The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 24, 1870, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record
Pet. Centre, Thursday march S4
THJIftSfO O. C. A. B. R.
No.. 2. Passenaer. Leerr-Cony 11.20 a.
B. ; Tltusrille. 11.59 p. m. ; Petroleum Ou
tre, 1.4V p. ra.; tin wiy, i n p. in.; it
TiiiKtod. S d. n.
No. 4 Pawncer Leare Corry C. 10 A. in;
Titusvillo, 7,35 a. m.: Petroleum Centre
8 14 m; Oil City, 69 m; arrive at lr
Tiueion 11.40 a ra. --.
No. II Passenger Lesve Corry 8.05 p m ;
TituMrllle, 7.60 p m; IVtroleum Centre,
l,3J p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p m.
No. 1, Pa?en?er Li uvb Irvlnetoa 7.15
a n-t Oil City. 10,10 a m; Petroleum Cen
tre, 11.05 a oi ; Titusrilie, 11,50 a m; arrive
at Corry 1.40 p m.
No. 8, Puwaer Leave Irvlneton, 12,
04 p n; Oil Cily 2.67 p m; Petroleum Cen
tre. 3.3 pm; Tiluavilie, 4,20 p u; arrive
at Corry 5.45 p m.
No. , Patenter Leave Oil City 7,00 a
at; Proleum Centre, 7,43 a tu; Titusville,
1,19 an; arriva at Corry 10, Itf a ra.
Olvlae Service.
Preaching at 11 a'clock A. U., and 7
o'eiesk P. M-
Bet. J. T. Oxtoby, Pastor.
fervicei every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
i P. X. Sabbalb Scbool at I2)i P. M.
eats free. cordial iaritatioa extend
c to.alL
Est. C. M. Htno, Pastor.
WVL PETIR ANdHpaCL'S '(Catbolie)
Kane at 10 a. m.
Vraper and Benedictlea af the Blessed
laeraraent at 4 p. m.
Cateshista at;2Jp. re.
Gold 112$.
The Wallace Sitters are toon to appear at
It it reported that Gen. Geo. B. McCIel
Inn Is to be appointed President ef tbo At-
lantio & Great Western R'y.
New buildings contiuue to .bo.put'np'oa
tun cgurrt larm. "Uroolilyn" bi-Rins to
assume a metropolitan air which is truly re.
freshing. f
Cold nights aod pleasant days are ail the
rsge at present..
Sound licence should resemble the Amcr
lean female form divine, In showing small
waste, ftillone'st, and no chance or a bust,
but it should not get so much in arrear. '
A young lady in Iowa, wanting to com
mit suicide la as pleasant a way as possi
ble, nude a nice cake to put her poison
New Orleans pickpockets send up a host
1 India rubber balloons, and while tbe
crowd is gazing beavuawurd go through llg
A conipesiioriiu tbe Pittsburgh Gazette
office, nailed D. W. Radburgb. on Thurs
day, in one hour's time, set up 2,100 ems.
Local matters are scarce at present.
Tbe mati who was
Beoo has recovered.
recently slabbed at
A good many Improvements are to be
ado In buildlags iu this vicinity tbe com
ing spring. Mr. J. W. Beatty is about to
put up an additioaal story to bis bailriing.
This is made necessary on account of bis
iDsreajed trade. Other Improvements are
to be made which we shall note frosu time
to time as they occur.
Tbe weatber is more like Spring to-day
than any day this month. '
We understand that an additioaal story
Is lo be built on tbe lock-up iu a short titm .
Tbe upper part is te be used as au officd by
the Justice of tbe Peace.
Tbe Walker well, Central Petroleum Co's
farm, was tubed yesterday, preparatory to
Haley, tbe man who was shot on Satur
day night laat, is recovering.
From the number of oil well rigs and
tools at present being transported to tbe
McCray and adjoining farms, we judge that
many new wells are to be put down.
Numbers of old wells in this vicinity are
being lorpedood with beneficial results.
