The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 26, 1870, Image 2

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etioieuim Centre Daily Record
Pet. Centre, Saturday. Feb. 110.
TBAUVnO O. C. A. K. B.
No. 2. Pssseneer Leave Corry 11.20 .
n. : Titusville. 12.69 p. m.; Petroleum Cen
tre, 1.4D p. m.; Oil City, 2 22 p. m. f Ir-
vii.Plon, i 10 p. m.
4. Pu'wouer Lear Corry 6.10 t. m
Ttumvill.-. 7 35 . m.; Petroleum Centre.
f I4 m: Oil City
vineton 1 4d a hi.
Nil . I'nMrricer Leave Orry 6 OS p at',
Tlliikvtiltv J o" P 01 1 I elroieiim Centre,
8,33 p in; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p tn,
No. 1, Pnaseniri'r Leave Irvineton 7.15
m: Oil Cily, 1O.10 n: Petroleum Cen
' Ire, 11,05 a in; Titusvilie, H,0 a id; arrive
t Cony l,iv ) m.
No. .1, Pn8snner Leave Irvineton, 12.-
OS p in; Oil Cily 2.57 p mi Petroleum Con
tre. 3.36 pin: Titusville, 4,20 p m; arrive
at Curry 6,45 Dm..
No. fi. Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00
in; Pi'troleum Centre. 7.43 it m; Titusville,
8,0 a djj arrivo at Corry 10,10 a m.
Itlvliie Service.
' Preaching at 11 o'clock A.M., and 7
O'elook V. M.
Ret. J. T, Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbntb at 11 A. M. anii
t4 P. M. Sabbath School at 12,' P. M
ata free. A cordial invitation extend
td to. all.
Kg v. C. II. Heard, Pastor.
Mas at 10' a. m. .
Vesper and Benediction tt the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. ro.
Catechism at 2 p. ro.
Gold to-day 113.
We And In a Toronto letter an interest
ing sketch of the oil and salt wells or the
Dominion. At a dace ealll P.t.n. ik
the western section of Ontario, the pros-
i" ,ur u" oescriDed In glowlnir terms. I - .1 , . .
.u uo venire or the oil regions, and
surroiinaeg ty upwards of three hundred
ana mere can be, according to the
Toronto writer,litiled01lbtlhttl ... nrnm
lu.urna ir id, business succeeds.
It Is aly reached by rail, a branch of the
Great Western Railway running to it from
Wyoming on IV London and Sarni.
of that line. The villa. Is by no pena
either picturesque or Inviting; it is in the
very heart of the forest, and can onlv l,e
approached, from the different points by the
worst of roads. The writer states that a
visit would be sufficient to convince an on.
of the great abundance of petroleum, for it
abounds everywhere, and sends out an odor
Qsiuecomes disagreeable lonr bernr., ih
spot is reached. Even in the very driest
summer weather the ditches bv the rn.l
siae are ruled witbube oily stuff, and it ii
oi me pieasantest walklug where it Is ooz
ing out of the ground at almost ever. .t..n
ipi... .. .. . . . t"
'" oi tue district Is
large, aud constantly increasing,
Dow very
Day before yesterday there arrived in
tbta tow.ifrom Erie, a German woman, who
was tn search of ber daughter, agirl about
17 years of age, who the woman said was
. in a house of prostitution here. After mak
ing ioquiries ol several parties the wher.v
abouts of tho girl was discovered to be in
one of the "Free and Easy's" at the upper
end cf the town. The meeting between
another and daughter was very affecting,
tut no amount of persuasion could loduce
tier to go borne, and so the mother left for
Erie alone. The relatives of the girl are
said to "be very wealthy 'and respectable
people, of that city, and the reason of the
girl leaving home was because ber parents
refused to allow ber to marry a drunken
worthless wretch who aspired 'to ber band.
Ills the same ld story, ''One more unfor
tunate, rashly importunate," not exaotly
gone te ber doom," but probably soou will
if sua persists in pursuing the coprse of life
she has adopted. If young girls could only
see the want and misery that mutt even-
tually rail to their lot, tbey would hesitate
long before leaving happy homes to eater
upon a life of shame.
