The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 22, 1870, Image 2

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    'mm. mm mm V t.
Petrobtm Cantre' Daily Record.
PCU Centre, kmardaf .' Jnii. Vi.
Ka. 2. IW-sencer Lesve Oorry 11.20 a.
Titunville, 12.69 p. w-i retnile'isa On.
tr . 1.4ln m.j Oil City, 2 22 p. in.; lr
Tliu tiin, ft iu p. m.
N-i 4. IVm-ncer Oave Corry 6. 10 a. m.
T:iiiFviili, T 35 a. m ! Petroleum Centre.
S it n m: (111 City, 8 69 a mj arrlvo at lr
Tinpion 11.40 a '
No. 6, ru'senuer Leave Corry 8 OS-p m;
Tiintvlllr, 7.0 p tn; IVtrnlsum Outre,
S,S8 p tn; arrive al OH City 8,20 r m.
No. 1, Psssencer Leave Irvineton 7.15
am; Oil City. 10.10 a ij; Petroleum Cen
(io. 11. 04 a in; Titusvilie, 11.50 in; arrive
at Corry 1,40 p m.
Nil. 3. I'l.twiJiter Leave Irvineton, 12.
fli p ui; Oil City 2.57 p nv; Petroleum Con
tr 8.56 pm; Titusvilie, 4,20 p ui; arrive
al Curry 6.45 n m.
No. 6. raiwmsrr Leave Oil City 7,00 a
m; Petroleum Centre. 7.43 a in; Titusvilie,
S.20 a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a ni.
liiviue Services.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7
o'clock P. II.
Eev. J. T. Oxtobt, Fnstor.
Services every Sabbntli at 11 A. M. ami
i4 T. M. Sabbath School at 12!a' p. J.
cats free. A cordial invitation extend-
d to all.'
Er. C. M. Heako, Pastor.
Mass at 10V a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. tn.
Cutcehisin at 2 p. m.
Gold to-day
. Messrs. MeHogb and Rutherford, the com
mittee appointed at the late fire meeting,
to examine Into the condition of the chira
nies and Ones in tbo town, hare made a
thorough examination and report evcrv-
tbtug secure at present. Quite a Dumber
were found to be in aa extretnly dangerous
condition, but were all thoroughly repaired
nod put la good order. If ot a person refu.
ed to make the needed repairs. The com.
mitten buve faithfully perlormed their or
luons task' and aro deserving the thank of
the public.
Messrs. & Co., j wel.ra, have their
jewelry store opeoed at Oil City, as will be
seen ty reference to their advertisement to
t fouud iu another column. Tbey propose
id keep constantly on baud a full and com.
j- f ine assortment of jewelry of all descrlp-
ii., iuiiu anver and plateJ ware, wstsljes,
mid in faot everything sieti.ail v kept in a
i.rsl-clas jewelry store. We have been per
sounlly acquainted with tbo Messrs. Isbnm
for the past five years, and or our own
. knowledge know them to be bouorable and
upright dealers, and take pleasure in recom
mending them to the good peuplo cf Oil
City, feeling ,ar that they will extend to
mem a liberal pslauage.
It will be- rein .in sured that a ebort time
since we published ao article from a Canada
)Pr in regard to the application of
team to dfl wells fr the purpose of incroaa
log their ptoduotlon . We notice at several
, places aloui the creek steam is being used
Mr.tnat purpose. The idea isnotaoew
one. Wo know of well, bo largely increased
live years ago., The applicuij.i Is geuar .
ally mado iu cold weather. For the past
. two years benzine has come Into iiie being
ii mure powerful agent for cutting out and
softening the paradne which ollen times
fiiUnp tlieatams iu the rock and preveutB
the oil fiom Bmlinu egress.
