&.armos.e TA.W-. etff;.-',ir 0?'itip Daily Record Pib Centre, Ttati'v ! 34. OF 1UjHS-OI( O. C. 4c A. K. II. SOUTH. No. I. Pussrnsrer Leave Corrv 11.20 a. bi ( Tlfi.sville. J2.fi9p. m.; Petrol"m Ceo- rc i.4 p. m.t utt utty, i ri p. in.; ir- Tinetoo, 5 1" n. m. No . Fn-K'nucr Leave Corry 10 a. ro. THusvtlle, 7.35 . m. Petroleum Centre. I H m; Oil CUy, t 69 a m ; arrive at lr- imr ion j i u a ui. - No. 8. i a n;w-Leave Corry (OSpm; Tf'.ut.villH, 7 6) p m; Petroleum Centre, : t,XS p in; arrive at Oil City 9,20 r m KOKTU. No. 1. Passenayr Leave Irvineton 7 18 a m; Oil Oily. 10.10 ia; IVlroleuai Cen tre, 11.05 a m; Titusvilie, 11,60 a n; atrive at Cotry 1.40 p ni. No. 3. Passni;er Leave Irvineton, 12. 0S p in: Oil City 2.67 p m; Petroleum Cen tre. 8. lit p m; Titusvilie, 4,20 pm; arrive at Corry 6.45 p m. . No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a bi: Petroleum Centre. 7.43 a m; Titusvilie, ,S0 a m; arrive at Curry 10.10 a m. trine Hervlcea. PRESBYTKKIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. II., and 7 e'cleek P. II. Rit. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at II A. II. and t P. U. Sabbath School at 12 P. SI. ate free. A cordial Uv Station extend ed to all. Sit. C. at. Heard, Pastor. BT8 PETER AXD PAUL'S '(Catholic) CHURCH. Hast at 10'i a. m. Vesper and BeneJIctlea ef the Blessed lacrament at 4 p. m. Catocuisgs at 1 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. Cold to-day 1 1G. Pebsonal. Mr. R. R. Brown, agent of tbe Peruvian government, li (topping at the Rochester House. Mr. B. li on a tour of observation, authorized by that govern meat, for tbe purpose of examining Into and linding eut the beat Methods for boring wa ter wails. He left Peru last May, since which time he has been traveling in Eng land ana through Europe tor that purpose, Hearing the tools used by Mr. C. P. But ton for putting down tbe large hole on tbe Central Petroleum Co.'i farm, and which proved a failure as far as oil wells are con earned, highly spoken of in England as be ing tbe best In use far sinking water wulls, Mr. Brown came on atonee, examined and purchased Ike toots of Mr. Button, and has shipped them to Peru. From bim we lean that there are several oil wells in operation iu Peru, but none of them are producing oil to any great extent. Mr. B. expresses himself greatly pleased with tbe methods and tools in use in tbe oil regions for sink log ell wells, and say that in bis report to tbe Peruvian government be ahall make special mention of the fact that wells can bo sunk la tbe Pennsylvania oil region In a shorter time, and that the machinery In use is of a more improved style, than in any other aectlon which be bat visited. He loaves for Peru at etc. The following communication explains itself: rTRui.:rw Centre. Pa., r eu'y 23d, 1870. Editor Dailt Kecorb: Sir Permit ma to correct an error ia this day't issue of the Record, regarding the new well on tbe bluff, near Messrs. Crane, Thacker k Co.'s refinery. It is named the "Flaville Well" ad was so named at itt commencement, in benor of tbe wife of tbe President of tbe "Earth Boring Machine Co." Tbis Com pany was organized under the laws ef the Stute of New Yrk, (not a dollar of its stuCK is held by English capitalists) who purchased the letters pten t for tbe United States for. toe English machinery used for sinking tho large bole. Tbis well, as stated tn your paper, proved a failure, and tbe Company, as such, decliued tu engage fur ther lo oil speculation. The "preseut well Is owned by myself aud n friend. It is now yielding at toe rate el 28 bbla. por day. Yours Respeotfully, C. P. Button, President "Earth Boring Machine Co." The Erie Dispatch of this moruiog says: James Daly, ef tbis city, who has receutly beet in tbe employ of Mr. Fleming, lively etable keeper at Titusville, was robbed ou Tuesday evening at that place by a fellow teaixter. of $20 In money, a nearly new overcoat and a pair of boots. The thief took tbe treU for Corry. He was traced thence towards Broeton and has probably 000 to Buffalo A fellow in tlila Slate put one end of a puu-barH it tt"J loolt9a