1w U3t f etrolewm fVntre Daily Record. ?. iienlro, Monday, march T. Aituirti. and; bepabtcke or TRAINS-OA O. C. 4c A. K. , ! SOUTH. i No. 2. PiMuni'pr. Leave Corry 11.20 a, 'l at. ; TIIuville. 12.59 p. in. ; Petrolo'.'m Cell- i ire, 1.4U p. m.; uii ony, ip. m.j - yireton, A 10 p. m. No 4. Passenger Leave Corry 6.10 a. m. Tltusville, 7:85 . m.; Petroleum Centre, i 8.14 a in; Oil City, H 09 a in; arrive at lr- 1 vlneton 11.40 a m. i Ho. 6, passenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m; j j' ; Tltusville, 7.50 p mi Petroleum- Centre, 8,33 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 r oi. I No. 1, Psssenuer-r-Leave Irvineton 7. 15 ;t a m; Oil City, 10,10 a n; Petroleum Cen- I tro, 11.03a m; Titusvilie, 11,50 a in; arrive at Cony 1.40 p m. No. 8, Pnirer Leave Irvlneton, 12, 05 pro; Oil City 2.67 p in; Petroleum Cen ' Ire, Ulpm; Tilueviile, 4,20 p tn; arrive at Curry 5,45 p m. No. fi, Passenger Leave Oil City 7.00 a m; Petroleum Centre. 7.4.1 n m; Titusvilie, S,0 a n; arrive at Cony 10,10 a ra. I'lvlne Scrvioea. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'elook P. M. Rr. J. T. Oitoby, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHCPiCH. Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and i P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. at free. A cordial Invitation extend ed to all. Rkv. C. U. Heako, Pastor, STJe. PETER AND PAUL'S '(Catholie) CHURCH. Mas at 10 a. m. Vesper and Benedietiea of the Blessed Sscrataent at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2"p. in. JAvfE3 DUNN, Pastor. Gold to-day 112. - NOTICE. After this date tbe Post Offlco will be open from iyt x. u., until 1 p.m. Marel2. W.;MillerP. M. Tbo Tilmville Herald oi this morning ys: "Tbe Crawford Democrat and Petro 1 'itin Centre Record copy from the tele graphio correspondence of the. New York Herald what purports to be the testimony of Messr. Pettii and Bishop, before the January committee, la the matter or the cadolsnlp !uvestlgation,"'.and tgoe on to ridiculH Mr. Pettis' statement, but has not word to say in regard to Mr. ili.han-. .i deaoe, upon which tbe New York corres pondent had the most to fay. Then the lleralU gives a reply, which it claims Mr. Pettis made to a question a.kcd by General Logan. Now we do not believe the editor of the Herald ever saw that in print before, or that Mr. Pettis ever made it What we said Frldsywe say lo-doy. If t,P Titusvilie Herald and Oil City Times lud published tbe New York correspondent's report referred to, as they did that same correspondent's letter giving the evidence against Mr. Pettis, it would not have had so much the appearance of a put up job, or melt so strong of mnlica and hatred. Does any one wuat to bet us that the Oil City Times will not copy the Herald's arti oie ot this morning? . Reduction- ov Freight Demaxdkd At tneaifetinir of the Pet.nlpnm ..,.i(i at Cleveland, Wednesday afternoon, the late auvance to trelgbt on orudo oil was under uisoussion, and a committee of five appointed . "...ig me matter before the proper partb with a view of securing ;tt reduction. Th nanlmous expression was that the' tariff is most unjust and inimical to the oil Interests oi the city, and a pretly decided deposi tion wis man Ifer ted by many to clone tbeir renneriesat.onoe if a lair reductiou was uo conceded. In tbe aiattcr oi the reliifhl i.f tbe bag- pasemaNier and Conductor Taylor, lo give up the baggage of the Wellington & Bron ner Mlustrola, attached by Constable Mo Hiitrh, the parties were brought before Jus tice Douaghy this forenoon and gave bail to appear at court. It i understood that the railroad company intend to CI is li t, tho mat ter. Conductor Taylor claiming that the at tachment was not served upon him. Tbe Setenliflo Bohemian Troupe of fancy Glass Blowers will givo one entertainment at Sobsi's Opera House, on Friday after noon and evening, March 1 1th. The cele brated Glass Steam Engine Monitor, made if 5, 0U9 pieces of glass, will be on exhibi tion, Don't fail la attend. 