The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 27, 1870, Image 2

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-V.'oWn Cntrs Daily Record.
IVe. C'n.-r, '-inradur Jail. 1.
1H SINS Ot . 1. A. K. R,
No. 1, Paseemrer. Leeva Corry 11.20 a.
m i Tltuevllle. 1 W P- Petrulauea Ceu
tte. 1.40 p. to. J Oil City S 21 p. m.; lr
V melon, 4 10 p.
Ni. 4. Passenger Leava Corral 10 a. m.
THuaville, 7.SSe.ui.; Petroleum Centre.
fl.U a ra; OH City, 69 a m; arrive at lr
viawton ll.4ua m.
Ku. . Passenger Leave Corry 8.05 p m;
Tflnaville, 7 50 p m; Petroleum Centre, p aij arrive at Oil City 9,20 r
Ko. I, Passenger Leave Irvlnaton T.15
am; Oi City, 10,10 a ui; Petroleum Cen
tre, 11.05 a m; Titusviiie, 11,60 a m; arrive
at Cony 1,40 p an.
Mo. 3, Pnner Leave Trvlneton, 12,
05 p n; Oil City 2,67 p m; Petroleum Cen
tra, t.Si i' m THuaville, 4,20 p m; arrive
at Con y A, 4a n m.
No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a
as: Petroleum Ceutre, 7,43 a m; Tltuevllle,
a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
Ilrlne Bervleea.
r?taefttn at 11 o'clock A. It., and 7
'teak P.M.
Raw. J. T. Oztobt, Paator.
iJerrieee every Babbath at 11 A. M. and
X r. X. Sabbatb School at 12 P. M.
- eea-free. A tordlal lavltatioa extend
ed to aU.
Bit. C. X. Huta, Paator.
Maaa at 10 a. m.
Vesper aad Benedlctlea of tba Bleated
earasMot at 4 p. at.
CatecUasa at 3 p. ai.
Said to-day 122.
Tbeetreete are muddy.
JDaya are growing longer.
Tha -weather ia agreeable.
Tbe-rreeedingly ioteraatlag ipactacla Of
wa drwueo woman might have been ob-
Hm by the curiously latlloed tbia nooo.
Hooter wbat baa become of onr police effl-
tnt, deputy sheriffs, constables, tc. T
The Grand Jury have found true bllli
agatnit Mrs. Green and Adama, engaged In
Hoc recent abortion caaa at Oil City. Tbey
'are now being tried.
A. number of our eitiaena left town tbia
morning to attend eoart at Franklin.
The body of Hiram Sweeglea, recently
drowned In French Creek, near Franklin,
waa found on Sunday laat Intee Allegheny
river at Foe'er farm.
Personal We notice tbe jolly connte
nanee oi onr old-time friend, Geo. N. W.
Day, in town once mora. Mr. D. ia agent
for tbe tale of Camphor Ice Soap with Gly
cerine, a new diaeovery for purify Irg the
complexion, chapped bands, tc, prepared
by N. O. Voaburgb Co , Rochester, N. T.
To-morrow evening Sherry's New York
Theatre open at Sobel's Opera Home, in tbe
great drama founded on Teonyaon's poem
eotitled "Dora." To cencluda with the
laughable burletta af "Po-ea-ben-tae."
Tkeae old-tlmea will undoubtedly draw
crowded bouses.
We have received from George W. Child,
tbe entnrprisiog piibllihet ot the Philadel
phia Public Ledger, a copy of the Publie
Ledger Almanac for 1 870. Tba work is a
pamphlet of 66 pages, and is replete with
valuable atatiatics and entertaining reading
matter. Over 80,000 copies of this valua
ble woik were printed for gratuitous distri
bution to tbe readers ot the Ledger. It i
a work that should be in every bourebuld,
Owing to ether amuaements there waa not
ao Targe an attendance at the theatre, laat
evening, as the night before. Tba nautical
drama of ''Black-Eyed Susan" waa brought
out in One shape. M ile. Zoe ee 3uian,"
and H. Langdon aa 'William" were loudly
applauded. M'lle. Zoa was encored at Ike
conclusion of the pleoe. The balance of the
aempany supported tbe leading characters
in good .shape. Tbe afterpiece, with E, W
Marston aa Solon Shingle, kept tbe audi
oce.Ja a toar of laughter. As a character
singer Mr. J. T. Cravea ia good,
To-oiubt will ba presented tbe great
French drama entitled, ''Esra'ralda; or,
Tba Huaebbaok of Noire Dame," in wbicb
M'Ue. Zea will appear as Esmeralda, and
Uu aatire company la the caate. To con
clude with a langhahb) farce. As tbia is
the last night af tua season ws hope to see
a crowded haura.
