The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 15, 1870, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
iot. Centre. Saturday. Jon. It.
No. 3, Pasener. Leave Corry 11.21) n.
m. ; Titusville. 12 59 p. in.; Petroleum On.
tre, 1.40 p. m.; Oil City, 2 22 p. m.j Ir
Tineton, 5 Id p. m.
No. 4. Passenger Leave Corry 6. 10 a. m.
Tilusvilie, 7.33 .m.; Petroleum Centre,
H it am; Gil City, 8 89 a m; arrive at Ir
vineton 11 10 a 111.
So. 6, Passenger Leave Curry 6.05 p m;
TilatviJle, 7 50 p m; Petroleum Centre,
,J8 p nij arrive at Oil City 9,20 p to.
No. J. Passenger Leave Irvineton 7.1S
n; Oil Cily, 10,io a nj Petroleum Cen
tre, ll.Uia m; Titunvilie, 11,50 a m; arrive
ut Corry 1,0 p m.
No. 3, F.i"ner Leave Irvineton, 12,
f)5pn; Oil City 2.57 p m; Petroleum Cej
ire, 3,3f p m; Titusville, 4,20 p in; arrive
at Coiry 5.45 p id.
No. i. i iutsener Leave Oil City 7,00 a
ru; Petroleum Centre. 7.43 a m; Titusville,
11,30 a n; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
Divine Service.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7
i'elock P. M.
Bit. J. T. Oitobt, Pastor.
Skrvlcea ery Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
1 H P. M. Sabbath School at 12' P. 11.
rati free. A cordial invitation extend
. to all.
Ear. C. M. Utxno, Pastor.
8TS. PETER AKI) PAUL'S (Catholie
Van at 10U a. n.
Vesper and Benediction ef the Blessed
Baeraiaent at 4 p. m.
Catuchism at 2 p. n.
Gold Icday 121.
Til flrat monttly report or tie Petroleum
Producers' Association appeared this raorn
in. The number or districts reported U
SI; No. of barrels of ail on haod at the
wells at the close of tho month, 1C8.775;
No. ol barrels of oil delivered from wells
dnrlnit tf.e month, 304,412; Aggregate, 415.
739; Dedi::t No. or barrels or oil on band
at tbe close of last tnoutb, 75,143; Bahnce
shewing the production for the month, 314.
74S! Ajfureate per day for the month con
taining 81 d ys, 11,120; No. of wells pro
ducing during the month, 1.783; Average
dally production of wells during the mouth,
6 bbls; No. or welis beiog drilled, 377; No.
r wells completed during month, 93; No.
of wolis commenced during the month, 136;
No. or wells abandoned during month, 06;
No. of abundoned wells resumed during the
month, 2 ). The report is very interesting.
At a meeting of tho Directors of tbe Col
umbia Oil Company, held at their office In
Pittsburgh, on Wedueslay, Jan. 12th, the
. secretary, treasurer and superir.tendeal's
I report were read and submitted to tbs Rtoelt-
holders' meeting the following dav. The
reports show a daily production or 327 bar
rels, making the total amount of oil pro
duced for tbe company in the past year o:
119,355 barrels, and tbe averago price per
barrel for oil sold being $3 48, making th
total atnouut for sales $6o4,005 40. At the
stockholders' meeting tbe old Bunnl of Di
rector were reinstated with ono exception
Mr. J. U. Weir, of New York, withdrew,
and Mr, Alexander Pltcaine, of Pittsburgh
was elected in bis placo.
Vi'e are pained to annottnoo the death ol
Mlas Lorena Patterson, sister of Mr. Jus.
Patterson, of the Arm of Patterson & Dick
ey, which occurred at tho residence of Mr.
Dickey lust evening. Miss i came to this
town on a visit to her relatives the first day
f J aiary, and shortly after wss takes
sickuith typboid fever, aid rapidly grew
worse until deatb relieved ber from ber suf
fering. She was uged 13 yearn, and was a
very estimable yeung lady. Funeral ser
vices were held at the residence of Mr. D.
fils foreuuon. Tbe remains will bo taken
to h'T late residence in Morcer county tor
The track of the A & O. V. R. R., w, a
flooded with w:ter lu the depth ol two Tei,
Kr a loiigdistauee between Oil City and
Meadville. Occasioned by French Creek
oversowing its banks. Tbe fjml .occurred
this foreuoon. Traius both ways we re de
By ref. rence to the advertisement in an
other enltiron It will so seen that the firm
of Nicholson & lilackmon has dissolved
partnouhip In tile news and stationery busi
ness. This dots not interfere wltb tbe
hardware business which Is still carried on
by Nioholson & Hlackmon at tbe old stand.
