I I fV.rok-iim Centre D.iily Record' Oenre,JflJu. April 43.'- Amtiv.iH.fAriDji i rAiiTi nE or TKAirJ.C'?:'S. C. & A. K. H. norru. K. 2. Psssenscr LeaveCorry llo.IO aa. ; Tltusvllle, 1L9 p. m. ; Petroleum Cen ire, 1.4U p. u. ; uti wy, 222 p. m. , ir Tinelon. IV p. m. No. 4 Pawnftor Lewn Corry 6. 10 a. m Titimrtllo, 7,35 a. m.; I'etroleum Centre 8 U u; Oil City, 8.69 tn; arrive at lr- Tlnelon II I) a ri. No. Passenger Lear Corry 6. 05 p m ; Titnsvlllc, 7.60 p irt rlrolum Centre, i,up m; amv a jii uiiy ,zu p m, NORTH. No. I, Piwenirer Leave Irvlnetoa T.15 a m; Oil City, 10,10 a n; Petroleum Cen tre, ii,vaa m; ruusvine, 11,00 a m; arrive ai worry 1,411 n m. No. 8, FMH!tfr-Leave Irvlneton, 12,- 03 pro: Oil City ?,67 p m; I'etroleum Ceo Ire. 3,"g p m; Tilusville, 4,20 p m; arrive at Corry 5.43 p tn. No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a Bi; r rolc.nu Centre, 7,43 a in; Tltusvitle, ,u am, amy at terry iu,iu a tn. Mlrfuo Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PreacbLoj at 11 'dock A. K., and 7 'click P. M. JJETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. bervievs every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and X P. M. Sabbuth SchooUt 12 P.M. at free. A cordlallnritatioa extend d to all. Rev. C. M. Eeird, Pastor. ETS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolle) enencu. Mass at 10J a. m. Vesper nr.d Inediclla ef the Blessed S&croms'tt at 4 p. CitesMsin at.2;p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Gold 113. Bio "Strics" on tub Dalzcll Farsi. The Patterson 6 Bickey well, Dalzell farm, w as completed Wednesday, tubed and cased yesterday and commenced throwing oil ut t'ia rate of 150 barrels per day. From 4 o'clock yesterday, when pumping be gan, up to noon to-day (20 hour?) tbe well had yielded by actual measurement 112 bar rtle. At noon tt was gauged and found o be yielding at tbe rate of 80 barrels per Cj. It will probably fall off somewhat jet, but may be safely estimated as a 40 or 60 barrel well. The well was put down through tlWiij casing to a depth of C25 feet. It I'eVated near tbe Plumer road, Mid abccey fyy rod above the Devlin well. Try striking of this well Is causing great excitement among tbe oil operators iu this vicinity, and will cause renewed ac- tiviajf in developing en that and atljoinlnir luriE8.4 J 6 A private dispatch to tills paper from Brady'' Bend, dated April 22d, says: The Wg well Ue flowed ooe hundred and eighty b-irreis during th Inst 16 hours. By a later dispatch we Uarn that one-twentieth Inter em in tho woll was sold to our townsman, Or. L. P. Walker, for tbe sum of $ 3,000. Or. J, U. Fom-r, of the Him of Mc Alpine & Porter, (urgeon dentists, met with quite a ?vere acoident, day before yesterday. It Mmi tbat he was engaged In manufactur ing laughing gai to be used in extracting teeth, when suddeuly the retort attached to tho receiver burst, and a tbarp piece ot steel fiom which struck blm on the left wrist cutting one of tbe large arteries of tbe arm In a very t, ere mannor. The blood flowed from tbe wound so freely tbat tbe Dr bad fainted away before a physician arriv ed. He is now somewhat better although quite weak from the loss of blood, and will oen be able to attend to his busiubss again It was quit a narrow escape from bleeding t death M the wound was a very severe one. Frankliu is troubled with bouse breakers. Q lite a number of private residenoes have Iwen broken into recently and money and Clothing atolen therefrom. We notioe that quite a number of tbe old wells along tbe creek, below this place, have recently been started up with good results. Many ef them are produciog oil iu payl ng quantities. No