The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 22, 1870, Image 2

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Tetrolewm Centre Daily Record.
Vet. Ceutre, Tnesdari Rlsrcb S3
TBAINCON O. C. 4c A. . R.
' Rotrru.
No. I. Pasaens-er. LeaveCorry 11.20 .
IB.; Tittisville. IZ.59 p. m. ; petroleum ten
ire, 1.4H p. m.; uiioiij', 2.21 p. m. ; ir
Yineton. 6 10 p. m.
v No 4 PoMewrer Leave Corry 6.10 a. n;
Titnmlle, 7,35 a. m.; Petroleum Centre
S 14 a m; Oil City, 8 i9 a m; arrive at Ir
Tineton 11.40 a m.
No. 8 Passenger Leave Corry 8.95 p m;
Titrariiie, 7.ou p bi; reiroieum ueotre,
,SJ p m; arrive at un utty 9,20 p a.
Ifo. 1, Pasnencor Leave Irrineton T.15
a n: Oil City, 10.10 a m: Peiroleum Cen
Ire, 11,05 a 10; Titusvilie, 11, SO a m; arrive
ai uorry l.w m.
No. 3, Pssenier Leave Irvinetoa, 12.
Wpm: Oil City 2,67 d m: Petroleum Cen
Ire. 3.36 pm; Tiluefille, 4,20 p m; arrive
ai irry 0.40 p m.
No. 5, rassenier Leave Oil City 7.00 a
P roleHm Centre, 7.4J a m; Titusvilie,
l,S9 an; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
nivlne Services.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. II., ana 7
o'eleek P. M.
Rit. J. T. Oitobt, Pastor.
Perticea every Salibatb at 11 A. M. and
04" P M- Sabbath Scliool at 12 P. U.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to ail.
Ksv. C. M. Hijuid, Pastor.
811 PETER AXn PAUL'S (Catbotie)
Mas at 10?j' a. m.
Veaper and Beneliclien or the Blessed
Baeraruent at 4 p. a.
Catechism at.2Jp. m.
' JAMES DUNN, Paster.
Gold ll'i,.
Tee report published ia the Titusvilie
Herald In retard te the shooting affair on
Saturday night ia erroneous in many re
aped. The (hooting of the Ban Haley
wee entirely without provocation, as be bad
nothing whatever to do with the Cow Run
mea. The man Conners was arreBted and
bound over to court on aa entirely different
charge, that of breaking into the saloon of
William Loz'cr and threatening bis life.
VTe do not pretend to uphold Haley, who is
undoubtedly a notorious rough, but the
q-iestion is "Have men a right to draw re
volvers aad fire Indiscriminately Into
crown?" As yet 00 steps have been taken
to arrest the Cow Run men, but we trust
they may be punUbed. Haley, the wound
1 man, remains in about the same condi.
lion. Tho Herald is right in one particular
and that ia that "blue ruin wbitkey" ws
at the bottom or the whole affair.
There are now In this place a gang of
about thlity roughs, pimps aad loafers, who
have ne visible means of support whatever,
and consequently the only reasonable sup
position or the manoer in which they get
a living Is that it is done by robbery and
sueak thieving, ir we are not mistaken
there ia a law on the statute books ol tbis
State which provides Tor the disposal of such
ases in a proper manner, and in our bum
ble opinion it is the duty of the officers of
tho law to see to it that community is well
rid of the presence or these scoundrels. We
fesl ConSdeot in asserting that all good citi
cene will uphold tbem in tbis matter, aud
hope to see sstion taken at once. We shall
bare mote to say oa this sut lect in a future
The VanScbaick & Barrett well, on Kane
Ran, is pumped entirely by water power,
except when the weather is so cold that tbe
water in tbe Run is frozen up. One of the
old-fashioned undershot water wheels is
nsed for tbis purpose. Tbe well is about
M0 feet deep, aud is yle ding eight barrels
per day. In case the tubing bas to be
drawn steam power is nsed, tbe furco or the
water not belnn sufficient.