1 We re-publish our report of the produc tion, ifco , of tho several farms in this viciif ily to-day, with several corrections. Ow ing to the misplacement of a lljnre the pro duction of the Central Petroleum Go 's farm was given at only 8 bairels per day. It sl ou'.d bavo been "HQ bnrre!. Aa exchange nja that the only p'O, le la Washington who mind their own business are such young man'ed pairs as beppen to ) pe;i .lii tle h cyruoou &l "'B hotiis. A recently published book of "Nursery Rhymes for Children" Is a very curious illus tration of the remarkable Ignorance which exists in tbo minds of some people concern ing the real wants and needs of tbe little folks in respect to their literature for they certainly have one now-a-days. Here is a "measly" lullaby lor n child suffering from a common in fantllo disease: "Feci her pulse. It begins to convulse: Soon the spasms will throttle her; The blue spots will niottle her; Tbeu the doctors will bottle her." A "Whisper Song" imparts some useful information: Hi t! That noise! What was it! See, there's a ghost in tho closet And under tbe table, look! Don't yon sen that creeping spook? Ob! Oh! look out on tbo stnir, Tbo devil is hidinu there?' Moit people, we fancy, will take good care that tbeir children are kept in ignorat ce of such rhymes for several years after tbey have lelt the nursery forerer. Tub Baby Ball. An entertainment of a somewhat singular nature took place on Saturday afternoon and evening at living Hall, New Yoik. It was, in fact, u baby matinee ball, prolonged into an evening concert, at which tbe guests were of every age betweeu four and fourteen. Young New York was thero In all Its glory. "Nobby" boys and fair girls crowded the Boor, and in a few cases lufants in arms might be seen in as much of a ball-costume, as swaddling clothes would admit of. It is a tad fact that cigars and whisky were sur reptitiously indulged in by some of the lud?, and that the whole affair was an amazing ir.slauce of precocity. At a divorce trial before Judge Sample, id Jluncie. Jnd., last week, the principals the in suit, relating how lovingly they used to lire lo gether when lirat manieri, be came so affected over the recollection of tbeir lost happiness that they commenced cryiug; the Judge followed suit, the andi cace ji.ined In, and handkerchiefs were in general demand. Judge Sample, when they had all got through crying, suggested to the husband and wife 1 tbe propriety of trying to live happily together once more. After cotiBuUa'.ion, they concluded to try it again, and tbe cubs was thus ended. Marine Disasters in- Fkiiiil ary. Tbe number of vessels belonging to or bound to or from ports in the United States reported totally lost or missing during tho past month Is thirty-two, ot which seventeen were wrecked, three buret, three abandon ed, four suuk by collision, three foundered and are missing. Tbey ore classed as fol lows: Five steamers, two sbl s, niue bar.