It will be seen by reference to another
column that tbe Odd Fellows are to bold a
ineeliog at Good Templar's Hall, on Frl
day eveiing next.
Tbe Good Templars will celebrate tbe an
.niveraary of Ibeir organization, at their
ball, this evening. We have i.ot learned
the order ol exercise.
Driukioir wb..-'y in Oabkosb is called
"holding cjinmun.CiiioD with dlsembultled
Bkphoi.iuai Zindkr, Marob 23.
Vlddovs. Vimmens unt Girls Yen
hromited do kondinne, I dldent dink I vos
goin away zo soon, but I being here now 1
kundlnue dot vor you.
Dn virst lib Cbarlie Vicker, vol is a pi! ri
der wit de noose baper, aow Charlie beese
old cnuff do' ave a vrow, ieh indusdriout.
(mart, biirwvcring, kind and rould make a
goot Husband.
But no airs vor Ckar-lle.
Dis odder vullorr oeese Schonea, be it a
benfty man, and it a refinery mit de dick
oil kind; Loan's mit do McKlintock House,
Cboms Is very tiniloing mit do girls.
A llddle greasicu Tor Cbones.
Dis it a deU-rah man and it not'marrlfd
yet be dident marry vrn tier tboasht be
did. Zo der is a chance vor one more yet
Vou zo bitn tnit de delrgrapb office in de
Rochester House. ink de vindow, reo you
ook you see it is Harlow.
Smile lo Hirlow.
Scbonny McUmber, yes be klurks at do
Zcndral House, not has interest in an oil
veil. Scbonny dakes goot care mlt him-
telf, and mit what be gets. Now deie'a a
cbance of his beein reach, ish zo
qualified vor de bosldion dot be Die in zo
bolide a manner.
Look mit de ezdrays vor Schonay.
Dere beese dat Ecborge Arnold vot lab a
nice man, he loks vor tod vroir, but
dere beese Ton dedrement in dat vay.
DisScborge isb a good arted man, but veu
you gel itn ride den you vind me ride.
Kindness vor Scborge.
Von E. P. C.
Petroleum Items frem all Soitrcee.
Tbe old Burtis' well, located en tbe Ball
Farm, near Pithoie, which bad formerly
paruped but a small amount of oil, was put
down twclvtieet deeper about two weeks
sinse, and pumped water lor several days,
during wbieb time $2,500 was retussd for
tbe well. After tlio water was pumped off
it commeuced preducing oil, and. Is now
doing 2 barrels daily.
Colonel TboiiiMi McDonougb bat struck a
good well on thu Hainliy farm, adjoining tbe
bnyder farm at 1' otter. It commenced pump
ing oil balurday atternoon, and is doing
about Bitten baireU daily, with every pros
pect ei increasing. Colonel McDoneugh,
11 r. Biuut, Colouei Phillips, and ethers ol
Pittsburgh own tbe Hamby firm in fea slur
le, and if Ibis wall proves a paying ono
tbe fatm will becou.e valuable territory.
Colonel McDonougb has bee a very fertunate
iu bis operations about Foster.
Tbe Timsf iliu Herald says tbsreis a re
viral ol tbe oil lever at Tyronyilie, and
hopes it will result in a thorough teat of
that locality as oil producing territory. A
trong Company Las been orjanuud, and
preparation have been completed for sink
ing oue well near Gray's mill. Another
well will soon be started in the same ucigb
borbood, aud the cotnpacy have means tor
three or four additional trsts.
Tbe still bouse oftbe lisvesick petroleum
works in East Boston was bntned Monday
night, with 5,U00 barrels of oil. Loss
$G,600. l'atiick McLaughlin was burned to
It is related of tbe Rev. Charles Town-
send, the receotly deceased octogenarian
rector af Kingston, by-Sea. England, and
the friend or Scott, Byroo, and Wordsworth
that be penned tbe loiluwing witty epigram
apropos of tbe iuvatiuu of bis rectory by
t Jitvee:
'Tbey came and prigg'd my stockings, my
linen aud my store;
But they couldn't prig my sermons, for Ibey
were prigg'd before.'-
The Roman Catholics have established a
Foundling Asylum in New York, and bung
a basket in tbe vestibule to reeeive infant!
wbisb their parents wish to desert. Each
week thirty er forty are reccilved. Of the
302 cbildrea found in the basket in less luau
a year 105 have died, 33 wore in tbe asy
lum at the last rejtort, and ICS vr:e out
nursing. Thus far $20,000 bavo been col
lected for it, but tbe State is to bo asked
to give aid.
