Pfttiolewm Centre Daily Record Vet, Centre, Saturday. Feb. ABKIY.1. AND DEPABTCBE OF IBAIKCgO.N O. C. A K. n. No. 2, Passentrer. Lesve Corry 11.20 tt. m. j 'i'llr.sville, 12.69 p. in.) Petroleum Cen- - . i J , . . "i . r 1 1 9 99 n ... . 1 H"1! I'. III., VII VUJ, Ui. , Tineton, A 10 p. m. No. 4. Passemwr f.eave Corrv 6. 10 a. m TllOavill.t 7 1. d m Petroleum PnnlM 8. 11 a m; Oil City, S.59 m; rrivo at lr- IUWWH II.1U UI. No. . Passenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m; niuaviiie, i.dv p ni, reiroieum ventre, 8,38 p m; arrive at Oil City 8,20 f m. JTOI1TH. No. I, Passi-ncw Leave Irvlneton 7.15 in; Oil Ciiy, 10, 10 a n; Petroleum Cen tre, 11, Oi a in; Titusville, 11, 0 a id: arrive at Corry 1.40 p in. Nu. .1. i'sssenner Liave Irvlneton, 12, '15 p mi Oil Ciiy 2.67 p m; Petroleum Cen tre, 3.36 p mj Titusville, 4,20 p m; arrive at V'-uy 5.5 p m. Nu. 5, Passeniier Leave Oil City 7,00 a m; Petroleum Centra. 7.43 a m; Titusville, S.'M a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a in. - Mvtue Services. TRESiiYTEHlAN CHURCH. Preachine; 't 11 o'clock A, M., and 7 e'cluek i if. Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. 1IETHODIST EPISCOPAL CnURCII. fervid every Sabbath at 11 A. M. anri )i P. If. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. eats free. A cordiut invitation, extend ed to all. Kkt. C. II. Diakb, Pastor. SIS." PETER, A;"irPATJL'3 (Catbolie) Mass at 10 a. ro. Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed .Sacrament ut 4 p. m. c G atechisiu at 2 p. m. JAMES DUSIf, Putter. Gold today 12H3.J. We are Indebted to Mr. J. P. Bircroft, of Story Firm, for a copy of the Eltihth An uual Import of tb Columbia Oil Company. The report la very full and complete, and represents tbo arTiiirs of tbe Company to be in a very flourishing condition. By it we learn that the. total amount of oil produced tn in iaim tor ma vear isii9 lsi am barrels; average daily production 857 bar- reit; oM4 wells drilled in 18C9, 11 wete productive. The report says: The devel opment! of the Company have been contin ned steadily. The producing wells com pleted In 1SC0 were not law: but it is en. cooraging to know that eight of them were drilled ou territory winch was heretofore not known to be valuable, and a greater number of paying wells obtained, lu pro. portion to the whole number drilled, than ilurlni? anv nrevlnnu vunr A I lh ni--.. r -""n .' I' - 7'... mo VIUBU UI tho year SO aells were being pumped, and for several m.mtha 28. Four sets of drillers were kept con stantly employed, and fuur wells as near as possible uuder way all the time. To run tbe wells a force of 103 men were required. Tre producing territory of the Company is beiog extended annually, with favorable re sults. The average price per barrel of oil delivered during the year waa $5,48. Tue auoi.nt of dividends declared during tbe year was $125,000. Tbe prosperous condition ot the Compa ny Is due in a Croat measure to tbo ahl ami efficient officers in charge of its affairs at Irs at lo Jsei Tin pan it Koitt tue farm, The Sherman farm, adjoining ttie farm, bts now nine pnducing wells up" and one drilling. The average production of each is about eight barrels a day; it is newer territory than the Bean farm, which has now about thirty null on it, averaging about four birrels a duy. Herald. Just n ceived al Simmons' Drug Store tho finest assortment cf Wall Puper ever bro't lo ibis city. It comprise all styles and patterns. We bear ot several cus-b of petty thieving iu this vicinity recently. People would di well not only to watch their en.ibes lines and chicken coops, but to loud up I heir shot gnus and give the sneaks the beuelit of a . dose of cold lead. Hattie Wutsuu Uiultsque Troupe soon to appear here. Lat eight of Sherry's area I ciimnanv Will he produced the "Willow Copsu" and 'Spectre Bridegroom." There was an alurui of llro last night. Wu CJtild not lear.i its nrliln. Cla'il C.'iowder at tho Oyster Bry this evening. "NeUe'' Invites tils friends to drop in and partake. That win a beautiful idea lu the mind of