There is considerable excitement on the
ftrewo farm i nd vicinity since the c r king of
ue iwu new wens recently. Lusee are
being rupldly takin up on that farm and al
to on the upper end of tfea Alleiuagooi-lura
.trnot, and many new wells will be started
before long. There is no doubt but that
much good territory exi4u theiuaboiiis.
1 " - ..
The exleqsive stock of dry goods in the
Excelsior Store, on Washington street, are
now being sold at auntion. A rare ehauce
is offered to ihou deairiq.' ailicUs in that
Jino M they must be disposod or. So frr
the goods have sold at an extremely luv
. Tho.&iam of Virlul.i was adiulttod to
the Union by C-uiKress. vustn!,. Th.
-veto was strictly party one and stood
J'eas, 47; nays, U. UtUa the bill finally
pawa a lively discussion was had between
trenalois Trumbull and
From preiil-anpeaiances,o aro like'y
.to have amusements of some kind for qui e
, a while to some. On Mondiy next the Zoe
1 roupc; i soon as they leave Sherry' troupe
k!pv. M-vral durr tni-.tpra are e:i ioV
Seeing the .Tllii;rela-A Fotiiir Case
of HUMiikcu Ideutltjr.
From t? Xa$hviUc Union and Banner,
JJtC. 'ifm
Last night, while the Newcomb Minstrels
were seated alonx in a row at Masonic Hall,
qiito annusing Incidont occurred. A roong
the audience there were two ladies of more
rusticity than experience in the amusement
line. They were from Iheunpaved portions
of the country, and had belure the war
owned slaves, who, had since disappear d
as ball and tayonet made history in the
Ireedom iriC '. The ladies were evident
ly mother and daughter, or aunt and niece
we know not which. The naturalness of
their simplicity was refreshing to say the
.No sooner bad the performance commenc
ed than the two ladies in question com
menced a whispered conversation in regard
to the dramatis pereonic.
'-La roe that does look so much like our
Jake," said the younger of the two,refvrriDg
to the one on the right.
"Yes, and It Is our Jake," said the elder,
adjusting her gln'ses.
-We, I, I'll declare, and that a thewiddow
Williamson's Sam, too," said the vtber
closely eyeing Harry Robinson.
"Ain t he stuck up, though?' said the
other. .
'Yes. andvthata what they've done;
they've gone and edicatid thesj ut groes,
now- they . think they are powerlul smart,
so they do," sajd the mint.
'-Did you evert'' said niece. "Heap bet
ter be back in the corn-Held, so tbey bad.'i
said aunt, looking aiotind in nmnz-ment
that any one should be amused. Satisfied
that one was ''our Jack" and another
'Sam' and that thu whole troupe was com
posed of real negroes, the .two ladies left
f eling willing to wring the necks ef "Abo
lisbioneis" generally, and the ones that
trained "Jake" and "Sam" io particular.
' Tuk Poou or ficw Yokk Hood's
"Song of a Shirt" comes forcibly to mind
as We read these note frour the "short mid
and simple annals of the poor," tn New
York city: Mrs. A. make vesta at eigh
teen cents a piece for a wholesale house.
She can earn $8 a mouth by working four
teen hour a day, including Sundays. She
pays $3 a month for her attic, and has two
small children to support. She has
eaten meat once only aud tboj it was
given to her siuce tbauksgiving Day.
Another case: Kate A., a "iiuiiber" of fine
shirls, makes about $2 a week, working
bsrd for It. She has a grandmother to sup
pert.and "hue often lived for weeks on-bread
and water, in ore'er .to afford the old wo
man a little broth every day." The New
York Star,, which is enabled to describe
these cases from the diary or a lady who
has visited them, gives still more painful
instances of the hardship caused by scarci
ty of employment or inadequate Wages.
The German Arctio Expedition Com
mittee have sent to Capt: Hall a letter re
questing him to furnish theuj with a report ol
bis'receut exploratons In tbo Arctic regions
and sketching the programmeof theexpedi
tion sent out by Ibe Germans last Jane.
The ships are provisioned for two years.