do" lb n.i.y.!.i 10 sea wbetUer It was loaded. A eoroaer's jury decided that bis suspicions w,-r- curr'-ct. ' . - A v-.l'l ' urn ha) been difcoveruJ n e C! j.. l'a. PI THOLE e"RKH. SixoruB Freak of Lightning. At moimn net very unusual to have thunder eud I'g'jtnlng during the wlBter weather it is seiuom we are called upon to reonrd so severe a etorm or such singular freaks of I'iihtnlng as occur red on Tbursdav evenini. During the storm at ball given by one of ineaerot-tnonrte of tbe classic city of Pltbole, the whole company were th rown Into a gener al ttnteof consternation, by a sharp flash of iigoining, wmou struck tbe leader ol the all, Mrs. C.. throwing her flat upou tbe noor, aud stripping b.er of purl of ber.clots- ing including her water fell but doing no serious'lnjury. But a few miuuli s interven ed, in fact before tno company bud recovered from this surprise, auotber fla h struck a young lady, Miss L., with almost a like re sult, tearing from her bead tbe ringlets that so much adorned it and passing down her person tore from ber limb between her knee nd ankle that graceful swelliug which nil young men so much admire, and strange to say without even raising the skin. Nut sat isfied with this a third flash knocked down one of our "young man about town," Mr. M. Although tbe heavy storm brake up tbe party and concluded tbe evenings entertaln- nt, we are happy to state that neither of tbe victims are seriously Injured, all be ing comfortable at present but cocfined to their rooms by bruises aodloss of hair and patent calves. There ate now ever 80 scholars in attend ance at tbe Pitbole Borough school. Mr. W. W. Bailey is principal of tbe school, and has brought it up to that degree ot per fection that it outranks many of the schools in eur larger towns and eities. Mr. B. is a thorough gentleman aud every way capa ble of "learning the infant ideas of the Pit hole children bow to shoot." Messrs Murphy aod Hilis are about to put a new well down on tbe Rooker farm. Mr. John Sabtio is also about to ptit.a new well down on tbis farm. There are now live wells pumping on the Rooker larm, bvvrag iug trom 6 to 12 bands each. ' ' From Mr. Geo. Thompson, engineer of tbe Oil City and Pitbole Railroad, we learn that tbe business of tbe road was never ia a more flattering condition. A good deal of oil is bclofjtraosported over tbe road, com ing principally from Bean farm and Pleas antville. . ' Sodden Deatu. The wife of Mr. John Oweu, of Sbumburgh, formerly conductor ou tbe Oil City and Pitbole R. R., died very suddenly at that place, Monday night. Mrs O. bad been in very delicate health for some time past, and had only just returned from Minuesota where she had been for ber health. She was taken with bemorage of tbe lungs and died in leas tban Are u.inutes after the attack. Mis O. was a very esti mable lady, and ber sudden death has caus ed a gloom to fall over a large circle of ac quaintance. The remains will be taken to Honesdale, Pa., for interment. Sleighing is good at present, and now ia tbe time to purchase Sleigh Bells, Buffalo Robe, Wolf Robes, Harness, to., all of hick can be found at McCrutn's, Titus ville, Pa. " Give dim a call. An Iowa editor gets off tbe following on the death of a fellow-editor: Should we not rejoice that our late friend ef the scis sors aod quill is in heaven! In that par adise tbe cry of 'more copy' will never again fall on bit distracted ears. There hit enjoyments will no more be intertupted by the growls of the unreasonable subscriber, or the duns of tbe paper-market. There be will enjoy entire freedom from tbe detrac tions and misrepresentations of political op ponents snd tbe caresses of ambitious poll, tical aspirants. In tbe blest abode be is no more to be troubled with illegible manu script and abomiuable poetry. No rival editors will there steal bis thunder, er his items and typographical errors will know klm no more forever. By a special dispatch to this office, we learn that the New County bill has been defeated in tbe House 69 to 25. A boy uained Urown, residing in Frank lin, was quite severely injured oa