doubt many more could be made to pay If the right kind of a man should start thorn up. Tbe Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail way will issue excursion tickets to parlies wishlo to psrticipate in tbe celebration of tu Fifteenth Amdadinent at Corry, on April 26th. A fine time Is anticipated. Fast Dkillixu. Tbe Patterson & Dick ey well, struck yesterday, wns drilled to a depth of 625 feet, in the remarkably short spue of 18 days, by Mr. Cbarles Leslie. Who can beat this? We leant tbat our former townsman, Judge" Grabam, basquit tbe practice of law aiiJ adopted Uui'J of preaobinH'. A pood thin? for tbe law, but wbotber the chuicb will be bonrlitted mucii by ilrrniuin lo be keen. Terriblo Boiler Explosion ! ONE MAX KILLED I Tbe boiler In use at Pratber Bros. & notch's saw mill, on Pithole Creek, about a mile and a half blow Pithole City, explod ed with terriflo force, at about eight o'clock yesterday morning, entirely demolishing the englna bouse, partially tearing down the tiiil, and Instantly killing Mr. Abra ham Clufler, the engineer in charze. Tbe boiler was a 35-borse power one, and by tbe force of tbe explosion was tbruwa C3l feet from Its orlgioal bed. On its con no tbe boiler went through a ten inch oak sill, tbe slab pile, several good sized trees, and across tbe creek striking a large rock at an elevation of over 15 feet above it bed, and about 431 feet distant, and tbence bounded sideways and buried itself almost out of sight in tbe ground about 200 feet beyond wbere it first struck. There were six men at work In tbe mill ut tbe time, and it is al most a miracle that no more were killed or scalded. A it was there were several nar row escapes. Mr. Phillip Hatch, a mem ber of tbe firm, was struck on tbe bead witb a brick and quite severely injured, remain ing insensible for some time. By tbe force ot tbe explosion tbe upright saw was thrown out of place and struck the sa wyer on tbe calf of bis leg cutting it nearly off. Tbe explosion was the result of utter careless ness on tbe part of tbe engineer, who was carrying too much steam at tbe lime. When found tbe steam gauge Indicated 120 pounds, but as tbe gauge was old and rus ty, the probability is tbat there was over 200 pounds of steam on. Mr. Clali'er was a married man, resided at Oleopolis, acd leaves a wife and tbrce children. Below will be found tbe result of tbe coroner's in quest, hold by Justice, Keenan of Pithole: Inquisition taken at the Saw Mill of Pra tber ilro's. it Hatcb, In Cornplanter Town ship, Venango Co. Pa., on tbe 21st day of April, lttiU, before A. J. Keenan, Esu... 00 a view of tbe body of Abraham Clatter, there lying dead, on tbe oath of W. C. Howe, J. M. Goll'ey, John W. Altshonse. J. S. Howard), James Sane and A. S. Smith. goo l and lawful men to ascertain bow, wby, aod alter what manner, the said Abraham Clatfer came to bis death. And tbe said Jurors, on their oath, do say. after a view of the body and examination of tbe witueis-s and circumstances, that the said Abraham Clatfer came to bis death by tbe explosion of a steam boiler, and that tbe said explo sion was caused ty inattention aud reckless ness or Atiranam manor lu putting ou an excessive amour t of steam, said boiler be ing attached to tbe same Mill of Pratber Bro's. & Hatch. A. J. KsexAX, J. P. Weslet C. Howe, J. M. Ucffkv. JoUN W. ALTSHOCSE, J. S. HOWAKTII, James Sauk, a. S. Smith. Stuaxoe Waspkrisos op a Bark. Could tbe bark "Maria J. Smith" tell tbe romance ol ber strange wanderings, says the New York Times, tbey would prove as marvelous, perhaps, as many of the "Flying Dutchman" stories. Abandoned 00 the Pacific coast, she was found by Indians safe