If!', ptrolr-um Centre Daily Record' Cel. Ceutre, 1 bui-selny. April 21. AUI'IV.lL, MNDg DEPARTURE CF TlJAIiNfJO.W. C. & A. It. It, boitic. No. 2, Pnssenccr. LeaveCorry 11 a. 20 M. : Til'vilie, 12.69 p. in.: Petroleum Cen. re, n. m.; Oil City, 2.22 p. in.: Ir- vinetop, .10 p. m. No. 4 PasseppT Leave Corry (5.10 a. id; Tltiisvlllp. 7,35 b. m. ; Petroleum Centre 14 am; Oil City, 8.69 a m ; arrive atlr- viL'-ion 11.49 a m. No. 6 Paengor Leave Corry 6.05 p m; mnsTine, cou p m: reiioienm Uentre, 8,33 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p m. KOKTR. No. 1, Passenger Lea vo Irvtnetoii 7.15 ,a m; Oil City, 10,10 a ra; Petroleum Cen tre, 11,05 a ui; Titusviiie, 11,50 a m; arrive k KjUI :J II. No. 3, Passenger Leave Irvlnetoa, 12, 5pm; Oil City 2.57 n m: Petroleum Con tr, 3.S6 pai; Tilusvillc, 4,20 p iu; arrive kt Corry 5.45 p m. No. 4, Passenj-er Leave Oil City 7,03 a to, r roieitm centre, l,i.S a m; TitusvillP, ,8 am; arrive at Corry 19,10 a m. VlTlne Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, aching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 t P. M. fODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Icea every Sabbath, at 11 A. M. and Jf. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. en. L A corJIttlluvitatioQ exteod- Ksv. C. X. Heard, Pastor. ITiuR AND PAUL'S (Catbolle) CHURCH. ; 10 a. m. and Benedict!, ef (be Blessed at 4 p. m. n at.JJp. m. AMES DUNN, Pastor. rtbern District Convention o ilars la now in session at Water jotnty. Largo delegations are o Petroleum Centre, Pleasant burgh, Oil City, Reusevllie and j In tbe oil regions. Tbe session jo very Interesting one. fras struck en tbe Columbia jew aays since, wnicn ts -re Is per day. It is lo V f im Lake is open. lo tbe (list trip oa Saturday ween a par up street, s- o o 40 remit of Q'b a' nose and aed. Tbe caie of the a enomy ef mankind"3 wliis- row V Tbe posts of tbe Grand Army of tbe Re public on Oil Creek, are making piepara tions to clebrate tbe 20th of May nest as Decoratioa Day. It Is proposed to hold the celebration at either Franklin or Mead ville. Tbnre will be a meeting of those Inter ested in forming a Young Men's Christian Association, at tne M. E. Church, to-morrow Friday) evening, April 22d, for the purpose of organizing. Rev. Wm. P. Bignall, pastor of tbe M. E. Cburch at Titurviile, will occupy tlie pulpit at tbe M. E. Cburcb ia Ibis place, next tsLbath Attention is called to tbe advertisement ol Feltor, Fenneri Co., grocery dealers, In tbe building adjoining tbe Record office. These gentlemon are just starting in busi Di; are young mi'n of sterling integrity, hud should receive a liberal share of tbe public patronage, Tbey propoie to kcup constantly 011 hand a complete assort ment of everything usually kept in a well regulated grocery stole, which will be sold cheap lor cash. Glvi Ilium a call before purchasing elsewhere. Tbe five hundred barrel well at Scrub grtss, which has occusioaed much excite ment among operators, lias dwindled down to between thirty and forty barrtls per day. The U. ri- Commissioners still continue to lake evidence iu tbo steol-liued j.ir case, and will not finish their labors before tbe end of tbe week. So far Fisher, Norris & Co. have bad no dilllcully iu establishing tbe tact that stool-lined jars were used in pulling down oil wells iu this region live or six years before the patent was granted to KeasCman. A youug laay lulNew Yoik receirod re cently hs uUilopoeou present a glove box containing two doiwn three-button giovrs, and underneath the gNires ws a um.-'e il lii.xlwbich played twelve liiilia- J'tecusi of ibis little pieseut, u id said, was three Petroleum Items frmu nil Sources D'spatcbes to the Pittsburgh Commercial of yesterday nre as follows: ScmimnAsfl, April 1!), 1870, Lock at this for high. A live hundred barrel well was struck at Scrnbijrass to-day, on tbe Philadelphia and Boston property. lease number forty eight, and is flowing through seven inch casing, and still incites Ing. CiNNixoiiAM, Ta., April 19, 1S70. The Armstrong oil well, near this place, is Certainly the largest Mowing well yet dis covered in the oil regi ons. It is owned by Jennings, Brown, Flndluy, Staclt and others. A young ' German -American 'from this country, who gave bis name an Stuttgart, has