"mS, A aa f t ' ' ' ! I -i ; nr. v Petroleum Centre Daily Record. t'tu teotro, Friday. Feb. 11 AltUlV (X. DEMRTt'KE OF IB UNSJOJf O. C. A A B. II, MDTlt. f No. 2, Passe acer Leave Corry 11.20 a. m : TiU.sville. 12.59 p. in.) Petroleum On tie. 1.40 p in. ; Oil City, 2 22 p. m. Ir vltietoo, 5 10 p. m. No. 4. I'u'Si-nijpr l.povp tjorry o. hi a. ra. "Sitiisville, 7.SS.m.5 Petroleum Centre. HMi n.; Oil City, 8 59 m ; arrive at Ir- melon 11.40 m. K. I, Paasenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m; TitiuvilK P m! Petroleum Centre, 8,118 p ni; ' O'l City 9,20 p in. KORTH. No. 1, IVseiicer Leave Irvineton 7.55 u; OH City. 10.10 n; Petroleum Cen tre, 1 1.05 a di; Titusvilie, 11,50 a ai; arrive at Corry .)' ! m. No. 3, r iHwruei Leave Irvineton, 12. 9i p in; Oil City 2.57 p lu; Petroleum Cen tre. 3. Slip m; Titusvilie, 4,20 p in; urrive at Coiry 5,45 p ni. No. o. Passenger Leave Uil City -7,00 a m; Peirolenin Centra. 7.43 n m; Titusvilie, , a n. ; arrive at Coiry 10,10 a di. nivtiio Ncrvlce. rilESBYTKKIAN CHURCH. Prenching at 11 o'clock A. M., anil 7 o'clock I'. M. ' Ear. J. T. Oxtoht, Tastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CnUKCII. Services every 5 ubbatn at 11 A. M. and P. M. Sabbath School at 12,t P. II. eat free. A cordial Invitation extend ed to all. F.lt. C. M. IIkaro, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Cutholie) CHURCH. Mass at 104 a. m. Vetper anil Benediction of tha Blessed Sacrament at 4 i. ni. Catechism at 2 p. si. JAMES DUNS. Pastor. Cold io-dny 20X nRPOCIT Of PH1HBE LPO 1 A HO UtB OF '1 It ADC. Tbo report r tlie Philadelphia Board of Triile for ISf 9, contain! tows valuable sta tistical matter, to which me tnty make patt ing reference. The production of Iron in l'ennsylvaoia for tlie )ear 1869, bos been at follows: Pig iron, 965.000 tons for 1369. egttiast S72.O0O torn In 1803. Increased, . 93.000 tuns. Tbe sale of tbo product being about C34 000,000, or Tery little beyond tha lesser quantity of last year. From forges and bloomeriei 31,000 tons. Raits 230,003 tons. Oilier forms of manufactured 271,009 tons. TncrcRtia 31,000 tons. Tb added value on tbo manufactured ar ticle uiay be fairly estimated at $35,000, 000, abowinK a total productive value of fully $6i). 000.000, with an iocreu'e in totil quantity' riom 1,424,157 Vus toL6G3,000 tons. In regard to petroleum tbo report Doles n continued and large increase each year over the proceeding, and tbe f -ars of a falling off in the supply from tbe wells hare thus far been without conflrmatioa. Tbe total production of crade oil from tbe Pennsylvania wells has bean: Gallons.' For lb9 139.081,300 lor 18G3 107,207,345 , Ino. 22,474,045 For 13C7 133.600,000 Ino. 33.047,345 Shipping from tbe oil region as follows: Export Gallons. Gallons. To Philadelphia direct Plltuburgn New York Cleveland Boston Portland Other places, estima ted, 8.943.8S5 33,157,849 45.428,490 47,300,880 65.938,090 47,796.526 6,415,620 1,585,530 350,000 2,117,939 705,107 17,945,513 300,000 Totnl exports $102,508,831 For tbe portion sent abroad the price may be considered as having averaged twenty-live cents, or lhat ia this product has fur. ' mtmnl exchange for fully $25,000,000, er more tbau half tbe value of tho gold erport Irom San Francisco for the year, ai d tbo t'ree combined would show values: For coal, us above, say $90,000,000 Iron 69,0C0,000 Petroleum including domestic consumption 40,000,000 Aggregating for th three ur tides $199,000,000 That good fellow, W. II. Dowitt, of the firm of T. B. Shugert & Co., druggists, Pletisantville. dropped in to see us yester day. Is looking well and reports business as being lively in that place. Weather is moderate. Tl-e cheerful sound of tbe anvi Is upon njou wbio.i the toula are being sharpened ut