''The plan is to reach the eastern coast of
Greenland this year, and during the next
summer to go a far north as possible, either
by land or water. The ships were seen last
on the 1st or Aug. in latitude 73 north and
longitude 16 west ol Greenwich. Accord
ing to the account received from whalers
cruising in Itue regions at that time we
have reason to believe that our ships will
. . i . . .. .
n" suuceeuea in piercing tno let-Hue
which surround the eastern coast or Green
land, so that after a wintering tbo expedi
tion may have a good chance of exploring
these unknown legions farther north than
baa over been reached by any one before.''
Capt. Hall is requested to take letters to
tbo expedition if be Btarts In the spring us
be intend.
Ibe robber ol the Boylsiown bank at
Boston have not yet been nabbed, but tbo
detectives, know bow much booty they got.
The whole amount of money and bouda was
$306,000, of which $50,000 was in greenback
a lew diamonds aud a watch. All but the
bonds thu robbers- proposa to keep under
all' circumstances Of Hie balance ($2ii6U00)
they are willing to return one ball($l28,000)
witb the understanding that tbey shall uever
bu prosecuted
Several persons have lately boon arraigned
in York county. Maine, for violation of thu
liquor law, and much ingoemty was raani-
lealeit tiv their nnutmm.rft 111. nvnrl i niy lliu
truth bel'oro the court. One man, an ex
ceedingly tull one, before starting fur court
stretched hinisflf out on the ftnily cradle
and bad lis wil'u lock hits, I ben went and
testified I o bad intf. drank anything siuco h.e
was rocked In the cr.idle.t
A caw well was struck at West Pithnle a
dayortvo sino-. It is yielding twenty
barrels per diy.
Tli-' weaihii is loodi-ia'e tt-iJay.
-The New York Tribuuo mad $193,000
last yeur. m
There are twenty-four colored printers Iu
the city of New York.
Massachusetts Is declared to be -'ablaae
witb woman suffrage bonttres."
Electricity Is now talked of as a cure for
sufferers from tricolors spiralis.
The Massachusetts evtoga bask gained
$17,000,000 in dcuusits last year. '
Atnheret College, Massachusetts, t con
tempt iling tte admission of femal stu
A Massachusetts farmer bus been sent to
jail lor two months for cruelly beating bis
A new light io the lecture field has ap,
peared, Mis Isabella J. Prince of Portland
A man in Mystic, Conn., paid the State
ono dollar for calling a neighbor a '-confounded
mutton bead. .
On Saturday, a colored mail naaied James
Ricnardson presented to the President a
cane, made by the donor witb a common
peiikoile, from a young cedar tree, while
in front ot Viekuburg, Miss., about the time
of Gunernl l'ein Dei ton's surrender. The
II mt star from tbo ferrule wa- made from
a piecu of the Moating bttry used by Ike
Coulederates in thu ailaci on Kort Sumter
iu 1361, the Cenliu star from a piece of ce
dar cut from a stump near to thespot wheie
General Grant stood at the soireodrr ol
General Lee at Appomattox Conit House,
Va., and the to pslar from n ball extracted
I ruin the "dead line, ' trout tbo Audersou-
ville prison, Georgia.
Tbo story of the Foil Eilwaid milliner
millionaire bts teeu spoiled- .The story
was related witb nico particularity. Tne
uame.and residence of the young lady given
and the payment of the first instalment ot
the U qin-st was to have been made tbrongb
the bauds of the Iliitisn Consul at New
York. That gentleman, however, says that
be ban not paid over any live millions or
any other sum to Miss Gray, or any other
young woman, of Fort Edward, Canada, or
any. other place. Furthermore ho has no
kuowiedge ot any such preposterous bequest
io Kogluud or elsewhere,
Says a New York letter: The wonderful
weather challenges general remark. At t!i is
wrii n; tie sun is ihining out nlmist as
warmly as in Aptil or May, with no more
evidences of win er than ono usually sees a
that reason. Boats leave for Alnasy this
evening, telegrams the river unob'
si rue led for steam veaels al! the way up.