A good many daw well are to be put
dowu in tho vicinity of Katie City the com
ing summer. On the Marston tract eleven
new wells sre soing down; Dempsey farm
tour or Ave; Brown farm, five; Lake farm,
two or three, aud several on the Mallory
farm. The Metropolitan tract is also to be
developed somewhat. This will have a ten
dency to make times lively In that vicinity.
A la.MllA ......I .
. ouuri rxnuniuu uccurrea at one
of Dr. G. Sbaniburg's wells, on Saturday.
fortunately no one was Injured, tbe engi
neer being anneal at dinner.
Tho engine house of tho Lockwood well,
at Allemagoozelnm City, was destroyed l.y
tire at sn early hour this morning. Loss
not heavy.
On a close estimate by a prominent math
ematioiaq or tbo place, Ibere ia about 5,-
000,005 cubic font of mud in tbo streets ot
(iresont. Ii'i nice, and slushy.
The Walker well, Csntral Petroleum Co's
farm, is nearly completed. Will uodoubl
vd'J prove a, g iud we'..
Petroleum item tram all Sources.
Tbe well owned by Jonathan Watson and
others, located on Cottage Hill, was tested
Friday, and Saturday evening was pump
ing at tbe rate or 40 barrels per day. Ibis
well Is back onjtbe hill, and explode tbe
theory set forth by many, that there Is no
oil above the old Hanson Well.
The Shaffer Run territory is tow the
centre ofattraction. New leasts are being
taken almost; daily, and several new wells
aro going down, Mr. S. . B. Morehead, of
uil Lily, is putting down two wells on tbis
run, and tbe Duncan & Broad head welt, now
approacbiug completion rapidly, sives a
splendid show.
In t;ie Emleatoa district there is con
siderable activity among operators, and the
spring will open a large amount of business
in that locality. Wells are to be pat duwa
to a great extent.
Tbe R. L. Shaw farm bas three new wells
one el them pumping fifty barrels dally.
from tbe Tidiouta Jcuruat we get tbe fol
On theR. C. Scott, (lower farm,) Thorn.
berg & Goodrich No. 1 Is pumping 7 batrels
No. 2 is pumping 40 barrels. Nj. 3 rig
going up. Crowell No. 1 down 623 feet.
Tbe Sands well ie about ready to com
mence drilling.
On tbe R. C. Scott, (home larnO Palmer
fc Ckilds No, I, down 450 feet.
On tbe Widow Gorman farm, Caufietd No
1, p'imping 5 barrel, do No. 2, 8 barrels.
Fisher & dishing, Ne. 1, drilling. "
On tbe Miles farm, Hoffman well, 6 bar
rels; Snyder, 5; Armitage, 3; Miles &
Gillespie, 4; Tidioute & Hickory Oil Co. s
No. 1, 10; No. 2, 20; Collins No. 1, 7; No.
15; No. 3, rig up; Wide Awake. 10;
Irvineton No. 1, 7 barreSs; No. 2, 9 bar
rels. On tbo Royal Scott farm, Dewey 4 Lanev
are down 100 feet. Fisher well down 250
Ou the Tidiouta & Warren tract the
Fisber & Cushing we'.ls are as follows: No.
1 diilling; down 250 feet. No. 2 just com
menced drilling; No. 3 pumping 3D barrels
Wo. 4 pumping 60 bbls. No. 5 spearing
arouod tools. ' No 6 down 450 feet. Tho
Lompanj s well No. 2 testing. No 1 pump
ing 40 bbls. No. 3 down 360 leet. Tbe
other wells are doing as usual.
The Steimeb Citt ot Boston. The
fate of tbe City of Boston still remains un
solved, no fmtber tidings of her having jet
keen received. Tbe false report of her safe
arrival at Qtiecnstowo, it nppears, wus orig
inated on tbo Lor dcn Stock Exchange, and
considerable indignation bas been express
ed in London, as well as In tbis country, at
tbe perpetration or tbis cruel hoax. It i8
mentioned as a curious irstance of want ol
Eoglish journalistie enterprise that the
London Times published the canard uncor
rected twuive hours after the truth bad beeu
generally known. Insurance underwriters
in London have again reduced the premium
on the missing ship, while advancing that
on tbe Samaria, aod in the House of Com
mons Mr.Lefever, on behalf of tbe managers
of tbe Ioman line, denied that tha steamer
was overladened, and asserted their belief
that she Is still afloat Great excitement
and distress exists in Halifax over tbe sup
posed disaster, and during tha present sus
pense busiuess is almost at a standstill.
