Petroleum Centro Daily Record. Pel. Oaatre. frHr URTII. A!l DKPAHTCME OF TBAINS O.f O. O. A. St. H. SOtTTB. No. 2, Pameniter -Leave Corry 11.10 s. n. : Tltuvill. 12. 69 P- m. i P'troleam Cm tr. 1.40 p. m.: Oil City, 3 22 p. m.; Ir Inetoo, 3 lo p. n. No 4, Psnwngcr Leave Corry (.10 . m. Ti.'iitvllle, 7.34 rn.j Petroleum Centre, .U n; Oil City, II 69 a in; arrive at lr vtoeton IMOa m. . No. 0. Psawnger Lesve Corry 8.05 p m; THoavlile, 7 40 p m; Petroleum Centre, 8,31 p m; rrlv t Oil City 8,20 r WORTH. Ka. 1, Passenger Leave Irvtneton T.16 a , OH City. 10.10 a n; Petroleum Cen tre, 11, OS n; Titusville, 11,60 a m; arrive at Corry 1.40 p m. No. 8. Pasan,ier Leave Irvlnetoa, 12, 0 p in; Oil City 2.67 p m; Petroleum Cen tre, 8.3(p id; Tituifille, 4,20 p m; arrive at Cirv 6.46 p m. No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a m: Petroleum Centra. 7,43 m; Titusville, 8,M a bj; arrive at Corry J0.10 a m. UlTlne Services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., an a 7 o'eiofkP. M. Bit. J. t. Oxtobt, Pastor. MBTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Service every Eabbatb at 11 A. 11. ana S P. H. Sabbath School atl 2," P.M. alt free. A cordial invitation extend ed to aH. I! iv. C. M. Hsabb, Pettor. STI. PtTia AND PAUL'S (Cttbolle) . Mast at Wi a. m. Vetper aad Benediction ef the Bleated Bacrameot at 4 p. m. Cateebiim at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Patter. Cold tr-lay 121. An oil well is about to put dawn at Cor ry tt a teat well. Tbe National Hotel at Philadelphia wat partially destroyed by fire yesterday. We understand that sickness Is quite prevalent at Oil City at present. It is said that ten funerals took place there latt week, Tbe Elliott well, on the Brown farm, near Kane Cityi i doiug between 40 and fifty barrels per day. Tbe Burnt well, rams farm, it yielding about forty bsrrels per day. Tbe murderer ol Dr. Mead of Allegany, , Y., Lai been arretted in Buffalo. Hit uams it Theodore Nichols. Hs bat made a oufewluo acknowledging the murdtr and that Le committed it for plunder. An nnrortuuate bovine wat truck by the engine of tbe up creek freight train, at tbe Wild Cat crowing, tbit noon, aad bad both its bind egt crushed. The cow wst tbe property of Mr. Chat. Lockheed, and wat a very valuable one. By a letter Irom our old Iriend, Earn. 8. Sanford, wo learn that be will toon "put in an appearance' at tbit place with a flrtt claas mtnatrel party. Tbe mere announce ment of tbit tact it a guarantee of lota ol fun ahead. That wat a beautilui'sigbt thit morning when the first rayiof tbe tun broke through the heavy fug which eaveloped tbe valley of Oil Cr ek and ahone on the treet and no derbiuib on tbe bill-tide wbicb were white with frost. Each limb and twig ahone like bright particular start in tbe Armament, Conaidorablo excitement exiitt at North Bail, near Erie, at the ditcovery of the body of a man in an old dsasrted house, ptatea mere at it tnppoted for tbe parpote of being dlitected. by tome pbyeiclan. Our citizens should bear in mind tba Kberry't New York Thtatre open at Sohel'i Hall, tbit evening, lu the beautiful drama f "Dora" Mr. J. F. Sherry and Mr. Julia Blakt appear in tbe 'leading charac ters, and tbe entire strength of tbe compa ny in th catte. Tbit afforda a fine oppor (Unity for pleasnre-aeeken to witness the perionnaace oi idii noe orsmt. and no doubt tbert will be a full borne. We colic by the Oil City Timet that tbe old sad reliable firm of Bryan, Dillingham A Co., of Tltuiville, ate about to establish a large f.mndry and machiae tbop at that plate, on Soe street. Tbe eogloea, bail t afd oil well tools and anaehiuiry manu- lactured by tbit firm have a reputation ion regioa at being A. Iso. l in every re spsct. . Tba addition of this firm to these already lo operation at tbat place will be valuable oav, aod tbey will be heartily wel corned not only by tba people of Oil City nut by the oil men In general along tbe lower CteeK. An old tellow out near Hecla furnace, at Irnnton, O'lln, bat a portable wbiaky ehea it cunaiata of a jackals and twoiuia, Tbe j K are awnn' aeroti tbe animal and to tbe .wpuciur tMnepnr'i them wherever tbttt .I a ( i.av;.! o. y.i hmi a demand. HiMovtutJ Rswr raoii Pol.tiBi Inon. on Steel. Semttimet