Mr. Dan. E. Crocker, for a long time the
well known landlord of the Sberman House J
in this place, has purchased, the Kane City
Hotel, an I proposes to "run it" after a fash,
ion peculiarity his own. He has refitted
and re-fiirnisht'd It throughout, and it pre
sents a neat and bomolike'.appearauce.
When we say that ' Dan" is a popular land
lord, wu but express tba sentiments of a
host of bis friends, and that be will keep a
first class bouse no one that knows him on
den! t. Those of our citizens visiting Kane
City will do "put up" with Dan, at
the Kane City Hotel.
We would call the attention of our read
ers to the fact that at tbeliqitor store of J.
Jt M. Barrett, Washington sireet, can be
found a full and complete stock of pure
wines, liquors, ales, cigars, &0. These
brands of liquors are unsurpassed for puiliy
and flavor, being procured diieet from the
manufactories on their order. The geiitle
nien composing the Arm are well known as
straight forward business men. and tboBe
in want of liquors or cigars would do well
to psy them a call and examlue their stock
and prices.
A correspondent of the Meadville Repub
lican, writing from this place, suys the
Record made a statement that the .James
Devlin well, on the Dalzall farm, was yield,
lag 20'J barrels of oil per day. The Record
made no such statemeut, but did say that
thenbove well started up at the rate of 200 j
baneU per day, but would probably lull off
as soon a the bead was pumped off. We
would advise the. correspondent to put on
bis spectacles next time bo reads tbe Rec
ord. Ue may be able io s. e a little bettet.
It is said of a very baudsoine woman,
wboso feet were immense; ''She's very
pretty, but she upsets completely tbe ordi
nary system of measurement, by proving
that two feet make a yard."
The 'man uuout town" Is if ihu opinion
tbat the weather will ioc u be wtirnier.
SnmA nf
me wens, says the Toronto man, areoperat
ed almost constantly,- 'throwing up streami
which Indicate an inexhaustible
The crude oil hi been selling at one dollar
soo. iuriy to one dollar and fiftv in
gold, per barrel, and tbe refined at twenty
three cents per gallon on the spot. The
calcination is that the crude vi.iri. '..
sixty to eighty per cent, of pure oil. At
this rate refining will bring a handsome re
turn to Hose; engaged it it. A laree still.
capable of holding two thousand gallons of
vr.iu.on at once, has been iu operational
Petrolla for route time, and it is now doing
... u.viense uuamess. Several refioerius
have been established In ,ln...
tbe country, and tbev are all dnln. .ii
do not vouch for all these statem-m. h...
publish them sulatantially as bearing on tbe
question of tbe oil product.- That question
is one upon which our oil statistician. l
reupsyivaniaseein to be quite "mixed up.
.Erib VieTORiocs.-The Supreme Court
of Philadelphia, Chief Justice Thompson
nr0iI In r a.A.j . .
r .cuucreu a decision In favor of
" froposea lease of the Atlantic and Great
rn a..way to the Erie Company, and dismissed the bill of ejecen
tioni (hut h. k. a.- . . .. - 1
. uuiea Dyiue first mort-
ooaunoiaers, and other opposing par
lies, tbe parties opposed to the lease beina
ordered to pay costs. The lease was ex
ecuted accordingly, and tbe Erie Company
! now iu possession of tbe line from Sala
manca to Cleveland, and tbrnimh m
cinnati. This has been . h..A .......
He, every possible objection having been
made to the consummation nf ti..
The most eminent counsel of New York
Ohio and Penn.,lv,nla,wer pitted .gainst
Mr. Frederick A. T.n- ..... tl. .
. , ,k , . " uu assistnnts,
but tbe legal member of tbe famous trlum
virate of Erie conducted bis esse with such
signal ability that he won tbe victory. By
tbis decision tbe Erie Company has gained
all that it ever asked, and has secured, des
pile the most violent opposition, emamaU
ng, ills presumed, partially from rival
lines, a direct through route to Cincinnati
far, Westward tbe course of
Erie takes its way.