aad sound, near Bella Bella, almost five hundred miles from tbe place where she was deserted. It seems in credible tbat this little ship could make this long voyage alone, "threading ber way," dslhe Victoria Colonist says, "without aid of helmsman or compass, through intricate channels and dangerous tiderips, to ber present harbor or reiige;" and we may approve tbe comment tbat "Marryatt'a phantom ship Is not to be thought of at tbe same moment witb tbe Maria J. Smith."' Not tbe least singular thing connected with this vessel Is that Ibis is tbe second time tbat she has been abandoned,and tbe second sbe has saved ber self. Sailors are superstitious; and there are n'ready current regarding tbe bark tbat sbe will not sink, and tbat it Is prop heeled sbe will never no to Davy Jones' locker. Strayed on Stolen-. Stray d from the premises of Dan. E. Crocker, at Kane Cityt on Friday, April 15, 1870, a small Brown Mare. Tbe Under will be liberally reward edon returning ber to Mr. Crocker, at Kane City. Tbe mare Is a very valuable one, and tbe loss falls heavily upon Mr. Crocker. We hope be will succeed in finding tbe mare. At Simmon's Drug Stole can be found the finest collection of Canary birds ever brought to this place. He ban also a Bullfinch, which is a very fine singer. It is worth ones while to drop Into tbe store, if for nothing else than to bear tbo.sweet sinking of tbe birds. Tub Oil Msn, Tbe Pittsburgh Com mercial of tbe dato of April 20th says: "A meeting of tbe Petroleum Association was to have been held yesterday, for the pur poseef appointing a committee toco to Washington te remonstrate against the revenue decision couiuollinjr the oil men lo p v taxes ss both distillers and manufacturers- The oil men olnim ilml tbs should be exempted from una or tli nth.... of Ibese licenses, and that ibey ure either niitiiieia or nianiiiacturerf not both. At tbe hour appoioieil thwe was no quorum pnsent, and it is pr ihi souther mcst iug will be called to day, ' NEWS ITtOMS. ' Corn in Florida is targeting. A few days more and grass bill tor will be in tbe market A first cbignon trichina worm of the sea son baa appeared a sign of a warm sum mer. Tbe loss by tbe Medina (Ohio) Are Is over $200,000, and tbe Insurance about $70 000. Nearly four miles of iron have been laid north from Fort Wayne on tho Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad. New Bedford brass of a pointer tbat came to a dead stand tbe other day before a door- plate inscribed "A. Partridge." "I will preach from tbat Portion of de scripture dls evening," said a colored do- minlne, "wbarde 'postle Paul pints bis 'pintle at de 'pbesians." An urcbln belou sent for five cents' worth of Maccaboy snuff, lorgot tbe name of tho article, aud asked for five cent worth f make-a-boy-sneezc. An Obio woman bas caughed up a fish bone which she bad In her throat torly-two yeais. It restored her voice, and ber but- band wants a divorce. By tbe new tariff schedule a tax of twenty-five ceuts I levied on each corset imported Into this country. This, we sup pose, is intended for protection ot men's natural rights. Pile ou tbe ivirifl'I On a certain evening, recently, a toSarco grinder spit on a young girl's dress In Polls ville, Penn., and bow tbe ireful lulher oU'.ts $50 reward for the arrest of tbe nicotian squirt. A moral elephant In Cincinnati bas 200 rifle balls inside his skin, put there at odd times to curb bis hot temper, yet is able to shamble off at a gait tbat forces tbe moral band-wagon horses iuto a trot, and distresses the moral camel. Teacher: "Boy at tbe foot of tbe class, spell admittance. Boy "A-d-m l-t-t-s-n.c-e, admittance," Teacher: "Give tbe