retrolpurr Centre Daily Record, Pcireuire, Saturday. March 19. ARKITIL AND DEPAKTt'BR or TUAINSION O. C. A. It. R ROCTK. No. 2, Pacseneor. LoavrCorry 11.20 a. m. : Titusvilie, 12.S9 p. m.j Petroleum Cen tre, 1.40 p. m. ; Oil City, 2.22 p. n.j Ir yintUon, 6 10 p. m. No. 4 Passenirer Leave Corry 8. 10 a. m ; Titufvllle, 7,35 a. m. i Petroleum Centre 8.14 a to; Oil City, 8 69 a m; arrive at lr Tineton 11.40 a m. No. 6 Passenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m; Titusrl le, T.fiO p m; Petroleum Centre, 11,33 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 f m. NORTH. No. 1, Psraeneer Leave Irvineton 7.13 a m; OH City, 10,10 a ra; Petroleum Cen tre, 11,05 a m; Titusvilie, 11,50 a lu; arrive t Corry I. if) p m. No. 3, Passenger Leave Irvineton, 12, 5 p in; Oil Cily 2,57 p tu; Petroleum Cen tre, 3.30 p m; Titusvilie, 4,20 p tu; arrive at Corry 5.45 p m. No. 5, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a m; P ruleum Centre, 7,43 a m; Titusvilie, 1,30 am; arrive at Corry 10,10 a ra. Divine Services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.t and 7 o'clock P. M. Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and t P. If. Sabbath School at 12,' P. M. cats free. A cordial invitation extend ' e d to all. Rst. C. M. Hexed, Pastor. 8W. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catholle) CHURCH. Mass at 10 a. ra. Vesper and Bene-Iiclto of tbe Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2,'p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Gold closed t(layat U24'. A drunken Individual made himself nu merous on the streets, this forenoon, desir ing to fight everybody be met. The old adape "when whiskey's lu Rood sense is out," was peculiarly carried cut ln,tats case- a nr . A HANDKREU. AbOUt 12 l... v IUBI night a poor woman was wandering througb tbe streets without shelter. Soveral partU-s to whom she bad applied for shelter refused to let her In. This forenoon she was takon in custody by Constable SlcHiigh, but what disposition was made of tbe case we hare not learned. Refusing to give a follow be ing a night's lodging such a bitter light, does not reflect much crediron the Individ uals guilty of It. Possibly" tby may be placed In tbe same situation some tlrao. It will be seen, by reference to our adver tising columns, that H. C. Waclilrr will sell Ins extensive stock ol groceries, provi sion", dried fruits, apples, potatoes, ,tc, at cost. A rure dunce is offered for families desiring to purchase goods cheap. Divine service will be churches to-morrow. hold in all tbe The Wallace Sisters at Sobel'a Hall, on Monday eveuiur. The New Hampshire election resulted in a Republican victory by ' a decreased ma jority. The east-bound passenger train which left Erie at 4 o'olock p. m. yesterday, met with an acciduet one mile west of Irvineton. Three cits were thrown from the track by a broken rail, two of them upsetting. None of the passengers were seriously injured. Tbe steamer Smiiit, from Bremen to New York, suppesed to be lost, has arrived at New York, having been forty-eight day on tbe pussage. N. Ruyaolds, a conductor on. the -V G. W. Railway, was found dead In tbe Tiffany House, in Meadville, on Wednesday morn ing. A two-legged burse is Erie. on exhibition in With a due regard to the requirements of Lent at Portsmouth, N. II., (Ubercuan caught on tbe 4tn inat., a codliali weighing 12S pounds. a The Allegheny Valley railroad is about to put on an accommodation train from Oil Cily to Parker's. This will piove of great importance to the people. There are tbreo now wells going down on tbe flawarth farm, one down 450 feet and the others commuueed. This is new terri tory, just above tbe Tyrrell lartn. Pleasant ville Ex. Is made tbe announcement that the Al legheny Valley Railroad is now prepared to ship freight to Buffalo and all poiuts in Western New York. A olover correspondent writes an exchange that she Is a scboul teacher, wants to get on in the world, and would be glad to ftiraish us "the runningusl, cutest little love story, " for (ire dollars. The II i st sigul si;r.uB "To Let." Till Pabksii Oil. FttLD. The Cliff well, en Fowler Run, and owned by D. Reynolds fc Co., which was doing only 2 barrel, wns torpedoed