Uen playing '-Yankee" at the expense of the unsopbistecated in Wurtemburg, Germany. lie advertised that be was agent of a great petroleum refinery in the United States, and that be desired to engagu sixty or seventy coopers to make petroleum bar rels and ft number o drivers and fiiemen. He offered ta pay oue-balf of the expenses ol their nassazo. but required every one who engaged himself tol.depoait with nini ten dollars as security that they would keep their promises to appear at Mannheim on the Sih of March, wticnco they would be started to the United States. Upwardsol one laudred and twenty young men engag ed themselves, paying the required ten dol lars each, when tbe police getting wind of tbe "swindle'' served a summons on him, an hour after receiving which, be became nonesl inventus, Tbe Mitchell well upon tbo R. L.Shaw farm, Btruck about tbe 1st inst, and quoted at 20 barrels, has been flowing since Satur day last at tbe rate ofseventy barrels per day. Tbis farm is now producing nearly 300 barrels of oil daily, and tbe present owners congratulate themselves on their re cent pure h ise. Tub Bio VTkli. upon Armstrong Run, near Brady's Bend, which has teen agita ting petroleum ciroles for the past few days has at last settled into a more steady gait, and the Ere is sufficiently subdued to form a Correct idea of its production. From relia ble parties wbo lelt Brady's Bend yesterday we are inlormed that it is flowing at the rate of two hundred barrels per day. Tbe well caught lire at 9 o'clock, p. M,, tbe tools and rope remaining In the well; a slrong vein ol'gas was struck In tbe sec ond sand and the second vein that occa sioned tbe fire was reached at a dtptn ol 1, 2023a feet or JZ leei in the third sand. Tbe well has boen drilling since last Sep- ember, and was put down with- larue cas ing to a d- pth ot 500 feet. Four men were severely but not tatally burned by the ex plosion ol the ga?, WU030 names are Jacob L. Meldren, Edward Swan, Baron Swan and C. Clark. Herald. Tbe latest advices from tbe M; well at Brady's Bend, estimate tbe production at 200 barrels per day. We have tbis from a reliable geutlert),in wbo h i seun the well. A Card. I desiro to return ray sincere thanks to Justice Reynolds and Constable Lawrenc, fur their ctfurta in raising the money duo me for building tbe lock-up in tbis place, aa it is mainly through theoa that the money was raised. Ceo. l Wir,so.v. Petroleum Centre, April 21, 1870. Fauucl Harris of Bristol, Pa., had a bro ther in the battle of Gettysburg nuo was reported killed. He fou.id and buried the body. A few weeks ao he was very much surprised by his brother walking imo hi borne alive and well. Kkmarkadlk Falls. Tbo Suu Francisco Cbrouicleof the 7:h twt: We nre inform ed by a gentleman connected with i!,o Mit veying party of the Memphis, El Pato and Pacific Railroad, that be receutly visited remarkable waterfall, known as the "Truns. it Fallb,'' en tbo head wators of San Diego river. Ua describes tbeiu fulls os being two hundred and twenty-five fet in per pendicular height; tlie stream as it dashes over the precipice, being about ten feet In width. The water falls the whole distance at a tiriglu leap, and presents a magnilicent scene. Above the tails the stream tuns for some distance through a beautilul vailny, Tbe scenery of that region is describe ! by our informant as equaling In grandeur and beauty anything hu had ever Seen, except only thatof peerless YW-mitu, Rb-Uniojj OK NoiirltWKSTEItX I'exxsti. VAXiA VtTitltAXS. It If dually decided that the re-mil on of members of t!ie 831, lllth, aud 145th Pennsylvania rngiinenls infantry and liultury -B," ah vil bo held In this city on Friday, the 2'Jth of June next. The programme proposed, th appointments lor coiuuiiflous, und the goueral arrangements for the ticoaion will be announced ia a few Cjy. tiie Dispatch A Ne v Yoiker an.J a i'liiiaieli'Uian are pl ;:inj; vus'utt by tel graph. SEWS ITESlSi. A young lady in Iiliinnis' recenl'y killed a skunk with a butcher knirp. She sajs the battle Is not always to the strong. A Montreal maid sat upon hei sick brother-in-law, and the coroner was called to sit upon him soon t.fterwnrds. The colored pcptilatlon of Richmond Is rapidly decreasing, thruiijh using kerosene to light fires. That