John J.Carter MERCHANT OPPOSITE CORINTHIASr HALL, Fine English French and Scotch A -Splendid Assortment of fMTHS & rAKSiMFRirc The largest m the Oil Region. The custom department tis pre sided over by ono of the best and Mast Fashion able Cutters m the State. HATS AND CAPS Hen's Furnishing G A5D 3? l 'in is i . . i sr ww ii in .-i. ' w w SILK HATS MAD I! TO ORDER. DRUGS! DRUGS Bras, at Christie's. runt Droits at Christ ea. hireDrnaot Chrlsilea nra Drags at Christie'. Ian Drays st Christie's. Prescriptloiis Compoimded at Cbrtlie's' Prccriplions ('mp.mmJrd t Clulstlo'a. ' rescrlptioas Compounded nt C ristic'a. Prescriptions CoropMindi'd at Christie'.. hj. , Prescriptions Compounded at Caristie'a. flMlcinesut Chrlstie'a. IMicinesat Christie a. JraicincsaiCurMle's. JJalkioi Christie. iliciaee at Christie'. Presorlpttons roroponnrtrd at Christie's Jrescrlptious Cotupound.'d at Christie's rrescrlptio a ('a,ouoiled at Christie's riescnpttons Compounded at Chr.s is'a Tijm ... Fresci'l'l''.ns Compounded t Christie's '"in Artlelcs at Christie's J" Artl.les Christie's W et Articles t Christie' 'MM Articles at Christie's "list Artie at Chrlstic-a Prescriptions Compounded at Christie's Proscriptions Compound -.1 at Christie's 1 rcscriptioi a Compounded at bristle's Pro criptions at C mite's Jure Liquors m Christie's JatLiipioisatChiisti,-' rUnorsnt Christie's MM liquor-nt criiritiu'a Prencriptii.m Compounded nt Christie's rroacrl.'tium Compmndid at Christie's I rcsci Minns Compounded at Ctiri-tlc's Prescriptions Compounded at Christies WineaTra't'i.';" l"""" " "W'uiju at Christie- "Mttiaosat Chriaiie's Prescriptions Compounded t chriilie'a rrescrlptions at Ciiristle's Prescriptions Compounded at Christie's i rescriptlons Coiupounded at Christie's "111 at Carlf"''' t'"ouUIsl at Cbristla'e gj Christie ' "Chri.tie'1 H'atf'hrlstl,'. Prescriptions Oomponniied at Cliristle'a , 1 rascripilon Cunipoimil. d at Christ li-'s ,1,1 rescript ons Compounded nt Cltrlsiie's 1 resci p ions Compounded nt Chnstiu's Mots .t Ohrbtie'i VoubM at Christio'a ''"oust Christie's 'MatCI,,ie', JJiitaatCurisiie', "'Ma at Christie' FriSJiP;10"" oml""nnd at Chvlslle's IW 1 ?'""lwui.U.-d at Christie's II Wh1' ""' H"",l,u,""lM " Chri.iic',. ll'rttS.ul "'"""'".del ut Christie's terf " s,d curt.,..-. pSu!., " Chrisi,.', Patent i m at 1 'i-'ia'a wut Madiciuea at Christie a No. 13 u. . No. ):i WnliinKtnn Street No. ):) WnsliiiiKton Ktree Mo. 1H n u I Mo. 11 M aitiiuuii Ktreel 2 ?!"! mi C'eutra,' Pa. "K'ulouui C.utrol Pa. J. "11 CIIKISTIE. . offcrfd at coat for thu next W day, c& Co., mr. w m i , , - . i : MISCELLANEOUS. T. M'Dpnald, LIVERY, FEED L SALE STABLES ! At the Eiejxit, opposite tw Central Iluuse, PETROLLUM CENTRE PA riinn est Stock or DKIVIN'O At) SAHDI.E X UOI.StS ou the Creek, are to he fottitd at M'Dtfnald'i fjivcry. CARRIAGES CUTTERS JO E LET AT ALL TIMES. FED & KOAliltED a Ucasonaulo Terms. T aijuair of nil kl'Kis at ti'iidM to Ip;5s:Bj;J!y. tytiiva me a call. Petroleum Centra, Nov. If, 1SS. L5VE R V Zt FEED STAELES, IVatsttinston Street, oppusiiie ttio Opera J ion no, PETROLEUM CENTRE, TENN'A. I havo put In a good stock or Riding and Driving IIoim'S, which I w ill let oa lvusonuuUt terms. AIno, CiiHcm. V;k:ii, Stu-iis" Wa-foitw, ,Vi, 7 7 I10HSKS hoarded nd ltd uud best or euro unar K A. 8MAWLEY. XO FISIII.0 TOOLS IiE.T AKTER THIS DATE. Kespolisitle parties wislilii;td hiru fl. lilug tools VIU be ore )inoil:ito. at reasouuble ntto.4. f.'b 8 Cm N. D. PiRIIElt. DuKoliitittii A'olicc. Tlieflmiof.Scili'U'M & Cornwoll ciml d-lllerg, nt IhLi place, Ib UiU d:iy dUaul' ed by miiin il e-nsi-nt. Mr. Henries p 'irlnir from ilm Ikisiiu'm. Tlie liiifirebs v II l-.