-:s, two brigs and fourteen schooners, and their total estimated value, exclusive of cargoes. is seven hundred and iifly-throe thousand dolluis. AtSierr Leone, on , tho west coast o' Ainca, mere Is printed a naner called Dm West African Herald, the entire staff pro prietor, editor and compositors being real notlvcs. Among the names of the agents who receive subscriptions and supply papers U the following: At Winnobah, Henry Abduah, King of Winnobali. Ilia sable majesty is also agent for the some paper lor tbe Gomooab district. Exchange. A few days ago a m m entered an Inu runce ofTico in Bu!l'.lo, and, tossing a pa per on the counter, sid to the clerk: That's ma out, and I want it reuewed." As the clerk unfolded the document a broad grin spread over his (ace, and be Inquired: "Are you sure that this has run out?'' "Yes," said the man, "my wile told me it ran out yesterday morning," whereupon the clerk handed back tn him his marriage ceitiflcate. -'motler light for the ctiampiunship of light weights is tallied of at New York. Seveial sporting men offer to back Charles Kelley against Billy Edwards, and a match will probably be arranged in a taw da;s Edwards was only slightly injured in the match on Wednesday, but Collyer is severe ly bruised, and physicians say bis death from internal injuries is not in probable. The missing City of Boatoii is built in six compartments, and is supplied with three months' provisions, besides having a cargo coiupestd latgi ly of cut meal and Hour. She bus plenty of coal, uud her cunilersi is are capable of producing 1,01)0 gallons o' fresh water daily. John Foroance, uti elll .er of lue Onddi who is not reported among the rescued, is the sou of the lute Joseph Fornanee, of NorriaUiwn, I'a. The new well ou llie Daisceil faun, owned by Patterson ,t I);o!;ey, U being tubed this afteruoou, preparatory to testing. Tho in dications aid good. Tiie new wi ll tu t. e McUruy farm is yielding "3 barrels pet day, actual- tuets-iiremeti!. The Olit Book. Quaint poems of a far off age, In binding dark and old. But strewn o'er each discolored pnge Sweet fancies swecllj told. That seem as though a child were I, To take mo by the hand. And lead me through tbe years gono by, Back to a much loved land. Where BUDshiue falls in golden bars, Through woodland labyrinths, And frail white wind-flowers lie liko stars 'Mid purple hyacinths. Now, though I softly close the book, The vision with me stays: On Grcenyoung leaves and rippling brook On flowers and sky I gxz '. O poet! dead and gone thou art: lint this, tby magic lore. Doth entor in tbe reader heart, And live there evermore. O poo!! that didst sing so sweet, ; ' To gladden weary men, Perchance some day we twajn shall meet, And I may thank thee then. JIE1VS 1T31!!. Motto for the fasting season "Fcslina Letile." Somebody once wrote on Mr. Burlinganics, door, "China repuired hero." The Ohio Legislature his passed a bill to provide "subjects' lor ; medical student The Hartford Conrant apoligises for call ing tbo Arion Club the African Club, but tbe Springfield Republican dues not upoli giso for eallit'g a perpotti.il ctudle a perpet uai cradle. Tbey are organizing a female bather shop in Boston. Ten sylphs aro bei'ng put through a tuitioaary touiie ol lather for the opening. A sweet shave will cost twenty five cents, and a seraphic shampoo half a dollar. A Missouri man, who recently demo'islud an old trunk, lound $3,085 concealed be tween the wood and zinc bottom. Tbe ?t.iry got abroad, and now thero Isn't a whole old trunk witbiu titty milts ol bis bouso. A wealthy farmer of St. Paris, Ohio, committed suicide recejitly. No reason for tbe rash act given; but a piper containing one of Mr. Greeley's conlWs ous of "What 1 Know About Fanning" was luuul tightly