mil can be removed Iron poliahrd iroo or tteel with little) di fficulty; bat sometime It can aot be made to disappear wltbont polishing the terface anew. Kuit it oxide or iron, rue oxygen of the atmosphere unite with the Iron chemically, that forming thle scale oo tba auriaee, not one tbuuiandtb part of an Incb la thickness. Red run way be formed on tke polished surface a thousand times without materially eerrodlng the metal, provided It be removed soon after It has formed. The usual manner of remov ing red mat Is to cover tbe rutted portion with com mi O olive oil, and rub It in well with a woolen elotb. After it ha stood a lew hours, rob the part with finely putvertt- ed tltcked lime, or Spaaltb whiting, until the rust la all temoved. If red rust is al lowed to accumulate until the polished sur face is corded, sweet oil aad a severe rub bing will seldom remove Ik - Tbe entire tur face matt be repelitbed with emory or coma other grit, before black rust will disappear from polished eteel or any other metal. Oil tit CaTraaacoca Cochtt. We learn H. H. Tbsmas. well know a oil man, wbo bad just returatd from Limestone, N. T. where ha been operating on an oil well with torpedo, that tbe (bow for nil I very good. Mr. Job Morse, ol New York, com- meaca drilling tbl well in 1866, but aben- aonea it at the oeptu or i.soti rest, wun a (too, anew or oil. Tble properly baa lately came into tbe powa salon or Mr. Alaoeoo Clark, of Sbsmburg, wbo I takiag measure to thorougniy tet that locality. K timber or practical ail men from Titusville and other localities bare visited the valley, aod say that paying wells caa be found. Lime stone Is situated on tbe Buffalo aad Brad ford Coal Road, about 6 miles above Carroll -too, ta junction witb tbe Erie Road - Jtmrtlown Journal. Tbe Zoo Theatrical Company closed n very successful engagement latt evening. Tbe house was crowded lo witness tbe per formance of the beautiful French drama en titled "Esmeralda; or Tbe Hunchback ot. Notre Dame." Aa usual M'lle Zoo acquit led bsraslf witb grant credit, being encored during tbo play throe times. The balance of tbe company acted their several parti in good ttyle. During her ttay here M'lle Zoe aod her talented company have made bottt of friends, nod our citlteos will bo pleated to learn tbat the Intends to return to tbit place again in tbo eprlng. Tbe cotuptny open at Pleaaantville this evening. Petroleum Exports mom Botto.v. The Boaton Commercial Bulletin sajt:' During tbe year 18C9 there was exported from hero 2,117,(14 gallons of petroleum oil Tbe tmouot tbipped front the country wat 100,881,286 gallon, an Increase of 3,734,315 gallont over aay year tinea tbe enisle was introduced. The only porta where it tt tbipped to any extent are New York, Philadelphia, Bottoo aad Baltimore. New York takea tke lead, aod tbipped latt yetr 65,498 086 gallous. Boston ranks third, aod Baltimore comes in last. It is used print! pally for illuminating purposes. Boston refined bat been sold from tblrty olo to forty cents, though tbo principal transactions were made Irom thitty-five to luirty-ssren cenii per gallon. WttlGHT, RlrCHItiHT. A sebcol visitor lately gave a teacher the following sentence to write correctly : Rob ert Wright, tbe beautiful writer of Wrigbt- III, down In Terrington eleimt tbe exclu. tiue right to write tbo ritet aad ceremooie of bis cburcb, and has secured a. copy w right of bis writings; but Denny Wright, tbe writing master, alio writes those ritet; now It honorable lor tbe Right Honorable Hen ry Wright boldly to write himself upright In tbe presence ol tbe ricbt-banded wheel wright, Robert WiUbt!" The brl'Jg over K reach creek, Venango county, for tbe Jamestown aod Franklin Railroad Extension, wis (Is Is bed latt week, Tbo work on tbe bridge over Twe-Mlle run, and on tke trestlework at Reno, la well un der way, and will be rapidly puabed to com. pletloa. 