-n- .f,i r lieeniidueted nt the old stand, hy .Mcsni CmliiiL'lon Cornwtl!, Mho will settle Hie uecotints ui' t!ie llrni. J. C. HFAItl I'ct ICca're, Marcli I W,0. J. C ( HN'WFLrj. B.ltl'. Ofpich op Pbtikilkitm Ckxtkb Daii.t RKronri J'K'i ItOLKl'M C'KNTIIK Jliirull 12 The Market Is" P.jt to-dor as is usual on .Suiniiltys. pifci's are lowor thnu yeater lys, 51.2-j (3 $i,30 being atotitllie figure. No sab s to repott. lteporlHof all llio Nnlcsi at rctrnlemii In New VorliVcktt'rdor. " IViroleuin crude in buld sleui!il7 holi', tiiodciulo detuaild, 6011 Mils sold 15l,J. l!ti. dnod lesj active, lew nhipding orders, little business, speculalivii demand Milisided. general tone or trade tinsali.-ruclory, no dis poiltlon to concede further in pricro, sales 2OC0 bbis.S. W. 27; 250'J bids from April to August SS.'.j. Philadelphia delivery, lilea 2000 bids ivflO"d S. V. spot 2C, 60(10 Ibis OiHde sold on cnek dulivtrud PutkersLand. lag sellers option 15 days ll,l8'.'H. IVeatcru i;ulou I.ico market ICeport. bpccial Dispatches to the Daily lticord Kew Tork, March 12. Crude. 15(55 15!a'. Rillned, Jan. . N.vADec. ,Sp(,t. ilarkul Dill. Philadelphia, ilnch 12. Crude H'4'. . P. I-. S. ti. W., 2G. S. W. 29;'.. JJai'Uet -Firm. Pittsbur.', March 12. Ppot-12: S O all year . 1! O nil year . Keliued 2i. Jan . Market Dull. llatnbul'L', March 12 1.1 Shillinps. 12 marks. Bremen March 12. Groates 12. Timers 7 I.itkjIpuo!.. Murcb 12. 11-15 a. m. Relincd 21,'2trt22. . Spitits20d. Axtw'kbp, March. 12 .5 p. m. Crude ,r7i. NewTdhi, March 12. Gold-11 21 4'. iioneei LIQUOR STORE. The subcniieiM, huinf; pur cl rsed the stand of M. Jloo- I'etrolcnm Centre. la., HAS OPENED A Branch Liquor Store and will continue to keep con stantly on hand ft full supply PURE LIQUORS, CP ALL ICLNOS. J. V 91. BAKUETT. Petroleum Centic, Xov. 1S;!i,16U9 tf. .3. . SEAKLli,S USALUK IN' ANTHRACITE, IUTUMINOU3 AND DLOiSIIcRG aajsS (Bt, IS j iid Farm, Fa. Having srtd my intenst nt I'etrnlmm Cen're to .Mr. V.. W. Codioton, and patv'insed the eti tiro ItitiTi'jt or my Into pnitnor at thlj place. Iain uuw prepa.ud to turuih lite i:tst tlualiticsof Coal, on short notice. in dew left at Central !Ioue, Petroleum Centre.or nt my u!ll 'e ear 14. Jt. Depot, Kvnd Funn, i:i bo promptly tilled. j. U.SKAn'l.LS. I'jnd Kurui, March 2 tf This Jleans lSus)mss. I om preparing to leave this locnelty on, or about tbo nivt of April coining, and MY liOOKS ML'ST BECLOSUD. TliOiu w ho hae c;iinis against me will please present them for adjustment, at my office In Nicholson 4 B'.acUmon's Ilardwaro Store. And tho.