1 . 5 1 'ft Til f trolet'm Centre Daily Record. t fi . , .... - FPU Centre, 'JaoMlay. Fob, 1. AltKlT.tl. AND EPABTi;ilF. OF TUAIMSJON O. C. 4c A. K. II. PVITII. K. 2, Pssscnirer -Leave Curry 11.20 n. m : TitRt villi', 12.50 p. in. i Fetroloim Ci-n. ire, 1.40 . m.; Oil City, 2 22 p. in.; Ir Tineton, 5 10 p. m. No 4, Paesenger Leave Corry 6.10 s. m. Titusville, 7.3. a.m.; Petroleum Centre. KM a m; Oil City, 8 69 m ) arrive at lr vineton 11.40 a m. No. 6. Passenger Leave Ci'rry 6 05 p m; TitdCtille,' 7 50 p n; Petroleum Centre, ,38 p id; arrive at Oil Olty 9,20 r bi. koiitu No. I. Pusseneer Leave Irvlnelon 7.15 ft m; Oil City. 10,10 n; Petroleum Cen Ite, 11, OS a mi Tltusvilie, II, SO a in; arrive at Corry 1.40 p Pi. No. 3, Passner Leave Irvlnetnn, 12. 1)6 p mvj Oil Cily 2.67 p in; -Petroleum Con Ire, 8.36 p m; Titusville, 4,20 p m; arrive ut Curry fi.45 p m. No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil CHy 7,00 a m: Petroleum Centre. 7.43 a tn; Tituvill', t,S0 a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m. ttlvlne Horvicra. . PRESBYTERIAN CIIUSCJI. ' Preaching nt 11 o'clock A. 11. and 7 oHilock P. M O KT. J. T. Ostobt, Pastor. KSTHODIST EPISCOPAL CIICRCn. HervlcesaWry Sabbath at 11 A M. and i.'i P. XI. Sabbath School at 12a' P. XI. aUfrea. A cordial Invitation extend ed to all. Fbt. C. M. IlKARti, Pustor TS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catkolie) CHURCH. Mats at 10J n. m. . . V.'ipur and Bene-JIcjUa or the Blciacd Sacrament at 4 p. in. . Cattehisui at 2 p. m. , JAME3 DUNK, Pastor. i-Xield to lay 121 i j. Thoeomioj concert -to be given by tee Colnmbl Cornet Hind promise to be a ' irrand affair. Among tr novelties tn be Introduced will be the Anvil Ohorjs," from II Troyatore, in wbicli three anvils -will be brought into me. A side-splitting fare will also bo playet.. The vocal and Instrumental part of the cone-rt will le decidedly the finest musical lieat ever brought before Petroli'iun Cenire nudienhe A num'.K'r of the l ent amateur singers In the oil regions have volunteered- their ser rices jnr the ocoation. A the concert is being gotten ug lor the benefit oftbelmnd tho ol'j-ct being, Jo enable them to purchase now nn'firm, w hope our citizens will give them a liberal aupi'ort. Owin to the atormy weather lest even . lnu there waa not so large an audience ia itlendnc at the theatre as the niuht be Tire. The play ol -I.eli. the Forsnken" waa well rendered In nil Its purta. Mr. J. . Bherry aa Rudolphe had a lino opportun ity or displaying hii talent and wna loudly pplandd. A floe acting ai wn have erer wilnened waa that by Mrs. Blake n Leah. The scene In which she curses Rudolphe end Ihn dying scene at,lhe last were liran tiriilly tendered. Mrs. Pike as Madeleaa wad Mr. Ferris as Natbsn acted out their characters true to life. To-night will be presented, by request, 4 he charming drama ot ''East Lynne, or The Elopuraent." Mr. J. F. Shorty will np pear as Archibald fiarlylej Mrs.' Julia Blake aa Lady Ittbel, and the balance or the company in the caste. This is one or the finest dramas ever written, utid we hope . 