Saturday last, bybeing bit in the face with a splin ter from a slick ol wood which bis father was engaged in splitting. Ou Sunday tveuing next, Mr. Wales French, a prominent speakur, is to deliver a lecture iu tbe M. E. Ciiurcb. Suljct "The Temperance Question as related lo the religion of Christ. " Among tbe list of unmailable. letters held at Oil City, is ouo addtessod to Frank Burke, Pioneer, Pa. Tbe Wallace Sisters Tneatrieal and Bur lesque tioupo are soot to appear iu this place. A dog jumped tbiough a p!a:e glu's win- dew in Go.itia, snd the owner of tbe dog offered to uUU by clvioj tLe ttoioUceper tiiu untiual. Gone where the woodbine twinetb" Is likely to become permanent addition to our popular apothegms. Mr. James Fbk. Jr., his tbe credit of thus poetising tbe cunt vulgarism, '-Gone up a spout." The Rochester Express says, "it haunts us like some sweet melody ef the olden time.' But the press are troubled to know what to do with it. Some propose to quote It when inquiries are made for missing funds, but the Express wishes to work it into tbe his tory of our partisan life. That paper says: We are accustomed to say of detested candidate that be has gone up Salt River. Now, there ia eomethiug ol ignominy at tached to that river, and we belie vo it pos sible to sweeteu tbe bitter cup the above class have to drink of. If each could only feel before he took bis departure that when he was gone it would be said of bim : "lie's gone where the woodbine twinetb," it would afford some mitigation of his sorrow. Se after tbis let us forget tbe passage of tbe unfortunate mat up the saline waters of the celebrated river, and tbink of bim as sitting where the greenest of verdure grow etb, and wbere the woodbine is twining 11- selt attest lonately aboit his neck. l "G. W. B.'' tbe Voungsville correspond dent ef tbe Erio Dispatch, writes to that paper as fellows: About eight years ago when Oil City was but a bantling. Mr. J. II. Marston, a young man direct from Philadelphia, pur chased $20 worth of boards from your cor respondent and built a little, rough "shanty, and commenced tbe business of photograph ing, but soon finding that dull business, he commeuced buying and selling eil, in a small way at first, but by induminitable energy and persevenace, be steadily in creased his business until be is now the owner of a mile and a ball In leagth and a half mife in width, of the best oil territory on Oil Creek, besides considerable other valuable properly in tho oil region. I write this to show what a young "city chap" can do ;w boh he sets himself about it in earnest. TH ft, LAKE ft'HOZEN OVER. Lke Ontario, strange to say, was frozen over on Frid ty night frost UiniU t the American shore, and as fir east and wen' ns the eye could reash. Tb is is the firs tjme that tbis great lake has been ice bounp within tbe memory of the oldest inhabitant, and be is a pretty old cbap; that is as far s we have beon able to ascertain; but per h aps some thoughtful member of the York pio neers could enlighten tbe general public on tbe matter. The thermometer stood only at cere oa Friday night; but there was scarcely a breath of wind, aod consequent ly tie wateis of tbe lake were calm and eusily oanght in tbe firm embrace of old Jac k Frost Toronto Leader. A Steain Engine, the fuel of which is crude petroleum, ia reported as having been in operation in Georgetown, D. C, lor tbe past two months. Tbe engine is of thirty horse power, and la supplied with steam by a tbiry-dve foot cylinder boiler. Tbe average pressure of steam when Cumberland coal was used, was th:rty-8ve pounds per square inch, and with petroleum vapor, seventy-five pounds. Tbe latter service is performed at the expense of one gallen of crude oil per hour, aud a cost of seventeen cents. Mrs. Samuel Harford, who lives at Voose head Lake, Wis., asserts ber belief in wo men t rights by chopping wood, paddling a canoe, golug with ber husband and neigh bors en their bunting and fisbingexcursious, and doing ber full thare of tbe rude labor. She taket ber bag ol yarn with her, witb whieb sbe employs the evenings, and such