The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 19, 1870, Image 2

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Petroleum Contre Daily Record.
i'et. CBli"'aturdar. i'eba, 19
No. ?, Passer-srer Leave Corry 11.20 n.
m. : T Vi.f'J P. I erroievm ten
tre, 1.40 p. in.) Oil City, 2 it p. tn. ; Ir-
vineton. S 1U n. m.
No. 4, Passenger Leave Corry 6.10 a. ra.
Tittisv Up. 7.3o a. m.: telrolenm Centre.
8.14 a in: Oil City, 8.39 a tn; arrive at lr-
neton 11.40 a tn.
No. , Passenger Leave Corry 6.03 p m;
TitiiMilJe, 7.6U p in; retroleum Ceutie,
8,?iS p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p tu. .
No. 1. Pawn sit Leavo Infineton 7.13
a m; Oil City, 10.10 a n; Petroleum Cen
tre, 11,03 a mrTitusville, 11,30 a m; arrive
at Corry 1.40 p in.
No. Ji, Passenger Leave Trvineton, 12,
116 p hi; Oil City 2.67 p m: Petroleum Cen
tre, 3.36pm; Tituarille, 4.20 p in; arrive
at Corry 5.43 p
No. 5. Passenger L"ivo Oil City 7.00 a
m: Polrolcuui Centre. 7.4:1 1 m; Titusviile,
V,S0 a m; arrive at Coiry 10.10 a 111.
Divine Srrv lien.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A.M., and
o'clock P. M.'
Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Servica'8 every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ami
i P. M. Sabbath School nt 12,' P. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extcud
cd to all.
Tev. C. M., Pastor.
STS. PETER AN ft PAVL'S (Catbolie)
JIass at 1(14 a. ni.
Vesper anil Benediction of the Blessed
cacrament at 4 p. in
vatectium at . p,
Go!d lo dav 119.
A ui'isicalce.nvention is tu he bold at
Union 'Hail, Turr Fnm, 'oa Wednesday,
Thursday aud Friday evenings, ol next
week. ' .
Do not forget tbe dramatic entertainment
of tfco Good Templars, 'this evening.
Ad oil company has ueea organized at
"rVeeiBeld, . N. Y"., for the purpose of put-
ting do wd a well. Hope they'll strike oil,
but Very much doubt it.
A now well was struck on thcfclraery tract,
lied Hot, ou Wednesday evening, and
Thursday was J ieldiu ac the tale of 200
barrels per day. Owned by Emery Bros, o1
A boiler explosion occurred on the Chica
Igo trirct Red Hot, night before last,
by which tuveral men were quite severely
injured, but lorttnately none fatally.
Mr. TV. H. Dcnritt of Pleusantvilie, has
withdrawn from the Him ol T. II. Sbngert
& Co. of that place, anil iutends shortly to
pay a visit to Fredericksburg, Va., inteod
iug eventually to locate there, Mr. D. is
well known In this place, and in fact thre-'-out
the entire region as being a 'gentleman
nnd thorough business man - in every re-,
pct. While lis many Iriends nnd oc
spioinWnccs wilt sincerely regret bis leav
lug. their best Irishes wifl go with bim to
bis new home wherever it may be.
The Oil City Times of yesterday soys:
The "Mountain" well No. 1, known as (he
Wingard well, commenced to test on
Wednesday evening lust at 5,V,' o'cluek, and
in 21 hours has produced full 73 bairels ol
good green oil, and increasing. This well
is on tho U. P. F. Association tract, and in
a direct line north nf the llasson well.
The sand rock is 10 feet .in depth, and is
evidently lb same as that of tbe llasson
well. These fuels would seem tu indicates
that the belt tuns in a nor'.h and south di
rection. The wyll pump? stevt ily, wfthout
the pulsions noticed tn the l!as?on well.
A fino substantial railroad bridge bas
ben completed by the O. C. & A. U. U.
over the mouth of Pitho'o Creek at its
junction with the Allegheny river near Ole
oplis. This does away with tho curve and
long turtle work formerly existing at that
polut, and is an improvement.
Vie learn that the Sheriff of Armstrong
comity was imaged all Thursday in sbntlli'g
up the I - reii-and-lCawys at l'arkera Land
HljJ. ', , ' ' i '
Mrs. M. Deuell, Pbrenologist, bus taken
rooms at tho American Hotel, where she
ton be consulted on matters relating to this
science. ; Mia.' I)., la also an adept ut For
tune Telling. . Terms moderate.
Rompniber thb Dramulic. J;utertalnmeut
at Sobel' Hall, this evening.'