A recent visit to tbe Red Hot and Sbam
burg oil district convinced us of tbe Tact
that much geod territory exisis in that vi
cinity, whleb tbe coming summer will be
developed. Judging from the forflgt of d
hat tbo well, are being put down too dose
ogetber, consequently many that are sink
In well, will be subjected to disappoint
ment on finding them 0 be dry.
Our citizens will bear in mind tbe Tem
perance lecture to be given at tbe M. E.
Churcb, to morrow evening, by Mr. Wales
French. It will prove of great interest to
all. "
Mr. R. H. Sargent is about to put down
two new wells on tbe Central Petroleum
osiarm, and will commence drilling on
muuuay. we Dear of other wells .going
uuwu uo mis lurin .
There was picked up a day or two slnee:
at tbe upper end or tbe town, a ladies cape..
The owner can have tbe same bv calling at
tbis office.
iJfEws items:
Counter attractions Pretty saleswomen.
Pine-apple fritters are a Florida delicacy.
Napoleon lit. it said to be Investing in
Five-twenties. i
Cairo bas a new paper called tbe Egyp
tian Sun. Tbis Cairo in is Illinois.
A boy of nino years bas gone to the pen
itentiary in Russets for attempting to kill
bis mother.
Tbe New Voik Herald calls the Spiritual
ist Church there "Tbe Church of tbe Etbe.
real Vapors."
Io New Orleans tbe little boys throw mod
at Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker's pautaloons.
The aisles or the church are now strewn
ith flowers at nobby New York wed.
Light thousand dwellings have been
erected In JJrooklyn during tbe last five
Kossuth, who was recently so poor in
Italy, is now said te be going back to Hun
Lopez who was last week "on tbe retreat"
Is tbis week reported "habitually drunk"
The Empress Eugenlo's monkey is dead.
H bad the best court physicians to attend
In Illinois a Judge bas decided that bets
can be legally collected of stockholders by
tbe winning pnrties.
MM-ul Notice
Vi call tbe attention ol onr bits -nes.
tbe superior styles of job prlnt
Ingfaln and fancy, at ptesent being
turfrom this office. We are prepar
ed He job printing of every dwerirt
tlomatest and most fashionable style
of tand at reasonable rates. tr.
Cxb Carihaoks A fine assort
meo Furniture Store.
Hi Congress and Empire Spring
watoffes Bros, febBtf.
Xn of all kinds at Grlflea Bros, tr
Hoc Nnils, wholesale and retail,
at Nk & Bleckmon. 2iMf.
a lew of tbe arUdts to w
kiad at
"Silence ill tbe court-room there," thund
ered a police magistrate, tbe other moraiog;
tbe court bas already committed four
prisoners without being able to bear a word
of the testimony.
I'atsrlamilius (after a bard day's work)
"Well I have earned tbe bread we shall eat
to-uigbt." . Matcrt'amilias (looking across
the snpper table) "And I've urned tie
Sleighing is good at present, and now Is
tbe time to purchase Sleigh Bells, Buffalo
Robes, Wolf Robes, Harness, 4o , all of
which can be found at McCrum's, Titus
ville, Pave him a call.
Now that the new county bill ban been
defeated tbe people of Titusville are com
ing out strongly in favor or annexation.
A meeting is to be held at that place tbis
evening to discuss tbe question of annexing
Venango county to Titusville.
As fine a stock of groceries as tbe eil re
gion affords can be found at the store of O.
W. Fletcher, at Sbamburg. By fair deal
ing Mr. F. bas built up an extensive trade.
Having know him for long time wo can
recommend Lim to the good people of that
vicinity as being an honorable dealer.
A Nashville reporter rapturously asks.
"What heart baa not thrilled to tbe silvery
silence which succeeds sweet music when
the delicate barmoules that bad ceased to
vibrate on tbe ear. were repeated; and each
shade of melodious meaning translated to
the inner sense," A baud organ was the
A husband in San Francisco patiently
bore his loss when told that his wire bad
deserted blm; but on learning tbot she bad
taken several hundred dollars and bis shirt
studVwitb ber, he declared that be would
pursue her to lbs ends ol tbeoarth and atart
edotfon that excursion.
