The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 23, 1870, Image 2

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    it llll ia! wMHl4
i"- t wowsxw:
Petroleum Centre Daily Rscord.
fckt'tnlrd Wednenlafa S't'fc. 113.
T2lAINSgON O. C. & A. H. ft.
No. 2, i'mwDirPr Leave Corry 11.20 a.
m. ; Tttuiville, 12.6!) p. in. ; Petroleum Cen
tre, 1.4U p. .; Oil City, 2 22 p. m. ; li
Yineton, S 10 p. m.
No.. Passenger Leave Corry J. 10 b. m.
Tltuuvllle, 7.35 . m.j IVt.-oleutii Centre.
.U id; Oil City, 8 5 a m; rrivo at lr
vinelorj 11.40 a m.
No. 6, Passenger Leave Corry 8.0.5 p m;
Titiisrllle, 7.60 p ni; Petroleum Centre,
,33 p a; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p m.
No. I, Possetitrer Leave Irvlneton 7.15
m; Oil City, 10,10 a ra; Petroleum Cen
tre. 11,05 a in; Titnsviile, 11,50 a m; arrive
at Carry 1,40 p m.
No. 3. Passenger Leave Irvlneton, 12,
CS p in; Oil City 2.57 p m; Petroleum Ceo
Ire, S.Jjapm; Tilusfilio, 4,20 p id: arrive
at Curry 5.46 p m.
No. 6. Passenger Leavo Oil City 7.00 a
n; Petroleum Centre, 7,43 a m; Tittisviile,
a m; arrive at Coiry 10,10 a in.
Uivtne Services.
Freacbiog at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7
'cletk P. II.
Kbt.J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ann
iS P. U. Sabbatli School at 12J P. M.
atsfreo. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
Kkt. C. M. Heard, Pastor.
6T.S. PETER AkTTpaUL'S (Catholle)
Maw at IOJ4' a. ni.
Vespor ana Benedictieii tbe Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p, ro.
GoU to day ll"-'4'.
10 a. to.
Fall of one cent since
New Wm, The Button well, on the
Central Petroleum Co.'s farm, back ol
Crane & Tnacker's refinery, was down and I
Commenced testing on Monday niybt, get
ting oil in Inrgo quantities almost as soon ns
pumping e4an. YeBterday tbe head
bad been nearly pumped off, and the we'd
is now yielding frouk,fl!'leeu to twontv bai-
tels per day. There is a powerlul How of
g", which lighted tip at night illumines
t!:e bills for a. long distance around.. This
well is owned -"by a company' of En.:lihh
capitalists, of which Mr. Button is sgenl
ond under whoso supervision it was put
down. Some months since the company
started a well on the same lease, using tool's,
ol English manufacture fur drilling. Alter
going down about 3U0 feet, upon : undertak
ing to put in the casing, the hide was found
to be crooked, in consequence of which the
Jig was meved to its present localiou. Tbe
well is located upon a portion of the farm
hitherto undeveloped, and consequently
opens up considerable new tnrriiury.
A new well was struck on tue.Inderon-
ilent tract, Red Hot, day before yesterday
It is yielding flora 40 to 50 barrels pr day'
aud is owned by oIoaurs.Satlcrflild & Eyei'
of Pleusantvllle. We are glad,' to chronicle
the good luck of our old fiiend, Jack Satter
Held. Mr. S. Iihs put down uo less than a
doiten wells, nearly all of wbicb have prov
ed nuu-producllve. A man with a lets
amount of will and courage would bave
giveu up ia despair lung ugo, but ha has
worked away all tbo lime, nod now stands
a good chance of gottiog back the money be
Through u press of oilier local matter we
inadvertantly oatitted to make a notice of
lbs dramatic onlerlaintncnt given by the
Good TemplaiH, on Saturday evening. The
domestic, drama of "Tin Toodles" was very
well rendered amateur performance,
while tbe farce i.r "Tbe Mummy" kept the
Biidieuce in good humor during the time It
was being peilunned. Wo did uot loam
tbe amount realized.