PiiisTOKiicE Ciinuks Pi.bininster Gen
eral Cresw II bas made the fellewing
changes in Peansylvania :
Cherry Tr, Veningo county, Pa. R.
I twin, vie J. Mill..r, deceaM-d.
Estat.ish.d-Co;i:i.sbnrg, Purest county,
Va., Andivw Coo!;, Po5i.iiftler.
Correspondence lally lleeard.
Editor Recount I regret to seo 'a dis
position manifested by tho Rkcokd to dis
parage the eminent publio service of tho
Representative In CoigeB1 Irom this
district, and especially t regret the injus
tice dune him by your statement of tho way
the Sioiy Farm fo l.s got thoir Poslofl'.ce.
Now, I believo you ejehew poliiii s, but I
trust you will allow mo to siy a word in de-'
fense of our Rupresentaiive, as wo nil waut
good men in Congress and nil should be
willing to do our publio servants justice. In
mis atl.ttr 01 the Story f arm postollice, we
have a striking proof of our Representa
tive's immeuse inlluen 'eNvitU the govern
ment. To be sure the bead of tho Depart
ment says the order making tbe office was
issued dining our Representative's absence,
but that only shows how powerful bis influ
ence must be. It is not necessary . for him
to look after anything in person, und he
can, by the awe iuspired by his name alone,
attend as well to tbe duties of his position
when absent from Washington ns iu tho
Capiiol. In fict.ome folks think ho does
better when absent. I am not snrcbu. they
are right. Now no district bas a more
worthy Representative than our own.
During a lite visit to Washington I was
struck with tho unanimity hie'praises were
sounded in all quarters from tho Piesident's
mansion down to tho cheap boarding
houses, and at the hotels every one vied in
luuding the gentleman from "Venango even
the bootblacks call him '-Cilted Giltillan'i"
and when I see how imperlectly j:e is appre
ciated at borne, I am reminded, alas! that
a "Prophet is not wlthuut bouur Bava in
bis own onnnrjy.''
H is no 3ecret at Washington thai Mr.
Gilliilan has successively been oll'i ted tre
position of Minister to Austria, Hpain'
Italy, a:U (conditiobally) that of Plenipo
tentiary to tbe FeufaDs, und tbe President
also wants bim to be Governor of Alaska,
which, tbe country beiiu largo a: d the peo
ple few, would give cbatice for his exluibvr-
unt miml to expand and BOar nloft liko the
eagle, bi.t with Roman fiuuinesa bo dcclims
them all, audaays he will never leave bis
constituents unprotected and desolate.
Tie is now devoting bis mental energies
particularly to the science of Phrunulogy.
aud iuteuds to give public lectures on this,
subject when Congress adjourns. No. charge
made for examining beads.
Surely he deserves our full conllUencn.
lie Is ou the two confessedly nmst impor
tant committees in tbe Home "Revolu
tionary pensions,-' und the IIus railroad 10
Georgetown, ond it ia rumored in Washing
Ion he Is lo be added to the tointu'tlee ou
Publio lluildings, and he will have personal
oversight ol Vich as tbe Committee may
deem .necessiiiy!
So I hope, .Mr. Editor, you will try acd
appreciate Mr.'s publio sec vices.
.Click Kkhi dlicav.
At about hnlf past live Tluitsdny evening
a fire occurred at the Crystal Oil Work,
owsed by Livingstone Brothers,' on the
bank of tbe Allegheny river, a short dis
lauca above tbe Sbarpsburg bridge, result
ing in tho lussof the still house, and the
burning of a, lank of crude oil, and a tanfc
ol benzine.
Tbe tire originated In the explosion of a
till, and tho fl.iuiua from tbe burning of
sson communicated to a tank of crude oi
andatunkof benzine just above the still
honfe, end these, together with the wood
work' of the still house wi re consumed. A
large nuniber of empty barrels which were
lying in the vicinity of one of the tanks
were also destroyed. The explosion 13
tbought to have been caused by the 11 ixlure
of water with the crude oil iu the nnk
Tho loss by tho fire will reach about ten
thoiistnd dollars, und on this amount there
was only a partial insurance.
A new well on thefitory Farm commenc
ed testing'yrstorday morning, nnd to-day
is yielding at the rato of eight barrels per
day. Owned by tho Columbia Oil Co. and
Uaown 03 No. 72 One or two wclia on
this farm will soon be completed.
We li ain that two new wells were struck
at Reel Hot, yesterdny. One is yielding
from 15 to IS barrels por day, and the oth
er will prove a gi'od twenly barrel well.