Broadway and all the up. towj promeuades
aro thronged with beauty and fashion. Io
fact everything, for the-moment, appears to
be, tUus early, on a spring tooting.
At a marriage lately ennsumnted at Ot
tawa, Canada, two iLoi-.tund duliarB wero
distributed to the poor. That was a bridal
i;ilt wortb .making. How much better than
to pile no the silver, gold, jewelry and dry
goods tbal make the pour bride a slave io
the care of them, and make ber heney-moon
wakelul ever ihruugb fear her preseu ts will
be burglarized.
"Send us brief statements ol every sue"
cessful doing of woman,' says 'the Revolu"
tion. and the Newark Courier reports: "We
comply witb pleasure. A Newaik woman
has of late successfully done Hier husband
out of $l.Su0, and eloped with another man
Further particular given if desired.
At a Christmas dinner Iu Sumo-Barbara.
California, sweet and Irish potatoes, vegu"
table ol all kinds, lemons, pomegrautes,
olives, and strawberries wero served jresh
from the garden, and the Utile vrus adorned
witb It-mud, apple, sirawlerry and raspberry
A imnu n.lU.l "Tha Forty Thieves" has
just broken up by the Philadelphia po.
Iie. Tbey bad as leader a girl ot eighteen
whom tbey called their Qieo. She is the
daughter of Rev. Mr. J)a r. field ol German
town, llur name ts Emma, and she refuse
Daily to return to ber borne. She ha been
i ., r . i. .. t. itli - ir . B.
viircu ui mnruiiy I mrves lur mujwii.
Drilling will soon be commenced on two
or three new wells tin the McCray furm.
SShkriffs Sifk in Clokkii. Nicholson t
Blai-krnnn havine bmgbt him out at this
place and Kane City. tf.
The lurgeBt and best aSHortmeot of Table
Cutlery, ever brought Into the country at
Nicbcoleon & Blaokmon'B. tl.
Ordms lukon lor suits aud Ills guarantoedj
at Lammers & Alden's.
The New Gas Pump lur sale at Nicholson
& Blachuion's. tf.
Reduced. Prices at Lammers & Alden's.
I'mlerelothiiig iu large quatililies at Lam
inur A Alden 'a.
Kn (Ii.oabm .V large assor'menl, al
Liaiivs i. AMen',
Loral NolM't'.
Lsmtue'r 4 Alden ' is tne only (lor tp
buy good, durable and cheap clothing.
Laiunioia & Aloeu's i the only while
mans, clothing store id the Centre.
Gllffe tiro, keep Wheeling ttogies, 3 tut
6 at.
Diaries at Cod at Grille lirua.
A- S Smiia large ctockof boots and
hoe 1 offered at coal for the next CO day
Deo S If.
A. S. buiuu iu order to close out bi large
took of ladle shoes Ac, offers them at cost
a they must be sold iu lb next 60 days.
Uto 6 If.
Just received a larue and well assorted
stock of shelf hardware at J. Rutherford'.
Parlor aud office stoves, a few lett and
will be sold at "cost at J. Rutherford,. If.
Carriage Rolls, wholesale aud retail, at
Nicbolson A Ulackmon'. 23-tf.
Horse Shoe Nails, wholesale and retail,
at Nicholson A Blacknion's. 22-tf.
A srilendid assortment of Diamond good
jutt received at U. L. Nuie's, No 10 Spring
tit. TitusvitTe. 1'. " lino.
Tuia Mkanh BrsiNKsa. My eulire stock
of goods Is offered at cost.
A largo stotk of ladiee aud gents gold
Wntehes just received at II. L. N use's, No
10 Spline t-'t. Tilusville. Dee. 22 lino.
The New Gas 1uinp tor-sale at Nicholson
& Clackmor.'s. tf.