Chicago rejoices in a visit from Ah Fun,
a wealthy Chinese merchant doing business
in Sin Fraueisco, tbe PaciBc Island, Japan
and Chins. He is a gentleman every inch
of bitn, and carries about the grace of Beau
Brumme at least so tie Chicago papers
state. Func is an educated mutt. SnnaL-a
good English, and rejoiced the Chicago
merchants by predicting an active trade
between Chicago merchants and tbeOlestl
sl Empire. Fung was tbe first shipper of
American flour to Chins, having exported
it first from San Francisco, in 1864. Now
he shipped 40,000 sacks every month, and
exported, be said, 10,000 sacks of wheat
On Sunday last a Kouseville man, who
we will call John Jones for short, came to
this place acd probably forgetting tbe
Bible injunction to "remember the Sabbath
day to keep it holy," got drunk and a.ljoiirc.
ed up to Onhkosh to have some '-Inn with
the boys," but unfortunately fell into tbe
bunds of the Philistines and received a
beating and lost bis watch, li' John had
kept sober arid followed out the Bible in
juuetion doubtless he would have felt belter
both in bead ami purse.
borne years ago, a Milwaukee gentleman
was robbed of a 100 bond. The thief has
now sent it back, with the information that
it has Hayed on bia stuuimuck ever sense.
Uis reason for taking It was simple: ' Ink
it for i wanted mutiny." His reason for not
selling it is laiber .o'ore complicated:
"Evry time i went to sell the thln?somthing
told me not to, anl I didn't." Uissur
render of tbo security is unconditional :
.Here it is Tor i can't keep it uo longer.
A contemporary is anxious to know bow
soon tbe young Indiana ladies who adver
tise '-love-making and man-choosing meet
logs' ategolng to get up "divorce mati
Louisville sends us a bit of queer news.
It is that Jen. Davis is writing a bevel
which' he proposes to complete before tbe
year is out. It relates to the Mexican war,
is not to touch on recent politics, and will
be published first in England.
Lost-cuss Pollard is explaining who kill
ed the Confederacy, just as; though every
body didn't know it was for tbe want of sucb
able-bodied fellows as the historian in tbe
ranks, who shirked out, preferring to write,
rather than fight Louisville Courier Jour
nal. Chicago' wants a pnasmatlc railway
Tbe Boston banks have $5,000,000 in
Strawberries aad plums add relish to
New Orleans desserts just now.
Seventy-flve cents a day and rats Is
tbe price or Chinese farm labor on tbe Pa
Tbe California Senate objects to its- chap
lain's reporting cock-fights and tbe P. R. for
a sporting paper.
On that Wyoming jury was what the
ribald might call a ben Mrs. Amelia Hatch
er. And didn't she aetl Four .lata, ami
batched it out miuslaughter in tha first de
gree. Worl J.
A slrnnge case of child aUluctioti occurred
in Chicago on St. Patrick's Day. A little
girl, fonr years old, while playing near borne
was taken off by a young lady. In the
evening she was accidentally found in tbe
organ loft of tbe Catbolio Church, a mile
and a half away, stripped naked and near
ly rerishing from cold. The organ-
lit was abobt to lock the church
and the child would hays been kept there
until Sunday, and would doubtless have
expin d. Ti e c. ue of the strange proceed
ing is not known, but it '.s supposed to be
Sometime since a gentleman died who
during life refused to believe in any future
punishment. Two or three weeks alter his
demise bis wile received, through a medium
a communication which read as follows:
"Dear wife, I now believe. Please send me
my thin clothes and a barrel of ice water.''
The Northern Pacific and tho Lake Su
perior nod Missifsippi Railroad companies
have made arrungemenls for the establish
ment ofoxlenslve mills at Dulutb. Min-
I for the manufacture of rail road
Captain Eyre, of the British steamer Bom-
bay, deserves tbe treatment Skipper Ireson
received from tbe women of Marblcbeac.
which Wbittier has immortalized:
'Small pity for him! He sailed away
. From leaking ship In Cbaleur bay
.Sailing sway from a s:nking wreck.