It is said that in tbe case of McFartand
there ia burdly a possibility of couvictioo,
or even a disagreement of the jury, public
opinion, as well as private judgment, bav
lug been so Bkilllully and industriously
manipulated by the newspaper detractors of
Richardson that it will be next to impossible
to secure a competent aud impartial jury.
San . Francisco wants a more abundant
supply of water, and seriously entertains a
project for bringing it in pipes, seven feet
in diameter, from Lake Bigier. Tbe length
of the pipe would be one hundred and
twelve miles, and cost ten million dollars;
but It would supply water to all the Inter
vening towns, and lo the (arms requiting ir
rigation. AJTirgloia darkey stole a railroad ride on
'he truck uudor tie tender. Ills remains
were taken up Iroderly.
A ReToluilou la the Circus Bust.
V Jiess.
Of late years Ibe botel and stable bills of
tbe showmen have run up to such enormous
figures as to devour nearly all theirrcceipls.
la order to overcome this enfrebling drain,
Mr. J. M. French, of New Orleans, who
bad to take a circus in self-defense, and
run it in order to get back money which be
had loaned to tbe proprietors, last season
hit upon the expedient of' camping bis men
and horses on tbe ground on which tbey
performed. This worked so well that Mr
French basgoce into the business systemati
cally, aod will this season run bis show iu
depsudently cf landlords aod stable keepers
altogether. '. .,
Mr. French baa bid a kitchen built, etgbt
feet wide, ten feet bigb and eighteen loo;,
with all the modern improvements, which
is mounted on wheels, aad in wbich cooking
can be done lor one hundred men with
economy aud celerity. This kitchen will
be a big show itself, aud .the performances
of tbo cook and bis assistants will be apt to
divide tlia Interest of tba country house
wives with Hie performances uuder tbe
canvas. Mr. French bus also devised a por
table canvas stable for bis Loreus, tbirty-Cve
feet wide, eighty Sto feet long, and fifteen
feet bigb. Portuble stalls, troughs and
other stable gear have also been provided
in abuudance, aad provender has been en
gaged at convenient points, so that the
horses ef tbe concern may have all possible
equine comforts
O tu?r (bowmen gattUg wind of this new
Improvement, have also gone into It; and
it now looks aa though the country land
lords would be left unto themselves desolute
by those on whom tbey have beretqfure
looked as lawful (rey.
The use of that potent explosive agent,
knows as nitro-glycerine, is attended by so
many hazards that it would seem almost im
possible to guard against the fearful explo
sions that so frequently occur. Tbe most
trival neglect er oversight lo its use may
involve most terrific- consequences. Instan
ces bavo eccured where accidents have been
occasioned by the snail quantity p f this
daugerotis fluid left uodrained from the
vessels containing them No legislation
imposing restrictions or guarding its ute
would avail much in preventing fatal con
sequences for its nte. And yet it is an in
valuable ugeut iu mining utid bUslin
operations. Tbe safest meaap of its use is
therefore a ;reat desideratum; nnd, us ita
mmufasture is but a simple, it is
suggested that if manufactured on tbe spot
by those who use it, the dangers attending
it may be avoided. It is osly a mixture i f
niftio acid and glycriue, and even laborers
ui7 be taught safely to combine them.
Nitric and sulphuric acids are generally
kept in gla?s rcs3a!s, and it U necessary to
so glass or porceaia for tba mixing of
scids with the glycerine. The liability of
glass to break in the transportation or use,
is a great obstacle; but in Europe advant
age lias been taking ol a curious property of
iron which by certain simple processes, may
be caused to anmmo what is known as the
passive condition, resisting the action ol the
strongest acids or saline solutions. It is
said that nltro-glyoerine thus extemporane
ously made, need not be purified or wasbed,
as is necessary when tbe product is kept
for a titni, as tbero is no danger ef spon
taneous decomposition.