1o see a crowded house to witness It. The lertainment will conclude with the very laughable face of "A Kiss in the pa'rk." The storehouse connected with the Rialto Il'staurant was broken imo about ten neluck last evening, and about stxty dol lars worth or provisiora and Honors stolen The thieves were four in nnmhc, and were llrat discuvored by a neijlibor who gnve the alarm. They were tracked lor some dis tant by Mr. Topliff, but Hnnlly undo good their escape. Query Where were tho po lic j t . A man named John Newcomer fell from the lop or an iron tank to the ground, a di.Unoe or twenty feet, at the Plory Farm, yesterday, suslaininu quite sevete injuii"s. He ut somewhat better lo-doy and'hia pl.y siclan thinks will soon bo out nua'n, By a copy ol' the 1'eorU, Daily Trsn ecript we lrn ol the narrow escape from I'elng poisoned to datti or Mr. Ranney the mating t. and Mr. Ed. Foster (he operator, o' the W. U. Telegraph OrTtce ut tltat place. iri -. . . , i u. (iiiisouing wua acci'leutal aud was caut- od by sonic one pourinj nitric acid into thu water pitcft'-r by mistake and they dtinking nui of it. Mr. K. ia a brolh.-r of 'Mr. Chus. rosier, n. Ij. ieiejrapli oporator ut ti.is plies. ' uriliiog bus coiiiinenced on the new well 1c ited near tho top of the hill on the McCmv birm. No doubt wbca coiej lot d n gooii w,.t w,u ue tlje remit. Tn Pktkoi.ei')i is tub Caucasus One or the most remarkable deposilsof petroleum known, exists In the resion of the Caucasus. On the east coist of the Caspian Sea there are no leM than twenty thousand petroleum welli. Although they have been known for generation,- It la only within the last few jears that they have been worked i:pon a large stale. Tbey are generally of a alight depth. and are frequently found beside icb other. A new source was recently dif covered Onlde an old ono which for cen turies bus daily produced 3400 pounda of petroleum, and which i not in the slightest degree affected by the vicioity el the oew ao irce, which d.iily produces forty thousand pounds. ..The American system has lately boon applied to them; the sources rising Irotn a depth of two hundred and firty feerj Irrcpieotly oveifiow their orifice and uscend above then in great jta owr the height of fifty to fixrv-five feet. It if rculrulned that the dittrtct of the Caurupus yields annually nlnotien uiilllert poundsol (elrolenin. and two bundled thournud ponnda of parnllne ot aspt alt. Capt. Von Scbelika aud Liiut. Von Dltttnar, lieth of the Pruss o army, und the latter the inventor of the explosive known na Dual In. have been giving a prac tical test ol its quality at the lloosue tunnel, which has proved very anccestful. The ex periments Included trials of its power upon rck, limply placing a few ounces on the lurface and cu'rerin it will) dirt. upon a boulder in tbo open field, the hole being drilled in the usual way nud tfle Dual in lightly "tamped' iu, and in the regnlnr work ot the tuonelfat the west nnd reniral shafn. In every initauothe explosive did all that i claimed for it and prored itself a powerful agent for Irraking tlilngi. Lieut Dittmar brought over with hiei from Cer many, one hundred pounds ofDunliu inn carpet bag, and we are mire he wutild not have treated eitro-glrcerine in that confi dential manner. There have alreudy been nunii-roua fatal accidents from lycrine, nt tho tuuncl, and any explosive that will be equally effectual, nnd yet lafe to handle, will a real boon to the woikmen, it to no one elso 1 Experiments have been madj in Trussm, at the tug. Blion of the MmTati r. of W'.r, to teat the protecting powers of etroleum against the ravages ol moths. The Alllita Wocbenhbitt announces the-coneJitsion at which tbecommilteeot' inquiry bavenrrived. It is round that impregnailoii with reclin ed, natural petroleum, ireients moths from depositing their ejigs in stnll and is eunse-qu-ntty a pioteciion ssainat rauth-eaiing l ut this presi rration seeina lo be I'H'. flimi only to lonj as thee i lotbea or other ol j-cts distinctly reiulti the otlor of petroleum, - It is therefore n-com mended lo inclose the