clasped in hia right band. When Mark Twain's father-in-law pre sented him with the elegant bou-e and fur niture at Builalo, the other night, Mr. Twain told the good man to co:no and see biui, and bring bis c upet bag along and sta; all nigh!, as it shouldn't cost him a ecu t. Since the story h3S been Wl l of how Judge Breckinridjo married a girl whom he saw jump over a rail fence with ti paij cn her head, tha girls In Orang coiiulr, New York, are said to spend their tiiu'3 in watching Hie road; ami whenever they see carriage approaching wild a man in it thev soiza their pails and go for a fence. y We givo below a table ot tbo production, . fcc., of tho several laru.'S in this vicinity, actual and estimated. It will bo seen t but there is a decrease in the production of the less, Mallory, an 1 Vools farms, nod 6 in crease on the Da'zell und McC'iay (arms The other farm fold Ibeir own. The fig ures are furnished either by tbo owners ot superintendents i f tbo several farms, and consequently can be relied upon ni correct It will be borne in mind that Ibis rejort is for tho month of February: W O O n H !' A R M A t T U A t Number of barrels of oil en hand at the wells at tue closu ot mo ,,.th.. COO N timber ol barrels of oil deliver:-! Ironi viel s during iiiontn, .yiuu Average per day l- r the niurtii, -containing 'l days, 112 Nuinner of wel:s producing dur ing tbo month, 21 Average daily produetiou per well, iJs Number "f wells drillwig, . l Number of barrels stuied iu iron tanks, 9,."3'l There Las been no wells completed, re sumed er hbamlulH-d during the lie-rill). CENTRAL r-ETISOI.Kt.'M FAUM ACTfAL. Average dVily pioluctiorj. Number of wui.n pnmp'-i.; No inherit' weils cotopieted dur ing the month, ' Number of weils dl'.'!lell, Number of barrels o!' oil on baud iu iron tank-', i Do. it) woouen t.inliJ, CO I.I Mill A I'ifRM ACTT.vr,. Averagn rtnily .ionc;ioii, Average for lust !) dy of Feb- ruury, ! Nuiuoer of new wells diillitlu, Number of wells puu-ing, NIAGARA F A R, M A '.' T I ' A L. Average daily pro.lijatlon, Numlier of birrvl stcii'i iu tank, 29!) 13 9.2i( 'Ood 3u 1 2.rl 2,1 00 Number ot wells completed dttr iug the month, y PAI.Zri.I, 1-AtIM AOTCAt.. Averscro dailv induction, ' 2'J'-.; Number of wpil pumping, . 0 Number of wells drilling, " 1 Deriieks. Ac. fi r three new wells wen- put upon this farm during the month. riEKSON FARM ACTUAL. Average daily production, llfi Number of wells pumping, liU Number of wells abandoned, 1 The filling otf in production on this fnn was 'hi barrels per !y over last month. No no now wells am going down. HTPE 4 KIII1ERT FARM ACTUAL. Average daily production, 21 Number ot wells pumping, 4 Increase per day over last month 5 bbls. ' v1 i EVANrt TBACr ACTUAL., Average daily production, 2.'1 Number of webs completed, 4 No new wells weiu drilled ra this tract. m The production of the followlog farm is estimated: MAI.l.ORT FAR. ... ' Average daily production, 30 N'liinherof wells pumping, fi Number ol wells drilled, I KSNN'ECSF.TT TRACT. A-forn-ro daily production, 10 Number of wlls pumping, S RTKVKN30S FARH. Average diilv i rudiiction. 70 funiber of v, el Is pumping, id HESS FARM. Average daily production, 45 Number of wells pumping, - 15 o i',ew wells wi re drilled. VM. K'ctUT FAK. Average daily production, 10 Number of wells pumpini;. 