The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 08, 1870, Image 2

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! I M '
'i; 4 ' 1
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
et. Centre, Tueedny. Tett. H
No. ?, Pnssencer Leave Crrry 11.20 n.
m. I Tilcuvillr. 12.B9 P- ai. Petroleum C. n
ire. 1.4'J r. m.; Oilt'ily. 2.22 J. m. J Ir
Vinetoa, 6 1 p. m.
No 4. Peseni;er Leave Corry 6. 70 n. m.
THiisville. 7.3. e. m.: Petroleum Centre.
8 14 a m: Oil City, S 69 5 nlvo lf
vinetnn 11.40 a m.
No. B. Passenger Leave Corry C. 05 p mj
THiu-vIHe, 730 p m; Petroleum Centre,
S,38 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 r m.
No. I, Passenirer Leave Irvineton 7.15
m; Oil City, lftlli a n; Petroleum Cen
tre. 11.05a in; Tilusvilio, 11,53 u ui; arrive
at Corry I.-I0 in.
Nn. .1, I'lissKTuer Leave Trvinoton, 12,
15 p mj Oil City 2.57 ji m: Petroleum Cen
tre. 8.36pm; Titusville, 4,20 p oif arrive
at Cutrv ft.45 p in.
Nil 6. Pasren'uer Leave Oil City 7,00 a
m ; Petroleum Centre. 7.4,1 a in; Titusville,
11,31) a in; arrive at Coiry 10,1(1 a in.
Divine siervlcea.
Pre-aphifi? nt 11 o'clock A. 11., and
o'clock V. it.
Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
i H P. M. Sahlmlii School at 12! P. M.
eats free.
d to all.
A cordial invitation extend
Rbv. C. M. Heard, Pastor.
Vesper and Benediction or tha Blessed
Sacrament ut 4 p. m.
Cateeaisra at 2 p. m.
Gold 'n day 12('7'.
Din ino KounKitv 'I'wu'o? tub Scncx
DRBt.a Anr.KSTEn. Tils moniiuj about 1
o'clock Ml ?I. W. Sim mill, -of C.vipen
tnwn, and Mr. Rrokaw of Pioncar, wi re at
tacked at the upper end of the town by tw J
in -n, and .Mr. iirokaw robbed of about $2S,
Mr. Slmonds eoiplitg by running away.-
Mr B. way evldenilv struck with a "slung
nhot" aa his bend was fearfully cut and
bruised, while Mr. 8. tsot off with a black
eye. 4 At the time of the robbery the two
men cried inarder. and fnvnedlntaly alter
two m"ii were seen to stop opponi o the Pe-
tiolenm Garden and exniluiia pocket book.
These amn hraee of vi biins afterwards
went into the Petroleum Cenlrn House and
washed their h inds. As toon ns the nlurm
was given, OMcer McIIub, Polieenina Kin
ney and Mr, O. W. Tepliir, prnceei'ed up
town nud arrested t"io two' parties, who bail
from Cleveland, Ohio, nud give tiieir n:im-.s
us James Short' and James S'larp. From
Ve evidence against tbetn they will likely
receive it eir just riefferts, as Mr. Sinuuid
positivHly ideutiiiej them as beiu t'io rub
bers. Iu the alisaiiCJ of Enquire Don:i ;.y.
tho riscila nro held in cusiody by Officer
llcllugli. An examination will
tie male tbia arienuion. It Is said these
men are tbe, same ouea who rubbed t' e
yoiinic niin on tbe Boyd Farm bridge, a few
bights aince.
For gome time past depredations of th:
kind have heen of almokt nightly occur
rence, until it bad aluiust como to that pus
that it was unsure lor any one to go through
that poitlqn of the lown at lute bonis ol
tb night. This matter bits been talked up
.for some tme inuny beinij in fivorof uran
iz'ng a Viiilliiiico Couiiriltteo f r thu pur
.poso of ridding the lown of thinu cu'
throbta and pickpockets. It seems tli-il
t last the pluCH is to lie rid of ihem, as we
leain f'om OCker Mcllugli lht be hns or
ders from II. u Court to ai rest all parlies who
have no visible maa'ni of support mid to
.close upl disorderly places, which be pio
I'oses lodo ut ouce, and in wbieh he will b"
siulaineil l.y nil (rood. V hi'pe lo see bun
uenu lo i!iu maiti-r at once.