Our pleature-ioving citizens will bcor In
wind tho "Hard Times Sociable," to be ciy.
a at the Oil Exchange Hotel, this ver.
ing. The Invitation and programmes
were printed on brown paper, an Indication
tbat thu party will be conducted on tin
hard limes piiuviple. Every arrangement
lias been ruado fur having a jolly good tune
nd ns doubt there will be a large attend
ance. We are at preoeut experiencing soma ex
tremely cold weather.
Sleighing l oud ul present, and now Is
tbe time to purchase Sleigh Bells, Bulfalo
Hobes, Wulf UuIhs, Harness Au , ull of
which can bo found at McCiutu's, Titus-
ville Pa,
Give him a call.
An Indiana editor abu-ed a luuntot e
rxteut ol half a cilutn.i, and slated tUu in XI
Week that it was a slip of thu p"n.
Y"esterdy W sbingioii s B rtii-day
b.'iug a leal lu.lidiT, ass ij'litt.' gsaera.l
oUnn-wJ i iwa.
riit ion Tin: 1 11 11:.
ft. Louts Times, Jan' 10, 1170.
A correspondent of the Cincinnati En
(inirer comes to tlie rescue of the Erie ro1
riuet tbe. aimv of rirtru, ima. Km I
ueartilr sick, ami roas.iuaulj so, of tlie luas
ana misrepresentations of (lie press cou-
cerniiit; Ibis roa.l and lis management, a..d
lluuksitbas receive.! euyiUni but !!
play." In support of bis couvieiiuus, L-
relates bis recent e.vpeiiei.ue, wLicii la liui)
tbat of thousands ol others, ami Iroiu which
ire extract tbe following: '1 buv lec- iiliy
relumed to Cincinnati Iro.u t ie East over
this line, and all I liars to uy I.-, tbat iftlie
Liie is badly managed; I wiu all I lie- fo.J
iu tbo country wuio uadly maimed 100.
It is, without ny exe. -ptiou, the most coin
tollable liua I ever traveled over. A
portiou ol its track baa beeu recently Itu
11 Is lie J with new rail;, aud a railroad .'upi-i
iutendeut, who 0 ability and ju.leuieiit b..s
been acquired by thirty yeate experience,
assured ma tbat lie nevsr iu his whole life
rode over a smoother or safer track than that
tow New York to Cincinnati by tbis ruuie.
11j is not .Interested Id tbe line, aud would
have hardly given so warm a commenda
tion unless it weia deserved. I certainly
never was in couches more elegant iu adorn
meu,t bubntaotial lu giTnoture, or easy in
motion, while for safety tbe fact stand out
that in tbe last year but ote passenger out
of 800,000 carried over .the Allautio aud
Great Western portion of .the route, lost hi.
life, aud ho, confessedly, by bis own nejjlj
neaca. On tbe whole way homeward I
watched tbo advertised time table closely,
iind have never, in considerable Iravel, seen
one adhered to so closely and certainly. In
si orl, I was aever ou a better, and I think
I nevir was on to good a line of road be
fore." Physical Cci.tire. The lnrtfe assem
blage of ladies tbat met at thu M. K. Church
yesteulny afternoon fully attested tint In
terest awakened I", tbe question previously
ni"ced as tlie subject for discussion, by
Mrs. Barclay, of Chicago. .There is no lec
turer upon the Aineiicun boards who, upon
so brief an Intro 1 uctery, could tme upi cur
ed before a select and discriminating audi
ence, and in the brief interval occupied b
a preliminary discourse secured the sympii-
tby nd support of the assembly present ns
the lady whose name graces this cultimn
The favorite and well known names that oc
cupy n high position 1,1 the lecture field kel-
dum give the satisfaction, even by theit
most siudiod efforts, ecjiml lu thi.t
liy .'Jis. Burcliiy tin- her introductory n
tnatks, uud-we do not wouder at tho eordi il
flriit-clasi support she 1ms received in vei.v
Oily previously visited. Aside from the
ciilluie, iha relinemi-nt, and line delivery
that form a marked feature of her discouise
she ably discuss, are all iuip.irtanl sub-
jeclB to Aiiteiican women, and that the c nn
ing course of Ircturua will be nuuiunmslv
atteudi-d we have no doubt. There will be
six lectures in the coursi;, and they will be
held in the M. E. Church eao'i day at 2'
o clock. Mrs. 11. will also deliver the couoe
at Tarr Farm.
