in T le.kviliM expres-ly f ir the oil cnuiilrv. ndnpled to all ki .d.1 of weather, ut J. R. Krou'e. a!2-tt TheNew Gas Pump lor talo at Nicholson & Biuckiuon s. tf. ' Fine avsorln etil ol l'. per and t'loih Witt do.v M ndea nnd Fixtures, jusi ree'd t nirttf. " C.uiFPi's BltoM. Jnst received n Inr.c an I v,-11 aorted stock ol shelf hitnl'.vai e at J. RuthiTloid's. tf. Ti:k I'VltAMIDS of Fi.leml.d rrerrt ,, . . 11. 1 . dui'.;iO'i it ljuiawell s yanl ant p-l'ecl!y wont!er:'iil, inarelildlf. . E '' AI'VKHT IS K M K T S. To t!w ijijjips an J lacutlc- TI10 r.'J lea Crr-.i:u S5:vlRo:t to bo opened on tSia Jstol ?Iay. rrNl:eiMli-c !hor I aa letieil i1- room 'ermi-tle ! o Ta.i. a 1 y I-'i ilium UV Mt Vi il't:;;Ll.' s S.W.Ol, v. !ler.-li'- wi 1 l.o pl.-ieed tr i,...- till f. ri-iH' 111 tomh eT I tie p'ai-o nrri ninnv e'lt. r-. As l.r. tofon re p., but re-it. cu,b. pta;ie-.viil be aliOA. iX iu eiitjr ihe-e p'trlrs. Hotels, Parties and Priv ito I'anfres will be lurnii-hetl geod ('team t u short not'eo. .1. S. 'I'AYI.OIt P iro'nim Outre, Pa , pr 1 C", IS' t, m ole sffiu mm OPPOSITE BHIfXi BAJilt, WITH A 8 0,000 stock ofd mice and well assort jtl rrri-j rj w (f? i-t5 f 3 Bouc'ht since tlie lu-avy decliue in gold, which will Li sold at ASTOiSIIIXGIiY Give tis a i :i!l :itw! wo will Co yon (jixlJ. tiji-u'. ATTETSOi3 ALL Oil (ri'ili U still I2::!is5t;;,, Ami mi me tlm ;;...,N,,f ,T ',:,!! St. ITIS -it 1 1 it: o 0 nlm.d 1. 1' M. .-. Stuli 1 running ana w:tu em teiner-. iio toMit . a their nr. 111 tiv n.tiiii utr .o. A iMlynies. If joi.'ilnn'i l-l, vu li ni cumii ua uto t..t! ittsh u u,l I,,, ti,c nice ttuci; 0 i.M(t all. J of nil kinds uKvajs en Land A'o lionic-iiia.ta liRED, PI 3?. CAKES, Ac. Estal nltenlion w 11 le islven tu' my fTC C!.I...M l' 11,., vil.leli wilt I licit ti.oi'.r-l. Cuv lit May next, wliciu I , l.:ol In! l,ii, y UIKiJt on tie .-:) wlto linn t'livor riiu w ta t I , li mi' i'f.T.ogo. "il- U. Atisoli.te'y uosi'l.--. en tiind-y. al.) im. OTVllft W MN. AW rise B 'KijH'n-T f' Khcviaeo .1 -X VI -a -i .... iv;.i rr.JAS.L.TElYR'S mm m HliW.bllll Va. J.IS b. i tl lll K. .tlaupcrr. feip.i,i.'.f a e.oir selrciton nf t, most !''"'il -.en soil f'nroi:;ll Artists hn.-i, f. t- ii'id . e , i, ,-y ri i.uur ilieir SCA'l.UIOiil I V t'.- (1 i.i-.'i'iONABI.B. futiiQ ivy ..i,, ai loieal comut'ft, S''f rpi-e-tti',. I l,v !', lrl.oirs ea l -ol ilp-l its h'.-lei; ai tte ii el j ei tliv prolVaeiou in IlKir , I tpociM- BSilOLD THH LIST OF BRILLIANT PRINCIPALS: Dr. J as. L. Thayer, V.'ho.e repetniion as Clown nud rTnmnrl-i l cnai-preaeeai-lc as it$,vi, lavuluir.,blo aj a gciiiiuuau, a. it. c. ail. TOM 333P.rL"2-, "Vt rry irr-tn.-d rt l!.v..r' In Clown, w'.iodc lutcMir. Co-!;u: Hi ijui ill I,.n!'H fW (ik : ti. , d t.ti' ; u;l.i:. M ii Ul:i -A rt! tl ol.-c I II d ihc .Aiili I. a n i y, wi'o .:iw ti'-Kn.iwiit.'ivU nt ttiii.til only iiii.i i i.j.i.iuvil Liui ' iho luuukH mua m KB. S, pTsTJGKfiEY, '!' t Vcii'nn Mwwuiu. TVuoieallt'tl us an tion. train iiTeetor. .inu ilia bo. t U ug .Ma te.- m lll9 c mi.'.ry. La Belle Loyale, Intv ITcie'trlan, direct worn thu t inpt-j Na. i.Imki, i aris, sua ttu Imparlnl Anipbi tuial.s. i'u.v. I'll it. a napll of ih, cetehmt.J i ea z, vih -.i- ui'U ritoaunlas tuc k.