tbe drilling wells, can lie board ou all aides and at all boms of tb day and night , A bill iueorporaiing tbo Petro uutn Rtil- rotd lio.u Fnuklln to Butler bag passed roLniADii in rortaautiia'siE A Dying Wipe Givtxo nun Hi-sdand to Another Woman How Hun got iiir Foot into it. From ih Mutt nan Herald. Justin the outeklrtB of Pnugbkeepsie lives a man by tbe name of Warren, who for years baa enjoyed a plurality of wives, much lo tlie disgust ol tbe enure neighborhood. Wairen ninny year ago married a young lady and for years they lived on lu perfect harmony, but one dy eho oickened aud she and Ut friends supposed she would die; at this crisis sbe became aoxlons abcnitllbe welfare of ber husband aud busied hei-self about in selecting 1,. r rurceMor, who was to share with Warren the joys of matrimo nial bliss. The difficulty sho at lust over ci'me by selecting a woman Bbe thought worthy ta fitllow in ber footstepg. Once settled In ber mind ebe desired the twain lo be made one flesh, even belore her death, that sbe might be made bnppy in ber last moments, Tbey wtra accord ingly marrird by ber bedside, and tbe sick woman having ber hcarl'x wish gratiScd turned over to die, but it was not so to bo, for the, mncb to tbe astoc'.sbmeut ol all par ties, rapidly grew better, and soon recover ed ber health, only ta find ber busbaud giv en to another. This was more thun tbe woman bergaln- ed for, but the two females fixed up the mat ter and it was agreed that tbey would live In harmony in the same buuse, and thus tbey lived for years. Both woaiunruisudu anijly of children; one had six und tbe utLer five. " Some of these children ore grown uji men aud women at tbe prudent time. About six mouths ug the women quar relled and the husband was cilled ou to fettle the diliculty, and he espous-il the cause of the youngeBt wile und it wae de- teimined on by the two to set the old wii out of tbe house, which was speedily accom plished, aud she is oow doing boi.sewoiU in tha neighborhood, while ILc second wile enjnvs tbe bed and board that wert odcu hera. In the contested election case be'.ween Covode and Foi-ter ironi this &tate, recent ly before tbe House of Representatives, Covode has been declared duly elected and admitted to a seat in that led v. Quite number of wells at Piensaatville are being put down to tho sixth sand Hopes are entertained that green ail will be discovered there. LNnw Post OrniB A new PostoHlce Iia been estaultsned nt Kne City, wiU one old friend, J. B. McCrea, as Postuuster. The bond was executed yesterday and scot buck to Washington. Tbe eitablishmfiit of an office at tbut point is a great accommo dation to the residents thereabouts, w here- to'ore they have been obliged to come lo t le Centre or go to Uynd Farm for their mails. To-night the Columbia Cornet Band are to give a concert at Sobers 11 U. The pro gramme to be introduced consists of Vocal and Instrumental Masic, &c, to be followed by a laughable farge. The amateur quar tette of Fraeklin- Mrs. Brandon and Nick- lin and Messrs. aieklln and Skinner will appear In several quartottes; Mr. Jhb. Har rington of Pleasantville, in several comic snugs, and the Band iu a number of lino Instrumental pieces. As this is peculiarly a borne institution, the concert being got ten up for tbe purpose of purchasing them new uniforms, we trust our citizens will tender them a liberal snpport. Tickets can be procured at tbe PostofUce Newsroom. . ' The tuit brought by neury Uarley, D. H. Cady and other citizens of Tttusville, sgst. tue Beuninghollj for $100,000 for damuges sustained by theni by being arrested as the Benniaghoff robbers, has been on trial at Frauklin for two or three days past, result ing in a verdict fur defendants. M. P. Barber has been appointed Post