Tbe new firm is known as Nicholson Co.
A daily paper is 10.00 to be atarted from
tie cjflice of the Corry Republican. If it
follows In tbe aame good cone that the
weekly does it will prove ene of tho brst
. dailies In this section of tho State.
meeting aftlio Producer' Aseocla
Tbe regular monthly meeting ol the Man
aged of the Petroleum Producers, Associa
tion wai held at Oil City on the 12th inst.
The' melting was called to order by the
President; tbe Secretary, C. V. Culver,
being absent. F. W. Hastings was elected
Secretary pro km. The minutes of the
previous nieetiug were read and adopted.
Reports of committees, and a statement ol
tbe progress making with monthly report of
oil production fur December were mado.
The action of the National Refiners' Con
vention held at New York Inst month was
next discussed. At that convention It was
chatged that tbe producers of this region
adulterated their oil at the wells by mixing
with it tar and benxine, and that tbe gravi
ty of tho oil was thereby lighter and the oil
of less value to refiner. A standard, of
gravity by which topirchase oil, was adopt
ed by tbe New York convention another
same action was takeo at a subsequent
meeting of the Pittsburgh refiners held lu
that city. Alter a general discussion of
tbe proceedings of the refiners' convention
a committee consisting of J. T. Urge, of
Titusville, John Porter of Cow Run and W.
L. Lay, to inquire as to tbe truth of tbe
charge of adulteration and as to tbe practi
cability and expediency of selling oil by a
standard gravity and to report thereon.
Tbe meeting then adjourned.
Alexander Spear, foreman, Oakland;
Robert Hutchinson, Petroleum Centre ;John
Martz, Richland; Henry Clulo, French
Creek; John Scott, Sen'r, Scrubgrass; J. C.
ISyets, Coopsrstown Michael Uoble,
(turner; Dunie! Pershing, Rockland; Win.
Bell, Franklin; Henry Powell, Pinegrove;
Jffau A. Collins, Freoeh Creek; Eli nn-
nage, Pinegrove; Benj. A. Plumer, Frank
lin; G. M. Bowman, Franklin; Wm.
Adatas, Irwin; C. J. Shrieve, Oil Creek;
Alexander Scott, Scrubgrass; John McClure,
Plumer; John Culbertson, Sagar Creek;
Samuel Foster, Plumor; B. F. Mark, Oak
An extensive schema for smuggling goods
by way of ports oa tbe const ol Maine has
been discovered and broken up, arrange
ments bad been made for fishing schooners
lo meet ships at sea, out of sight of land,
and take packages of valuable goods which
have to be seut by rail to Boston and New
During the month of November forty-two
vessels loaded with 38,000 tons of guano at
tbe Guaaapo Inlands.
Attempts are being made by tho Pernvian
Government to promote eoloaizatioa on the
Amazon and its affluents. Steamers are
now running up to Iquitos eighteen hund
red miles (rem Para.
A young man residing in Washington was
severely boisewbipped, a few days since, by
two fair Pblladolpbians there, who charged
him with having made remarks derogatory
to their character. Their victim loudly
proclaimed vis Innocence, but in vain. His
injuries confined him to bis room for several
days, and some of his friends say there is to
uj another ast ia the drama.
An urchin of sewn years went into a bar'
ber shop in Racine, Wisconsin, and ordered
the barber to cut his hair as close as shears
could do it. He was asked f bis mother
ordered It that way. 'No," said' he, '"but
school comminci s uext week, and we've got
a setool ma am that pulls Lair."
A little boy of Provincetown, Mass.. four
yeais eld, very anxious for a drum, the
evening preceding Christmas Evo, on join
to bed made tbe following prsyer: '-Now
I lay me down to sleep,' I waot a drum, -I
pray tbe Lord,' I want a drum,, -nay soul
to keep, and if I should die before I wake,'
I want a drum " His prayer was answered.
The breweries of San Francisco mannfac
fnro 135,000 barrels of beer, including ale
and porter, annually; employ a force cf 200
men, and conaumo 13,500,000 pounds or
barley and 200,0(0 pounds of 1 s in the
production ef the above amount of malt
liquors. The barley is raised In California.