Tho Pleasantviliu paper pulilishoi an
pom to the 1 If. ct that "Petroleum Cenlic
boasts of niTie freo and eisy's." ' Tho ed itor
probably knows liotn experfenco bow
many thera ato.
Ti b New Ketlulican Papku. Mr. El.
W. Smiley, an experienced prinler and et
present editor of tho Forsst Krpubliam,
bns issued a prospectus for n Ilepulican
newspaper to be published in this city and
called the Franklin Advertiser. The Adver
tiser will . Ut an eight column paper und
the first number will inaka its apMcaranco
on Tuesday, March 20th.
Tho Senate has continued the nomination
of William Strong, uf Peiiu yivauiu, as
Associate .Iinti-.-e of tho Siipreuie O nil t.
The T.-'il-s a! Sotnl's II ill, ibis cvec-
Salo of CndctHiilps). .
Washington Cor. New York Hcralil.
Tho Military Committee of the Houso
eontiiiiied to-d-iy tho investigation ol the
subject of improper disposition of caiW&hips.
Tbe principal case ..examined was that of
S. Newton Pettis, late member of Congress
from tho Twentieth Pennsylvania district
Threo wilnepses were exnmiued, namely,
Major Bloss, editor of the Titusville Herald;
Mr. White and .Mr. Derrickson, nnd their
testimony, if true, iaofa very damaging
character. , According to their evidence,
when the nominating convention met in
Franklin, and Mr. Petlia was chosen ns the
candidate, Major Hies bad an interview
with Pettis and offered $300 ti tho latter
on the condition that he would give the
ciidetskip to which ho was entitled to a son
of Mr. Eiflhop, of TUnsville, a nun interest
ed to some extent in the oil bii3iniss. Mr.
Pettis, thry allege in their teftiuiouy, ac
cepted the tlfer without aoy tpialilicatlon,
promising to mako the uppolutment in case
ho should be elected. It seems that Major
Uloss had been consulted on tbe subject by
Mr.'Bishop, Sr., before the mcoliog ol the
nominating convention was lipid, nnd bad
been instructed lo make the off r not merely
to Mr. Tetiis, but to the person, whoever it
mlgbt be, who succeeded in obtaining the
nomination. Alter concluding with Pettis
Major Uloss went bntk lo. Titusville and te
ported progress to Mr. Bishop. Subsequent
ly Mr. Pettis got elected, rd the j reposi
tion was ifaeued. Mr. Pettis thru explain
ed that l:e bad promised the iiiilelship lo
another party before B loss's offer and that
as sojn as be mlhl succeed iti putting (.1!
party uuniber 0.10' lo would c ncliele llm
burgain wiij party number two. Tbe ar
rangement remained in i uspeiise for tome
time,' when at last Mr. Pen!t-!;--(iii, a
friend of Petlis, came t i Mr. Bi'hop'a fiieud
M 'jor Uios, nnj stme 1 that be w is uutbo
iiz'd to close llm bargiin. Mr. Derr ckron
-explained to Bioss that h:-d borroa
ed 0300 hom bim (l)enickson) far elect lou
pnrpi se., and that Pettis was willing to
give Diihop's sou lie ctdelship if 11 :.op
wuuiii pay co t" m'ire man oribin illy j r"
posed, nr S3i'0 ia all; at the same Mn
Derrickroti sl.o.ved a nolo of IVtlia" promis
ing to pay Derrickson sj'SOO, a:id rontaiti'U
an euilo setneut by Pettis to tltei -fl'. ct thai
The wi'.Liu note shall !) en.Celli-d wl en
thon oney is paid by Mr. B:-hop." Hlos-s
accepted tbe pioposition fur inop 10 puj
3S0O, aud tho bargaiu was c'os-il, Alter
the consummation of litis unao jetn' tit it
seemi tiiat- Pettis was h irrased Ly ir.e llrst
parly lo v! oni h' bad promised tn give the
cad-lship. and Hnnlly to get rid of the'llnn
he (Penis) wrote to this puily.niimler one,
expressing regret lltat lie' could not ke- p his
piMuirfe, an I explained that pecuniary e:u
Imi'rassrn.'nis had o'oliged bim to dipeso ol
the appoiiiiii!nt to Mr. Bishop. The wr it
ing 0! this injudicious letter is to have
been the Ciiisa of the discovery of the im
pnoper I Irat s action. Purjy numlier cue,
iu.'et.sed at Pettis going back un his word,
showed tho letter to some of his friends; il,i;
matter got talked about, and lioully leacii
ed tbe ears of tho people, whi tbnugbt tt
their duty to communicate it to Conj;r -i-s.