A new hundred nud lilty barrel well was
iruck at Red Hot abouUthn e days ago.
It has causi-d a revival of the. excitement,
which had died out somewhat, after two ut
three of the wells put down bad prurrd noil
Tho next. regular mouilily Hireling of the
Petrobum Priidncera'.Atsociati -n, will be
bel l in Oil City, on W.diesday ihe 9tb
Inst., at 10 a. in.
Capt. K. J. Keffer has coiiimenced opera
I iocs on a brw well on tbo Dalzell firm.
f A largan'l varied assortment of Vnlen
,' Jin.a caiiV!;, fund at Gr t'es Bros. They
,-are j'lSj'J'S'e Ihlna to please your gill.
v Jki,"!v'V
-i.T4lftir uppreanli ol si. Valentine's
i'lftv the young people to look forward
with a' great deiil of iiltolpttlod'tVr tho ex-
4 cleti yabnliues Irom ih.iir surelliimla.
Wa I'-arn llit a new sixly b.iriel well was
siiuck near MtClinicul.villo on HaturOi-y
bnowlns to-da.
The' Secretary ol tha Trasur has been
for some time, perplexed liy tha Ingenuity
of counterfeiter in Imitating the national
currency. The Superintendent of the Nolo
Printinji Bureau baa suggested the following
plan: To devise plate with very few lines
and tho plainest.kind of eneraving, ao that
tbe novice can become familiar with
their appearance in a very brief s pace; to
print tbe notes from thee plates on llht
colored paper df a pecullur quality, and
tlieu let tbe counterfeiters go to work. Th"
idea is that the least variation in the qual
ity or appearrnce ol tbo paper er in the
engraving way then be at once discovered;
and t!a moment a counterfeit make its ap
pearance all notea of tbo denomination thus
imitated can be called in at once, when th"
Treasury may Immediately Issue another
plate. Tliu rj'.an has been successfully
pursued by tbo Bank of England for many
dual Oil Explosions
Two terrible accidents from tho explosion
f coal oil have recently been reported in
Ireland Tbo casks had been washed up on
the sboro and taken possession of by tbe
Huders. Ia one case wbicb occurred .it
Capo Clear, tbe fluders, fisherman, were
engaged in sbariog tbe oil, when the I:-q-rd
ezploded, and severulof the men were
severely burned and some lost their lives-
In tbe other case, the cask was taken Into a
cabin, and to elude the vi cjlance afthe
roast guard, tbe doors were barred, and no
means of escape wero accessible except a
small wi noow. While the party, twenty
in number, were dividinp; their piizeby the
light of a caudle, tbe oil exploded, anil a
younj man leaning over the cask w
Mown to pieces and his limbs buruoj lo a
ctqder. . Tbe others were danpeiously ir.
jin e l, an t bad to be taken to the county
The JlassachuseUs Supreme Court, on tbe
question of the right lo summaiiiy destroy
gambliiii; implements seized by legal pro-
Cess, has decided that the owner of such
rticles cannot elii alitution ally be deprived
of them without notice, ncluul or construc
tive, and an opportunity to bo beard, and
the court cannot lawfully cause them Id be
destroyed without giving reasonable notice
to the owner. Also, that money se'zrd
upon such warrant and returned into the
court Is not by any statute made sulject to
Eiifsin is mo place lor queer societies -One
recently brokrf up w composed ol
siiidenti w ho propose lo repeal matrimony.
properly oiu government, distribute I lie
pioperiy of rich men on Ben Wade's princi
ple, kill i Giors of the law ai d cut out Hie
lonuescf liter iry men who may oppose the
movement. Their scene of operulioua has
bern transferred to Siberh.