The trial of Dr. II. It. StralUnd, charged,
with the murder, by abortion, of Theodora
Patterson, alias Kellogg, was commenced
in tbe Cirenit Court at Chicago on Tuesday.
Tke trial la the first one under a law wblcb
declares that a person who produces an
abortion resulting in deatb shall be deemed
guilty of murder. The caso excites deep
Rudolpbe,, the Frenchman, Is the next
contestant (or the billiard championship.
He will play with Deery, probably in San
Francisco, and on tke fifteenth of February,
Rev. James Dolan, panor of St. Patrick'
Roman Catholio kCIiureb, Baltimore, for the
past twontj-uim yean, died on Wcdnei
day. v
The French R il Republican In New
York oro going to demonstrate in a few
days over the murder of Victor Noir.
There is another strike among tbe work
men in the Erie railroad shops.
An Interesting argument was commenced
iu the New York Supremo Court, gepwral
term, invulving some highly interesting
principles of international law, and also aa
a mutter of fact, showing bow, during tho
war, the Confederate soldiers were furnished
wltb uniforms and other army goods.
Tbe Louisiana Senate Thursday passed
the bill to amend tho Constitution remov
ing political disabilities.
Thomas Iiradshaw, an aged man, living
near Sbarpsburg, Ky. a few days since
struck bis wife on the back or the bead
with au axe. Believiug ber to be dead be
hung himself.
John Martio, formerly of tho steamer
Savannah, but latter baker on the steamer
Mary Davage, while In a state of Intoxica
tion fell asleep ou tbe railroad track at
Cairo Wednesday night, aud he was instant
ly killed by tbe cars. He leaves a wife and
child in Davenport, .Iowa.
Tom Allen has received the articles of
agreement for a fight with Jem Mace, and
accepts them, with tho exception of the
one requiring bim to go to Now York with
in one week of thought, to select a referee
Tbli he and bis friends cousider unjust.
General J, M. St. John, formerly Engi
eeer in Chief of tbe rebel government, has
been elected City Engineer of Louis
ville. Tbe United Stales war steamer Severn,
with tbe monitors Dictator and eatigus, ar
rived at Havana from Key West Thuis-
Ernest Fob), a German tn agistralo was
arrested in Nashville Thursday at the snit
of bis wife, whom bo lolt in Indiana some
seven years ago. She brings suit fur divorce
and alimony. Pohl lias another wife, a
woman of some properly, whom he married
shortly after settling In Nashville.
At a meeting in St. Louis Thursday
night, to coosldor the suhj. ct of the removal
of t be national capital, committees were
appointed to correspond with tbe Governor,
of toe several States and members of Legis
latures, in the Interest of tbe project.
The Filteenth Amendment to tho Consti.
tulion ol'lbe United States was ratified by
the Senate of Minnesota Wedinsday by a
f artyVotc thirteen to sixteen.
A special from Ottawa, Canada, says
tbe Minister of Marina has advertised fur
six swill sailing schooners, to bo used as
marina police on tho coast. It is not prob
able, in view of the continued opposition to
reciprocity by the American Government,
that more strinpt legislation will be
adopted next session for the protection ef
me lanauian naileries, and some modifica
tion bo mails in tbe (a iff on tbe sa.Tio
Alfred P. Hill, who owns considerable
real estate in Cincinnati' pleaded guilty to
two indictmenis lor permitting a house to
be usod as a house of 111 fame, and was
sentenced (o two hundred dollars" Cue and
thirty days in jail.
A Are at Nos. 105, 107 and 10(1 Madison
street, Chicago, Thutsday night, caused a
loss ol $10,000; Inaiiredor $20,000.
The Directors of tho Norfolk and Great
Western railroad have agreed to clo.o a con
tract with New York parlies to build the
entire road to Bristol, Tennessee.
Horat'o Seymour has been re.elecled
President of the American Dairymens Asso
The Wuai.k Fisiikkies. Tbe New Bed
ford (Mass. ) journals states Hint tbe stock
of oil and boao In lirt handf in Ibis coun
ty, on January lft, 1870,waa 25,021 barrels
sperm oil, 41,813 barrels whale oil, and
251.000 pounds whalebone. On January
1st, 1869, tbe stock was 13,000 barrels
sperm oil, 15,700 barrels whale oil, anJ
200.000 pounds bone.