days as are too stormy to fish with profit. She is an inveterate smoker. Her dress is that usually worn by woman, except that she has a heavy overcoat over all. Last winter slio chopped a bundled cords of wood besides attending to her domestio affairs. A "notion" seller was offering Yankee clocks, finely varnished and oolored, and with a looking glan in front, to a certain lady not remarkable for personal beauty. "Why, it's beautiful," said tbe vender. "lleautiiul. indeed! a look at it almost friuhtena me!" said the lady. "Then inarm," replied Jouatban, "I guess you U better buy oue that hain't got ao looking glass." As Spring upproaolies, tbe pasaeuger lists by tbe Europe.au steamers exhibit a marked increase. The Villa de Paris, for Havre Saiurday, has about one hundred'! an fifty, and the City of Baltimore, for Liverpool, a good many above the usual average. A II tbe steamer agencies say they expect the travel both ways tbe coming summer will bo greatur than ever, aud they are making their airang'-meuts accordingly. Detroit bas bad a female pr zs light. Oi e of tbe i nrties lost her lair, nnd the other a icro porl'uu of ber now. Tbe New York Times says there Is one gentleman In that city, who knows every anoldeut connected with tbe ahduotton and lubsequent late of Morgan. Tbrre Is no myst. ry about the affair now. It la not im probable that the entire story will be laid before le public at some future day, and so set at rest the speculations which many have wasted their ingenuity upon. Edwin Booth resides in comfortable style over bis splendid Twenty-third street thea ter. Occasionally a " select few" meet In bit handsomely furnished apartments, and are delightfully entertained by Hamlet and his charming wifo. Local iliotirea. LOST. Between Dr. Me Alpine's office, and A. S. Smitb's.Sboe Stare, a ladies Mink Mitten. If found, the owner will consider it a great ivor If it ia left at tbe Central House. It p perfectly useless to toy one but the own er. II Wanted. A girt lo do general bouse werfe tan find steady employment by enquiring at J Wolfs Jewelry Store. 2t We would call tbe attention ol our basi- ness men to the superior styles ef job print ing, both plain and fancy, at present being turned out from this office. We are prepar ed to execute job printing of every descrip tion In tbe latest and most fashionable style of the art, and at reasonable rates. tf. Children! Carriaois. A ment at tbe Furniture Stoie. Sue srt- nighrork. Congress and Empire Spring water at Griffes Bros, fe(8tf. Yalentines of all kinds at Grifiee Bros, tf Horse Shoe Nails, wholesale at Nieholtnn Btaeknnn's. and retail, 13-tl. TheNew Gas Pump tor sale at Nicholrct & Blackmon's. tf. This Mkans Bkhi.nem -of goods is offeied at cost. Dee S tf. -My entire stock A. S. Sisiti. Tbe New Gas Futnp lor sale at Nicholson 4 Blackmon's. tf. Sberikfs SaL is Cl.ostn. Nicholson Blackmon having bought bim eat at this place and Kane City. tf. Reduced Prices at Laminers A Aldet's. nov.22tf. Underclotbing in large quantities at Lam mere 4 A'den's. The largest and ben aivortmeiil of Table Cutlery, ever brought into the country at Niccholson t Blackmon's. II. Lammers A Aldra's is tne only alore to qity good, durable and cheap clothing. Lammers A Aiden's is tbe only white mans, clolbing store ia the Centre. Orders taken for suits and tits guaranteed. Lammers A Aldea'a. A. S. Smith's large stock ef boots and shoes is offered at cost for the next days vee t tr. A. S. Seniib in order to close oat his lame stock of ladies shoes Ac. offers them at oM as they must be sold in the next (0 days. ifec tr. Parlor and office stoves, a few left and wilt be sold at cost at J. Rntherford.s, tf. Carriage Bolls, wholesale and retail. 