Tbe Deserct News waxes grimly humor
ous over tbe anti-polygamy bills now bilore
Congei-fs. It suggests a diliohs imposing
0'vil and political disabilities in this world
and uncoaditional rtj etlon from tbe world
to couie on all who believe ill the Bib'e
became of the plural marriages I ben in re
corded aud aiiiCiioncd. That is Hot bad
for Muimon (nicusm.
T!i Providetico Journal says: "Late
hours, and the ether things that go wall
them, are desired by fashion, and that is
the end of it. There is no use in talking
about it. Ileultn, comfort, chsracter,
nor sis, are of no account. We must do as
oilier people do, or be content to uu no
body." A innti In Detroit struek ano'.uer In the
leeih on Chiiftin is day,' cuitiii; bis own
knuckles thereby. The hand swelled and
became very iiucli Inflamed, and since then
I ho 11. 90 has (letMjed li om tho wounded
tinker. The disi'aed bono has ueeu scrap
ed, bet without en'rol, uud the physicians
lUiul; ampiilalioii will be nFCl'saly.
There is to be a calico ball at Greicory'a
Hotel, ScruhjraM Station, on Thursday
An olu well at Sliairer bus n eenlly been
s ailed up and is being pumped by bends.
Is ptodoc ng aoine oil.
The Spectator says Hie uulual production
of tbe wells in that vicinity ia thirty bii-
rels per d.iy of liibrio iting oil, and tbinka
Ihe opening ef.sprln.r wirl show cousiderable
activity in new devuli'pments ani rev I via,;
old wells in that vie inly.
Tn-moirotv uigni the 11 .it iu Watson
Combination open iil SobiT's Hall.
The mi pioducl of 181)0 was 1.8110,000 bar
rels. Tbe amount paid lust year o leium
ol Wi I s f ir criido oil, is put down l $'28,
oi0,(;l)l, ol wnlcli l'eiuisjTvailia wellowiivts
took $20,(.'tir,i)rai.
An unci . tn in on i,ml rueiuocliuly eight wa
that witnessed In Ihu tjiroeU of 0.-lik' sh
Wis., a il'iy or tW'j tioo . A v Jill i:i. ula I
in uttered raiment, was e-irryuijj Iu no in
her aims t he eu 111 u uf her chi d, fuir or livo
jea:s old,
The wife or lion. John Wenf worth . ol
Chicago, died ia Troy, New Yor.k on ''at
urday. E. A. Albee's machine shop in Mtlfonji
llassiichnsetta, wsa burned on Friday night.
Loss $30.00n; insured.
RiiTiis Kingsiey, proprietor . of KlneJey
Erpress. died in Providence, Rhode I.-dand,
oil Saturday, aged ninety-three yerrs.
Wallace's planing mill, on Spring Gar
den street, Philadelphia was destroyed by
(lr on Saturday. Loss $20,000,
A man named Westerly woe killed near
Warren, Illinois, on Satffrday, by two saw
logs rolling over him.
A bill to regulate the compensation of
teachers has been amended by the Lower
House of the Missouri legislature, so as to
liive females the same pay as malrs, where
equally qualified and performing like du
ties. A Denver, Col., dispatclnnys: The re
maining uiill'on ad a half of Denver Pa
cific bonds were sold in London February
2d. The sale was n norte 1 .by cab e teb-
graph on Fr day, and Caused gieat rej do
ing. Tho Company promise to complete
the road to Denver in fair monllis. Work
on Ihe Kansas Pad On is pi Ujt resting at the
rate of u mile a per day. Aguuta tf sevvial
extensile colonies proposing to locale in
Colorado next spring are nV.v here to make
final preparations for .iiicliiit:iig stock ami
work cattle, ic. A dvlegatiou is ixprcted
si on.
.The schonner Eleanor, from Baltimore,
was wrecked near Fort F.sher, North Caro
lina. The entire crew of lire m. n uttt sup
posed to have ben lmt. .