Ttere is a woman in Franklin county
who never owned a Bilde. Her son, who
bad been a prodigal for many years, return
ed on Thanksgiving day.and was thus greet
ed by hei: "Hero cornea the fatted calf,"
Bring hither tho prodigal and kill him, aud
let us eat and bo merry.
Dr. Mary Walker's busbuid b8Bent;a
poem to the Independence (Mo.) Sentinel,
of which the following is a "stanza:"
Tbe bird culls from its gilded cage
Its mate far in tho wildwood;
And so my soul still wails for thee,
Bright angel of my cbildbood.
But if our fate, a cruel lot,
Hath cut our hearts asunder.
Why, Mary bring my trowaen back!
.And then go vote forsver!
lilM'llt .lti!l.
Lnmtueis & Alliens is the only store to
buy good, durable and chenp clothing.
Lammers Aldcn'a is the only white
maus, clothing storo id the Centre.
Griffes Bros, keep Wheeling Stogies, 3 for
5 els.
Diaries at Cost at Glides Bros.
A. S. Smith large stock of boots and
shoe it offered at cojt rot tho next CO days
Deo 5 tf.
' A. S. Smliu in order to clow) out bis large
stock or ladles shoes Ac, offers them at Cost
at Uiey must be sold In tho next CO days.
Dec 5 tr.
Just received a large and well assorted
stock of shelf hardware at J. Rutherford's.
: - tr.
Parlor and olllcs (loves, a few lelt and
will bo sold at coat at J. Rutherford, s. tf.
Carriago Bolts, wholesale and retail, at
Nicholson & Blackmon'a. 23-tf.
Horso Sbee Nails, wholesale and retail,
at Nicholson & Blackmon's. 23-tf.
A splendid assortment of Diamond goods
just received at II. L. N use's, No 10 Spring
St. Titusville. Des. 22 lino.
Tins Mxaks Business My entire stock
of gooda'ls offered at cost.
A. S. Smith.
Dec 5 tf.
A large stock tf ladies and pents gold
Watches just received at U. L. Nose's, No
10 Sprinit St. Titusville. Dec. 22 lino.
The largest variety of Sterling Silver
Ware, and silver plated ware, such as Tea
Setts, Cako Baskets, Frnit Stands, Castors.
Ac, Ac, ever brought to the oil regions,
can bo found at n. L. Nuae s jewelry store
No. 10 Spring Street. Titusville, p8.
Deo. 22 lrao.
Ordeii taken for suits and' Its guaranteed,
at Lammers & Alden's.
The New Gas Tump lor sale at Nicholson
it Blackmon's. . tr.
Reduced Prices at Lammers & Alden's.
The New Gas Pump for sale at Nicholson
& Blackmon's. tf.
Underclothing in large quantities at Lam
mors i Alden's.
Km Gt.oAK A largo assortment, at
Lamo:s ,t Alden's.
SiiKitiFK Safk is Ci.oskd. Nicholson ,r
BlV'kinnn hnvinn bought him out at this
placo and Kane Cily. tr.
The lariat nnd beRt nswlment of Table
Cutlery, ever brought into the country at
iVIchciilson ,fc P,lac!mon. tl.
nissioliitloii Notice.
.Ian 1.1 1R7
"VTotSfe i lierilvjren thlt tho p-irt-rr.htp lelv
J iNisliiiL' betwmn W. H. Mciih!inall.R.
UlnMcmon tindT the tlrm nanmofW. II. XfchoUnn
,t C , I. dl-n!v(l ti-i day fcv unit at consent- The
Im.'ti -fa will earned on uniler the name of
Meliolrm lma, whuill assume Ml Indebtedness
of the Into Arm.
W. it. MClt'M.snv.
Dr. T. II. STfAllT,
OPFirp, oTpr Snbci1 iky gondii torp, next to ftie
Opera 11 ou-u, Votrolo'tm Ceiitr, .Tun. 13 if.