David Smart lived in health and happi
uess in Kentucky until Februuiy 13 wheu
he died in Franklin, ngd 1116 la the
course of -his useful life, he had Uken (0
bimsell 110 less than twenty-rive wives, all
of whom, except the lust who lives to dr
ptore 111s loss, iiua pussed over to await
him on the other shore. Ills children died
ol olu age long oj;o.
Uitluix or the Wdp.ii 'Tkxas.' The
origin of the word Texs is thus lulut. d by
1 be Austin Record: "It is suid that when
some of the tribes fioin (ho dominions of
Moiilezumn, iu their travels eastward, firs',
set their eyes uti thu plains of Tex is, they
almost involuntarily exclaimed, -Te bus!
Te.bss!' meaning the bnpny hunting
gtoutids. This expression of thWr admira
tion is said to hare given rise to the name
of Tex a. The bull'alo, deer and wildcat
then fed utmost undisturbed upou tlio prai
ries. This, no doubt, served to high leu
their delight. "
At a re Igious meeting at Allanbtirg
Cunnda, on haltnday nllit week, un old
nun arose, and calmly said he bud but a
'Jirt lime to slay, snd was deiciminej to
live In such a iiuuner as lo securu tin eu
Iriuce lo Heaven. He sat dowu, but in
a lew minutes tiAn uroe ant nr. nilv il1.
a menu near Kim cm; lit t.1111 us liu was
fuliiug, and in a lew miunles lie died.
The hack from Faiiln-ld, iu Wuviih coun
ty in Flora, S. Y., was passing a hut by Ihe
way:d, when toe pasiuiigers heard scieuu s
wiih'.n us if some one was being murdered.
The di ivr jumped down and oieu
the doer aud aslied what was Ihe matter.
Tue ile brushi'd llio tangled l air out of
iicreje, unl looking sa.sjely nt him,
Sill: "rt'r'i biivini; a'e I ell of our
on, n 1 wu'e got d vil einmgli 10 run it.
r liou't ucvd your Lclji.
Tho bulk l:
ti en.
st-;m , iTi:.Mf.
7hst E sbi;i;intl middle and
found at both rndT O hi-o.
Be zeluib, a,d to mean In Ilebrei " the
great Ry-fitgliten r." is lb lulol supposed
author of "Sboo Fly.""
They are having a "I'laseol Light lig" In
Troy rveiy mgi.t, and "After Daik" lu the
day time In Albany.
"A lute letter wiltten by Christopher
Colombo-" Is on sale in New Yolk. CMis
bad bis follies as wall as'lhe r.'sl ol us.
A Correspondent wants to know, when
the '-riTngn for boinele.-s do. s" is eslai !n',
whether "tnntistids who live a dns life'
will be admitted.
An Illinois woman, who wanted togjto
a linif.jiiei.ide oir!y as Maty, lui-eii el
.Sen s, li ck,l Ihroogfl tbe Bible to arceriain
ho,v the 'haracter was dressed.
Tho following dispatches pusfd over the
wiies: "To C 1pla.11 , of the F-siyons:
Wtiat are you d iin;!" "To War Dpntt
m 1-11 1 : M iking mouths at the Miesitsippt
ilver." N. O., Timos.
The Ilaitliiid rimes oljects lo ceck fl-' t
inif, because the legitimate business of .. es
ters and hens is to wake op!e up at se.s 01
able hoiiis, produue eas, utd tusiiUb s priiij!
i.-hickeus lor brui;iug.