on Monday, and Is now produc ing 15 barrels dally. The Niagara, Reynolds & Co., on tbe Wm. Parker tract, below Church Run, which was producing about 13 barrels, was tor pedoed lust nock and is now yiuldiDg 30 barrels daily. The Williams well, on tho river, on land of Jus. Parker, is now through the third sand with a good show. It is owned by J. H. Haines. D. Reynolds, F. A. Deitrich, Dr. R. S. Wallace, D. Leecb and Mrs. S. S. and Mrs. J. C. Wallace. Iuu'epenent. An admirer of Beu. FrauUlin, while rid ingin Providvace one day last week, notic ed a bor.e-sboe lying in the street. Re membering Franklin's precepis,he dismount ed and went back for tbe shoe. Meanwhile his horse ran away, causing some damage to the vehicle. The young man turned again, ran alter bis horse and at length succeeded in catching and quieting the animal, when he agaiu made (or tho horse shoe, which he found to bo frozen so fast to the ground that he could not loosen it. A nice young man in New Orleans ran; away with and married tbe supposed daugh ter of a highly respectable lady, and came back for the lady's blessing, which was freely given, together with the' information that the girl was not her daughter, but a quadroon servaut girl. lie said it was a swindle, and left for parts unknown. Red Hand, a prophet of the Piute Indians, has lifted the veil, and gnzed into futurity. He is satisfied from what be saw, and ac cordingly announces that we shall soon have a flood like the one 1,870 years ago, when it rained forty days and forty nights and all the people got into tho big boat built by Columbus." Batnuui, iu a public lecture, has told tbe Bostoniaus to be happy, by temperate liv ing, and bow to get rich, by unlimited ad vertising. Tbe Rondoul postmaster gives notice that hereafter everybody must 'Mick their own stamps, else their letters won't go. His tongue has given out. A Philadelphia critio insist that Mr. G. L. Fox's devotion to bis art has led him to have all bis teeth extracted, in order to present a sufficiently lantern-jawed appear ance tn Hamlet. Tbe Louisville Courier-Journal says:- "iv Den you come to IojU at it ptoperly, (hero Is nothing straujio in fact that t.o citizen of Chicago bus ever been converted to Mormonism. A man who ciii't live with a wife six week at a time, naluarallv stands aghast at tbe thought of attempting to live with fllteen or twenty." It is related that Fisk introduced himself to Prince Arthur, while the latter was su;. veying the Grand Opera Home, saluting hm with "Well, uiy young duck, bow do you like it about here?" I.NTEKKSTI.VO TOT.IOS13 RuMOVIX, WeST.- Thuse who have concluded to change their place of residence by migrating to tbe fer tile fields of Kansas, Missouri, or the far West, should be particular to call on tbe Ageut.of ibe Erie aud Atlantic Jfc Great Western Railway at Corry beforo starting. and avail themselves of tbe favorable rates at which they and their can bi transported through to their destination. The Secretary of State has received a let r trom tbe commander of tbe Britiek steam er Bombay, In which that officer says thaPat the time of the collision, mar Yokohama. the Bembay was only going at tbe rate or six knots, while tbe Oneida was sailing un der steam and canvas at a rate of thirteen knots and the shock of the) ollision was so slight he bad no idea any damage whatever bad been done tbe Oneida. lie makes no mention of having beard tbe guns of the Oneida, which were Hred immediately after tbe catastrophe. The contract for grading forty miles of the Kansas Pacific ral Iroad from Denver was closed on Friday. X large amount of ties for this road are now being cut at the nurtu of the Plate caocn, which will be floated down the Platte to Denver, and the work of laying the iron will be commenced at Denver end as soon as tbe Denver Pacific track is luid. ft is expected tbe Denver Pasilio will be completed in June, and the Kansas Pacific in October. Four young ladies and a young man were on Sunday week baptized in Ruin. Riyer, Minu., while the tboruiomnter marked twelve degrees below z to, A shark was recently caught iu the Eng lish channel which measured seven feet in length aud weighed two hundred pounds. A Bangor man wuepn for his tilth