Tbo impeachment of Cov. ReJ, of
Fioi'id;', was killed in the II man Friday
niftbt by adopting ' the minority lepurt Ly u
v'otel 30 to 21.
The L-gslalure oi ICn'ii has pass, da
resolution r.q'i- sling t.Yogi f8 to remove nil
tint Iada is in Ibat .-Ute. '
In Pongbkei psie, New York, early S.ilir
day morning a lire destroyed Wehtier's cab
inet simp, and an old man of eicbl-live nam
id Myers, a German, was suffocated.
Three horses were slso burned to death.
Loss small. Tau lilt) is suppos d lo have
been incendiary.
Tbe Hi Irish iron-dad Monarch will vTsit
Boston and New York.
Large lit cks of bitds are now flying north
San Frunci'co bus 7.CC0 luborer out of
employment. ' 1
Chimney sweeping most be Bn azreeable
business, fur il t-oia everybody who liies it.
A Kanaka farmer sowed six acres of wheal
on the 11 tb of Janu try.
Chinese coin is becoming circiilatini;
mediutu in some ol'tbo i'.o.'ili; coast towua
Tho Petersburg Judex announce a ennui
scheme fur tbe tegi-nei ation of Virginia
tlinl everybody shall go to wot I;.
Mr. Joe Jefferson ia playing in New Or
leans in "M izeppa; ur the Fieri, Untamed
Rocking Horse."
Tho American carpet makers produce
nine-tenths of all the carpets consumed in
the United States. i .
A .San Francisco trirl wanted a niomtrsnrv
nojefor 3S.UU0, payable on deiuandj-Ve
she would siy Vea. '-
Lotta has appeared in a new piny (VyJvt
ten down to hei ) iu Chicago. It is calleiM
Fepina. ' ' j
Tbo Marietta (Ohio), Register says: Tl o
School House Well, ah'ch gradually lil-
minislwd lo about twenty barrels per day,
wus'tiddenly increased lo over ninety bar
rels per day, by nppl cation of the drill.
Perkins No. 2 has been increased under
similar treatment, to over forty barrels per
div. Grecian Bend rliil bold up In about
eight? barrels. Prospects on the Run are
brigbior than over before.
To-night our pleasure loving cit!zns are
to lie enterlainol by the creat Arlington
Minstrel, who will present a new nud
vaiied programme ol solus, dances, bur
lesque. riegroeccentricitie, tte. Mr. Frank
Luiiibard an i his quartette will introduce
new ballads; Win. Arlington and Sam
Prion will no doubt keep the Hiidience in
good humor by their d'Oll say'nrs; and last,
bill not least, the gr at bin b ique CI ioeie
giant Chang will appear. Buy your tickets
Dkierv liE.vrs UloM Ao.t:x Ii S n
Francisco, on Taur-ii iy ni j In, Mes..ri,
Do. ry and Dion played their third g niioui
billiards, lor a purse of $2,000. game 1.5110
points, I oil ball caronl, on a four picket
taWe, pusii shots and eroekel burn it
There wero eUitly-lhree inii'.n,:s, resulting
for Ueery, 1,5112 iioinis, and lor Dion, 1,0ft
leiinis, Deery's hiyhesl run as 121, iiti.l
Diuu'tt 1-0 ioliitP.
Carriage Uol s. w l.idimle and retell, a'.
Nicholson ic Ulacku'ori's, 2'-'l.
LiO.'ii I
Highrock. Conctesa and Empire Spring
water at Grilles Brn. . f" M.
Valentines 1 1 all kirds at Grille Pros, tf
Ttose pnrtiee nsitur pipe lor dvi.'ing wa
ter well are notified that tie y are uslnir
the patent on the Americatf Driven Well,
wlilch Letter Pate ol were gi anted Match
17i, 18C0. The yH? Rrt on eath noa.