A, private letter received at New York,
' brWva newa concerning the lota of tbe
alsamwr United Kingdom, which lelt that
port eatly in April lor Glasgow, She waa
lot in midVoci'tvn. One man was saved,
picked t by a thip bound tor Sydney, Atir
ti'Aiiit. lie was delirious fur six wak;
v it ii coivo-oiivieps ruiiiroeu. lie gave a
l!Btx:ireeM. Account of the fouodering f
it n, amj men. mere aere about
vitr i asiers ao.-ard.
The Homo of tUe Dablea.
Ckai'titi'L Pair or Twins Lbft is tub
Baskkt Tub Work or Fraumrktart
Charitt -Wbbklt Mbbtino or thb
Ladies or tiik.Fou.npi.ixu Ae-a-uu.
Tho New York Sun ef yeMer.lny says:
Tuesday, In S ite of the inclemency of the
weather, a large number of ladiea in attend
aace at the Foundling Asylum on Twelfth
street Tha occasion waa tbe weekly meet
ing held by tba Ladiea' Foundling Aid
This Society was organized some time laat
November far tba purpose of aiding the no
fa a effutti of the Sisters of Charity in ettib-
tishing tbe much needed Foundling Asylum
of New Turk. Once a week the Assucla.
tion meets in tba reception rooms of tbe
Asylum, on Twelfth street, (or tbe purpose
of distribatiog work lor tbe bouse and de
vising waya and means of raising fuudt for
tbe prosecution of tbe good cause.
By 11 o'clock yesterday morning tbe par
lore on tha drat floor of tha bouse presented
a meat cheering and aalmated appearauc.
Elegant forms and toilettaa Bitted bare and
there. While, jewelled bands hovered car-
ling over huge baskets af baby l'nen
and mysterious packagea of "a: one sizes
and wrappings. Tha occasional chink ol
pennlea lalo the Foundling Asylum Bank,
gave evidence that some desired to lay up
'interest payable la heavea." But the soft
ciukh and Butter immediately subside upon
tba tinkle ol sister Irene's silver bell.
Tha hieb-bred circle of queenly dames
settled Into their seata, tba beautiful Mrs.
Poll I Tbeband taking her place as President
at tbe round table In tba bask parlor.
Tbe proceed lags were ia striking contrast
to those at tbe meetings of tbe suffragists,
lady parliamealarlans, or Sorosians.
No speeches were made, but Sister Irene's
sweet, tremnloas voice announced that,
though aha gratetully acknowledged the
great aid aba bad received fiom tba ladles,
sha must appeal for further assistance,
Generous aa tba donations were, tbey were
bat a fragment of what waa needed. Though
207 children had already been left in tbe
basket at tbe door, tha average number
dally deposited waa on tbe Increase. That
tba supplies of clothing and necessaries tad
been almost miraculous, but tba demand
was aver increasing. She then rnumeiated
tbe articles that would be acceptable aa
for instance, remnants ol flannel, linen,
muslin, calico, merino, or delaine; blankets
and old bedding, comforters and quilts. Ske
mentioned these last articles so that bouse
keepen could fiud a place of deposit for
their old linen, waeie it could be usefully
Sbe mentioned that seven children bad
been left during the previous night, and re
quested all present to assist her in securing
suitable building ia the auburba of the
city , by which Ibe.lonte ia Twelfth street
could be relieved, instead ol sending ti e
babies out to.narse, aa tbey are uow forced
to do.
Tbe work was then dislribated among
tbe ladies present, aad tbe meeting adjourn
ed informally. Tba naual visit to tba nnr-'
series followed. These werefunnd in the ex
quisito order and spotless neatness that
have been remarked by all who visit tbe
Tha babies were foifd reposing In their
cribs, or taking sweet natural nourishment
rom tha maternal bosoms of their foster
mothers, whose smiling, rosy faces beamed
down upon tbe little adopted ones with gen
uloe tenderneas. Two little colored babies'
and one little Israelite, with undoubted
marka of their parentage impressed upon
tbeir tiny, wee faces, abate tqnally tbe at
tention and care given tbe youns American
A nglo-Saxona, Cells, snd Germans.
The establishment is evidently as Demo
cratic and cosmopolitan as our metropolitan
population conld desire. All tbe babies are
put on a level.
Among tbe arrivals of tha night before
was a pair of twins-, One, chubby little fel'
lows only a day old. In another crib was s
beautiful baby, a little girl, who arrived
aeon after tbe twins. Shs came in a cat-
riage, was beautifully dressed, and bore tbe
name f "Grace." Sbe slept sweetly and
peacefully, perbapa more so than if alio had
reposed on her graceless mother's boson, and
uuuer uer sensual taiuer a eye.