impregnated articln in (iulit-clos-inentsor boxes, nnd to renew the iin presnntion with petroleun) every spring, or peruups more tnqueiiily. One or two old wells have recently been started up on the 1'iiiikvllle fluls and ate pumping a little oil.. It will be remember el that Funkvillii was the scene of active operations in oil developing dm in? the years lsU4 oa. The probnbility is that should oil con li tine at tho same lipure other old wells will be started up In tkat vicinity rrotrjciil tneelin, a aro being held at A number have join. Roufteville at prosent. vd I he church. We received a call yesterday from M r W. C. Anderson, the gentlemanly aent of tho Arlington M-instrels. which troupe is soon to sppear her". Cunneoted with the troupe are some of the best peifonoet's in the burnt cork profession. With sueh names as Arlington, Price, Lomlmtd, &o , they cannot help but draw a crowded house. So advert isomenl. The Plessantviilo paper ptiiuislus a high Havered article relating to the adveutuies and miaiortiuies of ono Jacob Uvjer, who it is alleged was robbed or sundry articles in a fast house at this place. As nenr ns we can learn Jacob got "olifuMicaled," want ed tit carve up in'o s mull pieces aeyerHl parties, and finally received a benllng which was perfectly right. It va alio rumored that be gut a large portion of bis bt n .r.luo"Jin Pleasantville befoiu ariiving at the Centre. No whisky being sold (!?) in that moral town, this rumor ia doubtless untrue. The Tilusville lieiald b.i, 8 llmi tho Ukc onn published the wronj bill, ai d that t,e New .County bill now before the Senate ia different in name, boundaries, conditbms, c. The bill published by us cinm direct from (ho Senator representing this d's- trtct, and if wrong the error is dun to bitu. The new county bill passed the Senate yesterday by a Vole of S'Xleell to thirteen. Ii now :oes lo the IIone. We are enjoying payable slwlghiii!! l present. To enj iy a sleigh-ride to the full est xte it it is necessary to have good waim bufTilo robes, U.inl.eti, ileiua bel!, ,t3., ill) A whidt cm boouud tt McOrn u'i in T'- tusvillo. SNOW. The present open weather. las reminded us ol the following singular and ingenious piece, which orignally appeared in a Troy paper of 1803. and w.,s republished in the Ontario Jlcposilory of 1807, and it is now quite appropriate fur the present January of 1870. This is Janu irv twoitv. When we should have aloighir plenty; I am tired altqgeiber Or such sour unpleasant wealtcr, ' Easy 'lis to rain aud blow, , '-Why is it so bard tonow.' Pre the Farmer, wet and weary. Stalking o'er the plain, so dreary; Olt he upwards turns his peepers, .Iliiaklnu like a chimney sweeper'; tfl he crba enraged with wue, Why in tutinder, don't it snow!" ' Pee the Merchant, sorry Tellow, With a lace us pule as lullow Sick with grief, and quite bed-ridden All becnuau there is iioaiedd'n, llenr him cy, in accents slow, O je go'ds! Why don't (it suowf Fee the chop full'n Tavern keeper, Yuluularily a weeper t See bis bar-room, oueu ro cheery, Now fuisuk' U co d aud (treaty Hear him cry witu spirit low, "Curae ine luck, why don't It snow." Hear the.ange Piognosticator, i Blame lUesa alip'ry ttickaof nature; ' Sue so oft his judgement botheis, That lie ktioa no mure than oiher-i' Hear him roir. with wriunled tiro. 'Oiirae my sara! why don't Itsnow? Folks in every land and station, Jo,u in rreilul ixclanuit.on; Tuilois, tinkers, patsuiis, pedlere, ' Sawyers, ifamsteis, sinittia und tiddlers, Uivti or pool? I.iiili aud low, Hup and swear Torwaai ol snow. For myseir, though presfd with sorrow Slill, in hopes, 'lwi'1 sn'ow lo-moirow, To be patie.it, I em!e tvvr; Piim! miu!) limes c.in't hwi forever; Hear the stormy ooutli en si blow May it waft us bids eranow O! ye gods win rule the weather Nepiuue Jove or liolh togetlier l.