'.U 'ff " (....' ? . .." DAI LTllligl RECORD." VuL IV, NO 02 FETaOLSUSS :7sOTr. Fa' Pflrn' '"fv'vi; JVirr7 T ijwiT" ' o.m wrv '-T-r,ywww,yi;wW-wwj jyjifigt,t i a up i i"TTminr m u i jw ii. THIS FETliOLEUM CENTRE J)AILY JtECOKD. PUBLISHED EVE2T EVENING, (Sundays CTorpted. j Tf. 3. IiUNGWELL, Proprietor. Put f !r payable la advance, 68 00 f or month, tMJC.3-a.JST OF A OVERTIMING. (Ten lino of nonpareil matin out aquare.) Ko. InwrlluiK. 1 n. i n, i;" i( col. One day, $ 50 (1 (HI f 1 5(1 4iiii Two tiara, 1 C.I 1 M! 2 Vl Nl Ibieed.j, 1 to t Co Stii 6 ) Fnnrdnys, t t CO ii m 7 li Five dai, S 6 IK) II 80 8 on li:iewc, S fiO 4t) 8 to Two week., 4 E'i t IX) m 14 tm 1 tree weeks, C Ui 8)0 14 (HI UK' One month, 7 U (K IS IW Sit (si Two months, IS (Ki 11 5(1 13 00 M IK) Tliree lum.ths, 1! Co 1". 00 14 m l (Xi fii rttmilw, tl 0 27 (10 to t)t). 09 00 Nine niou'.Ls, i m M fit): tn 00 N) no (Ike year, an IK 49 01' hi) la) loo (j fpecud bo'tcon SO court per lino, mob Inmrtlo. Auverfaecient. payable quarter,? In advice BUSINESS CAED3. !i r. c. h. Iu permanently located at Pvt.-olcnm Centre, for Ii. practice of hi. nrofoj'ion lni.ll ;ta hranchos. tSTOVFlCB AT SIMMtXS 73;-;rja fcTOCE. Peltolcnci. Cmlre. Pr. f.ibMtf. Mas removed u bis resH.acjoa Maia Street, at tha end of Egbert Perm Eririri. . ' u Honrs at rr.ldenco from 8 l. M. until 8 A. M DnrliiK r.'intludur of tho day l.o may ho r. ut UoUollico. novaOiC N. 1 sin J; V, L ATTOSlMEY-AT-IiAW,; Petroleum Centro, Vonano Co , PaJ AiMciat-.d with K. D. Kiuneor, Ein . Franklin, In r.wm f "rin'-rly ocninlcd hy J. 'O. El liult, lisq Jin tNcit Hum! Uuiidluis uov(6 tf II. i'Oi, u. y., HOMEOPATHIC PliYSICUX, has removed uls office and residence to E-;bcn fur .i fourdt bouse from the brtJi;a ot r'lit baiitl slitrt of tho roaj, vkerelio la pn.'pari'il to attend all cuin iinxntitly. . nnvl:tf PIIVSICIANAND 8l'KGEO'. OPPtOE ovr Solwl't dry eonflu r tore, next to tbe Opwa Huuiw, pt-t olojm Cent, Pa. J:m. 13 tf. ALBERT S. ?IAVKtt, ATTOEKEY k COUNSELOR-AT LAW, OPF1CB .In tha Rocl-cater Homo Knl'.ding, on Waibingtou and llaln eiroeta, P-TR0L2DM CENTK3, PliNN'A. M7 1, 1803. tf. unsuKU ft s.tii a if, ATTOEMSYS 4 C0UXSEL0S3-AT LAV, Offlce-ninh Btruet, F:ankllu, ana IVmlMim Con . uePa. MajliMf. V. AitALk'aNk;,; ESSIDEKT SUEGKON DENTIST. Si?,?7I!.erJ'7,"nf"" Bn'WInS. camn of Wash uiayW.tf0 ""' 1'etr,",!ula W-ret A. T. LEGGE1T,! ' Manufacturer and D.ler In Seed Bags, Valve Oups, &c. C!. Helwi Pat. Seed.Uag J'or 8aIo- Bepairing Done at all Times ! 1 CalUndximlneeur 1100110110: r rices. -St., below tl e aicClln- Palrl.. , 'Ck "oe. tC KKUrHMiE UD JCI,. nii lar,';eHt and r.io't po-nrnMimt. Hot"! In the nil rmrlori. Far.i tl,,. 