3orlDg or pmp fell I $10 01); hut if paid
at the IWst notice, $5 00, and on each addi
tional well on the earna premis. a, $3,011
Mr. IT. S. Piles, attprery for IT S. Green
is now at the lloaard House, where 'ho Can
be seen by those iiilereslc.J. , .
, Horse Shoe Nails, wholesale - nud retail,
at Nicholson & Blackinftii'. 23-if. ,
TheNew Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson
& Blackmon's, ' tf.
Tiiih .Mean Bl-hinkhm lly eullr stotk
of goods is ctUrtd at cost.
A. S. Suitu.
Doc u If.
The New Gas 1 u in p lor sale at Nicholson
& Blackmoi.'s. tf.
Shkrifp Saps is Cbositn. NicholeonJ
Rlti kiiioii huviiiiT bought hint oat at this
place and Kane City- tf.
Reduced i'rlci sat L tinmen li Alden's.
Underclothing in large quantities at Lam
nieia it Alden's. -
Km Cloak-.- .V
large .; assortment,' at
Laiuets t Aldeo's
The li,r,!est ii nd hri-l as.-ortiiient of Table
"aitlery, ever brought into Ihe couulr-r at
ici-kolsioi ,t BI.ic'kitou 's. ; ,v i.
Luniiors A Alden's is lie only slote lo
quy gooo. 'lor ibe end c :e:ip clotlitng. .
Latnmerst Ahlen's is ll.e only white
trans, chilli in,; store iu llie leittre.
Order taleu for suits and fill guaranteed,
L -lllimets & Alden's.
N E W A I ) V K 1 i T I 1 : M E N TA
SNigSats Only
Wednesday, Thursday
lI. WAi ami J0:l!, 1S70,
Burlesque Artists
la the tu cri;! rnrlrn? pxtrBv.igui.-;ji of .
Or tin". Jl'.iglc Ni'Vcn.
Hi'lalvfii -tf flu':! lli'iu'l'ul Do cine! Vs.r
nl'b eiit C mitral si .(lotK'.-ai Tallinn:; 1 .rlatio,
i,v - h!,. leeu Dei ntoAt liovui uau iilea ieg cmvr
Idlnnient l ravelin.;.
liusurved !oals
7 cent
fib: U.
lI.f5hl'TiOV XO TIC V..
The coparleership of I'ulterit WIHI'im
is Ibis d iv dlssolvd bv moiital ooiisenl.
The liusiiu-sa will be continued by 11. far
retroleitm Centre, Jan lot'.. l7 l'5 3
ISI-IA.M & Co.
LI a vp opHiMl " jewe'rv .-tore on Vntri jtvp. rest
dvAr -ubl4 f tlif I i: A. 'i i It tiii.'h oaL-c,
01 fliy, Vu.
(c-ep constantly on hand a lare ncMortniPut ol
(.Imi.rlcau, ling 1-tli and Swing ntf'ao.)
Si!iil sSHvcf it tttl riuteit V,':iri',
hCLIn (tCLIi ClI.VlNrt,
Jtnl l. Y,
l'iSilIN',5 T.vrKf.T?,
b.-.Al. UiMtS C,
yii'ti'o'nr nttunMori'-lvon lorct'aTies- fltn watchss
nmt j. we b a e li la-uiit iMaKin in.
'In tir ' l.ateula.1 a i-toru ul I l'l:l:3 I1.M1 17
ir ie.; -ticet jO'-iitl.
l-'ict Claa stulooii unl Ki-sl.tti"
in nl.
VA';IltO't'ON sruiOlvf, Pi troli uin Centre.
MMli-:"iu-t I.a..ei' Me v co:i.-.intitl on ilrn-.i.lil, and
3 me! a.l I l,e eliolee.t V lie. -mil C'n:..tH. b rnbor-
er l-'ie.e, frwitei' tiip, s ,mU tcli Siitdiiit., &e
wi-i'Vid 'tp in evi ry n' iu to o.o.r. Al-io, Tor -abi by
ut- uin ,;!()'1j.;,i,L.l0lT t VO'JIE, PropvUtat.