a little gill, who on bjhol,litt, roaeliiHi oa the topmost stem, the oldest ruin was tailing, whilst belov and aionnd it three beautiful crimson IhhIb were just unfolding their olmrins, nt once and eurninlyix tUime l to her luother, "See, W. Ilium, tb. lu litilo I u ls have awakened in tima t0 -n tUir BothiT tefr b? dies.'' The following extract from a story writ ten by George D. Prontice In bis early days wis read to him on nit deathbed. It ha a special interest for all admirers of the de ceased journalist : "Itoanootbe tbat earth is man's onlv abiding place. It cannot be that our life is a bubble east up by the ocean ol oteriii ty to float a moment upon its wares and sink into nothingness. Else why il is thai lue nigh and glorious aspirations which. leap like angels from tbe temple of our heart are forever wandering unsatisfied? n hy is it tbat the raiubow and cloud como over ns with a beauty that is not of earth, viid then pats off to leave us to uiuso oil their loviiuess? Why is it that the stars which "bold tbelr festival around the mid night thrones" are set above the trust) or our limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory? And finally, why is It that brlubt forms of beau ly aie pri'iented to our view and taken from us, leaving tho thousand stream of our af- lectlun to now Dae it like an Alpino torrent upen too beam we are born tor a limber distiny than tbat of earth. There is realm wbero the rainbow never fide?, where the stars will soread befote us like the is lauds that slumber on toe ocean, a;:d where tho beautiful beings wbieb pass before us ike shadows will stay in our presence forev er. SuERtira New Yens Tmiatbk The Last Niout. Quito a large and apprecia live audieuco was in attendance at tin Opera House last night to witness the per- tormance of the domestic drama in live note, entitled ''Fnchon or tbe Cricketi' t,y Sherry's inimitable and popular com pany, Mrs. Julia Bluke as 'Fauchou" trus cburniinir, end acted the chaiacter to per fection, winning tbe highest compliments aud tbe hearty anplause of all uresent. Mr. J. F. Sherry as "iiandry Darbeaud" never performed better, and was also the recipient ot many manib stations of oraise. Mr o W. Blake as 'Didiet" the true brother l Landry, was splendid, and acted bis ai t a u own original and aosurpnssed manner. Mr G. Ferris as "Father Barbeaud'' could not bave been improved. Mrs. S. A. Buker as "Fadel" was cf the test representations of that character wo bave ever witnessed, her conception of the part is truly grand. Miss Dollie I'ike us "Madelen," added Tresh Ihurels to her fame as u charming aud veiSiitile Bclrts?, and tbe remainiun mem bers of tbe company did their prettiest. Iu fiict the Dram has never been presented, in better s'jle than it was last evening. This evening the last night of the seasnn will bo bo presented a rousing bill, consist ins of tbe Willow Copse and the Spectre Bridegroom, with Mr. J. F. Sherrv and Mrp. Julia Biako in ti e loading roles. No doubt the hall will be crowded to its utmost ca pacity with the admirers and friends of thi. company to give them a '-bumper at part ing. Those parties using pipe (or driilng wa ter wells are notilied that they are using tbe patent on tho American Driven WeM. 7 which Letters Patent were granled March 17th, lSlili. i The royalty fixed on each non flowing or pump well is $10.00: but if nald at tbe first notice, $5.00, and on each add'- tional well on the same premise, $3,00. Mr. II. S. Biles, attorney for II. S. Green, iiow at tbo Howard House, whern h em, seen by those interested The Duluth Minnesotian say that the Noitbern Pacific Railroad Comianv has unalterably fixed upon, that plac as its eastern terminus. The lact that property at Dulutb and the control of the Northern Piuiilu road are to a lare extent in the same bauds, renders the above statement credible. It is hinted, however, that the engineer officers are opposed ta any expoi -dilures upon the haroor of Diiluib, and thi.t other points on Luke Superior me far more favorably situated for un important