The Sbrum well, on tbe Metropolitan
tract, near Kane City, was recently torpe
doed, and the production materially Increased.
'There will bt unld at Public Sale, on MONDAY.
MAKi'H 7TH, 187(1. al 8 o'clcick V. M , nt lha
ffloee ,,f fjraiiii. Thackr A Co., Petroleum Ontre,
an Undivided y. Interest la the Aiasrtuun Oil Works
at l'etruleuu. Centre. .
A a Vi Undirlded Interest In tha Miliar Form
Oil Worka, at Miller Farm, at the sama Ulna aud
The above property will be sold by ths Adminis
trator as the property ef Levi C. Barhw , deceased.
Dated Fab'y 25th, 1S70. Administrator.
rphe cojinrlnerhlp heretofore piloting between
X. H. C Wucliter and .'lin J Fuller iindrr tha
flrm nam of Wachtcr & Pelter la this Any dissolved
l.y mutual consent. The buninesi will bo conduct
ed taeicficr by II. C. Wachter AM debts will he
settled at tl'.u Hiiro or hv John J. Fi Iter. All
knowing theniselvoa Indebted will plaaao call and
.....I. u... n. ....... Ti... ... io'ii
iiw. v.. vuui.u, iu. iv jn.v.
11. O. WAOriTFIt.
fih213w JOHN J. FK1.TEU.
Thursday a still io the oil reOnery of En"
gleburdl & Co, In London, Canada, explod
ed, fatally Injuring one mau and aeverely
ourning another. Damages about $10,000,
Mr. Revels, tbo colored United States
Senator from Mississippi, was admlted
yesterday by a strlot perty vole.
Tbe Flaville well, recently struck, still
continues to yield nearly 30 barrels per
day. We Understand that one or two more
wells are scon to be put down on that pur
fin cf lit Central Petrolouu Ce'i farm.
T70It SALE nnlldlng and laase No. 117
j wasUM.i
V asbitiutuu street . lor terms annlv tn
TbQas Pump lor sate at Nicholson
A Bio s.
Tufcs BisiNBSd. My entire stock
of gooffered at cost. '
A. S. Shiti.
. ' Dec 5 if.
Tbe Jos Pump for sale at Nicholson
it Blaoj. t
ShuSal in CI.08XD Nicholson.
Blacknving bought him eat at this
place one City. If
Redu-ices at Lnmraers A Aldea'l.
i nov.22tl.
Undeing iu large quantities at Lam
mere c e.
The liniiii best assortment of Table
raillery,- Iirongbt into the country at
MccboISBlackmon s. n
" N . .
I ' :
Washlnston-St P etrolcia
teitrr, Pa.
Lamm Alden'e ia the only store to
qtiy gootibie and cheap clothing.
Lammt Alden's is the only white
maua, clt store iu tbe Centre.
Orriets. for suits and lits guaranteed,
A. S. Va lame stock of boots sad
shoes is O at coat for tbe next 60 days
Dec 6 tf.
A. S. S4n order to clan out his large
stock of lashoes ic, offers them at cost
a. tbey me sold in tbe next 60 days,
nee tr.
Parlor nffina stoves, a few left and
will be sol cost at J. Rutherford,!, tr.
Carriages, wholesale
Nicholson lckmon's
and retail.
Friends and patrons, on and all.
Tour attanttoa to any 1 biz" I would caT;
Times ire dall an money tight,
Bat In these tisaes I'm looking for light ;
To thoae who are bnlldlng rips wltuoat number,
I would Inform tblt is tka place to buy Lumber;
My motto Is this : -QirMt Salm and Small l'roat,"
for business is healthy aad I think much of ie,
In quality my Lumber Is second to none,
And as for Shingles, I keep No. 1 ;
Some may not lock at It In the light I do,
And for t.ose 1 have a quality lo. S ;
And to tflc-e who are particular as some ms; to,
I still luivoeaot'jir quality cal.eJ No 3;
1 have poed seasoned I.nmlier. Drved np nica.