'A hutband in St. Joseph, Mo., patiently bore his loot when hie wile deserted blm, bnt when n dry goods firm sued him for goods bought by ber aa an outfit, bo stoutly rstitttd tbo claim, and the court sastalned him. Council Bluffs advertises a ladies' lunch room, where, eao be obtained Roman Pttncb, Mnaeatel wine, St. Croix rum, Old Tern gin, Canadian and Benrbon Wbiskivt, champagne, and wine of every description; fit old al and porter. Tbey bow have in New York a Fat Man Asseciatlaa, a Lean Man's Association and a Bald-beaded Ataooiation. An attempt wa mad tba other day to Hart a Dm pbool Anociatioo, bat It wmt found tba tbe other association- had abtorbtd all th material. The wells oa the Woodt fa'u which have betnthut down for a few days oa account of tbe largo holler being burned out, wer otsrted op again last maiag, til un!lr having bcra repaired. (From tbe N. T. Sun aTKATINQ ARB) THINGS. Behold her easy, graceful swing, Along the lo to smooth aod eold Backward the wlnda her trestea fling, Tbe breath of Bores, the bold. IS. B la the daya when "bougbteo hair" to closely resemble th gonuine lo berited article, it may bo diSculi to say 'wuleb la switch but tbe. above girl's tresses were her owa. Onward the glide with natchlet grace Nor heed the sharp aad biting air, No "maallo roses" rouad her face, For Nature's owa are blushing there. Her daloty little (set are atrapped fast To runner that to smoothly glide, Wheee pollihed tteel. at she flio past Gleams brightly o'er the freasn tide. N. B. Wo don't know th maker's aame nor the price of thosa skates, bat wo de know, although we are not going to toll, who put them on her. Here' poetry unwritten, too la every motion of the maid. How charming, lithe, and II, It lathe, Upon bar sharp and ringing blade. Ob, beaateoai gfrl, come bask, com book I hear the murmur aad the 'tllek' Of runnert gliding o'er tbe.treek Ebewl a lata, tbo itrikst n ttitk and down the gee with a gentle "thud, a little icrtam, and a flutter of aometbing white "bleached and warranted." The Trrn Sxttiko Contest. Mr. Bar ber, of Cincinnati has made no response to the challenge of George Areoaburg, tbo "Pittsburgh Teloolpede," aad it It reported that tbe former Is too much disabled by ill- noes toatUrmpttn oonteaa. A. recent letter from Now York stale that in a trial of his speed, Mr. Aroasburg composed to seven! days, of seven hours per day, 101,500 erne type, an average of about 2,071 ems an hour When we state to the uninitiated tbat In what la called eoo thousand etas among printer, there are almost four tboussnd piece of metal to bo picked up, one by one, magnitude of tbit trial become eppar aot lo each of tbe seven hourt employed Mr. Arentberg would have lo pick from hia case and plate la bit composing slick over 8,000 pieces ol metal. Ono Dr. T., a Presbyterian, bad a lady love, a decided Baptist. When talking once of tke approaching nuptials, tbe Doctor laid: "I am' thinking my dear, of two event! I tball number lb happiness of my lire." "And what may they be, (dotor?' remarked the lady. "Oae la the hour when I (ball eall you my wife, for the first time.- "And tbe other!'' "It it when wo tball preoeol our first bora for baptism." "What tpriakledr "Yet, my dear, sprinkled.'' "Never (ball a ebild of tnloe betptinkled ' "But mine tball." "The abalt bo. bav T" Yet, my love." "Weil, tir. then I can tell you that your babie won't be my ba bies, bo good nigbt, tir." How a.K Orsnoe Codntt Gibi. Elopf.d. A young lady retldiog near Oeckertown lately eloped from ker father's houat and left for parti uokoown witb tbe objet of ber love. Her father, a man in good ttandiag, was oppeetd to tb match, and bad impri soned hit daashter la an unnar chamber ' tbo house; but not liking tbe situation, ale eloped from tbe window and flew for refhee to ber lover, whom the found in tbe village laboring under numerous potations. Tbe young Wily jumped Into bia wagon, the byttandert lilted the lover into Ike vehicle, aad the, seising tbe ribbons and plying tbe whip vigorously, rattled out of tbe town nt a pace wbicb would have put John Gilpin to tbe bluth. and disappeared in tba dim distaooo, eheorod by the buecm of tbe ad- Iring crowd tbat witnessed tbe flight of the loving twain. Mlddlolown Mercury, A Mae Marries His Stepmother Some day'a ago the community U tbo vioinlty ol Cartera Station was considerably exercised over tbe announcement that Mr- Lyoa, wbo l.ved lu the neighborhood, nod married bia mother. It aeesM tbat Lyoat father bad been, twice married, and tbe children by tbe first wife oontiaued to live in the lamily after the second