23-tf. Nicbolson & Backmon's Just received a large and well assorted stock of shelf hardware al J. Ruthertord's. tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. rnhe ro nnrinorhlD htretofore etlstine between I H. 0 Waetiter snd .tnhn J Feiter under tli nrmnamrot warmer rener is iirneay oi.i ivea hy mutual content. Ine buhiics will b conduct ed hereafter ty II. C. Wachtcr AH dehls will he willed at the store or hv John 3. Fi ller All knowing themselves ttiriehud will plsaae call and ottle. Hot. Coutre, fol. It 1"0. II. r. WAfFTFfr. MtflSw JOIN J. rt.LTER MK8. IB. BEUKIili, I'brcnolOKlMto an Forttitie Teller, Has laV.n Ttonm 2d, al the AMIRICAN HOTIL until iwuich Stti. 18T0. As a rhrenolozist Mrs.' D. is Considered tuna! with Fowler Character wrlt'on In Full, $1 CO"; Hkotcbes of rhniHCier, !,; Kxaujinationa, Ocriit, tICO; lidim, 3 1 j t-orluuoTlliii,GMiU, 100; Ladies, SJcU I will alsi deicribo Ohoroeter from Liknoafieii sent hy leiler, and leturu tlio Likouess witb lb writliu, i'nr 5') cis. Advice (Ivmi with regard to Matrimoay, either to Married or Pinelo .,.. Character Delineated froai Ukeneaa. rHE . tar I lease call at unco and bear :'or youroolf jtm destiny. - The IS ew York Meat Market! HA W. PAKKEK hare tilted ip a now build . ion on Oil Main Mr-Mil, Opposite the McOlintwck f I n, And Intend keeilns what Potiiwum Centre ia tun" nuiali-d. a llrst c nin .M-;at ukt; ttnly th CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS wll he kept. It will he mir aim to serve onr ens turners with proini'tutas aud to lnir entire eatls- cYptloU U. i I'AI.KLR- FOSCKRY ! Kannftrallaf ft few of he arUclM fa u ull ltd t L. M. STEENBURG'S liUmberYard WasMiiifru-Sf., Fftrolcta ttmrt, Pa. I'liend an J pat.ons en andall. Your etteiitloa to ay Mi" I weald ()'; Tims Sre tell ltd mo.vf llytit. Bnt In tb.ve lissci Tm luoilsf ft light; To those who are nntliHea rlc wittiest samstt, I wonld lolorm .kli is plarstosnji Lunto; My mono is this: -Quick Vain and Mmall IVf for bnslacfle Is hittiy aad 1 ,bink marh or U; Ia q 'all'y my Lamher is ecnud to none, And as tut Shlaaie, I ktp No. I ; om" may not let al it in the lljtit I do,' And for tl.o-a I have a quality Vo. J; And to lhoe who are particular a mme uij U, I still have noft,r qtu lw cat el No S; I hae Euod senwnod l.nml.fr. D-e-s! a aics, Which I will st II at a low eaob pilct-, 8ueh aj Horrlng, CeiMagand Siding, soih loit and Prosed, ui'tb, 1 tiit.a aud Enlaced Lumbar, all of ua bcal; I I also have Ui La rbcr of ' kinds. At prici a to compare with oil aud hard dmei; All kinds of Tinlif r kept cotitia.lj on laid, Aad a box of Clears of a Vcy good brand) My (Vitliln tiit sel'tnf are snrely without nurnhsr1 I always koep got d teaats to d. liver guod Luster; Se If ynn want Lnmbtr, Koul, P.cwed, Soft or Hird, Yoa will Bnd.1nl what yoa to it I U H'sIsb ksrYaid. tebH-T DiaaeilastiatH lvatlwe. 'o ro pa-1 ner hip h -re' e'or . Mini order th niii ual cinient O W. Kii.v Si Mini' "''""V ii' will ve eoudniied t krrtrir bt u .- . . i.t .,i J .... .Mtjl IUM (AO IMII, Till .Till win nil H - - Urea. The ai Hint ..film rtpnrr ft'" " 'J'" L r. .at & 1- Wm ....II. Ill.n find fell mil it, n . nu n ' .j eerruns kanwlnir theonHves indebted urenqunua loc II im hlia aad loll'.s. fel.H'iw W. KI.Ur- J500K wav:D! ttm. A reward of mm HWIH Wl .LARS w,il be ,0'it f,.r tte dote- rm ardc. .' Ilea " W lieteon or persons anaafrd in o ,a'',"s ' r" la anverthoihivillnlrMosiraiisastltnij. J. B TAM liAcull. onol. C. A. irfF, f "VKAT.K.t In -.eroad hnnd ene nes. W"1'"T" A."n v iu.1113. pwh." ' - - . co oily ou h.uit. Hav r.g l Itcllltlss " CLEAninG AND RJPA1R.H6 H" oi'ldosoon tk saoet reaaonatdetem". rtiei Having Engines for Safe rVU de well to (i m a edt. Matto.w searrte O f. A. U K., rrTitoi.rri ;k'M - NEW JEWELRY CT03E! AT Oils CITY. ISHAM & Co. Have apon-d ajewelr sto- ew felr stj. door west of le A. Ttli-jpA t-a WlCliy, r. Keep ooaatantly on brad a largo assort airat 01 liim3.ils & Jrlise Watf tw ( Aoseriean, Boa I aad ab.) 0li4l Silver mnA Plate. Wr SOLll OLr CHAINS, JBWsLl'Y. VlbYoV. i.jt UI "' Psrtloelsr attmtloa t1ee urm;Mvt eb" andjiweity b. a eoa.peiMi "-i3-s,vniZ,1 'I h tin bare also otose a -iitf. priB4 ireet FOR SALE. . Th. building buowL at rt. "SSafU" now oecatlsd by Fit Biobot as a dry " for sal. This store Itvrwl tltaatet set basl' and coaifortablt foews ever head eitltafcU tbr " nor ftmlllos. Tn fntbr eitlci' arrlf the store er f P. HAltlUS ft W!. KTiirri.oAr.i-A. large atToflB'"' Lainois 4 Aldeu't, i