Now tho wilnessis examined lu-dny do not
hesitate to state that they ate rot on friend
ly terms with with Mr. Pettis, and it may
be that they hare been slitniilatcd by hos
tility to the ex-member in making the above
statements. I do not with, therefore, to
rxpniA the opinion that Mr. Pettis is guilty
ol tho charges.; I-only nive what I have
beard was the tesiim.jiiv, without ntdc r
comment for or against the accused The
investigation committee find that t,he field
of their - investigations is -daily becoming
enlarged. Fresh ca-es are reported every
drey, and the probability, seccu to bo that
tl.o labors of the committee will not soon
reach a closo At present there ar- forr-.o ten
cases reported two or three from Louisiana,
two from South Carolina, three or four from
Pecnsylvaniu, and the rest troni other
States. Tho carpet-baggers thus far seem
ot monopolize a lion's shar d tho traflic.
Lake Toxxaob. The number of craft of
all kinds rngaged in 11)0 commerce of the
lakes Is about 2,300, with on aggregate ton-
riago ofb5ii,0ll0 tons, and an approximate
Value of $2G,3'!0,000. If to this bo added
tho value ol the different products that aro
transported over tho lukes by these vessels
each year, which 'at alow estimate would
reach '3.10,000,001), wo have a grand total
ofsaji $321), 000,0110 worth of property plae
ed at hazard in lis transit across the lakes.
When it is understood, says tho Detroit
Post that the annual depreciation of vessels
four nutnral decay alone is about ten per
cent., it is evident that 110 small portion of
this vast amount of property w ill bo com
ufitted lo iinsenwoilby vessels, unless the
means ol knowing tlte real coridillon of all
vessels is furnished to the shipper.
A Cincinnati confidence man pa d bis
bom l bill lor several wecki by cnrining the
lamjliidy, I ut dula l'ted jus', lefoio tbe prctn
itd wed-llng.
We would cull the attention ol our busi
ness men to tbe superior styles or job print
ing, both plain and fancy, at present being
turned out from this office. ,Vo are prepar
od to execute job printing of every descrin
tion in the latest and must fashionable style
of tbe art, and at tensonabln rates. tf.
Cnu.DKKNS Caiiiuaues A tino assort
ment at the Furniture Store.
nighrock, Congress and Emplie Spring
water ot Grilles Bros, fot8tf.
Valentines of all kinds at Grilles Erci. If
Horse Shoe Nails, wholesale and retail,
at Nicholson .1 Blarkraon's, 23-tf.
TheNew Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson
fe Blockmon's. " tf.
Tms Means BisrxKss. My enlireiock
of goods Is c Hi red at cost.
A. e. burnt.
Dec 5 If.
The New Gas Pump for sale at Nicholson
& Bluckmon's. tf.
SiiEntiTs Salic is Closed. Nicholson-
Blaekrrinn bavins bought him ont at this
place and Kane Utty. ,
Reduced Prices at Lamtners & Aldon'e.
iu large quantities at Lam
triers & A Men's.
Kid (iLoaeh A
Lamers & Alden's.
large aasortment, at
Tbe largest nnd best np.-ortmeiit of Table
Ouilrry, 'ever brnngtit Into t!iu country at
Niccbulson & Blackmons. ti.
Lnminers t Aldin'sis tieunlr store
r-uy good, durable nnJ cheap clnlbing.
Lammers ti Alden's is tho only white
mans, ciottiiu store in the Centre.
OrdoiH taken for rails and his gtiarantoed,
Larumers i; Abb u's.
A. S. Smith's Isrte sleek of hoots end
shoes is o&'eiid at eo. t for tbe utxt CI) Oayn
Dec 0 II.
A. S. FsniHi iu urdi'r re ri""" out bis larire
stuek of Indies s'-o s Ac-, il--rs Hiem at enst
s ll.ev li.ust be Mild ill ILs la !.t till da)s.
Patirr u'vl r.Boo
will be sold at ci-st
tloves, ft f.-w lell and
r.t J. I: n1h-i l"..n!.i. ti'.
Carria-e Bolts, wtiolesale
teiioisin t l.iei"iion's
uu t rei iil. a
J-ifit received : luine
stock ol" hiudwate
ut J.
h-i a-sorfeil
Ruthi-i lord's.
N V. v A i ) V I'.UTISEM B X TS.
a f.-iv i,f ilie urticUs to
t' a .d j:
Wash! si jstm'i Petrol cum
Centre,, Pa.
Fi land anil pntrons, on nnd all, v
Vuiir attc-iiUuu to tuy '-biz" I would calif
- .'