wife. To prevent misapprehension it should be udded that he weeps because :e is dead, , uod uol Ihcduso he is in search of her. . I NEWS ITEMS. K school teacher iu Contre township, In diana, while punishing a boy on Wednesday hecame angered at resistance and struck him a Qirioua blow on the head with a heavy ruler. The boy staggered out of school and dropird dead. John W. Coon, of Omaha, is prtpimd to play Rudolpbe, winner of the champion cue in San Francisco, a match on the return of tbe latter from California. A letter from Fort Laramie stairs that much genuine alarm exists among the set tlers regarding the Sioux Indians, reported to be encamped in large numbers on tht Powder River, threatening revenge for the murder of one of their band at Fort Laram io last fall. Tbe condition ol S. P. Meehan, editor of the Irish American, who was shot on the night o February 2Slh, by Dr. Keenan, is becoming more critical every day. Hester Wiinmer, colored, was killed by a blow from the fist of her husband, iu Phila delphia, Wuduesday night, because she in terfered to prevent bim beating her child, a girl of thirteen. The murderer was ariest- d. W. H. Traubel, a Philadelphia litograpb- er, has been arrested, charged with engrav ing counterfeit brewer's stamps. Forty thousand -dollars worth of plates and stamps wore c aptured. Tbe Passenger depot and freight oflico of tbe Paciac Railroad at Jefferson City, Mo., were burned Thursday afternoon, together with the books of thj ollicj aud $2,000 worth of frsight. Loss on buildiuf;$4,500 with an open insurance policy. Tbe principal officers of Cincinnati are on a visit to Philadelphia, to examine in tie workings of the publio school system. Harper, tbe Sandwich incendiary, com mitted suicide in tho Barnstable, Mass., jail Thursday morning. Joel il. Walkup, of Framingham, Ma.-r., has been sentenced to twenty-five years in tbe State prison for assault with intent to kill Marshall Gray at Framingbam Center, and Dr. Henry Cowles, at Saxonville, in October last. Leandy Pinkham, convicted of burning the dwelling o! Mary Brotberisk, in Fram ingbam, Mass., was sentenced to the State prison for life. AVA.VTED. HIRED FEMALE HELP at tbe nodlES. ILU liOu&E. mlOt-t Sash, Glass, Door, Putty &c. Large oioe very cueap at ine furniture More. '.'' mlo-tr C3JTA few more boarders can bo accom modated at the Oil Exchange, march lOtf. S, Reynolds prop. The Pyramids of splendid coal over at Codington & Corn wells yard are perfectiy wonderful. tnarchlOlf. Coi.d is a wcwbicb Codington & Corn well prjiposK tender ol salute. For modus operandi call and see them. marcblOlf. 5,000 tolls Wall Paper just received at mSlf. GntFFES Bitos. Fine assortment of Paper and Cloth Win dow Shades and Fixtures, just ree'd at m8tf. Gkiitks Bitos. Go to Grilles Bros, for the best selected stock of Paper Hangiogs and Curtains over offered in town. ui8tf. Reduced Prices at Lammers & Alden's. nov.rtf. Tnts Means Bcmxesh My entire stock of gauds Is offered at cost. A. S. Smith. Deo 5 If. Lammers & Alden's is tliennly store to quy good, durable and cheap clothing; Latnmera & Alden's is the only white mam, clothing store iu the Centre. Ordets taken for suits and fits guaranteed, Lammers & Alden's. A. S. Smith in order to cinse out bis large stock of ladies shoes ifcc., offers them at cost as they must be sold in the next tiO days. Dec ft f f. Just received a large and well assorted stock of shelf hardware at J. Rutherfurd'r. tf. Closing out Sale ! OF $",,000 WORTH OF Groceries, Hour, Provisions, Potatoes, Apples, . Dried Fruits. And all kinds of goods generally kept in a FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE. This stock must, and will be sold at, and ueiuw oust. II. C. WAfUITF.P Opposite the Bank. Petroleum Centre. ml'Mw NO HUMBUG, Loci! I 2Votl!en. " Children's Oakmahes A fine assort ment at tbe Furniture Store. nighmrk, Cmiftfcss and Empire Spring water at Grilles Bros, felStf. The largest and best nssortinent of Table Cutlery, ever brought Into tho county at Niccholson i Blackmon's. tl. Underclothing in large quantities at Lara mers fc Alden's. Horse Shoe Nnils, wholesale and retail, at Nioholsnn it Blackmon's, 23-if. TbeXew Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson E JUlackmon a. tt. Tbe New Gas Pump for sale at Nicholson ,t JJIackmon s. tt. Sheriffs Sale" is Ci.oseb. Nicholson Blaekmon navine bought film out at this place and Kane UMy. tf. Carriage Bolts, wholesale and retail, a Nicholson & ttackraon'a 23-tf. Kid Gi.oaks A largo assortment, at L,amemts t Amen s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. JAM Kin I)U., Of Philadelphia offers his services to all who mm t, sulfeiiu with, Ulcers, bcroful. private dlspncs, Khftimatism, KMeev Diwascs, U ravel, l'llps. Cramps, Uisi-ases of the Eye and Ear, OU Snrrn rf any klml lntenmt or external. natn of any kind, lor which 1 will ounranu-aa safe, and lauug cure, in irom inp 10 lour woesa N t't'UK. NO PAY. I can bp consulti it nt tha AmTlian Hotel, Room vii, at an uuiirn, uutu uie nrst or dune. inarchi(i-lw Wallace Si sters THEATRE, . Burlesque & Comedy COMPANY. ?. B. VILLA. ) K. P. DOBSO.V, ( J. II. CASS1DY, Managers Lender of Orchestra AT SOBEL'S OPERA HOUSE, SIX NIGHTS ONLY, 14, 15, IS, 17, 18 & 19. First appear vici in IMrolcum CentrJ eof the uiiu i.imnv iilcu WALLACE SISTERS, Agnes, Jennis, Minnie'St Maud, WITU ' ' S. B. VXLLA., And M talented New York Unrli'xque Company of , uu.jire flr.i-1", eejenea w nil care a' d dU.-rmiliintlnn from the pihiripal Stew York, Philadelphia aad Bostoa theatres. MONDAY EVENING, MARC II 14, Will be presented the highly successful com ic operatic burlesque entitled, OP, THE GIRL OF THE TERIOD. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, The great historical Burlesque of tho Field of the Clolh of Go!d. WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCn 19 T. TV. Robertson's highly successful comedy in three acts, of CASTE. "True hearts are mora thai! coronets,' And simple fulih than Norman blood." THURSDAY KVEXINO MARCH 17, Will be presented the laughable Burlesque of Tin EJiavalo, Or "Tho HcatHy and tho lirlgaudn. FRIDAY EVENING SIAKCU 18, OITtneaeh's world lenownodcomic, operatic Buries quo, replete wlih nittculflceut muxic and geor b'cons coitauies, entitled the Grand Duchess of Gerolstchi SATURDAY EVENING, MARCIT 19, AndhMtapiMiranroorihat incomparable phatnax of H 'anty.-lijiiee nnj r iro arlihtic ability, iiy u:ina imoiiH niuet inc. quizzical mjHijlogical, musi cal and original liuriesijuo, I Xrl OX ! Or, "The Man at the Wheel." Preceding encli Burlesque A CliOltlOUS FAItCE ! Put ron and hcndi of ffimiiien aro assured Unit. while mirth will ha U-HtiuteJ, it a x libera nee will Wll bo kept within proper liinita; lhai no r-t'iitiinent be utterod that .night nut to? J utturfd a' the tt reside umidrit tho family circle. That noiihor iu lixik, trtx.ire orwjtiiiii will Miiytliln ho renri Hoia cd tl.ttt could poy-ibly oiitiuge the decorum of the modt Helect drawing room. .Ydxals&'oa 50 Cti- liVi'Tved Seats 75 eta. HARRY UE'.iDEUT Armt, W1NSOK BKOS. COLUMN. WBR2SOR BROS., STOBE. ESTABLISHED 1859. "Winsor Bros. I MAiy 8TIIEET, PETROLEUM CESTUI; DEALERS IN OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING I ALSO, WORKING BARRELS A VALVES STUFFING BOXES, ' CLAMI'S, TONGS, 1NN13 SUCKER RODS, RIVETED JOINT SUCKER ROD BOILER PUMPS, CISTERN 4 WELL PUMPS, Xnrj Description f supplies fer OIL WELL TJ.RS J.D REFINERIES. BRASS GOODS, STEAM & GAS FITTINGS' BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE EIRBY'SCOMTRESSED BUNGS, H -A. H, X) W -A. Homo Trimmings, Cuipentets' Tools, DrllliiiK and Plain Laid Rope, Oaknm, Nails, Axes, Table aud Pocket Cutlerj, A fall assortment of everything iB ihe Ilvtwara Ifeuse Furnishiiin; Goods, AND Morniiij? Q-lory BASE IILRXEUS. nOME COMPANION, IRON GATE, and W1IEAT SHEA7 Cook Stoves. Iiamp, Iantcrna 4e Clilmnefi, -o. 1 Winter alruiued Lard Oil, XO. 1 I1EFIXED OIL. CIIAJ1HOV CLOTHES WUIXGER Msiufacturcrs of TIN. SHSST IRON & COFFER WARS. t SMOKE 'STACKS, Impairing nf nil kinds done wifh nentners and dil patch. -fciecJal attention givenito Steam and Gas Fittings PiirchaHlnis with cash only, onr facllltlri for fur m);ing !viTythiiiff in our lint are mperior to any nthcr emubl .an.tnit in the Oil lugioo. We have m nibtc'.asa. , TIN AND REPAIR SHOP Thanking our trleuds for tLelr HWal patronser in the past, wo shall ue mm bust sBTurta to " ts sonttBUTOCO. itartii. i w.