- i.'-r.-..-'
Attention! Odd Fellow!
There will be a meet.nir of th Odd ' Fel
lows at present residing in this place, for
tne purpose ef foiminz a LooVe. at Oaoii
Templars Hall, oil Friday evening. March
oil!, miu. aii uieuioeis oi the onlur aro
invited to attend. By order committee.
m2l 21.
Spcelal Wullco to Policy Holders of
tbe Crooliljrt Ll.'o luaaraiice (,'ona
Allpoworof J. P. A I bee as agent frr
this Company has been revoked for sufficient
cause, and the publio and policy holders are
requested to transact all business direct
with the officers at this office.
Christian W. Bobck,
President Brooklyn Life Ins., Co., No. I ll
Broadway, Naw York City. 2tm.
A. S. Smith io order le close out his large
itoca oi laoies saoes tc, oilers them nt c ist
as lacy must te sold la the next 0 days.
Dee If.
Fine tssorlnient of Paper and Cloth Win
dow Shades aad Fixtures, just ree'd at
n,Stf- GniFFKS Bitoa.
basb, (jlass, Doors, Putty .. Large
- Kiicup at tue i'uruiture More.
We would call the attention of our busi
ness men to tbe superior styles or job print
inp, both plain and fancy, nt i.iesent iieiiitj
luiucu uiii iruiu hub cu;ce. we are prepar.
ed to execute job printing or every descrip
tion in the latest aud most fashionable sty la
of tbe art, and at reasonable rates, tf.
Local Aotlcca..
rar It Is the tmlbf GriO'es Bri'. have
persons purchasing R"oas ai meir .
rw.lve ieci in ilianae. Give thein a call
aod sue toryrnrsrlf. mI2-lf.
Mr. Fiezer, sales msn lor the well known
ointhtno of Charles Stokes. Philadel
phia will visit tbls illy about April 1st.
Those wisbinu clothing cut in the latest
stvle and btst materials will do well tore-
serve their orders lor him. He will have a
very large and complete line of samplea
Our orices will be found Tery low as tbo
extent of our business gives great advan
tages In buylut. roe ioou esinuiienvu repu-
Inlinn nflh.k hmil fllf ffltr flealitlff. UOod
cutting and workmanship ia guarante
that every customer will be pleased.
j ' t tWiv-wa
T.ammer & Alden's is the OOlv wiite
mans, cloibing store in the Centre.
6,000 rolls Wall Taper just received at
m8tf. . Gtitrriis Bho.
The largest nnd best assortment of Table
buttery, ever brought late the country al
NiCCbofoon & lilackmon 3. 1-
Underclothing ia large Quantities at Lan
mera & Alden's.
Horse Shoe Nailx, wkulesele aad retail,
at Nicjolson Jt Blacktaon's, 23-11.
TheNew Cos Pump lor sale at Nieholsoa
A Blackmon's. ;f.
The New Gas f uai for sale al Nitbolsoa
& Elacl.aion'i. If.
Carriano Lolls, wholeo-lo and retail,
Nicbolun & 3acl:mon's Id-tf.
Kid Gi.oaes A larze aseoi'tcient. at
Lamemts k Aldsu'a 1
Gaffney, sells belter and cheaper goods
than any dealer on the creek. Try bim.
a lstr.
Tbe largest and best assorted stock ever
on exhibition on Oil ereek ia at Gaffney 's.
Gold taken at par for goods at GaiTney'a.
M 18tf.
iWA few more boarders can be accom
modated at the Oil Excbnnj;.
tuaicli JQ'f. S. prop.
XiBmmers & Alden's is the only store to
quy good, durable and cheap clothing.
Tdk l'yiiiMind or splendid coal over at
Codinglon i Cornwall's yard are perfectly
wonderful. maruhlOtf.