master at Ploe.iantville in plapa of E. A. Kelley, the former incumbent, Tbe office baa been raised from the fourth to tbo sec ond grade. A slabbing ultYuy occurred on the Shirk farm, between Franklin and Reno, on Wed nesday ufteraoon, by which a man named Patrick Bums was probably fatally stabbed by Ym. Young. Both of the men were iu the employ of the Jamestown & Frauklin U. R. Young wus arrested and lodgod in jail at Franklin. There are at present twelve prisoners ion- lined iu the county jail. Sovee ot these are serviuj! out suoieuce; tbe others awaiting trial Spectator. Everybody and everybody's wife's sister, attended by their husbands aud lovers, should go lo the Columbia Coruet Band concert, thin evening. Charley Shay a Quir.cuplexal is booked JVEWS ITEMS. Some ol the Brazilian troops have had to eat dog meat. A Chnrl. slown paper heads its fash Ion t- ble Intelligence, "Our Chignon. ' "The Anabasis of Arthur" is (be latent effort of a New York paper at lead line. The governmnnt has decided to effliip tbe fortifications at Mare Island with Colt pis tols. Tho "very latest'' walking advertisement on Broadway is a man attired from head to foot in Greenbacks. The Young Men's Christian Association of Isew Bedford, Mass., refuse to admit any Unitarians Into their gymuusiuui. " Recent accessions to the Dailaioiith resamans cl ass have increased it lo ninety- seven, alargtr uumbrr than in any previous year. Cleveland, Ohio, and Richmond, Va. aro making arrangements for grand tem perance demonstrations on tbe aunivetsnry of Washington s birthday. A Reporter who did not wish to wound a lady speaker, and yet did not wish te iu timate that be was lacking in good taste siid she wus as baudsomu us ever. A new gooj.', set to music, entitled Where the Wocdbine Twinetb "will short-' ly be presented to the public. It U expec ted to lr.ke tbe place of "Shoo Fly.'' In view of t'le approaching seaa.m of lasting and patience, the Boston Advertiser sugfjisia that nilhr Chinchilla nor Mos cow beaver is uu impropriate awpv-cioih for !.ei;t. An ir.valld uUtnrbed ail tbe inmates of ius Loartluig bmiso by liuilaling u dog. Vi'bt n a$k d vby lie til l so, he said he bad been so ordered by bis pbysician lo lake port wine end bark. A I ttl four year old boy in Richmond Va, on being mlud by bis mother if be would not like lo be nn ai.gel Mid huve wing. replind that lie would rather be a hawk and live tn chicken. A placard beating iho words "All loaf vis will pl.'UJtf stand here'' has been bung out nt a favorite loafiu,: place in Ithaca, aud singtiUily enough, Lot a loaler baa yet accepud the invitation. The Richmond Enquirer asks us to believo that a lawyer of lhat cily beard a robin which, having no almaoHr, suppod it was spring, whistling Shoo Fly from the top ofonj of tbo trees in Cnpitul Square. The adoption. t.f chignons, panirrs, and 'Grecian bends" by the "nirl of the period' ' is probably intended to ceunterao the imputation commonly made against her of "too much forwnrluess." World. Tho Philadelphia Evening Star says that a wealttiy lady of that city has offered a young mau $30,000 to marry her daughter. The strangest part' of tbe story it that the young man never saw tbe youug lady, und is required to abandon ber lorovir, imme diately alter the maniae ceremony. A Cauudiun postmaster bad a keg of damaged powder, and to see if it was good lor uuytbiug be throw a lump into tho lire place. It cost hit widow $250 to put a Uuw roof oa the post cOico. At a successful seance in Cincinnati tho other night a man burst iulo tears when tbe medium deseribed very accurately u tall blue eyed spirit standing by him, with light sido whiskers and his hair parted in the middle. 