Cuanob or Timk. A new time table
went into effect en tho Buffalo, Corry and
Pittsburgh R. R., aa Monday of last week,
by ttiis arrangement a state connection
made at Corry and Brocton, so that pas.
sengers for Buffalo aad othr points east
will not be delayed as heretofore by missing
trains. Tbia ia a decided improvement and
will be welcomed by people la tills locality.
Trains will leave Corry at 9:00 a. m. and
2:20 P. M. .
Tua Mvadvtlltt Daily KcpiWlcua has ap
peared once more. It cornea out in V
now Ires thrptigLout and makes q nent and
hsndsome, sppeaiance. We boo it will
prove a u?ccm this lime.
Philadelphia ia the only large city wbioh
still sticks to band (lie engines.
You can Iny a three crnt cigar la Ilaytl
for $250 ia IUylian money.'
Is'.aod No. 10, so famous during tbe war,
Is now a retort for ri.-er pirates.
"O Pshaw Gal!" by a popular composer,
ia tbe latest rival to -Shoe Fly !,'
Tbe oexl Te.xaa Legislature will have
two negroes la tbe Senate aad seven in tne
Evening robes of blue silk trimmed with
lace and black velvet are now much patron
ized. "Imperishable paper co fflos,'' the latest
device of Yankee genius, are made at Madi
son, Conn.
A California paper abuses a man because
be backed out ot a.Oght after getting both
ears bitten off.
Bostoa proposes to celebrate the centenl
al anniversary ot tha "Boston massacre" on
tba 5ib f March.
The entire weight of iron used in tbe con
structiun of tbe dome of the capitol at Wash
inglon it 8,009, 200. pounds.
San Francisco boys imagine that when
ever tbey sea a Chinaman tbey are at
perfect liberty to light upon and maul
Tbe latest novelty in musical boxes is
a cage containing a stuffed canary ; bird,
out of whose month comes tbe melodious
strains of mucin.
A London crowd was "greatly amused''
when tbe carriages of a wedding party
ware blocked in a narrow street by. two
loads of cradles and baby wagons.
Another sensation iu New Yorkt An
individual of loose, morals visited an estab
isbment where trie cunning ones ot Venice
most do congregate called for a battle o!
' tbe rosy'" invited all "the ladies" of tbe
house to partake of bis hospitality and aa
tba gay and festive femlaes crowded around
ba discovered, in tbe midst of the giddy
throng, bis own wife! Then came a scene
in court recrimination h ink language
and an application for divorce.
Ristorl has bought a fine boose In Purls.
Constant Mayer has sailed for Europe.
Prince Napoleon drives on tbe Bois in a
Rutaian sledge.
Governor Ilayes, ofObie, la the cham
pion short message writes.
There are to be no' more cornetaor eD
sigBS ia. the Briteb army.
Mies Dx is visiting the jails and State
prisons in the Southern States.
A. P. Colloiv, the new mayor ol Alle
gheny, Pa., is a printer and pressman.
Ccrb rort;iTRicnisAB Simralisi. W. C.
B , a practical chemist of Chicago, gives
tbe following as a euro of trichinae: "Give
tbe patient two drops of carltolio arid (crys
tals) thoroughly incorporated with forty
drops of glyce'ine. Alternate (every three
hours) with twenty drepaof liquid soda bi
sulpliis, to be administered in' a wine glass
of water. In urgent cases repeat these
agenta every Lour, and continue until t
lief is obtained. I fiud that carbolic acid
and sulphurous acid will rffectnally destroy
animalciilae and parasitic family.
These anti-paranillc agents may he safe
ly administered In a dilated form, as above
described, and no injurious results Cin pos
sibly occur to tbe most delicate constitution
Tbe tricbinea may be fuund throughout I hi
system, and In older to reach tbemollh
carbolic acid, I advise its admixture with
glycerine, which is the most efficient vehicle
for its dissemination through every part ol
I lie body, as glycerine will rupidly penetrate
both flesh and lione, and cirry with it sncb
chemical agen'a aa it may I e cl ariied with
The eedsB di siilnhis. in edition to uVatrny-
inir parxa atic life, reduces the iiitlmnmution
and allays pain cauaed by tbe ravages of tie
Fine Drugs at
27ib tl.
Griffes Bro's.
Tatent Medicines at
27tb tf.
Griffes Bro's.
Would you believe it, tbe best cigars ore
to be bad at Griffes Bro s. 27tb tf.
The best or everything
at Griffes Bro s.
tu tbe drug line
27th tf.
Tbe New Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson
A Blackmsn's. tf.
THE CHEAPEST aad best place
to buy liquors for cash ia at
jo24tf GAFFNEY'S
FOR POKE and unadulterated 1
quois aud wine for medical use po to
jan2i:f. GAFFNEY'S
caiifor sale at
empty liquor
Ordei lukeu fur min aud Ills gjiai wntco
at L' mmns A Alden's,
Ijim-iiI Xoll''.