A patent for a slump exttnetor h is 1 eet;
gianted to Albert Gtimi:.i r. o! Omro, Wi
Cotisiu. l.uo.lHL' ht the s ul tile in
ventor and iuveution, this would at Gisi
appear lu bo a puce news, but it
The FuMufct ' iuiu Ever .'lajo.
A min mimed L'J. f.!iir:er, a l.nnerol
Tompkins Co., N. Y., had the uiislorttiiie to
lose his wife a victim of coiisiitM tiuii, on
Saturday ; on Sunday be married his t iit il
girl; on Monday the wedded piir':vd ti.r
ol mingled n r ow and joy nt t' e fun. ol
tlio first wile lo(:ethr; un Tuesday ti.e re
constructed family w as ri laiaed by the ad
vent ul a Dew r .poiii.ilnlily; un Wedn.sliiy
H e happy family .reijvcu toCaican. atd
at last accounts the new ma.'e Iiu.-IdiihI w-is
seeking a ilivrce with a view of hitching''
to nollier i.r.iiiiiy.
A few Haines leii 1 iit. aiory ul uor crippl
i! marine. Io 185.1, AniVrc in ship liuiiil
wasat lis zenith, and our yiuds lurned out
SOu ships barks and bil-s, Fi nn !ti ,
time it steadily declined tint, I lti.",y, !.,.
only 117 vessels ol these ela-srs itvio pro
doced. Vi'ii built I IS in 1M11, .in I only' ',0
iu 1112. From this time the number In.
ctea-ed steadily, to 105 in ISliT, but led to
123 iu ISUS. At Ihe ombre ik of ihe war.
our (oiiiiiierce was but little behind that of
England, and in tonnage ciiostiinted one
th id of the coin iin-rce of Ihe world At
piesent only tibout one-hall of uur cain lnj
trade, foi iiy n and dumestic, is done iu
American vessel. Th conpetliion t
foreigners has driven our mail mourners 1 II
Ihe o.'vun. Dill- builders l;n w II. u tlie
day of the wimdeu siiiling vesuls, with
which we lirst achieved u reputation tootl e
American niaiine, has passed. Tlie,,,iit-
uiand ol tin- future, is fur iron pnpelli-rs of
lar?o tonniige, ad-ijiiule power hkJ Ujji.i
cot.s.iinption ol ltie. Congiess Is now in
auiiuraiinga wiser policy lowirds ibo nblp.
ping inliM'esIs of Ihe conntiy, tin.) Iliointli
the Etitflish, Fr-nch, ond German natious
have well nigh dislanced us, pe are ul lasl
on a road to recover some mensiuo of uur
cuiumetcial pres ide.
An East l...i Lkukmi When (he
lofty mountain wn limt liiiid into It.n sky,
snd Iroin lis elivallon looked down ou (he
pluin? below, uud saw Ihe v . Key and the
less elevations, covered with verdant uud
fruitful tieej, il set up 1( Brahma soui. lh:u
like a murmur of complaint. "Why ihns
barren? Why thesa scarred mid naked
sides exi'S"dlo the eye (iniuti? And
Brahm-t nnswoied, "Tho very llht shall
clothe thee, uud the shadow of Ihe passing
cloud Hhull be ui a rnautlo. More
vendue would be less light. Thou shall
shale in the nznro of heaven, and the
youngest uud whitest cloud of a sumim-i'i
sky shall nestle in thy bosom Thou be
longest half to lis." So whs the m. milium
dowered. And en, too, adds the lenveni!,
huve the lof! Iniods of men been dower
ed in all uis. To lower eli-valioiis havi
given the pleasant veidure, and vino and
olive. Light liy lit alune, and (he deep
shadow of ho passing cloud, llu sourolhu
gifls of the piopheis i f tlie race.
Cai.vix C., of Bell county Texas,
was inui'lered in Clink county, Arkansas,
on the O.h, by a i.otoiions desperado niimi ii
Sam. Htllsey. Clark hud assisted ll.e Slieiill
of Bell counly, Ti X s, lo 1.1 rest a ganir of
desperniKes lo which Ilalsey belonged.