'Do you kuow him?" inquired a man at his side, iu a sympathetic whisper. "Kuow him? I guess I do, replied the unhappy man wiping his eyes. "He was vugaged to my wile. If he hadn't died be would have been ber husband Instead of mo. Oh, George, George," be murmured, Iu a voice choked with etuotiou, "why, why did you peg out?" Quarterly Meeting will be held at tbo Methodist Church in this place next Sun day. Rev. Dr. Sburick of Cony will be pre. suut and preach morning and evening. The Sabbath School will meet ut 3'.;'oclock p. m., and the usual quarterly ud lresa 'y b" delivered. C. M. ITtiRi. 'Say, stranger, do I smell of liquor?' "Yes, you do; and you are so drunk, be sides, tbut you can't stand up without bold, ing on lo the lamp-post. " "What on earth shall 1 do? I'm a peddler of religious books, and it'll play h 11 with my busi ness." Trouble among tlio printers is on foot in San Francisco. The Altu California ha' discharged tho uinnbers of thoTyicgrai I cal Union emphyed as conicsitoi and e onced tho rates to Mxty coats pe. Hons d ems. U is understood lb a the i von u Bulletin uad Mormuj Call will also l ski a rediicliuu. Prince Arthur, it is said, will make a tour el Ibis State. n has signified bis In tention or vfsitlni: Wheatlani, Pa , the home of tbo late James Tiucbnonn, and Mrs. Harriet Lano Johnson, Buchanan's niece, win, receive bim with all the honors. While Id Pennsylvania the Prince will pro bably make the tour of the coal Celds, In company with general Cameron, ho has invited bim to to his purst at Loclilel, the General's couiilry goat, near Hair burg. I Tho new well recently struck near Mc- Cllntockvllle, cn the H. McCliutock Farm has Increased to 100 barrels per day. It Is known as tbo Zane well. " Local Aotirea. Highrock, Congtcss and Empire Spring water at GriQVs Bros, fetiStf. Valentines of all kinds at Grilles Bros, tf Horse Shoe Nails, wholesale end retail, at Nicholson Blackmon'e. 23-tf. TfaeNrw Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson & Btackmon's. tf. Tuts Mkinh Bcsikksk My entire stock of goods Is offend at ooat. A. a S 51 ITU. Deo 6 If. Tbe New Gas Tump for sale at Nicholson & Blackmon'a. tf. SnKKirFi Sai.k is Ci.oscn. Xicholson-tS Binckmon bavins bouzbt him out at thU place and Kune City. tf. Reduced Prices at Lararaerg ti Aldan's. nov.z2tl. Uiidcrclothi-ic in lanze tiuautiliea at Lam meis & Alden'a. Kin Gi.oies A Inrgo assortment, at Laiueis & .Video's. Tho largest nnd best nsrartment of Table Cutlery, ever brought into the country at Niccholson & Blackmon'g. t. Limmers Jt Alden'a Is the only store to qiiy good, durable and cheap clothing. Lammers & Aldeo's is tbe poly white mans, clothing store in the Centre. Ordeia Inken for suits aud Ills guaranteed, Lnmmers & Alden's. A. S. Smith's lurge stock ef boots and shoes is offered at cot for the uixt CO days Dec 6 If. A. S. Smlih in order to close out bis Inree stock of ladies shoes &e., offers them at Cost as tbey must bo sold in (be next 60 days. Decs tf. Just received a largo and well aborted stock of shelf baidware at J. Rutherford's. tf. Parlor and office stores, a few left and will be sold at cost at J. Rutherford, s. tf. Carriage Bolts, wholesale and retail, a Ninholsjn it Buckmnn's 23-tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW JEWELRY STORE ! ' AT OH. CITY. ISHAM & Co. Uavo opened Jwlry ftora on Centre stroot. next duur wua or in r a. i eivgrapu uaice, Oil City, la. Keep constantly on hand a targe Aflsortmcnt ol IHamouiIs & 1'iac Watches (American, K'JR lsh and Swiss mako.) Solid Silver iji1 Plated Ware, SOLID fiOLD CHAINK, JlSWJ-.LhY, 1'lsToLx. WiVOT.V RltS. i lSUINO TACKLR. BliAL KINDS Ac, Portico Inr attention )!ivcn tnrcnalMnit flno watchts andjie'rv h, a cnuijietiait workimm. Tlu llnu have also a .tore ut TITL'HVILI.K. 17 pr'm iri-et an'Jirtlf. First ClaH Saloon and lEcatau ran I. WASHINGTON BTitEET, Petrol Ml m Centra, rg HI K l)et launr IleircoiHliintly on rtraupht, and I nnu all ttio cliol(t Wines and I "ilmi . l.iiiilii r- gur Cliecw), hwititer Kne. Suidwlcliea, bardiuca, ,Sc own us erved np In overy si la to o.dcr. Also, for sale by. use mil ' It ;01tr21,OlJ S VOUCJIUTt, Proprietors Oct a: $500 j:vau.)