com mercial port The cold S tnday," J , unary Hth, wa the coldest day known) in the Northwest for many years, and on the great prairies western Minnesota there were a number of tiavelers, mail carriusanu soldiers, who were overtaken by the sii rm and frozen to death. At Fort Abetcroiubie, on Red river, tho spirit thermometer imKcatid 4o below zero. This uot I I wo or three hun !r'd miles south of Fort tiarry, the headquarters of thoSelfciik revoltttiuuisiB. How cold it wus al Fort G irry hut not jut been reported. Rather Cold, undoubtedly f jr war-1 ike demonstrai lont. Thomas As'.liiuy recently opened a cloth inai store ia Troy, oiu,,, aud was nent to ail lor it. Reason Ihe clo'.hinj btore bei- luiiged to unother man. Tbo M irlliaiso savs that tae I'rirce Im perial is at ouco to t.,lte lessons in shooting with n ptstol, tied in to prantice tn u shuu cr. nttdier j 6. T.-l;-oJ X. iJ.aij jiaid $jt),0'Ji for tlJ T rtising iistyear. ' SHADOW ANDSIUNC. O I don't be sorrowful darling, Don't be sorrowful, pray, For taking the year together, y4sf, There isn't more night than d 'Tis rsiny weather, my darling. Time's wares, they heavily run, But taking the years together, my dear, There isn't more cloud than sun. Wo are old folks now, my darling, Our beads are growing gray, But taking the years together, my' dear, You will always find tho May. ' We bave had our May, my darling, And our roses, long ago, And the time of life is coining, good wife, For the silent night aud suow. And God is God, my darling Of the nights s well as day, And we feel aud know that we can go Wherever he leads the way. Ayel God of the right, my darling, Of the night of deaih, bo grim; The gate thnt leads out of life, good wife Is tho gitte that le. ds to Uim. NEWS ITEMS. Fisiv, Jr.'s paraphrase of Goinir nn a spout.".. Going where the woodbine thriv eth." wus verv bunnr. Eochefort is said lu haunt Ihe enmllin? tabli out ot regard to the fuemory of his ineimj, tue rouges and Noir. The Salt Lake Reporter knows of one AFnr mon family that las huried one Lundud aud forty-eight children. Salnavo hud some quarter ext. nde.l him namely a quarter of an hour from his condemnation to bis execution. Punch calls tbe French Ministrr. 'r,riw visional" becunse it ineludes Lebeuf, (be. I) aud Bofl'et (reelutirunt. ) Col. Hammond, 'iincrintemlenl nf it... Union Pacific Railroad gets tho matter o; $18,000 a year for bis service. An eccentric young woman In St. pan!, Minn., playfully bitoffh.r lovei's ttuuib in a tiff they bad the other day. A Southern paper remarks that the mayor of its city "rarely ii,h,es aa opportunity of making a mijlake." A woman in Indiur.opolfs applies for a divorce ou the ground thi-.t I er husband ha only bought her a pair of sboe-sirings since her marriage. A Valuable liot.lx. We nro under many obligation" to the Department of Agriculture, mjs tbe Cbiea ro Por.t, (a fuTorltH bureau with iiM for a copy of Us valuable report for tho year 1SG8 just out. It is timely. It, is valua ble. In fact it is invslualile. The anumiit of practical Information it gives to the far mer is BStouishinar. Ii tells him lor inttnno all about the allurhina (Cotinl-) uiiidn, U(1 beautiful bug; Iheenryomia (Euphiun) melt onoholica, a sad deatruyei ; the om .derma seabro; tho liichiits (Trlgonopeltuste-) d"l- la; the melanophilri (chrysobolhris l fnlvo- f.intiila Irnohypterts; theSynoxylan vusilare or tuo reu snouiaereu npite, a vpincious beast: and seviral thuusund other thinL'-j ol the greatest interest, to which It will give us pleasure to recur from lime to time. No farmer stand mom than a pig or two ol this magonificent report ut opo tiin More would bnn4 any ordinary cerebrum and tear it a' up. The cop irtnetship of Parker & Wil i im I tills dliV llivUlilVll till Innllml n..f....l The business will be continued by II. Par fccr. H. PAPKKR. A W WILLIAMS, retroloiim Ci n're. Jn lOtti. I -7 I f :t, 'I Hie two story li 't'd!' tr on Midiistieet ' iiroMiethu 1 U;:llk. kll.lMIUH tie' Kei'.irJ I ri , iMtf lijii.e l.