-o InJcuud to ntc will plenae call . nd settle atouce. Ni Kleeiiiigtb.'s, (hey Millaflor that date And tneir accounts In tho liaudj' of the proper aiithoilly for collection, with '.utcrust and cost added. March a, 1870. JAMES A. s:JEltKIFP. Huch Mfr &.V'tr Guo Job Vo:- t.i tin, M.:i,'n EoiimoiHtltig a tvvr of tlia rlclt tu Im L. M. STEENBUHG'S ULumberYard W askinjitK-'St., Pi:trulcen li'Btrr, Pa. Friends and pttrons, one and all. Your attoation to my ''biz'' 1 would eillj Time s arc doll an money tight, nut iu ihiMc.tluiea I'm loikli g for.Ilsbtj To those it lio are building rlj;s without number, I would inform ;hl& Is tho place to buy Lumber ; My motto is ibis: "Quick Sales and Small I'rofit," For'buslncss is healthy and 1 think much of It; Iu quality my Lumber is second to none, And ns for Shingles, I keep No. 1 ; , Some may not look at it In the lii;!it I do, And for il.ose I have a quality o. 3 ; And to those w ho aro particular ns inmo may bs, 1 still hove aueihtr uua'.ily culled No 3; 1 have good sonroned Luuibir. Dressed up nice, Which I will stll at a low cash prlce;J Suck as lioctlng, Csilingand Siding, oolh Rough and Dressed, Lath, Iiatteuaatid Surfaced Lumber, all of the best ; I also have Rig Lumber of aU kinds, At prices to comparo with oil and hard times ; " All kinds of Timber.kept constantly on hand, And a box of Cigars of a very gnodjbraud; Vy f tcUities for selling are surely without number I always keep good teams tu deliver good Lumber; So if you wr.ut Lumber, Uongh, Drcstod, Soft or Hard, You will flndjust what you wan' at L M Ss Lmu l er Yaid. febH-'f PI1 3 CtTTIXG TIX WARE. H o 0 w 0 w t Q O 3 H 3 a VIVE CLTT1.G TI.V VAE UlSSOKCTIUV JVOT1CE rphe ci)pn:tlH'ih '! hi retofi re i xidii g uuilir the tlrm I'Hini . ii h. Crl.-wolil l 'r is from 1 li 1st 7th tiny ot .I'M. ury ili-olvcd l.y n tltil'il .iui" i i. All t ail es liuli hted or haviu'' n'uv cl ifina on suid Biui are rt'iue-'ted to tn'l for -eiilcin 'i t. K S (iiSV I,l. 0. vr. m i:'i n. .auS ! mi BOOTS & SHOES rnne niWrfher tbfti.1.hi1 for tt vry llbaul pt X rrilJ(,'( liellltjfnri! extrT.dil to bini. mioM Hiii'Rtfu y ai.uouiicm k Lu ua havdalMgj look u( riKST CLASS GUOBS, eomprhtlii aOdssoristioDS oa Boots&Shoes LIGHT & FANCY BOOTS And Shoes of 2 every atyle, fo Men and ISoyi. The Custom i Department BECEIVI3 SPECIAL ATTENTIOM .Mo. a at the hnn'a 'of competent Iworkmon- BaUetEctli guuruuteod lu style and euduiauco. ISraucb Storo at nouacTlllo. Q. MACnANK Next dot r to Woirs' Jewelry Store, Wasblnjton Street, I'otioleum Cell'te, Pa. febltilf Dm' era Hi 1'. -..T.i." 1. JttnS-inJa Steam and Boilers Agents for Cliulincr'a-Spence'ii Xoit-Conluctlng CompounU For Covering Boilers and Steam Pipes, OP. tlie l0lot. TITI3fSVIl.IE, PA. I'ebtO-tf. TITUSVILLE. DRESS GQOBS um EOODS TO Goods o.Tl LACES SHAWLS So o K0TI0X8 Domestic Gflolx FLAMELS 4 Jl5.01ilT10. JVOTICE. piie rn nnriii(Thip hfrntofuro oltlin5 l twe'ti I If. 0 W vMur itiid .lulni .1 Vultvr umlcr tha Hi in iiaitif if Wat 'liter As llltt U tliit dnv diMitlvt-'i liy imilitul t'oii-ri.t. Tl IniMiH'ria will lie cttudKft rd lii'ifi.ncr hy II. C. W'nclit. r A M dt-lt will settled ttt lie htoro or Ky John J. tYlter Alt knnwfiip; thfiiiKflvf-9 Indfhted will pltane cull aud hoi lie. fvi. tjomru, jfeii. la j..u ll. , A ii I r.n. th1V.v Ji)llNJ. Ff.LTUH. L. SSUSE, Jlenlar in Fino Watcli-is, Diamond and Gold Jewelry, dorks, Merlin,; Silver "Ware, Fire Aims. Ac. ALL KiXDS OP SOLID .TKWELltY MADH TO OUDLK. fr lleilrlna, Fmrriiviiiz, will receive lu midiatoutieii too by expert woihinen .0. lO SPBLVG STilEET) TrrrsviM.E. PA- e-l' u.i ..s-i; rs ax d oil i'L u .j I'-Jl' IiCLn"'"l, 'sotiio n'ccpjtern'i, at the urn la'iti'fi'JUi. s Ji-