'Lay by! lay by!-they called to bim.
Back be answered "Sink or swim!
Brag of your catch of fish again.'
Old Floyd Ireson, for bis hard benrt,
Was tarred and feathered and carried
In a cart.
By tho women of Marblehead!''
A fatal boiler explosion occurred at Par
ker's Landiup, on Thursday evening last,
about t o'clock, on the George Purker furm.
at a new well of tbo Stanton Oil Co., and
resulted in the death of Mr. David Joy
Superintendent of tbe well. Mr. J was a
single man and re.idfd at Pittsburgh
I The orig In of the accident is unknown.
Vt'e learn that a movement ia on foot to
call a meeting of tho Odd Fellows at pres
ent residing in the place,, for the purpose ol
forming a lodge. The movement is a good
Mr. Fiazer, salesman for the well known
clothing tonse ot'Charlt s Slokes, Philadel
phia will visit this tity about April 1st.
Those wishinit clothing cut in the latest
style and best materials will do well to re
serve their orders lor him. He will have a
very large and complete line of samples.
Our prices will be found very low as the
extent of our business elves ur-'al advan-
tim-'S in linyinc. The lonn esWtilished repu
tation of tbo home for lair dealing, (j"d
cutting and workmanship U cuarante
that every custuuier will be pleased.
inl'i 111.
hammers ii AWen's is the only white
mans, cioiuing store lil rtiu ueutre.
Fine assortment of Paper nnd Cloth Win.
dow t-badts uud Fixtures, just n-e'd nt
mStf. GlllKFKH Bitos,
Sash. GIosh, Doors. Putty Ac. L-if-t
stock very cheap at the Furniture Stnri
A. S. Smith in order to close out his larpe
stock of ladies shoes Ac, offers them st Cost
ss tuey must be until m the next tjo. davs
Die 4 tf. 3 '
Local Notlrei.
MT it la the truth T GrirTes Bros, have
persons purchasing goods at their store will
receive specie in change. Give them a call
and see for yourself. m22-tf.
We would call the attention ot our busi
ness men to the superior styles er job print
ins:, both plain and fancy, at present being
turned out from tbis office. We are prepar
ed to execnte job printing of every desorin
tion in the latest and most fashionable sty Is
of the art, and at reasonable rates. tt
Ordets taken for suits aud Mts guaranteed,
Lammers A Alden's.
Cim.oRKNR Carriages. A fine assort
ment at the Furniture Store.
6,000 rolls Wall Paper just received at
rcSif. Gmvfks Bsee.
Tbe largest nnd best assortment of Table
Cutlery, ever brought into the country at
Niccholson A Blackmon's. tl.
Underclothing in large quantities at Lam
tners ,t Alden's.
Horse Shoe Nails, wholesale ana! retail,
at Nicholson & Blackmon's. 23-tf.
TheNew Gas Puma lor sale at Nicholson
t Blackmon's. tf.
The New Gas lump for sale at Nicbotsoa
4 Blackmon's. tf.
Carriage Bolts, wholesale and retail, a
Nicboison it Bnckmnn's 23-tr.
Kid Gloarm A lurite assortment, tt
Lamemis & Aldeu's. ' .
Guffoey, sells better and cheaper eoods
than any dealer on tbo creek. Try him.
m istr.
The largest and leit assorted stock ever
on exhibition on Oil creek is at Gaffney's.
Gold taken at par for goodi at Gaffney's.
M 18lf.
9" A few more boorders can be accom-
m watt-d nt the Oil Exchange.
march lOtf. S. Reynold prop.
Lammers A A Idea's is the only store to
quy good, durable and cheap clothing.
The Pyramids of splendid coal overat
Codington it Corn well's yard are perfectly
nuuui'iuii. m arc n 1 inr.
Sheriffs Sai.i is Closed. Nicholson A
Bliifkmnn havinir bought him ant at tbis
place and Kane City. . . tf.