Which 1 will sell at a low cash prici;
Such as Hoerin'?, Csllinj and Siding, bo:h lough
and Pressed,
Lath, ltattrna aud Surfaced Lumber, all or tue
Iksi ;
I also bare Dig l.nmber nf all klnt's,
At prices to compara with ail and bard times;
All kinds of Timber kept constantly on hand,
Aad a hot of Cigars of a very good brand;
My facilities forfeiting are surely without numbtr
I always kaep good teima to deliver tfnod Lonibsi f
Just rece a large and
stock of sbardware at J.
well assorted
Kid Gi.i A
Lamemis .ten's.
large assortment, at
Ee tr yon want Lumber, lleagh,
Yo will and just what you win
bar Va.d.
Dressed, Soil sr
' at L if IS''
Disdolntion Notice.
il'ba bulldiag kuowt. as tba "gzcalsloc btort,
now occapled by Fid Blrtop aa a dry gaces store Is
foresle. This store Is wall sitaated and ha large
and comlbrtable roens ever head toitablt fer two or
mors families, for ftmhsr eartlcslsrs apply at
rite stive bt !X HAHHW t B80,TtMllll tit
Thursay Evening
.tlaii M, 1870.
Maklrg oae of tllncst organizallona now trav
and ma
One of tbeBettarMiwt Original Comedians of
tba Age 1
mi i.v rnnK1c1? t
Champion Clogl.t, Song and Dane Man.
Fenale Impersonator.
Efficient Orchestra
D. BAINBEHO, adT( making this the Modtl
We are Coming ! Wait for Us !
a-y-Admlaslor 50 Cents. Reserved Seats 7B Cents
fejorsopen at 7 o'clock "V.a."
rilh. en paitnershlp heretolore exl'tlne nde-T the
I arm name nf Kins Bros, t
niiiiunl consent (i W. Klr' Jr. relirlns
tness will t.e conduced is heretomru by c
KUitr. who will set'le nil d ht s'.nin't the '"'
llrm Theaccnnta ef the nuper t,. are , ty tn
hands of O. W. Klnc Jr. for rnlleetmn and alt
orons ka
tn c II on him and settle.
fab. VJ 17'"
O. W. KINO Jr-
T- Jtonn.u Inn lipa '" "1.!"!"
he .. (i.ued throe .lines with.. Ihe. pa" W
dav A reward cf FIVB HBSnKKD JWLU1 W
11 Tbo pn'd for the deteHion ai d c'nv'.tlon etaiiy
twm.ii or persons ensured in or taMwt any pan
n anv of lb. ihreeviUnlnous transactions.
.1. STAMBACOII.Hipt. P"6 v'
C. A. Hurley,
DEALH.t In aoeond hand cna ns.
Ins. Casing, also new Wood Kana .ae
co- atanily on band. Having the laellltles tr
nrtNinr. inn BFAIRIRS IK
wi.iai....a " -,nire
is in co,
will do so on tb most reasonable terms.
arties Having Engines for Sale
Vfll de well to plv. me a call. Platfoira aear tba
O- C A. it. B-1
tF.rnfti,Frw rK3 -
n.vo anened a Jewelry store oa Centre stret. r.xt
do?r lel uftbei" A. Telegraph Offlca,
OU t- itjr, i a.
Keep aonstantly on hand a large aseortmewt ot
Diamonds Fiie Watches
(American, Bu leh and Swiss make.)
Sol 14 Silver wmA Plated Ware,
Partlenlar sttantlan (rleHerepa'rln flns watchee
and jewelry bv a competent ."wksjaa. R ,T
'I'll, mm have also a store St lllUbviui.
MK8. M. WEUElili,
Purcnologlit, and Forta
,r....,i.nHoomM. at the AMIRICAN HOTBL-
Character writtai, w, -- i(X):
Ludies.SJi ronuua i.""a.
"will ate deserib. fLSSi
sent by letter, and telurn tbe Lik.noss w.
writinn, for 61) eta. Matrimony, t" W
Advice given with regard to Matrimony,
Married or Single iju-ness. FBB"' ,
cnaractcr Delineated n""" rorai' l
aryl'leaae aatl ajk esusa and fteea- for yooc
until Marctt Din.ieiu.
loloeltt Mrs. ! ia t.o...iv..-
with Fowler -written
in Full, 00: j w