deflation." Boy: "Fifty cents, children half price: front seats reserved for ladies." Two hundred aad ten pounds ot New York soa-captain, wbicb bud been accu mulating fllty-nine years, were lately driven from beme by a selfish wife, who wanted blm all to herself. Ho sloped pacifically to tbe Pacifio slope witb another woman, and hasn't any Idea of returning. TncLoulsvilliaos would seem to be a bad set. Some time ago Georga E. Heinsuhn. a prominent citizen and a member of tbe Board of Aldermen, absconded, having ob tained a larrfe amount of moaey by means of forgery and by false pretenses. He bai not been beard from. II is creditors breed fie estate into bankruptcy, and G. Scott Simms was appointed assignee. On Satur day last tbe assignee absconded, taking with Mm all the assets of the Ileitis ho euUte n eept wbat he bal squandered at the faro tibia. Both ha and He!nobn i.m nowsoques tered beneath the twining woodbine. A man Iu Chicago bas invented anew propeller, with tho screw in front, which tbe Republican compares to "a man lilting himself over tbe fence by tbe straps of bis boots." Tbe following is a description of it: The abaft of the screw is connected by means of gearioe. witb th eross-shaft of the paddle wheels. Mast and sails are used lo start tbe vessels, which being in motion turn the screw, and tbe paddle-wheels k-ep the screw in motion. The slopping of the boat is accomplished by a beautiful and in genious arrangement for dls-oatineotioxnha gearing between tbe paddle-wheel and" I he screw. An intoligeut gentleman from Germany, on bis first visit to an American church, bad a contribution box witb a bole in tbe top prosented tohlm, and whispered to tbe collector: -I don't got mein bapers, unt cou't vote." A Tripoli letter In Constantinople, March 23, reports tbe fall of a monster airolile in tbe neighborhood of Mourzouk, weighing It Is said, nearly 5,010 pound. This must ol course, be only a rough guess, but If it be even tolerably approximate, tbe mass is one of tbe largest moleorio bodies on record. . A Mlcliiau woman bas recovered by law all tbe money that ber husband bas spent in a liquor saloon for six years. The prohibi tory liquor law of tbat State doos not re gard liquor a "property," and the woman recovered on Ibe giound tbat It bad been paid to tbe liquor veudor without consider- ation. J Wyoming nurses dim tbe rising genera tion by singing: "Nice little buby, don't'get In a fury, 'Cause mamma's go neto sit onjtho jury.i The title ol au Ojibway by mo book is "Nuligiihinonuin Katniliiinguhmonabjin Ei-ewb Tnesbeoabbaig." Notwithstandiag this, nickl of tbe tymus are in short meter. I,;T-:I 'X0tl''. ODD FELLOWS 1 ATTENTION I There will be a meeting of Odd Fellows at Good Templars' Uall, on Friday Even ing, April 22d, 1870. W. A. Thompson, Deputy Graud Master of this District, will be present. A general attendance 1 de sired. By order. Tomatoes 15 ets per can at Felter, Fenner & C'o.'s BZl-lt. Canton Ktomtich Bitters, the best In use, lor saie oy f eiler, renner a. jo. nzzu The largest lot of Bird, Canaries and other species, ever brought to the oil regiuus nas just been received at M. a. Mimnon s. a20-tf IiifrJiigunaeut Notice. The subscriber bus learned that a certain firm tn Tiiurville, known as "Bryan, Dil liugham & Co.," Lave commenced the man ufuctiire of Sucker Rods with Socket Joints' This is a Direct fnlringement ou bis ltlL'bW. as bis claim is "connecting two sections of roil !)' means ol wedges, wedging sockets, and double coupling bolt." Ho does not specify any particular shaped wedge, nor of what material it shall be made. All rods made as above d . scribed nuisidu of bis man' uluctory, are