-i otT. v. rt lor , Bh . t. i-othur witti Uiujofiot in noire of J. A. Mien tl K'tr.deuiii C. line, l'a , toll 4 1t".. f:b3t. NEW JEWELRY STO.iE ! AT OH. CM V. ISI-IA.M & Co. Have opined a Jnetrv ntore on Cetitre Rtre.'t next daurwa-lol ll.e f it A. M el. I'l aoll Uli' O, On U:y, 1'a. Rccp coiiatautlj on hand a large iissortnuut ot (.tnierlcan, Eng lab nnd S!ss make.) Solid Silver sun! I'l.tted Ware, trOLIfl litt.t) CHAINS,, v, t-ls'l'ol.S ' iiltVOTYV (:, l''lslltUTrKI.". t a.I ti3 .r., Taiil u'ai- nttdii'ir.a giv.-n lore- c'rUn nu-:' oi I UniljMvni'. I... a n.a..peli,-ui Mo'ii in 10. 'I ti.- Ur.u have al. j a stnro m TUX'S v I l.r, it pv.$rrp.i ai.js.itf. I Local Notlre. Diaries al Cost at Crlffee sVoa. Iter &it Nails, wholesale aid Wlftil, I Hlckotaeti t Dlamen't. JS-tl TUB Cltl'-'AINiST and best place la Way liquors (or cash I at htmtr CAFFifErs TV New Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson & Bluckmon's. tf. Tuts Meanh Ei'tUNLSH My entire stock of goods I offered it cost A. S. Smith. Dc S tf. The New Gas Pump for sale at Nicholson Sc. Bluckmon's. tf. SheriISaf8 is Closed. Xicholson'tS Bla 'kmon having bought him out at this piaco and tvane cny. tr. Reduced Prices nt Lnmmers & Alden's. uov.J2tl. Underclothitijr in lurne Quantities at Lam me is & Aideu'a. Km Gloaks A laree assortment, al Lameis it Alden's. The largest nnd best nss-ortment of Table Cutlery, ever brought into the country at Mcclioleon & Black nion's. tf. N E W ADVE RT I? E M E X TS. SCBEL'S OPERA HJUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY! lolunjbki Cornet Band ASSISTED BY MffiiUR OMTffl CLUB, OI Frniikll i. a RiiSIo Sin-gei- tram Ali cij. Manneement, Columbia Cornet Bond rtns' Manager, - S. K. Mclval.p Dintloi of Music, prof. D. C. Sm lh Friday Eve'g, Feb. 11, On wh'ch refusion wl'l he bronsht befei the puhlie one of tie best Musical Per formances ever introduced (Mora a Petroleum Centre audieuve, cousisiiug of Oprratic Airs qjiiU'fmL's, i) 13 tits, iuihuscs, &c.,ac 'NX 'Also, tho ANVIL CPIORUS As pliyel at the Boston p, r,eo Jubilee, with fjt;r Ai vii,C'nna"ii aoi 21 I'cifouo.r-. "Shoo Fly ! Don't Bodder IMe !" Answer to Shoo Flv. and Horsa Fly Come I'icklo Me, to be followed by a Side-SpJitting Farce. nr a fiif ami sRKKwnr.bytho nana .. vlous to I hi) pei t.inu. nco to wa cli ttie nuude are (i ndislly iaillid. Ailinls-lan, B1 cents . i-Horer;l Mas, t,i n. s 'I'll If! '1' f. . .nln a I-An,...b - X-.......I ..- . ...... - I'"". '"I I'l ilUUII- ni. llrart Alwot will sl-o b" eilmiid tliree Oavt !i nvi nJo toe coiicertn'-lilug ticket! to Ihore ue. lll'l. II R'll . t2U Doors open at 7 oVlock, Performarco nt 8. loin id. SQOEL'S OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday, Feb. 8 th. Tills OltKAT ArlingtonMinstrls OF CHICAGO. W3I. AEiiil.VOTO.V, PllG)it, C:iapJct!Iy R Minimi P'tAXK I iMCAUl), of Cldcago on! his Rice Club. EVERYTHING NEW ! Don't fall In si a C H A N G. ! TIIK Git: AT CU.PcE I 1AKT ruKtKSQnc- Too b o;i Dfl'l r.'c oj'.i C ii?' e .1 1 ft 0V0 S A4iu't.on CCVpnU. I wrtia bata'.uvm P. It- UWUtifc, A'Ut. M 1 St. Sotel'p Proprietor Xlanager JAMES V PHERRf Leader or Band FUAXK MONTKONO Leader of O'ouegt CAUL ZIAIMElcMAN Fifth Annual Tour The Manager ber leave to annnnnra I the citizens of Pet. Centre and vicinity that he will open with a Company comprising 24 First-Class Artists, S!erted from the principal theatres of New York. Boston nnd I'biladolntiia m ijether with a splendid SILVER CORNET BAND. nnd a fti'.l and icisiit Orchestra Makinir tl a preatna' comMnatinn of Dram atic aud mi talent no r Iruv, liug. PiWiTiVKM 'nil) Ll SATURDAY EYEN'G Feb. 5th, 1870, Will be presented by Request WILLOW . COPSE ! 51 r. J. F, Sherry as t lik;- Fk'ltiinj,. Sirs. Julia UlaKi- as iicsv t'ii'liliiij. To conclude' with the laughable afterpiece, of THE SPECTRE i- l i UU ii Admission,' . - 50 Cents Unserved Seats, - li T Cents. 13" TICKETS for stilu at the Central I):ier open nt 7 o"clock. Forlbrra conitneoces at 8. .1. n. S21J ISKY, Agfnt. IW Tlie Great Company will give o performances at House ville, conmieiu'iiig 7th, 8th, Oth Febnia-ry, 1 470,