marriage. Lyon, tbo father, died, leaving hia second wife widow, and Lyon, tbo sen, married his father' widew. Tbe clerk Issued the license without knowledge of tbo lactt, aad tba miniater requeitsd to salemaiM tbo mar riage declined; a magistrate likewise refut ed, aad tbe pair crossed over to 6tny Creek, wkero tbey were unknown, and were married. FOR PUKE and unadulterated II- quort aad win for medical use go to jao24ir. GAFFNEY'S ONE HUNDRED easki for tale at empty liquor Jan24tr. GAFFN EY'S Oideia tnkeu for auita and Uta naratd a-sower Altka't, Local Notice The largest and beet aaaortraent of Table Cutlery, over brongbt Into the country at rlleaholonn A Blacktnon'a. l. Fin Drug nt gf th it Ormvs Bro'i. Patent Medicines at 7th If. QrlflVis Bro's. Would you believe it, the best elgart are to ho had at Criflet Bro's. Vlh If. Thk best of everything In tbe drag lino nt Grlffeo Bro's. 27th If. Tbo Now Gas Pomp lor sale nt Nicholson Blackmoa's. r BlTTfiltS are only $5 per cato at Jan24tf. GAFFN KYS Laamors A Aldea'a it the only itoro to quy good, durable and cheap clothing. Lcauttert k Alden'a to the only white ana, aitlbiac store U tbe Ceatre. GtHho Bros, keep Wheeling Ktcglea, S for tots. Diatios at Coat at.GriOeo Bra. A. B. beilih- large stock of booU and sheen la offered nt oast for tbo next M day Deo If. A. & BeaiU in order to close out his targe stock of ladies shoe Ac, offer them at ot aa tbey must bo told in the next days. BeC tf. J oat received o largo and stock of shelf hardware at J, well assorted Rutherford', if. Parlor aod Be stoves, . a few lett and ill ho sold at cost at J. Rutherford,, U. Carrlace Bolts, wholfoalo aad retail, nt Nicholson Blackmoa's. 23-tf. Horse Shoe Nails, wholeealo aad retail, nt -Nicholson A Blackmoa's, O-lf. Thii Mean Business My entire stock of goods I offered at cost. A. 8. Smite. Dc 5 tf. The New Go Pump for sale at Nicholson Blackmon'a. tf. Sheriff! Safe is Closed. Nicholson Blackmon having bought him oat at this place and Kane City. tf. Reduced Price at Lammen ft Aldea'a. nov.z2tl. Underclothing in largo quantities at Lam mors A A Idea's. Kid Gloars A large astorlmeat, nt Lameis k Alden'a. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PETROLEUM IRON WORKS Is ran, DUIIngtaaM V Co., Machinists! Iron and Brass Founders FORGERS, Xaanfacturers of ENGINES, BOILERS, DRILLING TUULS, MUliUAI AKU HASH SAW MILLS, PUMPING RIGS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND WHEEL IKONS, PLOWS. AND ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN ALLISON'S Tl BIXG AND CASING, ' FOR OIL WELLS, cji Tltasvllle, Hev sMh.lsei. tt NOTICE. rOR (ALE -BnlMlng and laass Mo. 11T X7 Waabtagtoa street , for term, applj to jtasau. owra eArrnai. NEW JEWELRY STORE ! AT Oils CITT. ISHAM & Co. Bsv npsai a Jewell irv .tor. oa raons etmt. aast daui weal of the i V A. TMegraan OSoa, Oil City, Keep iswetsaWyso haai a large stsertmeat ot Diamonds & Fine Vat bes ( Aaterloaa, Sag leb aad Iwlas aks. Solltl Silver 9 Plated Ware, 80UD OOLO CBA1HB, JIWKLHY, P10TOLK. I uivArwa. HBAL SlKftS Aer, r.rlicolar atUnUtaglvca virapalrioc Bnawatebst ina i.wery y I imprnt weecaa. A The firm ha a !-., at TU WVjT. aftwr JkliHa Sobel Proprietor A Maaager JAMES P. SHF.WST Leader or Baod . FRANK MONTFOU Leader of O'Cbetta CARL ZIMMEBMU Fifth Annual Tour The Manager her leave to annonnu la the eititeos of Pet. Centre and vicinity that ae win open who a eompauy cvaiprliiD i 24 Hrst-Class Artists, Selected from tbo principal IhettrMif New York, Boston and Philadelphia It- gather with n splendid SILVER CORNET BAND, and n fn'.l and Efficient Orchestra Makiac the greatest comhinatisnsf Crii all and musical talent now trtvelitg. For i Few Nights Only, COlMEITCflN'Cr- Friday Eve'g Jan. 28th, 1870, On which oceailon will be pre"ted for tbe Firtt time in tbit plaee, tbt iiiceeeaful Pastoral Drams, Itflf P" ,auT ed at Wallaek'i theatre, New York Mty.M whlob has received the highest eneomlum of the pre and lb public, entitle. DORA Br. J.F. SUerryas - tanner ahw nrs. -Inlla make as iron Ta bft followed bv a tery Laughable Admisiion,'" 50 CeBt Reserved Scats, 75 Cent alt ni 1 C"- tW TICKETS for mtdoommm atT o'eleok. ftrftrw' nco ebmaenoa at . t J. SI. SHEBttY, Age"' j ill vii cab give 3 perforputneew at RooJ 1