-'iid. for once, mi ear proitliou4, II 'aronr prayiTa ami grunt our wishes; loiiynuv fioa'y IUv-hiii UH turow, Cover smother us in snow. A story is current iihoiil the son who was born lo yMurk Sinilb.N our jolly c unedi.in on tbejiisl ol last nioiitr. Maik has been in HoKWe T-,r s-ime months pas', lint he was djjteiinihej that his boa. Ihoiii-h horn on ivtiglisli soil, should be n'"ankee in smne degree; and to be draped tbu mnleninl couch with the Ameiicaa Hug. Thus the little fellow came into the world letieaib the glorious folds or I he Mars nnd f;lri,Cj. The uisil liy the lUiuuionia arrived; all tbo Amerio.in slaiupa were t feu led as worth less, and payment of Toll postage was requir ed by the Fieiic;) nllice. Il is well" for cor respondents to hear this in mind Th-v CJiinot, by uny iiui'iiiit of jrtuiups. fully pie pay their letters !o .l;r Ihlcti.-li France. Four cents prepaid is all Ih.t is ne.'i.-suy or of any avail ivon French letters via Etmland, nnd ten ceniaen letters dire-t to France. It is belter to pay luur ens only. In ChicHgo on Fridaj r.lght n i'.ol!cemar( named. Feebler, in tusking eu at rest, wui shot by Daiqui, nil Iulian. 1 he po licemon then shut l:H'ii In thebeait, liom the effect of which he died In a few minutes. Daiqui was a noied desperado, ami his death is a sut jct of c ;i)gritjltion. Officer Feebler ia in a critleal condition, but it it hoped he may recover. V . Monroe, Michignrt, bus a hard cass 61 breach of promise to marry, the lair plaintiff of fifty-seven suing a youth i f twenty, who promised tn marry her il sho would buy hiiu a suit of clothes. The suit lind tint desired effect, nnd they wore married by tl o Jusllc hefoie whom llio ca.H was brought, the bride excin-ing her impoiliinity l.y saying rho mi led soinel oily to saw her WO'id. A newly uiuuied lady in Clucugu com plained lo her ma, that on her reception day her card basket wua overrun with c r culuis Iruin lawyen, untioiiiicing lei ins for divorce. "So ubsurd, you know, m i, b lore our honeymoon ia over." 'vl'me, 1 . ur," leplied ma (who bud been twice divotceu) 'but I'd .ut them in asufe pluce; you may llnd tbiin very ni-eful in a yeuror two." Major Henry Wetter, formerly bf Clarion county, now of riant 4 Fe, New Mexico, has heen appointed Secivtuiy of that territory by the President. Bev. Horace Cook, the eloping pastor, ha surrendered Ins ordination piirchmen' to Presiding Elder Pease, of 5,'ew York, with tho request that bin IlilUiu may bp "Wotted from the records of thu Conl'ereuce and consigned to infamy." Calico bulm nrn the vg in our eastern towns, l.i one plteo we read of, they have calico bulls and "Tom and Jerry Festival!" whatever they may to. TI:o stociiliohinrs of tho Fiist National Bulk of Gionivillo have decided to increuse the cipital Meo;,- cl ihe In.titutloa 'iwentv- five per cent. liOrill Ilinries ut Cost at Grilles Bros Horse Shoe Nnilx, wholesale at Nicholson & Blnckvnnn's. and retail, 2tf. THE CIIBAPKST and beat place to buy liquors tor cash is at jD4tf p OAFFN EY'S The New Gaa Pump lor sale at Nicholson Se UUckmon'a. f. Tlll3 MKANS BlSINKSH - of goods is offered at ciat. IV-e C If. -Iy entire stuck A. P. F.tTit. . The New Gas 1 ump lor sale at Nicholson A Blackmon's. if- SitmiiKFi (SaKK l! Cl.osKi). NiPholsorWi Blarkmoii huving bought him out at this place nnd Kane Cily. " If. Reduced Prices nt Lummers & Aldcn's. nnv.22tl. Underclrftbing iu large quantities at Lam me is & Alden'a. Kin (ii.OARc A Latueis & Alden's. large assortment, at The largest and best assortment of Table riutlrry, ever brought into the country tl Niccholson ,t Blackmon's. tl. Fine Dtiijs at 27ib tf. GrilVes Bro's. Patent Medicines at !7;h tf. Criff.