During Ihe uriest one rd the gung wns kill
ed. Clark Ihtu slartid to uiovn lu Llule
Rock. Arkansas, and as lollowed by 1!,,-
sey, who shut 1. 1 ru down whiln riding by the
wujMiu c ur.. ailing his luiuilv, wl.o iecocniz
ell the nssa-sai. Large rewards are already
oll'eied for lla'sey by the Governor! uf Mis
IJiir', Tex! and Arlusiai.
RCDIBMD It Is csrliilnly gratil.ilag In
knnir that In , Minoia, the Young
lleu's Christlau svocUtion is doinfr a gond
work. Onv ol lis, nost active member ta
Mr. , a young giatlsiusa of ioj(ioB
and mesos, who bus r!oc uiuch in aiding
the poor and uifurtunata. At c tima
he beeime quite uileresJ! In a Gsfjiiaa
f.iu.lly in iiid'geut circuinaanvas, Tbe
wife was quite sick, and he visited her very
often, doing all he could ' to prepare her
mind Tor the worst, il it should Count to
that. II- had not seen l er for a few ituys
wh-B he met he huibaiid, and tbe follow
In:; conversation took place:
"Jl .w do you do, Mr. ! How is
y.uir w it'..?'' ' ' , t
".Mine Iran? mine fruil is dead."
"Dead! is it posslbU? Was she P'slgn
e,i ?"
R-signed? resigned? Mine Gott she Lad
Theie nro vitue rumors of nn organiza
tion in Han Fianeisci for the purpose of ex
termluatftii' the Chinese residents, on or be.
foie St. Pat ik-k'a day. The attention of
the authorities have been called to the mai-
i'-r. Thei" sre said to lie several 'nssocia
tioi s, one of which numbers two thousand
ni.'iiibers. Brbiiil ossuults on Mnnoliunw
are of daily ocenrrenop. Carefully coinpll
e,l Hul'slics presented to the Legislature,
plate 1 be miniiier of ChineSH on the Pacitit'
cust at eigliHy nina thousand five bund
(iiM'itl olie..
A girl to do generaf house work Can find
tculy employment by niipiiiing at J
Wolfs J-w-lrv - 21
We would call Ihe attention ol -our biisi
ii' s men to the superior sly los of job print
ing, boi'.i plum mid fancy, ul present being
Mimed out f nun this office. We are prepar
ed to ex cute j .b priming of every de'erio
lion in the la'e-l and 111. Cisliionahlc style
of the url. mi. I at reasonable r.u.s. if.
Ciitt.rniKNs Chiiiiaoks A lino astort
meni ut the Km nimre Store.
llighroek, Coi'iitesa and Empiie Spring
water ut 1 1 r 1 It". linis, hood.
Vuletilieis 1 fall kllols at tirdies Bros. If
Iloise Shoe Naiis, win lesale und retail,
at Mc'aols 11 & Blui kmoii's. - 211-tl,
TleN'ew ; .J 1'iiuip lor sate at Nicholson
Bi o.!,. 11 mi s. if.
Tutu Mk Hi:si.Kss My enliif ft ifk
ofuuds ia tdlell d al C'Obl.
A. S. Smitu.
Deo J If.
The New Gas 1 utup loi sale ai Nicholson
A Blurknioe's. if.
SllKltll-fs Su.K is Clohkm N'ichn!snnJ
Ilia kuioii l avuu b uht hilu out al this
pluco and Kane ('ny. u;
Reduced 1'riC'snt Lammers A AldeD's.
1'ridercliiihliig in laie (pi.uiiil,et Lam
mciH & A ib-nV
he luicesi .no 1 bst iis-oriuieiii uf TnMe
fmlrry, ever i.tnucht Into the country ul
Mcchidson Jt Bl.ickn.on's. ' tf.
I.r.iniinrs A Al. Ion's is ti e only slor to
iiy good, .lur .h e and cheap clothing.