! The Chcrrvrec nn I'ipe to lijml Farm lu be 'i ,.uftircd thrwj tiinea within tbe naHi nixty iU?, Anmnrdcif FIVE 1IUN I KKI) UoI.LMtH will hit iti (i fur tl c del oi tion ai d ocnvlt lion oi any lieioti or peruns vi fcaircd in or tiitiiji; tuny part In unv t the llirwo villtiiuou U'laiigWclUnm. .1. Si "AMUAUon, Kupl. Dec. Ut IIsMolutiuu Notice. .Ian IS. l7i). N'otlce Is hereby vlvun that th ptutiinibip latf'y rxitthm bt twen H. iS iri)hUn a II. E. bl.idcinoii iiiitlt't' i..u linn iiameul'W. II. Nichul on A Co. 1 diH:M!v;d t..l day by mitt ill ciiainU The bus lifci uil. b carntv1 v tin act iliu uiune of iNir'm ii u I'ir.fi, who Will uuuie ull iiiacb.oUiiOBS ol the lute hnu. W. II NICHOLSON. H BUACRMOS c nan r nrm a ouaLi. o urtttA HflUSM ONE NIGHT ONLY! Columbia Cornet Ban J or ASSISTED BY fflTEDE QUARTETTE CLUB Of Franklin, n nd n Riiff08i Management, Columbia Cornet v,J Business Mnnngnr. - S v l Direeur of Music, Prof.u'.C I&Sj Friday Eve'g, Feb. U, On which eccasion will bo brought bp',,, the public one rf tho best Musical IV, ' lormancea ever Introduced beforo a Poliolium Centre audience consisting ol ' Opera lie Airs, Quartottes, Duetts, Italian's. Comic Soi!, Choi uses, A!jo, tho . CHOEUS As ribvel at the r.oton peson .lnl,i!w, with f,Jr Acvl!a,i'annou and 24 I'erfoi nu r.-. "Shoo Fly ! IWt Bodtlcr Me !" Answer to Shoo Fl, and IIor?c Fir Tnn,. Tickle Me, to be followed by a - Side-SpJittinff Farce. tir A GRAND MEKKNAIlKhvtkR vloui to tho perform, nco tj which th,, nn:,iip ... coidlillj lniud. Admis.-lon, ...... fiicpMi Kca Tvi'd Jeas 'Srti,n TIi'KK for sale the Book Ftor or Xir,..i. nu Rr Ap.iits will a'o b moiiuil llir a dm ir,-vnMi- to ine coneens' iiiug llckiu o tuo t lit lrlnt;ilien. tm Uaon open at , o'clock, Porformarca at s. febllJ. philladt phia .V Erin It. It. Time, 10 mlntitca fiwer ihan Kri lime. On ami itfter Mnndiv. Nov. Ifeh. 1S(9. IV.C tvfctna on Ih ... I'ldiadclpldii Jc K.lu It;d roaj will run a ijiiomi: Mail Trnln Irarea Pldl.idflihia, 9.K v i HIIIVIM i:,M ' V, I' " atrirra at Kr.e. N, .0 p ia Eilo Eipr. U-.-ivi I'ld.Idphii, It '"'" ifjivi a i orrv. dim..,,. " " srrlvaaat l-.rio, loisiain Accom'n. l. avcF, t'on.v, l.rvi p ta ' ' arrives at Krk Sl.4 " u EAs-TaAHD. Midi Train loaTs T'rle. S.40 a m " lravn Cerrjff ' " " n-rlvia at I'i.lInde'iiUia. ti.ieam Krle Kxjir. uv a Krti;, V m " lfnv,-H i 'orrv, ft.Mir.oi ' " nrrivia at 1'ldlaiMphla, lW6pu Aeeom'n li-uv.w Bi !, 10 -5 m " " nrrlves at Corry, 1,10 p ia i-iirx p. t at I'niTV. Mfil Pft-t at Of- rv nnu lr ioo'o:i, Exrre-a wmI at Irriu.ton wi'h trains ou Oil Vve'i ni d Alhticnv l,ivir ll.ijlto d. Al.ritbU i, 1 1 l.lK, noli I afi H. L. KIUSE, Tealor in 3?ine Watchos, Diamond and Gold Jewelry, Clorka, Citcrliiig SilTor Ware, Firo Arm) &c. ALL K NDS OP SOLID JEWELRY MADK TO OKllKH. fV Pepslrlnit, Knirraiincr, vlll receive 1" mi d atu iiticii'lun by expert woikuica ( SO. lO iSPKIXG STKEET, TI rtlBVILI.T:, PA. dfi,Sl PETROLEUM IRON WORKS II yuu, llUineIiiiiu 3c Co., m a chinists! Iron and Brass Founders FORGERS, Manufacturers ot ENGINES, BOILERS, DKItLIN'G TOoLS, MULL-aY AND SAbU SAW MILLS, PUMPING RIGS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND WHEEL IKONS, PL",S. AND ALL KINDS OF HASTINGS. WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALERS IN ALE .ISOYS 11 BIX AM FOR OIL WELLS, AO. Titasvllla, Nor Serb, tt - lie Legislature. lor this placo ooq. Rettembcr tue Ccucott. . : 1