Shkriffs Sam is Closed. Nicholson A
Biuekninn having bought biui eut at tbis
place and Kane City. tf.
Coi.n is a vcrd which Codington A Corn
well prnpnse render oliselelo. For morfus
operandi call ai:d see ihun. - nmcblutr.
Go to Griffes Bros, for tbe best selected
ntnek "f Paper Hangings and Curtains eve
oriereu in town. msir.
Reduced Prices at Lammers Aldea's.
Tris'Mkanr Business My entire stock
of goods Is offered at cost..
A. S. Smiti.
Dee Itf.
Jnst received a large and well assorted
stock or shelf hardware at J. Rntberford's.
4 splendid pair or Horses, alfo Wasron and Har--V
i,eu cmiijli'tu. lor Uimf. enquirt at (be
McCllatut-k llo4e. n14-lf.
ci;u. ij. mssiEiiLi co.,
b nsr e: e n s ,
G. U. Eiise'.l, It. C. Martin
ChrUtophcr Slcycr.
Wo r.ffr finf sorvicw for the trnasactfn of
Any tni'lneiw entrustid to our care will rnenlre
prompt atlcnllor. )u 17 If.
piiilladephia 4c Erin It. II.
Time. 10 minutes raster Er le time.
On anil after Monday, Nor. IStb,' 18IK). the trains
nn ilia l'liiladcljitiia it ISrie Kai.roal will run as
Xaii Train leaves riiiladelphia, 6.3 p m
" loflvus Corry, 6,50 pm
" " airlvoi nt Erf. ft.vopm
Erie Expr. leitvoi Fbliudelphia, '- - 1Mb-am
" l?v Currv. S.l 9 n m
" " onlvesnt lirie, lo 0 a m
Accom'n, lenves Corry, l.SOpm
t arrives at Frlc. 8,4 j p m
Mnll Train loavns Kile, . 8.40 m
" ' leaves Corrvf 10,80 a m
" " arrives nt l"'fillad!phi e.SOam
Erie Kxpr. leav, a Erte, 4,00 p m
" " leaves Corrv, ,'i0 p n
" " nriinn nt l'l.lhdelhia, 12,-ISpni
Arroin'n 1, nv, -t Ktl. I0,2S a in
" " arrive at Currv, 1,10 p m
U.vpraei east coni.ectx at I'orry, Mnll east at I or-
rv and Irvliieion, Expr wort at lrvineton wlih
trains ou Oil Creek and Allegheny Hlver ltnllrnad
AI.KHHU U I'Yl.EH, Uon Buit.
C. A. Oiirley,
DEALRl In iwond hnnf enirnei, bolTens Tub
inij, Caxing, ulna nuw Wood & Mann engines
co sunily on hand. Ilaving the facilities for
GINES, vlll do eo on tb most reasonable terms.
arties Having Engines for Sale
Wil de well to gH-e me call. I'lutfoiin near the
U. C Si d.ll. J' ,
riiinOLtlH t'ESTRI't l'A.
"Winsor Bros.
rary Description ef supplies ttt
oil well nm MD
Dense Trimmings,
Carpenters' Tuols,
Drilling and Plain Laid Rope,
Oaknm, Nails, Axes,
Table and Pocket Cut!eryr
A fa'.l asjor'.aaDt ef everything la the Bsrlwara
House Furnishing Goods,
Morning- Q-lory
v IRON GATE, and
Sogtk Stoves.
Jjamps, Iiaitf erna it Chimneys,
A'o. 1 Winter alralncd
Lard Oil
MsnaAelarera of
Impairing of all kinds doiHhiixitne and '
patch. pec'al attenttoo gWa to
Steam anil Gas fitting;
Porehastng wltlreash only, our facilities far '
ntstiing evprythlnc In our tin- are uperl"r r j
ntlu-r elbi:shineut In ths Oil Ueslon-
fl i st class.
ThankhEour Wsnds for fl.sir lihal Pr"t
Iu Uis ii, w. tlsiil ue r kea fcr',J