-s Bro'i. Would you believe It, the best to be bad at Griffes Bro's. ciiins nre 27th tf. ; The best of everything iu the at Griffes Bros drug line 27th tf. IlIT rfillJl are only S p-r ctse at jm24if. GAFFNEY'S Lnmm' is & Alden's is the only store to quy good, dur-ib1 and cheap clothing. Lummers & Alden's is the only white mans, kloihing stole in Ike Centre. Griffes Bn.s. keep Wheeling Stogies, 3 for 5 cts. FOIS S'li'ltK und iiiiidu.lerated li- qnujs mid witiu for medical uso go in j.inMT. GAFFNEY'S )i! .IH'MIUEI) empty liquor casks for sale at ' j.r,24ir. GAFFNEY'S Otdcis lukeu for suits und guaranteed, ut L'imm 'rs it Alden's. N F W A 1 1 V E K T I S E M E X TS. SOBEL'S OPERA HOUSE "V ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday, Feb. 8th. THK (JlttiAT Arlington Minstrls OF CHICAGO. wsi. a::jli.jto., pkoui. Onni.Ii'tcly Sti uioaiiiid P'tAXK IiMDAltD, of Chlaiiro and his flice Cub. EVERYTHING NEW ! ron't full to sro CHANG! TUB GRfcAr CillN'VSB OIAST HU!U.Kjrj6 Pno-s opn et 7 oV'o.Tk Adalis.ion L0 Ceuls. (' -mmeneea n t H oVo-U I'esi rv, (I 3ems If tVuta D. U IKiuUI S, Arnt. f Ul 0;. iif mii.i i io. aotici:. . rpiie co-psrtnrmliiii heron f,,re rxl-ilnij rndd-Jih t film linillii ol VV. It. Vrl'onnlo A. Lu . istois diy (iio',T!i l noitiiil cese'it. Tho hi:sD"M will lie rmitlnnsil by tv.lt. WcC'oi m'c t ti old " o.'l n n i ad sec uu:s ajninsc 'i.u lata C.iu uiil ha sututd by i..iu. ' T. It MnliOOMICH. u. F. S.J I i 'NHL i.M. HoiHevl'tn. F' h. 1st 'ST1 tobl Ht. HEW JEWELRY ST01E ! AT Ili CITY. ISHAM & Co. Have opsnpd a Jewetrv store on Outre street., noxt duor west of the tJ ,'o A. 't'tlejjl'aph Olilce, Oil t iiy, I.'rt. Keep constantly on hand a Inrfo assortnietit ol S5iai:!n.sSs & rinc Wistclies ( tnitrieiui, I'.nj I.h nnd Snins make.) Solid SiJvci- tiiiil i'latcd V.'urr , SOLID r.OLU CHAINS, JJJ.M'.I.hY, llh'iMI.S wivoi.vrnft, 1'lSUlXi.l TACKLK, 8;.AI. Ui.(ld Ac, T'vtlru'ar alton'ioe siven lorepairlti( 3ni waicliej a-idj.we'ry o. a eoinpe-ietuwurkm.-iii. I li,l,i-i, hnvealj u sioru ut I I I'USVILLE 17 1' 'n; "rt majif. T . . . 1 roprieior iuanagtr J A.M KS F pppipv J.eauer or Hand FRANK .MOXTI'i, i , I l.eu.l..r r . eno . ''.'Mill JiiitKJlA.S Fifth. Annual Tour The Manager bees .,ve to anr-inr-tsi, lite citizens of pet. Centre snd vicinin tint he will open with a Ouupatiy toai,ri.'i(i 24 First-Class Artists, Selected from the principal thentresnf New York. Boston nd I'uiiadelphia lu gether with a splendid SILVER. CORNET BAND, and a fn'.l and Efficient Orchestra , MsUnc the greatest eotnliin itiiti nfl):ara alio a. id musical tuietii now I muling I'Otnisi i(;jJioi nil; UllLXf CO Mi1 AM.' TUESDAY EVEH'G, Feb. 1st, 1870, (In which occasion will lv presented the Powerful Pluy, in i''ive Acts, entitled EASTLYME OK, THK EliOPEMEXT. Wr. .1. F. Shrrryas ArihUwhlCaihlf. I.TIrs. JulKi 8,1.1 as Ladv Iwbpl. . To conclude with the very laugh able afterpiece of A KISS IN THE DARK J Admission, Reserved Seats, 50 Cents. 7f Cents. TICKETS for sale at the Central Uoioe t9f" Doors open at 7 nn ce coinuienceH nt 8. o'cloek. Pcrlurra- J. 31. SIlEIillY, 'Agent. W The Great Company will V - ' . O - X . A. I ' . -,( uive o uenormauees at iwu. a. villi, f'oninifitir'.ino' 7i.li. 8th. SthSi iFebntarry,-1870, . '" 1, . .. - :IAXaU9