The bnUdlngkuowL as the "JIxceL-lnr ftore,'1
now occupied by Fid Blabop as a dry gocds store is
for sale, This store Is well sitnntcd and baslargs
snd comrortablo rooms over hold ? ultab'e for two or
moro famills?. For further particulars apply at
the atnrc or ofD. HARRIS A BIlO.TitusTllle. 11 1
8500 KtiWAl.D!
The Cherrvroa Aim Pipe to Hjnd Farm bn
be -n k,.K!rtHl three .iinea within Iliepaat eUty
days. A reward ef KIVPI HUNDb'FI) Kit LAUS
will be pa'd fur tl e dcte: t'on ai:dc uviction o any
neraon or pcrMiii eniiil'.red In or taitiB; any part
In anv nt the thrHu viil.iinous ri-anaactioui4.
.1. STAMUAUlill.tiupt. Uce 7f
riho coj-aitnerahlp heretororo existing nnderthe
I linn name ol 8. S. Oriawold A Co, is rroin
ttila till day uf January 1870, diaolred by niiilnal
consent. All parties indebied or havini; any claims
on said firm are requested to call roriei lament.
G. W. NOI1T0N.
lice. 8, 1OT0, 3 inoa.
lliakoliitlon of Partnership.
Notice ia hereby given, that thn partnerahlp
lately exIailintiLetwei n L M B'nnihure. and II. II
VVaraer, uuder tho tlrm name of L M ttteriiburi;
& Co.. waa di-eolved on tlie 4th djy of January 187')
by mntial censont. all persona irNVhtcd to lis, will
please call al.oace and settle their arcnunM
' U. SI. WAKSltkt
Ee:- b it
l'nr rinl at Clirl'le'j.
t'ure Drills nt I tni-l e.
Mire lrui!H at Oirtwllr'e
Pure lll'iitrs at linitieV.
Puie Diut nt CUri-li,.'-.
Pre-mpt tuna Cmn,,,,,,,,,!,,
rimeripllona (iili.M.ui,i1,, ,!1H
rriwrri,ll.uis I'oiii,,,,,,!,,!, " b!'t.
Mclletne. at t hrleVi.,".. ",,",uaU(lnl
iMtxllcm.B ai l inline a.
Medicine, at ChrUtlit'n.
Meiltcinea a Christie's.
Mudit'ima at Cli-triii.V
I'vaerlptlons Compoimdiil .1 n
PrrsmptliMW ;wiiouiiaVe,l,?.i'
- .. . ........ n , t.uiinuniii a: 1 k '
rrrseriiitlinw C',i...i ' 'J "tv,
ellet Articles at fhristie'a """"Urn
To'let Articles nt Chrlsik's
T.llut Articles al I hrl-tic ,
Tollrt Articles nt Oirluie'e
Tuilat Artie m nt (,.'.
I'rescrlptlone I'nmponiiilfii.,,. , .
Prescriptions ( ompoiiml l
Prcseriuilnps ('oin,uii ,t. V
Pre rriptions t'om nnd. j
l'rescrtiiiuns tViiipuuiidtil u 11,'
Pnrel.lo.nors at Cliri.ile s u-liast:
"lire Llqaora nt Uiriptie
Puro Utpioie at t'hrlstit'a
Puro I,iiii4r at (iinslle'a
fare Liquors at t hrlnilt'a
lrencriptlnns Comjioundinl .t n,,..,
I'r.Mrli tli.H. 1 1 url't
rrciiptiuui C.ruiiu.iti.l,.. t (w!'1
I'rMrriiiHniia l'.n. .. . "ll '
... Trwcriptloi s Con.pouudul aiiv'.'"
Pur. Wines si Clirlsi It's uulufsn
Pure Wines at Chilit!' '
Hare Winn, at l lirlitii'a
Pnra Wlnex at Chrletlc's
Pare Wines at C'irlaiie'a
Prewrf,iioiiii r'omnmimlH al (V.,.-.
Piescrbiiions ( oii,pn,1ed ai cH.,i
1 resci pi ons CoiiiM,in,ded ,1 e,rt.