BITT1.HS me only $3 per case at
Jjn24tf. ' GAFKNEY'S
Lummirti A Aldens is I; e only store to
quy good, diimble and clieap clothing.
Lammers A Alden's is the only white
mans, dnlhing store in the Centre. '
GriflVa Bros, keep Wheeling fctogies, 3 for
5 eta. .
Diaries at Coat at Grilles Brva,
A. S. Smith's lun,e stock of boots and
shoes Is offered at cost for tbe next 60 days
r. Deo 6 tr.
A. S. Siulib in order to close out bis large
stook of ladles shoes Ac, offers them at cost
as they must be sold in the arxl 60 days.
D..0 6 tf.
Just received a largo aud
stock of shelf hardware at J.
well assorted
Parlor and office stoves, a few lelt and
will be sold at cost at J. Rutherford, s. tf.
Carriage Bolts, wholesale
Nicholson A Blackmoo's.
retail, at
florae Shoo Naile, wholesale and retail,
at Nicholson A Blackmnn's. 23-tf.
Tnis Means Businks. My emirs-stock
of goods Is offered at coat.
Dec 6 tf.
A. S. SlflTH.
The New Gas 1 uuip for sale at Nicholson
A Blackmoo's. tl
Sheriffs Safk is Clohku. 'icho!son3
Blatkmnn havinir bought him out at this
uluco and Knne City. tf.
Reduced Prices at Lammers A Alden's.
Underclothing in larce uuautilies at Lam
mers A Alden's.
Kid Gi.oakh A
large assortment, at
Lame! a A Aldeo'e.
Thursday Jan. 27.
Ben. Yates,
FuilnfM Munac-r.
Leadtr of Orouv ra
h. w . Ml'ston,
U. Falu,
in a
New York Company & Brass Band
This eveniug will bo induced the French Drama
mi I-" s a n &- - -n. u L-ei.
ESMKKAI.DA. Th (llnncy Clrl,
luLaimudii, th Uuncliback,
M'lle Z'lK
lis A. Lriiigdou
After which, Mr. J. T. Craven wi.l Introduce hts
CiH.'gt-i of Character Sons.
T'i cnuclnc'e vlth a T.ACOHAT1I.K FART" 1"
Mih Ji. W. MAI.KTON m ucll tl.a (.'omuuiiT
Hearved kseata
1i ctuit
aT-l'oor opep at 1 o'clock. Curtain ries at .
HcaerTo aaals for Bale at Nicholiou Bros. Mew
an. 18 tf
SALE- lluiUlnaT ii
lee No.
Jj iwhintl iu atieuc , lur
irnMi apply to
ISHAM &. Co.
IiaT opaned a Jewelry ttnra on rentre street,
duor wtMl of the I' Hi A. Telcyruph (Wit-o,
OUt lly, Pa.
Keep constantly on band a large assortment ol
Diamonds & line Watches
(American, Erg Uh and Swim make.)
Solid Silver and I luted Ware,
BK.AL, UIMtH 4c,
Particular alliitlaD(!lvcn o repairing, fine
and jwu:ry h n coiipeient workman.
'1 hr 0ri' have also a to ot 'I'U'L'riVIfcl.K. 17
lrnj aireav JaniSlt!.
i- it
Proprietor A Manager JAMK" F. STirERT
Leader of Band FRANK MONTfuHD
Leader of O'Cbeala CARL UMMEUiv
Fifth Annual T u
The .Manager be; leave to aononntta
the citizen of ret. Centre and vieiniijtui
ne win open wua a company coBpusicg
24 First-Class Artists,
Selected frora tha principal ItiMrmtl
New York, Boton and! Philadelphia a-
getber with a splendid
and a fn'.l sd4
Efficient O chtsta,
Making the greatest eombhutiori of Dries
alia uud musical tafcut uow tiavrlag.
For a Few Nights
Friday Ev&g
Jan. 28th, 1870,
On which osrasion will be presented f;
the First time In tbia pl.iee. Ih
.,....., .of.. i ., i iir. late V Drt'dul-
...i ... iv..n..i.-. . ... v., Yi.rS Cilr.aal
rhlxh h ronnlvari I ha liluhest eltCOIBIUP
of ihe press and tbe public, entAtls
Hi .5 V. Jahprrv as
t arnirr
II r a. JiilfcnRlflke US
To be followed by
50 CeM
Heserved Seat,
16 dm
XT TICKETS for sale at the
n1Z- . , n.Block. PW!
-v r- - tr
an co commences at 8. .
- aa fan . "I - A rtf-tlT ffl'l
give ii peiTormances o U(y
ville, commencing itiirO""
Febrnary, 1870.