1;, ,1 .0 i),frl 1,1 u.miil,.' . . - i. ' '"'ii''"l. m..iin ,.,,li,, IV- ,1 sj u (.'tiiin:, Ap-il M. ist; ii WaoliInEtnn itrcet, Pctrolonm Centro, Pa liRADSTBEEl' & SUEIIWODD, l'r.ornmoss t,'1' ntrnlly loc .tc-d, and tho general he.1il()imrlri of oil m,-i. vtniionu Uenti-o, Pa.. M.ty in, Pu? tf. i:2VK0LrnM CENTl'.B, PA., " Kear Oil C.cci Allegheny l!!yor Railway Depot. mayl8-tf. Q. J. CROSS, Proprietor. XI' Bfl-HEra CSIHE, PA. IVs ?epul!.i iJotol, aituateJ Ccracr oX .train fc V.'nxhlngtnii-Stti., Ko-Jthe neio has l"en refitted nnl fnmistwd throuciiont, aud the proprietor will nparo nu v 11113 to I2..ke it . fiest-class nnvsE. :5 tf. C. OiasWOl.T), Proprietor. A PETIfOlAOM cr.vmtR-ni J. P.. HAHN'KS, . . . ,'i-r;,rlctor. TIim lins-w 'f In a pleatsant l'.r.illty. anrt but a short walk tn.m tlm in not. Tiw ronhia nie lai'"n tl.': ci-aiorVUe. nil, M10 tall'.o a'lji;r.itd uhli tile ! c:ic ir:'i" ui 1111 hei.n. j"-'' tf- .'. 1!. n.ilVRS.. Ni-IJKNATtJI.AI liOVKt,, MH.I.Elt FAKM, PA. Jonx E. Rfnfll, . . . Pmp'r. flood rroni'nn.'.,tion!! f ir tnm"i,'nt eili'tomcr? Lay Board oi:d lliiaril illi ro.nin on renao.int.te tennn. The propiletor will sparo uo imlni, 10 niaku lipi Itonao uttraeti-e to tnie'. j'ine'2-tf. 13 PI.EASANTVU.LE, PA1 Thl? I'onoc ha)? recently ticra onlarired nnd ro rnrnlKiieJ, 1 am i,nr p-fpircd to accomniodate two l'.ll"drcd i.te.!!. cnaifnrtably. Stma :iv this hnitw ihrep tl:.t a day forTI luavtllo There U nho a line of Hn.r. to I'ttlmlo. Jua-tf Tlltto. Jlci:, NN EY, Propr. FWfii op u m bi o u sa , SIj CIVY, pa. Havln tpcertlv talten poK-cnion ot the nhovc II fa - wj mn!d mwl rM;:ri rtniv inform tlm ti- Una puuiu that we propoi e to -ke-.pa Hotel," nr i o conyiiice theni of lite fact, we Invite all hi. wish the eomfuru ot a home, 1., cal uiyn ns. i. woi L TEts rCotol ol tJio 023 Ilcglons. Onr Sample Poom la Bupplled with tho choicift Wines, LiqunM nad Oi-ars, and our table will bo fonnd laden with the very best the market affords. Thoro In connected wish the Ilonso font flrst clara RU'.'.arf T"''1"- Ahn- S1'P "1 I'ath , Vi ol , " ; u""' vlnee yonrselvc. ol the trntlilninea of our m.-ilon. SrrATI'S & KILKS IWr. orlO-tf J A. PLA1 French Boot KakGr VTasEintCo3i SIrtet, PETKOLEM CENTRE, Fa., Is ajanufactcrin!! to order PIKST-CLASS FIXE PntoisJ Tij.-i:SCj. Snots, t'ump Sole Eo.-ts, I''ric:i Csfii eoJn TJnotii, 't votc '.Veli ilocls. HEAVY Q:i T.TfJRT V.'OKK DOXLi IN FRENCH STYLE. CairaDd coo jrrcpl ca. Petroleum Centre, Pa'.', fu'iS V-m. TE' 11. WJUIAMH, COAL I T b0"",-1! Co':1 Ynnl nt ,,,n ''"" "10 STEAM AND STOVE COAL Team. coinU-.s to my yard for Coal, will have Free I'nssnpo Over l!ae Crccit OPERATOR Wonld oo wall to enquire ut I ' flud tt to their adfi't' 'wo u ir o xn-i We vnnld reFpwtrnlly nnnonno to onr ra'o- nici nn,i me piuiic anuera'ly thai o kcop on 31.. Ill IJ 1I1IUU Cast Efcd Srillln Jas V1iih for Tronstli r.nd "Dnmbnity crceljAny Stel orer Lined .Tars are that, holns AtX KTKni, ley iiii:i.in'ii-ji:i nan tlilT not.'.JK)rWJ iririlv of till; that ure-ciiihii a Ktrel surface to llur, ..!