The largest variety of Sterling Silver
Ware, and silver plated ware, such as Tea
Setts., Cako Baskets, Fruit Stands, Castors,
&a., itc, eie.-v brought to the oil regions,
can ba fuiaul at II. L. Nuse's jewelry store
No. 10 Sprint; Street. Titusville, Pa.
' Dec. 22 I mo.
ISI-IA.M cfeCo.
nv opvned ft jewelry itor on Centre ftwl. next
dxr wofcluf -tlif-U Jt A. 'IVU-giflph,
Oil i-fl.
FTeep constantly on hud a larjo afftortnjfnt 01
Didiiaunds. & Fine Watches
(Americui,3sg lib and S!u nailte.)
Solid Silver and IMated War,
Fisutxa TAnri."!,
Partiru!apMt0ntloiiciven torqin'riii Qno wstchos
and f wulrv h- a c-itnpeleat worktiun-
Ths nrm have also a .tore at 1 1 TL'S v ir.t.K 17
SpiMii airuvi .tui.'ii.itf.
Monday Jan. 24, 1870.
lion. Yalos,
K. . ya.rton,
Putinra.v MannKi-r.
Mnpe JllaiiMer.
Leader ut Urcn ra
New York Company &, Brass Band
Taki-a pleasure la annimncluir to tlio pnblle thai
iuy euninienre iiwir in u-i a -nea i-l urau
atic KuUnAlnmotiM wlh tlie nopu.
lar Military Drama enti led
Malhllde Mcrtc,
Henri St. Alnie..
Ilamel, (an Arab hoy,)
lie Miltnt ZOE.
Daring the piers MMIa Zoe will Inlrodnae her Tor
rifle Broail Sword Ooin In which ff is pronoun
C' d by the preaa aa liaviug uo mual In twt world.
Iw's Wild Arab Dance,
Arier whloh, Mr. J. T Cravon will Introduce li's
Budget of Character Nonss.
The enti-rtalnmcnt tn coiulndn with a KCItFAM-
IMi t-'AKt'i-l, In which Mr. VV'. Marslos and ibe
r-nmnnn. uillannt'r. '
ltiuurvcd Seats
75 COM.
'. eors of ? ' 1 o'clock. Curtain ri at.
Jan. 1" tf TUOi. W. ItHOVf N. "at-
ipi m mm
Proprietor ft Manager JAMES F. snrRRT
Leader of Band FRANK MONTFORt)
Leader of O'cbesl CAKL ZlilMEHlli.',
Fifth Annual Tour
The Manaaer ber? leave to annonner It
the eitirn-of Pet. Centre and vicinity thai
be will open witb a compauy comprising
24 First-Class Artists,
Selected from the priaoipal Ih'itrciof
New York, Boston and Philadelphia t0
gelbec Willi a splsndid-
tod a fn'.l and
Efficient Orchestra.
Making th greatest eomblnntionotIj.ini
alio and musical talent now traveling.
For aFewNignt
Friday Eve's
Jan. 28th, 1870,
On which oscaslon will be presented (r
the First time In thi place, the Newtd
snceescfnl rnsforal Urania, lately priidue
ed at Wallnck' theatre, New Y'-rk t-tly;""
which has received the hiijhest enciiuiium
of the pres and the public, entitled.
Mr. J. F. Sfterry as
Farmer Allen
Mrs. Julia Blake as
To be followed by a very
Admissiotii - - 50 Cents.
Keservtid-tSeata, - 75 Ccntkv
TICKETS Tor sale at the Csntrsl
ST Door open at 7 o'clock. Perform
ane commences at 8.
.1. N. SHERRY, Ajscnt
IW The Great Company f
give 3 pertbrinances at Ko"-
Sive o pei'ioi'irtauceB at w- -villo,
comraeucine 7th, 8tb,
Febrniwy, 1570.