Cold Is a word which Coding'nn & Corn-
well propose render rbselete. For mod'tis
operandi call and see thcro. tnarcblOtf.
Go to Grilles Bros, for tbe best selected
stock of Paper Hangings and Curtains ere
offered in town. in8tf.
Reduced Prices at Lnmmers & Aldea's.
Tnis Means Business. Mv entire stock
of goods Is offered at cost.
A. S. Smith.
Dee 6 tf.
Just received a larze nnd well assorted
stock of shelf hardware at J. Rutherford's.
A splendid rlr ofTIorw, nleo Wacon and Hsr-
V .! compl-to. For teito.. cnanir at the
McCllnlotk Ilou-.
ISHAM'tfc Col
IIavi npcn.d J"p1rv ftore on fVntre stnvt. saxt
auor wcsi 01 inn r . a. i tu-urnou 09ce.
OilUij, ra.
Keep constantly on band a large assortment ot
Diamonds & Fine Watches
(American, Eng Uh aod 8w!m aoake.)
Solid Silver and Plated Ware,
ioun noLrt rtiMNS,
tiKAL KlMiS Ac.,
Tortlralnr ntten'lnn Rlvin lorepatrln flue watchse
and Ji-w-'ry n. a competent worknmn.
I'll fil m have also a itora ut 1 ITITHVll.t.w 17
pring nirL-et ar!dtf.
pjiilladepuia Ac Erlj R. It.
Tlmo, 10 mlnutd fiutior ihn Erie time.
Un noil nftm Mondnv. Nov. 15th. isilfl. the tmlm
oil the I'hilaJeliiliiu ii Krlu ma J will run u
Mnll Train leaves I'MI;i,li.puia, Ms p m
' lt"'iv,'j Corrv, p to
u ' ntTlvin nt Kre, H.vo p m
Kile Expr. leaven Hiiiiiildpliia, 11. I0 n in
- lervm Curry, 8,10 am
' 44 hrie, 10 0 tl ill
Aecom'n, linvca Idny, 1.5vi p in
" " arrives M t rie. 8,4 p ni
Mail Train leaves Eritt. 40 aro
" ' leave t iirrvf 10 . 0 a m
" " arrive nt I'lillailolphia. R.-10 a m
Erio txpr. lenvi a Erto, p m
' " leave I'urry, fi.AO p in
" " ilrriveu at I'l.ihetilphia, l J.lfipm
Arrom'n leave: Kti. o.2-7 a in
' " ilrriveu at I'orrv. 1 . 10 n in
KpreM oai-i c.on'-i' ts at I'nrry, Mnll eat nt or
rv iitiii Irvitie'o'i, Fximi- wu.i at Irviuettm with
tr..iua ou Uil t'ri-ek ami A.le;lieiiy liivur Kailroail
AI.Mf.KD h I VI.EK, lion bupt.
-y 'I liKDAIl.V KKi uKl) I. tbs . txlvwrm
la;- mediant la tbe 1 11 KetM.
wiwsor Bros;
"Wins or Bros;
IreiT Description of sapplin fcr
H -A. 2R 3D W J. "R, E,
Iloase Trimmings,
Carpenters' Tools,
Dtillinj and Plain Laid Rope,
Oaknm, Nails, Axes,
Table and Pocket Cutlery,
A (all saiorlment oferr-Tthinf la its llanlware
House Furnishing Goods,
Morning Glory
BASE lil R I KS.
Cook Stoves.
liUmps, Lanterns St Chimnrys,
Ato. 1 AVlnter strained
Lard Oil
r - -.".,
Minnfacturera of '
Impairing f all klnda don with neatneaa sad al"
patch. Kapeital atloniiou ifitaa to
Steam anil Gas fittings
riirchanlnr: with csh only, onr firllltlM fir
nlshlnx pvervtlilnit in our lln- era mporior t ''J
other ealabl aliiiiaut in tba OU l.tloB. W e 1 ae a
Drat c!a.
TtisnVhigotiTfrlandsr.rM.alr llhernl V'c
In th. pnat, w ahail uie eut boat
Ita wot'm.. 1 p'