Tlmts ara dull ar.d money tight. ,
But lu th&c times I'm lookiug for light ;
To those who aro building rlzs without number,
I would inform thit Is lb place to buy Lumber ;
' '
My fiwtto Is tbls: ''(inick Sales and Xmall Profit,"
Fur lias:ncn3 is healthy nail I think much of it;
In q-'allty my Lumber Is seoond to none,
And as for Shingles, I keep No. 1 ;
Soma may not lo k at it in the lli;ht I do,
And far il.oso I have a quality 5n'o. 3 ;
And to those who are particular r some may be,
1 arlll have anot'nr quality culled 3;
I have pood Seasoned Lumber, Th-essed ap nice.
Which I will nil at a low cash price;
Such as Florrhig, Cellin,
and Biding, oolh Hough
and I)resae4,
Lath, Biitteus and SnrfaecJ
Lumber, tdl of tbe
besl j
I nUo have K1k Lumlier of all kinds,
At priced tu couipare with nil and hard limes;
All kinds of Timber ktvt constantly on band,
Aud a box of Cigars of a very guod braud;
My facilities fursil Ins are enrely without number
I alway i keep good loinis to Ui-liver guod Ltimbor;
So 11 you want Lumber, Ilcub, Uroibcd, 8ofi
You will flndjil-t what you w u' a: L U k'i Lum
ber Yard.
Tbe Mummy t-j-nM.
Entertainment !
Saturday Ev'g, Febl9
focdles !!
TO CONCi..'1'e' V.'lT'I T!l'- LAl'GIIA
15LK t'AliCLUe', - . - .1 ''.-
1 Cd -rv.'U i-i.l's. ... '
l-ur fu.-th i- .i!t e ilar- ! '''' b- l.
'le.-ar s i.u-tate ar ibu '.-.-l 1 !:
I)::! is at5:i .''.ii"t'
'I'J-oeoin t r-b.pli 'vr- e-.i r 4 i
I tn-in i,a i.e "I' Kn i'r h i-'ta .! i,,.. l 1 '
lull- -.:v-. .1 (i .V. Ki. -' r r r---'
!,- wll .i. -te I ti-v-l-r- liy
Me-, vi rt re - it a 1.1- .:! ''"'
S.lll. -TI.- TV U' M I I':-' - It. ;T H r. '; -
hi- 41 1 r ;. a Mi .' i-r -' t '"i
icr.-iMi, V n v ::i ;i -1 .-n a r--i-. ,a
tue II i r ' iai luei lel'.l-j. . .... .
ri-.i. 1 r . ' ' ,
tooo lli-.W Mitt'.
rTVm Ci.L-in-r.-- '..lea niai n :!! '-''V1','
I lie r ..,.-i il r.inv lr..vv.l i. a the l:ui hmjt
,ia-.s. Ar,- !.r kivk ii t : ;.!:r.t
ivlil l.e -. ik t. r t e (1- le I mi in 4 V ;l
peiinll If ..-r-iins i'i e.'i d n or l.e a aa.. ,n
in nnv i in- il.m-j vl I ii.uas tniiiiaciliMi.
.1. tH'AMiiiColl.fii;.!. . '" ' ' .
V. A. J. i Sf'?
DR.L..t In siiml han:I enistws. boIVs T1-1
iii-. fnsl.ig, nlfoiifw Wood .v. .Vni.ii eu.:i's
en iMilily on hand. Havlr.j the facilities
lll do so on rh niui-t reiiiioiiu'alcteiiiis.
aities Havin.or Engines for Sa'e
A'il do well to tiie me a rail. I'latro m ncartle
it. V. .1 A. 11. I!.,
pr.TKni.mrM vv.
Uave opa-ni-d a Jownlrv storo on Penlrn
UaUl" WCSl IU IU'' I" aaaaauiaa v.u-,
Oil C ity, Pa.
Keep constantly on hand a largo assort mi nt ot
Itiatncnila & Fine Wutflscs
(American, Eng lab and SUs make.)
Solid Kltvcr aitd IMsifcd AVare,
houp ooLncnt.viNS,,
. aShAL lllMia Sc.,
l'aitlculiirltenMonel en 'nn-i a'rlin duo watches
nnd J. m rv Ii a tiniipelent wnrkiiiari; . ,,
I'll, linn "have also a toru tit III LS H- '
pr'ngstruot an-""-
The buildlug kuowu the "Kscclior fctore,
now dccopled by FU litabop as a dry go"18 iiM" '
for sale. This store la well situated an has '
and cornfortublo rooms over bend mitutle for tt" " ,
moro famlll'F. For furlber particulars apply
the stove or of D nABHH & H)Tit' JU
u 7"'"