1 i
( I::mia Cornot Ihwd
Of rran'klJn, ami n Biifiu jiji...
gvr troin Abroitn.
Management. Columbia Cornel Tlmi
ltiininB ln,,npr 1. i r- .
' ' ' - .MCAHllh
Uiittlor of Music, Prof. D. C. SmuS
Friday Eve'g, Feb. U,
On which occasion will lie l.rn,i;.i t
in pnuite nneiii'iuu nest vnwcai lVt
lormaiiR. ever introdured brroiu
u Pelioleuin Centre nuiiienve,
cutis sling ol
Operatic Airs
Q uar re ttes,
Vumic Si55iv,
Al.o, the
.A "l iyfl r.t tho Po-On pntr ,Ttt'il!rp, with f ur;,( nniiu nui 1 i ei.o m r .
"Siiuti Fly ! Don't lUhhv Me !"
Answer to Shoo Fiv. "1 Hor'o Fly Corns
l .ckle .Vie, to uu lo low oil by a
Side-Splitting Fares.
A HR-WI) SK'fl-; WV. by tit n.rl
Tifitt (lit portxim lice tj Uiuli tl.c . ic kli
c idi illy itr iiU ' "
AOntHloo. ...... AlivnU
l-t-H -Oi'l li tP, . - . '-.ItV't-i
No.i Kris A'i .;t will !- thi motr.l thr d;ui
pl'ini'MH tO tau COI.Cfll i-l'llltf tirlili 10 ttiOrK d -
fto, booi own t 7 o i'ir:, r. iTtirniirid ftt R.
t.Mll lit.
Tuesday, Feb. 8th.
Compkttly IS ciffani.e .1
VWANK LflMnAKH, of Chicago and Hi l'c
t lub.
.. Don't fail to srs
Poo1, o-isfi nt 7 o'r'o 'lc
AiboirD'en COteitl.-i.
i: 'nunen;is a l Sn'c''k
I.e. r-iil S.MllHVliH
D. II- UDDlil H.- A'.'"'ll.
pi:iiluileltiu je
II. Il
lime. 10 mlni'tes Pi-eet- ih a Trl-tlini.
(n iiiul afli i M ndav. or. 16th. 'he m
on the i't lla Iciuli a E iu lint n
eal wil nw4
iu I i.lov,d:
M.dl T.r.'n feivi PI,1lnUelbia,
. ?- Je-'vm I'oriT,
" ' arrive, at l-.r i '
l iloExpr lo.T.. Hloedjlihll, ,
leitV'fl Curi-f,
o iinh.4at I rio,
Aecoci'n, I, iivue I o-ty,
' " a.ilMM at Hrh.
' nai-T v.
M;dl min -eiv,s Krle.
leaves Corryf
" " arrlv, a . I'l llaJetjihia.
I-'.rlo Mxtir. -eav.i Krte,
.- lea via I'otrv,
" ' anlus'ii-l'i iladeliibla,
Aei-om'u leavtt Kile.
."5 S
i ia
s. o P ia
jl in ia
s id -'ia
1i.ii ' s ia
j.-, 1 1. m
8,1 .I't"
s.tit s m
li, a ii in
.. ai
4,iii ia
5, jit ni
,o Mini
10 111
1.10 1"'
Kxeress e-it eon e. Is ai 1'orre, Vnil ra-i at '
vck nl v; irry,
rv ioiU Ir.tne o i, Expuf. wt nt I'tln "'a
lr..iuouidlC... a.d A l fim-riv blv.r Xlf-
MA Hl.ll It .1 i l.l. l, -r-
Teslei- In
ITine Watchos,
I)i;imond antl Gold Jevyclrj'i
t ti'liHg Sllvrr "Wnrc,
, , .Jtire' Ainu,
rxr Iieiwb'btir, Knatuvlns. ft"., HI ricidve lo
ntid atost en Ion byux;iorl wotkinoa . .. .,.