tbo ruling pntsion Is strong In death. if Dhow u when a Rambler sbuflies off his mortal coll. A paper in St. Joseph, Mo., reports the finding of a small white lady's pair of kid gloves. The lat California Legislature is known there, from its recklessness, as the "mild volcano of 1SCD-70." A temperance lecturer was asked, ''If water rots the soles of your boo's, what effect must it havo on the coat of your -t.,. ..i, r It is advertised that "An Olrl Fashiortlt Gill" can be, bad at all thn respectable book stores, price $1.50. Unmarried man should invest. A country editor backs bis rooster as the fcost crow-momoter in the neighborhood He has never bad to set it since It ba- bees in bis possession. There is a flourishing town of Mormons opposed to polygamy In Piano, Illinois, a point somo fifty miles west of Chicago, on the Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Thuo Mormons are controlled by Joiej h Smith, Jr. Tbey mingle freely with tbe other re sidents of the towa, and bavo no prejudices against Gentiles. They cime to Piano about a yer before the troubles at Nauvoo, which resulted in the death of "Jo" Smith' and herethey hnve never been persecuted" Aiexanuer emiiu. tne Lrottjer of the pro phet, is a resident of Piano. He tns re cently been to Utah, where it is believed tbe Mormons would tally to him, but he remains away. Tbe Piano people believe that the rule of Brighatn Young must soon come to a tumble; and that when the prac tice of polygamy is fioally squelched, it will be all the better Tor tbo monpgamic branch ot tbo church, the plurality of the w ives doctrine being the only difference existing in their sect. Twenty years ago, Thomas Snee, a native of Pittsburg b, left for California., 1 then about as wild a country a could be found. Alter a short lime, his friends censed to bear from bim, and from that time forward nil trace of bim was lost. Theotber even ing, without preparatory word, ho made bis uppeaiance at the bouse of bis sister, Mrs. Rettingan, on Grant street. For four teen years past bo has been engaged in the gold mining business, and has realized a handfome sum. Pittsburgh, to which he returns, is a widely different placo from the Pittsburgh he left more than a score of years ago. In a bank in St. Joseph, Mo., on Thurt- day. several hundred dollars, in an old en velope, were found behind tho snfo by work men removing it. e Two young ladiesot-Peoria lately threw a young man into tbo gutter, pounded him and pull bis nico curly Hair, and then walk ed uway without teiling what it was for. Tho following paragraph in Gen. Wood ford's oration on Gen. Thomas, nt Trov. would servo as a fitting inscription on the latler's tomb: "lie was a gentleman with out cfCeminacy. He was ft patriot, without aetintof defeat or a spot ol dishonor. In a word, he was all that should bo held up as tne highest standard nnd oxamplo of man hood that manhood whoso chiefest glor.. was in duty well done." A country exchase, in its fashion report, ays that the richest dreed ludy at a n- ceni lasDiouaiim party was tho wiloof iM man who has owed the editor thirteen dul Jars for seven years. A Vermont man put up bis" ipe, which he bad just finished smoking, into tho same pocket with a flaak of powder. Tho pro cession at bis funeral was over half a mile long. An Illiuois grave-digger. who' buried a mn named Button, sent a bill to his wido as follows: "To making oue Button-bole, $2,50." r"'v.'"".Ji-;-" . -i ODD FELLOWS! ATTENTION! Theie will bu a meeting of Odd Fellows at Good Templars' Hull, on Friday Even ing, April 22d, J870. W. A. Thompson, Deputy Graud Master of this District, will be pr. sent.