-. tl,r.. proiecieU lioin we ir 00 the outaida, una will 'jep We Vr.r;3Rt Thcsn to E5ri! ftif'teea flcndrcd ffect. Te ii'jo keep on band lislicr, liorris & C. i PHiTKOI.EU.Tl CENT31 Nov l?h,18--.9.-tf. 1 mo TiiR WotrKtan clss w aMno J J i;nvi to filth oil chi'-su with CiyiKunt 01 n'.iivnu'rt nt lurni". tlto wholo of tlie tlrnonr for tl n:iirL'iiwiK-T:ti. Ilif in (." ho'v, light air proi.t.tljy IVrsiiiuiu'iiMmrffX eisily turn" Iroui ti-c. t. SI per W'iu. nnU n proportUnml K!m l-y devotirt tiieir vli. li: tii'io to Uu tnlutbi. Hoys unci girl turn i;irty iw much im n m. That all vim net- thl uoiifti i'luy t-. inl tltelr nd;lvej(t. nnl tesit the Im-inrJ p iim1:k iMs unpurnlU'iirt rfltir: To ti'cii ore. in well st'tij-Ucd. w will jtpinl $1 to mv :"or iit trvi I..m4 vniliur. Kull particu'ni!, k viiin.iWo mir.'.p'l .vj:'n win .or;t on , nri .. CJ)V tl t tt J'auh'g Liicrarif Cwip in inn o:iof i.irre I a ."Jhit l.nr.ily m wr.-ipi-t hiiM'mi," ui'. lan'tlaftl ;v jii ill. tr.i ler, it yon wr'v p.":u in 'ut,i riH.t-blel PETROLEUM WOKS in Iron an J Drass S'ouiidtt: FORGERS, Slanufncturcrs of EKRIKE3, BOILERS, DRILLING TO"LS, "II LL Y A:TD ?ASU SAW MILLS. rrMPIXG RiGS, ii' it ir mn lnA.t. . - t. u i.mt iiiiani AiNii BAND WHEEL IRONS, PLOWS. AVi'D ALL KINDS OF HASTINGS. WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALERS IN CASING, FOR OIL WELLS, AO. Titnsvtllo, NovSoth, 1W. It lit t3 1 7. A It! A tii MC!ESG!LR!iEf BOILERS Al'T'D SEPAIEED AT l-'CTICE. All l:lnd of Maolilne Wr.rl- djna uromJu tad Warrantud to uivu Btisfi;3t!c.i. ' V. J TIANNA 'fls Co. ThoK3vYcrk Meat Marke 1 1 H& W. PAHK2R5aTe Uitodup aewLbtiild , Ini.' on On Jlftln sli'.-ft, Opposite, the .'(ICl'lllltOClS IlMll', And Intend kcepltiu what l'oliolniiii Centre'h liiui; needed, a firnl-c nas Meut a'.irkul Only t CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS Will lie kept. It will bo onr aim lo seneour em inner, wiili iirmuptuuM aud to tlulr euti.-o aaiir lacilon. tepiimr. u. w. PAHv;a. S AXB Oil, CLOt H'l "i.iia nlcephtornn, ut tkt VULKa tl. nt. 'S ' Is' Sir IMFROVEO ORIENTAL 1 AND A OmU.'? TAP.IETI OP f fia9fWfwi tea i i t.y5:?m. CjipoJn .Aist Cf.'.co, T.ins 1Ja lltiS iLliu Conor of Seneca and C.'r.tr ?:., eti. t.'o of Oil CrosS, Oil Cliy, To. . H wlnp add! .'. -iowerl Fteara EsLia t.nd three larre I. v THl.ii. ' our aired ly aspalve Manure torlaaE-wWkhmj, iijared to w ai: -r. r ,ENG'ES, t . ' B0ILEr.3, IRON TANKS. RETIMING- HACnU73i:r I JOPFER WORMS AiCB S'iiLLS. ; OIL WELL 1'COLS AND JITii.lZb, I fact do: all MarhliiaiT Jo'j V.'orh aptmrteil With ucuir.ese aud jlipaush, auy21u.ou jpitAKKLN, FA., I.VbUItAXCS JACIENT. $G.)00.H? CAPITAL. Itaireaentei! niid aro fully Invested L-y theibllow Ing ii'i;Ul cOT.ipanir. : The 4i-.'af4t i.iu lnu:-.tnce Co. ol if. V.rk, crp.nl 937.C.W.0CO TLa iifo iTirannee Co. of Harlfortl f)n-.i. caiiital, 5,150 0C0 vLl-.e Iimc in.uranco Co New loru c.'oltn;. 