I'renrrlptloiiH 1 'ompnuiidrd ai Chrai
Oil. .t rMrtTtti" t'on,""uJ 'taw,;
Oils at ( hlialla's
Oils at ( in line a
(Ills at hrimie's
Llls at Cliriiele's
Prrarrlptlnns rfimpouna.d at n,ri.ti,,
Prtai-riiiiion. ComiMimdMl al Curtis
l'rescriiiinn C nmpuniid.ii at ( nrlnlrt
I rejClin illllH ('nmnni..l.l u. ei
'resi iipllous UnuipoutHle at Ckrkk't
Painia at rtiriiiie's
I'aintK at eh' min e
faints at I'nriDile's
Ha nu at Chrl-tie s
P.eaerip'ions romponniled at nirlitio
I'r. arriptions Compnundrd t CI ri ll,
Preacrlptlona Ciininomultd al rhritV
l'rei-ripti'ii ( o'tipnun li'd at Cliri-tir
rii"Cr,,,Vi?". t";,7"P,"yJ?tt t ftoriaiiei-
Patent Medicine af rt r:atfe's
I'aient Medicine at 'liriaii- 's
Patent Vlk-luea at Chrlnie'a
Tateiit Medicines at Clirlrtle'e
.No. 13 Wah ncton Sirret
. $0. 13 W n.iiiiintiin stren
No. 1:1 Wi.ahiuKton Stri-il
Nn. II WailiiD'on Strtft
No. 13 Vaa..itiira birLe
retrotenm f 'entre, Pa.
Perroleum I'fll'rn, Pa.
Petroleum (V ntre, Pa.
Petroleum Centre, Pa.
Petroluuna Centre, Pa.
Drillins: Jars.
wnnli! rncf fnllv nnrioiinfft tn orir pnittr
moi nud Ihe public gtjneul.y ibiU wcpfpc,-i-untljr
00 lutnd
Cast Steel Drilllus rs!
Whleh fer trencth ad Durability exral iny tfcl
Lined .Jar Lei-etoforeiB nie
Tho AdTunlascii wo Claim
orr Meed .Taie are that, heinzAM. STKKt . Ihev
are alronTrr th-n Jari eo.f.pom-ij panlv cflnn:
that piwcnlini a Steel sarfuce to iar.nk. they are
nroieoietl tram weir on the outside, nl wl'.l k"T
their ebaie loiiger.
W c Warrant Them li Drill
Fifteen Ilumlreil Feet.
We alao keep on hand
fail Iron Working Harrrls.
Fislier, 1'orrls & Co.
pi:roi.Euti 1'Enntr:.
Kt 12th, lSi-9 If.
. I H. BILLIARD, Agent
$5(M)M.0(W ( APlTAIi.,..l er H i.Mrr.fntW In..tml lir the folloW-
Ini rtilixbte companies:
t he Ma nal l.ile Inauranes Co. el X
T-ik. eanital. S7.000.0C
The .liuwi l.i fe Inaurance Co. of Hartford
1 Conn, rafiitnl.
5,'.50 0C
I 3tS.S
Tho Home laiuraaee Ce. of New Tork,
cap) al,
rhe tnaiu-inc Co of North America,
The llumoof New Uaven, Cosw tlcnt,
The Aihmjr City Inaurance Co., of Albs-
y, New York, capital,
Tho An hi Iran l.ifu Inaurance Co. of
i-nuaaeipiiia, capital
3.1100 000
This Airemy l atnotiu thn olrlr-st nironciea in H'
fl' of l'eiinylTani. wel ol Phllailo'.hia. Its
paid .luilnu tiiv Inal fourteen ye-re over
$300,000 IN LOSSES
ffcmri llwpltitir.llnn.Ma. rhiirr-hM. Rrhaol HotlSeS
and other buildings
Insured Perpetually.
Oil tnnored la Store and In Transit, r.illri""
seed on short notice, In any of the ahove Kire m Cvtnpaidbs Office In FraaiLHa FirHfto
t raakltnt Pa. noniti'm
GOTHIC FHONT, 10x54, two storlea blch, re
cently painted ard papered. Kiteh.n. pan
trv soal and weorl house tttftehed. Convenient '
water. Ktiiatrd "n the 1'r.bcrt Farm, in the picas
ante at part of Petroleum Centre. on tbs premises of
bovHO tf J. L. JIAHPING.
First Cluaa Saloon and Kestaa.
WA8HlNOTOI BTHEET, PcUolinnt Centre.
rpHK heat I.sper Heesennstanllv on dran'lit, snd
L and all the choleeet Wines and. Clgais. Limber
gur Cheuae, bwltier Kaae. Haiidwtchee, itardiuea,
served np In every St.. le to Older. Also, for sale B
tbe can "r ken
(XJRTElliOC t VOTTCIIKn, PropileKvi 1
Oct2t);tf, (,rwd.fbuttsoWitar.s
,, tirw,' ,t-- v.j75 sirct - -S3. r