Lurrnieis & A I. leu a is ihe only white
mans, ceoniri,, siore 111 m.M..'lilie.
)nlei irtheo for suils and tits guaranteed,
Lauini' is & : Allien'. - .
A. S. Siiiiih's lure rimk of boo ill and
shoes is oh'cr. d al eoi-t for the next 60 .lavs
l.c 5 If.
A. S. M111I1I1 in order 10 cio- 0111 bis laree
st'Kk of judo s shoes At, .J!', rsihrm al cut
as tury iiiiisl be sotil in ll.e next 60 days.
D.ciif. .
Parlor and oBli-o tlon-s. a few left and
will be sold ul cost at J. kutherfurd.a. tf,
Curria . lion, urhobmule and retail, a
Nicholson i. I! .i ku. en's 211-tf.
Just receiveil !; m well assorled
stock of shelf haidwaie at J. ltotherlurd's.
N K W A V fcKTISKM i;.N'j';4.
'ptio eo parineralep lo r. K.f.ire e..lnn telwe-n
I II. C W ei" and .1. loi J t"l. r ii !iil,r
loin llu il- of t arh i-r ,' , el rr Is III a dujr 'l S I "1
' i- i.i iliml Kill-ilil. ' l a lai-li.ea ua l,e nil duel
til II '.v l.v II. C. Wanner 1 ih '.l. will he
seillwl ul l! nr l J. .hi, J. K. liar All
k ioaIiuj thenn-nu, liuhl. ,,1 uil,;aaau call snd
't'l'i. - L'entiu, I'tit. IS is 0.
lit', WA I'TTH.
f bi'.liv J.. un J. Kr.UEIl.
IMjicmilogix!, nntl Fort?iHe
'1't'l ',
Ibis iskn Po.mi n. nt Ihe AMKIIIC'AN HOTEI
until r.nii-h Brh IS70.
As a fin euolo;lt M a I) la Cotiaidmd Kiaal
wiiti I'oiv.'tr
hlincler wiltlen In Full. VI CI; K"-lche i,f
.liniiti-er, io; 1-Mitii'lia-lona (l.-n'a, VI Oil;
1 .. .i 1. r ; i ulilllitt 'itllint, lienla, (100; Ludies,
ua cia.
I will n'aa ilcerihn fhanict-r Iroin,-imai
a ai h.v le lei', mi il telllrli l' u Llkeuess wild Iha
Klililii, I" 1 K'l e's.
dv e eiv. ii Huh nptrd lo Matriuiony, slther to
MuiYl. d ol' SI H2le
l liu Ht t. r limih m. .1 Ir. ia 1 ihenesa. 1'IIK '.
jei.-l'l.':n.' cu 1 a; oaco at.d h-.-ur lur yourK- f your
EaOrWiaUrf a aw or Ui arUclai lu k.
,ui.d. .
iiistri', Pa.
Fiiend-t find patrnno, one nndall.
Tour BtieuHcn to my' bii;" I would callj '
Tim s nro ilul! m il nmupy tight,
ttut In lb:'iu tluiej I'm looking for light;
To thoso who ftpo building rl wltl'.mit number. t
I would in form lhi Ia Uie place li buy Lumtvr;
My motto iri thir:. "Q :!rt Snh-s nid n.all I'r. flt,"
V(i bn:iK5 i.-t lii-lhl v n iti 1 think xinu-U uf it;
In (f nlily my r.urnb'T is cri.ud tn none,
And ha for ShiPgleH, ik j I;
i(-fiif miy r.ot lo. k nt it in ti e liht I do, ,
Ai.d for ti.o-e I Luvt- a ;ty o. ! ;
And t' tho.-'ii whtmrt' pftrtu u'ar ftp mmc inny l,
I Mill have unot'ii'V fina'ity cal eJ o 3;
I hae i!wl 9tnoncd t.tim1). f'ri'-sfd up nice, V
W'licli I will nil! ul u luw pi let-, -.