1 Number of wel!s going down, 2 J. 5. m'cray farm. Average daily production, 411 Nuniber of wells going down, 1 Wo were ttnatilo to get the production ol the LVmpsey and other farms ou C'dei ry'ree Run. Toe princlpaljiait of the developing during the present month will be done on the M:Cry, Dalzoll and onn or .two farms on Choi iy tree, and prohably the Centrol Petroleum Co.'s farm. Tkere are also eno or two wells on Iienningtioif Hill which re yielding' five or six barrels per , day Tha. total production per day of the farms men tioned 'above, actual and estimated, is 1,371 '. barrels. Lnnal .Jlrc. Citit.nnKXs CAittiLMtEs. A fine assort ment at the- Ftu iiilnrt! ture. Ifiabrof lf, Ceneress and Empire Spring water at Grides Bros, feiStf. Horse Shoe NbUs, wholesale and retail, at Nicholson it Dluckuion's, 2.'-tf. TheNew Gas l'uiiip lor sale at Nicholson I!lucl:moil s. tf. The New Gas 1 nmp forsalo at Nicho'soo A; Biuckinun'a. tf. Sin itii'iM Sai.k ih Ci.oski) Nicholsooa Blaekmbn havimr bought hitn eat at this place and Kane Cily. tf. This Means Bcsixbs. My entire iteck of good.s is oll'ered at cost. A. S. SuiTn. Dee 5 If. Underclothing In largo quantities at Lam mers !c Ald-n's. ' The largest an I best n.oriru,.r.i r,r Tai.u Cuiirry, ever brought Inte the country Nieehidsmi .t- rtl,.fl.-mnn. . ..... ... .,,ub.,,w , . ., II. . Lanrner .'i Alder. is li e only (tore to (piy good, durable and cheap clothing. Lammeis ,fc AMen'a is the only while mans, clothing store in the Centre. Ordeis taken for suits and lits guaranteed, Lammeis & Alden'. Parlor und oSieo stoves, a few left and will lie sold at cost at J. Rutherford,. If. Carriage II ills, whol-sale 'and retail, a Nicholson &, Biicltnion's 2.')-lf. J-ist rece ived n Inrgo and wr I assorted stock of shelf hardware it J. Rutherford's. tf. ' Km Gloakh A large assortment, at Lamemts & Alden'g. A. S. iMiith in order to ciose out hi large stock of Indie shoes &o., offers thorn at oust as tljcy L.nst be sold in the next tn days. H"C ft if. NEIV ADVKRT13KMENTS. Tis Mcajw business. , ; I cm prcpa.-Iag to leave Lliii loeae'.ty on, or nbo'nt the flrst tf April coalrft ai.d MY UCIOKH MUST 11! Ji'l.os;;!). Tunne who have claims against mo wKl ilcae present them for adjustment, nt my clb.iL In richolson A E'aol raon'a Hardware Btoie. An.! tlio.o iu3,:bt.dto mo will ileaso call rrd snttlo atoiKi... Neglee-.lti; til's, tbey will afitr that dtc Slid thi-ii- isocounts in tho liu ds of the pr por an ho. Ily fr culloction, viib intvlc.it ar.d coat sdded V.a-ch .'i, JAMES A SMEItKIFF. mwreiifrif. WINSOlt I1ROS. COLUMN" WW i STOKE. , i .'ESTABLISHED' 1359 Winsor Bros., PETlaOJJ'll'.q C&fcTISE, DEALERS IN OIL WELL TUBING AND CASiNS ! ALSO, WOKKING BARIIFILS & VALVES STUFFING V.OXK. ' CLAM i '.S, TONGS, INNI3 SUCKEK RODS, 1UVETKD JOINT SCCKER ROD ' -. BOILER IF Mrs, t ' - CISTKU.N & WELL PL'MP. Kv.ry Dejci-:pt!on o: ulpllea for oil well ,mu in ' llEflNEKIES. B251SS GOODS, STEAM & GAS FITTINGS BELTING. TACKING AND JfOSB KIKBY'SCO-VFRESSEDIlF.VGd, House Ttimmlns, Cat'fa'ileiV Tools, Drilling and Plain Laid Rope, Oakum, Nails, Axes, Table atd Pocket Cutlery, A f.i'1 assor meat of svrrvllibig In ih riardw.w Due - 3f use Furnishing Goods, VENTILATOB AND Mornine: G-lory BASK KIR WIS. nOME COMPANION, IRON GATE, nnit WHEAT SHEAF Si- Stoves. Xiiimp, litiiilrrna At Cblmncfi, Ko. 1 Winter fttrained . Lard Oil, i0. 1 RE FIXED OIL. CJJAISIHOA CLOTHES WRIXCEB J'riufaimrei's of TIN, SHEET I23N COPPER 17 ARE. SMOKE, STACKS, Reyfclrlns of nil l-In-'s don. wllb BMtnen t'i 4" patcb. Knpoclal aiteutiou given to ! Steam and Gas Fitting rnrnhiislng with tish only, onr tocllitlr" for to' nlsliiiK evtrvthlnn lnour Hni are miierler to ui.jr mliiT iMtabl sliuiuut lu tli. Oil liegion. W c na lliblC.US. T N AMD REPAIR SHOP. Tl nnklnu our frterd for their liberal PJ'0", -