-.u'ooi iiatu. pea i'.i;astitau tiueei- r of ihj ac MR. WMTNAYLOa. .. u A-ie-r.can lliaselean who iia.ti;-ieiir(il Witt, tl 15 U'e.lle-t an C-.H-1, ,.ll ,,u 41 . IS ,.f tno e,li,;n,. in iniii .1- .. .aui" - l':e i;:.iiu Ili.-iiuii'n. ucj :ti, l.c I lia e ii .c.i il.aMlB Ki.tu in 11. e kiiuou , or.a. 7.1 :::. M.OA' Cil.VVEIiLI, With nts T o t mi of I'lrf umliii llnm. n..., n,- I win-... w-.l: b t foasul t.ic eec r it-a (.' in. 1c I " -J lr;..rn.t.n! a euii.-e.y aia.a-m r.'viii any ,u t i c.JUJ.rj.. ' I r.oriifklie-e .Slua ;. U M .rveIOn 1 H"i4 preWtiinij cei TleCr.iit IqacrUian i-ifcir Arii.t ard primirtl t, v t.o, in u.iui.i..ii, ehaileeert tlie wonti In J '"iu ' a tu eutup. te wlia mill f.r the pllnl if f .io'j, ;iuj tit,u(ui c luinipiou Lcup"r of c ra- tl'.U. A;i Ai'Ciutjl -tlu-d AniiTiian Ilori. Wunmu, wiiw t uau r'ic-u in lyj.u'fti AiiiC.i LU j.i.i:.t. b. tiQUUtt and ISlUUKAT, iUj-. at-Vhsiiitcuit S.l?,'US, Tins f r1',-!;!! rf nil Cltv; Pitrif'TH, unrj rho.c prff-t'lnijit-'U . t li.dra P.i'.iT l.nii rchi:hd by n m:n y n.: inn . ., .'.I1 iivir ir r.i tl.t; ri .ti i-acL j,r f' liit '.u.c iii .-'.'Wr.ii ot' i i rc.u t t nitutd. 'Hi.; IJMrVJSMHY IJ I .'TH W i n an well k:ifuu :w nrtit of ih!!ity, nud w'.ic.! ifiiil." i.v.u-tn t'iM Kir u: ucco:iipiiaafc J V.H.. y o.ll. :l ;iu U lit 1.1 - st s... i. LrCiSj :ii3il hilOO FliYy Will li li;i-i'u 1 J by tL Di.'Ctur la p rou at niut.toi- .jo;:.. y ijoyji.i::5, Tlt'h-;. h n un nan , 1mo rri.Hr'cnblH nullity iiit'J i:t.tii y 111 wyii.nAUc-. i :ily uj;;aiitU by hid .rai-c u. d Uji innry in athletic rnjn Pr. .M. 1 . Tl ;iy' mkr,- mi uTtir pri-Io in b'P ii'.-e I" .t e.UKvtr'if wiMi u itv.-t a jttr- cidi l!iu,:i L.ucii c-lntUui N'v Yi r.i Coa.H;u:, Mr. UZIAjY VAS'VOK) ll-.e in r u ntM'rr,.!e le'cvfn-ful P' rrorniavce8 In s'l ti.e ua iii it 1I1 '..tie. i f I iir.i.e anil America, has 11. a in hi? n.tinu .1 ueti-i.'l.oU worj. A tutl of So.iutiful Eing Eorass, Se'ei t d re.;in!ies of e.-.pens- fir iiec iltar lltnos I,, n liinrH'.- e,. ittl '.out K. 'lltvit y heon bli.kell tin lll-lleii.1 t i.llit irhy Dr. J..S. L 'I ll iyi'l'. bu is Lo Line nimthti.g new inis seasuu. A Iarj3 Corps cf Auxiliaries, Van will take li.irt In tho ierrn:m.incs, aro ton rein iiieti In tueieloii, bat wiil hi, loat.d to possens luluiil ui a h:ii orUcr. lleiea-niier t'nit tlds t'lreiH l tlm bo. I. ou eart'i, 1111, 1 tlmt Dr .lame-. I.. Tlei .er, win, will pnilively iipliini'. "it no'ieisa p-rt'iirn hiicm of taiperlor ex cel ellee. anil tlie e,n''le-.t 8atlnliieti..u iu all. 'l'l o .nie-etinioli will iiirte iilaeeou the il-iv of px 111! Itui" it to A. -M., Iwtho i-ew, iiiiini:ici-iit l,;uiu t'liiir ot, uwilo by l''oildinj Ilroo , iNcW oflii and coniiiiiilnK UOLPII NICTIOMS CFLKHRATED KKW YOKlv CORNET UAN1. Pon t fnrpi-t tiny and date, and remember, tho JJi.h1 is email!!! Ad:u wiou, 60 c'.s. Children nt-dur 10, 5 cts. Will exhibit at i-Petrolenm Centre, Friday and patur ony, Miw loth and l lth; Ruusuvilte, Mon day, May lUth; Oil C'ty. TiuMday audi Wodntsd.y. May lT'.ti mil I5.h. "c f niTc