Suth in lorrinj:, CeiMn and Hiding, oo.h Rouh
am) I'rcH.'il, ,
Lath, llutttu gut-foccd, Lujnbir, all of.tht
bon;1. " jf
I ttUn havo HU L'tmhrr ct ktti-N. - '
At prices to r.nnjsiire with ull nA hard tiniCT; T
All kind- nf Tlinhrr kr. t cotr-ttntl v nn handf
rtnJ u box of (Mgaip cf a very K''d brand;
My fitllitlci fnr"il iiiff an: fjrdv wilhont numSr '
I a!wa i ke p pood . m to di liver guod Lumbtr;
.So If yon want Lumber. Houjrfi, Dn-ed. Fof. or '
1! ml. .
Yon will find JuTwbat you w.iu at f M S'.-Lum-
br Ya;d
IHho5 nt ion i
rll-ro pfl tfMTth'p ;xt till" irndr 'he
1 Him niafiip f Kinx li .i, if tt.i-il:, j .nuttil'tiv
ihiitti-tl r.tnM'itl (1 W . Ki tr -Ir. r- t:rj I h hi'
I W'l' . f fin lir -rt-il l)"ieitl'"r.- hy C.
Klitir, vim I'I 9i I a nt: U !.') jit'.iiii-t ihf iit
11 -in "'!.; arc int if'h uiipr ,-t'rn nr. 'n th
ha- !t T Kl tr Jr f.r i-MiN-. t en nnd l
itt'rxdiia I n iir tlicinM-ivi-a i dibted ri-nqn atd
to c II it; fni Mtid suit la
evil, u iT't r v. kino
febl'Kw V. W. KINll Jr
: 50o ItMVAKD!
TH .Oherrr-re , un line to ifn'l Farm tis
l'i a--Td thrw -In.ra ulthin' ihe am -liy
ilaya. A reward f KITK lll'.Ni JIF.I) lH)I.LAKt
will he im'e ..r il t dtie I on m J,- nvi. im.ti ol '.y
puiaoii or .'iioiis ri iraueil n or ue ii.R any part '
in utiv . I ih. fli:tt vi.l.iinoin. triiaauciiuiii.
,1. STAMWAriiii.Siuu. lire T'f
V. A. IlMi fty,
nKAl.ll.t li. se-ond h ind enx nea, hoi'., Tuh
iiii;, C'udiuif, ala uew n'ml v .v.-anii eaeieis
Co attain ly ou hand. ifiviug the fm llltiea fur
v lit Jo so on th moM rt-s..aiilelornis.
arties Having Engines for" Sale
A ll do well lo in a call Tlatl'o. m near ll ..
() f. A A. It. It.,
AT tiS, C1TT.
Uvr nprmd a Ji-vvflry j-tnr on "enlr rot. utxt
duof wt'sl uf ih- P A. 'I th graph Oftce,
Oil Cii-, I'a.
KfcpcoiMtanllyon hand ft Inrsfldiinrtisieiit o.
i)iatsiii(ls & jc'ir.d Wiijf.jcs
(Anurlc&a, Kn !ih aud 3,;-l.a make.)' .
otl4 Mlvcr ani E'.aSed Vare,
solid (;o;.u chains, 1 .'
. i'lal'iU,1,
KKVri.VBP!. v
biAL I11K03 Aev
Paill'-a'ar attrnHonclvco inrpuk'rln( fino watches
nltl jw. r h a r.i..iel.?l wifrkvain.
'I h f ru, hav also a noro ut 'rlTL'SVIU.K. 17
pr iu ire?l an lii'tt.
'I ha h'Jl',U:n- knuwu ai til. "Excelsior Blore,''
uow occupied by Fid Dlahop as a dry Kods store la
f. r sale. ' This itora Is well situated and bailers
nod comfortable rooms ever bead tollable for two t
more fainlllas. For further particulars apply at
the store or of D IIARItIS A BKO.TItunHlt nt
Kim 7:i i.ikh A lalau auortlUCUt, '
j Lauwii si Alden'a,