3,9Sil,2i2 The Jtmtra.ieeCo. of North America. J'..-ui.!tal. S.5-.3.3SS lhe .: .-i cr?,..-.v Ur.von, LOneuticut, - i I.P-2..1T1 Thj .- ' ; . i'i:v Insurance Cc.,',0? Alba- By. ' I'l-r'.. l.o ittl, WC.O The Anieiii.. n i.iii' ii.iiiuncs Co. of Philadelphia, rupiio!, 8.0fK).Of : Thl Afcncy h hi -.oi!t' tii oVut HTencle. la the h'tHie of Pcnii- j I . -im v i m ol Phllaiiaiphii. ilat paid during; the la: f.itit-tfrn r.ir ov -r $300,000 IN L033ES flood llwelHr.srlleat'.-, ClKirehe ', School 32o3-yj andutiier huilditie Insuied crppl'ially. Oil Insured in Storo r.;id In Transit. ".Ptj'lc'ft? la sued on Kh.irt noiiee in any 1' tlie al.ova j'ro la aui'iiKW Ciinpuuita. Cilicur: FranU lu Ixeiiaue Iruulin, l'a. novatnu II, EI15TEL, PETitOLfcUM CEXTHU, PA. rrtllR ntideiTiuned ha.liif; rcnttid and opanej the X. L. 8. lloii'l, on th Enropenn tila ,U utspar ed to funiiMh uuiula viih h ,.al nt nil ,.,.i in iiodlicaci,iiul'tlio .iksou constaiitlj on iiaad Pnvatu panic, mpplh d ni .hurt notice. FRESH OYSTERS 0Y8TO& JW Tii'E QUAT da"y ft0m KBW liALLUN OB T1IODSAND To fOltt llotal. nr IMv.On I7..1. Fonllns RiiiUifn'. tor past fdyor., I hope iiy ttrlc- atiemionto bnsiucaa to merit tho iiatronaRi'ar the pu, c? it o o -P o S3 r j .. rfttttSJfiUg STOftE. Tin nndftrinne,l havoij iii.ed up nnni. tf WAalilNUTON ii 'SCCONB i fs-on prpcr"ed to Mrrih Us customer, g. e.-; ti-iif in tha Lou i-aii.-hlDS lino. , . Ci'sTcs and 'Pin wc.ro. 1 ;ucy A4icS3,' Jap!iisitc;l War. Ai& j c: li.ive yioclc ol jrItJt:;''S!.'!ti-: i tin.:, rrsTi i ..Nf- hump vt.crrmQhMn ' IZATHRi: 5t -., THF C KAi:I0H AN1 wviui-r OLCTtna ',vh:nsk8, L - .i; Job VwJ: prompUy atten-'. UcCi to Vtn ceatnesc ana dis patch, rixicclar attention raid I W s o OT 1 r OT J to Gaj 2Xn&. 'Stiticg, Lav i ing a 3z rising Machine not eotllod li. ihe Oil ICegion for cat'dro: ass ?:pe. . &.?:S RUTHERXORD. ' PUolc.ni ZeitTO. Ji'iv i309. tf,8 S!. O. Jarvis, mm RHITURE ! a laes-'. i j znrssju r always o FjOOKINO Gu. in ;tiit variety. Looking Uliw; l'o.-.w r..Ma-ed in old Frames. Picture made to ordfr Carpets, Cil Cloths, Wa! Papes WijulowSha-Jes, a FIUE ST0C2. COFFINS of i!l slzas on hand and trimaed to orJor on atort notica. 3ASII BLINDS AND DOORS nj. joo vAsMI?'.s a rcroler.m Centra ;seit lSffl U3, NEW JEWEUW SURE I AT OJti CITY. ISHAM &Co. i ! Havo op.od a Jewelry .tor. on fenlre sr tiatl coot wuai oi lie r a a. i eicgmpii usee, OUCity, Pa. Ccep cotatantlyon hand a li rga oasortoent ot Diamonds & fflne ViatrJics ( Amerlcen, Enp l.hfind Swim inkc.) ?ol3d Silver and Plulci Warp, SOLID GOLn Clt A1NS, JB;I.HY, PISTOL1. liKYOT.VRPR, FlKsclTVCKLK, ttiiAI.Ui.NtW Ar, Partlralnr attention riven toi opa'ifltt Sao wa'rt-.t-a ami jwe ry bv a conna-tent work ' Ths tli iu have alio u atoro nt '1 'l'UftVT,LR IT prinatiee! aiKM-f. Cun.iir.r.xs CaR:ttAOBn Co sjori hi id I at lbs yarn it ne to?. 1 tuu.oiuu Leatr, P., its. $'S