- A general attendance is de s'.re 1. Jjy order. niii'uti 10 01s per cuq at teller, r-enner tu. a a"l-tf. I .Ol " The lamest lot or Birds, Canaries and nt her spe cies, ever lrniiihl to the oil regions bus just been re ceived at M. S. Suninon s. Inlrhige riciit JVotiro. Tho subscriber has learned that a certain Drill In Titnsville, known us "Bryan. Dd liughnm it Co.," have commenced the nian ntacture of Sucker Rods willi Socket .tennis' This is a Direct Iiiliingement on his Rights, as his claim ia "connecting two sections of rod by means ol' wedges, wedging sockets, nnd eionblo cempling bo't." Ho does not specify any particular shaped wedg". nor eif what mateiial it shall be made. All roils mBile as above elesatibed outside of his man ut'actory, nre eliiect . infringe metils. This, berelnre' is to CAUTION OIL OPERATORS, and all otlieis, ngaint buying or using any rods so made, except those of his manufac ture, as by so lining they will lay tl 1- selves liable', aud will be dealt with accord ing to law. Yi'M. J. INSIS. PioxKEn, April 9th, 1870. Siikrifks Sai.k 18 Closed. Nicholson A Wlai kmon having bought him ut at this place and Katie City. w. Tho New Gas Tump fur sale at Nichelson & Bluckmem's. tf. The largest and best nsortment of Table Cutlery, ever brought Into the country at Niccholson .t Bla,ckmon s. tt. Coi.n is a word which Ce dincion A Cum well prnpnso render nbselele. For tirufu operandi call and see them. ninrchlOtf. ITnrse Shoo Nails, wholesale at Nicholson A lilaekmon's. and retail, 23-lf. Carriage Bolls, wholesale and; retail, a Nicholson A Backcion's 2.'l-tf. Fine assortment of wall paper at GiiiTes Bros. Wo would call the attention of our bus!-' ness men to the superior styles of job print ing. both plain and fancy, at present being tinned oiit XsVn this ollice. We are prepar ed to ejJurnfVJob printing of every descrip tion Irekriraln'est and most f.isliionnble stylo of tbe art, and at reasonable rates. tf! Sash. Glass. Donr. Putty Ac. Lsrge stock very cheap at tho Furniture Store. . mlO-tf All styles licht harnisa. cheaper than the chi'apest, made from Modai's oak slock, and warranted, nt J R. Kron's. Buy the Red Hot" Saddle manufactured in Titnsville erpres-ly for the oil cimrtrv, adapted ton binds of vveniher. at J. R. Kron's. rtli-f t STheNew Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson it Blackmon s. tf. Fine assortment of Paper nnd Cloth Win dow r-hades and Fixtures, iosi ree'd at mStf. Guifkks Bu.o.1. Just received a largo nnd well eortod stock of shelf huidwure at J. Rutherlurd'a. tf. Ttir ?viil!iw 1 1 r n 1 1 l.-n.l 1 il ivml- nrifnf GodingiO'i ACornweli's yard nre perfectly wonuerlul. mareniuir. N E W ADVf.R T IS E M 1-1 N TS. THE OLD SIASI) WMS oipo;?iTi3 nrncK i:a?'k, WITH A 8,'0,000 stock of choice and well assorted Bought since the heavy decline in gold, which will Ik sold at AUTOS 1 3 II 1XO L Y IjOW Prices. Give nt a c:iH nnl wo will lu jou sol. rELTEK, I & CO. iij-tl. Kl9t & IlVJUaiUM, Would invlti.tlicif'old pntrufla and the publlogen biuliy III Tilusvillo and Vi lnty To call and cxatnlno tin Ir splondid stock of JJ'urniture I Ol' At I. K1MIS Parlnr Snlta, Chan-.tier Sets, Book 1 'ihiw, b.ite Ho irils. Lounges, ,'li:uiio!s, tint Itscka, Spring Iteids, Muttiesjies, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MIRRORS, And ovirjr description of furniture, plain and or iiameuiai. 1'S1)F!KTAK1S'; ! in all Its krui:lies. A laive stock of i!n'(ss axa iiiKi'Ai i.10 rts;:B rtow on hand. aprlit-tf. FOK lloiiso i lii'o : rniiniH, n-ntnvTi r. Kt.atuio i:t Kv-. iitn Wji.jii uhi ('ufiiiiijf tliojs I otrult'UT i'unti, Billw. VMNSOK BROS. COLIIMN? WSSOR BROS., STORE. ESTABLJSJ1EO 2359. "Win sor 13 r os. : MAIS 8TUEET, DEALERS IN OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING ! v ALSO, WORKING BARRELS TALTL3, STUFFING BOXES, CLAMPS, TONGS, 1NN13 PUCKER RODS, RIVETED JOINT SUCKER ROD BOILER PUMPS, CISTERN A WELL TUMPS, Kvtry Djrcrlptkn ef supplici for 6!L WELL T,iKS nil REFINERIES. BRASS GOODS, STEAM & GAS FITTINGS BELTINR, PACKING AND HOSE J KIRBY'S COMPRESSED BUNGS, H A. "JR X -A. XI E, H jus" Trimmings, Carpe iteis' Tools, l)rillir,(r and Plain Laid Rope, Oaknm, Nails, Axes, Table and Picket Cutlery, A fall as oiliajni of eve-v hinf la da ilinilirirs lino .Souse Ft!rn!h!iig iUmlt and " jVlornin: Glory HOME COMPANION, IRON GATE, and WnEAT SHEAF Cook' Stoves. lj:iRip, Iianern A CIiimncS .o. 1 Winter slrahied Lard Oil) .-VO. 1 IIRFIIVEU OIL. CimiMOS CLOTHES WSHGEalS Jlannraelurers of TIN) SHEET IRON C0PP2H WARE. SMOKE STACKS, ltepali ini: of all lipids dnno n llh nentness sail H pauli. i.peclal atteutieu fivoa to Steam aa$l (Jas FittW Purcbaalnr with cash only,: our faelltlirs JW I ' nishina evervthlim m onr tin- nr snpernir ' ollur unit)i:'slinioiit in tlis Oil Hegloii. flistciluiri. TIN ND REPAIR SHOP ' Thankirg o ir friends ft.ril.f'r lihernl Vffi In tl.. past, shall ut ur lft lTo'iV.a l'U.