diiect inflingeiuents. This, bereforo is to v CAUTION OIL OPERATORS. and all others, anint buying or uxing any rons so roBiie, except those ol Ms manulac tore, as hy so doing thee will lay them selves 1 m We, aud will be (iu.it with accord ing to law. WM. J. INN IS. Tioxeer. April 9th, 1870. Sheriff Sai.r is Closed. Nicholson A Ria kimm having bought blm out at this place end KaueCity. tf. Tbe New Gas Pump for sale ..t Niche!sna 4 Blackwood. tf. The largest and best assortment of Tble Cutlery, ever brought into th country at Niccbolson & Blackmon's. tf. Coi.n is a wcnl whirl. Codington A Cfrn well propose render obelete. For moo'in operandi call and see them. marcblOtf. norse Shoe Nails, wholesale and retail, at Nicholson & Blackmon's. 23-tf. Carriage Bolts, wholesale and retail. Nicholson A Buckmon's 23-tf. Fine assortment of wall paper at GrifTes Dros. We would call the attention of our busi ness men lo the superior styles of job print in?, both plain and fancy, at present being llirnnl nut frnm tlila .ifUin Wia a a nwna ed to execute job printing of every descrip tion 111 iop iniesi ami tuom usnionnoie style of tbe art, and nt reasonable rates. tt Sash. Glass, Doors, Putty Ac. Large stock very cheap at tbe Furniture Stnr, mlO-tf All styles light hnrness. cheaper than the cheapest, mo le frnra Moffat' oak slock, aod Hurr unled, nt J 11. Kron's. Buy tbe "ReJ Hot" Saddle, manufactured in Titusviile expressly for the oil cnuntrv, adapted to all kinds of weother, at J. R. Kron's. al2-M TheNew Gas Pump lor sal at Nicholson b Blackmon's. tf. Fine assortment of Paper and Cloth Win dow Shades and Fixtures, just ree'd at ni8tf. Ghifkkh Baos. Just received a lorco and w ell assorted stock ol shelf buidwar at J. Rutherford's. tf. ' The FritAMinM or splendid coal over at Codington Cornwall's yard are perfectly wonderful. uiarehlOtf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OLD STAND BEOPENED OPPOSITE BRICK BAXK, WITH A $10,000 stock of choice aad well assorted Bought since the heavy decline in gold, which will be sold at ASTONISHINGLY ow Prices. Give us a cull and we will do you good. FEIYJTEll, 1ENNFU & CO. u'JI-lf. FOIt HALE. Dwcl In Homo near th PresbyK Man Church Tlirau rooms, ncarlT uw. Ki inilro at Knv.. ;-iio Wuguu anil larriutju bhup, l'ciruln n I'nulrs, m0 JW W1NSOR BROS. COLUMX VIWSOR BROS HARDWARE STORE. ESTABLISHED 1859. Winsor Bros. MAIN 8TBEET, PETROLEUM CEXTRE, DEALERS IN OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING I ALSO, WORKING BARRELS k TALTES, STUFFING BOXES, CLAMPS, TONGS, 1NN1S SUCKER RODS, R1TETED JOIN T SUCKER ROD BOILER PUMPS. CISTERN A WELL PUMPS, Ivery Description ef supplies for oil well mn m REFINERIES. BRASS I GOODS. STEAM & GAS FITTINGS BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE KIRBT'S COMPRESSED BUNGS, HARD W ARE, r Hons Trimmings, CarpeTitris' Tools, Drilling and Plain Laid Rope, O.iknm, Nails, Axes, Table aud Pocket Cutlery, A fall MMiiaen! tt ve-rthlnf la :h Bmiwnr House Furnishing Goods, VENTILATOR AND or n in 2: Glory IMSE KURSEKS. HOME COMPANION, IRON GATE, and WHEAT S1IEAF Cook Stoves. Lamp, Lantern A Chimneys, IS'o. 1 Winter t ruined Lurd Oil, XO. 1 REFI.YED OIL. CHAMPION CLOTHES WKUGEBS Slaaufactnren of TIN, SHEET IRON & GOFFER WARE. SMOKli STACKS, Repairing of all kinds don. wllh naatness aod dlsj kiatult. iinpeclal .ItuuUou glvra to Steam and Gas Fittings rnrehastng wtlh cshIi only.l our farllltlc. W nlfthiitg everything m our lin ar. nuperlor U AiiJ other eatuhllittnaeiit in th Oil Kegiuu. W Mist ctait. TIN ND REPAIR ShOP Thnriklri: our n-lnd for Itnlr liheml patrons!! in Ilia uit, w. atuul u ur best rtl'ort" to n"i II Maifenuoo. U"11